How to get from Rimini airport to the city center and train station? We choose the best way.

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How to get from Rimini airport by bus

You can get from Rimini airport to the center and railway station by bus number 9 (Start Romagna company) - this is the most convenient and popular way among tourists (and also the cheapest). The stop is on the left when exiting the terminal. Travel time is approximately 15 minutes, buses run every 20 minutes. On weekdays, transport from the airport starts at 5:27 and ends at 00:49 (last bus). On weekends and holidays- from 6:33 to 00:49, Sunday - closed. .

Cost - 1.3 euros. It is better to buy a ticket at a special terminal or at the ticket office, since when buying from the driver the price increases to 2 euros. The ticket must be validated at the validator.

During the high season, tourists are also transported by buses from other companies, but their fares are more expensive.

How to get from Rimini airport by train

Compared to the bus, this is not the most convenient way to get to Rimini from the airport - rather, it is suitable for those who want to get to other resorts or go to. Near the airport (about 1.2 km) there is Rimini Miramare station, from where you can take a train to the city center for 1.3 euros. You can reach it on foot if you don't. See the website for schedule and tickets.

Taxi at Rimini airport

Finding a taxi at Rimini Airport is not difficult - they are based at the exit from the airport. For travel during the day you will have to pay 17 euros, at night (from 22:00) - 22 euros. You can also order a taxi online in advance at the service - there are both regular cars and executive class cars and roomy minibuses.

Car rental at Rimini Airport

One of the most convenient ways is to rent a car at Rimini Airport. True, it is suitable only for those who are going not only to lie on the beach, but also to actively explore the surroundings of the resort. You can book your car in advance via Skyscanner Car Hire. Rental cost - from 57 euros per day.

To reach Rimini from Federico Fellini Airport by car, take the SS16 highway for approximately 8 km - just follow the signs for the city center.

It is more convenient and profitable to carry out with an experienced shopping tour instructor. We, the authors of the site, recommend that you contact Irina Mikhaleva - she is a professional in her field, a pleasant and responsive person. Irina perfectly organized our holiday in Rimini several years ago.

  • Consultations on Italian fashion trends.
  • Transfer from the airport to the hotel and back. Trips to the most famous warehouses and factories. No buses or waiting! Individual trips (maximum 4 people).
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Irina's contacts.

Federico Fellini International Airport

Rimini (Italy) - Republic of San Marino
Via Flaminia, 409-47831 Miramare di Rimini (RN) - Italy
Tel +39.0541.715711 - Fax +39.0541.373649

Rimini - San Marino Airport is located in Miramare di Rimini, approximately 4 km from the center of Rimini. It was initially used as an important military base and developed over the years thanks to a large influx of charter flights, mainly related to beach tourism and then, gradually, given the potential to attract passengers, even in winter, it became a fully civil airport with domestic and international flights. Now, institutions and managers are moving further in this direction, so that the airport can count on regular connections with the national and international Hub, enhance point-to-point routes and strengthen its role in the territory.

- the runway, which is the real wealth of the airport infrastructure with its length of 3200 meters;
- Availability of a second runway (taxiway), capable of replacing the first, if necessary;
- Large terminal capable of receiving 2.5/3 million passengers per year;
- Total area including military area, is 370 hectares for exploitation for both commercial and aviation activities;
- Enav, thanks to an agreement between the Italian Republic and the Republic of San Marino, is helping to modernize the flight instruments that will soon give Rimini Airport European and international status.

To find departure and arrival times and more, you can check more detailed information on the official website (

Forli Airport "Luigi Ridolfi"
Forli (Italy)
via Seganti, 103 - 47100 Forlì (FC) - Italy
Tel +39.0543.474990 - Fax +39.0543.474971

Forli Airport is located in the city, about 6 km from the A14 highway, about 50 km from the coast Adriatic Sea and 60 km from Bologna. Was not at all important until a few years ago, but has gained importance by squeezing valuable agreements with Marconi Airport in Bologna, which now has a majority in the share capital of Forli Airport.
Significant quality improvements have been made in last years thanks to effective agreements with certain companies low cost(airlines with flights at very low prices), as well as recent infrastructure investments that have dramatically increased operational capabilities. Being more used to reach the coast or the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region, Forli airport is directly connected to Rimini, Bologna and other major Italian cities.

To find departures, arrivals and other times, you can check more detailed information on the official website (

Guglielmo Marconi Airport
Bologna (Italy)
Via Triumvirato, 84 - 40132 Bologna (BO) - Italy
Tel +39.051.6479615

Airport G. Marconi, third international Airport in Italy, is the main airport of Emilia-Romagna and can handle traffic of about twenty million people.

Its characteristics: area - 2,450,000 square meters, runway - 2,800 meters long (recently increased) and 45 meters wide, oriented at 115 °, can accommodate flights with a range of up to 5,000 nautical miles.

To find departures, arrivals and other times, you can check more detailed information on the official website (

Parma D. Verdi Airport
Parma (Italy)
Via dell"Aeroporto, 44 ​​/ - 43100 Parma (PR) - Italy
Tel +39.0521.9515 - Fax +39.0521.980394

Modernization of Parma Airport "Giuseppe Verdi" was born thanks to the flying club "Gaspare Bolla" and an agreement between the public authorities of Parma, some business associations, large companies and some local banks. The airport is managed by SO.GE.AP SpA, a company created from these economic, political and social forces of the city territory.

The airport covers an area of ​​1800 square feet and has a runway 2300 meters long (after stretching), 45 wide.

To find departures, arrivals and other times, you can check more detailed information on the official website (

Few tourists traveling around Europe do not know Italian city Rimini. The airport, under the code LIPR RMI, also accepts international flights. The city itself is quite interesting for lovers beach holiday and excursions. In addition, from Rimini it is convenient to travel throughout Italy. This city in the province of Emilia-Romagna is located on the very coast of the Adriatic Sea, between the Ausa and Marecchia rivers. From Bologna, the capital of the region, Rimini is 115 kilometers away. What greets an arriving tourist at the local airport? How to get to the city center? If you arrived in Rimini by other means of transport, how do you get to the airport to leave Italy? Read about this in this article.

Two main reasons to visit the city

The city of Ariminum was founded back in the days ancient state Umbria. And in 268, the Romans, having established their power in these lands, built a military colony here. Rimini was a very important point. Three main roads in the Roman Empire intersected here - Via Flaminia, Emilia and Popilia. By the way, the Rubicon flows not far from the city. It was on the Square of the Three Martyrs in Rimini that Julius Caesar addressed the legionnaires with a fiery speech about whether it was worth crossing this river to march on Rome or not. As a result, the Rubicon was passed, which marked the end of the Republic. In Rimini, several monuments of ancient Roman civilization have been preserved - the Tiberius Bridge and the Arch of Augustus, but there are even more attractions from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. And this is not the only reason to visit Rimini. The airport of this city opens the way to the magnificent beaches of the Adriatic. It was in Rimini that the First Privilege Beach was opened in 1843. The entire European elite came here to spend the summer. Luxurious villas adorn the coast. The atmosphere of luxury still reigns here. It was precisely this that F. Fellini captured in his film “Amarcord”. By the way, the airport is named after this director, a local native.

How to get to Rimini

The airport in this city accepts both local and international flights. But you can get to Rimini without transfers from Russian megacities only in the summer, by charter. operates regular flights from Moscow, Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg to Rome. From other Russian cities, you can fly to Rimini with connecting flights with transfers in Frankfurt (Lufthansa), Vienna, Prague, Istanbul or Helsinki (Finnair). It should be said that upon arrival you can conveniently travel throughout the country. Three ancient routes Ancient Rome enriched with many modern highways and railway lines. So before you is all of Italy! Rimini Airport also serves one dwarf state - San Marino. The distance to the capital of this small country of the same name is only sixteen kilometers.

Services at the airport

Italy is a developed state specializing in receiving tourists. And therefore any air gate of this country serve it best recommendation. Rimini Airport, the photo of which you see, is no exception. Its area is 60,000 hectares. It consists of two terminals - passenger and cargo (Riviera Cargo Resort). As for servicing travelers, various services are provided for them, designed to brighten up the wait at the airport and create comfortable conditions for their stay. The passenger terminal offers numerous services: restaurants, bars, shops (in particular duty free), ATMs, currency exchange offices, car rental offices, parking, and a first-aid post. There are special services for people with disabilities and unaccompanied children. The runway of this hub is almost three kilometers long - the longest in northern Italy.

How to get to Rimini

The airport is located in Miramar. It is eight kilometers away from the center of Rimini. You can cover this distance by bus route No. 9. But it does not run on Sundays, and on weekdays it runs around the clock with an interval of half an hour. The stop of this bus is located to the left of the exit from the arrivals hall. The ticket costs. It can be purchased at a vending machine or kiosk selling magazines and newspapers. The driver's ticket will cost you a little more. Without a composter (the orange thing on the bus), the ticket is considered invalid. Another option is the train. The disadvantage of this type of transport is that it will only take you to railway station Rimini, while the bus travels, making stops, along numerous streets of the city. The most convenient way to get to your destination is by taxi. But this type of transport is the most expensive. On average, the trip will cost you 17-20 euros.

How to get to the airport

If you are vacationing in numerous satellite resorts stretching along a 30-kilometer strip of beaches, then it will be more convenient for you to get to the train station, and from there it will be a few minutes by train. It is easier to get from the city itself by bus No. 9. Ending station also located at the railway station. There are also numerous drop-off and pick-up points along the streets and squares. It is important not to confuse the directions and get on the bus where the front sign says “Rimini Airport im. Federico Fellini." If you are traveling by car, you can reach the hub via the F14 (Bologna - Taranto), E45 (Ravenna - Orte) or the Rimini - Republic of San Marino motorway.

From this article you will learn how to get from Rimini airport to the city center [and train station] by bus, taxi or rented car. But we’ll start with a few words about the airport itself.

The relatively small Rimini Airport named after director Federico Fellini serves not only the city, but also the neighboring dwarf state of San Marino. Although the airport receives only about 300-500 thousand passengers annually, during the summer season regular and charter flights from CIS countries.

Rimini Airport: current status and map

Rimini Airport is located 8 km southeast of the city center, 11 km from the Rimini Fiera trade fair complex and 16 km northeast of San Marino. Its territory is only 60 hectares, and it is almost impossible to get lost in the small passenger terminal.

Today Rimini Airport serves passengers on domestic and international flights from Stockholm to Sharm el-Sheikh. It has at its disposal the longest runway in the region and a terminal with an area of ​​about 9 thousand m2 with waiting rooms, bars, cafes and duty-free.

Online arrival and departure board

Information about flight departures and arrivals can be found on the airport’s regularly updated online board.

Transport from the airport

Thanks to the developed transport infrastructure, from Rimini you can get to the main cities of Italy - Milan, Rome, etc. However, first you should get from the airport to the city center.

Buses from the airport to the city

Stop public transport located, if you stand facing the terminal, on the right, at the entrance. From here, buses from Rimini Airport to the city regularly depart on route No. 9.

The fare is low - only €1.3 (2019), and tickets can be purchased from special machines or from the driver. Tickets must be validated when boarding the bus.

Buses from the airport to the city leave every half hour

The route operates from 5:26 a.m. to 11:45 p.m. on regular days and from 6:30 a.m. on weekends. The interval between flights during the day is 15-30 minutes. After 20:00 on weekdays and 19:00 on weekends, the interval increases to 60-90 minutes. View detailed schedule.

The travel time from the airport to the train station in the center of Rimini is about 30 minutes, but during this time you can see almost all significant buildings from the bus window, including the Arch of Augustus and the Tiberius Bridge.

Taxi from the airport

To take a taxi from Rimini Airport to the city, just leave the terminal building. The majority of drivers do not speak Russian even at a minimal level, so it is better to write in advance on something where exactly you need to go.

Another important point is that taxi drivers are taxi drivers everywhere. Even in Italy. And despite the fact that there are official tariffs for travel between the airport and the city, the authorities continue their long-term struggle for “cleanliness of the ranks”: so that taxi drivers are not tempted to overcharge tourists.

To protect yourself from such unforeseen circumstances, you can call a car in advance - before the arrival of your flight. For Rimini Airport, the most convenient way to do this is - through a specialized online service. Most popular destinations from the airport and prices are given below.

The most popular destinations from Rimini Airport

The main advantage of the service is that the fare is known in advance: even if the driver takes it into his head to drive you around in circles, this will not in any way affect the final fare.

The driver meets passengers at the exit from the baggage claim area, holding a sign with their names. Everything is simple and convenient. Moreover, the site through which the order is made is completely Russified and the support is also Russian-speaking.

You can check the current fares for travel from Rimini Airport for your travel dates using this link.

Car rental at Rimini airport

The airport cooperates with several international and local car rental companies, which are listed on its official website.

You can order a car rental at Rimini Airport either directly on site - in the terminal, or in advance - through the websites of any of the presented suppliers.

Car rental prices in Rimini are incredible

In order not to waste time studying the conditions of each company separately, you can use the popular international service Rentalcars.

Its main advantage is the ability to compare the conditions and prices of all car rental operators at each individual location and thus determine the best available offer within a few minutes.

Hotels near the airport

Rimini airport own hotel does not have. However, for most travelers this is not a problem: tourists heading to the city do not need an intermediate hotel. But cases are different, and therefore below we list several decent hotels near the airport.

Hotel Sport 3* is located just 5 minutes drive from the airport. This is a decent option for those who want to take a nap and freshen up after a flight or while waiting for a delayed flight.

Lovers of comfort can go to Hotel Ascot 4*, especially since it is only 1 km from the airport and located right on the beach.

There are many other hotels in the vicinity of the airport to suit every taste. View the most complete selection with a map, photos, ratings and guest reviews.

How to get from Rimini to other cities in Italy

Once you reach Rimini station, it will be easy to get to other cities in Italy. True, in some cases you will have to travel with a transfer to Bologna, where the nearest major railway junction is located.

Specify current schedule trains from Rimini to the desired city and purchase tickets for them online or using our articles below:

Photos by: riminiairport, timpickstone, Luigi Sani, giokai421.

Rimini International Airport (Aeroporto internazionale Federico Fellini) is named after the famous Federico Fellini. The airport is located in Miramare, about 8 km from Rimini.

When you arrive, the first thing that catches your eye at the airport are posters and stills from films of the great director. It immediately becomes clear: you have arrived in Fellini’s homeland.

Every year, the airport serves about 1 million passengers and approximately 13 airlines flying here from more than 25 cities in Europe, as well as from Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Albania.

There are also many flights to various destinations within Italy - Rome, Florence, Milan, Venice, etc.

Direct flights from Moscow to Rimini are operated by Ural Airlines and Pobeda, and from St. Petersburg by Aeroflot. You can find out the latest information about flights, as well as buy a ticket at a favorable price on the website

Rimini Airport has one terminal, which serves passengers departing on domestic and international flights.

The official website of Federico Fellini Airport is

You can get to the city by bus, train, taxi or pre-book private transfer. Most travelers prefer a bus or transfer because railroad station not located close.

All information is presented as of 2019. Check the schedule and prices for a specific date when booking tickets.

By bus

The Start Romagna Linea 9 bus runs from the airport to Rimini. The stop is located to the left of the exit from the terminal. Travel time is about 15 minutes.

The bus departs approximately every 20 minutes from 5.26 am to 11.45 pm on weekdays. On weekends from 6:30 am to 11:48 pm.