Abkhazia is an amazing place of incredible beauty. The unique and fertile nature, the healing climate, and the very special atmosphere of this region make your vacation here unforgettable. All these qualities of the Country of Soul, as the locals call it, are perfect for families with children. Including for the first acquaintance with the sea, especially since it is much cleaner here than in the Russian Black Sea resorts, located not so far away. And since swimming in the azure water is the main reason why people go to Abkhazia, it is worth learning more about the beaches directly, since this is an inseparable attribute of such a vacation. And if adults can easily lie on pebbles or even a rocky surface, then little urchins definitely need to run, and jumping on stones, you must admit, is not a pleasant activity. That is why the sandy beaches of Abkhazia are popular among families with children. Basically, the coastline is pebbly or sandy-pebble, although if you try, you can find clean sand. Let's look at the main beaches at some resorts in this amazing country.


A city with an ancient history, the capital of the Country of Soul. There are few vacationers on the beaches, so you don’t have to worry about being left without a place in the sun. Mostly large and small pebbles are found. However, those who are looking for a sandy beach in Abkhazia may also get what they want.

The most popular beach among locals and city guests is Sinop Beach. It is located in the southwest of Sukhum. The center can be reached by public transport within 5 minutes, on foot in about half an hour. There is an entrance for vehicles, and you can leave your car here. Quite wide (more than 50 meters). The entrance to the sea is gentle - exactly what children need. On site there are cafes, snack bars, showers, toilets, and a variety of water activities.

You can also note the beaches belonging to the sanatoriums "RVSN" and "MVO". They cannot be completely called sandy, because closer to the water there is still a strip of pebbles. However, these are the most well-equipped vacation spots with sun loungers, cafes and beach equipment rental points. But these sandy beaches of Abkhazia are not municipal property. Only sanatorium guests can use them freely. However, this does not mean that you cannot get there if you are not vacationing in a health resort in a country called Abkhazia. The sandy beach is a private sector, or rather its guests, can also be visited. Only vacationers will have to pay for entry. However, the price is rather purely symbolic.


This locality is ideally suited for holidays with children. There is amazingly clean air here thanks to a grove of relict Pitsunda pine and the cleanest sea on the entire coast. Basically, the coastal strip is covered with small pebbles. But here there is, perhaps, the best sandy beach in Abkhazia. More precisely, it is located not in Pitsunda itself, but 6 km from it, in the resort village of Rybozavod. Very spacious, there is always somewhere to put a rug. And if you get up early and come to the morning sun, you can see dolphins splashing here. There is another big plus for this place: Pitsunda Bay protects the coast, and therefore there are no strong winds or high waves here, the sea is mostly calm and quiet.

In addition, while relaxing in the vicinity of Pitsunda, it makes sense to turn your attention to the sandy beaches of Abkhazia in the village of Agarki and the village of Ldzaa (Lidzava). Of course, they are not like the comfortable beaches of foreign resorts, and they are far from the Russian coast in terms of comfort and infrastructure. However, in terms of silence, tranquility and beauty, they can easily compete.


Gagra can rightfully be called a youth resort. This is where most vacationers tend to go. In both the old and new parts of the city, the beaches are mostly pebble. However, there is a very good beach that belongs to the Solnechny sanatorium. Strictly speaking, it is also not entirely sandy, rather sandy and pebbly. Entrance to it is paid. It’s fortunate that here, as in Pitsunda, the sea is not very rough. The Gagra Ridge protects vacationers from high waves.

New Athos

It is a quiet, relaxing resort with few vacationers here, so families with small children love this place. The sea is clean and warm, the entry into the water is gentle. But, however, the phrase “sandy beaches of Abkhazia” is not about this resort. It's mostly pebbles. However, if you choose not public beaches, but be content with wild ones, in the vicinity of New Athos it is quite possible to find sand and pebbles. Of course, you can’t dream of infrastructure, but you can fully enjoy the amazing nature. There is also a sand and pebble beach, which belongs to the territory of the boarding house “At the Monastery”. Despite the fact that this is a private area, entry is free, and there are quite a few vacationers, so there is enough space for everyone.


If you are wondering whether to choose a sandy beach should not be the only criterion. In any case, you should definitely visit the Country of Soul. After all, this is an unforgettable place that is very easy to fall in love with.

In total, it is about 400 km - there are public and closed beaches, equipped and wild, sandy-pebble and rocky, if you look hard enough, you can find sandy ones, however, in fairness it must be said that this will not be the sand of the beaches of Anapa, rather very small pebbles.

Features of the beaches of Abkhazia

  • The beaches are predominantly pebble, less often sand and pebble, the descent into the water is gentle;
  • the water in the sea warms up quite quickly, the sea is clean, and if you add beautiful nature and good ecology, then holidays here become quite attractive;
  • in Abkhazia, many rivers and streams flow into the sea, even in extreme heat they carry quite cold water and in some areas of the water area the water temperature in the sea may be lower than usual;
  • after rainfalls, these same rivers bring a lot of garbage, but coastal currents clear the sea quite quickly (in bays, for example, Sukhumi or Gudauta, this process takes longer).

The best beaches of Gagra

Gagra conditionally divided into two parts - Old and New Gagra, the length of the coastline is about 56 km, the beaches here are pebbly, the entrance to the sea is relatively steep (for example, when compared with the beaches of Sukhum).

Beach of Old Gagra

Beach Old Gagra less crowded compared to beaches New Gagra, less noisy, the infrastructure is less developed, along the coast there are many boarding houses built during the Soviet era. Some of them have their own sections of beaches, but you can get there without any problems.

Beaches of New Gagra

Beaches New Gagra quite comfortable, more crowded, the beach infrastructure is well developed here, there is even a small water park,

Beaches New Gagra covered with smaller pebbles than on the beach of Staraya Gagra.

The most popular beaches in this part of the resort are:

Central Beach

The beach is publicly accessible, covered with pebbles, with sand in places, the entrance to the sea is gentle, and in some areas there is shallow water.

Beach of the boarding house Solnechny

The beach is sand and pebbles, with a gentle entry into the water.

The best beaches of Pitsunda

Pitsunda boasts the largest variety of beaches, all of which are united by a clean and calm sea.

A significant part of the beaches Pitsunda located in Pitsunda Bay, well protected from the winds.

Well, a unique microclimate Pitsunda(everyone knows about Pitsunda pine) makes this region very attractive for recreation and treatment.

The most popular beaches of Pitsunda:

Central Beach

The beach belongs to the complex "Resort Pitsunda", for guests of the complex (hotels and boarding houses of Pitsunda) entry is free, for others - paid, covered with small pebbles, equipped, there is the opportunity to engage in water sports, during the peak season the beach is quite crowded.

Rybzavod Beach

Located 6 km from Pitsunda, is considered sandy, but it is more likely to be very small pebbles. The plant, by the way, is not working.

Ldzaa village beach

The beach is sand and pebble and is considered the cleanest on the coast: even at the height of the season there are no epidemiological problems here.

The best beaches of New Athos

IN New Athos those who appreciate the silence and sparsely populated beach come. The width of the beach strip is about 30 meters, the surface is pebbles of medium and small size, the entrance to the sea is gentle, the bottom is flat. In the eastern part of the resort, the beaches are narrower, but there are patches of sand here.

Beaches New Athos poorly equipped, there is no entertainment here; if you need amenities, you will have to go to the beaches of boarding houses.

Near New Athos There are many breakwaters, this is due to the peculiarities of the hydrology of the bay.

The best beaches of Sukhumi

Length of coastline Sukhumi about 20 km, most beaches have a small width of the beach strip (5-10 m), in some areas in the bay area it is wider (15-20 m).

The beaches here are pebbly and sandy-pebble, most are freely accessible, there are 5 equipped beaches, all of them are located in the central part of the city.

Popular beaches of Sukhum:

Central Beach

The length of the beach is 2 km, the width in some places reaches 50 m, it is equipped with changing rooms and showers, along the beach there are numerous cafes and shops.

Beach of the sanatoriums of the Moscow Military District and the Strategic Missile Forces

The length of the beach is about 2.5 km, width 15-20 meters, covered with pebbles, with a gentle entry into the sea. These are the most equipped beaches in the Sukhum area, but entry to them is paid (if you are not a guest of these sanatoriums).

Aitar Beach

The beach is located in the southwestern part of the city next to the Aitar boarding house, covered with small pebbles, interspersed with sand in places, and is free. There are children's attractions on the shore that will help you keep your child busy.

Sinop Beach

This is the most popular beach in Sukhumi- it can be called conditionally sandy: a wide beach strip (up to 50 meters), covered with sand, but pebbles are also quite common, especially in the surf zone. The beach is partially equipped (toilets, showers, changing rooms), along the beach there are cafes, restaurants, shops. The beach is free.

Don't look in Abkhazia There are no official beaches for nudists, sometimes spontaneous ones arise. But you need to take into account that the local population has a rather negative attitude towards such vacationers.

Discover one of the best holiday destinations on the Black Sea. If you need high-level hotels and appropriate service, then it makes sense to think about other Black Sea resorts. IN Abkhazia there are no high-class hotels yet, many buildings destroyed by the war have not yet been restored. But if the main thing for you is a clean sea and beautiful nature, you are on the right track.

Abkhazia is a beautiful republic located in the northwestern part of the Caucasus. Magnificent mountain ranges, clear lakes and, of course, warm, calm seas. This place is perfect for a family, relaxing holiday. People come here to get a lot of impressions and get away from noisy, dusty cities. The beaches in Abkhazia are distinguished by their neatness and comfort; most of them are pebble and sand. Various types of palm plants grow on the shore, seagulls fly around - all this makes the republic surprisingly similar to many foreign resorts.

Where are the best beaches in Abkhazia?

The humid subtropical climate of Abkhazia allows you to swim and sunbathe on its beaches until mid-autumn. The big advantages are free entry to all beaches, there are very few people there, and garbage is regularly removed. There is not much entertainment during the day, but thanks to this, the atmosphere on the shore is quiet and soulful.

In the evening, numerous entertainment venues open here, music sounds, and lights turn on. A vacation or vacation spent here will leave only the best memories. In Transcaucasia, along the Black Sea coast, sunny Abkhazia is located for 210 km - a real pearl of the Black Sea coast with the famous resorts of Gagra, New Athos, Pitsunda, Gudauta. Photos of the beaches of Abkhazia confirm this. Truly Caucasian hospitality and the friendliness of local residents presuppose a respectful attitude towards the customs of the country of all guests who visit it for recreation.

Beaches are very common on the Black Sea coast. Wide pebble beaches, rich subtropical vegetation, magnificent views of the sea, the peaks of the Greater Caucasus mountains and stormy mountain rivers make your holiday in Abkhazia unforgettable. Unique natural landscapes, on the one hand, and a microclimate created by the gentle sun and gentle sea and protected from the wind by a mountain range, on the other hand, contribute to the popularity of these places among tourists from spring to late autumn. The unsurpassed beauty and richness of the local nature will give you many minutes of enjoyment of a wonderful vacation, which can be anticipated by looking at photos of beaches before your vacation.

Well-equipped beaches facilitate pleasant sea swimming and sunbathing. A properly planned regimen, with the obligatory alternation of beach holidays with other types of recreation, will help achieve maximum benefits for the body. The combination of a visit to the beach with a cultural and entertainment program, as well as trips to local attractions and moderate entertainment, will help to avoid unnecessary overheating in the sun and thus prevent premature aging of the skin. Lovers who find it useful to sunbathe without any clothing, in pursuit of the possibility of restoring its vital energy, can afford this subject to certain precautions.


It is located in a small village, which is lost between the noisy Gagra and Pitsunda. The main advantage is the lack of entertainment infrastructure on the coast. A photo of the beaches of Alakhadza makes it clear that you can sunbathe on sandy and pebbly soil. True, the pebbles throughout Abkhazia are very small, not sharp, and not like those in popular Sochi.

Please note that the beach is uncrowded and clean. The entrance to the sea is gentle, but the depth quickly increases. The peculiarity is that the village is located on a plain, but it is surrounded by mountains, so excellent panoramas are guaranteed. There are also a lot of magnolias, cypresses, palm trees - a real piece of paradise without the noise and fuss.

You can get from Gagra or Pitsunda by regular bus (15-20 minutes) or take a taxi.

New Gagra

There are a lot of beaches here of different levels of comfort. There are practically unfurnished ones, and there are real comfortable areas with a lot of additional entertainment. All of them are predominantly pebble, but there are areas completely covered with coarse yellow sand. True, such oases are more reminiscent of narrow strips than full-fledged beaches of Gagra, this can be seen in the photo.

The largest beach is Central with strips of sand and small pebbles. Lots of cafes, shops and water activities. There is a water park for children.


It is also called Fish Factory Beach. It is located very close to the resort Pitsunda, 5 km along the coast, and 2 km along the road. Tourists love this place very much, because here you can soak up the sun and sunbathe on the snow-white sand, which is very rare for Abkhazia. There are also areas of pebbles, but they are few.

The coastal zone is wide and clean, it stretches for almost 4 km. The beach is located within Pitsunda Bay, so there are no winds here. The descent into the sea is gentle, the bottom is flat without holes or sudden changes. But there is no entertainment. But you can relax in peace and quiet under heavy palm canopies and in the shade of centuries-old pine trees.

You can get here by minibus from Pitsunda, get off at the Rybzavod stop.

Old Gagra

They are less comfortable than in New Gagara, but the sea here is very clean, and the places are beautiful and quiet. The coastal zone is covered with pebbles of various sizes. The entrance to the sea is gentle, but you should be careful of sharp stones.

You definitely won’t find any fun attractions here. True, there are a couple of good restaurants, and a large beer establishment under a covered tent on the shore.

Photos of the beach confirm that there are no crowds of tourists here. So you can relax peacefully all day. And after enjoying the warm sea, take a walk to the main attractions of the resort - the colonnades and the Seaside Park.

The most popular beaches are near the boarding houses “Energetik” and “Abkhazia”.

Photo of Sinop beach

It is located in the vicinity of Sukhumi (6 km from the city) and attracts many tourists. Its main advantage is a very large coastal area covered with fine sand! Pebbles can only be found as inclusions. The beach stretches for almost 2.5 km, and its width reaches 80-90 meters. Far from the main recreation area there is a small strip of beach, which is chosen by nudists.

At the height of the season, life is in full swing here - you can ride catamarans and boats, scuba dive, ride a banana boat or water ski. Another plus is that the large Sinop Park is located very close by, where you can walk under the canopy of exotic trees and enjoy the aroma of flowers.

From the city center you can walk to the beach in just half an hour or take trolleybus No. 2 or a minibus.


The central beach of the city is small pebbles. It is well equipped, you can rent sun loungers and umbrellas. The entrance to the water is gentle, although there are sharp stones closer to the shore. It is recommended to have shoes to avoid injury.

The recreation area is located in Pitsunda Bay, which means that there are no gusty winds here, it is always warm. The panoramas are very attractive, there are no big waves, and the water is crystal clear and transparent.

The infrastructure is developed - there are rental points for any equipment for water sports. Umbrellas and sun loungers are available for rent. The proximity of small shops and cafes is also pleasing. A special feature is the presence of a relict pine forest, so you can not only sunbathe, but also undergo “treatment” with the purest healing air.

There are no sandy beaches in Pitsunda itself. But you can go outside the city, going around the Mussera nature reserve, and in front of you is a coastal area covered with sand. This beach is deserted and very beautiful.


The city welcomes its guests mainly with sand and pebble or pebble beaches. There are many of them, most of them can boast of good service and the presence of all the necessary infrastructure.

Note that the sea in these places is not very deep, so you will have to walk several tens of meters before the water level reaches your chest. This fact attracts families with children on vacation.

There is also a lot of entertainment here. This includes exciting diving, the opportunity to rent a boat and go out to the open sea. No one will be left indifferent and riding luxurious horses is such a specialty of Abkhazia.

Arriving in Gudauta, you should definitely visit the delightful mountain lake Ritsa and just take a walk in the mountains.

New Athos

Most of the coastal area is covered with pebbles of various sizes. The city's Central Beach was no exception. The entrance to the water is gentle, and the bottom has practically no protrusions or “cliffs”.

If you want to soak up the sand, you should go to the eastern part of the settlement. can be described as wild, but they are clean and covered mainly with sand, with very rare stones and pebbles.

The panoramas in this area are very beautiful. These are real thickets of lemons and oranges, olive and tangerine groves. And cypress alleys, laurels and magnolias fill the air with a pleasant intoxicating aroma.

You can get there by train, which starts from Sochi. By the way, she also stops in Pitsunda and Gagari.

The picturesque resort town of Gagra (Gagra) is located on the shore of a vast bay 36 km from Sochi airport and 70 km west of Sukhum. The city stretches along the sea for almost 15 km, occupying the entire narrow strip of relatively flat coast between the Psou and Bzyb rivers.

Unlike the more eastern regions, here the spurs of the Greater Caucasus Range in the form of Mount Avutsa and the Mamzyshkha Range approach almost the sea itself, forming reliable protection from cold winds from the north and their own microclimate. As a result, Gagra is considered the warmest place on the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia, and the nearby mountain forests and thickets of relict Pitsunda pine, combined with constant foehn winds, noticeably soften any heat.

Public and private beaches in Gagra

The beaches of Gagra stretch for a total of almost 50 km (including Pitsunda and Kholodnaya Rechka) and are mostly quite wide, composed of pebbles of various sizes with individual sandy areas.

Most of the beaches are publicly accessible, but some of the coastal areas belong to sanatoriums and boarding houses - free entry to them is provided only to guests, the rest - for an additional fee. Renting sun loungers and umbrellas is possible only on certain sections of the coast, mainly on the beaches of New Gagra, in particular on the beach of the Energetik boarding house and others.

The beach season in Gagra lasts from mid-June to September.

Pebble and sandy beaches in Gagra

The coast of New Gagra is divided into small pebble beaches with separate sandy areas. These types of beaches are the most popular among tourists and are therefore crowded during the summer months.

In the Old Town, all beaches are pebbly; Depending on the zone, small, medium and large pebbles are found. The seabed of these beaches is also small-pebble, with sharp stones. The beaches of the Old Town are suitable for those looking for a calm and secluded holiday.

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Evgeny and Elena Khotulyov | May 2016

rebellious_88 | September 2013

help | summer 2014

"Honey, take me to Gagry!" - so in Soviet times, girls insisted on a luxurious and comfortable vacation, following the example of the heroine of the Soviet film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.” During the years of the former USSR, holidays in Gagra were indeed considered premium; only stars, actors, directors, in general, the “cream” of Soviet society, could afford it.


Today holiday in Abkhazia accessible to almost everyone, it is chosen much more often than Turkey, Egypt or the Emirates. There are several reasons for this: it is easy to get to by personal transport, you can choose any region of Abkhazia for your holiday depending on your preferences, and the price for a holiday is significantly lower than that offered by foreign tour operators. The main reasons for this choice of compatriots are the breathtaking color of the region, the amazing hospitality of the residents, unusual local cuisine, the gentle sea and the stunning natural beauty of the surrounding area. All this can be found in one city in Abkhazia - Gagra. The beaches of this resort have always attracted travelers with their well-groomed appearance and a certain originality.

Central beach of Gagra

Address: Gagra Beach, Gagra, Abkhazia.
Beaches in Gagra
Mostly strewn with small pebbles, but there are larger stones with texture. In some areas there are also sandy beach areas, where there are always a lot of people. On the Central Beach of Gagra, which is in greatest demand during the “high” season, the shore is a sandy spit with a shallow entrance to the sea. This part of the resort city is chosen mainly by tourists who come with small children.
For a comfortable family vacation, literally everything is offered here: rental of sun loungers and sun loungers, water attractions for children and adults, you can rent a scooter, catamaran, jet ski, and so on. Children can happily spend the whole day in the water park located near the beach area.
Travelers often come to Central Beach in the morning to go fishing; those who are tired of the summer heat boldly combine a passive beach holiday with a game of tennis - courts for these purposes are located near the embankment. The infrastructure here is quite developed, including cafes and bars where you can have an inexpensive and tasty lunch.

Beaches of Old Gagra

Address: Old Gagra, Gagra, Abkhazia.
A very popular Gagra beach, located in the old part of the city. It's relatively uncrowded here. Almost nothing has been invested in this area since Soviet times; there are no private and boarding houses. The same sanatoriums and hotels that remain from past times still find their tourists. Those who are not used to the bustle and large crowds of people like to relax here - unlike the same New Gagra, which is considered youthful and modernized.
Mostly, the beaches of Old Gagra are public, but there are also areas on the coast that belong to sanatoriums, where they charge a certain entrance fee. The shore here is strewn with small pebbles, but entering the sea can be difficult because the blocks in sea water are much larger - this can cause significant inconvenience.
On the embankment, you can compensate for all the shortcomings with Caucasian cuisine - here, many travelers are offered good restaurants and cafes, attracting with the opportunity to taste little-known culinary masterpieces. As for fruits, because of their low price, you can saturate your body with vitamins in just one vacation so that it will last for a year. Tangerines, peaches, persimmons - even local residents sometimes treat tourists with fruits from their personal garden.

Sand and pebble beach of the boarding house "Solnechny"

Address: boarding house "Solnechny", Kholodnaya Rechka village, Gagra, Abkhazia.
Of course, if you go to Gagra for a comfortable holiday, then it is better to choose good places, with clean and well-groomed beach areas of the coast. Then we will talk about a private beach, access to which is available exclusively to guests of the Solnechny boarding house. It is located near the Russian-Abkhazian border, so Russians are frequent guests here.
The beach area here is stunning, combining conditions for even the most capricious holidaymakers. The coast has both sand and pebbles, which is ideal for families with children. Canopies and sun loungers, changing cabins, and for an additional fee you can treat yourself to any type of attraction - bananas, parachutes, even a walk along the coast on a yacht.

Beach of the boarding house "Gagra"

Address: boarding house Gagra, Nartaa Avenue, 36, Gagra, Abkhazia.
The same can be said about the beach of the Gagra boarding house. It is clean and calm, with local attractions nearby - Prince of Oldenburg Park, a colonnade symbolizing the revival of the resort, and a restaurant, which, according to legend, was built without a single nail.
The beach here is private, there are conditions for a cozy and relaxing pastime. Swimming in the sea can be combined with boat trips on the sea, massage, reading books in the library or playing billiards.

Holidays in Abkhazia have not lost their popularity, because every corner of this region is shrouded in many secrets and legends, Gagra was no exception to the rule. You can spend your holiday here according to your taste, inexpensively and not boring!