Lost cities are often mentioned in literature about past civilizations. The most famous of them is the legendary Atlantis, swallowed up by the sea and lost forever. However, the story of Atlantis is not unique; other cultures have similar legends of cities that disappeared underwater, under desert sands, or buried under thick layers of vegetation. Most of these legendary cities have never been found, but with the help of new technologies, some have been discovered and others are waiting to be discovered.

Iram multi-columned: Atlantis of the sands

Ruins of a fortress in the city of Iram. Photo: Wikipedia

Arabia also has its own legend about a lost civilization, the so-called Atlantis of the Sands - a lost city mentioned in the Koran. It is also known as Iram multi-column.

The Koran says that Iram has high buildings and was inhabited by Adits. Because they turned away from Allah and became immoral, the Prophet Hud was sent to call them back to the worship of Allah. But the people of Iram did not listen to Hud's words. As a result, people suffered a punishment: a sandstorm was directed at the city, it lasted for seven nights and eight days. After that, Iram disappeared into the sands as if he had never existed.

The story of Iram suggests that people should obey Allah and not behave arrogantly. Many believe that such a city really existed.

In the early 1990s, a team of archaeologists led by Nikolai Clapp, an amateur archaeologist and filmmaker, announced that they had found the lost city of Ubar, which was identified as Iram. This was achieved using remote sensing from NASA satellites, data from the Landsat program and images taken by the Challenger space shuttle. These resources have allowed archaeologists to identify old trade routes and the points at which they converged. One of these points was the famous well in Shisr, Dhofar province of Oman. During excavations, a large octagonal fortress with high walls and high towers. Unfortunately, most of the fortress was destroyed, plunging into a karst sinkhole.

Sunken City of Helik

Helik excavations. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The story of the death of Atlantis is one of the most famous. However, there is a similar story about the sunken city of Helik. Unlike Atlantis, there is written evidence about it, which has helped archaeologists determine the true location of the lost city.

Helic was located in Achaia, in the northwestern part of the Peloponnese peninsula. During his heyday, Helic was the leader of the Achaean League, which consisted of 12 cities.

The patron god of Helicus was Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea and earthquakes. The city was indeed located in one of the most seismically active zones in Europe. There was a temple and sanctuary of Poseidon in Helica, where a bronze statue of Poseidon and coins with his image were found.

In 373 BC. the city was destroyed. There had already been some signs of the city's doom, including the appearance of "huge columns of flame" and a mass migration of small animals from the coast to the mountains in the days before the disaster. A strong earthquake and then a powerful tsunami from the Gulf of Corinth wiped out the city of Helik from the face of the earth. No one was left alive.

Although the search for the actual location of Helik began at the beginning of the 19th century, it was only at the end of the 20th century that it was found. This sunken city was one of the most big secrets underwater archeology. However, it was the belief that the city was located somewhere in the Gulf of Corinth that made its discovery impossible. In 1988, Greek archaeologist Dora Katsonopoulo suggested that the "poros" mentioned in ancient texts could not be in the sea, but in an inland lagoon. If this is the case, then it is possible that Helik is inland and the lagoon has been filled with silt for millennia. In 2001, archaeologists discovered the ruins of a city in Achaia in Greece. In 2012, the layer of silt and river sediments was removed, then it became obvious that this was Helik.

Urkesh: the lost city of the Hurrians

Excavations in Urkesh. Photo: Archaeological Institute of America

Ancient Urkesh was once a major center of the ancient Near Eastern Hurrian civilization, known in mythology as the home of the primeval god. Little was known about Urkesh and the mysterious Hurrian civilization, as the ancient city was buried under the desert sands for thousands of years and lost to the pages of history. However, in the 1980s, archaeologists discovered Tell Mozan, a mound under which were the ruins of an ancient temple and palace. Ten years later, researchers have come to the exciting conclusion that Tell Mozan is the lost city of Urkesh.

Located in northern Syria, near its current borders with Turkey and Iraq, ancient Urkesh was big city Mesopotamia, which flourished between 4000 and 1300 BC. BC. It is one of the earliest known cities in history.

Excavations revealed not only brick buildings, but also rare stone structures - a monumental staircase and a deep underground shaft - a “passage to the underworld” - which was associated with religious rituals.

Urkesh contained monumental public buildings, including a large temple and a palace. Many of them date from the Akkadian period (around 2350-2200 BC)

Wreck of Gwaelod Y Garth in Wales

Remains of a petrified forest on the Welsh coast. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Gwaelod was located between the islands of Ramsay and Barsey in the area known today as Cardigan Bay, in west Wales, UK. It is believed that Gwaelod extended 32 km into the bay.

In the 6th century, Gwaelod was ruled by the legendary king Gwydno Garanhir. Until about the 17th century, Gwaelod was known as Maes Gwyddno ("land of Gwyddno"), named after this Welsh ruler. An earlier version of the legend associated with Maes Gwyddno claims that the area sank because the floodgates were not closed in time during a storm.

Legend says that Gwaelod had extremely fertile soil, and an acre of land there was worth four times more than elsewhere. But the city depended on a dam to protect it from the sea. At low tide the gates were opened to allow the water to drain out and at high tide the gates were closed.

A later version says that Gwindo Garanhir appointed his friend Seitennin, who was a drunkard, to guard the dam gate. One night, a storm came from the southwest while Seitennin was at a party in the palace, he drank too much and fell asleep, so he did not close the floodgates in time. As a result, 16 villages were flooded. Gwindo Garanhir and his retinue were forced to leave the fertile valleys and seek shelter in less fertile areas.

Some believe in the existence of Gwaelod and even plan to organize an underwater expedition to find this lost land. Remains of prehistoric forests sometimes appear on the surface of the water in stormy weather or during low tides. In addition, fossils with traces of humans and animals on them, as well as some tools, were found there.

Finding the Lost City of the Monkey God

Photo: public domain/Wikimedia Commons

Two years ago, an aerial survey of the dense jungles of Honduras was carried out. It was attended by scientists inspired by local legends about the lost ancient city. After this, news quickly spread that archaeologists had found La Ciudad Blanca (The White City, known as the lost city of the Monkey God). A ground expedition was recently completed, which confirmed that aerial photography indeed showed traces of the disappeared civilization. Archaeologists have discovered vast areas, excavations, mounds, earthen pyramids and dozens of different artifacts belonging to a mysterious culture that is virtually unknown.

La Ciudad Blanca - mysterious city, located, according to legend, in the virgin rainforest of La Mosquitia in eastern Honduras. Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés reported that he received “reliable information” about the ancient ruins, but did not find them. In 1927, pilot Charles Lindbergh reported seeing monuments made of white stone while flying over eastern Honduras.
In 1952, researcher Tibor Szekelj went in search of White City, the expedition was funded by the Honduran Ministry of Culture, but he returned empty-handed. Research continued, and in 2012 the first significant discovery was made.

In May 2012, a team of researchers led by documentary filmmaker Steve Elkins conducted aerial photography of La Mosquitia using remote sensing (lidar). Scanning showed the presence of artificial characteristics, all media reported a possible discovery lost city Monkey God. In May 2013, additional laser analysis revealed the presence of large architectural structures beneath the forest canopy. It's time for ground reconnaissance.

Discovery of the long-lost Musasir Temple

Iraqi Kurdistan. Photo: Wikimedia

The Musasir Temple was dedicated to Khaldi, the supreme god of the kingdom of Urartu, located on the Armenian Highlands, which extended into what is now Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Armenia. The temple was built in the holy city of Ararat in 825 BC. But after Musasir fell, defeated by the Assyrians in the 18th century BC, ancient temple was lost and only recently rediscovered.

The Musasir Temple dates back to a time when the Urartians, Assyrians and Scythians were at odds trying to gain control of the area that is now northern part Iraq. In ancient scriptures, Musasir is called "the holy city built in the rock", while the name Musasir means "the coming out of the serpent". The temple is depicted on an Assyrian bas-relief that decorated the palace of King Sargon II in honor of his victory over the “seven kings of Ararat” in 714 BC.

In July 2014, an exciting announcement was made about the discovery of the long-lost Musasir Temple in the Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq. Life-size sculptures of a man and the bases of columns of a temple dedicated to the god Khaldi were found.

The discovery was made with the help of local residents who stumbled upon the ruins by chance, Dishad Marf Zamua from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands examined archaeological finds at the site, the most significant of which are the bases of the columns. Sculptures of bearded men up to 2.3 meters in height are also considered an unusual find. They are made of limestone, basalt or sandstone. Some were partially destroyed within 2800 years.

Lost city in the jungle of Cambodia

Australian archaeologists using cutting-edge remote sensing technology have made a remarkable discovery in Cambodia - they have discovered a 1,200-year-old city that is older than the famous temple complex of Angkor Wat.

Damian Evans, director of the archaeological research center at the University of Sydney in Cambodia, and a small team of scientists working in the Siem Reap area. They have received permission to use lidar laser technology in the remote jungles of Cambodia. For the first time, the technology was used for archaeological research in tropical Asia, with its help it is possible to obtain a complete picture of the area.

The discovery was made when lidar data appeared on a computer screen. “Thanks to this tool, we saw a picture of an entire city that no one knew existed. It's wonderful," Evans said.

The amazing discovery comes after years of searching for Mahendraparvat, a lost medieval city built on Mount Phnom Kulen, 350 years before construction began on the famous Angkor Wat temple complex in northwestern Cambodia. The city was part of the Hindu-Buddhist Khmer Empire, which ruled South-East Asia 800 to 1400 AD.

The exploration and excavation of Mahendraparvat is in its early stages, so scientists are waiting for new discoveries.

Caral Supe: 5,000-year-old city of pyramids

Karal Supe. Photo: public domain

It is widely believed in historical circles that Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and India are the first civilizations of mankind. However, few know that at the same time, and in some cases even earlier, there was the great civilization of Norte Chico in Supa, Peru - the first known civilization of Northern and South America. Its capital was the holy city of Caral - a 5,000-year-old metropolis with a rich culture and monumental architecture - it had six large pyramidal structures, stone and earthen platforms, temples, amphitheaters, circular plazas and residential areas.

In 1970, archaeologists discovered that the hills originally identified as natural formations, are step pyramids. By 1990 great city Karal manifested himself in full. But the biggest surprise was yet to come - in 2000, radiocarbon dating of reed bags found during excavations showed that Caral dates back to the late Archaic period, around 3000 BC. Caral provides numerous evidence of the life of ancient people in the Americas.

Karal is one of the 18 settlements in the Supe Valley, with an area of ​​about 65 hectares. It is located in the desert, in the valley of the Supe River. Exceptionally well preserved, the city is impressive in its complexity of layout and architecture.

Two ancient Mayan cities in the jungles of Mexico

Hellerick/BY-SA 4.0/wikipedia

In the jungles of Mexico, archaeologists have discovered two ancient Mayan cities: the ruins of pyramidal temples, a palace, an entrance similar to the mouth of a monster, altars and other stone structures. One of the cities had already been found several decades ago, but then it was “lost” again. The existence of another city was previously unknown - this discovery sheds light on New World to the ancient Mayan civilization.

Expedition leader Ivan Spradzik from the research center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU) explained that the cities were discovered using aerial photography tropical forests central Yucatan in the state of Campeche, Mexico. Some anomalies were noticed among the dense vegetation of the forest, and a group of scientists was sent there to investigate.

Archaeologists were stunned when they discovered the whole city between Rio Bec and Chenes. One of the most impressive features of this city is the huge entrance, similar to the mouth of a monster, this is the personification of the deity of fertility. “It is a symbolic entrance to the cave, and in general to the watery underworld, the place of the mythological origin of corn and the abode of the ancestors,” Spragic told Discovery News. Having passed through the “underworld”, archaeologists saw a large pyramid temple 20 meters high, as well as ruins palace complex, located around four large squares. There they discovered numerous stone sculptures and several altars with well-preserved bas-reliefs and inscriptions.

Even more stunning than the rediscovery of Lagunite was the discovery of ancient ruins nearby that were previously unknown, including pyramids, an altar, and a large acropolis surrounded by three temples. These structures are reminiscent of another Mayan city, which was called Tamchen (deep well), as more than thirty deep underground chambers were found there, used to collect rainwater.

Amazing cities, kingdoms, ruins of palaces, strangely preserved statues... and mysteriously disappeared inhabitants.

Anchor Wat
The golden age of the Khmer civilization occurred between the 9th and 13th centuries during the kingdom of Kambuja, whose name later gave Cambodia its name. He ruled vast territories from the capital of Angkor, in western Cambodia. Under the reign of Jayavarman VII, Kambuja reached a political and cultural flowering, which is now evident from the ruins of this palace, the central towers of which symbolize the peaks of Mount Meru - the center of the universe according to Hinduism, and on the towers are the smiling faces of the gods carved from stone.

Ruins of Anuradhapura
This is the former capital of Sri Lanka during its heyday ancient civilization Lankan. This place is considered one of the holiest, most important and longest inhabited among the ancient Lankan cities. The city was built around 380 BC and flourished until the population was moved to Polonnaruwa in the 10th century AD. To this day, sacred to Buddhists and Hindus, this city is surrounded by monasteries.

Hugo Kingdom, Tibet
The mysterious Tibetan kingdom, founded by the son of King Glang Darma, was formed around the 10th century and then collapsed under mysterious circumstances 700 years later. Its population of tens of thousands of people disappeared without a trace. The ruins still lie on the slopes of Ngari, famous for its Buddhist monasteries, snow-capped mountains and lakes. The surviving frescoes within the walls of this city are very important, demonstrating the daily life of its former inhabitants, as well as the unique amazing statue Buddha made of gold and silver.

Hampi is located among the ruins of Vijayanagara, former capital empire now known as the village of Karnataka, India. Perhaps thanks to this ancient city and the temple located in it, the village, which is located nearby, is considered the most important religious center. Since the village itself is located in the center of Vijayanagara, it is often confused with the ancient city itself. This place is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Kingdom of Kerma
This kingdom was a rival Ancient Egypt in the period of time from approximately 2500 BC until 1520 BC. It was founded in Upper Nubia - now a place approximately between Sudan and the eastern bank of the Nile - and was the main shopping center in the Middle Kingdom during Egyptian times. There is a cemetery in this place: in which you can see many large mounds, which are the tombs of emperors. Some archaeologists believe that the Kingdom of Kerma may have been related to the legendary Kingdom of Kush mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

There were three Kushite kingdoms: the first was called Kerma, as the capital of the same name, and existed from 2400 to 1500 BC. BC.; the second was Napata (1000–300 BC) and the third was Meroe (300 BC–300 AD). The Nubians were initially influenced by their northern neighbors, and eventually the Nubian tribes were able to conquer Egypt, with the king of Napata reigning as the pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty until the Assyrian conquest in 656 BC.

Nubian pyramids
Buried Kingdom of Kotte
This kingdom is located on the border of the present city of Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, and flourished in what is now the state in the 15th century. Its ruler was the last hereditary one who managed to unite all the peoples of Sri Lanka. By 1450, Parkamab VI completed the unification. During his reign, literature and the arts flourished

Koguro Kingdom
Scattered throughout the Chinese provinces of Jilin and Liaoning are the remains of three cities - the mountain city of Wunu, Guonei and the mountain city of Wangdu - these are the sites of 14 royal tombs. All of these cities once belonged to the Koguro culture, named after the dynasty of the same name, whose representatives ruled in various parts of northern China and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula from 277 BC until 668 AD.

Sabaen Kingdom
The Sabaen people lived in what is now Yemen between 2000 BC and the 8th century AD. This temple was recently discovered in Sirwaa, located east of Sanaa. Known as Almaga, the temple has been preserved in excellent condition with wide entrances and large interior rooms. All made of wood and stone, the tower-like projections weigh approximately 6 tons. 7 huge columns were lifted using a crane-like mechanism. The front of the temple is decorated with two huge sculptures of the Sabi kings.

Sukhothai Historical Park
Located in the north of Thailand. This city was the capital of the state of the same name, which flourished in the 13th-14th centuries. The city walls form a rectangular space of 70 square kilometers, each wall has a gate. Remnants can be found inside royal palace and 26 temples, the largest of which is Wat Mahatha. The park is under the protection of the Department of Arts of Thailand, and is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The park is visited by many people to see and admire the ancient Buddha figure, ruined palace complex and temple ruins.

Nowadays, batteries are used almost everywhere. But they are not a modern invention. Some scientists believe that the first battery was invented 250 BC. The "ancient battery" was found near Baghdad in 1938. It looks like a large clay jug with an asphalted stopper, inside of which there is an iron rod surrounded by a copper cylinder. When filled with vinegar or other electrolytic liquid, it produces 0.2 to 2 volts of electricity.

This design is similar in functionality to our batteries, but has a rougher design. Why were they used? To allow liquid metals such as gold, silver, chromium to adhere to the surface during the gilding process. This technology is still used today, only in a more advanced variation.

The iron pillar in Delhi, which was built more than 1600 years ago, is not considered an indicator of scientific and technological progress, but many scientists are interested in why this column, more than six meters long, has stood for more than a thousand years and still does not rust?

In itself, it is not considered a unique object, but it reflects the skills of metallurgists of that time. In Dhar there are ancient cannons that have not rusted, as well as other similar pillars. This may indicate that the unique methodology by which such projects were developed was lost. Who knows what heights humanity could have achieved in the field of metallurgy if it had possessed the lost knowledge.

In ancient times, our ancestors used caves as shelter from predators. After some time, people came to increase the living space of the cave. Nowadays, technology makes it possible to dig huge tunnels.

Longyou Caves were discovered in 1992. Local I wanted to pump water out of a small hole, but as a result I discovered a huge man-made cave. There are 24 caves in total, which were created by manual labor. They all begin their history 2500 years ago. Many rooms are symmetrical and have various animals and symbols representing nature on the walls.

It was estimated that the Chinese needed to cut out a million cubic meters of stone to create them. What remains interesting is what is the point of this. Since there are no records left, we cannot even guess why this was done.

It is difficult to figure out what exactly this lens was used for, but some scientists hypothesize that it was part of a telescope. This would explain how the Assyrians knew astronomy so well. The lens was created approximately 3,000 years ago, and was found by an archaeologist from England during excavations in 1853.

It is also hypothesized that the Nimrud lens could be used as a magnifying glass for simple carvings, or it could also be used to make fire.

A Scottish physicist invented the modern seismograph in 1841. However, it cannot be said that he was the first to create a device for measuring seismic activity. The Chinese created a device that could detect earthquakes in advance back in 132.

The device was a large bronze vessel with a diameter of just under two meters. He had eight dragons that looked in all directions. Each of the kites pointed at the toad with its mouth open. It is not clear how exactly this device worked, but scientists suggest that a pendulum was placed in the center, which began to move in the direction of the earthquake.

This remarkable find once again proves how much we underestimated our ancestors. Gobekli Tepe is huge temple complex, whose age is estimated at 12,000 years. What makes it so unique? This is a detailed stone work. Means that at that time technology allowed people to process huge blocks.

Initially, researchers believed that this place was an ancient cemetery, but long-term study showed that the construction of the temple continued for many years, and it was a rich religious building.

Gobekli Tepe is located three hundred meters from the neighboring valley. This is probably the first place for spiritual ceremonies. It is surprising how skillfully the stones are processed, because at that time there were no metal tools yet.

On this moment you can navigate the entire planet using GPS. However, people of that time did not have our technology. Sailors in ancient times relied on the movements of the planets and stars to navigate the seas.

The found device remained unstudied for many years, and only a thorough examination helped to understand what it was used for.

The Antikythera mechanism could track the movements of celestial bodies with incredible accuracy. It has gears, just like modern watches. However, at the time it was created, no such technology existed. Although many parts of the find were lost, it was discovered that the device had seven hands that resembled a clock. Obviously, they indicated the direction of movement of the seven planets that were known at that time.

This is the only find that speaks of the great contribution of the Greeks to science. By the way, the device is more than 2200 years old. To this day, exactly how it was used remains a mystery. It is unlikely that this will give us impetus for the development of new directions, but it has become useful for educational purposes.

The Lycurgus Cup dates from the fourth century AD. It depicts Lycurgus who has fallen into a trap. Visually this is a very beautiful thing. Inside the green glass are millions of incredibly small fragments of gold and silver. The color of the cup depends on the angle from which you look at it.

Damascus steel began to be made around the third century. It was part of the Syrian arms market until the 17th century, then the technology was lost, but some experts believe that it can be restored. You can easily recognize Damascus steel by the characteristic pattern on the product. Steel is considered incredibly strong, making it resistant to damage.

Due to their rarity, Damascus steel blades are still in great demand among collectors.

The first steam engine was patented in 1698 by Thomas Saveney. It really became useful in 1781 when James Watt adapted it for industrial use. Despite this, approximately two thousand years ago the great mathematician Heron had already invented the steam engine.

The water, located in a closed sphere, was heated at the base; at the top there were tubes looking in different directions. When releasing steam, they rotated the entire device along its axis due to torque.

The device was first described in the first century. It is still not clear for what purpose it was created. Perhaps it was simply an attribute of the temple of science in which it was kept. Just imagine what the world would be like today if the creator had thought of attaching an ordinary wheel to this engine.


Throughout its history, humanity has lost many civilizations. Explorers discover huge temples and giant treasure pits that were once grand palaces.

Why did people abandon once prosperous cities, centers and trade routes? Often there is no answer to these questions.

Here are 10 civilizations whose disappearance still remains a mystery.

1. Maya

The Mayan civilization is a classic example of a civilization that was completely lost. Its monuments, cities and roads were swallowed up by the jungles of Central America, and its inhabitants were scattered among small villages.

Although the Mayan language and traditions survive to this day, the peak of the civilization occurred in the first millennium AD, when magnificent architectural structures and large-scale agricultural projects covered much of the Yucatan. Today this territory extends from Mexico to Guatemala and Belize. The Mayans made extensive use of writing, mathematics, intricate calendars, and sophisticated engineering to build pyramids and terraced fields.

It is believed that the mysterious decline of the Mayan civilization began around the year 900, and there are several speculations about this. Among them there is evidence that climate change in Yucatan and civil wars led to famine and abandonment city ​​centers.

2. Indus civilization

The Indus or, as it is also called, the Harappan civilization is one of greatest civilizations ancient world. Until thousands of years ago, it stretched across India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan and boasted 5 million inhabitants, about 10 percent of the world's total population.

Its trade routes and massive multi-story buildings were abandoned more than 3,000 years ago. There are several assumptions about the decline of the Indus civilization. By latest version, like Maya, this ancient civilization suffered from gradual changes in rainfall levels, making it difficult to grow enough food for the huge population.

3. Easter Island

The Easter Islanders are another classic "lost" civilization, made famous by the mysterious, huge statues of human heads that line the coastline islands.

How did a thriving Polynesian civilization disappear after centuries of building ancient monuments there, sailing hundreds of kilometers across the ocean from one island to another?

According to one hypothesis, the Rapanui people, the inhabitants of Easter Island, were very developed and intelligent, but their methods were not rational. At the time they settled on Easter Island between 700 and 1200 AD, they used all the trees and agricultural resources of the island, and they had to move.

4. Catalhöyük

Çatalhöyük, often called the most ancient city in the world, was part of a major urban development and agricultural civilization that flourished between 9,000 and 7,000 years ago in what is now central Turkey.

Catalhöyük had a unique structure, unlike other cities. There were no roads here, and instead the inhabitants built something similar to a beehive, where houses were built on top of each other, and the entrance was located on the roof. It is believed that outside the walls people grew everything they could, from almonds to wheat. Residents decorated the entrance to the house with bull skulls, and buried the bodies of deceased people underground on the floor.

The civilization existed before the Iron Age and before the advent of literacy, but there is still evidence that it was a very advanced society, including art and rituals. Why did people leave the city? There is no answer to this question yet.

5. Cahokia

Long before Europeans arrived in North America, the so-called Mississippians built a large city surrounded by huge earthen pyramids - mounds and structures made of wood, similar to Stonehenge, in order to monitor the movements of the stars.

The heyday of civilization occurred between 600-1400 AD., and the city extended over 15 square meters. km with hundreds of mounds and a huge square in the center. Its population was about 40,000 people, many of whom were skilled artists, architects, and farmers who created amazing objects of art from shells, copper and stone. It is not entirely clear what caused people to leave the city, but some archaeologists believe that perhaps disease and hunger began in the city, and people went to more favorable places.

6. Gobekli Tepe

One of the most mysterious structures discovered was the Gobekli Tepe complex, built around 10,000 BC. and located in modern southern Turkey.

The complex consists of a series of round, nested structures decorated with carvings in the form of animals, which is probably served as a temple for nomadic tribes in this area. It was not a permanent residence, although several priests may have lived here all year round. It is the first permanent structure built by humans to be discovered, and it likely represents the pinnacle of indigenous Mesopotamian civilization of the era.

What did people worship? Where did they come to this place from? What else were they doing? Archaeologists are currently working hard to answer these questions.

7. Angkor

Many people have heard about the outstanding temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. But this is just a small part of that huge civilization during the Khmer Empire, which was called Angkor. The city flourished during the late Middle Ages in 1000-1200 AD and was supported by approximately a million people.

Eat many reasons why Angkor fell, ranging from wars to natural disasters. Now most of civilization is buried in the jungle. It is still not clear how many people actually lived in the city, which was distinguished amazing architecture and Hindu culture. Some archaeologists believe that, given all the roads and canals connecting many of its regions, it can be assumed that this is it was the largest city in the world at its height.

8. Turquoise Mountain

While not all destroyed monuments represent lost civilizations, the Jam Minaret is just such a structure. This magnificent architectural structure, built in 1100, was part of a city in Afghanistan. Archaeological excavations indicate that it was a multi-ethnic territory, where many religions coexisted, including Jewish, Christian and Muslim, whose representatives lived harmoniously here for hundreds of years.

Perhaps the unique minaret was part of the lost ancient capital Afghanistan which is called Turquoise Mountain.

9. Nya

Now an abandoned site in the Taklamakan Desert in western China, as recently as 1,600 years ago Niya was a thriving city located on the famous Silk Road. Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have discovered countless treasures in the dusty and crumbling remains of what once was majestic city with wooden houses and temples.

In a way, Nia is relic of the lost civilization of the Silk Road, which connected China with central Asia, Africa and Europe. Many people traveled along the Silk Road, including wealthy merchants, pilgrims, and scholars, who exchanged ideas and created a complex, enlightened culture wherever the Silk Road passed. The ancient route underwent many changes, but its importance as a trade route declined during the reign of the Mongol Empire and it fell into decline in the 1300s.

10. Nabta Playa

Around 7000 – 6500 BC. In what is now the Egyptian part of the Sahara, an incredible urban community arose.

The people living here domesticated livestock, farmed, made pottery, and left behind stone structures indicating the study of astronomy. Archaeologists believe that the inhabitants of Nabta Playa were the forerunners of the civilization that reigned in major cities Nila, which appeared in Egypt thousands of years ago.

Although the Nabta civilization is now located in an arid region, it arose during a time when rainfall levels were different, filling the area with a lake that allowed the culture to flourish.

Believe it or not, friends, modern humanity may disappear in a couple of years, and this will not be the first time a civilization has disappeared from the face of the Earth. The disappearance of some ancient civilizations known to us was caused by wars, climate change, disease, invasions, and eruptions. But in most cases, these reasons are most likely the assumption of learned historians.


Time of existence: 11500 BC
Location: North America

We know little about Clovis culture. What is known is that this prehistoric Native American culture is believed to have existed in North America. Its name comes from an archaeological site located near Clovis, New Mexico. Artifacts found at the site in the 1920s consist of stone tools and bones.

It is believed that these people arrived from Siberia to Alaska via the Bering Strait towards the end of the last Ice Age. Whether this was the first crop in North America, no one knows. The life of this civilization passed quite quickly. What contributed to her rapid disappearance? Maybe they hunted too much and destroyed their food supply? Or was it caused by climate change, disease, predators, or a meteorite? Or maybe members of this culture simply dispersed to join other Indian tribes? Scientists still have a lot of work to do to unravel this mystery.

Cucuteni-Trypillia culture

Time of existence: between 5500 and 2750 BC.
Location: Ukraine and Romania.

The largest communities of Neolithic Europe were built in Cucuteni-Trypillia, what is now modern Ukraine, Romania and Moldavia. There were almost 15,000 people in the Cucuteni-Trypillia civilization - a huge community of that time that mysteriously disappeared from the face of the Earth.

The Cucuteni-Trypillia culture is famous for its ceramics. They also had the strange habit of burning down their villages every 60-80 years before building new ones on the ashes of the old ones. To date, scientists have identified about 3,000 archaeological sites from this matriarchal society, at the center of which was the mother goddess. Their disappearance may have been caused by dramatic climate change, which led to the worst droughts in European history. Other theories suggest that the people were scattered among different tribes that lived in the surrounding area.

Indus Valley Civilization

Time of existence: 3300-1300 BC.
Location: Pakistan.

The Indus Valley Civilization is one of those vast civilizations spread across what is now Pakistan and western India. This is one of the most mysterious ancient civilizations. Little is known about her, mainly because no one has ever been able to decipher their language. We know that people built more than a hundred cities and villages, including the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Each had their own sewer systems and basic living conditions in their homes. It appears to have been a civilization without classes and without an army that excelled in astronomy and agriculture. It was also the first civilization to make cotton clothing.

The Indus civilization disappeared 4,500 years ago and no one knew about it until ruins were discovered in the 1920s. Several theories try to explain this disappearance. These include changes in their environment, drying up of the Ghaggar-Hakra River, and colder and drier temperatures. Another theory suggests an Aryan invasion of the region around 1500 BC.

Minoan civilization

Time of existence: 3000-630 BC.
Location: Crete.

The Minoan civilization was not known until the early 20th century. Since 1900, careful research has begun, which has revealed many secrets of this mysterious civilization, which existed for about 7,000 years and reached its peak around 1600 BC. Over time, archaeologists have found very interesting places. One of these was the palace at Knossos, a labyrinth associated with the legend of King Minos (hence the name of the civilization). Now it is an important archaeological center.

It is believed that the Minoans were destroyed by a volcanic eruption on the island of Thera (Santorini today). There is evidence that they would have survived if the eruption had not killed all plant life. This led to the economic decline of the once rich civilization, famine and death. Another hypothesis is that they were captured by the Mycenaeans. The Minoan Civilization is one of the greatest civilizations that has ever existed.

Mayan civilization

Time of existence: 2600 BC before 1520 AD
Location: Central America.

The Mayan civilization is a classic example of a civilization that mysteriously disappeared. Her greatest monuments, its cities and roads were swallowed by the jungle Central America, and its population is scattered among small villages and settlements. The languages ​​and traditions of the Maya people still survive, but the civilization's climax occurred in the first millennium AD, when their greatest architectural monuments were built and their dominance spanned a vast area that would include Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize.

One of the greatest peoples of ancient civilization used writing, mathematics, a calendar and sophisticated technology to build their pyramids and terraced farms. The reason for the disappearance of this highly advanced civilization is one of the great archaeological debates. It is theorized that internal strife, combined with climate change in the Yucatan during the year 900, led to crop failure and famine leading to destruction.

Mycenaean civilization

Time of existence: 1600-1100 BC.
Location: Greece.

Unlike the Minoan civilization, the Mycenaean civilization flourished not only through trade, but also through conquest. Their empire covered almost all of Greece. The Mycenaean civilization survived five centuries as a dominant force before disappearing around 1100 BC. Several Greek myths center around this civilization. One of them is the myth of the legendary king Agamemnon, who led the Greek army during the Trojan War. The Mycenaean civilization was culturally and economically rich and left behind many artifacts. But the mystery of her disappearance has not yet been solved.

Olmec civilization

Time of existence: 1400 BC
Location: Mexico.

The great pre-Columbian Olmec civilization once flourished in Mexico. The first traces of civilization date back to 1400 BC. The city of San Lorenzo has one of the three main Olmec centers with Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo.

The Olmecs were master builders. In the places where they lived, monuments of giant stone heads were found. This civilization laid the foundation for all subsequent Mesoamerican cultures. The Olmecs are believed to have been the first to develop a written system, and they probably invented the compass and the Mesoamerican calendar. They knew the use of bloodletting, performed human sacrifices and invented the concept of the number zero. This civilization was not discovered by historians until the mid-19th century. Its decline was due to climate change caused by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and possibly a decline in agricultural activity.

Nabataean civilization

Time of existence: 600 BC
Location: Jordan.

The Nabatean civilization flourished in southern Jordan, the Canaan region, and northern Arabia from the 6th century BC. Semitic peoples built the spectacular city of Petra, carved into the sandstone cliffs of the Jordan Mountains. We also know of their talents in hydraulics and the complex system of dams, canals and reservoirs that allowed them to survive in the desert region.

No written records have reached us, and we know almost nothing about their culture. Nevertheless, it was a prosperous civilization, which, thanks to its geographical location, created a trading network for the trade and exchange of ivory, silk, spices, precious metals and stones, incense, sugar, perfumes and medicines. Unlike other civilizations of that time, the Nabataeans did not know about slavery, and each contributed to the development of their state.

In the 4th century BC. The Nabateans abandoned Petra and no one knows why. Archaeological evidence suggests that their departure was not hasty, and therefore it was not associated with raids by warlike tribes. It is believed that migration to the north occurred to find better work.

Aksum Empire

Time of existence: 100 AD
Location: Ethiopia.

The Aksum Empire began in the first century AD in the area that is now Ethiopia. Legend has it that this was the birthplace of the Queen of Sheba. Aksum was an important trading center, exporting vast agricultural resources and gold to the Roman Empire and India. It was a wealthy state and the first African culture to issue its own currency, which was a sign of a great power at the time.

The most distinctive monuments are the steles of Aksum, giant carved obelisks that act as funeral terminals for kings and nobles. The first Aksumites worshiped many gods, the main of which was Astar. Then, in 324, King Ezana II was converted to Christianity and became Aksum. According to local legend, a Jewish queen named Yodit conquered the Aksumite Empire and burned their churches and books. Others believe that it was the pagan queen Bani al-Hamwiya who caused the decline of the empire. Other theories attribute the collapse of the empire to climate change and overuse of soil, which led to famine. Aksum took second place in the list of the most ancient civilizations that mysteriously disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Khmer Empire

Time of existence: 1000-1400 AD
Location: Cambodia.

The Khmer Empire, one of the most powerful empires and greatest lost civilizations in Southeast Asia, occupied the territories of modern Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Malaysia. The capital of Angkor has become one of the most famous archaeological sites in Cambodia. This empire, which included up to a million people, flourished during the first millennium. The Khmers practiced Hinduism and Buddhism and built temples, towers and other complex structures such as Angkor Wat, a temple dedicated to the god Vishnu. The decline of the Khmer Empire was attributed to a combination of factors, although most believe that ruinous wars contributed to the empire's demise. By the 14th century, the Khmer Empire ceased to exist.

Whatever happens in the future, my dear reader, each of us can make an effort to extend the life of our fragile civilization. I don’t know what its descendants will call it (if there are any), but I doubt that after its destruction there will be anything left for them. We are standing on the edge of an abyss - this is a fact, and whether a bridge will be built across this abyss depends on you and me.