Hello friends! We begin to tell you about the cities of the island of Tenerife and the first will be its capital - Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Let's find out the history of the city, how to get there, get an idea of ​​the most interesting places that are worth visiting and develop a plan for visiting the capital for tourists. Let's get started!

In order to get to know the city in general terms, we will describe its history, which is known and written a thousand times on many sites. Let's not deviate from traditions, the capital is the capital. The history of Santa Cruz (translated from Spanish as Holy Cross), as such, begins with a small fishing village, which during the 16th century became an important port due to its location in the closed harbor of La Laguna. In the next century, the city becomes the administrative center, and in subsequent centuries - the capital of the entire archipelago.

It should be noted that since 1927, the city of Santa Cruz (Spanish: Santa Cruz de Tenerife) is not the only capital of the Canary archipelago. Every four years, the autonomous parliament changes its place of work and moves to the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spanish: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) on the island of Gran Canaria.

The capital is not a tourist resort at all and cannot boast of an abundance of hotels with beautiful swimming pools, because most tourists prefer to relax in the southern part of the island with a milder climate. But for Santa Cruz you can also set aside a day for excursions, shopping and just walking. In the article about the sights of Tenerife, we already wrote about interesting places in the capital that are worth seeing.

For those interested in churches and temples

Initially, a small chapel was built on the site of today’s temple; later, in its place, the first temple in Tenerife was erected and the first parish on the island was formed. Until 1638, the temple was called the Temple of the Holy Cross (Spanish: Santa Cruz), hence the name of the city. The construction of today's capital began from the square where the temple is located.

Masonic Temple

The Masonic Temple (Spanish: Templo Masónico de Santa Cruz de Tenerife) is a national architectural monument. The building has been closed for about 26 years; it is currently undergoing historical restoration and it is not possible to get inside. The façade of the building is decorated with sphinxes, and under the roof of the building there is a bas-relief of the Masonic symbol “The All-Seeing Eye”.

The symbol of the city and the most recognizable building with unusual architecture is the Auditorio de Tenerife concert hall (Spanish: Auditorio de Tenerife), which includes chamber and symphony halls. It was featured on one of the postage stamps, and the acoustics of the hall are considered one of the best in the world.

Very close to the Auditorio de Tenerife is the old fort Castillo Negro (Spanish: Castillo Negro) or Castillo de San Juan (Spanish: Castillo de San Juan) - the castle of St. John the Baptist, which has historical significance for the city.


Museum of Fine Arts(Spanish: Museo Municipal De Bellas Artes). Several galleries with a wide variety of exhibits. Various exhibitions are also held.

Plaza de España

The consecration throughout the area is made in the form of garlands with lamps that look like flowing drops of water. An integral part of the square is the Avenue of the Duke of St. Helena (Spanish: Alameda del Duque de Santa Elena) planted with trees.

Parque Garcia Sanabria

Park Garcia Sanabria (Spanish: Parque Garcia Sanabria) is the largest city park, botanical garden and a favorite meeting place for the capital's residents. There is also a flower bed with a “Flower Clock” and alleys with sculptures of the last century, and in the central square with a fountain there are sculptures of Mayor Garcia Sanabria and Doctor Guigo, thanks to whom this park was created.

Palmetum Park, Palmetum

The Palmetum Park and Botanical Garden (Spanish: Palmetum), built on a former city dump, today is an excellent place for a walk and relaxation. The park is home to about 400 species of palm trees from all over the world, many of which are on the verge of extinction. On the official website you can visit the park in 3-D mode.

Shops and shopping

  • Huge Santa Cruz shopping center
  • Trading house El Corte Inglés (Spanish: El Corte Inglés)
  • Meridiano (Centro Comersial Meridiano) - a classic shopping center with a cinema
  • And we haven’t talked about Calle de Castillo yet; it is located near Plaza de España and Plaza Candelaria. This is a pedestrian street with many shops, among which you can find crazy things. When planning walks around the capital and this street in particular, do not forget about the siesta; most shops and government offices are closed during the daytime hours from approximately 13:00 to 16:30 - 17:00.

Things to do in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

However, every year, during two weeks of February, Canarians forget about work and a slow lifestyle and immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere of the carnival. A large number of tourists come to the capital, the streets are filled with crowds of people, divided into two categories. The first is the official participants of the carnival: musicians, costumed dance and vocal groups, up to fifty groups and more than a hundred associations. The second group is ordinary spectators, city residents and tourists.

  • The Choice of the Carnival Queen (Spanish: Gala de Eleccion de la Reina) is a grandiose performance broadcast throughout the country.
  • The first procession is a public event called the Announcing Cavalcade (Spanish: Cabalgata Anunciadora), which announces the arrival of the carnival in the city. Tickets for this procession are not needed; people will walk like a multi-colored snake through the streets of the city and rejoice at the beginning of the holidays.
  • The main procession of the carnival is a key event of the holiday that cannot be missed. It will last more than four hours and will end with fireworks and festivities until the morning.
  • The funeral of the sardine (Spanish: Entierro de la Sardina) symbolizes the end of the carnival - an ironic procession with a huge cardboard effigy of a sardine, which is burned in the square, in general, the Spanish “Maslenitsa”.

Most of the coast of Santa Cruz is occupied by the port and there is absolutely nowhere to swim. Therefore, the beach of Playa de las Teresitas (Spanish: Playa de las Teresitas), located a few kilometers from the capital in the town of San Andres, is considered a city beach. A barrier pier was built along the beach, so there are practically no waves there and the water warms up faster.

Playa de las Teresitas is the only beach on the island with golden sand brought from the Sahara in the 70s. The beach is wide, well equipped and has a length of about 1200 meters. The only thing I don’t like there is the constant wind and fine sand in the face (perhaps we were so lucky with the weather).

Port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The port of the capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, is rightfully considered the largest in Tenerife and the second most important port in Spain. It leads in passenger turnover, is the largest fishing port in the Canary Islands and thanks to it, it maintains connections not only with the rest of the islands of the Canary archipelago, but also with mainland Spain.

In the video you can see the main attractions and look at Santa Cruz de Tenerife from a bird's eye view.

Today I will tell you about the capital of the island of Tenerife - Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the sights of the city. You will learn how to get the most out of your trip in a short time.

I visited Santa Cruz de Tenerife at the beginning of January. Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a city of eternal spring and the weather here, even in January, is simply excellent.

Santa Cruz is a modern city where, in addition to excellent weather, you can get the best experience of local gastronomy and visit both historical and modern monuments.

In order to get acquainted with the main attractions of the city, I recommend that you use the City Sightseeing service. In addition to the tour bus ride, the service also includes walking tours, and free entry to the local ethnographic museum, Palmetum and tours of the Auditorio. And that's not all - you can also request a travel ticket for a trip to the historical capital of Tenerife - La Laguna and Las Teresitas beach.

Attractions Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  • The symbol of the city and a must-see monument is the Auditorio. , authored by the famous Spanish architect Santiaga Calatrava, famous for his work Cities of Science and Arts in Valencia . The auditorium fully reflects the author's style - you will clearly see the similarity of the monument with the buildings of the City of Science and Arts. The enormity of the project is truly amazing: the walls of the Auditorium are decorated trencadis - pieces of mosaic in the style of Gaudi. The auditorium is a concert building and a venue for various cultural events.

  • The most beautiful botanical garden and the place for the best panoramas of the city is Palmetum. . Here you will see the greatest variety of palm trees and other tropical and subtropical plants from all over the world. The park is divided into zones, in each of which you can explore different types of palm trees.

    And of course, don’t miss the best panorama of Santa Cruz de Tenerife - an ideal place for beautiful photos.

    Palmetum is a unique project that has transformed a landfill site into a beautiful botanical garden.

  • For those who are interested in ethnography and history, I definitely advise you to visit the main museum of the city called “La naturaleza y el hombre” . In the museum you can get acquainted with the history of the origin of the island, with its fauna and flora, as well as learn about the Aboriginal tribe that originally inhabited Tenerife. The museum also features interesting interactive materials.

  • The historical center, where the main ancient buildings of Santa Cruz are located, is Noria Street (calle de la Noria). This is a unique place that has preserved its original authentic atmosphere. This is where you will see typical Tenerife houses with wooden balconies. This street is also famous for its restaurants, which offer both local and international cuisine.

  • I recommend taking a walk around Garcia Sanabria Park . Here you will see many subtropical and tropical plants. A pleasant place to relax and take a leisurely walk.

  • Visit a picturesque and different city Plaza España . There is also a tourist office here.

  • Take a stroll through the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife . Almost every day you can see cruise ships here, and at night the port is especially beautiful.

What to visit in the vicinity of Santa Cruz de Tenerife?

If after visiting the sights of the capital you still have some free time, I advise you to also explore the outskirts of the city.

If you want to see Santa Cruz de Tenerife, I advise you to watch my video.

For those planning their trip to Tenerife, I also recommend reading my review article about Tenerife and its attractions .

Have you been to Santa Cruz de Tenerife? What sights do you recommend visiting?

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is one of the capitals of the Canary archipelago, the main port city of the province of the same name. Until the 16th century, the town was known to history as a small harbor village of La Laguna. Its favorable geographical location has made the city an important port of the Canary Islands.

In 1723, Santa Cruz received the status of the administrative center of Tenerife, and a hundred years later it became the main city of the archipelago. Economic development reached its peak after the Spanish settled here and built trade routes across the island. Foreign states have encroached on the wealth of Tenerife, victories over whose troops are honored by local residents.

The successful conduct of military operations, the development of trade, and the enrichment of the port town filled the city with attractions that attract tourists and delight the population of the island.

The limited time spent on the island forces vacationers to reduce the list of places to visit to the most basic. To be comfortable while exploring Santa Cruz, it is important to make a plan for getting around the city in advance.

Tourists will be interested in visiting the following locations in the capital:

Architectural sites and monuments of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The property and center of the city’s historical monuments is called Plaza de España. Its size is 5,026 square meters. It was built on the territory of the former San Cristobal Castle. In history, the building served as a bastion, a fortress for protection against attacks by sea pirates. The remains of the castle are kept in an underground gallery. The square is designed by Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron.

The architects initiated the transfer of the fortress underground, landscaping the space with three hundred species of plants. In Plaza de España there is a monument to the victims of the Civil War of 1936-1939. Escames Garcia is considered the author of the idea of ​​erecting the monument. The structure is a high tower in the shape of a cross.

There is an elevator built inside, and those who want to are taken up to see the square from a bird's eye view. Near the monument there are three sculptures: a mother with her murdered son, an angel and a naked knight. The inscription on the monument reads: “Tenerife in honor of those who gave their lives for Spain.” At the base of the monument there is an entrance to the chapel underground.

In the middle of the square there is an impressive fountain. The jets are illuminated by garlands with drop bulbs.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife has its most famous landmark - Plaza de España.

In memory of the island's indigenous population, the Spaniards erected a number of monuments along the Candelaria promenade. The Guanche monuments consist of eight sculptures of tall, majestic warriors on pedestals in the form of stone fragments. The once strongest people were defeated, exterminated, and partially driven into slavery by the conquerors of the Canary archipelago.

It is believed that there are no descendants of the Guanches left in the world today. In 1936, the opening of the monument by the Spanish sculptor Juan de Avalos took place. The Fallen Angel monument depicts a man piercing the back of a flying angel with a sword in the shape of a cross.

The sculpture is dedicated to the victory of Franco's army in the Civil War and the establishment of the general's dictatorship. The city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where the landmark stands, became the starting point of the military mutiny.

Temples and Cathedrals of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, whose sights are of great historical importance for the island, has a large number of religious buildings. The main temple of the city is considered to be the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The building was founded in 1500 and burned down in 1653. Architects restored the masterpiece over two centuries. The church was built in Italian style.

The tall white building with contrasting decoration and red tiled roof is visible in many places in the city. The colonnade next to the temple makes it possible to climb to the top and fully see the old part of Santa Cruz. From a bird's eye view, the architects' idea to build buildings around the church in the form of a cross is revealed.

Fourteen chapels near the holy place symbolize religious events, provide information about saints, and store relics. The inside of the bell tower is furnished in Baroque style and is illuminated by dozens of chandeliers. In the southeast of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the Basilica of Our Lady of Candelaria.

The white and beige architectural ensemble houses the wooden figure of the Black-faced Virgin of Candelaria, sacred to local residents. Adjacent to the church is a sanctuary (the repository of the statue) and a Dominican monastery. The top of the basilica is represented by a 25 m long bell tower. The exterior of the building is decorated in the Moorish style, the interior decoration corresponds to the classical canons of the Catholic Church.

In 1902, by order of the Añas Masonic Lodge, the first Masonic Temple was erected on the island of Tenerife.

Architect Manuel de Camar built the building in the style of Egyptian buildings. The mysterious appearance of the church is created by symbols, eagles, sphinxes. Under the roof of the temple one can see the Radiant Delta - an eye with rays emanating from it. In the center of the façade there are two tall columns. Two doors, symmetrical to each other, lead inside: the first opens the lobby, the second opens the meeting room.

The last room is decorated with relief columns and a mosaic floor. In 1936, after the Civil War, the temple was requisitioned and the building was converted into a warehouse for medicines. Today the church is a national monument of local architecture. The inside is being restored by architects.

Interesting museums in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The former civil hospital in the center of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has become the Museum of Nature and Man. The three-story building in the neoclassical island style invites tourists and local residents to study the history of the development of the Canaries and see the diversity of flora and fauna of the archipelago.

The first floor is dedicated to the formation of the islands; above they show the history of the development of plants and animals. The museum is modernized, equipped with modern technology, and has exciting multimedia. There is a cafe and gift shop downstairs. There is a small garden on the territory of the museum.

Santa Cruz is home to the largest cultural site in the Canary archipelago, the Tenerife Art Center (TEA). The structure occupies an area of ​​20,622 square meters. The basis of the architectural structure are diagonal elements and inclined transitions. The glazed openings add dynamism to the building.

The facility first opened its doors to visitors in 2008. The TEA houses the Red Insular library, the local photography center, and the Oscar Dominguez Institute. A collection of works by photographer Ordonez-Falcón is kept here, and the work of Ansel Adams was exhibited. The walls of the Arts Center contain surrealist paintings by Oscar Dominguez.

Parks and gardens of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, whose attractions are not limited to architectural structures, attracts tourists with the beauty of its natural sites. The Rural de Anaga Biosphere Reserve occupies 14.5 hectares of the island. Nature lovers will appreciate the inspiring mountain range, deep ravines leading to beaches, and the maximum naturalness of the area.

The park is guarded by special services. Rare species of flora and fauna provide value to Tenerife and the world. In Rural de Anaga, laurel forests have been preserved, most of which have died out due to glaciation. The park has been declared a Special Protected Ornithological Zone due to the habitat of more than 100 species of birds, including living relics (laurel and Canary pigeons).

The marine fauna is rich in diversity, which includes the Canary whiting, Canary eel, vieja, and sea cat.

The pride of Tenerife is the Garcia Sanabria Park - an obligatory component of excursions around the island. Exotic trees, shrubs and flowers grow on 67 thousand square kilometers of area. There are sculptures of Jose Guinovarta and Pablo Serrano throughout the park, and busts of famous people have been erected.

The place is recognizable by the monument of Francisco Borges Salas and Marrero Regalado in the form of a tall gray structure called "Garcia Sanabria". The monument is located in the center of the fountain. Behind the monument is another sculpture by Salas - “Motherhood”. The sculpture depicts a naked woman sitting on a stone in the middle of a fountain.

Beaches of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The calling card of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is Las Teresitas Beach. The place attracts tourists with golden sand, palm trees, a beautiful landscape of a clear azure ocean and a pleasant sea breeze. The beach is located near the capital, which makes it an important tourist point of the island. Souvenir shops are located here. Coastal restaurants, cafes, and bars have been built along the beach.

Upon entry, visitors are greeted by ample free parking. It is possible to rent beach accessories: umbrellas, sun loungers. Children will be interested in the inflatable town with many slides. Near Las Teresitas there is an equally beautiful place - Las Gaviotas Beach. The black volcanic sand on the territory creates an interesting landscape and is famous for its healing properties.

On the beach there are shops with souvenirs and kiosks. The area is popular with nudists. Antequera Beach is distinguished by its beautiful nature. A secluded place in the northeast of Tenerife promises tourists peace, the quiet splashing of ocean waves and enjoyment of the beauty of the landscape.

Getting to the beach is difficult, since it is isolated from the urban environment and is not equipped with infrastructure. From the capital to the place you will have to walk 40 km. They get to the beach by boat.

Historical monuments of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, whose attractions are largely connected with past events, tells tourists its history through old temples, monuments, and architectural structures. Exploring the city's culture provides insight into the island's rich past.

Not far from the Auditorio de Tenerife is the Castle of San Juan Bautista. The fortress is considered one of the oldest and most significant buildings in Santa Cruz. It was founded in 1641 and became famous for the successful defense of the city from invaders. It was this castle that contributed to the victory over the great British admiral Horatio Nelson.

Candelaria is home to the Carta Palace, a building that has become an icon of Tenerife for many years. The building took thirty years to build. This influenced the style of the palace: Canarian baroque is combined with neoclassicism. The building is made of stone. The Karta Palace was used as the headquarters of the government and the National Credit Bank.

During the entire existence of the building, at least 19 generals lived here. Today the building is being reconstructed and will soon be available for tourists to visit.

Adelantado Square has historical value. The place was named in honor of Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, the conqueror of Tenerife. From the 16th to the 20th centuries, all important events took place here, and government buildings were concentrated here.

In 1843, the area was divided into green areas. In the center of Adelantado is a large marble fountain, made in France and brought to the island in 1870.

Modern facilities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

The city is famous for its two twin skyscrapers. The time of their construction dates back to 2004-2006. What makes the building a must-visit is its height - 120 m. Modern buildings rank third among the tallest buildings in Spain. The idea of ​​​​building skyscrapers belongs to Julian Valladares. The building of the Auditorio de Tenerife concert hall is considered the symbol of Santa Cruz.

The creation of architecture appeared on the island in 2003. The design of the building belongs to Santiago Calatrava. The building is designed in the postmodern style and looks like an impressive white sailboat. The interior design is striking in its beauty, scale and thoughtfulness.

The Auditorio de Tenerife attracts the attention of music lovers with its amazing acoustics and clear sound within the walls of the hall. Calatrava's masterpiece is considered the best concert hall in Spain.

Top 5 places to relax with children

The Canary Islands are chosen for family holidays. Before traveling to the island, it is important to research places that are suitable for visiting with children.

The history of Santa Cruz de Tenerife has a number of interesting pages. To fully explore the city, it is important to learn about fascinating facts from the island's past and present.


Excursion routes

Travel agencies offer many options for excursions in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and each traveler has the opportunity to choose according to his interests.

The classic version of a walking tour involves a walk through the most famous places of the city, exploring the main historical and cultural attractions. The tour begins with exploring the Plaza de España and continues with a journey through the streets of Santa Cruz, visiting parks and temples. The cost of a traditional excursion is 30 euros per person.

Fans of water activities are offered to try a sea safari. Traveling across the ocean takes place on jet skis. During the trip, you have the opportunity to look at the island from the other side, explore the rocks, caves, fish farms and bays. Tourists can stumble upon the marine fauna of Tenerife: dolphins, whales, flying fish.

Some tours include diving. The price of the excursion is about 130 euros per person. Gourmets will be interested in a walk through the most delicious places in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The guide will take tourists to local cafes and restaurants and conduct a tasting of the island’s residents’ favorite dishes. The average cost is from 15 to 30 euros per person.

There are tours to the natural attractions of Tenerife. The excursion involves exploring the unique Rural de Anaga Park, walking along the beaches of Benijo and Las Teresitas, and swimming in the ocean waters. During the tour there is a stop at a non-tourist restaurant. The price of the excursion is about 180 euros.

Self-guided walking route

Some tourists prefer to explore the city on their own, so it is important to plan a route before setting off on your trip. The following walking route is designed to walk along the streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and visit all the important places in the city.

The journey begins at the Auditorio de Tenerife, the famous concert hall of the Canary Islands. The quaint building will be interesting to see both from the outside and from the inside. Nearby is El Corte Inglés, a trading house. Shopping lovers will be interested in going shopping and purchasing goods as souvenirs of the city.

Then the path goes to Weiler Square. This place is distinguished by picturesque landscapes. The main attraction here is the "Fountain of Love" - ​​a marble structure with children's sculptures. After visiting the square, we take a walk along Castillo Street. There are plenty of local shops, restaurants and cafes to grab a bite to eat.

The next point on the route is Plaza de España. The huge territory is filled with rows of historical sculptures and monuments. It is recommended to explore the monument to the victims of the Civil War, the San Juan Bautista Castle, and the fountain. Here is the capital's logo in the form of large white letters. Instead of "A" there are two hearts.

The path ends at Las Teresitas beach. Here you can relax on the golden velvet sand, swim in the ocean, have a drink at the bar and buy souvenirs for your return home.

The sights of Santa Cruz de Tenerife are distinguished by their historicity and show the process of cultural development of the city from the 16th century to the present. On the island you can find a number of parks with exotic plants, museums, and beaches. The warm climate of Santa Cruz allows tourists to come at any time of the year.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife - overview and interesting places:

The Canary Islands attract travelers from all over the world. Tenerife, the island of eternal spring, becomes the favorite among many. When relaxing by the sea, you should definitely set aside a day to get acquainted with its capital - the majestic Santa Cruz de Tenerife. At first glance, it may seem that there are few attractions here, but a curious tourist will discover many secrets carefully kept by the Spaniards.

In the north-eastern part of Tenerife there is not a metropolis at all, but Santa Cruz de Tenerife. His story begins a very long time ago. And it is connected with the name of Don Alonso Fernandez de Lugo. He always dreamed of conquering the Canary Islands. He wanted to feel the glory of Columbus, who discovered unknown countries. One day he landed numerous troops on the island where Santa Cruz de Tenerife later arose.

The conquest of the lands was clearly planned. Before the expedition began, Fernandez de Lugo received support from Seville bankers and sold his own sugar plantations. Having reached the island, he landed in the northern part. To prove the capture of the area, he immediately installed the Holy Cross, from which the name of the village of Santa Cruz came. Then the conqueror moved deeper into the island, and we will stop and consider what happened to the settlement next.

The history of the fishing village, which was not yet called Santa Cruz de Tenerife, dates back to 1494. Then the first inhabitants settled here. Gradually the place began to grow and expanded into the city. If not for chance, would it have managed to become the capital. In 1706, a volcano woke up on the island. The enraged Montaña Negra destroyed most of the buildings of the city of Garachico, which was considered the main port in Tenerife. Then Santa Cruz took his place. In 1723, it was decided to move the capital here. It remains so to this day, although it periodically cedes its role to another city - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Since the birth of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, it has never been surrendered to enemies. The local residents bravely withstood all attacks. The coat of arms tells about victories and the desire for freedom. The three lion heads are symbols of major victories over Roberto Blake, John Jennings and Horatio Nelson. Now Santa Cruz de Tenerife is a quiet, peaceful city with about 250 thousand inhabitants. By the standards of the island it is large.

Carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Residents and numerous tourists consider the main attraction of the city to be the carnival, which is held annually in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. They have been waiting for him for a whole year, exactly from the day the previous one ended. You will be able to see the spectacle, which lasts 2 weeks, in February.

For two weeks, the capital attracts guests from all over the world. The spectacle is amazing. In terms of brightness of colors, it is in no way inferior to Brazilian carnivals, except that it is a little more modest in scope. Among the main events are the election of the queen of the island, the horse parade, and the burial of the sardine.

Temples of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Anyone who visits the capital of the island can see the Holy Cross, which gave its name to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The shrine is kept in the main city temple - the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. The city has a special attitude towards her. Locals call it the Cathedral or Mother Church. A small chapel was opened on the site of the founding of the city already at the end of the 15th century. Later it was transformed. A majestic spire appeared, visible from all corners of the city. The ashes of many figures who became famous at different times rest here.

A little later, in the 17th century, construction began on the Church of St. Francis of Assisi. It took almost a century to build in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Nowadays, many valuable icons, paintings, and sculptures are collected here.

The attractions of Santa Cruz de Tenerife include the Masonic Temple. However, it will not be possible to get into it, because it has been under repair for more than two decades. Many tourists approach the building, take pictures, and admire the sphinxes decorating the facade.

City squares and main streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Many tourists begin their walks around the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife from the main square - Plaza de España. Previously, there was the fortress of San Cristobal. Now the majestic square, recognized as the largest on the island, is decorated with a tall monument in the form of a Cross with an observation deck located at the top. There is also a beautiful fountain and monument glorifying the defenders of Spain. The composition includes bas-reliefs and several sculptures. Adjacent to the square is the Avenue of the Duchess of St. Helena, the entrance to which is opened by an arch laid out in 1787.

There are slightly fewer tourists in Candelaria Square, where the monument to the Holy Virgin of Canelaria is erected. Next to her are her faithful Guanche guards. There are four of them. There were the same number of angels, which for some reason were removed after the next restoration.

Rambla de Santa Cruz is the main street of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In appearance, she doesn't stand out in any way. On both sides there are many cozy restaurants and cafes where you can taste national dishes. It's worth walking to the end to see the monument to Franco, the general who defended Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Modern landmarks

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is growing rapidly. Its newly built buildings are in no way inferior in beauty to those that have stood for centuries. The vanguard has reached the city. This is evidenced by a masterpiece that has no equal in Europe. Acoustico de Tenerife is a modern concert hall built during the period in Santa Cruz de Tenerife from 1997 to 2003. The unusual shape is impressive: it seems that there is a huge sail in front of the viewer. There is an organ installed here, the sound of which is a must-listen. The acoustics of the hall are the best in the world, something its authors are proud of. The Symphony and Chamber halls are open, there is a luxurious terrace and a spacious hall.
There are several museums in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

You are encouraged to visit at least one of them:
fine arts;
contemporary art.

Parks and squares

The capital is surrounded by greenery. When getting to know the city, you need to enjoy the beauty of nature. Local parks worth admiring:
Palmetum is a botanical park and garden at the same time, where 400 species of various palm trees brought from different countries are grown;
La Granja is a wonderful holiday destination for children in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, where there are many attractions;
García Sanabria is the central place in the city, where everyone meets at the flower clock or next to the sculptures of Dr. Guigo or Mayor García Sanabria.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife is an amazing capital, not designed for tourist flows. It is quiet and cozy here, so in the absence of numerous entertainment venues, you can enjoy the beauty of the island’s capital.

And it is the main port of the island. The second largest port in terms of passenger traffic is Los Cristianos, which is located in the south, 84 km from it. It is predominantly blown by north-eastern and south-western trade winds, the height difference between high and low tides is 2.7 meters. Divided into 4 separate deep water docks: Los Llanos, Anaga, Pesquera and Este harbors.

In 2016, it was ranked among the three largest ports in the world for Seatrade Cruise Med cruise traffic and shares this place among the ports of Southampton (UK) and Kai Tak (Hong Kong).

Port building

In the seaport building you will find: car rental, bar, toilet, ticket sales, recreation area and police. If you want to purchase tickets, it is better to do this through the website of the carrier company: Trasmediterranea, Naviera Armas, Fred. Olsen.

When arriving on a cruise ship to the island of Tenerife, you can always use the services of our company, for example, book an individual excursion with a Russian-speaking guide. If you are a group of friends, then you can reduce the cost of the trip by dividing the cost of the excursion in half with your friends, which is obvious, and order a minibus for up to 8 people. Our guide will be happy to provide you with interesting information and the best places on the island of Tenerife.

Additionally, we have the opportunity to travel to any destination you choose; for this you can use the service of a driver with a car, with knowledge of Spanish and Russian and an excellent knowledge of the island. Any destination, you will be quickly taken to wherever you say, it could be a wine tour, any beach or take the funicular to the Teide volcano. We offer you flexible tariffs, where payment is made for every 30 minutes, starting from the third hour of employment (the first two hours are limited). In addition, if you want to take a walk on your own in the outskirts of the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, then you can get acquainted with the places that are interesting to visit near the port, for this follow the link: What to visit in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Have a nice holiday!

Destinations and carrier companies

Directions Trasmediterranea Naviera Armas Fred. Olsen
Gran Canaria (Las Palmas) 4 hours 00 minutes 2 hours 45 minutes
Gran Canaria (Agaete) 1 hour 20 minutes
La Palma (Santa Cruz de La Palma) 5 hours 30 minutes
Lanzarote (Arrecife) 17:00 14 h. 30 min.
Fuerteventura (Puerto del Rosario) 20 hours 30 minutes 11 hours 30 minutes
Fuerteventura (Morro Jable) 6 hours 00 minutes
Cadiz 49 hours 00 minutes
Huelva 31 hours 15 minutes
Graciosa (Caleta de Sebo) 17:00
Times are approximate

History of the port

Since the arrival of the conqueror and military leader Javier Alonso Fernandez de Lugo, the port has become a connecting sea route for Tenerife. Javier Alonso, at the time of the conquest, chose this bay as the most suitable and convenient place; and after the place was secured, it was made into a defensive fort in order to prevent any attempt at attack. Thus, this defensive support played a decisive role during the battle with the ancient Guanches, and in the future, against attacks by pirates and various invaders.

The port began to emerge on a small beach, with the name “La Carnicería” (butcher shop), next to the “Santos” gorge (Spanish: Santos) with the adjacent small bay “Blas Díaz”, which overlooked a few meters into the ocean and served as protection from the waves. Many residents called this place "La Caletilla" (La Caletilla - cove), where local fishermen unloaded their catch and moored their boats. Initially, the location and security of the bay suited everyone, but over time there was an increase in boats, the development of trade, and soon the question of expanding the pier and its safety became acute.

In 1526, by order of Juan de Aguirre, the City Council of Tenerife requests financial assistance from the Royal Court. Having received a positive response, the first foundation is laid for the construction of a real port, with its further subsidies.

During construction, many new problems arise, some of them: unfavorable weather conditions, a strong storm in 1551, 1585 and 1600, entail a change in the reconstruction plan, the creation of additional fences, breakwaters and, of course, an increase in the cost of the project. After all, you need to make sure that all ships are safe, even during strong winds and hurricanes.

Despite the fact that the sea pier in which the defensive fortress was located had good security, the port never received overwhelming trade, although it was proclaimed “Main” by the Municipal Council. This happened due to the fact that the ports in the cities of Garachico and La Orotava took on more commercial activity, since the humid northern climate of Tenerife gave more harvests and winemaking, and the close accessibility from production to sea docks made the choice obvious.

Port fortresses of Santa Cruz

Following the expansion of the seaport and trade, in 1575 the Legislative Authority of the city of San Cristobal de La Laguna decided to build a fortress, which would be named after the name of the city itself “San Cristobal” or Saint Christopher. Two years later, on January 20, 1577, she entered military service to protect the coastline.

The Italian military engineer Leonardo Torriani (Leonardo Torriani 1559 - 1628) visited the island at the end of the 16th century and recommended that the monarch build two more bastions to strengthen the shore, which should be located in adjacent areas.

With the arrival of Major General Francisco de Andía, Torriani's recommendations are implemented, it is decided to establish the Paso Alto fortress in the La Alegria area in order to improve the protection of distant approaches. The idea was implemented in 1625 and would later play a decisive role in the defense and significant damage to the English army of Admiral Robert Blake on April 30, 1657 during the attack on Tenerife.

After 16 years, the third coastal tower “San Juan” (Spanish: San Juan) or “Black Fortress” was born in the town of Caleta de Negros in 1641, closing almost the entire coastline of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which In the future, you will have to inevitably participate in hostilities.

Port during the 18th century

During the 18th century, several important key moments occurred in the development of the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

There is progress at the level of internal communications, which significantly facilitates the movement of industrial cargo from the northern part of the island.

Accommodation General Captaincy Santa Cruz.

The emergence of a small bourgeois commercial class associated with the port.

A volcanic eruption in 1706 completely destroys the port of Garachico, which at that time had a very important commercial role in trade on the island. These premises lead to the consideration of the port in Santa Cruz as the main trading center.

The need for constant improvement of the docks raises the question of deepening the pier. In 1729, the military engineer Miguel Benito Herrán designed a plan for a new pier in the place where the San Cristobal fortress was located.

Later in 1741, the commander Don Andrés Bonito de Pignatelli entrusted the engineer Antonio La Rivière to work on the early design of Miguel Benito and the very next year La Rivière submitted his plan, which was studied in May 1742 in Madrid, but nevertheless, as in the first case, this project never saw the light of day.

7 years later, Commander Juan de Urbina tried to complete a new pier project. They sent out a request to influential businessmen to make gifts and donations in order to speed up and facilitate the implementation of their plans. This time, engineers Francisco La Pierre and Manuel Hernández introduced a new design plan. A year later, construction begins, in the place where it was previously planned, near the fortress of San Cristobal.

However, later in 1755, new bad weather caused severe defects in the breakwater. Merchants and port staff doubted the correctness of the project and suggested returning to the old bay of La Caleta for all activities. Nevertheless, in 1784 Andrés Amat de Tortosa, in collaboration with Francisco Jacot, began restoration work, finishing it in 1787.

Construction of a powder warehouse

The powder magazine (Spanish: Casa de la Pólvora) was designed by military engineer Francisco La Pierre in 1756 to store gunpowder, which was used by fortresses and weapons batteries. The powder warehouse undoubtedly has historical and architectural value in that its structure is in excellent condition, surviving to this day from the moment of construction. Located a few meters from the San Juan fortress, between the Tenerife Auditorium and the Cesar Manrique Marine Park.

The work was supervised by the military engineer Francisco Gozar from 1756 to May 24, 1758. It is a rectangular building of 10 × 30 meters of masonry, covered with a barrel vault. It could store up to 3,000 quintals of gunpowder without moistening it, being close to the ocean. The building had a lightning rod. In 1779, the powder warehouse was additionally lined with thick brick walls, carefully protecting it from cannon shots from the sea; at the moment there are none, they are destroyed.

Abandoned in the 19th century and preserved as an artifact of a bygone era.

Construction of the Customs House (Real Aduana)

The general commander, Bonito Pignatelli, decided to establish in 1742 a Customs building, square in shape, two floors, made of lime mortar and wood, with the decorative addition of marble from the island of Lanzarote, in the esplanade of the small bay of Blas Dias. The building stood for almost two centuries, eventually it was demolished and a Post Office - Telegraph was built in its place.

19th century

Starting from the second half of the 19th century, the seaport experienced a period of strong prosperity, until 1950 it became the economic axis of the island. Primarily based on the cochineal trade (cochineal mealybug, natural red dye, carmine). The increasing demand for this product brings good economic benefits from the enactment of the Free Ports Law (Puertos Francos) in 1852.

Colonial routes: The geographical location of the Canary Islands made this place a transit point for European powers. In addition, this fact contributed to the opening of many European companies. Most companies are encouraged by the good results of future port projects, which have led to an increase in the economic dynamism of the port. The Trade Council decided in 1845 to build a new pier with new safety measures. The project was entrusted to landscaping technician Pedro Maffiotte, with the intention of increasing ship traffic and therefore trade. In 1846, the famous civil engineer Francisco Clavijo y Plo arrived on the island to design roads, canals and ports. Up to this point, all work was designed by military engineers.

In 1852, the port of Santa Cruz was declared a major interest, which must meet all the new requirements of modern ports, which must have centers for trade contracting, an area for warehouses, areas for unloading materials and other necessary services.

The Clavijo Plan was approved in 1864, which proposed a profound improvement of the port facilities of the capital, starting reconstruction at the end of the 19th century, with the advent of new high-tech machines and technologies.

Port in the 20th century

At the beginning of the 20th century, in the lower rocky area called La Jurada, 50 tons of gunpowder and 65 kg of dynamite were used to extract 300,000 tons of building material for a new offshore platform. Stones from this quarry were used to build the southern dam, which were transported by rail. The first steam locomotive was brought to the island in 1890, soon followed by additional diesel locomotives manufactured by Henschel. One of these cars from 1924 has been preserved and can be found at the foot of the former quarry, near the TF-11 highway, which goes to Las Teresitas beach.

Over the past century, the port has been very sensitive to economic influences and highly vulnerable from external sides. One of the significant crises occurred in 1916, due to the severe reduction in international shipping and the activity of German submarines during the Second World War. After almost 40 years, since 1953, shipping has gradually recovered to the high level of previous years, which brings additional cash injections, development and support for the seaport of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Anaga Harbor (Darsena de Anaga)

Anaga Inner Harbor consists of 4 piers: Sur, Norte, Ribera and Enlace.

Norte Pier: Designed in 1909 and has little activity. This is where the missing Jet Foil stood in 1991. Currently, the historic steam ship La Palma, built in 1912, is preserved and moored here.

Pier Sur: Revived in the 19th century and extended in 1921. It is 1351 meters long and 12 meters deep. Now reserved for the berthing of large tourist cruise ships.

Ribera pier: Construction began in 1951. The structure of the port is quite complex, 269 meters are allocated for passengers, a fruit berth of 397 m and a main goods berth of 382 m. Its characteristics allow the mooring of up to two ships at the same time, both ferries and Ro-ships. Ro.

Enlace Wharf: Opposite the Plaza de Espana, this large area between the docks of Anaga and Los Llanos was a busy trading post of former times, with active trading of goods.

Eastern Harbor (Dársena del Este)

Consists of the Eastern seawall, the Contenedores pier and the Bufadero pier.

The eastern dam is used as a technical intermediate port for tankers and longboats. It is where ore cargo ships, pneumatic ships and oil tankers carry out their operations.

Contenedores (Container) Berth: Forms a space with a capacity of 5000 TEU, for loading and unloading of large container ships.

Bufadero Quay: 421 meters long and 14 meters deep, was opened in 1993 and has an area of ​​130,000 m2, which can accommodate a 6,000 TEU container ship. Reconstruction is currently underway to increase capacity.

Pesca Harbor

Designed for economic sector development operations, as well as the placement of sports courts.

Los Llanos Harbor

Consists of the Dam and the Ribera II pier

Dam: 1426 m long and 8-12 meters deep, currently used for special traffic. There is also a recreation area (crew change) for permanently floating shipyards.

Berth Ribera II: Accommodates two adjustable docks of 400 and 470 meters each and functions to accommodate RO-RO ships and container ships.


The identifying sea lantern is the La Farola del Mar lighthouse, built by Henry Leapaute, who arrived from Paris in May 1862. It is one of the previously active lighthouses of the south pier. Its work began on December 31, 1863 (9 years after the adoption of the “Free Ports” law in 1852), and was active until 1954, when it became useless with modern requirements for port development.

Plaza de España is the most important and largest square of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, located in the Canary Islands.

The square was erected in 1929 between Morsky Avenue and Sreteniya Square. The most important attraction of the square is the Monument to the Fallen, built after the Civil War according to the plans of García Escamez. The monument is a tower in the shape of a cross, at the top of which there is an observation deck. Under the monument there is an underground chapel, which is empty today.

Over time, the square was rebuilt according to the design of architects from Switzerland who won the competition. The result of the reconstruction of the square was a fountain with sea water installed in its center. At night, Piazza di Spagna is illuminated with many lights and garlands.

Coordinates: 28.46761600,-16.24744900


Taganana is a small, lovely mountain village located in the south-eastern part of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Its area is 1.5 hectares, on which there are several white houses and a small church made in the medieval style. Local residents mainly work in small fields or gardens. From here you can enjoy magnificent views of the ocean and mountains, you can take unique photos and breathe fresh air. A narrow serpentine road leads to the village, driving along which you will experience many extreme sensations.

Once you reach your destination, you will be pleasantly surprised by the many homemade fish restaurants where you can taste delicious Canarian cuisine - fried octopus, goat cheese, fresh fish and Canarian rosé wine, which has a unique taste and aroma. Not far from Taganana there are three natural wild beaches: Playa de Beniggio, Playa de Almáciga and Playa de Roque, which are considered the most beautiful on the island of Tenerife. The special flavor of Taganan will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions that will be remembered for many years.

Coordinates: 28.56085300,-16.21818100

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La Arena Beach

La Arena beach is located in the center of the resort town of Puerto Santiago, comfortably located in the western part of the island of Tenerife. This area is reliably sheltered from the northern winds, so the local climate is stable and very mild. Throughout the year, the temperature varies by 5-6 degrees, reaching its peak in August. La Arena beach does not stand out with any special delights; it is not the best vacation spot for people who prefer extreme pastimes. There are no noisy discos or large crowds of people in the vicinity of the beach, so this place is suitable for those who want to relax and take a break from the noisy city.

La Arena Beach attracts tourists from all over the world every year due to its black sand, blue ocean and wonderful scenery. Almost every place here seems to be copied from a painting, which is why professional photographers often come here. Near the La Arena beach, two panoramic elevators were built that take everyone to a beautiful observation deck. Entrance to the beach is absolutely free, but you will have to pay to rent a sunbed or umbrella. A team of rescuers is on duty at La Arena around the clock.

Coordinates: 28.22956200,-16.84106500

San Agustin Beach is a small city beach that is designed for a relaxing holiday. This is a cozy place for those who seek peace and tranquility. Usually on weekdays there are not many vacationers on the beach. On weekends, locals living nearby come here. San Agustin Beach is sandy. There are several showers on the beach. Entry is free. Next to the showers there is a small shop where you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers. The total length of the beach is six hundred and seventy meters.

Near the beach there is a convenient parking lot for two hundred cars. There are several hotels and inns along the coastline of San Agustin Beach. A beautiful promenade has been built next to the beach. There are several shops, bars and cafes here. They offer visitors dishes made from seafood. Nearby there is a small market where you can buy food and necessary things.

Coordinates: 28.39593100,-16.65355700

Castle of Castillo de Paso Alto

In the near future, it is planned to create a museum of torture from the times of Francoism in the Paso Alto fortress.

Members of the Association for the Restoration of Historical Memory want to turn the castle, located on the coast of Tenerife, into a memorial, as well as restore the former appearance of the structure, as it was from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 19th centuries.

The Paso Alto Fortress is considered one of the examples of the unique architecture of the Canary Islands. The castle walls withstood the siege of the island in 1657, when Robert Blake tried to capture Tenerife, and a century later, when Admiral Nelson tried to do the same. During the years of Francoism, the building was used as a prison building.

Coordinates: 28.53071700,-16.36410600

Castle of San Juan Bautista

The fortress of San Juan Bautista was named after John the Baptist and is one of the oldest and main attractions of Santa Cruz.

The castle was built in 1641 and also has a second name – the Black Castle. The powerful Fort San Juan Bautista is located in the very center of the city and attracts attention with parapets, loopholes for artillery pieces and a round tower. The structure played an important role in protecting the city from the invasions of invaders.

Every July, a reenactment of the Battle of Santa Cruz takes place on the grounds of the castle, during which Horatio Nelson, a British admiral, was defeated while attempting to capture the fortress.

Coordinates: 28.47053500,-16.24878200

Auditorio de Tenerife

The Auditorio de Tenerife is an incomparable piece of architecture, with avant-garde design and wild popularity. The construction was made exciting and eye-catching by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Such an unusual creation was released in 2003.

The interior decoration is as beautiful as the exterior: symphony and chamber halls. The stage of the first is 17 meters, the depth of the orchestra pit is 14, the effect of “surround sound”. An enviable set, I must say.

This very stage regularly hosts the best symphony orchestras and jazz, pop and rock musicians perform here. They also teach dancing and host a lot of musical events.

Coordinates: 28.45631600,-16.25131100

Market Municipal Nuestra Señora de Africa

The Municipal Nuestra Señora de Africa market is located in Santa Cruz, the capital of Tenerife. It is best to visit it in the early morning - it is at this time that you can find a huge selection of exotic products and the freshest fish. And on Sundays, next to the main pavilions, there is a flea market offering interesting goods.

The market is housed in a magnificent building built in oriental style; the central entrance is decorated with towers with spiers. The first floor of the market is occupied by butcher shops, among whose products jamon, chorizo ​​sausage, various varieties of ham and rabbit meat are especially popular.

In the lower, underground floor there are fish rows. The range of fish shops is amazing in its richness and variety. And the main advantage of the local market is the exceptional freshness and quality of the products. There is also an abundance of fruits and vegetables, most of which are grown in Tenerife. It is also worth visiting the stalls with all kinds of spices, which can also be purchased as a souvenir.

Coordinates: 28.46322800,-16.25193100

Port of Santa Cruz

The Port of Santa Cruz is the city's commercial, fishing, sports and passenger port, as well as the main one in the Canary Islands and the second most important in Spain. It is divided into four harbors and is located in Santa Cruz Bay.

The port was formed on the site of La Carniceria beach near the small bay of Blas Diaz, favored by fishermen. Previously, the port was used as a means of communication with the outside world and defense against pirates. Soon he became the main one on the island. In the 16th century, the castle of San Cristobal was built here - the first main fortress of Tenerife, and in the 17th century two defensive bastions were erected.

Today, the port of Santa Cruz is the largest in Tenerife and the first fishing port in the Canary Islands. Every year up to 8,000 tons of fish are caught here. This port also has the largest passenger traffic among all the Canary Islands. This is the largest Spanish port in terms of the number of longboats, cruisers and other ships. It is the only one in the Canary Islands that maintains a permanent connection with the Iberian Peninsula.

Coordinates: 28.48592100,-16.23636600

Playa de las Teresitas beach

Playa de las Teresitas beach welcomes its guests with a light sea breeze and crystal clear water. The sand was specially brought here from the distant Sahara Desert, and in order to prevent waves from disturbing vacationers, a barrier pier was built along the entire beach. Despite the fact that the beach was created artificially, it gives the impression of a piece of land untouched by man. There are no ubiquitous hotels here - instead, the landscapes are decorated with mountain tops. Powerful palm trees are planted along the entire one and a half kilometer beach strip.

Playa de las Teresitas beach is the ideal place for a relaxing holiday. Just keep in mind that due to its popularity, the beach is always crowded, especially on weekends. But there is always something to do here - volleyball games or yoga or aerobics classes are regularly held on the beach.

Coordinates: 28.50950300,-16.18519300

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