If you are traveling around Indonesia, stopped on the island of Bali and after some time got a little tired of it, or this is not the first time you have lived on it, everything is familiar and not very interesting - there is a great opportunity to unwind and gain new impressions: relax on the Gili Islands. They provide the opportunity to both immerse yourself in the nightlife and spend a few blissful days in complete relaxation, in a hammock or on a beach lounger.

Features of the Gili Islands

The Gili Islands are three islands in the Lombok Strait, between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are called Trawangan, Meno and Air and are located near Bali and not far from the island of Lombok.

These are very small islands, as if by nature itself. Trawangan is the largest of them, it’s easy to walk around the perimeter in just over an hour, if you stop often to take photographs or video, it will take one and a half to two.

The Gili Islands are famous for their clear turquoise sea and beautiful corals, fine white sand beaches and tourist services: cafes and many bungalows are located right on the ocean.

On all three islands you can enjoy the absence of car noise and clean air without emissions - there are no vehicles, not even mopeds. You can’t get around on them here. Therefore, all movements are carried out on bicycles, carts drawn by small indigenous horses, and fishing boats plying along the Lombok Strait.

There are no police here either: the local population knows very well that tourists are their best friends, as they bring in income.

The highlight of Gili beach restaurants is the lying-down seats. This says a lot about the nature of the holiday on Gili - everything here is designed for relaxation, a calm and lazy pastime. If you want to take a break from the tourist bustle in Bali, this is the place for you!

From May to October it is dry on the islands, from November to April it lasts.

The choice of one of the “triplets” depends on what you expect from your holiday on Gili. There is a joke: “Trawangan is for social people, Eir is for those tired of Trawangan, Meno is for newlyweds, pensioners and hermits.” Is this true? Partly. It is quite possible to retire on Eir, as well.

And don’t forget the main thing - if the chosen island disappoints you, you can easily move on a local boat to another - it takes half an hour and costs a penny. You can also live on one island and visit others for the purpose of familiarization and.

Gili Trawangan

The most popular of the islands is Gili Trawangan. Here, from five-star hotels to bungalows and houses in a local village, there is an active tourist life (compared to the other two islands, for sure). Of course, there are more catering places here in all their diversity (if you don’t like seafood and are not into the local cuisine, you will always be able to eat Italian pizza or an excellent steak), and entertainment, since the infrastructure is designed for the tourist flow.

Are you here to have fun and crave an active nightlife? Settle in the eastern part of Trawangan, it is always lively, music is playing, bars and restaurants are full of visitors.

Pay attention to the following points of interest:

  • “Warung Indonesia” is a cafe with a variety of national dishes and beach loungers. Yes, yes, you can spend the whole day here, trying this and that, and “eat” for the amount of $10. National cuisine is prepared professionally: how can you not try buntut (buffalo tail soup), redang meat, martabaki with nuts.
  • “Ko Ko Mo” is a restaurant for true gourmets. Expensive, but very tasty and elegant. True, the service staff is very leisurely - but this is the rule rather than the exception in Indonesia. You will be served kindly, but for a long time.
  • Tir Na Nog is a real Irish pub with a bunch of beers and huge monitors broadcasting sports events. The food is European, but in the evenings they cook seafood over an open fire. One day a week - Wednesday - the pub is overwhelmed by a stormy wave of night party, lasting from 22.00 to 04.00. Everybody dance!

Gili Air

Gili Air is the closest of the other two islands to Lombok. It is the smallest and greenest of the three, and is home to the most Aboriginal people. There is noticeably less “movement” here than on Trawangan, and all of it is in the eastern part of the island. If you want to dance at an open-air disco, withdraw money from a card, exchange currency, or visit a massage parlor, head east of the pier. There is an Internet cafe, but guests of the island characterize the local Internet as “expensive and useless.”

There are also few “pretentious” hotels here, but there is a lot of budget bungalow-type housing. The beaches are beautiful, the water is clean.

Gili Meno

If your family with a child (children) went to Gili, choose Meno Island, located between the other two. In comparison, Meno is an oasis of peace and tranquility, which is perfect for families with children, elderly people who want privacy for couples in love and simply those who are tired of the noise. In the low season, Meno is empty, you can live literally feeling like you are on a desert island - the local villagers will not bother you, they have their own lives.

There is luxurious nature here, a pretty lake in the center of the island, wonderful spacious beaches (you can find one where you will be completely alone), quiet coastal waters, which are great for swimming and snorkeling.

If you don’t want to be disturbed by night noise, choose accommodation on the coast, distant from Gili Air, otherwise at night you will be forced to enjoy the sounds of a disco and, what’s worse, someone else’s karaoke.

Choosing housing

In Trawangan there are hotels of any price category and with different levels of comfort - from expensive ones, with swimming pools, to the simplest bungalows and houses in the local village (by the way, many young, poor and loving travelers choose not a decent hotel, but a native “bed” ").

Eir has very good budget hotels of two- and three-star categories.

There is only one 5* hotel on Meno - Villa Pulau Cinta, but 4* hotels with swimming pools are in no way inferior to it.

By the way - this applies to housing on all the Gili Islands - do not be influenced by the stereotype and do not think that places to stay are necessarily leaky huts or filthy bedbugs (or whoever plays the role of bedbugs in Indonesia). This is absolutely not true. There are very neat and cozy options, and this is logical: the owners of all these temporary shelters for tourists live on the income from them, of course, they try to maintain their establishments as best as possible.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to look on the Internet for reviews of those who have already lived in a particular hotel, inn or bungalow complex.

Things to do

Are you already on one of the islands and wondering how to spend your free time from the beach and swimming?

  1. The Gili Islands occupy an honorable place on the list in Indonesia, and for good reason: the beauty of coral reefs, the most interesting underwater fauna - brightly colored parrot fish with tints from one color to another, stingrays that look like underwater ghosts with their “wings”, huge hawksbill turtles , endangered, and no less rare green ones. Isn’t it amazing that the islands have dive spots, diving schools and licensed dive operators, and all connoisseurs of underwater beauty come here? Training is carried out according to the SSI and PADI systems. Highly qualified instructors, excellent quality equipment (so there is no point in bringing your own equipment). Prices are fixed everywhere. The main crowd of divers is on Gili Trawangan, the most popular diving center is “Blue Marlin”, very advantageously located: right off the coast there is a coral wall.
  2. Popular entertainment on Gili Air are glass-bottom boat rides and snorkeling: here are the largest and most “spreading” coral gardens, don’t miss the opportunity to admire them. The open-air discos here are located east of the pier. Not everyone knows that there is a surf spot on Air.
  3. There is a turtle farm in the northeast of Gili Trawangan - here you can get up close and personal with sea turtles and baby turtles. They are allowed to feed them, pick them up and even take part in the process of releasing them into the sea - to a permanent place of residence. If you are with children, be sure to visit this place!
  4. Yoga centers in Trawangan - yes, there are them. one-time (this is available to everyone - people of any age and without prior preparation, the instructors here are competent), or you can book a 10-day tour with accommodation in the very center, with a vegetarian menu in a specialized restaurant.
  5. Visit Trawangan Night Market for an inexpensive dinner of local seafood with rice and tofu cooked in front of you. If you come alone or as a couple and are bored without company, keep in mind that this market is a big party, it’s easy to meet people there and subsequently spend your holidays together.
  6. All islands have inexpensive bicycle rentals for exploring.
  7. Do you like fishing? Again, there are no problems with this on all the Gili islands; locals willingly take tourists fishing on their boats - prices are negotiable. You can also just ride a kayak.
  8. Horseback riding is also a common island pastime.
  9. While walking, you can closely study the life of the local population: the settlements live their own lives, with a traditional way of life, livestock, religious rituals - on Gili Meno there is a small mosque that begins its activities at approximately half past five in the morning: the villagers are religious people. If you have an ethnographic streak, you will be interested in local life.

How to get to Gili from Bali? There are several options. The most expensive of them is a fastboat, but there are also more budget options.

On the beaches of Bali in the south and southeast, in Candidas, Ubud, Sanur, tickets for such boats are sold (the price usually includes transfer from the hotel to the ports and back). The most profitable way to get there is through the Padang Bai port; it will cost from $70 to $100 (prices in other ports are higher). However, many companies sell tickets for fast boats, and it is possible to compare prices. The ticket can be taken with an open date (once you have reached the place, you will decide when you will return - but do not forget to find the point of your tour operator and mark the return date there). Fast boats leave Bali in the morning (you won’t find a boat after lunch), returning from Gili in the afternoon.

If money is short and time is plentiful, you can save on travel expenses. To do this, you need to take a ferry from the port of Padang Bai to the port of Lembar on the island of Lombok. The ferry is inexpensive if you walk (it will be more expensive with a moped). Ferries operate 24 hours a day, but this is a mode of transport for experienced travelers who are not afraid of temporary discomfort. From Lembar you need to take a motorbike, local bus or taxi to another port - Bangsal, and from there take a boat to the Gili Islands. Ticket prices here are already ridiculous - a little more than $1 per person, 25& for the whole boat. Buy tickets only at the box office, otherwise you will run into a local who likes to profit from naive tourists.

How much money to take with you

In July - during the high season - 4 nights in Trawangan 4* hotels will cost you an average of 25 thousand rubles. There are both much more expensive and much cheaper - you can even live in the village of Trawangan in wooden houses for mere pennies.

On Gili Air - 4* will cost 40 thousand rubles, if you don’t have any special complaints about housing and you are happy with a bungalow, you can realistically spend 5-9 thousand.

On Gili Meno you can find an option from 6 thousand rubles. (3* hotel), bungalows are very cheap.

This is for accommodation, but you will also need funds for food and entertainment. Calculate your budget depending on your needs.

Helpful information

To ensure that your holiday on the Gili Islands leaves you with only positive impressions, consider some nuances - they relate to your comfort and safety.

  1. On any of the islands, problems with water of any nature may arise - the hotel may not have hot water or it may be difficult to find ordinary fresh water for drinking. Juices here are not diluted with water! Keep this in mind.
  2. You must have sunscreen with you - otherwise, instead of a beautiful tan, you risk getting sunburned skin.
  3. The distance between the islands visually seems quite small. Yes, it is small - it’s only a few minutes by boat. However, there is no need to try to overcome it by swimming: the currents between the islands are very strong, you are taking a risk.
  4. Be careful with hallucinogenic mushrooms that are openly sold in local bars. Even if you are a lover of Castaneda’s prose and a renowned experimenter with your own consciousness, remember that you are using a narcotic substance, the effect of which on you is absolutely unpredictable. They also offer illegal “weed,” that is, marijuana, in bars and restaurants.
  5. And most importantly: there have been cases of fatal poisoning on Gili from local alcoholic cocktails. Don't drink them! If you want alcohol, buy it only in sealed bottles!

As you can see, a holiday on the Gili Islands can be either comfortable at a decent level or very budget-friendly - but in any case, not boring. And for a relaxing holiday and completely freeing your head from the heavy daily worries, Gili is simply an invaluable place.

Gili Islands, Lombok, Indonesia - Trawangan, Meno and Air?>

Gili Islands, Lombok, Indonesia - Trawangan, Meno and Air

Lombok is worth visiting for 2 reasons: climbing Mount Rinjani and snorkeling around the Gili Islands. I already wrote that, but we also saw the oldest mosque in Indonesia. We also decided to go to the Gili (or Gili) Islands.

Gili means “small island” in the local language of Lombok residents. The most famous Gili Islands- these are 3 islands near the western coast of Lombok, although many more tourists come here from Bali - mainly young Europeans and European students. Students from Western Europe (Germany, France, UK) and the US tend to make up the lion's share of travelers to Southeast Asia, with a generous mix of young people from Australia and New Zealand in Bali and Lombok.

So, 3 Gili Islands:

gili islands map

(Gili Trawangan) - the largest and most crowded, located farthest from Lombok (on the left, if you look at the map of the islands from above),

Gili Trawangan - map

(Gili Meno) - the calmest (in the middle)

Gili Meno map

And Gili Air(Gili Air) - closest to the shore of Lombok (right).

Gili Air map

Hitchhiking to Gili. Hitchhiking from the village of Senaru, where we saw the waterfalls and the mosque, with a New Zealand woman who hired a private jeep, we reached the turnoff to the pier, walked a little more than 1 km and ended up near the ticket office of the Ferry pier.

First tip for budget travelers- buy food, snacks and water before departure - on Gili Island everything is 2-3 times more expensive. There are no shops near the pier; it is better to buy in one of the shops 1.2 km away, at the turn to the pier from the main road.

useful diagram for those traveling to the Gili Islands

Trawangan had the largest selection of affordable housing, so the choice fell on this island.

Going to Gili Trawangan wasn’t the best idea because it’s too crowded there, which we don’t like. For those who like tourist beach parties, I advise you to visit, you might like it. But for those who like it quieter, choose Meno Island.

A ferry ticket to Gili Trawangan costs IDR 19,000. The journey takes 35-45 minutes. When loading onto a ferry boat, you need to take off your shoes if you are wearing shoes, because... There are no platforms for passengers.

to Gili by boat

The boat is roomy, probably 100 people climbed into it. There are a lot of seats, but not enough, many are still standing. It’s especially fun to sit or stand behind two large Yamaha propeller engines - the water is actively gushing from under the propellers, and the propellers are quite close. But locals say that it is absolutely safe and nothing has ever happened.

The water around is just an incredible dark, deep blue color.

I just want to quickly dive in and see if there is anyone in the depths of such beautiful water.

When approaching Trawangan, the first thing you will see is a large colored TRAWANGAN sign welcoming you.

On the shore, near the pier, there are many boats constantly moored; you will have to swim next to them, although the water does not get dirtier from this.

Surprisingly, the water itself is crystal clear, although there is a lot of garbage in it - all kinds of packaging, bags and even bottles.

Immediately after arriving, we went to look for our hotel - Izzi Homestay.

Ours, of course, is not as beautiful as in the photo. Ours was a simple Indonesian room with a shower and breakfast included - a good option for budget travelers.

There are many options for hotels, guesthouses and hostels on the island of Trawangan. Most of them are concentrated on the eastern, ferry side of the island. On the contrary, there are more expensive hotels in the western part of Trawangan. Apart from electric mopeds, horses and bicycles, other types of transport are prohibited on the island. So if you choose a hotel on the western part of Trawangan, keep in mind that you will either need to walk 30-40 minutes to get there, or you will need to hire a horse (carriage) to transport you there with your luggage.

horse on Gili - the main transport for tourists

The most popular sightseeing and transportation option among tourists around the island of Trawangan - by bike, rented. It will probably take you an hour or an hour and a half to go around the island if you don’t rush anywhere and stop often. But we didn’t have time to rent bikes, it was nearing sunset, and we simply crossed the island, going up the hill and going down to the other shore. From the hill there is a nice view of the coast and the neighboring island of Meno.

view from the hill on Gili - on the water and on Gili Meno

We, however, forgot, but we must always remember that in the evenings in Bali, Lombok and Gili there are high low tides, during which it is difficult to swim.

swimming at low tide on Gili Trawangan

We waited for a stunning sunset on the western side of Gili Trawangan.

sunset on Gili Trawangan

I also wandered around the shallows and found some amazing sea animals like the sea urchin

And some kind of starfish

starfish on Gili Trawangan - mother with brood

Back on “our” side of the island, we decided to find some food. In the eastern part, on the streets near the ferry there are many cafes, bars and even restaurants (Italian, Thai). There is a night market with seafood and classic versions of Thai dishes such as pad thai (fried noodles) with chicken and kaw pad (Thai fried rice). There are also more classic versions of Indonesian dishes with fried chicken and tofu.

night market on Gili Trawangan

You won't be able to eat very cheaply, prices range from $2.5-3 - small islands are always more expensive.

Snorkeling on the Gili with turtles

The night before I had chosen one of the tour companies that offered snorkeling around the islands - the main attraction on the islands.

snorkeling on Gili Trawangan - route in one of the major tour companies on the island

Snorkeling with turtles- this is what 100% of tourists come here for. And you should definitely come here for the same reason. Snorkeling and snorkeling are excellent here. Those who know how to scuba dive and have a large enough wallet can go diving, they say that in the best options here you can see large manta rays.

When going snorkeling, wear a T-shirt in the water and lubricate your hands and feet well with protective cream, otherwise you will burn. Bring water and something to eat, although there will still be a mid-day stop at Meno Island and you can eat at the restaurant.

You need to arrive at the appointed time, usually at 9 or 10 am at the place where you bought the tour, they will check your ticket, if you bought it in advance, they will give you a mask with a snorkel and fins. Don't lose them, the fine for losing them is quite large, about $100. The cost of the tour (2017) is about 200,000 Indonesian rupees, which is just under 900 rubles. For lunch at a restaurant, get ready to shell out at least 50,000-75,000 rupees.

During the snorkeling tour you will be transported to 3 places where you dive for 30-40 minutes in each.

After lunch, diving on a full stomach is not very comfortable. So enjoy what you see before the big break. And there is something to see - there is a huge variety of colored fish and corals and, most importantly, turtles.

sea ​​turtles - snorkeling on the Gili was a success!

Typically, tourists see at least one turtle. We saw 7! I was delighted. Amazing snorkeling.

sea ​​turtles - snorkeling on Gili

My mask was leaking, but that was most likely due to my mustache. Perhaps next time I'll shave when I'm going to dive for a long time. The equipment is good, but if you’re not used to it you still get tired quickly. After lunch on Meno Island (one of the options, there are also options where you will stay on Eyre Island) diving takes place 100 meters from the island. This is the most affordable snorkeling because it is shallow and anyone living on Meno can snorkel without booking a tour.

Gili Islands - Google map

You will be given a loaf of bread and you can feed the fish. I, however, did not receive any bread and only watched as others fed them. At this depth you won’t be able to see turtles, but there will be plenty of fish.

Around 14-14:30 you will be transferred back to Trawangan and you will have time to rest and go somewhere else. That same day we returned back to Lombok, stopped at the pier in Bali and took the ferry to Bali to spend our last night and day in Indonesia. Read a short overview of Bali, housing and hitchhiking there in the next post. Come or fly to Lombok, enjoy hiking on Rinjani and snorkeling on the Gili Islands - experience this piece of paradise.

Additional useful information about the Gili Islands

Airplanes to Lombok - You can fly to Lombok airport from almost any major airport in Indonesia, from Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.

Google Map of the Gili Islands

Gili Islands - Google map

Hotels on Trawangan Island.

Lombok is a large island with a very developed infrastructure: an international airport, banks, shops, many 3-5* hotels, private villas and houses. It is most convenient to stay here for those who want white beaches, a more secluded atmosphere than on the island of Bali and a high level of comfort that cannot be found on the Gili Islands. But the island of Lombok is far from being the island of Bali for a number of factors: the locals profess Islam (in Bali - Hinduism), this leaves a serious imprint on many aspects of holidays here. In my personal opinion, the island lacks charm, lacks care and grooming, cleanliness, something special, its own “face”...
For some reason I could not fall in love with it, even though I lived here in the most luxurious hotel, The Oberoi Lombok, with the highest level of service, excellent comfortable rooms and caring staff. The hotel is truly the best on the island!
But from Lombok it is very convenient to make day trips to the Gili Islands for diving and snorkeling, learning to surf and hanging out in local bars. Taxis boats operate all day long, so you can easily travel between the four islands. From serious hotels like The Oberoi you can take a cruise to the islands and learn diving with an instructor, swim to spots with a reef for snorkeling - very convenient and comfortable!

Nature, beaches and climate of Lombok

Lombok still has quite secluded beaches with white or yellow sand, picturesque cliffs and almost untouched by civilization. Many people say that Lombok is similar to Bali 50 years ago, but for some reason I don’t believe in such a comparison. Lombok has a completely different atmosphere in terms of cultural and historical components and a completely different climate and nature. That same Wallace Line leaves its mark on the “picture” that we see here - there are no rice terraces and flood fields, there are practically no gorges like in Ubud with deep rivers. It’s drier here, there are a lot of fields with chili peppers (Lombok translates as “chili”), and in the sea there are plantations of cultured pearls. Inexpensive Kuta is popular among surfers and backpackers (not to be confused with Kuta in Bali!), but Senggigi Beach is considered more developed - there are the most hotels, private villas, shops, exchange offices and restaurants here. Compared to Bali, Lombok is more deserted, but at the same time there is a feeling that it is dirtier and uninhabited, the local population is less friendly.

Mount Rijani in Lombok
Perhaps this is the most beautiful place in the north of the island - clouds often hang here, there are thunderstorms and the area is more picturesque and green. Still, the proximity of the volcano affects the nature and climate even within the same island. In Bali it’s exactly the same - in the east of the island in Amed, for example, it’s very dry, and 40 minutes away on the climb to Agung it can rain. This is due to the thermal activity of the volcano - here clouds and rain condense stronger and more abundantly than in other parts of the island. The last eruption of the Rijani volcano was in 2009, because of which even the island’s airport was closed. There is a very beautiful lake in the caldera of the volcano, and in its surroundings you can also enjoy waterfalls. Just in the north of the island, the luxury hotel The Oberoi Lombok 5* is closest to the island of Gili Air and the Rijani volcano.

Gili Islands (Bali, Indonesia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Despite the presence of the active volcano Agung, tourists call Bali an earthly paradise. Is heaven in heaven possible? It turns out, yes - these are the Gili Islands, and they are very close, just a couple of hours of sailing on a speedboat, a local type of large motor boat. True, the journey may not be very pleasant if there is roughness in the strait, so those suffering from seasickness choose another route - by ferry to the island of Lombok, and from there by floating taxi boats to their destination.

Microarchipelago of relaxation

Tiny pieces of land are surrounded by coral reefs, which act as breakwaters, protecting the coast from the ocean surf. The beaches are strewn with clean white sand, the sea water is warm and clear, and the underwater world is enchanting. There are no cars or scooters here, everyone moves on foot or on bicycles, or, in extreme cases, on carts drawn by good-natured horses. And where to go - any of the three islands can be walked up and down in an hour. But at the same time, the hotels are comfortable, there is mobile communication and Wi-Fi, the beaches are equipped, and taxi boats scurry between them.

The smallest is Gili Meno, also known as the “island of newlyweds and retirees.” Bungalows and cafes are scattered along the shore; a wide strip of white sand separates the sea from the palm trees. There is nothing for lovers of noisy nightlife to do here, but those looking for peace and quiet will enjoy it to the fullest. Located to the east, Gili Air is much noisier and more civilized. There are great restaurants and even spas here. The most western and party place is Gili Trawangan, here everything is as it should be in a seaside resort - hotels, nightclubs, discos. Prices, of course, are also higher.

Don't take risks and drink local cheap alcohol. There were cases of dangerous poisoning.

There are no attractions on the Gili Islands, but excellent diving and snorkeling. The underwater world is rich and diverse, there are no strong currents inside the reefs, the water is clear, the ebbs and flows are imperceptible. There are several diving clubs with equipment rental. There are dozens of boats at the piers, ready to go fishing or snorkeling at any time. Off the southern coast of Gili Meno, a sunken ship lies at the bottom. One dive costs from 500,000 IDR. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Gili Trawangan is the largest and most popular of. From the sea side, Gili Trawangan looks touching - a tiny strip of land that easily fits into the camera lens. The island is even more touching - a snow-white beach, turquoise water, no transport except horse-drawn carts, many cafes and beach restaurants with beds (a Gili specialty) and a huge number of cats of different sizes, colors and colors.

Don't miss out on Gili Trawangan

  • Spend a couple of days adjusting to the rhythm of the island - a pillow, a hammock, a book, beer, shrimp and/or fruit juices (as you prefer) and beautiful views of the calm emerald sea.
  • Rent a bike and ride around the island.
  • Take your cool photo on the Gili Sea Swing.
  • Take a day to explore the underwater beauty of the island...
  • and another day for a trip to the neighboring islands - Gili Air and Gili Meno.
  • Pamper your body and soul with a massage on the beach.
  • Browse the hipster shops along the main beach for stylish beach items.
  • Find your favorite spots to watch gorgeous sunsets.
  • Treat your stomach to a feast with a visit to the famous Trawangan Night Market.
  • And, of course, don’t miss the evening and night beach parties that Trawangan is famous for.

Trawangan by bike

Gili Trawangan is ideal for lazy cyclists) The flat landscape, lack of transport and small size allow you to go around the island in an hour, but you will definitely want to make a stop (and more than one) during your tour. Leave early in the morning or a few hours before sunset to avoid the midday heat and crowded bike paths.

You can rent a bicycle everywhere on the island - almost all hotels and guest houses on the island offer bicycles to their guests. The average rental price is 40,000 IDR.

The main transport on the island. Photo credit: Casi Contreras Gerber, Flickr

Gili Trawangan. Photo credit: Ben D. Johnson, Flickr

Sea swing

Thanks to social media, the sea swing has become a local landmark. Along the west coast you can find several places with swings and hammocks on wooden stilts submerged in the water. The view through the lens is naturally beautiful - behind the textured wooden swing there is only water and sky. So, get on your bike and look for your beautiful swing along the coast)

Sea swing. Photo credit: Mike Salamanca, Flickr

The Gili Islands are one of the best diving destinations and one of the best places in the world to learn to dive. At the Gili dive spots you can meet huge turtles, manta rays, rays, sharks and barracudas, as well as see sunken ships.

Diving to interesting spots is accessible even to beginners. Two of the four main Gili dive spots, one of which you can meet sharks, are available for diving immediately after completing the basic courses, the third (a dive spot with turtles) - after completing the Open Water Padi Course.

Dive centers are located along the main street of Trawangan and offer both certified dive courses for divers of different levels and dive trips. Diving is very popular on Gili, so there are many excellent instructors and very affordable prices - a 3-day basic course allowing diving to a depth of 18 meters (Open Water Padi Course) will cost around $390. Trawangan also has short introductory courses and trial courses with introductory lessons and one dive. The minimum age for diving training is 10 years.

The best dive centers in Trawangan are Manta Dive and Trawangan Dive Center, see also Blue Marlin Gili and Mango Dive. Each of the mentioned dive centers has its own dive resort, where the bulk of the courses are conducted (for the cost of accommodation, see the links; the cost of PADI courses, dives and snorkeling tours, plus or minus, is the same in all Gili dive centers).

Diving on Gili. Photo credit: P E E K I N G, Flickr

Southeast Beach

South-East beach, i.e. The southern part of the east coast of Gili Trawangan is the heart of the island. The often mentioned above Gili Central Street stretches along the southern part of the northern coast. Around the main street there are beach restaurants, beach party clubs and pubs with live music and reggae rhythms. Tour offices, shops and souvenir shops are also concentrated here. In the same part of the island there is a pier and the island's night market.

The main format of housing here is beach bungalows and guest houses with cozy cottages and bungalows located a little further from the beach. The average cost of very good housing in this part of the island is $30-40 per room.

Southern part of the eastern coast of Gili Trawangan. Photo credit: Oscar Liber, Flickr

The main street of the island. Photo credit: hl_1001, Flickr

The northern part of the east coast is much calmer, which compares favorably with the noisy and sleepless southern part. There is a lot of different accommodation here, but much less restaurants. The beach in this part of the coast is beautiful and relaxing, with massages on the beach and small food stalls.

Near this part of the coast you can most often find turtles; masks and fins for snorkeling off the coast can be rented here, along the beach.

The traditional housing format for the eastern part of Trawangan in the form of bungalows and small cottages is complemented by beach resorts, stylish boutique hotels and villas.

Snorkeling on Gili. Photo credit: hl_1001a3, Flickr

Northeast Beach. Photo credit: booking

North West Beach

North West Beach is a more populated part of the west coast. Lazy and atmospheric resorts with beach bungalows, cottages and villas stretch along the coast. Almost all the housing here is located along the beach. There are also several atmospheric beach restaurants along the beach, where guests of local hotels gather in the late afternoon waiting for the sunset.

Photo credit: booking

Photo credit: booking

Southwest Beach

There is practically no housing in this part of the island, but there are many nice beach restaurants, bars and even a beach club with the promising name Malibu Beach Club.

South-West Beach is located a short and easy bike ride from the popular South-Eastern part of the island, so this is where those staying on the east coast most often go to watch the sunset.

Next to one of the few guest houses on the coast, The Exile Gili, there is a beach bar of the same name and a very photogenic swing.

The Exile Gili. Photo credit: Marvin Ancian, Flickr

find suitable accommodation

Where to choose accommodation on Trawangan Island

As mentioned above, the main format of housing in Trawangan is bungalows and guest houses.

General advice for choosing accommodation: look for accommodation in the South-East part if you want to be “close to everything”, in the North-East part - if you want a beautiful, quieter beach next to a bungalow, while remaining close to the main party.

More affordable options for good housing along the east coast of the island are most often located at some distance from the beach.

Look for beach accommodation options with “sea views”, a relaxed atmosphere and maximum distance from civilization on the west coast of the island.

The main problem of settling on the western beach is getting from the pier to the hotel. On foot with luggage you will have to walk for at least half an hour (2-3 kilometers). An alternative is to take a horse-drawn carriage ride. It should be noted here that the mistreatment of carriage horses in Trawangan is a real problem, so if you consider yourself an animal lover, this experience should either be avoided or be very careful in choosing a carriage. Another alternative is to leave your main luggage at (if you plan to return to the same hotel) and come to Trawangan with a small backpack. In this case, you can rent a bicycle on the main street and get to the west coast without any problems.

Our pick on Gili Trawangan

on the east coast

- a charming bungalow complex with that same lazy atmosphere of island life for which they go to Trawangan. Cute little bungalows with cozy terraces, a flowering garden, pleasant hosts, delicious breakfasts - and all this is a 5-minute walk from the southeastern and southwestern beaches of Trawangan. Book in advance!

on the west coast

- a complex of small, cute bungalows located right on the beach, the “deluxe” part of which is equipped with its own lounge areas with wide sun loungers and hammocks. All bathrooms are located in the open air, which adds island authenticity to the place. Very calm and relaxing atmosphere. Beach equipped with sun loungers, small swimming pool on site, bicycle rental. A little further along the beach there are excellent beach bars and restaurants.