The most famous man-made monuments in the world

Here are the 10 most famous landmarks in the world. These man-made landmarks and monuments are famous because of their location or special architecture and are of course famous landmarks of the world that would be considered wonderful to visit with the family.

We choose the following landmarks because they are located on six of the seven continents on our planet: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America, and Australia. These world-famous attractions attract millions of visitors every year and are major tourist attractions around the world.

Top 10 Famous Landmarks

This three-story metal tower stands in the center of Paris. It was built for the 1889 Universal Expo in honor of the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The 324 meter tall Eiffel Tower was built by August Eiffel and a team of engineers. If you want to go up to the observation deck of the tower, you need to take 704 steps to get up, but luckily there are elevators. Since its opening, the tower has been visited by more than 250 million people, and in 2016, more than 7 million visitors climbed to the top platform of the tower!

The Great Wall is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It serves as a fence over a very long distance throughout China. The wall is also referred to as the "Long Wall" as it is over 21,196 km in length. It was built from stone, brick and tiles, earth, and wooden material. Construction was completed in 1644, but it took more than 2,000 years to complete. The wall is home to over 20,000 watchtowers that were built to protect the country from incursions by nomads and enemies and to facilitate the collection of duties on goods that were transported along the Silk Road. Today the wall is the most popular attraction in China with more than 10 million visitors a year. Contrary to popular belief, the Great Wall cannot be removed from the moon!

The Grand Kremlin Palace is part of the Kremlin complex and is located next to Red Square and St. Basil's Cathedral in the Russian capital Moscow. The Kremlin is a fortress with enclosing walls and built along the Moscow River. The name "Kremlin" means "fortress in the city." The more than 500-year-old Kremlin includes the wall with its 20 towers, as well as four churches and five palaces within the walls. The Kremlin was once the residence of the Tsars. Today this is where the Russian President is located. St. Basil's Cathedral is easily recognizable thanks to its nine bright domes.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the main tourist attractions in Italy. The independent bell tower of the Pisa Cathedral took more than two hundred years to build and was completed in 1399. The original height of the tower was 60 meters, but as it leans, the lowest side is now less than 56 meters. Construction caused many problems as the soil was soft, sandy and unstable. Already during construction, the builders tried to balance the leaning side with columns on the other side, but the tower still leaned, like many other buildings in the area. In 2000, the tower was reinforced with stronger soil.

The Great Pyramid of Giza near Cairo is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one of these wonders of the ancient world that still exists. The pyramids are made of stone and brick and stand near Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt. The Egyptian pyramids were built at a time when there was only manual labor and no equipment for lifting machines. The pyramids were built to house the bodies of the pharaoh who ruled ancient Egypt. Next to the Pyramids of Giza is the Sphinx, the famous monument of a lion's body with the head of a pharaoh. The Pyramids of Giza are about 4,500 years old and are considered one of the largest buildings.

Built in Australia's largest city, the Sydney Opera House is famous for its architecture. The roofs of the theater resemble shells or sails. The opera house was designed by Jorn Utzon from Denmark and was built between 1959 and 1973. The roof is covered with more than 1 million roofing tiles. It was made in Sweden. The opera house has several performance halls, theater and exhibition halls. More than 40 concerts are held here every week. Over 8 million visitors visit this Australian landmark every year! Every evening the rooftop is illuminated with a colorful spectacle.

The Statue of Liberty is 92 meters / 305 feet tall and is made of an iron structure with a copper skin.
Lady Liberty, as the statue is often referred to, was designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, while the woman's massive iron skeleton was designed by Alexander Gustave Eiffel, who also designed the Eiffel Tower.
The statue was built in France in 1884. The monument was then disassembled into 350 pieces and packed into 214 boxes and shipped to New York. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the American people at the American Centennial in 1886. The flame of the torch is covered in gold, the crown has seven rays, representing the seven continents.
The monument stands on Liberty Island on the Hudson River, facing New York City. You can climb 154 steps from the pedestal to the head of the statue, where you can see fantastic views of the "Big Apple", as New York is so often lovingly called.

The Taj Mahal, which means "crown of palaces" in Persian, stands on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra in northern India. In 1632, Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned the construction of a tomb for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal contains the wife's grave, as well as a mosque and a guest house. The Taj Mahal was built from white marble and the finest materials sourced from all over Asia. It is decorated with precious and semi-precious stones. Lines from the Koran are depicted on many walls. The main dome of the Taj Mahal is 35 meters high and the minarets are 40 meters high. It is said that over 20,000 workers built the monument and over 1,000 elephants were used to transport heavy material during construction. The mausoleum attracts more than 8 million visitors every year.

Moai on Easter Island / Chile

Moai are huge statues on the Polynesian island of Rapa Nui. The island is usually called Easter Island and belongs to Chile. Easter Island is located more than 2,200 miles from Chile in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The islanders created more than 900 stone carvings between 1250 and 1500. Most of the stone figures with oversized heads were built from tufa stone and compressed volcanic ash. The statues weigh an average of 14 tons, which is the weight of two elephants! However, the size of the statues varies, there are some smaller ones and some larger ones. The heaviest stone weighs 82 tons and is 10 meters high! Most islanders believe that the huge stone statues represent their ancestors. There are over 900 monumental statues and 300 ceremonial sites that are sacred to the Rapa Nui people

Machu Picchu, which means "Old Mountain" in the local Quechua language, is a famous destination in Peru. It is also called the "Lost City of the Incas". The ruins of the Lost City are located in the mountains, at an altitude of more than 2400 meters above sea level. This ruined coastline has over 200 different buildings and structures. The ruins were not discovered by European conquistadors, but only became known in 1911 when an American archaeologist was brought to the site by local residents. While some people believe that Machu Picchu was built as a sacred site, others believe that it was once the summer retreat of the Inca emperor. It was built in the 14th century and probably housed more than 1,000 people. Since the site is being built on a mountain ridge and will therefore always be in danger of sliding downhill during the monsoon, over 600 terraces and a well laid out drainage system have been built around the town. The city is a magical sight and a wonderful example of Incan engineering, as the city's buildings were also built without the use of machinery!

Thank you for reading the article “Attractions of the world: TOP 10 most famous places on the planet.” See you soon. Your secrets in your ear!

“Well, we’ll arrive. Well, let's take a swim. Well, let's have a cocktail. So, what is next? What do we do?" Sound familiar? If yes, congratulations, you are one of those very type of people who can’t sit still. Well, if, moreover, limp reclining in sun loungers inspires you as little as strong-willed surfing, then you are one of the small but elite class of aesthetes, greedy for art and architecture.

Admit it, you simply cannot look at Dali’s creations without trembling in your knees, the Acropolis puts you in a state close to prayerful ecstasy, and the streets of old Prague practically drive you crazy. Congratulations, you are an “excursion-oriented, ordinary tourist.”

The whole point of excursion tourism is that it calmly coexists with a beach holiday, and with a ski holiday, as well as with any other. One does not exclude the other; rather, it complements the other.

However, there are entire tours dedicated to sightseeing of cities and capitals, antiquities and natural wonders of all five continents. Such trips are usually chosen by individuals married to art or simply greedy for it in a good way, and people who want to see the world on vacation, and not just a couple of heavenly, but completely identical atolls.

But, in order to be as honest with yourself as possible, it is still necessary to say that a “naked” excursion will not give you much pleasure - all that will remain in your head is a chaotic cocktail of porticos and rotundas, dozens of museum halls and thousand-year-old ruins.

When choosing a program, do not chase the number of attractions - in the end, you will go on a trip again. Choose a moderate pace - sprinkle excursions richly with rest, and get the most vivid and fresh impressions.

Holiday destinations

Classic: Europe. The main blow of the excursion element usually falls on Mother Europe with its Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and other ancient-medieval joys. Tours in Europe, which, as we know, is not so big, often cover more than one country. Sometimes tours include visits to world-famous attractions - such as, for example, Versailles in France, the Colosseum in Italy, the Acropolis in Greece. Sometimes excursions are conducted exclusively to little-known places, sometimes highly specialized tours are organized, for example, on Baroque architecture or a temple structure.

Ancient civilizations. Second in the popularity ranking are countries that grew up on the ruins of ancient civilizations - Egypt, India, China, Chile, Peru, Mexico. Obviously, such tours take second place not in terms of tourist interest, but in terms of remoteness, expressed not so much in geographical terms as in monetary terms. Ancient civilizations with monuments that take us back not even centuries, but millennia, are surprisingly mysterious and therefore alluring. The further into the dust of time, the more secrets to which, as we know, no one can remain indifferent.

Exotica and ecology. Ancient civilizations are followed by countries with exotic landscapes and landscapes - the Australian Great Barrier Reef, lakes of the USA, waterfalls of Nigeria, the fantastic nature of the Galapagos. This is all really unusual. Amazing. Almost impossible.

Way of life. Next come countries with an unusual way of life - that is, any place on the planet whose existence differs from our multi-story panel existence. Tunisian Berbers living in caves, Arab countries with their unconditional and fascinating adherence to the laws of the Koran, Japanese culture and the culture of the American Indians. For a civilized person, which, obviously, is the entire excursion-amateur tribe, such differences cause only admiration - at least from the understanding of how diverse the life of people on this planet can be.

Excursion Russia. Well, our native Russia closes the top five leading destinations. The expanses of our country are enormous: 9 climatic zones and the same number of time zones, mountain ranges, hills, deep rivers, dozens and hundreds of natural wonders - Avacha Bay, Kungur Ice Cave, Krasnoyarsk Pillars, Uzon Caldera... it is perhaps impossible to list everything. And then, there is also the magnificent architecture of our cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, the luxury of folk crafts - Suzdal, Semenov, Gus-Khrustalny. Russia is inexhaustible, great and magnificent, and, in addition, compared to all of the above, it is quite inexpensive.

If you are still thinking about where to spend your next vacation so that it is interesting, educational and “relaxing”, we offer you a list of the most beautiful world attractions. Here is the solution to the problem, at least for the next 15 vacations.

A brief overview of the world's attractions with names and photos

In the last article we talked about and now we want to talk about the attractions. This diverse list intertwines cultural, historical and natural monuments known throughout the world. New wonders of the world to replace ancient monuments that have untimely sunk into oblivion are worth paying due attention to each of them.

Machu Picchu, Peru

“The Vanished City of the Incas” at an unreal altitude of 2500 meters is a truly mysterious and awe-inspiring place. The city was founded by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec in 1440. History claims that this was a sacred place of the Inca civilization, and after a hundred years all the inhabitants mysteriously disappeared. No one knows the reasons why the residents abandoned their homes, and where they themselves went. The only reliable fact is the invasion of the Spaniards into the territory of the Incas in 1532. But in Machu Picchu, the colonists did not find a single person, despite the thriving infrastructure and residential buildings.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, UAE

Among the best sights in the world, the photo of which does not convey the grandeur of the buildings, includes the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in the capital of the Emirates. The incredible snow-white structure occupies a huge area, abounds in wealth and welcomes everyone into its mansions, regardless of faith or unbelief. The floor of the mosque is covered with white patterned marble, the walls are inlaid with gold, and the minarets pierce the sky with needle-sharp golden spiers. The design of the mosque illustratively illustrates the untold wealth of the Emirates themselves and the state’s love for luxury.

Bayon Temple Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia

What is of interest is not so much the temple itself, but its unique stone towers, silently looking down from their height onto the entire city and surrounding area. Moreover, they are watching - in the most literal sense. The stone sculptures are carved with faces that would be the envy of modern sculptors. Being surrounded by omnipresent faces, you involuntarily experience both admiration and awe. Initially, there were 54 columns here, but only 37 have survived to this day.

Ancient city of Petra, Jordan

Lost among the endless sandy mountains in the Wadi Musa valley is the majestic city of Petra, whose architecture amazes with its monumentality and eternity. It is enough to visit a unique city to understand that these very sights of the world deserve the venerable right to be on the list of the best. The fortress grew out of several shallow caves in the rocks, which were used by ancient nomadic tribes as a temporary habitat. Petra is well preserved because there was and is only one entrance to the city - through a deep narrow gorge, where it is impossible to pass unnoticed. However, today guests are greeted not by the arrows and stones of the enemy, but by the hospitality of the Bedouins living on the territory of Petra.

Great Wall of China, China

The grandiose landmark of China is traditionally one of the world's famous landmarks and is the longest defensive structure. Its length is about 8 thousand kilometers, and according to some sources - all 10 thousand. It continuously crosses the entire territory of China and falls into the ocean. Why and how such a huge wall was erected still remains a mystery. The most interesting place to admire its grandeur is at the Mu Tian Yu site, which is the most well restored and open to the public.

Taj Mahal, India

The Taj Mahal temple complex is one of the modern wonders of the world. Its fascinating history is covered in myriads of romantic legends and tales, and the beauty of the structure defies verbal description. The world's most magnificent sights (photos with titles) pale in comparison to the breathtaking grandeur of the Taj Mahal. The complex is personified with eternal boundless love; it was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz, who tragically passed away during a difficult childbirth.

Alhambra, Granada, Spain

Literally translated, Alhambra means “Red Castle”. The muted red color of the sun-dried clay from which the castle walls are built fully justifies this name. According to another version, the castle was called red during its construction, which was carried out around the clock. At night, the site was illuminated by the lights of thousands of “red torches,” the reflections of which gave the structure a mystical red hue. - the most majestic Moorish building in Spain, telling about the times of invaders and colonialists more clearly than any historical manual.

Milan Duomo, Italy

Dozens of sharp Gothic spiers pierce the endless Milanese sky in the main city square. The Duomo Cathedral is the best example of Gothic architecture in Italy, the construction of which took place over 4 centuries, starting from the end of the 14th century. The cathedral's spiers are not only the most beautiful landmarks in the world, but also some of the largest on the planet. Their height is more than 100 meters, and the tallest is crowned with a golden statue of the Madonna, which is clearly visible from many areas of Milan. Like a guardian angel, she protects the townspeople from evil and misfortune.

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, ​​Spain

Another greatest example of Gothic architecture is in Barcelona by the great creator Antonio Gaudi. Construction of the temple is still underway, although the author himself has long been dead. There is a belief that when the Sagrada Familia is built, the end of the world will come. This may be why the workers are actually in no hurry to complete the project. And the official version of the long-term construction is that construction is being carried out exclusively at the expense of parishioners.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA

At the time of completion in 1937, Golden Gate was the largest suspension bridge on earth, which automatically places it among the world's top attractions. Why is the bridge called a gate? The answer can be obtained by looking at the Golden Gate from above (or from an interactive map). The bridge is the gateway for the Pacific Ocean to the calm waters of San Francisco Bay. By the way, “golden” is also not just a beautiful epithet. When the sun's rays fall on the red structure of the bridge at a certain angle, it really shimmers with gold - a truly stunning sight, especially in the shroud of clouds or fog that quite often covers San Francisco.

Chichen Itza, Mexico

The remains of the former greatness of the powerful Mayan civilization are best revealed to us in the form of the pyramids and temples of Chichen Itza - an ancient settlement with a rich history and an immense amount of secrets. The reasons for the oblivion of such a powerful colossus still concern the minds of world historians, which is why Chichen Itza is very popular and takes a well-deserved place in the TOP attractions of the world. The main monument of the Mayan era is the Temple of Kukulcan, which is a stepped pyramid 24 meters high. Judging by this and other settlement structures, the Mayans were excellent mathematicians, engineers and astronomers.

Christ the Redeemer Statue, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The majestic Christ Monument blesses the Brazilian capital with open arms from a height of 800 meters. This grandiose structure is ahead in popularity and gives a head start to many attractions around the world. Several million tourists from all over the world come to the foot of the statue every year to admire the breathtaking view of the city and the picturesque bay.

Angel Falls, Venezuela

The stream of water falling from a height of more than 800 meters can already be felt from afar as splashes on the skin. And its noise can be heard from a great distance. Angel Falls, hidden from prying eyes in the jungles of Venezuela, was discovered quite recently, in 1935, the road to it is so inaccessible and difficult. The waters of the Angel fall from the heights of Mount Tepuy, which translated from the local dialect means Devil's Mountain. A very appropriate name for a sheer rock formation in the heart of the hot South American tropics.

Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Snow-white lotus petals or shells in panoramic photographs of Sydney cannot be confused with anything else. The most popular attractions in the world, including takes pride of place, attract attention with just their appearance. Travelers planning to visit Australia should definitely include this building in their trip itinerary, because it is a symbol not only of Sydney, but of the entire country, although it appeared relatively recently.

Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar

The luxurious inverted begging bowl, every inch of which is lined with gold, is the largest pagoda in the country. Its territory occupies about 5 hectares, shining with luxury, wealth and Buddhist wisdom. Here you can meet griffins and lions, dragons and elephants decorating and protecting Shwedagon. Just the sight of the spiritual abode of Myanmar brings about enlightenment and harmony in the soul and body.

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What places do tourists visit most often? Journalists from Travel Leisure decided to find out. Based on data provided by the institutions responsible for tourism in different countries, a list of the most visited tourist destinations in the world has been compiled. Which place turned out to be the most popular among tourists? Find out on FullPicture.


30th place. Universal Studios Japan amusement park in Osaka, which opened in 2001. 10.1 million people visit it annually. (Photo: [email protected]/
29th place. Disney's Animal Kingdom amusement park in Florida is the largest of all the amusement parks owned by Walt Disney World Resort. It is also the second largest amusement park in the world. 10.2 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Ana Paula Hirama/
28th place. Disneyland Paris, which opened in 1992, is located on the outskirts of Paris, in Marne-la-Vallee. 10.4 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Cristian Bortes/
27th place. The Sacré-Coeur Basilica, which is located on the picturesque hill of Montmartre in Paris. Its bell tower houses one of the largest bells in the world. This cathedral attracts 10.5 million people annually. (Photo: Son of Groucho/
26th place. The Great Wall of China (Wanli Changcheng) is the largest building structure of ancient China, consisting of defensive fortifications erected at different times in order to protect the northern borders of the country from the nomadic peoples of the North. 10.7 million people visit it annually (Photo: Shutterstock).
25th place. St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, which has 11 chapels, 45 altars and countless statues, was created by the greatest architects and artists of the Renaissance and Baroque eras. 11 million people visit this place every year. (Photo: Chris Yunker/
24th place. Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. This amusement park, located on an area of ​​12 thousand hectares, is one of the largest entertainment complexes in the world. 11.2 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Evan Wohrman/
23rd place. San Antonio Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. For a long time this embankment was unkempt and overgrown with weeds. However, the city authorities decided to change this, and by investing 72 million dollars, they created the most picturesque place in the city, which attracts thousands for tourists and local residents. Every year 11.5 million people come there. (Photo: jjsala/
22nd place. South Seaport Street in New York. The cobblestone streets, buildings and waterfront that formed New York's 19th-century waterfront area, known as the "Street of Sails", are now one of the city's most popular attractions. Every year this tourist center is visited by 12 million people. (Photo: Patricia Hallstein/
21st place. Balboa Park is the largest tourist destination in San Diego. There are a large number of museums and historical buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries, built in Spanish style and with colorful gardens. More than 12 million people visit this place every year. (Photo: Osbornb/
20th place. Golden Gate Park is located in San Francisco and covers an area of ​​4.1 square kilometers. It is visited by 13 million people a year. (Photo: Mila Zinkova/Wikimedia).
19th place. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, which is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, is visited by 14 million people every year. (Photo: Shutterstock).
18th place. Tokyo Disney Sea is an amusement park whose main theme is various myths and legends associated with the sea. More than 14 million tourists visit it every year. (Photo: JoshBerglund19/
17th place. Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Francisco. This is an ideal place for a picnic and just relaxing among the greenery. 14.2 million people come there every year. (Photo: Frank Schulenburg/
16th place. The Forbidden City in Beijing is the former residence of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties and contains about 800 palaces. For five centuries the residence was closed to the outside world. Every year 15.3 million people come here. (Photo: Shutterstock).
15th place. Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Every year 16.2 million people have fun there. (Photo: HarshLight/
14th place. Tokyo Disneyland opened in 1983 and was the first Disney amusement park outside the United States. Every year it is visited by 17.2 million people. (Photo: fortherock/
13th place. Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston is a vibrant market where you can buy a variety of goods from around the world. About 18 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Masayuki (Yuki) Kawagishi/
12th place. Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Orlando, which opened in 1971, attracts 18.5 million visitors annually. (Photo: versageek/
11th place. The Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico is the largest shrine to the Virgin Mary in the world, with 20 million visitors annually. (Photo: Janothird/
10th place. Grand Central Terminal in New York is the largest train station in the world. 21.6 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Rob Young/
9th place. A total of 21.6 million people a year come to admire Niagara Falls from the Canadian and American sides. It’s not surprising, because this place makes a huge and indelible impression, regardless of the time of year. (Photo: Michael Muraz/
8th place. Senso-ji is the oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyo, built in 628. 30 million people visit it annually. (Photo: Wei-Te Wong/
7th place. Meiji Jingu Shrine in Tokyo was built over 100 years ago in honor of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken. Currently, it is visited by at least 30 million people annually. Despite such a large number of visitors, you can find peace and tranquility there. The temple is surrounded by a forest of more than 100 thousand trees. (Photo: Meiji Jingu/
6th place. The Las Vegas Strip is a section of Las Vegas Boulevard that is approximately 6.8 kilometers long. The Las Vegas Strip is home to nineteen of the twenty-five largest hotels in the world by number of rooms. The Las Vegas Strip attracts 30.5 million visitors annually. (Photo: David Stanley/
5th place. Washington DC's Union Station is ranked fifth among the most visited tourist destinations in the world. 40 million people visit it annually. (Photo: F Delventhal/
4th place. Central Park is the green symbol of New York. Every year, about 40 million people pass through its streets, for whom this is the best place to relax on the grass in a densely built-up city. (Photo: Abir Anwar/
3rd place. Times Square in New York has topped the list of the world's most visited tourist destinations for many years. In the latest ranking, however, he took only third place. This most famous square in the United States is visited by 50 million people every year. (Photo: MK Feeney/
2nd place. The Zocalo (Constitution Square) in Mexico City is one of the largest in the world. It was founded by the conquistadors in the 16th century on the site where the center of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan used to be. Nowadays it is a very busy square where people like to sit on benches, stone steps or high curbs. 85 million people visit it annually. (Photo: David Jones/
The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul took 1st place in the ranking of the most visited tourist places in the world. The Grand Bazaar is a huge labyrinth of thousands of shops, stalls, fountains and cafes, and a mixture of scents, colors and people. At the Grand Bazaar you can buy almost everything: clothes, trinkets, carpets, spices and even aphrodisiacs. Shopping here is a relentless bargaining experience and an interesting adventure. This is probably why the Grand Bazaar is the most visited place in the world. 91.2 million people shop there every year! (Photo: george ruiz/

Photo: by Peter BABILOTTE

Even the most avid traveler can always find unexplored places, countries and cultures, because our planet is so diverse. Rice terraces, waterfalls and clear ponds - we have collected for you 30 attractions that everyone should see at least once!


Pamukkale, Türkiye

A natural site in the Turkish province of Denizli represents 17 geothermal springs that look extraordinary! The dazzling white terraces are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. And besides, they are open for swimming.

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Rice terraces, China

The most famous rice terraces in China, Longji Rice Terraces, are called “Dragon Ridge” due to their unusual shape. They are located near Guilin County and rise 300-1100 meters above the sea. This place takes on its most spectacular appearance in the spring, when the blue sky and sun are reflected in the water.

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Temples of Bagan, Myanmar

The ancient city of Bagan in the state of Myanmar today is an archaeological site with pagodas, temples and monasteries. The most famous and beautiful of them are the Buddhist temple of Damayanji and Ananda. Once you see this ancient city, you will remember it forever.

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Monasteries of Meteora, Greece

The largest complex of monasteries in Greece is striking primarily for its location: it is located on the tops of cliffs reaching a height of 600 meters. The monasteries are a unique attraction, because they were built in 950-970, when there were no roads or equipment and all materials were raised to the rocks by hand.


Salt Flat of Uyuni, Bolivia

The dry lake in the southern Altiplano desert plain is the largest salt flat in the world. The mirror surface of Uyuni reflects the clouds, which creates an incredible sight!

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Hitachi National Park, Japan

In the park of the Japanese city of Hitatinaka you can admire the beauty of nature at any time of the year, because there are plants that bloom every season.

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Ad Deir and Al Khazneh, Jordan

The temples in the city of Petra in Jordan are unique attractions. Back in the 1st century AD. they were completely carved out of rocks.

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Machu Picchu, Peru

“The City Among the Clouds” is considered one of the most mysterious sights in the world, located on the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. It is believed that the city was created as a sacred mountain refuge by the Inca ruler Pachacutec. It was home to 1,200 people, all of whom mysteriously disappeared from the city in the middle of the 16th century.

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Cave in Algarve, Portugal

Situated on a beach in Portugal's Algarve region, this cave's perforated vault creates an amazing view. Especially when the sun's rays pass through them.

Photo: by IURII BURIAK 10

Lencois Maranhenses National Park in Brazil

The national park in the Brazilian state of Maranhão is famous for its sand dunes. It takes on a particularly enchanting appearance during the rainy season, when lagoons form between the dunes.

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Moraine Lake, Canada

Glacial Lake is located in Banff National Park at an altitude of 1885 meters. It is completely filled only from mid to late June, fed by the glacier. At this time, the rocky bottom of the lake creates an amazing reflection on the surface.

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Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

In the Vietnamese province of Quang Binh there is the largest cave in the world - Son Doong. It is assumed that its total volume is 38.5 million square meters. There is a river flowing in the cave, and there is also grass and trees.

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Tulip fields, Netherlands

Flower fields in the Netherlands occupy vast areas, which is why they look so fabulous. The largest number of tulips bloom from early April to mid-May - it is at this time that you can see an incredible riot of colors!

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Mount Roraima, South America

Table Mountain Roraima is located at the junction of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana. Its main feature is that a large cloud constantly hovers over the mountain.

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Cave of Crystals, Mexico

At a depth of 300 meters under the city of Naica in Mexico there is a cave of crystals. The largest crystal found here reached a height of 11 meters and had a width of 4 meters. You can stay inside the cave for no longer than 20 minutes, since the temperature in it can rise to 60 degrees.

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Colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia, ​​China

In the Chinese province of Gansu, the Zhangye Danxia National Geopark is located, the main attraction of which is the colored rocks. Formed by deposits of sandstone and other minerals, they reach a height of several hundred meters.

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Sea of ​​Stars, Maldives

Thanks to the bioluminescence of millions of living organisms, the beaches on the Maldivian island of Vaadu seem to be covered with stars. The spectacle is simply incredible!

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Antelope Canyon, USA

Located in northern Arizona, this canyon gets its name from its incredible coloration, reminiscent of the skin of an antelope. The sunlight breaking through the rocks adds special magic to this place.

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Fingal's Cave, UK

The rock-cut cave is located on the Scottish island of Staffa. Its walls are vertical basalt columns up to 20 meters high. The entrance to the cave is too narrow for boats, so you can only get into it on foot along the edge above the water.

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Bamboo forest, Japan

The amazingly beautiful natural landmark Sagano Bamboo Forest is located near Kyoto. It is a picturesque alley of tall trees that look very impressive.

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Spotted Lake, Canada

Spotted Lake near Osoyoos is also called Kliuk. Its water is rich in various minerals and has the highest concentration of magnesium sulfate in the world. Due to this, in the summer, during evaporation, spots of various shapes and colors form on the surface of the lake.

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Perito Moreno Glacier, Argentina

One of the most famous tourist sites in Argentina is the Perito Moreno glacier, located in Los Glaciares National Park. It has an area of ​​250 square kilometers.

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Iguazu Falls, South America

The complex of 270 waterfalls is located on the border of Brazil and Argentina and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. They are South America's most visited attraction, with up to 2 million visitors annually.

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Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland

The amazing landmark was formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption near Bushmills in Northern Ireland.

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Flathead Lake, USA

The largest lake in the United States is located west of the Mississippi River and is known for its incredibly clear water. Despite the fact that at first glance it seems shallow, in some places the depth of Flathead Lake reaches 113 meters.

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Pongur Falls, Vietnam

The waterfall in the vicinity of the city of Dalat reaches a height of 40 meters and is 100 meters wide. It is considered one of the main attractions of Vietnam - and no wonder, because its beauty is amazing!

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Great Barrier Reef, Australia

The world's largest coral reef stretches 2.5 thousand kilometers along the northeastern coast of Australia. It is the world's largest natural object formed from living organisms. Moreover, it can be seen from space.


Guijiang River, China

The river in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is one of the most picturesque in China. Transparent water and surrounding nature create a simply amazing atmosphere!

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Devils Tower Monolith, USA

The natural monument Devils Tower is located in the state of Wyoming and is a monolith of volcanic origin 386 meters high. It is believed that its age is from 195 to 225 million years.

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Troll Tongue, Norway

A stone ledge on the Skjeggedal rock, near the Norwegian city of Odda, has a similar name due to its unusual shape: it looks like a large tongue. But in fact, this is a fallen piece of rock, frozen horizontally on its edge.
