1. Grant for reimbursement of creative travel expenses to the Edinburgh Festival

British Council https://www.britishcouncil.ru together with the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation announce grants to reimburse expenses for the Creative Travel Project to the Edinburgh International Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

The Edinburgh Festival is the world's largest annual performing arts festival, held in Edinburgh, Scotland. The two original components of the festival are the Edinburgh International Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe.

The Edinburgh International Festival provides a unique opportunity to see the best performances from around the world - the most successful productions, unexpected collaborations and new adaptations of classic works. The festival organizing committee invites recognized theater masters, renowned performers of classical and modern music, opera and dance. The festival also organizes a number of visual art exhibitions, lectures and master classes.

The Fringe Festival exists as a kind of alternative to the International Festival - it is an “informal”, mostly street festival, which brings together the most amazing, and sometimes downright strange, artists in the Scottish capital. Thousands of street musicians, mimes, dancers, jugglers, magicians and comedians transform the main streets of Edinburgh into a huge traveling fair. For three weeks, the city is filled with extravagant outfits, brightly colored posters, noisy crowds of onlookers and enchanting shows competing for the attention of spectators of the world's largest arts festival.

The 70th anniversary of the Festival will take place in 2017, and therefore the program promises to be especially rich and varied.

Who can apply for a grant: young managers and directors.

Working language of a creative business trip: English.

Selection criteria:

1. High motivational component of the application

2. Have more than 3 years of experience in theater

3. Proficiency in English

4. First experience of traveling to British festivals

The terms of participation:

The grant covers flight costs (economy class), 10 theater tickets purchased at the average ticket price. Upon additional request, it is possible to reimburse accommodation expenses (type of accommodation - hostel or apartments for 6-8 people).

The participant pays independently: visa costs (a letter of support is provided), individual accommodation, meals, local transport, additional theater tickets.

To participate in the competition for a grant you must:

2. Get acquainted with the Festival program: Edinburgh International Festival - https://www.eif.co.uk/ Edinburgh Fringe - https://www.edfringe.com/

At the end of the Creative trip, you must provide a meaningful report on the results of the trip.

To clarify the possibilities for providing accommodation, you must send a request in free form by email. address [email protected]

Those who have the desire and financial ability to independently pay all expenses for their stay at the Edinburgh Festival in the period from 21 to 26 August 2017 can be included in the delegation of the Union of Theater Workers. STD RF provides a letter of support.


Manuylenko Alexandra, +79166451529

Grant 2. Grant for visiting the Edinburgh Showcase

British Council https://www.britishcouncil.ru Together with the Union of Theater Workers, STD RF invites producers, directors of theaters, international theater festivals to visit the Edinburgh Showcase - a special program of the British Council, which takes place every two years during the Edinburgh Festival and the Fringe Festival and presents the best new performances of modern British theater.

The main goal of the program: establishing international professional contacts, cultural exchange, promoting the development of theatrical art. The multi-genre Showcase program features performances from visual and physical theatre, interactive and immersive theatre, new drama, as well as live art, installation and dance. In 2017, the Festival celebrates its 70th anniversary, and the British Council Showcase will be held for the 20th time, and the program promises to be rich and interesting.

In addition to viewing productions, the Showcase program includes additional events: business breakfasts, sessions with British companies, receptions on the occasion of the opening and closing of the Showcase.

Work language: English.

Candidates for participation in the Showcase program may be: heads (directors) of theaters, production companies, program managers of theater festivals, actively involved in international activities, collaborations, interested in touring British performances in Russia and cooperation with British theater companies. The delegation of the Union of Theater Workers is formed of 5 people on a competitive basis. The decision on selection will be made jointly with the British Council.

The British Council and the Union of Theater Workers of Russia provide support travel arrangements cover the cost of economy class flights to and from Edinburgh, possible accommodation in a double room, and the Showcase registration fee, which allows you to attend up to 20 performances during the week.

Participants pay for: visa costs (letter of support provided), accommodation in a separate room, meals, local transport.

All Showcase delegates from Russia must be registered through the British Council.

Information about the Showcase program can be found here:

If you want to take part in the competition, please send a motivation letter until June 29, 2017 by email address - [email protected]

Curator of the program from the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation:

Sofia Podvyaznikova, +79154904044

For 69 years, the capital of Scotland has hosted the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The Edinburgh Festival is a festival that is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Opera, drama, musicals, vibrant shows and performances, exhibitions and concerts, modern productions and classics. For three weeks in August, the city turns into a huge theatrical stage.

If you want to see more than the average tourist, come to Scotland in August. The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is the world's largest arts festival and has been held here every year since 1947.

Officially, the Festival Fringe (translated from English as “something that goes beyond”) takes place as an unofficial part of the international Edinburgh Festival. But from the very first year, these cultural events take place independently of each other and have their own program. It all started in 1947, when 8 theater groups came to the first festival in Edinburgh, which were not included in the official program, but the audience really liked their performances.

Since then, every year participants and guests of the festival from all over the world come to Edinburgh. For 3 weeks Melpomene, Thalia, Terpsichore, Polyhymnia and Euterpe reign in the city. In 21 days you can see more than 30,000 performances and shows, attend concerts and exhibitions that occupy more than 300 venues throughout the city: in theaters, galleries, churches, pubs and right on the street.

The 2016 Edinburgh Festival starts on August 5th. We are looking forward to this grand celebration, but in the meantime, meet some of the participants from last year's festival:

The indescribable atmosphere of the festival in Edinburgh is created by its rules. Participants do not need to go through the qualifying round. Therefore, you can meet both recognized masters and beginning artists here. Participation in the festival is an honor and can bring fame; every year many of the shows presented here become world premieres. At one time, Valery Gergiev, Yuri Bashmet, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Emma Thompson performed at the festival.

Theatergoers, art lovers and tourists love the Edinburgh Festival Fringe for its vibrancy, internationality and democracy. A variety of genres are presented here, from ancient Greek tragedies and the works of Shakespeare to cutting-edge productions. Drama, musical shows, opera, pantomime, children's shows, exhibitions of contemporary artists, book fairs, military band competitions, circus acts and cabarets - all this is available to everyone.

Tickets for indoor events are quite inexpensive, and if you're lucky, you can take part in street performances yourself. During the festival on Edinburgh's main street, the Royal Mile, performances take place literally around the clock.

The program of events for each day of the festival in Edinburgh can be found on the festival website.

We promise that after visiting Edinburgh in August, you will want to come back here again and again!

It all started with the outcasts. In 1947, several theater groups were not allowed to participate in the Edinburgh International Festival; the guys did not go to the pub to drown their sorrows. These cunning people staged several joint performances with great success. The performances took place next to the main festival, but were positioned as an alternative movement. This meant that two defining features of the Fringe's future were established early on - the lack of formal invitations for performances and the use of non-traditional venues.

Now the Fringe Festival is starting to become something that it distanced itself from at the very beginning. The event is becoming increasingly commercial and increasingly attracting big names and less of the focus on new products and newcomers as it did during its origins. The cost of participation is rising, and the average cost of tickets is rising. But even without attending pompous events and high-profile premieres (of which more than half happen here), spending all the time on the streets of the city, you can enjoy the performances, because the bar for participation is very high.

To hell with planning!

Put on your slippers and go outside! During the Fringe, there is something interesting happening everywhere in the city, in almost every restaurant, pub, on every corner, in every square. Even in your hotel, when you are not in your room, something is bound to happen there. You need to carefully read the festival program and choose a few events to attend; otherwise, rely on chance and just wander around the city.

The Coolest Shows Along the Royal Mile map).

Leave with a bang. Don't miss the final fireworks display!

Don't take a car, you won't be using it during the festival.

When booking accommodation, everything is as usual, we book in advance, preferably in the city center, since the bulk of the best performances will be in the center. Look at the past map of festival events to assess the situation. If you book accommodation in advance, you can easily find budget accommodation. Make sure you can walk or drive directly to the place of events; there are no problems with transport, so you can stay on the outskirts.