Researchers from America monitor it daily. Recently, thanks to the online system Google Earth scientists were able to find new pyramids in Antarctica.

According to experts, on Google maps Earth managed to discover completely new ruins of a huge ancient pyramid, which scientists had not previously found.
It is reported that a giant shadow emerged from the ruins, which indicates that the remains of the pyramid have large-scale dimensions.

Now experts will have to study the remains of the pyramid in detail to determine when it was built. Let us recall that earlier researchers in Antarctica found ruins of ancient structures, as well as underground bases, which were even attributed to aliens.

Pictures were taken mysterious pyramids on the spine of Vinson, the symmetry and location of which make scientists think about the natural origin of these buildings.

Ufologists have long promoted the idea that these structures are needed to send signals into space. Another version is more prosaic - these are really the remains of a citadel, which was built by some ancient civilization. An unknown people could have explored Antarctica at a time when it was not yet completely covered with snow.

According to rumors, an ancient civilization actually existed on the continent located in the southern part of the Earth many thousands of years ago. Thus, the Turkish admiral Piri Reis in 1513 drew up a map depicting Antarctica and the people who live there.

The first news about man-made pyramids in Antarctica appeared on the Internet in mid-June 2013. The main evidence was a slide show of several photographs and small explanatory texts.

It was reported that the incredible discovery was made by eight researchers from universities in the US and Europe, their identities have not been revealed. This secrecy was explained by the fact that they allegedly planned to send a scientific expedition to the pyramids to study the mysterious objects in detail. Judging by the latest news, which completely repeats information from two years ago, the campaign never took place.

The video shows the logo of a group of scientists from the UK, Alien Disclosure Group (ADG), which reveals secret materials about UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies. The author of the sensation is one of the community members, Stephen Hannard. He has been caught many times with fake UFO evidence.

It turned out that the pyramids are two views of one mountain of the highest ridge in Antarctica called Vinson. The massif is located in Antarctica. Hannard took the photos from 2010 from a blog of climbers who climbed near the unusual peak.


Anyone can view the mountain from above using Google Maps.

And also the entire mountain range (in the red circle is the same mountain).

The third photo with the pyramid near the shore is most likely a photomontage. The mountain is located on an ice shelf, and it flows from the shore into the sea: any building simply could not survive on the edge of such an ice sheet.

What scientists say

If this was not created by a person, the question arises as to why such bizarre shapes are formed. Geologist Yuri Kozlov and geomorphologist Konstantin Lovyagin gave comments to the RT television channel.

“Usually all the weird rock shapes are formed because they are made up of different minerals of different densities. Accordingly, during the weathering process, when natural factors (rain, snow, wind) destroy the rock, minerals with a lower density are first removed, while the hard ones remain and take on different interesting shapes, in which a person then tries to find something familiar,” explained RT Kozlov.

According to Lovyagin, “perhaps this is the most common result of the denudation process, that is, the remains have a natural shape close to pyramidal. This is far from unique phenomenon, which can be found in different parts of the Earth. It is determined by the mineralogical composition of the rock. Different rocks take on different shapes during the weathering process. It could be a basalt or granite intrusion that retains these chiseled shapes because weathering slows down at low temperatures.”

Everyone is accustomed to the picture shown to us, where Antarctica is continuous endless snow-covered expanses. And only near the coast, where during the warm period the coastal strip thaws, the beaches and partly the mountain ranges are exposed. And everything else lies, as we were told in geography lessons, under 2-3 km of ice. And according to official data, there are places up to 5 km. But it turns out, if you look in Google Earth, in the depths of the continent on the surface above the ice there are mountainous and rocky massifs, partially not covered with snow or ice.

The quality of satellite imagery of most mountain ranges is low. But there is one place with more or less high-quality photography:

Link to map

The map even contains photographs from the panoramio service. Coordinates: 80° 21" 35.12" S 81° 22" 12.86" W

It’s amazing that from under the thickness of the ice and snow these not at all low mountains rise. Maybe the thickness of the ice on the continent is not kilometers at all. If you remember the video and photo of the ice sliding into the ocean, then its height (estimated by eye) is a maximum of several hundred meters.

It is unusual to see mountains without snow in the interior of this continent. Airstrip at the foot of the mountains

Could these be traces of water erosion - when the continent was free of ice and there were comfortable temperatures?

Glacier off the coast of Antarctica. It cannot be said at all that the thickness of this ice is 2 km. But somehow no one talks about this or compares it.

And where are the kilometer-thick glaciers? There’s not even 30 meters here...

And they always show us this:

Perhaps there are such ice deposits in mountain valleys. But on the plain, such thicknesses are not visible from photographs.

Scientists have one argument in estimating the age of the ice - we took cores and measured the number of rings on them (in their opinion, the winter-summer change). But we know that this method is fundamentally wrong: The Lost Squadron, 37,000 years old .

In Antarctica there is also this:

Coordinates of this object: 79° 58′ 12S 81° 56′ 24W

Let's get closer:

Link to map

Also nearby:

Link to map

Of course, these could be protruding peaks mountain range, and maybe mountains processed into a pyramid (by someone in ancient times). Otherwise, why do scientists have such interest in these places?

memocode in the article he even determined the direction and showed which past geographic pole the pyramid was oriented to:

This is from the pole shift hypothesis

There are also contenders for the pyramidal mountains in Antarctica near the coast:


71° 56" 56.82" S 23° 20" 46.65" E . Height 1300 m. Link to map

Nearby is the ultra-modern Princess Elizabeth station:

Accident? Did the scientists like the place?

Stone "castle".

If, according to official data, the ice here is almost half a million years old, then why during this time such a harsh climate and glaciers did not erase these pointed rocks into sand? Or are these young mountains?

This is how the excursion to the snowy expanses of Antarctica turned out...