200 mysterious and mysterious places planets Kostina-Cassanelli Natalia Nikolaevna

Devil's Canyon Equivalent to 8,000 atomic bombs

Devil's Canyon

Equivalent to 8,000 atomic bombs

The huge round crater, with a diameter of 1219 m and a depth of 229 m, located in the US state of Arizona, is, of course, not a trace of the devil’s hoof on the earth. Devil's Canyon was created about 50,000 years ago by a meteorite. Moreover, according to scientists, the meteorite had no gigantic size: the diameter of the celestial body was only about 50 m, and the shaft of the earth around the funnel that it created by crashing into our planet has the same height today.

According to astrophysicists, the ancient meteorite weighed 300,000 tons, and its flight speed was 45,000–60,000 km per hour. The power of the explosion from the fall of the Arizona meteorite was 3 times greater than the power of the famous Tunguska meteorite and was equal to the power of 8,000 atomic bombs, similar to the one that once American Air Force dropped on Hiroshima.

The fragments of the meteorite, consisting mainly of nickel iron, which were found in abundance near the colossal crater, have long been used by the local Indian tribes who lived in these places. The Indians considered the crater to be a sign of the visit of the god of fire and sewed the smallest particles of the meteorite into amulets, and also placed them in the grave of the dead so that the god of fire could distinguish the sons of his people from others.

In Canada there is a meteorite crater with a diameter of 443 km. The largest crater is located in Antarctica, on Wilkes Land. The diameter of this crater is 500 km! So Devil's Canyon is far from the largest meteorite crater known on our planet, but it is the best preserved. And today, thanks to the dry desert climate, the trace left by a distant space alien looks almost the same as it did 50,000 years ago.

Today, the crater is visited by crowds of tourists, also hoping to find near it a piece of a celestial body that has split into tiny parts. Of course, finding even a small particle of a meteorite is extremely difficult, but enterprising traders constantly offer gullible visitors to Devil’s Canyon to buy “a real meteorite found right here”!

Since, according to scientists, the Devil's Canyon is closest to the lunar landscapes, American astronauts trained here, who were to land on the Earth's satellite. The meteorite crater has served a great service to space specialists, because it was thanks to it that inaccuracies in the design of astronaut spacesuits were eliminated.

At the edge of Devil's Canyon there is a museum where visitors can see an interesting selection of materials on meteorites and other celestial bodies, as well as admire photographs of astronauts in full “lunar” gear.

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Jackson Cole

Devil's Canyon

Captain, death has settled in these mountains. Death and horror!

What do you mean by this, Manuel?

The old Mexican, looking around uneasily, spoke more quietly.

What the Captain said: death is there, it comes from there

Ranger Jim Hatfield looked from the weathered face of old Manuel, nicknamed Peon, to where, far away, in the northwest, the Tinaha Mountains rose like a dark wall on the horizon. This wall, broken and studded with pointed peaks like fangs, was dark blue and violet in color, on its body here and there dry stream beds were red with bleeding wounds or gaped black canyon necks.

Hatvild stopped his mighty bay on the outskirts of a town near the river. Between the mountains and the town, magnificent pastures stretched for many miles like an undulating emerald blanket. True, here and there, in alien patches, patches of barren desert, so characteristic of southwestern Texas, suddenly appeared, bald patches where gnarled saxaul and a bizarre cactus waged a grueling struggle for existence. But on the whole, this smiling land was wrapped in a rich green outfit, trimmed along the edges with the silver of streams.

Hatvild turned again to the Mexican, whose face expressed an amusing mixture of canine devotion and awe

Still, what do you mean by this, amigo? - he repeated his question.

Old Manuel looked around nervously again. No one could hear him, but he spoke even more quietly, almost in a whisper.

Previously, Captain, our guys went there,” he said, “they went to hunt game, dig the roots of herbs that grow only in these mountains. This happened for many years in a row... Young people went to the mountains and returned with full sacks and loaded donkeys. And then suddenly everything changed. One day the guys went to the mountains and did not return. Others went looking for them and also disappeared. Still others - with weapons and ready for anything - went to the mountains and returned with nothing, they found nothing. Our people didn’t go there anymore. And then... then, Captain, the midnight riders came and - He!

Yes captain. He came, and with him the horsemen. They began to forcefully take people away from coastal villages. They promised to give me a job and pay well, but the price was death!

Hatfield's gray eyes narrowed. He had heard what Mexican landowners and mine owners did when they didn't have enough workers.

They raid the villages of peons - peaceful Mexican peasants - and take away these simple-minded workers, without asking whether they want it or not.

Well, maybe it’s their custom there, on the other side of the Rio Grande, but here, on this side of the border, such a trick won’t work. Although these people are Mexican by blood, they are citizens of the State of Texas, and, as such, can count on the protection of the state.

Hatfield began to patiently find out everything in order.

Still, Manuel, who is “He”? Who is he - a large landowner? Does he have a big ranch?

The old Mexican hesitated painfully. Drops of sweat ran down his wrinkled cheeks. Finally he whispered, barely audible:

This is El Ombre Sin Cara...

“A man without a face,” Hatfield translated, thinking about what real meaning could be put into this Spanish expression. He knew this flowering land and its people too well to take such phrases literally.

Are you saying that his face is invisible, or that he has scars on his face?

Manuel nodded slowly.

Si, he said, el sicatriz, scar, yes, he has no face.

Hatfield had to be content with this.

What about the people who are with him? - he asked.

Manuel simply hissed with anger:

They are devils!

Well, yes, of course, I understand, they are devils - for you - the ranger agreed. - And none of those people ever returned?

Manuel's eyes darted nervously. He licked his parched lips. His wrinkled face reflected a whole range of contradictory experiences. He suffered. Finally he broke through - he spoke quickly and passionately.

No, Captain! Some returned - to die!

Hatfield wanted to ask again, but the Mexican beat him to it.

Wait, Captain, wait! And now there is still one of those who returned. Do you want to see him, Captain?

Certainly! I'd like to hear what he has to say.

You won't hear anything. “Captain,” Manuel objected. - But to see, you will see. Let's go!

Hatfield's bay horse trudged along behind the Mexican, who headed toward a miserable shack a few hundred yards away. He knocked on the door, muttered something in Spanish, and motioned for the ranger to dismount.

Trusting his bay to the evening breeze, Hatfield followed the Mexican in.

It was dark inside. He had to bend down to avoid the crown of his wide-brimmed hat from touching the low ceiling.

Hatfield paused for a minute, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. At first he could not distinguish anything, only some shadows. Then one of these shadows turned out to be an ancient old woman - more Indian than Mexican. IN far corner There was a bed in the room, something was lying on it, it was moving slightly and making sounds like muttering. Hatfield came closer.

Here,” said Manuel, “is one of those who returned from there.”

Jim Hatfield leaned over the bed, trying to see the man lying on it.

What he saw was once a person. Now it was something, but not a person, rather a thing. This something writhed slowly and continuously, like a hibernating snake. Yes, most of all this terrible, incessant movement reminded Hetfield of the convulsions of some vile reptile. It seemed as if there were no bones in this writhing body under the wrinkled muscles. . Huge empty - sightless - eye sockets stared into space. A wheezing sound escaped from the festering toothless ulcer that gaped where the mouth should have been.

Feeling a twinge of nausea, Hatvild straightened up and involuntarily stepped back so as not to see this terrible picture. He suppressed the feeling of disgust, a wave of pity rolled over him - and then it was replaced by blinding rage.

What did they do to him? - The question sounded an adamant demand for an answer.

Old Manuel shrugged his shoulders, expressively in Spanish, and uttered the sacramental phrase of the Mexicans, which always helps them out when faced with the incomprehensible:

Who knows?

Hatfield looked at the man lying there. During his years of service as a ranger, he had repeatedly seen traces of the most sophisticated tortures generated by Spanish and Indian fantasy, but this was something new.

Some kind of poison, probably,” he suggested. And again a wave of insane rage overwhelmed his entire being. Rage towards those from whom this monstrous cruelty came.

ARIZONA CRATER (Barringer Crater, Devil's Canyon) is one of the largest and best preserved meteorite craters located near Diablo Canyon in northern Arizona (USA). The current dimensions of the crater are: diameter - 1265 m, depth - 175 m, height of the shaft - 40-48 m.

It is assumed that the crater was created as a result of a two-million-ton nickel meteorite measuring 61-79 m falling to Earth about 27 thousand years ago. Apparently, it was the body of the meteorite that was discovered underground in this area using a drilling rig, but attempts to industrially extract nickel fell underground. The location of the crater was known for a long time to local Indians, who used metal fragments of the meteorite for their own purposes. Local tribes have a huge number of legends and traditions associated with this sacred place. Scientists became aware of the existence of the crater only in 1891.

Arizona Crater, Devil's Canyon (anomalous zone)

This is not the largest meteorite to fall to Earth. In Antarctica, on Wilkes Island in 1962, a meteorite crater with a diameter of 241 kilometers and a depth of 800 meters was discovered. In Canada, on the coast of Hudson Bay, there is a crater with a diameter of 443 kilometers.

From the 1950s to the present, numerous tourists and locals have reported numerous sightings of airglows and UFO hovering over the Arizona Crater. According to some data, gravimagnetic and chronal anomalies are sometimes allegedly observed in the center of the crater. The crater has been used more than once as a backdrop for filming science fiction films about the travels of earthlings to other planets, and the arrival of huge UFOs in “their secret harbor, closed from prying eyes.”

Daria Nessel | Apr 21, 2017

Throughout the history of their existence, people have constantly encountered unusual, mysterious, and sometimes frightening and inexplicable phenomena that occurred around strange natural objects. And most often these phenomena were considered the tricks of the owner of the underworld, and the objects were called “devilish”.

It is noteworthy that among the property of the devil there are many creations of human hands. It is believed that dark forces actively participated in the creation of such buildings.

As time passed, many unknown and mysterious phenomena had a completely scientific explanation, but myths and legends about unusual objects continue to live. Just as their names associated with the name of the devil are preserved.

Devil's Tower

This natural object, formed as a result of the rise of magmatic melt from the depths of the earth, is located in the valley of the Belle Fourche River in Cook County, Wyoming, USA. Erupting from the ground many millions of years ago, a column of molten magma froze in the form of a huge column, the walls of which were “decorated” with deep grooves.

The size of the mountain, which resembles a tower with a flat top, exceeds. Its height is 264 meters, and it is the only hill in an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers. On clear days, the object is visible at a distance of up to 160 km.

Local residents know the mountain under the name “Bear House” (“Mato Tipi”) and one very ancient legend is associated with it. According to Indian legend, once upon a time seven girls climbed to the top of the mountain to escape from a wild bear. Trying to get the fugitives, the ferocious beast scratched the mountain, leaving deep furrows on it. And when he finally managed to reach the top, the girls ascended to the sky, becoming the Pleiades constellation.

But the name of the devil appeared in the name of the mountain in connection with another equally ancient myth. It tells the story of an evil demon who lived at the top and beat a drum, generating thunder.

Myths are myths, but even today many local residents are ready to swear that the mountain is unusual and mysterious. Many people periodically see strange light phenomena of unknown origin at its summit.

Another oddity: despite its small height, only a few managed to conquer the mountain. Even the most experienced climbers, as soon as they started climbing, stopped it and never attempted again.

Devil's Sea

Devil's Sea - part Pacific Ocean in the north of the Philippine Sea, encircling Japanese island Miyakejima. Also known as the "graveyard" of the Pacific Ocean, the Devil's Triangle or the Dragon's Triangle and is considered the "little brother" of the Bermuda Triangle.

According to stories from local fishermen and paranormal enthusiasts, not only surface vessels, but also aircraft regularly disappear in the Miyakejima area.

Scientists are confident that the cause of shipwrecks and plane crashes that actually took place are numerous typhoons and underwater eruptions. Natural disasters begin unexpectedly and rapidly, which leads to accidents and casualties.

However, some eyewitnesses claim that they have repeatedly observed UFOs here and seen ghostly ships, which does not fit into the scientific interpretation of events.

In addition, the Devil's Sea has an interesting feature - its waters can change color several times a day and quite unexpectedly: from reddish in the morning, then dark brown closer to noon. It comes in both light gray and bright green.

Devil's Road

The Devil's Road is located in Bolivia and is one of the most anomalous roads in the world. This is a real graveyard of cars that, after accidents, remain at the scene of the accident.

A road where two cars have difficulty passing each other is a truly creepy place. It often rains here, and the fog almost never dissipates. The limiter of the road is not the side of the road, but a deep abyss. The depressing atmosphere is reinforced by numerous cars, some of which are completely new and some that are already half-rotten.

On average, accidents occur here almost every day, and at least 1 per week is fatal.

By the way, the area enjoyed a bad reputation long before Europeans arrived in these areas. Mysterious disappearances of people and animals regularly occurred here. Therefore, the indigenous Indians always considered this area cursed and said that anyone who goes there will find his death there.

Devil's Gardens

The Devil's Gardens are vast areas of the Amazon jungle, in which only Duroia hursuta grows out of all the diversity of flora. Locals They blame Chulyachaki, the evil spirit who lives here, for this. That is why the places got their name.

True, scientists have relatively recently discovered the true reason for such “selectivity.” The fact is that these places are inhabited by a species of lemon ants that destroy all trees in the vicinity except Duroia hursuta. Ants use the hollow leaves to build nests. And so that there is always enough building material, ants destroy all plant competitors of “their” tree with the help of formic acid.

Devil's Valley

In official sources, the Devil's Valley is known as the Aktovsky Canyon and is located in Ukraine.

Here, not far from the village of Aktovo (Voznesensky district, Nikolaev region) flows a river called Metrvovod. According to legends, the Scythians previously buried their leaders in its waters. According to another version, the river got its name after local residents, defending themselves from Tatar raids, poured a decoction of poisonous herbs into the water. After drinking such water, the invaders camped nearby, according to legend, died immediately.

The river is bordered by cliffs, many of which can reach 50 meters. Scientists still cannot unambiguously determine the time and reason for the formation of these hills.

Devil's Lake

Another name for this body of water, located in Chile, is the Red Lagoon. He received it for the blood-red color of the water. Scientists say that the lake’s hue is given by algae that live in the water column.

But local residents are sure that the lake is red because it is cursed and belongs to none other than the owner of the underworld himself.

The curse of the Aymara people, who have lived in the region since ancient times, is associated with Devil's Lake. According to legend, the Laguna influences everyone who approaches it, and the Aymaras practically disappeared from the face of the earth due to drinking the water from it.

For centuries, the Aboriginal Indians managed to sacredly keep the secret of the location amazing lake. It wasn't even marked on any map. Therefore, until recently, none of the uninitiated knew anything about him. The reservoir was discovered completely by accident only about 8 years ago.

By the way, the Red Lagoon is surrounded by two other bodies of water. In one of them the water is yellow, and in the other it is green. Local residents claim that when bad people walk along their banks, the water begins to “react” - to bubble.

Devil's Cave

It is located in Khakassia and is officially called Kashkulakskaya. Already in ancient times, its upper tier was used as a place for sacrifices. However, the cave gained ominous fame relatively recently - a little more than half a century ago, when active work on its exploration began.

In the vicinity of the Kashkulak cave, popularly known as the Abode of the Devil or the Temple of the Black Shaman, you can hear stories about a group of missing researchers and two rescued but gone crazy girls; about the ghost of a shaman who wanders in cave labyrinths and drives uninvited guests out of it.

Many tourists who decided to get to know the cave better later said that they experienced an unaccountable feeling of fear inside, and some even heard the echo of a shaman’s drum...

Devil's Falls

It is located on the border between Argentina and Brazil, and is part of the Iguazu Falls complex. Locals call this waterfall the Devil's Throat, and it lives up to its name.

The Devil's Throat is made up of more than 10 powerful streams that rush from 350 feet in the air and are constantly surrounded by a cloud of spray.

According to Indian legend, the creator of the waterfall was the god Mboy - he was angry with his bride, who chose a simple, smart young man over him. Deciding to escape from the angry god, the girl and her lover decided to take a boat down the Iguazu River. And Mboy, having learned about this, collapsed part of the river, as a result of which the lovers died, and at the place of their death the largest and beautiful waterfall complex.

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Approximately 30,000-50,000 years ago, a giant block of rock fell to Earth near Devil's Canyon in Arizona, creating a bowl-shaped sinkhole 1,250 m in diameter and 174 m deep on the surface of the planet. Barringer Crater, which is also known as Arizona Crater, Un Goro Crater, Devil's Canyon, is a meteorite crater (astrobleme) located approximately 43 miles (69 kilometers) east of the city of Flagstaff, 30 kilometers west of the city of Winslow in desert of Northern Arizona in the USA. Since the Department of the US Council on geographical names usually gives names natural objects in keeping with the name of the nearby post office, the crater is also known as "Meteor Crater" due to the nearby post office being called Meteor.

This place was previously known as Devil's Canyon Crater, and the meteorite fragments that are located at the bottom of the crater received official name"Devil's Canyon meteorite." Scientists call the crater Barringer Crater - in honor of the discoverer of this place, Philadelphia mining engineer Daniel Moreau Barringer. It was he who first put forward the hypothesis that the giant crater appeared as a result of a meteorite hitting the earth.

Meteorite from crater Barringer, Arizona.

Daniel Barringer purchased the land where the crater is located and quickly began drilling into its bottom, because he was convinced that he would find the meteorite itself. He was unable to find the meteorite, but now the crater is privately owned by the Barringer family, which founded the Barringer Crater Company organization. One of the claims that is key to this organization is the doctrine that Barringer Crater is the earliest found, best preserved meteorite crater on Earth. After exploring the area in 1902, Daniel Barringer, a mining engineer from Philadelphia, became so convinced of the existence of an iron-bearing meteorite that he bought the site in 1906 and began drilling. At first he assumed that since the crater had an almost regular round shape, the body that created it should be buried in the center. He later discovered that if he fired a bullet into soft soil, even at an acute angle to the surface, the hole would also be round. This observation, as well as the fact that the southeastern wall of the crater is more than 30 m higher than the rest of its edges, led him to believe that the meteorite fell from the north at an acute angle and, therefore, must be located on the southeastern side of the crater. Drilling began in this area. At a depth of 305 m, an increasing number of iron and iron-nickel fragments were discovered. At a depth of 420 m, the advance of the drill stopped completely - apparently, the drill reached the surface of solid meteorite matter. In 1929, due to financial difficulties, drilling was stopped, but by that time it was already clear that the crater was indeed formed by a meteorite fall. The dimensions of this cosmic body have become the subject of speculation. In the 30s, scientists estimated its weight at 14 million tons, and its diameter at 122 m. According to modern estimates, its weight reached 70,000 tons, and its diameter was 25-30 m. But even if we assume that the dimensions of this space alien were not so great, its collision with our planet should have been cataclysmic in nature.

To create such a huge crater, the meteorite flew through the atmosphere at a speed of 69,000 km/h or so. The force of its impact on the Earth was equal to the force of an explosion of 500,000 tons of explosive material (almost 40 times more powerful than the explosion of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima). 100 million tons of crushed rocks were thrown into the atmosphere. Sediments formed that now make up the slopes of the crater. Drops of molten metal from the meteorite scattered over an area of ​​260 km2. The fragments were no larger than pebbles, although some reached 630 kg. The rocks ejected from the crater were a mixture of sandstone and limestone - remnants of the fossil-rich rocks of a prehistoric lake bed that once existed in the region. A thick lens-shaped layer of the same rocks, called breccia, now covers the crater floor. In the 1930s, funds were allocated to drill through the breccia to the crater floor. At a depth of up to 260 m, traces of nickel and iron appeared; below this level, the rocks remained untouched. It can be assumed that the remains of the meteorite lie under the southern edge of the crater, but make up no more than 10% of the main rocks. The main mass of the meteorite was dispersed during the collision, turning into iron-nickel fragments. In 1960, traces of two rare forms of silica were discovered in the crater bowl - coesite and stishovite, which are also obtained artificially under conditions of high pressure and temperature. (Although stishovite can form under high pressure deep within the Earth's crust, it reverts to quartz when it comes to the surface.) The presence of these minerals in natural form in the crater area provides compelling evidence of a violent impact. All doubts about the nature of the origin of the crater were dispelled, and Barringer’s assumptions about the meteorite nature of the crater that now bears his name were completely confirmed. Although the crater is a geological landmark, it is not protected as a national monument. This status requires that the object be in federal ownership. Barringer Crater became National natural monument in November 1967.

Daniel Barringer Barringer Meteor Crater is located at an altitude of about 1,740 meters (5,709 ft) above sea level. It is a giant earthen bowl about 1,200 meters (4,000 ft) in diameter, about 170 meters (570 ft) deep, surrounded by a rim that rises 45 meters (150 ft) above the surrounding plains. The center of the crater is filled with a layer of rubble and nickel iron fragments totaling 210-240 meters (700-800 ft) thick, which lies at the bottom of a giant earthen bowl. One of interesting features The crater is its square outline.

The crater was formed about 50 thousand years ago during the Pleistocene era, when the local climate on the Colorado Plateau was much cooler and wetter. At that time, this area was meadows and pastures where mammoths roamed. There were most likely no human settlements in this area; the first official evidence of the appearance of humans in the territory of both Americas dates back to a much later period. The first people appeared near the crater approximately 25 thousand years ago. The Indians, whose tribes inhabited this area, told a legend that many years ago a fiery god descended to earth on his chariot, after which a crater was formed. Therefore, the Indians used meteorite fragments as an amulet and placed them in the graves of their dead relatives.

The object that caused the crater when it hit the ground was a nickel meteorite that was about 50 meters (54 yards) across. The meteorite crashed into the plain at a speed of several kilometers per second. The impact energy is estimated at 10 megatons. The speed of the collision itself has been the subject of some debate. As a result of their modeling, scientists initially suggested that the meteorite hit the ground at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per second (45,000 mph), but recent research suggests that the speed was significantly lower, at approximately 12.8 kilometers per second (28,600 mph). h). It is believed that about half the meteorite's 300,000 metric tons weight was vaporized in the atmosphere and upon impact with Earth. That is why the search for the meteorite undertaken by the discoverer of the crater, Daniel Barringer, was unsuccessful.

Today, Barringer Meteor Crater is a popular tourist attraction, privately owned by the third generation of the Barringer family. Anyone wishing to view the crater must pay a small fee. Literally on the edge of the crater there is a museum with interactive exhibits and displays about meteorites and asteroids, space, the solar system and comets. In addition, photographs of all American astronauts in full space gear are stored here - a kind of “wall of fame.” Here you can also see a 1,406-pound meteorite found nearby, as well as meteorite fragments from Barringer Crater itself, which you can even touch. In addition, there is a cinema, a souvenir shop, and Observation deck, from which you can admire the crater. Tours of Barringer Crater are offered daily.