This train schedule on the route Orsha-Tsentralnaya - Balezino is for informational purposes only and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the station information desk.

About the train schedule Orsha-Tsentralnaya - Balezino

Currently, the Orsha-Tsentralnaya Balezino train schedule consists of 2 flights: direct trains - 0, passing trains - 2. These are flights 064B, 104B - the fastest of them is 064B Minsk-Pass. Novosibirsk-Glavny, which covers the distance along the route Orsha-Tsentralnaya Balezino in 1 day 4 hours 25 minutes, the slowest train is train 104B Brest-Central Novosibirsk-Glavny, departing at 19:20. The number of stops on the Orsha-Central Balezino route ranges from 16 to 16 depending on the train schedule and averages 16. Along the route, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 106 minutes. Trains depart from Orsha-Tsentralnaya station in the afternoon - 19:20, 19:20. All trains leave from Orsha-Tsentralnaya stations and arrive at Balezino stations.

In general, the train is charming: the sound of wheels, flashing trees outside the window, the light clink of a teaspoon and a glass holder evoke a special romantic mood.

But shopping at train stations in Russia is not always so positive.

The Anywayanyday service was created in order to preserve the romance of travel and make all organizational events convenient. So we offer to buy the train ticket Balezino - Orsha-Tsentralnaya on our website.

Electronic train tickets Balezino-Orsha-Tsentralnaya: fewer documents to forget

Every Anywayanyday employee has arrived at the station without a ticket at least once in their life. And we didn't like it. Therefore, we recommend buying Balezino - Orsha-Tsentralnaya in advance and online. All the most important things about your trip will always be at hand in your “personal account”.

Comfortable purchase of train tickets without queues

Now you can choose the most comfortable carriage and best time sending while at home, at school or work. The train schedule Balezino Orsha-Tsentralnaya is right in front of you - select the schedule date in the widget on the left.

Flexible ticket prices for the train Balezino - Orsha-Tsentralnaya

There is more freedom on the train. It’s not just “chicken or fish”, but any familiar food. You can walk around the carriage, sleep in a horizontal position, and not sit for several hours in an uncomfortable position at a huge height. The choice is yours at every point. And in cost too. Sometimes train tickets are cheaper than train tickets.

The price of train tickets Balezino Orsha-Tsentralnaya at Anywayanyday is flexible, like people jumping onto the top shelf the first time.

All benefits are clear and understandable. A best tickets The Balezino Orsha-Tsentralnaya train is already waiting for you - look at the train schedule by selecting the required date. Go?

Information about Balezino station

Balezino railway station is located in Russia.
OKATO code for Balezino railway station: 94204551.
Code railway: E7.

Information about Orsha-Tsentralnaya station

The Orsha-Tsentralnaya railway station is located in Belarus.

Mikhail Krav (): Nice train. I go quite often. Yes, and there’s not much to choose from. Sometimes I even visit a buffet between my two homelands (Brest and Russia). Naturally, it is not yet close to the level of European trains, but the special Soviet romanticism gives travel a unique flavor and atmosphere of philosophical existence. And if we take into account the fact that our whole life is a journey, then a train trip feels more appropriate and more real than ordinary everyday life. And just recently I found out that passengers on this train read my books. Prices in Russia are only too high, well, this is a matter of politics. But this does not prevent people from finding their comfort in any conditions, giving significant love and warmth to every little thing, grinning sweetly when they see ladies hiding vodka or the imperfect structure of dangling socks.. Love your neighbor, as they say)))).

Pauline (): I traveled by train Brest-Novosibirsk from Smolensk to Tyumen, 6th carriage, 12th seat. I forgot my passport under the sailor, the train traveled through Tyumen several times already, but no one handed over my passport, apparently the conductors did not notice it. Do they even clean the carriages? If so, then they would have found him. Otherwise everything was just great.

Olga (): Great train! I use it often, the last time was in the winter of 2017, reserved seat. Amazing guides, mostly young girls and guys. You can buy inexpensive tasty things from Belarus from them :) The car is new, there are stoppers and handles on the upper shelves to prevent it from falling. Double-glazed windows, there is no blowing or leaking from the windows. The carriage is exceptionally clean, even in reserved seats, cleaning is thorough and regular. In winter it is not hot, not stuffy. Ventilation works properly. In the summer, either I ventilated well, or the air conditioner worked, but I also don’t remember the stifling heat. The toilets are not organic, they are clean, they are kept in perfect order. There are large gaps between sanitary areas, so closing the toilets causes almost no problems.

Currently there is a train schedule board in the direction Balezino - Orsha-Center. consists of 10 trains long distance. Trains stop at large stations(such as Balezino, Orsha-Tsentr.), the schedule of which can be viewed on our website. The average travel time covered by rolling stock between these stations is 23 hours 52 minutes.

All trains can be divided into morning ones. First passenger train, which departs at night on the route Novosibirsk - Brest under number 103N, goes at 9:15 am. from Balezino station and at 8 hours 8 minutes. it arrives at the Orsha-Center station.. For example, the morning train number 063B follows from the Balezino station at 09:15:00 and arrives at the platform at 08:08:00 at the Orsha-Center station.. The night and last one, in its turn, the long-distance train goes under number 063B. Departs from Balezino at 9:17 am. and accordingly arrives at 8 hours 8 minutes. to the Orsha-Tsentr station..

On our website there is a correct online schedule in the direction Balezino - Orsha-Center. on given time. In connection with possible changes in the train schedule on the route Balezino - Orsha-Center. - we recommend contacting additional information to the information services of railway stations, where you can also purchase tickets for the desired train.

The Balezino Orsha-Tsentralnaya train schedule currently contains 4 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 22 hours 53 m, and the number of stops on this route is 15. Trains running on the Balezino Orsha-Tsentralnaya route most often stop at the Glazov, Zuevka, Kirov-Pass., Kotelnich 1, Shakhunya, the schedule for which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction depart, for example, at 09.15 from the Balezino station, and they arrive at the final destination Orsha-Tsentralnaya at 08.08 local time. The small number of designated trains on the Balezino Orsha-Tsentralnaya schedule is a sign that this route is not popular with passengers. The train schedule Balezino - Orsha-Tsentralnaya is designed so that you can leave in this direction in the morning.
You can buy tickets for the Balezino - Orsha-Tsentralnaya train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.