Climate of Lazio: when to go on vacation?

The Riviera di Lazio has a typical Mediterranean climate - the beach season here begins in May. Until October, sea temperatures in this region are slightly higher than on the Adriatic coast. It is better to plan a holiday in Lazio for May-June or the beginning of autumn: during the peak season, the region experiences an influx of tourists from Rome and Naples, and the heat during this period reaches its maximum.

Resorts of the Lazio Riviera

On the Riviera di Lazio you can easily find a resort suitable for tourists with different wishes. For example, Formia- once a favorite town of ancient philosophers and emperors, and now - a place to escape from the hustle and bustle and a completely democratic resort. Formia is suitable for lovers of the golden mean: it is impossible to die of boredom here (there are entertainment venues and restaurants everywhere), but the resort is quiet at night. Local beaches will delight you with a gentle entrance, clear water and soft sand. You can always diversify your holiday with water skiing or a catamaran, and the rest of the time it’s worth taking a walk through the ancient quarters of Formia, which keep traces of the presence of the French, Romans and Byzantines.

Gaeta- a suitable resort for those who want to relax by the sea surrounded by history. This resort is known for its long and clean coastline, impeccable ecology and a lot of exciting entertainment on the beaches. And all this - in the amazing atmosphere of the past. Gaeta has preserved the remains of Roman fortifications, a medieval fortress and a French castle. And also the Gothic Cathedral and ancient quarters. In a word, so many eras are intertwined in Gaeta that a holiday in this town will definitely not be monotonous.

Worth choosing for budget travel Baia Domizia. This quiet town, surrounded by pine trees, will delight you with affordable prices for accommodation. Italians prefer to relax in Baia Domizia - our tourists are still little familiar with this resort. The pine park of Baia Domizia goes straight down to the sea, and the beach has soft sand and clear sea. There are no special attractions at the resort, other than picturesque architecture and nature. But from it you can easily get to Formia or Gaeta.

One of the paradises of the Lazio Riviera is Sperlonga is a charming Mediterranean city with architecture typical of the region. Its beach is strewn with golden sand: people relax and swim here during the day, and have fun in numerous bars at night. Diving is considered a fairly popular entertainment in Sperlonga, because the resort is famous for its grottoes and caves. Another reason to visit this resort is its historical heritage. The architecture of Sperlonga is subordinated to the bizarre contours of the rocky landscape. Here you can see arches and narrow streets that wind, lead to a dead end or go down to the sea. In Sperlonga you can see ancient observation towers and medieval churches, visit the Museum of Archeology, where the historical riches of the city are kept, and also get to the Cave of Tiberius. Located 1 km from Sperlonga, it is also the villa of Tiberius. Here, in a cool cave, he created a residence and collected works of art - mainly sculptures. They can still be seen in the archaeological museum.

Anzio- another Riviera resort, which is chosen for its convenient location near Rome, luxurious beaches and warm sea. Here you can enjoy all the delights of a beach holiday or devote time to active entertainment: sailing, canoeing, scuba diving. Local hotels offer excellent service, and the resort cuisine offers a variety of cafes and restaurants to suit every budget. It is interesting that in ancient times Anzio also had a well-developed infrastructure, and the remains of Roman baths and amphitheaters can still be seen today. It is also worth visiting the archaeological and maritime museums or taking a ferry to the Pontine Islands archipelago.

What to see while relaxing in the Riviera di Lazio?

The entire Lazio region is filled with interesting sights that are worth devoting time to. You can go to the commune of Caprarola, where there is Villa Farense. This is a Renaissance monument, which has become the best architectural evidence of this era. The courtyard design features Ionic columns, fountains, flights of stairs, manicured lawns and statues. The Villa itself will surprise you with an abundance of frescoes and unusual decorative elements. The Farense, together with the garden, is one of the striking attractions of all Lazio.

It will be no less exciting and meaningful trip to Tarquinia. Tourists consider the National Museum with unique Etruscan exhibits to be the main reason for visiting this city. Among them are sarcophagi, vases with paintings and carvings, jewelry and, of course, Terracotta horses that once adorned the temple. Arriving in Tarquinia, it is worth seeing the necropolis of Monterozzi with 200 painted tombs. Separately, you can devote time to local churches - most of them date back to the 12th-16th centuries. And from the resorts of the Lazio Riviera it is convenient to get to Rome, Pompeii, Naples with their priceless riches.

Lazio cuisine: a delicious component of relaxation

It's no secret that people go to Italy not only for the sights and beaches, but also for the purpose of tasting local cuisine. Like any region, Lazio has its own culinary preferences, which they are happy to share with tourists. An ancient dish typical of this area is amatriciana, a sauce made from pork cheeks, tomato and pecorino. It certainly accompanies pasta in local restaurants. Artichokes are popular in all sorts of variations: with garlic, mint, parsley, baked or stewed in broth and butter.

For main courses you can order beef rolls and schnitzels, and for wines - Frascati. It is most popular in Lazio. Usually this white wine is dry, rarely sparkling or semi-sweet. And desserts in Lazio are represented by soft maritozzo buns, to which pine nuts, whipped cream, and orange zest are added.

When going to Rome on vacation or vacation, do not forget that 25 kilometers from the Eternal City the waves of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Mare Tirreno) splash. Half an hour by train - and you are already on the beach. There are also many lakes around Rome, warmed by the hot Italian sun. And if, while walking along the streets of Rome, the desire to swim arises, you can always fulfill it, and you won’t need gin for this.

When going to the sea, keep in mind that there are almost no public beaches in Italy. Most of the coast is given over to private companies, so you have to pay for a place in the Italian sun. The usual cost for one day on a paid section, called stabilimenti, is 10-15 euros.


  • The journey will take about 2 hours, and even longer on weekends.
  • Ten minutes from the station - and you are there. A day on a paid beach will cost 13 euros.
  • A leisurely walk along the beach will lead to the Sperlonga Archaeological Museum; on the way there you can see the Grotto of Tiberius and the ruins of a Roman villa.


Fregene is the beach for those who want to relax like a real Roman. After a day spent on the sun-drenched streets of Rome, head to the beach, located 37 kilometers from the capital, which is very close by local standards.

Getting to Fregene is easy: half an hour by train (line FL5, ticket price 2.6 euros) from (Termini) in the direction of Civitavecchia to the Maccares-Fregene station, then 4 kilometers by bus - and you are at the epicenter of nightlife. By the way, Santa Marinella is located along the same line (more about it below), and from the final station of this line, Civitavecchia, you can get to a whole scattering of beaches: San’t Agostino, La Frasca and Pirgo.

Santa Marinella

Santa Marinella is a pleasant exception to the rule; getting to this resort from Rome is not difficult at all! The journey from Termini Station to the small seaside town will take about an hour and cost 4.6 euros. From the station to the sea you can walk in just a few minutes. This location attracts many residents of the metropolis, so on weekends Santa Marinella is crowded, especially the part of the coast where access is free.

Where to stay in Santa Marinella:


The beaches in Anzio stretch for 12 kilometers and are considered one of the cleanest in the Lazio region, as confirmed by the Blue Flag. Here travelers will find turquoise sea and golden sand. The train will cover the 90 kilometers separating Rome and Anzio in an hour; you need to get off at Nettuno station. A one-way ticket will cost 3.6 euros.

Among the cultural attractions in Anzio, the military museum (Museo dello Sbarco di Anzio) is interesting, as well as the archaeological museum located in the Villa Adele, built in the 17th century.

Good hotels in Anzio:

  • Hotel L'Approdo – Editor's Choice


Modern Terracina is not as interesting for tourists as , but many come to relax on its sandy beaches, which stretch for 5 kilometers, to plunge into the azure waves of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and to breathe in the unique air.

Terracina occupies second place among all resorts in the world in terms of iodine content in the air.

You can get there by rail by taking a train in Rome heading towards Naples. Get off at Monte S. Biagio station (ticket price 6.9 euros), from where Cotral buses go to the city.

To avoid transfers, it is most convenient to take a direct bus departing from Rome's Furmi terminal or order a transfer from Sergio in a Mercedes for 115 euros.

  1. Grand Hotel L'Approdo – our choice


Sabaudia is another proud owner of the Blue Flag, golden sands and clear seas. Despite the obvious advantages, it remains one of the least visited beaches in Rome, but only because of the inconvenient road. From Termini station, the train to Priverno-Fossanova takes 50-55 minutes, the trip costs 5 euros, but then you have to travel another 20 minutes on the Cotral bus, after which you go down the wooden stairs. Sabaudia has another advantage: there are quite a lot of free sites and campsites on its coast.

Pontine Islands (Isole Ponziane)

The Pontine Islands are an archipelago located between Rome and Naples. You will have to get here by ferry, which runs from the seaside towns of Anzio, Formia and Terracina. The main part of the hotels is located on two islands: Ponza and Ventotene. The ferry journey will take from 50 minutes to one and a half hours.

During the summer months, only local residents' cars are allowed on the islands, but from autumn to spring tourists can bring their own car by ferry.

The Pontine Islands are perhaps the best choice on the coast of the Lazio region if you have at least a few days in your schedule for a beach holiday.

Other resorts

  • eco-friendly island Ventotene-Cala Nave;
  • A trip to Bracciano will cost only 3 euros, a regional train will take you to the city of Bracciano, and from the station you can walk to the city park surrounding the lake. If you don’t want to travel by train, Cotral buses run from Rome to Bracciano.

    If you want to get to know the Italian province, buy a ticket in two segments: Rome-Bracciano, Bracciano-Viterbo. But in the city of Bracciano there is something to see, the local pride is the Castello Odescalchi castle. A ticket to the castle costs 7 euros, and there is a tour every hour.

    Lake Martignano

    Martignano is a small lake located near Bracciano. A true gem of the Lazio region, hidden among the hills. You can get to it from the city by bus, and then you have to walk about 600 meters along a dirt road.

    The beach is quite shady thanks to many tall trees. Only silent sports are allowed on and around the lake: sailing, horse riding, golf; the use of motor boats is strictly prohibited. There are no usual beach activities and noisy bars here; people come to Martignano to enjoy the scenery and silence.

    • Italians typically purchase a season pass to their favorite beach, giving them access to the best sun loungers located along the water's edge. If you plan to spend at least a week in a seaside city, it makes sense to purchase a subscription for this period.
    • You can buy tickets for Italian trains on the website: The site does not have a Russian version, but it does. On the same website you can check the ticket price and travel time.
    • Italian transport workers periodically go on strikes; they are always known in advance. Check whether the strike will interfere with your plans, this can be done on the above-mentioned website.


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The most central region of Italy is Lazio (Italian: Lazio), which is home to the “eternal city” - Rome. The region includes five provinces: Rome, Rieti, Viterbo, Frosinone, Latina.
The largest river in Italy, the Tiber (Italian: Tevere), flows through the capital.

The Tiber is the largest river in Italy

The stronghold of the Catholic Church, the Vatican, is also located in this region.

On the map of Italy, Lazio is closer to the central lands of the western coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Location of the Lazio region on the map of Italy

It borders with Umbria and Abruzzi in the East, in the South with Campania, in the North with Tuscany.
Informative website of the region:

There were settlements near rivers and lakes in the modern territories of Lazio back in the Stone Age. The next “inhabitants”, in the 9th century, as in most regions of Italy, were the Etruscans. The emergence of cities and settlements began with them.

In the 8th century BC, as various sources say, Rome was founded.

The emergence and then expansion of the territories of the Roman Empire, its fall and complete ruin, was followed by the flourishing and entry of Lazio into united Italy in 1871. Rome was declared the capital, which it still is.

When traveling through Italy, to Lazio, you need to understand that this is not just a region of a Mediterranean country, European history rests here and is carefully preserved.

In the Lazio region you will plunge into the history of Italy

It is here that there is such a huge number of attractions that in one visit it is unlikely that you will be able to see at least a hundredth of the famous objects.

There is a “Map of Attractions in the Lazio Region, Italy”, which marks almost all the objects that deserve the attention of tourists.

This will make it much easier to choose places to visit.
Considering reviews from travelers, we can confidently recommend visiting the following places.


What to do in Rome? Visit the Vatican Museums to marvel at the paintings of great painters and sculptures, looking at which you forget that they are made of stone. Tapestries, the Sistine Chapel and many other things that lead people into culture shock.

What to see in Rome:

  • Saint Paul's Cathedral(Italian: Basilica di San Pietro) in the Vatican. See the square and colonnade in front of the Basilica, stand in a huge queue (you can avoid it by arriving at the cathedral at 7.00 in the morning). Only by climbing into the dome of St. Peter's Basilica can you really appreciate the size of this mastodon.

    St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

    People with heart problems need to count on their strength, as indicated by wall notices. Elevator to the terrace: price 8 euros, 320 steps, full lift: 551 steps - 6 euros.

    Before the excursion to the Cathedral, you can buy an audio guide; Russian is included in the program. (price 10 euros), which allows you to watch at your leisure.

    Opening hours: 07:00 - 18:30.

    You will learn all the details about St. Peter's Basilica from the video:

  • Vatican Museums are located on the opposite side of the main entrance to the Cathedral. It is better to book tickets in advance in order to successfully avoid a huge queue. Opening hours: 9.00 - 16.00, ticket 16 euros.

    The Vatican Museums are one of the most important museum complexes in the world

  • Roman Forum and Colosseum. To be in Rome and not visit the Colosseum is an unforgivable mistake. The best way to see this building is from the inside.

    From the outside, the full scale of this ancient place, steeped in history, is not visible.

    It is better to purchase tickets for 5 euros at the box office near the Roman Forum (there is no queue), from where you can begin your inspection. Opening hours: 08:30 to 18:15.

    Well, you can admire the great monuments right now by watching the video:

  • Pantheon is an ancient temple of all the ancient Roman gods and the embodiment of the greatness of the Roman Empire.

    The Pantheon is an ancient temple of all the ancient Roman gods

    It is located in an area where within walking distance you can immediately walk to:

    • Trevi Fontana;
    • Piazza Navona with its magnificent Fountain of the Four Rivers by the architect Bernini, the other two are the Fountain of the Moor and the Fountain of Triton.

    It is always full of tourists and street artists, and there are cafes and restaurants along the perimeter of the square.

    After a long walk, it's great to spend an hour or two sitting at a table, drinking coffee or ordering lunch, watching paintings at work, listening to multilingual speeches and looking at the façade of St. Agnes Cathedral (Opening hours: weekdays from 9.30 to 12.30 and from 15.30 to 19.00);

  • Surrounded by a magnificent park, Villa Borghese- a gallery of the best paintings, sculptures and luxury items, collected by Cardinal Borghese in the most insidious ways.

    Villa Borghese is surrounded by a magnificent park

    Located away from the main attractions, on Via Prenestina. Tickets (20 euros) online on the gallery website:, opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday 8.30 - 19.30;

  • Not far from Rome, you can visit small town of Tivoli.

    In this place, the most famous stone for finishing buildings and interiors is mined and processed - travertine.

    While in Tivoli, visit the castle of Pope Pius II and Villa d’Este (opening hours: 08:30 - 18:30). Multi-level fountains, a musical fountain - organ, an amazing garden - this is what tourists come here for.


Rieti is a province, having arrived in which you need to visit:

From Rome to Rieti - 85 km.


Here you can see:

Official website of the city:


The most “medieval” province is located 80 km from Rome. Frosione has retained an appearance close to what it had many hundreds of years ago.

Frosinone has preserved the spirit of the Middle Ages

You can appreciate the heritage by visiting:

  • in Palace of the Prefecture on Liberty Square (Italian: Piazza della Libertà);
  • V Abbey of Montecassino(Abbazia di Montecassino). Admission is free, from 09:00 - 16:45;
  • 50 km from the city of Frosinone, in the “city of the popes” - Anagni, on Via Vittorio Emanuele 238, there is a beautiful palace Palazzo di Bonifacio VIII and museum. Opening hours: 09:30 - 13:00, 15:00 - 19:00, ticket 3 euros, with audio guide - 5 euros. Website:


This province is located starting from the coast of the Terrenian Sea.

Beautiful landscapes, a sea lagoon with steep cliffs - this is a familiar picture in these places.

In the province of Latina you will enjoy magnificent landscapes

When in Latina, you should visit:

  • in a natural park Montagna Spaccata. This is an opportunity not to be missed if you have sneakers and a desire to see truly breathtaking views, coupled with the legend according to which Mount Spaccata split apart at the moment when Jesus was crucified;
  • in an ancient castle Castello Caetani located in the town of Sermoneta. A picturesque castle on the mountain, with views of the sea, entwined with roses and retaining an appearance reminiscent of past centuries;
  • Torre Truglia in Sperlonga, unusual towers on the picturesque seashore. Art exhibitions are held inside. Tourists visiting these places take great photos with the towers in the background;
  • IN Sant'Angelo The Robbers' Fortress (Italian: Castello Medioevale di Itri) is worth seeing. Concerts and performances by local artists are often held within the medieval walls.


As throughout Italy, the Lazio region loves urban, noisy holidays. Both townspeople and tourists participate, who accidentally or intentionally come to the next event.
What holidays are worth visiting:

Local kitchen

Being in Lazio, having tried the local cuisine, it becomes clear that it is based on the principles of using simple ingredients and not complicated (not long) cooking.
The following snacks (Italian: antipasti) are common:

It is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without desserts.

Local typical “dolchi”:

The wines of the Lazio region - "Laziali" are famous for the white wine Frascati (Castelli region) and the white EST EST EST! - from Montefiascone.

Red wine from the Viterbo region - Genazzano. The favorite wine of the Romans - the locals - is Cesanese. This brand of red wine is produced 40 km from Rome.

The best restaurants in the Lazio region (according to customer reviews):


Lazio is a region with dry, hot summers (June, July 30 - 32C), in winter strong winds from the sea and rains (December, January 3 - 8C).

The best time to relax and visit the sights of Lazio is May and early June.

What else to see

Lazio has wonderful beaches, therefore, in season - from mid-June to October you can relax in Montalto di Castro (Viterbo, 108 km from Rome), Ardea, Cervetera, Civitavecchia, Ladispoli, Santa Marinella (district of Rome), Formia, Fondi, Sperlonga, Gaeta, San Felice Circeo, (Latina, 105 km from Rome).

Beach lovers will have a great time in Lazio

Like many areas of Italy, Lazio has thermal springs - “termes”.

(Italian: Fiuggi), which is located 87 km from Rome, in Frosinone, surrounded by Italian pine trees.

In the province of Viterbo, 106 km from Rome - Sorgente termale del Bulicame. The temperature of the mineral water is 58C, it treats a wide range of diseases.

Lazio is also especially interesting for fans of the football club of the same name. In Rome, these tourists can be advised to definitely come to the Stadio Olimpico, the home stadium of the Lazio club. Located in Piazzale del Foro Italico. Website:


During seasonal shopping, when stores in Italy offer discounts of up to 70%, crowds of tourists - shopping lovers - fly to Rome, Milan and other cities.
Lazio has the best shopping in Rome. The shopping street Via del Corso, running from Piazza Venezia with the Emmanuille Monument to Piazza del Poppolo, consists of only shops and cafes.

The Via del Corso shopping street will give shopping lovers an unforgettable experience

Via Babuino is a line of expensive brands, Via Frattina is a street of more economical shops.
Via Nazionale, starting from Piazzale Repubblica and going to Piazza Venezia, is also full of shops, cafes and salons.

A few kilometers from the city center, there is an outlet - Castel Romano Designer Outlet.

Opening hours: 10.00 - 20.00

How to get there

The most convenient and fastest way to get to the Lazio region is to fly to Fiumicino International Airport in Rome.

It is convenient to travel from major Italian cities to Rome by commuter train by booking tickets on the railway website:, or by purchasing a ticket directly at the ticket office on the station platform.

A road trip is also a great way to come to Lazio, appreciating the excellent quality of intercity highways, tunnels and bus stops along the way.


Lazio is a land filled with world-famous, stunning monuments of architecture, history and art.

Thermal baths, wonderful cuisine and wines, stunning landscapes, shopping - there is everything for a good rest, as well as for aesthetic pleasure.

The Lazio region, near Rome, is home to many beautiful seaside towns and villages. Just a short drive from the bustling capital of Italy and you are in a beautiful seaside resort! So a trip to the Eternal City with excursions and active sightseeing can easily be diluted with a lazy beach holiday on the coast.

For reference: Last year, the Italian Association of Ecology and Tourism “la Fee” awarded the highest quality rating (“Bandiera Blu” - a mark of impeccable sea and beach quality) to five beaches in the Lazio region. The list includes Anzio, Sabaudia, Sperlonga, San Felice Circeo, Ventotene, an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea. So, today we’ll tell you how and where to go from Rome to the sea. The beach closest to Rome is called Ostia (Ostia lido). 30 minutes by train from the city center (ticket 1.5 euros one way) and you are there. This is the most popular holiday destination for average Romans, with many cafes, nightclubs and restaurants. As well as free beaches and inexpensive pizzerias. The sea of ​​Ostia does not always meet the criteria of cleanliness and ecology, but for the Romans it is the fastest way to escape the summer heat. Pros - Ostia is easy to get to from Rome without a car, everything is accessible and nearby, you can have an inexpensive meal in local restaurants... And finally, there are also paid beaches with sun loungers, umbrellas and clean territory (entrance to the paid beach is 12-15 Euro, price includes sunbed and umbrella). How to get there: we wrote here Anzio The second most popular resort near Rome. Located 60 kilometers from the city, located on a cape, among the Romans it is considered a more prestigious place than Ostia. During the era of the Roman Empire, Anzio was an important port and settlement; it was here that the emperors Nero and Caligula were born. There are many historical villas here and sea activities are available - water skiing and sailing regattas. From here ships depart to the beautiful island of Ponza in the Tyrrhenian Sea, and in the restaurants of Anzio you can sample the best fish dishes in Lazio, washed down with white wine from the nearby village of Nettuno. How to get there: You can get there by train from Termini railway station, an hour's journey, ticket 3.20 euros one way. Travel time is 50 minutes.
Sabaudia Sabaudia is located 95 km south of Rome, surrounded by the beautiful Circeo National Park. It is known for the fact that every year world celebrities from show business and cinema come here to vacation. There are good sandy beaches and a special microclimate created by the freshwater Lake Paola, which stretches along the coastline for 7 km. The sandy beaches of Sabaudia are long and clean, equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas.

How to get there: The journey from Rome by car takes approx. 1.5 hours (95 km). There is no train station in Sabaudia, but from Rome there are buses from the Laurentina metro station (the end station of line B), the schedule is here


The distance from Rome to Sperlonga is 115 km. The picturesque town of the Odyssey coast, thanks to its natural depressions and rugged coastline, gets its name from the Latin word “Speluncae” - depression. A white city with narrow crooked streets, panoramic platforms, watchtowers, tiny patches of land reclaimed from steep cliffs... Sperlonga is a typical fishing town of the Tyrrhenian Sea, with many bars and restaurants under the blue sky in the fresh air, serving excellent dishes prepared according to the ancient traditional recipes from the freshest seafood. Attractions here include the archaeological museum and the Caves of Tiberius.

How to get there: From Termini train station, take a ticket to Fondi Sperlonga station, from there the bus takes 20 minutes and you are in Sperlonga.

San Felice Circeo

San Felice Circeo, one of the most attractive holiday destinations on the famous coastline, is located 100 km from Rome. The city is located at the foot of Mount Circeo, on a peninsula jutting out into the sea. Majestic cliffs, cool deep caves and sand dunes are the characteristic features of these amazing places. Boat trips through the caves are one of the favorite activities of vacationers. Here are the names of just a few caves: Goat Cave (Grotta delle Capre) - next to the beach, entrance from the lighthouse; Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra) - accessible only from the sea and only in good weather, cave size 300 m2; Cave of the Hanged Man (Grotta dell’Impiso o Impiccato) - entrance from the lighthouse, named after the stalactite in the shape of a hanged man; Cave of Bats (Grottadei Pipis trelli) - near the city Acropolis. In clear weather, from the shore you can contemplate the Pontine Islands, which can be reached from the port of San Felice by boat or ferry. The historical center of the city is concentrated at the Tower of Dei Templari (Tower of the Knights Templar) and the Baron's Palace overlooking Piazza Lanzuisi. For nightlife lovers, we recommend having fun in the most popular discos on the coast, La Bussola and Chez Nina. Scuba divers can see the 1.8 m high bronze statue of Christ, which sank in 1992 at a depth of 18 m. This statue is a new symbol of the city.

How to get there: From Laurentina station (terminal station on line B) the Cotral bus leaves for Circeo (San Felice Circeo). Departures almost every hour, travel time is about 3 hours. Schedule here: