We are located in the Central part of Europe.

These are 3 countries - Germany, Austria, Switzerland. We will stay in Germany.

Germany is big state Central part of Europe. They speak in German. People here love order and precision. The head of state of Germany is the president. His name is Horst Kohler.

The capital of Germany is Berlin. It is the largest industrial, scientific and Cultural Center Germany.

the main street Berlin.

In 1961, Berlin, like the whole country, was cut into 2 parts, i.e. separated from each other by a reinforced concrete wall.

And in 1990, this wall was demolished, and the country became united.

It is famous for Berlin - the Berlin Zoo, the High Berlin TV Tower, and the Brandenburg Gate.

There are major cities in Germany:






(The song of the Bremen Town Musicians sounds)

Everyone is familiar and familiar with the city of Bremen. Here you can see a monument to the famous musicians - heroes of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. From early childhood we get acquainted with their fairy tales; they are popular all over the world. What fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm do you know?

Also famous city ​​of Cologne- a huge cathedral. It took 600 years to build. There are 500 steps in the stone staircase; when you go up, you can see the whole city. Cologne is on the most big river in Germany Rhine, which means "pure".

Germany is famous for its composers and musicians.

The city of Bonn is the birthplace of the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. There is a monument to him in the center, and there is a museum in the composer’s house. Beethoven's works are popular all over the world.

The great composer Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany. His works are listened to and admired all over the world.

German car brands are very popular.

What brands of cars do you know?

Here are the German car brands:

Mercedes Benz






And now we arrive at the very beautiful country, which is called Austria.

In Austria they speak German. The head of state is the president. His name is Heinz Rudolf Merz Fischer.

Look at state flag Austria.

Capital of Austria is - city vein. Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities peace. This is a city of palaces and parks. In the center of Vienna stands St. Stephen's Cathedral. To climb the tower you need to climb 300 steps.

You need to ride through the streets of Vienna in an old fiacre (a carriage drawn by a pair of horses).

Vienna is called the city of waltzes. The outstanding composer Johann Strauss, who composed wonderful waltzes, was born and lived here. The inhabitants of Vienna were distinguished by their love of music. They loved folk songs and dances. There is a monument to J. Strauss in the park.

The cities in Austria are beautiful. This is the city of Salzburg. The famous composer Great Mozart was born and raised in this city. He began composing his works at the age of 5.

Austria is called an Alpine republic.

World-class competitions are held here.

Austria is also the birthplace of ice ballet.

Many tourists come here to visit ancient museums and ski in the Alps.

Finally we arrive in the richest country - Switzerland.

This is the most elevated country in Europe.

The languages ​​spoken here are German, French and Italian.

The head of state is the president. His name is Hans Rudolf Merz.

Here is the national flag of Switzerland.

The capital of Switzerland is the city of Bern.

Most of it is occupied by mountains.

In Switzerland, a special breed of dog was bred that finds people in the snow.

The country is famous for its resorts.

Switzerland is famous for its watches. They are always accurate and reliable.

The Swiss Bank is a major source of income for the country. This is where the money of rich people is kept. different countries peace.

Lesson about the world around us in 3rd grade "In the center of Europe"

Lesson objectives:

    Students study new material on the topic of the lesson and consolidate the acquired knowledge.

    Formation of ideas about countries located in the central part of Europe.

    Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards foreign countries.

Lesson objectives:


    Introduce children to the countries of central Europe.


    To develop children’s cognitive activity, the ability to express their thoughts, and reason.

    Development of the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, defend one’s point of view, and the ability to apply accumulated knowledge.

    Expand children's horizons.


    Cultivate interest in the subject.

    Expand students' understanding of foreign countries.

    Introduce the most famous sights of Central European countries.

During the classes

    Organizing time

Psychological attitude

Guys, mentally take the sun in your hands. Look how it smiles at you. Smile at him too! Place this small piece of good mood in your right palm, cover it with your left. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. Amazing energy, kindness, and good mood emanate from him.

Place it all in your heart.

Do you feel new strength and energy appearing in you?!

I want you to remember what you feel now, and that this feeling will remain with you until the end of the lesson.

II. Checking homework.

Frontal survey:

U: What is Benelux?

U.: A small state with beautiful houses, each house has its own name. This country can be driven from end to end by car in 4-5 hours, it is famous flower market.

D.: Belgium.

U.: The country of canals, bicycles, the country of tulips. The name of the country means low lands. Famous for its cheese.

D.: Netherlands.

U.: One of the smallest countries. The name of the capital coincides with the name of the country. The name means “small castle”.

D.: Luxembourg.

U.: What is Belgium famous for?

D.: Houses, flower market, hot waffles, Belgian chocolate.

U.: What is the Netherlands famous for?

D.: The country of canals, bicycles, favorite – tulip flower, Dutch cheese.

U.: What is Luxembourg famous for?

D.: The Small Castle is ruled by the Grand Duke, there are no higher educational institutions here.


What is Benelux?

1.Fill in the names of the Benelux countries




2. In which country is the head of state the Grand Duke?

A) In Belgium

B) In the Netherlands

B) In Luxembourg

3.Write the names of the capitals

A) In Belgium - _________________________

B) In the Netherlands -____________________

B) In Luxembourg -____________________

4. Tulips became the symbol of which country?

A) Belgium

B) the Netherlands

B) Luxembourg

D) Finland

5. Which country is famous for windmills, cheese and bicycles?

A) Belgium

B) Netherlands

B) Luxembourg

5. What city is located on the Amstel River?

A) Luxembourg

B) Brussels

B) Amsterdam

V. Learning new material.

Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

U.: So, we are in the Central part of Europe.

These are 3 countries - Germany, Austria, Switzerland. We will stay in Germany.

W: What did you learn about this country?

Germany is a large country in Central Europe. They speak German. People here love order and precision.

Big cities:

The capital of Germany is Berlin. It is the largest industrial, scientific and cultural center in Germany.


The city of Cologne is famous for its huge cathedral. There are 500 steps in the stone staircase; when you go up, you can see the whole city. Cologne sits on Germany's largest river, the Rhine, which means "pure".

Everyone is familiar and familiar with the city of Bremen. Here you can see a monument to the famous musicians - heroes of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. From early childhood we get acquainted with their fairy tales; they are popular in

all over the world

Germany is famous for its composers and musicians.

The city of Bonn is the birthplace of the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. There is a monument to him in the center, and there is a museum in the composer’s house. Beethoven's works are popular all over the world.

The great composer Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Germany. His works are listened to and admired all over the world.

German car brands are very popular.

What brands of cars do you know?

Here are the German car brands:

    Mercedes Benz






And now we arrive in the most beautiful country called Austria.

Look at the national flag of Austria.

In Austria they speak German. The head of state is the president. His name is Heinz Rudolf Merz Fischer.

Question: tell us about Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the map.

Answer: Austria (capital Vienna), Germany (capital Berlin), Switzerland (capital (Bern); Switzerland and Austria are landlocked, unlike Germany, which is washed by the waters of the North and Baltic seas. Switzerland borders on France and Italy, Austria borders on Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Germany borders on France, the Benelux countries, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Germany, Austria, and Switzerland border each other; Liechtenstein is a city-state between Austria and Switzerland.

check yourself

1. Question: find and show Germany, Austria, Switzerland and their capitals on the map.

Answer: Austria (capital Vienna), Germany (capital Berlin), Switzerland (capital (Bern).

2.Question: Tell us about the sights of these countries.

Germany. Berlin: Brandenburg Gate, TV tower, Berlin Zoo;

Bremen: monument to the Bremen Town Musicians (the heroes of the famous fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.)

Cologne: Cologne Cathedral.

Austria. Vienna: St. Stephen's Cathedral, monument to J. Strauss,

Switzerland. Famous for its banks, chocolate, resorts, production of the most expensive watches in the world, Lake Geneva;

3. Question: describe the sights of these countries based on photographs in the textbook.

1. Germany.

Brandenburg Gate

Brandenburg Gate- architectural monument in the center of Berlin in the Mitte district. Erected in 1788-1791. The Brandenburg Gate is the only surviving city gate in Berlin. original title- Gate of the world. They were built by Karl Gottgard Langhans and are the first significant work executed in the style of Berlin classicism. The model for the Brandenburg Gate was the Propylaea of ​​the Acropolis in Athens. The façade of the gate was originally painted in White color. The decoration of the façade is by the hand of Johann Gottfried Schadow; he also designed a six-meter quadriga, which is ruled by the goddess of Victory Victoria (the quadriga is turned to the east).

Berlin TV tower

The Berlin TV Tower is a building in the center of the German capital with a height of 368 m. The tallest building in Germany and the fourth tallest among TV towers in Europe.

The tower trunk was erected from reinforced concrete using the sliding formwork method. Next, the steel frame of the spherical part was assembled on the ground. An assembly crane was installed at the top of the shaft, with the help of which individual segments of the ball were lifted. This crane is still in the same place today, its boom is lowered down. The antenna was assembled from individual segments four meters long. A crane was also used to install the antenna, which was dismantled upon completion of the work.

The television tower, built over four years, was put into operation on October 3, 1969 and occupied worthy place among the sights of Berlin.

Berlin Zoo.

Berlin Zoo. Covering an area of ​​35 hectares in Berlin's Tiergarten district, it is one of the largest zoos in Germany. No other zoo in the world has such a large number of animal species. Together with the adjacent aquarium, which displays not only fish but also reptiles, amphibians, insects and invertebrates on three floors, the Berlin Zoo is one of Berlin's main attractions.

The main city attraction is a sculpture depicting the Bremen Town Musicians: a donkey, a dog, a cat and a rooster, standing on top of each other. The author of this wonderful “pyramid” is Gerhard Marx. Installed sculptural composition in 1951 in the very center of the city, near the town hall.

The famous Cologne Cathedral, erected in the Gothic style in honor of the Holy Apostle Peter and the Virgin Mary, is located in the very high point Cathedral Hill, near railway station. Appearance Cologne Cathedral is admired thanks to the unusual graceful architecture of this grandiose building, woven from a stone lace of portals, towers, arches, columns and pilasters, as well as thanks to the outlines of the entire building, made in the form of a Latin cross. The height of Cologne Cathedral in Germany is 157.18 meters, so it ranks third in the list of the most high cathedrals peace. The cathedral took more than 600 years to build. Sometimes with intervals of centuries. Construction began in 1248 and was completely completed in 1880.

2. Austria.

Monument to Johann Strauss

A bronze monument to the “Waltz King” Johann Strauss appeared in the Vienna City Park (Stadtpark) on June 26, 1921. It was installed on a marble base and originally had a gold coating, which was decided to be removed in 1935. The statue of the composer was left uncovered until 1991. In 2011, the Vienna authorities decided to begin serious restoration work - the gold covering was renewed, the marble parts of the monument were cleaned, and in the fall of 2011 the Strauss monument was reopened to the Viennese and guests of the Austrian capital.

St. Stephen's Cathedral

St. Stephen's Cathedral is the symbol of Vienna on Stephansplatz. A magnificent, unique, multifaceted temple like Cathedral first mentioned in the Viennese chronicles in 1221. They built it on a holy, “prayed” place. Back in the first half of the 12th century, there was a parish church here. The three-nave Romanesque basilica, named after St. Stephen (Stephen), began to be rebuilt in 1230. The architects planned to build a temple in the late Romanesque style, and most of the building was already completed when the fire happened. Restoration of the building began only at the beginning of the 14th century. The work was finally completed in 1340. The architecture of the temple remained Gothic, but the features of the building later changed during many reconstructions. Only in 1523, under Rudolph IV, the cathedral acquired the appearance that has survived to this day. The cathedral was built asymmetrically: the southern tower was much higher than the northern one. The height of the southern tower of the temple was 136.44 m. Today you can climb this tower to observation deck 343 steps lead up. The height of the North Tower is only 68.3 m. The structure was not completed for a number of reasons (it collapsed during construction). In the second half of the 16th century, the tower was crowned with a dome. The north tower serves as the cathedral's bell tower. The main bell on its belfry is the huge Pummerin - a giant weighing more than 21 tons, with a diameter of more than 3 meters. To be more precise, the tower is now decorated with New Pummerin. The old bell, cast in the 17th century from Turkish guns captured in battle, was destroyed in a fire at the end of World War II. The fragments were collected and a new bell was made at the bell factory in the city of St. Florian. Once again, Pummerin's voice gathers parishioners to the Cathedral on major church holidays.

3. Switzerland.

Lake Geneva is the most big lake Alps and the second largest lake in Central Europe. Located within the borders of Switzerland and France.

Lake Geneva lies in the Rhone floodplain and is shaped like a crescent, curving around the village of Yvoire. The bend naturally divides it into Big and Small lakes. Water Lake Geneva They often remain perfectly calm throughout the day, reflecting every bush and house on the shore like a mirror. The water there is clean, but very cool: you can swim only in July-August. Beaches - grass and platforms. Basically, tourists are attracted here not so much by the beach as by the cleanest air, warm climate (in summer up to +32..+36 °C, but the heat is not felt) and the spectacular combination of subtropical vegetation and snow-capped mountain peaks.

4. Question: from what sources did we receive information about the countries of central Europe?

Answer: from a textbook, encyclopedia, Internet.

Homework assignments

Task 2. Find out which products from the countries studied in the lesson are sold in our stores. Make a list of such products.

Answer: Germany – cars (a separate industry jointly with Russia),

Germany, Austria, Switzerland: confectionery, household appliances, clothing, shoes, watches.

Next lesson

Question: remember which countries in central Europe we visited. What particularly interested you in these countries?

Answer: Germany, Austria, Switzerland.

Swiss alpine meadows, Lake Geneva.

IN center Europe

Target: introduce countries located in the center of Europe.

Planned results : Students will learn to talk about the country using physical and political maps, supplement this information with information from other sources, work in groups, analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

Equipment: political map of Europe; reference literature; videos about Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Move lesson

I . Organizational moment

II . Update knowledge . Examination home tasks

Frontal survey

- What is Benelux?

- In what part of Europe are the countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg located?

- Name the capitals of these countries.

- What is remarkable about these countries?

- Why is the Netherlands called the land of canals, bicycles and tulips?

- What country have you prepared a message about? Tell me

- Which Interesting Facts about the countries you found?

III . Self-determination To activities

- Find on political map the country whose column is Berlin. What is the name of this country?(Germany)

- Find on the political map the country whose capital is Vienna. What is the name of this country?(Austria.)

- Find on the political map the country whose capital is Bern. What is the name of this country?(Switzerland!)

Today in class we will talk about these countries.

IV . Job By topic lesson

- In the center of Europe we will visit three countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland.

(Students are divided into three groups.)

- Tell about these countries using the textbook text on p. 126-130, as well as materials from encyclopedia reference books.

V . Physical education minute

VI . Consolidation studied material

Completing tasks in the workbook

1 (p. 63).

- Read the assignment. Look at the map.

- Using the map in the textbook on p. 125, complete the task.

- Which country has the largest area and is shown in brown on the map?(Germany.)

- Name the capital of Germany.(Berlin.)


- Which country is shown in yellow on the map?(Austria.)

- Name the capital of Austria.(Vein.)

- Write the names of the country and capital.

- Which country is shown in green on the map?(Switzerland.)

- Name the capital of Switzerland.(Berne.)

- Write the names of the country and capital.No. 2 (p. 63).

- Read the words in the first line.

- Find the extra word.(Vein.)

- (Vienna is a city, the capital of Austria; the rest- names of countries.)

- Read the words in the second line.

- Find the extra word.(Germany.)

- Prove that this word is superfluous.(Germany is a state; the rest are city names.)


- Read the names of the cities that the boy wrote down.

- Find these cities on the map. Is everyone in Germany?

- Name cities that are located in other countries.(Geneva is in Switzerland, Salzburg is in Austria.)

- Cross out the names of these cities.

4 (p. 64).

- Read the assignment. Review the table.

- Find information about the sights of Germany in the text of the textbook. Name them.(Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Zoo, TV tower, Cologne Cathedral, monument to the Bremen musicians.)

- Enter in the table.

- Name the sights of Austria.(St. Stephen's Cathedral, cabs, monument to Johann Strauss.)

- Enter in the table.

- What attractions are there in Switzerland? Name them.(Mountain resorts, banks.)

- Enter in the table.

- Which of these countries have you visited? What can you tell us about them? Mark these countries with a “+” sign.

5 (p. 65).

- Read the assignment. Find the photos in the appendix for this assignment, cut them out and paste them.

- In which country is Cologne Cathedral located?(In Germany.)

- What can you tell us about him?

- Sign the name of the country.

- In which country is the monument to the Bremen Town Musicians located?(In Germany.)

- Who wrote the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen"?(Brothers Grimm.)

- Sign the name of the country.

- In which country is the Johann Strauss monument located?(In Austria.)

(The teacher can turn on an audio recording of a waltz by J. Strauss.)

6 (p. 65).

- Use the tutorial to color the flags.

VII. Reflection

- Complete the table.

A country


State language

Rivers flowing through the territory




Monument to I. Strauss





VIII. Summing up results lesson

- Which states have you met?

- What do you remember most?

So, Germany, Austria and Switzerland are states in the central part of Europe. The largest of them is Germany. Large cities in Germany - Berlin, Bremen, Cologne.

Homemade exercise

2. Prepare a report on any country in central Europe