The Ukrainian airline Ukraine International Airlines is introducing a new low-cost tariff with additional restrictions and at the same time significantly reducing prices for air tickets for domestic and international flights, reports Avianews. This step is a direct consequence of the one introduced by the Boryspil International Airport and approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

According to the description of the new fare on the UIA website, low-cost tickets cannot be returned or exchanged even with a fine, and they must be issued no later than 180 days before departure. Passengers can only take hand luggage weighing up to 7 kg free of charge. For comparison, until recently the cheapest fare “carry-on baggage only” allowed you to change the departure date with a fine.

New low-cost tickets are available on flights from November 2017, even to destinations with limited competition. For example, a flight from Kiev to Amsterdam in January 2018 will cost 2074 UAH according to the new fare (hereinafter prices in both directions), from Kiev to Vienna - 2075 UAH, from Kiev to Paris - 3142 UAH, from Kiev to Munich - 2340 UAH.

On domestic routes, UIA, after introducing a low-cost fare, reduced the price of a flight to the level of travel in a branded compartment carriage. Tickets Kyiv-Lviv for January 2018 are available for sale at a price of 774 UAH in both directions. You can fly from Kyiv to Dnepropetrovsk and back also in January 2018 for 1004 UAH. Air tickets for flights between Kiev and Odessa will cost the same amount.

The president of the airline, Yuriy Miroshnikov, will officially talk about the new low-cost tariffs of Ukraine International Airlines at today’s press conference:

At the end of the event, we will update this material with new information.


So, according to UIA data, the minimum price of tickets for one-way domestic flights (if purchased 10 months in advance) will be from 249 UAH, for international flights lasting up to two hours - from 587 UAH, international up to three hours - from 822 UAH, international more than three hours - from 1087 UAH. At the same time, only 7-10% of seats on UIA flights will be sold at these prices.

When purchasing a ticket six months before the flight, the price for one-way domestic flights will be from 769 UAH, for international flights lasting up to two hours - from 1299 UAH, international flights up to three hours - from 1564 UAH, international flights over three hours - from 1830 UAH.

The above prices do not include luggage transportation, meals, seat selection and other services; you will need to pay extra for them separately. According to UIA estimates, the difference between the low-cost price on an international flight and the base price will be about $100 when booking 8 months in advance.

Low-cost tickets are available for purchase now, and this is not a one-time promotion, but a permanent offer from UIA. However, the airline emphasized that despite the introduction of low-cost fares, UIA remains a network airline and will continue to develop as a hybrid air carrier that uses elements of low-cost and traditional service models.

As you know, the largest airline in Ukraine, Aerosvit, was artificially bankrupt, its owner transferred all his assets to another airline - UIA, many routes were automatically transferred to it without tender or competition, two Aerosvit aircraft were quickly repainted, or rather, stickers were stuck with the inscription UIA. Previously, UIA compared favorably with Aerosvit, but now it is a low-cost company service with huge ticket prices. How will this affect the interests of travelers who choose budget solutions and think when planning an itinerary? Negative! What allows us to fly cheap? Only fair competition in the market!

A stern Frankfurt airport employee watches as Ukrainians board a Mowgli plane, which is almost 14 years old:

On January 25, a law came into force in Ukraine that requires ALL companies flying to Ukraine to provide one free piece of baggage weighing up to 23 kg. This is a targeted policy to oust low-cost carriers from the market or change their tariff policy. At the moment, only one low-cost airline, WizzAir Ukraine, is registered in Ukraine; free baggage rules were introduced at the end of 2010 for Ukrainian companies; for WizzAir, this is 1 piece of baggage weighing up to 32 (!) kg. BUT the following also fly to us: WizzAir Hungary (Budapest, London), AirBaltic, Pegasus, AirArabia, FlyDubai. The new law now applies to them and it is they who will now increase their tariffs. AirBaltic is already considering plans to cancel the Basic tariff from/to Ukraine. What kind of accession of Ukraine to the “open skies” are we talking about!?

Of course, UIA and the powers that be are behind all this, interested in the bright future of the new market monopolist. So if you are counting your (and not travel) money and planning your route economically, do not fly UIA, choose Lufthansa, Chekhov, Turkov, LOT, etc., it is better to fly with a connection and an interesting layover along the way than to pay UIA space fees amount for disgusting service.

So, how cheap can you fly from Kyiv to Europe? UIA's lowest prices are $450-500, screenshot from their website:

Or Kyiv-Vienna... 400-500 dollars, there are no promotions or sales on direct flights:

For half a thousand dollars for a two-hour flight on an old plane you will get:
- service at Terminal F of Boryspil Airport, this terminal was originally planned for low-cost airlines, there are no boarding bridges there. European airlines have been transferred to the new modern Terminal D with jet bridges.
- cold sandwich and drinks for money (cola - 3 euros, for example)

For example, Kyiv-Frankfurt is a two-hour journey:

Moreover, the sandwich will contain a certain IBM computer enhancer:


Well, or Czech Airlines Kyiv-Prague, less than 2 hours on the way. Not to mention that the attitude and service at all stages of service from European airlines is incomparably better!

The UIA fleet mainly consists of ancient aircraft, with an average age of 19+ years. In addition to them, UIA has 4 new B737-800 + 2 newly repainted Aerosvit aircraft.

An old plane is safe, but less comfortable (old interior, etc.). And the operation of aircraft requires more expensive maintenance and, accordingly, higher tariffs.

"...the trousers are turning..." (c) January 2013:

An interesting point of view in the blogs on the Correspondent’s website “UIA bankrupt?”:

“The style of doing business by the oligarchs has not changed – impudence, ignorantity and disrespect for the interests of Ukrainians. Why is the UIA credentials false, if the official statement states that “at UIA maintains the structure of shareholders, which has been established since the completion of privatization of the airline in 2011, stable management and warehouse of the Security Council”, and according to the National Commission for Securities and Stock Market (NCSPFR), “Ontobet Promotions Limited” owned 25.83% of the shares of the airline until the end of the third quarter, and from 2 012 roku “Ontobet promotions limited” already became the owner of LLC “Investment Projects Management” (TOV “Capital Investment Project” (Kiev) – 74.16% shares of UIA)."

In general, only UIA’s winter Instagram is not bad:

Hopefully, low-cost airlines will find some reasonable solutions.

Joke? In no case! The largest Ukrainian airline UIA pleased travelers with a new offer, opening the sale of tickets at prices from 9 dollars subject to early booking. Website editors I couldn’t ignore it and decided to find out what, how much and how.

What do they offer?

Economy class air tickets one or both ways. Moreover, for all UIA flights - domestic and international - minus long routes to Colombo, New York, Beijing and Bangkok. The main thing is that the flight is regular and operated by UIA, and not by a partner airline. Such flights are called own flights and have a PS code plus 4 digits (i.e. PS0001-0999). And the specific direction - in Europe, Asia or the Middle East - is up to you and me to choose.

How much do they give it?

This is probably the most pleasant thing. The cost of one-way tickets for flights within Ukraine starts from 249 hryvnia (the same 9 dollars), abroad - from 587 hryvnia or 21 dollars. This is the minimum cost, subject to registration 10 or more months before departure.

Just like two and two. We decide on the direction and dates of departure and arrival. The entire route network is divided into zones depending on travel time. There are three booking periods.

Zone 0: Domestic flights
Zone 1 (up to 2 hours): Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Turkey and Georgia
Zone 2 (up to 3 hours): UK, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Armenia and Azerbaijan
Zone 3 (more than 3 hours): Israel, Spain, France, Iran, Kazakhstan and the UAE.

For 10 months: Zone 0 - 9 USD, Zone 1 - 21 USD, Zone 2 - 31 USD; Zone 3 - 41 USD.
For 8 months: Zone 0 - 19 USD, Zone 1 - 29 USD, Zone 2 - 39 USD; Zone 3 - 49 USD.
For 6 months: Zone 0 - 29 USD, Zone 1 - 49 USD, Zone 2 - 59 USD; Zone 3 - 69 USD.

What's paid?

Super-cheap tickets include hand luggage + all taxes and fees. But additional services, such as nutrition and transportation suitcase/s , are paid separately. Otherwise, passengers with low-cost tickets enjoy the full range of airline services.

Shouldn't you fly to Paris in April? Zone 3, booking 11 months before departure. Price 1081 hryvnia one way.

How to buy?

The low-cost offer with announced prices is valid only on the UIA website. Those who resort to the assistance of a ticket office employee or the carrier's contact center must pay an $18 service fee to issue a ticket. Agree, it is more profitable to master the science of online booking yourself (especially since there is nothing complicated there). Payment for tickets is only possible using a credit card. No other way.

Why not grab a couple of designer items with an 80% discount at the winter sales in Milan? Easily! Zone 2, booking 9 months before departure. Price 1028 hryvnia one way.

Where's the catch?

Nowhere. There are simply a number of special conditions and restrictions. But they are understandable and few in number. So complying with them is not a problem. The most important thing: after registration, changes cannot be made to the ticket, and there is no possibility of a refund. Less important is that Panorama Club members are not awarded bonus miles for flights with low-cost tickets. And one more thing: when planning your trips, take into account black-out periods when the offer does not work. Traditionally, these are holidays for Ukrainian schoolchildren (autumn and spring), Easter weekends (Orthodox and Catholic) and long holidays (New Year and May). That's all.

What to do?

If you have long wanted to fly halfway around the world for reasonable money, drink coffee in the center of Vienna, walk through the blooming Keukenhof tulip park, take a photo with the Roman Forum in the background, climb the Burj Khalifa, discover the lights of Baku at night or enjoy a luxurious holiday in Nice, here it is. your chance. Don't miss it, because low-cost tickets are flying out like lightning.

Ukrainian International Airlines has announced an auction of unprecedented generosity - now it will be possible to buy tickets for flights around Ukraine or to Europe at ridiculous prices. True, a cheap flight is only possible if you book 10, 8 or six months in advance._

Such flights can cost from 240 to 1300 UAH. True, experts say that cheap seats are announced for the lowest seasons, when the seat load is light. In addition, UIA is most likely forced to take this step due to competition. After all, Ryanair is coming to Ukraine in the fall, promising us very cheap flights, Vesti reports.

In 10 months - three times cheaper

As UIA clarified, the low-cost fare will apply to approximately 7-10% of the seats on each plane, all other seats will be sold at regular prices. We checked if you can buy cheap tickets. Indeed, an air ticket to Warsaw next March (10 months before the flight) will cost only 762.5 UAH, while, for example, in August the cheapest ticket with hand luggage costs almost three times more - 2005.50 UAH. According to the UIA website, it will no longer be possible to fly to Barcelona at low-cost prices for six and eight months - all tickets are sold out. And for 10 months, as of May 14, there were still places - 1296.5 UAH. At the regular price, such a ticket including hand luggage will cost 6,354 UAH. A ticket to Rome also yesterday cost only 1,298 UAH if booked 10 months in advance, and 3,691.5 UAH at the regular price.

As for domestic flights, a ticket for November (six months) from Kyiv to Lviv will cost 1075.5 UAH, but in March (10 months) - only 244.5 UAH (the same as for a train). By the way, you cannot return tickets at low-cost fares. And luggage transportation is only for an additional fee. You will be able to take on board free of charge only hand luggage measuring 55x40x20 cm and weighing up to 7 kg, as well as a handbag or laptop. Check-in at the airport for a flight with a low-cost ticket is promised to be free, and 48 hours before departure during online check-in you will also be able to choose your seat on board.

Introduced because of Ryanair

According to aviation expert Evgeniy Khainatsky, the reason for the introduction of UIA low-cost prices is primarily related to competition. “UIA has been trying to introduce a low-cost model over the past two or three years, but now this has been prompted by the reduction in the cost of servicing aircraft at Boryspil airport, which is why they may reduce the cost of flights. In addition, the launch of a low-cost airline is done in a low period, since November is one of the worst months for flight loads, and during this period tickets are already the cheapest. Another factor is the increase in passenger traffic: Western carriers are again interested in Ukraine. UIA is deliberately taking this step to show that they are ready to compete in the market,” says Khainatsky.

According to him, you should not expect an increase in the price of the remaining “seats”: “Many airlines, as a promotion, throw out a certain number of tickets at reduced prices, and after they are sold, regular fares apply. If they see that demand in one of the directions will fall, then the number of such places can simply be increased - UIA is now doing exactly the same.”

“Prices have been reduced because of Ryanair”

According to Alexander Mironenko, editor of the website, one of the reasons for UIA’s innovations is the entry of low-cost airline Ryanair into the Ukrainian market. However, in his opinion, the new fare is not a pure “low-cost” fare, but rather a discount for very early booking, which involves a number of restrictions (you cannot carry luggage and change the date): “On domestic flights, flying at a low-cost fare will only be profitable when purchased eight months in advance, but if you buy a ticket closer to departure, the price at the new fare, for example, on the Kiev-Lviv line, is not very different from the old prices, which also include luggage. UIA can compensate for price reductions with other services, as well as overbooking. Having received statistics on no-shows for flights for tickets purchased very early, the airline can begin to resell seats, but at a higher price, which will increase the profitability of transportation.”

Anastasia Kuchkina

Ryanair flies from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. And this is very convenient for Russians. The flight map is available here.

Ryanair also acquired the Austrian low-cost carrier Laudamotion (formerly Amira Air) with hubs in Vienna and a number of German cities.

WizzAir (Hungary)

It flies from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Debrecen to Budapest, where its main hub is located. The company has 420 routes across Europe and 25 hubs. The most convenient for Russians: Gdansk, Kutaisi, Vilnius, Riga, Chisinau. Flight map.

If you plan to fly Wizz Air more than once a year or are flying with a group, then buy a Wizz Air Discount Club membership.

EasyJet (UK)

EasyJet stopped flying from Moscow to London in September 2015. However, the company has a large route network in Europe. The company flies to 32 countries, 134 cities and has 23 bases. The largest is Gatwick Airport in London. Large hubs are located in Milan and Barcelona (where our Pobeda flies), as well as in Paris, Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Basel. Flight map.

Pobeda (Russia)

Pobeda has been flying since December 2014. Ticket prices start from RUR 499. The company now has more than 50 destinations. Pobeda flies to Finland, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Turkey, Slovakia (and from there it takes a bus to Austria), Armenia and Georgia.

It is worth noting that very often Pobeda reduces prices a few days before departure.

Norwegian Air (Norway)

Flies within Europe from Scandinavian cities and between Scandinavian cities (more than 100 destinations). Budget flights to the USA (Boston, Chicago, New York, Orlando, Los Angeles). Flight map.

These were the main low-cost airlines in Europe. Start your search with them. You probably won't need the ones below.

Air Baltic (Latvia)

Latvian airline, main hub is in Riga. Prices are higher than other low-cost airlines, but luggage is also paid, and they do not provide food on flights. They fly from Kazan, Kaliningrad, Sochi, St. Petersburg, Moscow. Route map via link. You can join the airBaltic Club and get a free ticket for 10 flights with the airline.

Helvetic Airways (Switzerland)

Airline from Switzerland. The company's hub is in Zurich, plus flights from 7 airports. Most flights operate once a week. The company's fleet consists of small aircraft: Embraer 190 and Fokker 100.

UIA (Ukraine)

Ukrainian national carrier. It no longer flies from Russia. Not a low-cost airline, but it often has good prices for flights to Europe and Asia due to the fall of the hryvnia.

SmartWings (Czech Republic)

Flies from Moscow to Prague at a price slightly cheaper than Aeroflot and Czech Airlines. From Prague there is a large selection of flights across Europe plus Egypt, Israel, and the UAE.

Transavia (Netherlands)

Low-cost airline of the Air France-KLM holding. Has five hubs in the Netherlands (including Amsterdam). It flies mainly to southern Europe plus Morocco and Egypt. Flight map. Transavia has a subsidiary, Transavia France, with three hubs in France and similar destinations.

Aer Lingus (Ireland)

The largest Irish airline (not counting Ryanair, of course). They fly to 190 cities, including the USA and Canada. Flight map.

Blue Air (Romania)

Romanian low-cost airline with a main hub in Bucharest with a large number of destinations throughout Europe (flight map). There are also several routes from Helsinki.

Israir Airlines (Israel)

An airline from Israel with the slogan “Why pay more?”, cheap compared to El Al. It flies to Europe, but most flights are seasonal.

Logan Air (Scotland)

Regional Scottish carrier. Flies throughout Scotland, including Orkney and the Outer Hebrides. The Westray to Papa Island Westray route in Orkney is the shortest scheduled commercial flight in the world. In good weather, that's just 47 seconds in the air. In addition to British territories, it also flies to Norway. Flight map.

Atlantic Airways (Faroes)

National carrier of the Faroe Islands. They fly from Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Scotland, plus in season from Spain. Offers the cheapest way to get to the Faroe Islands from Copenhagen. A round-trip ticket costs from 160 euros. Prices for flights between the islands by helicopter range from 12 to 60 euros one way.

Buta Airways (Azerbaijan)

In September 2017, a new low-cost airline, Buta Airways, began flying from Baku to Russia. So far they fly to Moscow (Vnukovo), St. Petersburg, MinVody and Kazan. Attention! Tickets at the minimum BUDGET fare do not include luggage or hand luggage. At all.

French Bee (France)

French low-cost airline offering flights from Paris-Orly to the Dominican Republic, San Francisco, Reunion and French Polynesia.

WOW Air (Iceland)

WOW Air: Icelandic low-cost airline, which has flights to the USA from $55. In total, it operates flights from 32 cities, mainly in Europe. It is experiencing financial difficulties and may soon be acquired by another company.

IcelandAir: not a low-cost airline, but an indispensable company for traveling to Iceland (and for traveling around the world). The main feature is a stopover of up to 7 days in Iceland during a flight from Europe to the USA.

Fantastic, right?

Italy: Air Italy, Blu-Express, FlyErnest

  • Air Italy (formerly Meridiana) : main flights operate from Milan and Olbia. In addition to flights within Italy (about 30 euros one way), it flies to Africa, Asia, the USA and Canada.
  • Blu-Express: subsidiary low-cost Blue Panorama Airlines with a hub in Rome. It flies mainly within Italy, a little more expensive than Air Italy (40-50 euros one way).
  • FlyErnest more likely even an Albanian rather than an Italian airline (although the headquarters is in Milan). They carry from nine Italian cities to Tirana. Since 2017, they have been flying from Lviv, Kyiv and Kharkov to the main Italian cities. Tickets from 37 euros one way.

Spain: Vueling,Volotea,Canaryfly , LEVEL, Iberia Express

  • Vueling : the second largest Spanish air carrier with a hub in Barcelona. From Moscow and St. Petersburg it flies to Barcelona and Alicante from 50 euros one way. Operates seasonal flights from the regions: Kazan, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Samara. .
  • Volotea: Spanish low-cost airline with headquarters in Barcelona. Most flights take place in the Mediterranean region, including small cities in France, Italy, Spain, and Greece. Often holds sales with tickets for 10 euros. Flight map.
  • Canaryfly: a small airline from the Canary Islands. Flies between islands from 5 euros one way.
  • LEVEL: subsidiary of Iberia and British Airways. Flies from Spain (as well as Paris-Orly) to the USA, Canada and Latin America. Prices for transatlantic flights start from 95 euros one way. Tickets can be purchased at
  • Iberia Express: subsidiary low-cost airline Iberia. Flies from Madrid to Europe, the Canary and Balearic Islands. Flight map.

Germany:EuroWings,Germania,TUI Fly,Condor

  • EuroWings: subsidiary low-cost airline Lufthansa. It flies to 210 destinations, mainly in Europe. Flight prices from 30 euros within Germany, from 45 euros within Europe one way.
  • Germania is a private airline headquartered in Berlin. There are charters to the Middle East, Mediterranean resorts and North Africa. Plus flies from St. Petersburg to Dresden (from 60 euros one way). Flight map.
  • TUI Fly— low-cost airline with a hub in Hannover. Part of the TUI Group, one of the largest travel companies in the world. Flies from Moscow and St. Petersburg. In addition to the German airline, there are other divisions of TUI Fly (for example, the Belgian one).
  • Condor: subsidiary airline of Lufthansa with a hub in Frankfurt am Main. It has a charter focus on exotic countries: the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, South America, the islands of Spain, Portugal, etc. A very favorable price for a one-way flight (unlike traditional airlines).

UK: Flybe, Jet2, TUI Airways

  • Flybe: low-cost airline with hubs in Birmingham and Manchester. They fly to 85 destinations across the UK and Western Europe. Flight map.
  • A low-cost airline that predominantly flies from major UK cities to Southern Europe. Flight map.
  • TUI Airways: UK version of TUI fly. Flies from 20 UK airports to Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

Türkiye:Onurair, Anadolujet, Corendon, Sun Express, Atlas Global

  • Onur Air flies between cities and resorts in Turkey. There are flights to major Turkish cities from Moscow and Odessa. In addition to regular flights, there are charters from the regions.
  • Anadolujet- a subsidiary of Turkish Airlines, operates flights throughout Turkey and Northern Cyprus.
  • Sun Express is a subsidiary of Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines. Flies to Germany, Austria and Switzerland. There is a summer flight from St. Petersburg to Izmir from 66 euros. Flight map.
  • Corendon is a Turkish low-cost airline based in Antalya, flying mainly to Germany.
  • Atlas Global- former Atlas Jet. Flies around Turkey, Europe and Asia. From Russia there is a regular flight from Moscow to Istanbul, plus charters from the regions. Flight map.

Moldova:Air Moldova,Fly One

  • Air Moldova: national carrier of Moldova. Not low-cost, but quite often inexpensive flights via Chisinau to Rome, Lisbon, Larnaca, Bologna, Venice and other cities from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Surgut, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod.
  • FlyOne: a young Moldovan airline that received a certificate in March 2016. You can fly from Moscow to Chisinau from 60 euros one way.

Asia (48)

Malaysia:Air Asia,Firefly

  • Air Asia: For many years now it has been the best low-cost airline in the world according to Skytrax. It has an extensive route network throughout Asia (from India, Malaysia to Vietnam, the Philippines, Japan), including flights to Australia. . Plus it owns divisions in other countries in the region.

  • Firefly: subsidiary low-cost airline of Malaysia Airlines. In addition to domestic flights, there are flights to Indonesia and Thailand. Flight map.

UAE:Air Arabia,Fly Dubai

  • Air Arabia. Low-cost airline based in Sharjah. Flights from Moscow and Grozny to cities in the Near and Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan), North Africa (Sudan, Egypt, Morocco), India, Nepal, Bangladesh via Sharjah (UAE) . Flight map. There are regional divisions of Air Arabia Egypt with a hub in Alexandria, Air Arabia Maroc with a hub in Casablanca and Air Arabia Jordan with a hub in Amman.
  • FlyDubai. Low-cost airline based in Dubai. Flights to the UAE and cities in Asia and Africa from Russian cities (Moscow, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Makhachkala, MinVody, Samara, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don). Quite often the cost of flights from regions to Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India is quite good. Plus a good network in East Africa: Addis Ababa, Dar es Salaam, Djibouti, Juba, Khartoum, Kilimanjaro, Zanzibar. Flight map.

Singapore:Tiger Air,Scoot

Tiger Air And Scoot: since 2017, there is actually one airline operating under the Scoot brand. Subsidiary of Singapore Airlines. The Tigers retained a separate brand in Australia. Flies throughout Asia and Australia plus Berlin, Athens and Hawaii.

Flight map:

India: IndiGo, SpiceJet, Air India Express, Go Air

  • IndiGo: Indian low-cost airline with domestic flights and a small number of international routes to Nepal, UAE, Singapore, Oman, Thailand and other countries in the region. Flight map.
  • SpiceJet: A major Indian airline with hubs in Delhi and Hyderabai and Chennai. Flights to 49 cities in India and to Oman, UAE, Maldives, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Flight map.
  • Air India Express: subsidiary low-cost airline of the national carrier. Offers fewer domestic flights, but more international flights (mainly to the Gulf countries). Flight map.
  • Go Air: low-cost airline with its main hub in Mumbai, operates mainly domestic flights to 25 cities (plus Male and Phuket). Flight map.

Japan: Vanilla Air,Peach Aviation,Air Do, Skymark, Solaseed Air, Star Flyer

  • Vanilla Air: subsidiary low-cost airline All Nippon Airways. It flies between Japanese cities, as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong. One-way flights start at $30.
  • Peach Aviation: Peach Airlines flies from Osaka, Naha and Tokyo throughout Japan (including Okinawa), as well as to Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea, Shanghai and Bangkok. Flight map.
  • Air Do: regional airline: main route - flights to Hokkaido. Not low-cost, but there are favorable rates for early booking (75 days in advance) or a discount when booking 1 or 3 days before the flight.
  • Skymark: low-cost airline with a dozen destinations within the country. There are discounts 1 or 3 days before departure.
  • Solaseed Air: almost like Skymark, but with more discount options based on purchase dates, plus a discount for foreign tourists.
  • Star Flyer: Positions itself as an intermediate option between low-cost and conventional airlines. Offers flights between major Japanese cities plus Taiwan. For domestic flights there is a special tariff for foreigners (55-70 euros one way).

Philippines: Cebu Pacific, Air Swift

  • Cebu Pacific: low-cost airline with a large number of domestic flights plus flies throughout East and Southeast Asia (and also to Sydney and Dubai). .
  • Air Swift is a tiny company that connects Philippine cities with its El Nido airport. In fact, this airport is an ordinary primer in the jungle (looks like this), but it is located on the island of Palawan, the source of 95% of those photos from the paradise islands.

Indonesia: Citilink , Wings Air

  • Citilink: subsidiary low-cost carrier of the national carrier Garuda Indonesia. Operates mainly domestic flights (plus flies to Malaysia and East Timor). Flight map.
  • Wings Air: low-cost airline from Lion Air Group. It has a hub in Bali and specializes in domestic flights.

South Korea: Jeju Air, Jin Air, T'way Air, Eastar Jet, Air Seoul, Air Busan

  • Jeju Air: the main low-cost airline, in addition to domestic flights, flies to the countries of the Far East and Southeast Asia, as well as to Guam. There is a flight from Vladivostok to Seoul. Flight map.
  • Jin Air: subsidiary low-cost airline of Korean Air. Flies throughout the region including Hawaii, Australia and Guam. Flight map.
  • T'way Air and Eastar Jet low-cost airlines with hubs in Seoul. They fly to China, Japan and Southeast Asian countries. T'way Air has flights from Khabarovsk and Vladivostok to Daegu, and Eastar Jet from Vladivostok to Seoul. Prices start from 50 euros one way.
  • Air Seoul and Air Busan— subsidiary low-cost airlines of Asiana Airlines. They fly throughout the region to specified cities. Air Busan has a flight from Vladivostok.

China (10 airlines)

  • Spring Airlines: low-cost airline with hubs in Shanghai. Route network in China and neighboring countries. There is a Japanese division of Spring Airlines Japan. Prices start from $15 one way.
  • China United: low-cost airline with a hub at Beijing Nanyuan Airport and flights between Chinese cities. Tickets start at $10 one way.
  • Juneyao Airlines: a major airline with hubs in Shanghai. It has a very extensive route network in China, and also operates flights to South Korea, Japan and Thailand. It plans to launch a flight from Helsinki in 2019. It has a subsidiary low-cost airline 9 Air with a hub in Guangzhou.
  • Lucky Air In addition to China, it flies to Brunei, Thailand, and Malaysia. There is a flight Moscow - Kunming.
  • West Air flies within the country (flight map).
  • Urumqi Air offers flights from Urumqi to China.
  • Capital Airlines In addition to domestic flights, it offers many flights to Europe. There is a flight from Moscow to Qingdao.
  • Colorful Guizhou Airlines: regional low-cost airline with a hub in Guiyang and flights throughout China.
  • Jiangxi Air: regional low-cost airline with a hub in Nanchang.
  • HK Express: Hong Kong low-cost airline from HNA Group. It flies from Hong Kong throughout the region, with especially many flights to Japan. Flight map.

Thailand: Nok Air, Thai Lion Air

  • Nok Air: Thai low-cost airline operating domestic flights within Thailand plus flights to Myanmar and other countries in the region. There are multiple routes with ferries (Fly’n’Ferry) or buses (Fly’n’Ride).
  • Thai Lion Air: Thai subsidiary of the Indonesian company Lion Air Group. In addition to domestic flights, there are flights to many cities in China and to major cities in the region. A nice thing is that the price includes luggage. Flight map.

Other countries:

  • SalamAir: Omani low-cost airline. In addition to domestic flights, it flies to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nepal, Sudan, Bangladesh, UAE, Qatar, as well as Baku and Tbilisi.
  • Air Manas (Pegasus): Kyrgyz carrier. A subsidiary of the Turkish Pegasus. Until the end of 2015, the airline flew under the Pegasus Asia brand, but has now reverted to Air Manas. It makes three flights to Russia from Bishkek: to Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk
  • Air Blue: Pakistani low-cost airline with a hub in Karachi. Operates both domestic flights and flights to the UAE, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Flight map.
  • VietJet Air: Vietnamese low-cost airline with several hubs in the country. It flies mainly around Vietnam. The site is not very user-friendly; the easiest way to look at the list of destinations is on Wikipedia. In addition to Vietnam, it flies to Bangkok, Taipei, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong, Yangon and Kuala Lumpur.
  • Jazeera Airways: Kuwaiti low-cost airline. In addition to the countries of the Persian Gulf and the Middle East, it flies to India, Egypt, Baku, Tbilisi and Istanbul. Flight map.
  • Flynas: an airline from one of the most closed countries in the world - Saudi Arabia. Operates flights within the country, throughout the region, plus to Tbilisi, Baku, Istanbul, Trabzon. Flight map.
  • Flyadeal: subsidiary low-cost airline of the national carrier Saudia. Flies between several cities within the country.
  • Lanmei Airlines: Cambodian low-cost airline with a hub in Phnom Penh, owned by the Chinese. It flies throughout Southeast Asia and has many flights to China.
  • JetStar: subsidiary low-cost airline of the Australian company Qantas. Main hub in Melbourne. In addition to flights within Australia and New Zealand, there are flights to countries in Southeast Asia. There are also Jetstar Asia Airways with a hub in Singapore, Jetstar Pacific with a hub in Ho Chi Minh City and Jetstar Japan with hubs in Tokyo and Osaka. Flight map.
  • Virgin Australia: Australian low-cost airline from Virgin Group. Has four hubs in Australia, flies throughout Oceania, Indonesia, Hong Kong and the USA

Africa (8)

South Africa: Mango, Kulula, FlySafair

  • Mango: subsidiary low-cost airline of the national carrier South African Airways with a hub in Johannesburg. Flies throughout South Africa and to the island of Zanzibar in Tanzania.
  • Kulula: the first African low-cost airline, part of Comair, has been flying since 2001. The main flights are domestic, but through a partnership with Kenya Airways, they fly to Nairobi and, as part of Comair, to other neighboring countries. Flight map.
  • FlySafair: subsidiary low-cost airline Safair, connects six cities in the country.

Kenya: Fly540, JamboJet

  • Fly540: Kenyan low-cost airline with a hub in Nairobi. Flies to Kenya, Zanzibar and South Sudan. Flight map. They have a subsidiary airline Fly Sax, which flies to safari and beach destinations.
fly540 flight map
  • JamboJet: a low-cost subsidiary of the national carrier Kenya Airways with a hub in Nairobi. Flies around Kenya and Uganda.

Other countries:

  • Arik Air (Nigeria): a Nigerian traditional low-cost carrier that connects all major cities in Nigeria and also flies to Angola, Ghana, Senegal and other West African countries.
  • Fastjet: a group of African low-cost airlines (including Fastjet from Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Mozambique). In addition to these countries, it also flies to South Africa and Zambia.
  • Air Cairo (Egypt): subsidiary low-cost airline EgyptAir. Flies from major cities in Egypt to Europe. There are flights from Tbilisi to Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.

Americas (30)

Canada:WestJet,Sunwing Airlines, Porter Airlines, Air Transat, Air Canada Rouge, Flair Airlines

  • WestJet: a major Canadian low-cost airline with hubs in Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver. Flights throughout North America and the Caribbean, plus seasonal transatlantic flights from Canada to Glasgow, Dublin, Paris (and a regular flight to London). Flight map. Recently launched ultra-low-cost airline Swoop. While flights across Canada have launched, flights to the USA and Mexico are planned.
  • Sunwing Airlines: subsidiary low-cost airline of Sunwing Travel Group. Flies from Canadian cities to the USA, Central America and the Caribbean.