Chalcedony is a translucent variety of quartz that comes in a variety of colors. It forms sinter masses, veins and crusts. The mineral has several varieties and shades. Chalcedony stone is actively used in the jewelry industry, and people consider this mineral the patron saint of love.

History of the mineral

The chalcedony stone got its name in honor of the ancient Greek city of Chalcedon, which is located in Asia Minor. This mineral has been known since the times of Ancient Greece, when the art of mining and processing gems began to develop rapidly. Deposits were discovered on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara. The nugget was used to carve three-dimensional images on stone cabochons. More often, blue or green chalcedony was used for this purpose. In total, the mineral has more than one hundred varieties.

Since ancient times, jewelry with chalcedony has been popular. In addition, this mineral was the basis for the creation of many legends and stories. Thus, John the Theologian in his writings argued that it is chalcedony that adorns 3 of the 12 foundations of the walls of the heavenly city of New Jerusalem. The mineral is found in volcanic rocks. In modern times, it is mined in South America, Iceland and Russia (in the Urals, Siberia and Karelia). Deposits have also been discovered on the banks of the Don and Volga.


The mineral is unique in that it has several varieties that differ from each other in origin, composition and color. Chalcedony geode, in most cases, consists of small crystals. The most famous types of chalcedony are:

  • jasper - has an interesting yellow color;
  • endrigus - white chalcedony (sometimes translucent), very often used in the jewelry industry due to its unique structure;
  • chalcedony onyx - has a red tint with striped inclusions;
  • agate - has a purple or blue tint, the saturation of which depends on the level of quartz ingrowth;
  • chrysoprase - has a fine crystalline structure, the green color is acquired due to the high nickel content.

Varieties also include: mtorolite, carnelian, sapphirine, cacholong, heliotrope and many others. Each stone has certain abilities and, according to some claims, is endowed with magical powers.

Healing and magical properties

Stones have the ability to treat and cure people of various kinds of ailments. The healing properties of chalcedony stone are very diverse. Thus, the mineral relieves problems with blood pressure, which is why red chalcedony is recommended to be worn by hypertensive patients and weather-sensitive people. When worn regularly, the stone improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If a person has a tendency to nervous breakdowns or suffers from insomnia, then he needs to wear green or pink chalcedony. It makes sleep sound and deep. For regular depressive states, it is recommended to wear a ring inlaid with this mineral.

Silver bracelet ESTHET with chalcedony, cubic zirconia and enamel (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

It is better not to wear such jewelry to suspicious people, since continuous wearing can become a source of causeless fears and panic attacks.

The magical properties of chalcedony are also known. Astrologers and esotericists unanimously claim that the mineral, especially its variety carnelian, has great energy power. Striped chalcedony is able to restore vitality and replenish the lack of wasted energy. In addition, the magical properties of the stone help in achieving your goals. Protective amulets and amulets are often made from the mineral.

Belonging to zodiac signs

Being born under the influence of a certain sign endows a person with a certain set of properties and character traits. Cancer is the one for whom chalcedony is most suitable. This zodiac sign knows how to value love, home and family, so it can choose the mineral for itself as a talisman or amulet. For Gemini, chalcedony and its properties will also be very useful. Gemini, whose temperament is prone to nervous breakdowns, will become more thoughtful and organized if they regularly carry this mineral with them.

Leos and Capricorns are those for whom this stone is suitable for achieving financial well-being. Virgos who wear jewelry with this stone will find it easier to establish relationships with people around them. Sagittarians are those who benefit from this stone to restore their energy. It is not forbidden to wear this stone for those who according to the horoscope belong to Libra, Aries or Aquarius.

The main advantages of this gem over other precious and semi-precious stones include its low price. A nugget measuring 2-3 cm costs an average of 500 rubles. At the same time, rings, bracelets and necklaces inlaid with stones look beautiful and unusual. The variety of colors allows each person to choose the ideal option for themselves. The mineral does not require special care. However, blue and green nuggets should be protected from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Aggressive chemicals, in particular acetone, can harm any stone. When purchasing a stone, you must carefully read the certificate that must accompany the nugget of natural origin. The absence of this document indicates the fact of forgery.

), we’ll write about others later, and today – a small review article to organize the information.
Origin of the name: chalcedony is named after the ancient Greek city of Chalcedon in Asia Minor.
Other names (synonyms): blue moonstone, Californian moonstone, St. Stephen's stone, canary stone, Mecca stone, prismatic moonstone, chalcedon.
Color: milky white, gray, black, orange, brown, pink, purple, different shades of green, yellow, blue, red. Very often striped, multi-colored.
Transparency: translucent, opaque.
Gloss: waxy, matte, pearlescent, dull.
Hardness: 7.

Chalcedony is a microaggregate that may contain fibrous quartz (actually chalcedony), quartz micrograins, a hydrous type of opal, calcite, cristobalite, tridymite.

The structure of chalcedony contains micropores filled with water and gas, therefore, when chalcedony is heated to 100 0 C, it loses a certain proportion of its mass. Sometimes the pores are filled with other minerals, thus forming moss agates, which consist mainly of chalcedony. The pore content in chalcedony is about 2.5%.
Chalcedony splits in a direction parallel to the microfibers, resulting in a rough fracture surface.
Some opaque varieties of milky white chalcedony can emit a strong clayey odor, but there are no alumina impurities. The nature of the smell is unknown.

Chalcedony is divided into groups according to several characteristics.
By texture:
Agate - chalcedony with concentric stripes of different colors; can combine concentric and horizontal banding, like Uruguayan agates. The stripes on each agate are unique (like tigers)).
Onyx is a parallel-banded chalcedony. The stripes are straight or smoothly curved; unlike agate, onyx does not have concentrically zonal banding.

Agate Onyx

By color:
Carnelian is reddish-yellow.
Sapphirine - blue.
Sard, sarder - brownish, red-brown.
Carnelian is bright red or red-yellow.
Chrysoprase is emerald green to apple green chalcedony.

Carnelian Sapphirine

Sard Chrysoprase

By color and pattern:

Plasma and heliotrope (bloodstone) - green, onion green, apple green. The plasma is colored by yellow celadonite flakes. Heliotrope differs from plasma in that blood-red dots of hematite are interspersed into the green mass of plasma.
Mirikit is gray with red spots.
Stefanik - white or light gray with red dots.

Plasma Heliotrope


By the nature of inclusions:

Moss moss (mockstone) - chalcedony of gray, bluish, milky white color, slightly translucent to translucent with inclusions of manganese or iron oxides, reminiscent of trees, mosses, and algae. Inclusions are usually black, brownish-red, orange-red, green, gray, yellowish-white.
Enhydros - chalcedony nodules with internal cavities containing water.
Aventurine is opaque, usually green in color, with inclusions of myca and hematite, giving a shimmering effect.

Mosswort Aventurine

Chalcedony also includes:
Cacholong is milky white, interspersed with gray and black, opaque, porcelain-like. The term can be applied to modifications of chalcedony with the obligatory indication of affiliation (chalcedony cacholong), because There is also an opal cacholong. They differ in structure (determined under an electron microscope) and the presence of different microimpurities and the distribution of micropores.
Flint (chalcedony flint) - color grey, black, yellow, brown, red. The color of flints is either monochromatic or multi-colored, spotted (patterned flints). Formed by a microcrystalline mass of chalcedony group minerals in fluctuating ratios.

Tiger's eye is a pseudomorph, a compound of quartz and the fibrous mineral crocidolite; known for its iridescent effect and shine.

Jasper is opaque, brown, with many shades, spotted.

Flint Tiger's Eye


Selection form
Nodules, nodules, sheet-like deposits in sedimentary rocks.
Veins, tonsils, and larger geodes in igneous rocks.
Pseudomorphoses on wood, corals and shells.
Crusts, sinter aggregates: bunch-shaped, kidney-shaped, stalactite-like.
Chalcedony is formed from low-temperature hydrothermal solutions, as well as as a result of the processes of diagenesis and epigenesis (weathering). Chalcedony is often found in sedimentary rocks, mainly limestones. Forms pseudomorphs from organic residues. Chalcedony is the main component of many siliceous rocks, jasper. Chalcedony typically fills voids and cracks in igneous rocks. In addition to bedrock, chalcedony is also found in placers.

Place of Birth

Chalcedony is a very common stone that is found throughout the world. At the same time, the main industrial reserves of chalcedony are confined to amygdaloid effusives and their weathering products. The most common chalcedony comes from deposits in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Uruguay, Scotland (Gray Killeen, South Perthshire), Russia (Urals, Primorye).
During the Soviet era, ornamental chalcedony was mined, in particular, at the Tuldun deposit in Eastern Transbaikalia and at the Magnitogorsk deposit (Russia), at the Akhaltsikhe deposit (Georgia) and at Karadag (Crimea, Ukraine).

Since ancient times, chalcedony (especially agate, onyx, sapphirine, carnelian) has been used as a jewelry and ornamental stone. Chalcedony beads dating back to the Neolithic have been discovered; ritual objects, with chalcedony inserts; Babylonian carved cylinder seals.
Aggregates of sintered chalcedony with pronounced stalactite and kidney-shaped forms have collection value.
Geodes in basalts, the central cavities of which are filled with brushes of well-formed, pure amethyst crystals, have decorative value.

Most varieties of chalcedony are processed into cabochons or beads. What amazes me most are the rings, completely carved from chalcedony, and the stone carvings.

Small figures and cameos are cut out of chalcedony (glyptics - see the article on carnelian for details).
In addition, chalcedony is used in precision instrument making (support prisms for scales) and for chemical and pharmaceutical purposes (mortars).
Among all chalcedony, translucent gray or blue ones are especially valued.
Chalcedony is sometimes dyed to create a more vibrant color, with bright blue, red and pink being particularly popular colors. And white chalcedony is made blue.
And some more decorations:

In preparation, materials from the sites were usedmirmineralov. ru, mindraw. web. ru, mindat. org, minerals. net, kristallov. net, jewelsdujour. com.

Among the endless variety of beautiful stones that have found application in many areas of human life, chalcedony occupies a special place. The properties of this mineral, its magnificent appearance and relatively low cost make chalcedony very attractive to jewelers, designers and beauties who want to shine at social events, standing out from the crowd with original, interesting jewelry.

Description of the stone

The mineral, which is believed to have received its name from one of the cities of Asia Minor (according to another version, its name comes from Ancient Greece), has long been popular. This semi-precious stone is a type of quartz. Striped agate, pink carnelian, blue-gray sapphirine are all members of the “chalcedony family”. Particularly good is blue chalcedony - a translucent stone that occurs in nature in the form of formations the size of an average apple.

This mineral is porous and has a fibrous texture. It absorbs dyes remarkably well. Most often, stone deposits are found among flint rocks; it is an integral part of petrified wood.

Uruguay, India, and Brazil are considered the richest in terms of chalcedony deposits. But our Russia is also lucky: here the mineral is found in Siberia and Chukotka. Small reserves were discovered in the Moscow region.

Areas of use

Chalcedony has found application in interior design and jewelry. It is used as an ornamental stone in the manufacture of countertops and sinks. Due to their excellent absorbent properties, some varieties of chalcedony are used in the production of tiles for baths and other rooms with high humidity.

Pharmacists prepare medicines in chalcedony mortars. Designers willingly decorate residential and office spaces with details containing this beautiful mineral. It is well suited for frames designed to decorate paintings and large embroideries. Figurines, vases and shelves - everything that gives coziness to a room and makes it conducive to quiet communication, concentrated work or solitary relaxation - is often made of chalcedony or inlaid with it.

But still, chalcedony is the most popular among jewelers. They decorate rings and earrings, bracelets and pendants. The mineral has become widespread due to its availability and elegant “appearance”.

Medicinal properties

It turns out that pretty chalcedony can not only decorate, but also heal. Since ancient times, doctors have recommended it for problems with blood pressure (it normalizes blood flow, raises blood pressure, and is therefore very useful for hypotensive patients). When worn regularly, the mineral helps normalize cardiac activity and restore an even rhythm. It also helps with sleep disorders, making falling asleep quick and easy, and sleep deep and sound. It is useful for people prone to depression to wear a ring with chalcedony from time to time: it lifts the mood well and increases vitality.

True, there is some danger of “earning” circulatory problems if you wear chalcedony constantly, without breaks. It can also cause, in some cases, the appearance of unreasonable fears. If you remove chalcedony away for a while, all this quickly passes.

The magical properties of chalcedony

Astrologers and specialists versed in esotericism claim that the magical significance of chalcedony is very great. The stone has enormous energy, so it can be used in case of any problems that are difficult to solve. For example, this semi-precious stone will help people who feel a decline in vitality and lack of energy. Attacks of causeless melancholy will pass, melancholy will dissipate, and strength will appear to achieve your goals.

If there was aggression, chalcedony will gently remove it, transforming it into positive energy. In general, it balances the flow of vital energies, “adding” where there is little, and “removing” from where excess has accumulated.

Chalcedony is considered a feminine stone. It is necessary for everyone who wants to find or keep love. Women who prefer jewelry with this stone look great, and their attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex always remains at a high level. They say that chalcedony prolongs the youth of its owner.

Magicians make amulets from this mineral that protect against the evil eye and damage, and save from the attacks of evil spirits. And if you put a small pebble at the head of the marital bed, the marriage will be strong and happy.

Meaning of Zodiac Signs

The horoscope endows people born under the sign of a particular constellation with a certain set of common qualities and character traits. Let's see who chalcedony is most suitable for - who can often and profitably wear jewelry with this stone.

Cancer, who values ​​family, comfort, and strong family relationships, can choose chalcedony as his patron stone without the slightest fear. The magical properties of the mineral are perfectly combined with the inherent characteristics of Cancer, and therefore representatives of this zodiac sign will make an excellent choice by buying themselves something with chalcedony. It will greatly enhance the charm of Cancer women.

For sociable, but somewhat superficial Gemini, chalcedony can become a kind of “organizing factor”: it will help them concentrate, determine their main tasks and solve them.

It is vital for the imperious Leo to make a dizzying career. Chalcedony, especially its golden varieties, will help with this.

This stone will help practical Capricorns achieve financial well-being.

Virgo, choosing a bracelet with chalcedony, will not go wrong: it will be easier for her to establish contacts with others. In addition, the stone will have a positive effect on health.

Chalcedony is also not contraindicated for Aries, Libra and Aquarius.

And chalcedony’s “best friend” is the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarians will be fueled by cosmic energy, will become more successful in business and happier in love.

The advantages of chalcedony, without a doubt, include its low cost: for example, a pebble about 2 cm in size will cost the buyer about 500 rubles, with a difference of about a hundred in either direction.

Do you feel like it would be nice to get extra energy, increase your chances of success in business and add charm and charm to yourself? Then buy some product with chalcedony - a stone that can attract good luck.

The translucent mineral, which is a type of quartz, has been well known since ancient times. Today chalcedony is one of the most popular ornamental stones. Jewelers love it very much for its variety of colors and shades. He is valued by alternative medicine and astrology. Let's try to figure out why this mineral is so popular.

What it is?

Thanks to the ancient Greeks, humanity learned a lot of new things. The discovery of chalcedony is also their merit. During one of the trips to the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara, near the city of Chalcedon (the territory of modern Istanbul), a nugget of an unusually beautiful color palette was discovered. The stone was also named after the place where it was found.

For the Greeks, this became the will of the gods, because they were recognized as the best craftsmen in processing precious and semi-precious stones, but they did not have their own mining sites. It is precisely such natural resources that have often been the cause of wars. And here is such a gift - deposits of chalcedony, from which jewelry and more significant figures can be cut.

It was this mineral that laid the foundation for a new jewelry art form called glyptic. Until now, the whole world knows ancient Greek gems, cameos on cabochons depicting animals and birds, reliefs and bas-reliefs describing the lives of people, and seals.

Even in the revelations of John the Theologian, there is a description of chalcedony, which was used to decorate the walls of Heavenly Jerusalem. But with the fall of the Ancient World, glyptics was forgotten for a long time. Only in the era of classicism, as a result of archaeological excavations, magnificent gems were revived.

Chalcedony again attracted the attention of masters and the powers that be: according to eyewitnesses, Napoleon and Byron had rings with this stone, and A.S. Pushkin had two of them. Later, many creative personalities acquired such gifts thanks to their friend, poet and mineral collector Maximilian Voloshin.

Chalcedony is a type of quartz. It is porous and consists of the finest fibers that can be seen under an electron microscope. In nature, there are about a hundred varieties of completely different colors and shades, but they are secondary, that is, the mineral absorbs them from the environment, becoming colored evenly or interspersed with color transitions.

With the penetration of goethite into the mineral, chalcedony becomes yellow, hematite - red. Pyrite, manganese oxides or organic compounds give a bluish-gray or black color. And each deposit will have its own color.

It is precisely because each stone looks special that jewelers and craftsmen love it. And lithotherapists have long noted the amazing healing properties of the mineral, which are of great importance for human health.

Place of Birth

Chalcedony is not rare, so it is distributed quite widely. Being a type of quartz, the mineral is formed from volcanic rocks, crystallizing under the influence of water and high pressure or under the influence of high temperatures (700-1000 degrees). In nature, different subspecies can coexist so closely that one stone can contain both sarder and carnelian. It is possible that variations may occur nearby within the same mine, but most often one type of chalcedony is mined in a deposit.

Germany is famous for the oldest developed deposits. The mineral is also mined in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Uruguay, USA, Italy, Sri Lanka, Poland, Czech Republic, Australia, Canada, Scotland, and Ukraine. There are deposits in Russia in Transcaucasia, Primorsky Krai, Chukotka and Kolyma, the Urals and Crimea, Eastern Siberia and the Moscow region.

In this case, the deposits represent both deposits deep in the earth and surface deposits. Color and shade may change after volcanic rocks harden.


It is important for a person buying a stone to know what qualities the mineral has that can influence health and psycho-emotional state. But they depend on the physical and chemical properties of the mineral. Therefore, let's say a few words about this.


Having the chemical formula SiO2, chalcedony is silicon dioxide (dioxide) and may have inclusions of iron and other oxides. With a small amount of impurities, it has a transparent or translucent yellow-white color. Hundreds of varieties of chalcedony have similar physical and chemical properties, which is what unites them:

  • it is a fairly hard mineral (rated at 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale);
  • by density it belongs to the middle group (2.58-2.64 g/cm³);
  • in terms of transparency it is cloudy or translucent;
  • by shine - waxy or matte;
  • when split it shows itself to be more fragile than quartz;
  • at a break - uneven;
  • properties largely depend on impurities.


Lithotherapy (stone treatment) has long used chalcedony in the treatment of mental health, as well as internal organs, the circulatory system, eyes, and bone tissue. But the properties depend on the type of mineral:

  • agate helps with coughs and toothaches;
  • heliotrope is responsible for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • sarder has a wound-healing effect: it restores the skin as a result of mechanical or surgical intervention, fights ulcers, and is a means of combating infertility;
  • Nature created sapphirine for hypotensive patients, as well as for those who need to normalize heart function;
  • carnelian is considered a hemostatic agent, relieves toothache, improves the general condition of the skin;
  • onyx helps with liver and kidney function;
  • chrysoprase makes life easier for weather-sensitive people (to do this, it is recommended to drink water that has been standing in the sun for about 5 hours, and in which chrysoprase was lying at that time).

In ancient times, chalcedony was used to treat fever and skin diseases; in the Middle Ages, they tried to get rid of dysentery using mineral powder. Today, in Eastern countries, toothpicks made from yellow chalcedony are used to whiten teeth and strengthen gums. But most often, modern lithotherapists use minerals of this group to treat nervous disorders. For treatment, stones should be worn as jewelry, and stone therapy (stone therapy) sessions should be attended in beauty salons or Ayurvedic clinics.

Stone therapy is a massage using hot stones (and this may be a contraindication for some diseases). After such a massage, the client experiences relaxation; the emanating heat penetrates the skin and saturates the body with oxygen, causing blood flow to accelerate. This helps relieve pain.

Ayurveda uses stones to cleanse the chakras. And psychotherapists recommend choosing minerals of certain colors for relaxation or concentration, wearing them or considering them:

  • red will give vital activity;
  • orange will promote creativity;
  • green– the color of patience, calmness, self-sufficiency;
  • blue minerals calm the nervous system and strengthen memory;
  • blue tones relieve anger;
  • violet– the color of magic and enchantment, mystery and creativity;
  • purple will help strengthen willpower;
  • brown– the color of stability and balance;
  • black symbolizes birth and death;
  • white– the color of pure thoughts.

When carrying out procedures, lithotherapists prescribe using stones of certain colors. For some it helps improve sleep, for others it lifts their mood. But experts say that such jewelry cannot be worn all the time: the stone must rest so that the wearer does not have groundless fears and blood pressure does not rise.

Magic properties

Astrologers, feng shui experts and esotericists confidently say that chalcedony is a stone with enormous energy. It balances the flow of life, distributing them evenly. This stone cleanses space from negative energy and fills it with pure power.

For sailors, this symbol of the earth was a talisman for a safe return home. Chalcedony cups also helped neutralize poisons that came with wine. In some nations, on the day of a man’s funeral, it is customary to give his wife jewelry with a pink stone: it will help to survive the loss, drive sadness out of the heart and find peace.

Women have used the mineral to attract men since ancient times, calling it the “stone of love.” It is believed that this stone can prolong youth and make any woman a beauty. And unprocessed chalcedony has always been considered a talisman of family happiness and mutual love. By placing pebbles at home, people drove away evil spirits from their homes, and by putting on amulets, they protected themselves and family members from evil words and the evil eye.

For a taster, a goblet made of pink stone has always been considered the best gift - protection against indigestion while tasting dishes. But all experts in unconventional sciences say that for chalcedony to help, you need to be pure in soul and have bright thoughts.


In theory, chalcedony is the name given to quartz, which has light, pale shades of gray, blue, and lilac. But in reality there are many more varieties. Some of them are very similar, others can be confused with other minerals, because the stones can be white and ocher, reddish and emerald, bluish and honey-colored. Here is a list of the most popular varieties of chalcedony.


Agate is layers of thin fibers that have a whole palette of colors, varying degrees of transparency and density. Often the composition contains other modifications of silicon dioxide: quartz, quartzine, moganite, opal. Due to its layering or specific pattern, agate has several types:

  • bastion– cracks and layers create the illusion of a city landscape or the ruins of a bastion;
  • Brazilian– with the thinnest layers of 1.5 micrometers;
  • woody (dendritic)– with a forest thicket pattern;
  • disk;
  • star-shaped;
  • mossy– depicting northern moss on a light background;
  • black, used in occult sciences.

According to legend, agate, which has a blue, cyan or violet color, is the eye of a white eagle, defeated by a certain black sorcerer. This mineral is also called the “Eye of the Creator” - such an eye is able to distinguish between good and bad deeds that we do.

Heliotrope, flint and jasper

All these are varieties of gems that are very similar in appearance to chalcedony. But not all experts consider them as such. Indeed, not everyone can tell the difference between agate and jasper. Externally, these minerals differ in that the edges of jasper are completely opaque, only slightly visible on chips. Upon closer examination under a microscope, partially translucent jasper agates can be found. But it’s quite possible to see right through agates.

The color of jasper can range from pale yellow to deep gold, with an unusual swirl pattern. But there is another variety of it - bloody jasper or heliotrope. It can be deep red or dark green, with bloody stripes, and may have yellow spots. The stone is suitable for men and is used in men's jewelry. In the Middle Ages, church utensils were often made from it.


Usually this name refers to chalcedony with a porous structure of a milky-white hue, reminiscent of porcelain or milky opal. The gem is rare, a mixture of opal and chalcedony. Since the first and second silicas belong to quartz, the interpenetration is facilitated.

Moss agate (moss agate)

A stunning creation of nature interspersed with dendrites or thread-like inclusions of manganese, nickel or iron. Celadonite (milk opal) can also become an impurity in mosswort. As a result, plant landscapes appear on gray, blue-gray or milky-white chalcedony, in which you can see trees, moss or algae. They are easy to see because the color can be very different: red and red, black and green, gray and brown, yellow and yellowish-white.

Mtorolite (chromium chalcedony)

The stone is similar to chrysoprase, but its structure may contain small inclusions of black chromite. In the era of the Ancient World, mtorolite was well known to jewelers, but later became forgotten. And only in 1950, as a result of the development of deposits in Zimbabwe, the mineral again gained importance for jewelers. The modern name is associated with the place of development - the city of Mtoroshanga (Mutorashanga).

Onyx chalcedony

This is a striped decorative and ornamental gem. It is characterized by alternating bands of chalcedony itself, quartz and other silicas. Hence the bright stripes of white-pink, red-brown, white-brown, red-black. Onyx is a type of layered agate. Jewelers call onyx and almost black chalcedony, in which the layers can only be seen under a microscope. The mineral is transparent or semi-transparent. The beauty of onyx is best observed in cameos and intaglios.


Carnelian (sarder, sardonyx, carnelian)

Mineral in red tones. Sarder and carnelian are specimens with a predominance of brown, orange-brown, reddish-brown tones. Sardonyx is a striped red chalcedony. In carnelian, the dominant color is red, with an admixture of yellow and brown colors. In the sun, the density of color gains saturation: shades of brown instantly turn into orange. Carnelian is considered the most popular chalcedony, and also inexpensive.


This variety is valued for its color: an admixture of nickel makes the mineral soft green or bluish-green; chrome gives green shades. It may fade in the sun (to return the color, you need to wrap the stone in a damp cloth). Jewelers who highly value chrysoprase have divided it into three varieties:

  • to higher refers to a uniform and rich emerald green with transparency for a stone thickness of up to 5 cm;
  • to first class– uniform apple green, translucent no more than 2 cm, possibly the presence of whitish and non-transparent areas;
  • to second class refers to pale spotted stone, it is ornamental and may contain transparent and opaque areas of a bluish-green or yellow-green hue.

Enhydros (water agate)

These are translucent minerals made from chalcedony, quartz and lutecin. The cavity of each such mineral contains water that is several million years old. Engidros is highly valued not only by jewelers, but also by yoga and feng shui specialists. Stones are able to purify water much faster than other minerals.


Minerals of the chalcedony group are not precious jewelry stones, however, they are valued by jewelers - beautiful jewelry and crafts are made from chalcedony. Since the mineral is quite durable, it is very suitable for giving products any shape. That is why, even during the time of Catherine the Great, there were a large number of sculptures and columns made of jasper in the Imperial Palace.

Different subspecies of the mineral have a pronounced feminine and masculine origin, so chalcedony is suitable for both women's beads and men's cufflinks.

Due to its huge color variety, the mineral is used to create figurines, goblets, mosaics, vases, and inlaid furniture elements. Some types of chalcedony are suitable for interior decoration and room cladding.

They make excellent countertops and sinks, and lampshades for lamps. Using this material you can make a very beautiful frame for a mirror or picture. Mortars are very popular among pharmacists for grinding ingredients.

Who is it suitable for?

If from the point of view of medicine and magic we have covered the issue, then from the side of astrology nothing has been said yet. We suggest you figure out which zodiac signs are recommended to wear chalcedony or keep it in sight.

According to astrologers, there are no signs for which this mineral is contraindicated. Only for some it will be just a decoration, but for others it will be a faithful friend and helper.

The group of chalcedony’s “favorites” includes Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius.

  • Gemini this mineral will bring focus and balance, help you set the right goals and achieve them.
  • Cancer will help you find your chosen one, create a strong and friendly family, and protect you from mistakes in family life related to interpersonal relationships.
  • Sagittarius ideal energetic compatibility with chalcedony, which gives confidence in one’s own actions, protects against self-flagellation, and helps achieve one’s goals.

All other signs can also wear the mineral without fear.

  • Aries Heliotrope is suitable, which will drive away negative emotions and help the best qualities to appear. Also, Aries and Pisces will be suitable for the nature of products made from jasper.
  • Capricorns It is better to purchase dark stones that have a beneficial effect on them. And multi-colored minerals will improve your financial situation.
  • Leos Red gems are needed - they will reveal hidden potential, pacifying hot temper when resolving issues. Golden chalcedony will promote Leo in his career.
  • Virgo For those born in early autumn, green and yellow minerals are suitable, which will promote emotional and physical health. Pink and white jewelry are also recommended for Virgo and Libra.
  • More Libra and Taurus blue minerals are suitable, they will force their owners to think sensibly and not to act recklessly.
  • Aquarius It is best to purchase chrysoprase - it will serve as a talisman against dangers. But in general, any chalcedony will suit Aquarius.
  • Scorpio It is recommended to choose black minerals.

But chalcedony is not only the patron of most zodiac signs, it also “prefers” some names. Without division into varieties, this gem patronizes the following male and female names.

  • Valeria. To preserve her family nest and develop true love, a lady with that name should use a gemstone amulet. Then there will be harmony in her life.
  • Inga. The mineral will help overcome possible difficulties, protect against negative emotions, become a source of energy and promote spiritual growth.
  • Irina. For a girl who wants to build a personal life, this stone is simply necessary. And it will be more joyful to live with him.
  • Ksenia. With the acquisition of a beautiful stone, be it a decoration or a craft, the lady’s melancholy will gradually leave, the right goal will appear, and life will blossom with new colors.
  • Oksana. The mineral will help you deal with gloomy thoughts and improve your mood.
  • Sergey. Cufflinks, a ring, a stone in your pocket or a craft on your desk will help you calm down and not do anything stupid by giving in to emotions. Chalcedony for this name is a symbol of patience, courage, wisdom.

This stone is also suitable for Raisa, Karina, Lyubov, Georgy, Bogdan, Alexander.

How to distinguish natural stone from fake?

Most varieties of chalcedony are not expensive jewelry, and there is no point in counterfeiting them. But I also don’t want to buy glass or plastic instead of natural stone. If you are not confident in your own knowledge, ask for a certificate from a trading organization.

It should indicate that the stone belongs to chalcedony.

In appearance, chalcedony can be distinguished by the following criteria.

  • Plastic is a warm and light material, gemstone is heavier.
  • The glass contains air bubbles and inclusions without coloring - this is not typical for natural gemstones.
  • In a natural gem, symmetry is impossible. Everything can be very close to symmetry, but only artificial stone will be ideal.
  • Since chalcedony has a porous structure, it almost always contains inclusions. If you have a perfectly clean and transparent stone in front of you, then it is unnatural chalcedony.
  • The color palette of the gem is very wide, but still artificial stones are colored more brightly. Nevertheless, this sign must be checked in conjunction with others.
  • A more complex version of counterfeiting is the coloring of simple chalcedony with iron nitrate to resemble the rarer and more expensive carnelian. Only on the chip can you see that the stone is painted atypically - no more than 2 millimeters from the thickness of the cabochon.
  • When buying beads and bracelets, you should pay attention to the size and shape of the gems: natural ones are valued for their naturalness, so they will not be perfectly even.
  • Before purchasing crafts and jewelry, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with analogues by visiting an exhibition or looking through catalogs.

Buyers respect natural stones for their originality, durability, and aesthetics. If you buy an expensive item and doubt its origin, it is better to consult a specialist for advice.

How to wear and care for a gem?

Each of us has things that are valuable beyond material investments. That is why we try to preserve it for as long as possible, and, perhaps, leave it to our descendants. For greater preservation of the stone, experts recommend following certain rules.

  • Store chalcedony and products made from it separately, wrapped in soft cloth or placed in a case, to prevent mechanical damage from other stones.
  • During physical activity, remove rings, bracelets and other jewelry to avoid scratching.
  • Protect from ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, this will cause minerals to fade. To restore color, it is recommended to keep the product in a damp cloth in the dark.
  • Protect from chemical exposure, including cleaning agents.
  • Clean the minerals with a soft cloth in warm soapy water, then rinse under running water.
  • Avoid steam and ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Avoid sudden temperature changes.

To the question of how and what to wear, we managed to find the following answers.

  • Chalcedony amulets should be worn so that no one can see them; ideally, the stone should touch the skin.
  • Jewelers combine this mineral with emerald and golden topaz. And they do not recommend ordering jewelry that contains opal, crystal, moonstone, coral, beryl, and aquamarine next to chalcedony. Intraspecific combinations are quite acceptable.
  • But astrologers believe that stones should be selected according to the principle of elemental compatibility: chalcedony is a stone of the Earth. This element is simply created for Water, is incompatible with Air and antagonizes Fire. But our gem is a very self-sufficient mineral, so it is better to wear it separately from other stones.
  • Use your intuition, decide how you feel next to chalcedony, whether you are comfortable, whether it suits your character, eye color, skin, hair or clothing.
  • While wearing jewelry, energy is exchanged; it is important that the stone not only draws it out, but also shares it. It’s easy to feel how this works: after a hard day, take off the jewelry and listen to yourself - if you feel much better, it means that only you shared the energy.

Chalcedony- a translucent mineral, a cryptocrystalline fine-fibered variety of quartz. Translucent or translucent at the edges, the color is very different, most often from white to honey-yellow. Forms spherulites, spherulite crusts, pseudostalactites or continuous massive formations. Banded chalcedony, consisting of layers differing in hue, transparency and density, is called agate. Since ancient times, multi-layered relief artistic images have been carved from homogeneous or parallel-banded sections of agate.

See also:


The structure of chalcedony is a hidden system that “walks” from trigonal to aggregative. This makes the stone universal in its own way, but at the same time very multidirectional. The syngony is trigonal, where, depending on the arrangement of the fibers, their parallelism and perpendicularity, as well as aggregate compression, different coordination of molecules occurs, which creates various geometric complexes inside.

The crystal structure of chalcedony, like other polymorphic modifications of quartz, is characterized by the peculiarity that the Si 4+ ion is always in a quadruple environment of O 2- ions located at the vertices of the tetrahedron. Each vertex of such a tetrahedron simultaneously serves as the vertex of another adjacent tetrahedron. Thus, the crystal lattices of these minerals consist, as it were, of frameworks of tetrahedrons linked to each other. The method of coupling in all modifications is the same (through the vertices of tetrahedrons), but the orientation and general symmetry in their arrangement are different. In general, the packing of oxygen ions is not dense: the frameworks have “voids” between the tetrahedra. In low-temperature modifications they are small in size, and in high-temperature, more “loosely” constructed modifications they are larger.


The color of chalcedony is always quite pale; stones are usually found in gray, grayish-blue, milky-blue, pale blue, grayish-green, greenish-blue, yellowish or pale yellowish-brown shades, as well as grayish-white to light milky-white and almost colorless. Much less common are chalcedony with intense or dark bluish-green or yellow colors, as well as pinkish or reddish colors. There is often a bluish tint in reflected light and a pale reddish-brown tint in thick sections in transmitted light, which is caused by an optical phenomenon called Tyndall light scattering. This phenomenon is also observed in flints, blue quartz and opal. The blue color of some chalcedony may disappear when heated.

The color of chalcedony is mostly uniform or only slightly changes from layer to layer. As the banding becomes more distinct, especially with the appearance of layers of brown and reddish-brown color, usually interspersed with layers of less transparent milky white or white chalcedony, chalcedony gradually passes into the variety called agate, although the boundary between these two distinguishable varieties is uncertain . Other varieties of chalcedony also arise due to coloring with various impurities. Brown and reddish stones colored by dispersed iron oxides include varieties called sarder and carnelian, and partially banded agates. The green variety - chrysoprase - is colored with an admixture of nickel.

Chalcedony has no trait. Glass shine. Chalcedony is highly polished and acquires a slight waxy or matte finish.
Chalcedony is typically translucent to clear or cloudy; Moreover, individual layers of chalcedony in one sample often differ in the degree of transparency. The hardness of chalcedony varies somewhat; it is less than that of coarse-crystalline quartz, and is usually 6.5. The density of chalcedony is 2.57-2.64, and its fluctuations depend on the amount and composition of impurities, porosity and water content. There is no cleavage. The fracture is uneven or conchoidal. Chalcedony splits easily in the direction transverse to the banding and parallel to the elongation of the fibers; in this case, an uneven or splintered fracture with a fairly well-defined waxy sheen is formed. You can also get a fracture parallel to the layering.

Chalcedony is characterized by greater or lesser porosity, with isolated pores, or, more often, thin tubes and thread-like voids, located parallel to the fiber. The amount of porosity varies in different layers or zones and is minimal in white or milky white layers. Some stones stick to the tongue or quickly absorb water, sometimes with a faint hissing sound or the formation of bubbles on the moistened surface.

Alkaline solutions easily remove large quantities of silica from chalcedony and its varieties. This served as a basis for the hypothesis, first put forward in 1833, that chalcedony contains opal in the spaces between quartz fibers, which is easily leached (opal completely dissolves in alkaline solutions). Individual layers of chalcedony have different and characteristic resistance to dissolution. Layers with a relatively low refractive index dissolve faster. It was found that in hot water or steam these differences are less pronounced. The high ability of chalcedonic silica to react chemically with alkalis causes deterioration of concrete made from Portland cement filled with flint or siliceous rock.


Chalcedony forms dense masses, sintered forms, nodules, crusts, and fills voids. Chalcedony occurs in the form of crusts with an irregularly rounded, kidney-shaped or warty surface. It also forms sinter masses in cavities, stalactites, gradually turning into cluster-shaped and irregular sheet-like accumulations. Chalcedony is also observed in the form of individual kidney-shaped irregular or rounded nodules, formed either by concretion or as a result of weathering of rocks in which there were cavities filled with chalcedony. Sometimes it composes slag-like marsas, as well as small veins or cement in rocks.

Typically, chalcedony composes geodes and fills amygdaloid voids in altered basic igneous rocks; These chalcedony inclusions are often hollow and may contain liquid that has been plugged during crystallization. Chalcedony often forms encrusting pseudomorphs on other minerals, especially calcite and fluorite, and also replaces these and other minerals and fossil shells. The term “chalcedonic silica” has a broader meaning than chalcedony, which mainly refers to crustification formations and products of filling voids, represented by any fine-grained variety of quartz with a fibrous microstructure. This term is applied to continuous and nodular formations of primary sedimentary or diagenetic origin, including cherts and cherts, as well as accumulations resulting from the replacement of limestone and other rocks.

In chalcedony, more or less clearly visible banding is visible, parallel to the outer surface of the formations or the walls of the cavity. This banding is not always visible to the naked eye, but can be detected under a microscope in thin sections oriented perpendicular to the outer surface of chalcedony clusters, or it can be revealed by staining and etching.


Chalcedony occurs in a variety of geological settings, but in general it can be considered to be deposited at relatively low temperatures and pressures. Common chalcedony, light in color and without noticeable banding, is deposited during the last stages of hydrothermal activity or is a product of alteration of felsic and mafic igneous rocks, tuffs and breccias. The formation of chalcedony is mainly associated with the hydrothermal process accompanying volcanic activity. Chalcedony and its varieties - agates, carnelians, etc. - stand out in cracks and voids of solidified lavas, and are found in the form of almonds in many effusive rocks.

It also forms in near-surface hypogene hydrothermal veins and in zones of weathering and meteoric water circulation. Chalcedony is especially common in the form of crusts, veins and products of filling cavities in altered basic eruptive rocks. Chalcedony occurs here together with zeolites, carbonates, chlorites and alteration products such as celadonite. Due to their chemical stability and strength, fine-grained varieties of quartz also form clastic or residual deposits. Many industrially important deposits of chalcedony and its varieties belong to this type.
Chalcedony of exogenous origin is represented by flint nodules in sedimentary rocks.


Colored chalcedony - jewelry and ornamental stones. Chalcedony samples with pronounced stalactite-like and kidney-shaped forms have collection value. Geodes have decorative value, the central cavities of which are filled with brushes of well-formed, pure amethyst crystals. Moss fly mushrooms are a jewelry, ornamental and collection material.

Chalcedony is still one of the favorite ornamental stones, the most popular material for all kinds of women's and men's jewelry, from romantic beads to formal cufflinks. The variety of colors and reasonable affordability makes it an excellent basis for creating figurines, vases, dishes, mosaics, furniture inlays, and interior details. Tiles from some varieties of chalcedony are used to cover the walls of wet rooms; countertops, sinks, picture frames and mirrors are cut from chalcedony. Ribbon chalcedony onyx is an excellent material for stained glass windows and lampshades.

It is used as an ornamental stone in jewelry and inlays; it was highly valued in ancient times; the first mentions of chalcedony products are in the Bible. Since ancient times, multi-layered relief artistic images (glyptics) have been carved from parallel-banded sections of agate. “Agate” mortars are made from homogeneous chalcedony for grinding solid materials; it is used in precision instrument making (support prisms for scales). Napoleon, the poet J. Byron had a chalcedony ring, and A. S. Pushkin had two such rings.

Chalcedony - SiO 2


Strunz (8th edition) 4/D.01-10
Nickel-Strunz (10th edition) 4.DA.05
Dana (7th edition)
Dana (8th edition)
Hey's CIM Ref. 7.8.1