The Republic of Khakassia within the Russian Federation. The name of the republic is based on the name of the indigenous Khakass people. Official the name Republic of Khakassia was adopted in 1992. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001... Geographical encyclopedia

Khakassia- Khakassia. 1. Nature Reserve Chazy Khakassia, Republic of Khakassia, is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. Included in the East Siberian economic region. Area 61.9 thousand km2. Population 585.8 thousand people (1996). Capital Abakan. Another big one... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

KHAKASIA, Republic of Khakassia, subject of the Russian Federation; located in the south of Eastern Siberia. Included in the East Siberian economic region. Pl. 61.9 thousand km2. Population 584.2 thousand people. (1998). The capital is Abakan. Dr. large city of Chernogorsk ... Russian history

- (Republic of Khakassia) in the Russian Federation. 61.9 thousand km². Population 583.5 thousand people (1993), urban 73%; Khakassians, Russians, Ukrainians, etc. 5 cities. The capital is Abakan. Located in the southeast of Siberia, in the western part of Minusinsk... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 republic (21) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

- (Republic of Khakassia), in the Russian Federation. 61.9 thousand km2. Population 584.2 thousand people (1998), urban 70.8%; Khakassians, Russians, Ukrainians, etc. 5 cities, 13 urban-type settlements. The capital is Abakan. Located in the south of Eastern Siberia, in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

KHAKASIA- (Republic of Khakassia) until 1991 an autonomous region, then a republic within the Russian Federation. According to the Constitution of X., adopted by the Supreme Council of X. on May 25, 1995, X. is a subject of the Russian Federation, a state within the Russian Federation. Names Republic of Khakassia and Khakassia... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

This is a region with an original and very attractive nature. The expressive steppe plains of the republic are surrounded by the highest hillocks, which are replaced by even more elevated mountains. In some steppe places, like thumbs, indestructible stones sprout from the ground - the remaining pieces of the former ancient culture that once existed here.

In contact with

General information about the Republic of Khakassia

Nowadays, there are 2 nature reserves in the republic:

  1. Khakass government natural reserve;
  2. State museum-reserve, which is called "Cazanovka".

More than 2 thousand archaeological monuments, including mysterious petroglyphs, have been discovered in the Kazanovka area.

The first power to emerge on the territory of Khakassia existed in the 4th century BC. e. After which the Kyrgyz arrived in this area. It was hard for them - after all, they constantly had to fight off invaders such as:

  • Uyghurs;
  • Mongols;
  • Other Central Asians.

Subsequently, after the travels of Genghis Khan, the territories of the Khakass were part of various Tatar countries until these lands became the property of Russia.

Economy of Khakassia associated with the creation of aluminum and electricity. At the border with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the well-known Yenisei River, near the village of Shushenskoye, where Ulyanov once had to serve his exile, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station was built. It is the largest power plant in Russia. In addition, the energy produced here is quite cheap.

In the town of Sayanogorsk, which is located near the hydroelectric power station, large factories have been created that specialize in the production of aluminum, belonging to various industrial groups. Their occurrence is associated with the presence of inexpensive electricity - one of the most significant factors when selecting a territory for establishing aluminum smelters. Thus, the population of Sayanogorsk is guaranteed presence of jobs.

Wide steppes belonging to the Khakassians seem to be specially formed for the agricultural sector. It is customary to grow sunflowers, grains, and other crops here. In addition, livestock farming is well developed, including horse breeding.

This the state is located in Eastern Siberia, namely in the southwestern part, in the zones of the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin and the Sayan-Altai Highlands.

On the map you can see that Khakassia is adjacent to:

  • the Republic of Tuva in the south;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory in the east;
  • With the Kemerovo region in the west;
  • With the Altai Republic in the southwest.

Here you have the opportunity to experience different climatic and natural zones. For example, in high mountain areas there are glaciers and tundra, in the basin there are forest-steppes and steppes. The main landscape of the territory is steppes, forests, and mountains. There are approximately 500 lakes in Khakassia, rivers and small streams. Using the map you can see the largest rivers of Khakassia:

  • Abakan;
  • Yenisei;
  • Tom;
  • Chulym.

Below will be provided the Republic of Khakassia on the map of Russia. You can also find additional maps and detailed information about the state on the Internet, for example, on Wikipedia.

Population of Khakassia

Lives in the state 534,243 people. Some municipal residents - 65.79%. The republic has a favorable natural increase in population of +2.7 people. per 1 thousand citizens. Despite migration, the number of residents of the republic remains stable.

As for the national composition, the Russian people dominate here (80.32%). The second place is occupied by the Khakassians (11.95%). Khakassia is a multinational region in which more than 100 nationalities live.

Republic of Khakassia: climate

Khakassia has a sharply continental climate. Winters here are cold and summers are hot. In addition, it should be noted that the state has a predominance of sunny and fine days over the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The weather is usually partly cloudy and light. In spring, powerful southwesterly winds cause dust storms. The average temperature in January is -17 degrees, and in July - +20 degrees. Approximately 300-600 mm of precipitation falls annually. The highest rainfall occurs in August.

Fauna, flora and minerals

Khakassia is located in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. In the lower regions of the basins, dry steppes predominate; as for the outskirts, there is forest-steppe, as well as steppes with various plants. The slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau are characterized by the presence of a taiga of pine and larch trees, and the slopes of the Western Sayan Mountains and the Abakan Range are characterized by cedar and fir forests. Forest areas cover about 4 million hectares. total area.

Birds, animals and fish are found here, such as:

  • Capercaillie;
  • Hare;
  • Columns;
  • Squirrel;
  • Burbot;
  • Mole;
  • Taimen;
  • Wolf;
  • Fox;
  • Bear et al.

There are also nature reserves on the territory of the state: “Maly Abakan” and “Chazy”.

Abakan - Republic of Khakassia

The main city of Khakassia is located in the very center of Siberia, near the river of the same name. Abakan is quite young, it is only 80 years old, however, its history has distant roots. Thanks to traditional shamanic cultures, the veneration of fire, earth, sky, water, ancestral culture, and motherhood was formed. At the moment, the main faith is Orthodoxy.

Regarding the climate, we can say that it is sharply continental. Summers here are warm - + 19 degrees, but winters are very cold and long. Spring begins around mid-April, however, the cold can continue until mid-June.

War years of Abakan

During the Great Patriotic War, approximately 30 thousand soldiers left Abakan for front-line positions. The popular 309th Division was created in the city, and it was this division that was able to repel attacks from the Ukrainian city of Piryatyn. Now Abakan and Piryatin are sister cities.

After the end of hostilities, light industrial production began to be built, a large number of jobs appeared, new resources were discovered, and more people began to come to Abakan to get a job, but many remained forever. During the same period, the construction of the largest hydroelectric power station began.

Economic development of the Republic

The capital of Khakassia has a highly developed transport network, as well as industry. Cars and containers are manufactured here. There are also various sausage production, confectionery, knitting and shoe factories, as well as cheese factories.

Nowadays, Khakassia is famous for its capital, which is capable of receiving aircraft of almost any category. The city has one federal airport. There are railway connections with a large number of cities and towns in Russia, as well as other CIS territories.

Education in Abakan

There are 7 higher educational institutions, several sports schools, 18 technical schools, as well as 27 regular schools. Children of preschool age go to kindergartens, of which there are many throughout the state. The younger generation can acquire a prestigious education without even leaving their homeland.

Sights of Abakan

Abakan is able to surprise its guests with various attractions. There are many spiritual buildings of various faiths here: Catholic cathedrals, Protestant and also Jewish temples, Christian churches. There are many different monuments in the city. Guests of the city will find it fascinating to visit many of them. The most famous is the monument to a soldier of the Great Patriotic War.

Abakan attracts travelers from all cities of Russia not only with the opportunity to visit the caves for which the state is famous. The city contains many entertainment venues. Some of these are the largest zoo in all of Eastern Siberia. The capital is always full of guests, both tourists and local residents.

Distinctive features. Khakassia is a region with a unique, very beautiful nature. The picturesque steppe valleys of Khakassia are surrounded by high hills, which are replaced by even higher mountains. In some steppe areas, gravestones grow out of the ground like giant fingers - the remains of an ancient culture that once existed here.

There are two nature reserves on the territory of the republic - the Khakass State Nature Reserve and the Kazanovka National Museum-Reserve. More than 2 thousand archaeological monuments, including mysterious petroglyphs, were found on the territory of Kazanovka.

Khakass Nature Reserve. Photo

The first state on the territory of Khakassia was founded in the 4th century BC. Then the Kyrgyz came here. They had a hard time - every now and then they had to fight off the Mongols, Uighurs and other peoples of Central Asia. After the campaigns of Genghis Khan, the lands of the Khakass were part of various Mongolian states, until in 1727 these territories were transferred to Russia.

The economy of Khakassia is associated with the production of electricity and aluminum. On the border with the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the Yenisei River, not far from the village of Shushenskoye, where Lenin once served his exile, the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station was built. This is the largest power plant in Russia, and the energy generated here is very cheap.

Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Photo by ingalipt66 (

Not far from the hydroelectric power station, in the city of Sayanogorsk, large aluminum production plants were built, owned by various industrial groups. Their appearance here is associated with the availability of cheap electricity - one of the main factors when choosing the location of aluminum production. So the residents of Sayanogorsk are provided with work for a long time.

The vast steppes of Khakassia seem to be created for agriculture. Grains, sunflowers, and other crops are grown here. Livestock farming is also very well developed, including horse breeding.

Geographical location. The Republic of Khakassia is located in the southwestern part of Eastern Siberia, on the territories of the Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin. Khakassia borders the Republic of Tuva in the south, the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the east, the Kemerovo region in the west and the Altai Republic in the southwest. Khakassia is part of the Siberian Federal District.

Highway M53 "Baikal" in Khakassia. Photo by Ilya Naimushin

Here you can find a variety of natural and climatic zones. In the high mountain regions there are tundra and glaciers, in the basin there are steppes and forest-steppes. The predominant terrain is mountains, steppes and taiga. There are about 500 lakes, rivers and small streams in Khakassia. The largest rivers are the Yenisei, Abakan, Chulym, Tom.

Population. The Republic of Khakassia has a population of 534,243 people. The share of the urban population is 65.79%. In Khakassia, positive natural population growth is +2.7 people. per 1000 inhabitants. Despite migration, the population of the republic remains at a stable level.

In terms of ethnic composition, the Russian population predominates in the Republic of Khakassia (80.32%). In second place are the Khakass (11.95%). Khakassia is a multinational region, more than 100 nationalities live here.

Festival of puppet theaters in Khakassia. Photo by sinovna (

Crime. 23rd place in the ranking of Russian regions in terms of the number of crimes committed is far from the worst result. But in essence, is there a fundamental difference between Khakassia, where about 10 crimes per 1000 people are recorded in six months, and the leaders of the rating, where this number is 13-14? Crimes are committed both there and there, and their number in any case is very significant. The only thing that gives hope is a trend towards a decrease in the crime situation (by 10-20% compared to the previous year). The most common crimes committed are theft, theft, and car theft.

Unemployment rate in the Republic of Khakassia - 7.95%. This region cannot be called economically developed. The average salary in Khakassia is 23 thousand rubles, and the highest average salaries in the field of financial activities are 44,352 rubles. However, in many other industries incomes are generally miserable. For example, in textile production - 12 thousand rubles, in the field of hotel and restaurant services - 13.3 thousand rubles.

Property value. A one-room apartment in Abakan costs 1.3 - 1.5 million rubles. Two-room apartment - 2-2.5 million rubles. Three rubles with an area of ​​70 square meters. meters and above cost from 3 million rubles. There are few apartment offers. Apparently those who wanted to leave Khakassia left a long time ago, and there are not many people who want to move here.

Climate Khakassia is sharply continental. Summers here are hot and winters are cold. It is also worth noting that there are more sunny days in Khakassia (on average 311 per year) than on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The weather is usually clear and partly cloudy. In spring, strong southwesterly winds bring dust storms. In January the average temperature is −17°C, in July +20°C. The amount of precipitation is 300-700 mm per year. Most of them fall in August (more than half of the annual norm).

"Wild" resort "Goryachiy Klyuch" near Abaza. Photo by Andrey Viktorovich (

Cities of the Republic of Khakassia

(170 thousand people) - capital of the Republic of Khakassia. Located at the mouth of the Abakan River, which flows into the Yenisei. The settlement existed here back in the 17th century, but the official founding date of Abakan is considered to be 1931. Industry here is not very developed: there is a factory for the production of carriages, as well as a number of food industry enterprises.

But Abakan is the cultural and scientific center of Khakassia: there are several museums, theaters, palaces of culture, a number of institutes and Khakass State University. Among the advantages of the city are the ecology and well-developed infrastructure. Among the minuses are crime, the poor state of the public utilities sector, problems with more or less well-paid jobs.

Chernogorsk(72.6 thousand people) - the second largest city in Khakassia. This is a city of miners, as you can guess from its name. A black piece of coal is also depicted on the city's coat of arms. It was founded in the 1930s to develop the Minusinsk coal basin. At first, forced labor camp prisoners were recruited to work in the mines. Coal mining still forms the basis of the city's economy.

Sayanogorsk(48.9 thousand people) - a city on the banks of the Yenisei River, 80 km south of Abakan. Founded in 1975 in connection with the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. At the same time, they began to build two aluminum plants that used electricity from this very hydroelectric power station. These factories are the main city-forming enterprises. By the way, one of them, the Sayan Aluminum Smelter, is one of the three largest aluminum smelters in Russia. The city's infrastructure is poorly developed, but everything necessary for life is available. On the plus side, there is a place to work, but everything is spoiled by the environmental situation associated with the work of hazardous industries.

Dear fellow club members!

"PLANET - GOLDEN CLUB" invites you

on the excursion tour "Khakassia - Tyva"

07/17/2017 - 07/26/2017 10d/9n

Tour cost per person for a group:

6 people - 61,500 rubles

9 people - 59,470 rubles

12 people - 56,715 rubles

16 people - 53,710 rubles

A rich and vibrant tour will introduce its guests to two Republics: Khakassia and Tyva.

Their territories are recognized as authentic, with an inexhaustible national flavor and heritage that has preserved the history and customs of their ancient ancestors. Numerous archaeological areas have preserved ancient monuments, ruins of ancient cities, tombs of ancient kings, and artifacts. Breathtaking landscapes and changing landscapes accompany their guests; it is impossible to remain indifferent. Our guests claim: the number of impressions from the Khakassia-Tuva tour is incalculable, and its ethnic flavor and hospitable atmosphere remain in the heart forever!

Tour program

07/16/17 Day 0: (Sunday) Departure from Moscow to Abakan Sheremetyevo, Boeing 737-800 Moscow (SVO) D 23:40 July 16, 2017 Arrives Abakan (ABA) 8:10 July 17

07.17.17 Day 1: (Monday)Group meeting. Breakfast. Departure for an excursion program: visit to the SShHPP. In the Republic of Khakassia, in the Western Sayan Mountains, there is a unique creation of hydroelectric builders - the famous Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, one of the largest and most powerful hydroelectric power stations on the planet. It is located on the Yenisei River, 130 km from Abakan, in a place that was previously called Karlov. The unique arch-gravity dam of the SSHHPP was developed by Leningrad scientists from the Gidroproekt Institute. The creation of a dam of this type in the conditions of the wide section of the Yenisei and the harsh climate of Siberia was a unique technical project of Soviet engineering. During the tour, we invite you to get acquainted in detail with the history of construction and the significance of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station for Khakassia and for Russia as a whole. Upon arrival at the observation deck, a sightseeing tour including a visit to the Hydropower Museum. Then the whole group goes to the shore of the Yenisei to the Iserbel tourist complex. Dinner. Tasting of Sayan taiga pickles: meat, fish, pastries, drinks. Those interested can go fishing from the pier or rent a motor boat*. Siberian bathhouse.

07/18/17 Day 2: (Tuesday) After breakfast, departure for the excursion program:

A boat trip along the Sayan Reservoir with fishing. The unique Sayano-Shushenskoye Reservoir (popularly “Sayan Reservoir”) was formed during the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskoye Hydroelectric Power Station. Today in Siberia there is no place more popular both among fishermen and active travelers.

The places are famous for their natural resources: mountain rivers rich in fish, impenetrable taiga with its taiga medicinal herbs, berries, nuts, waterfalls, unique natural landscapes...

The reservoir is located in the Sayano-Shushensky biosphere nature reserve, where the mighty Yenisei breaks through the mountains in a deep valley. Its length is 350 km. There are endless possibilities for the most demanding fishermen. All rivers are rich in fish! Many fishermen managed to get an unforgettable fish trophy here. This is the best place for fishing. The reservoir is adjacent to many mountain rivers, the waters of which feed the Yenisei. These rivers are inaccessible and rich in fish.

Late return to base. Rest .

07/19/17 Day 3: (Wednesday) Excursion to village Shushenskoye. Lunch in a Russian village. Overnight stop at the architectural and ethnographic complex of the Shushenskoye Museum-Reserve. It has preserved the customs and traditions of the Siberian village of the late 19th century with its streets and houses, this will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of peasant life. Excursion. Rest. Bathhouse. Dinner.

07/20/17 Day 4 (Thursday) Departure for the route. The path lies through the Western Sayan mountains. Stunningly beautiful places. Lunch in a Russian hut in the village of Tanzybey. Ergaki is a national wildlife park and a popular ecological center located in Western Sayan. Arrival at the tourist complex, where all-terrain vehicles await tourists for excursions to the “Stone Town”" Excursion to "Stone City"- an unusual natural object where fantasy takes us thousands of years back, allowing us to see and feel the events of bygone days, captured in the bizarre shapes of stones.

Possible replacement for the Hanging Stone excursion Some natural attractions have become iconic for these places, places of mass visit by all lovers of active recreation and adventure. First of all, this is the legendary rock ridge “Sleeping Sayan”. The appearance of the giant makes one believe in the legend of the birth of the freedom-loving Sayan people. The famous “Hanging Stone” is a mystery of nature. How is a multi-ton block of stone hanging on a slope supported?

Overnight accommodation in a tourist complex. Rest.

07/21/17 Day 5 (Friday) Departure to Tuva. The road runs along the ancient Usinsky tract, crosses several altitude zones. The changing landscapes are extremely beautiful and picturesque. Untouched ecologically clean places, with wild herbs. For photo lovers there is an opportunity to take exclusive pictures. Stop at Shivilig pass, on the border of the steppe and mountain zones. The panoramic point is a great place for photographs. A straight road stretching into the distance invites you to conquer new lands. Upon arrival in Kyzyl. Stop for accommodation in the yurt complex, or a hotel. City tour. Visit to a geographical center of Asia, Buddhist monastery, National Museum of Tuva(tour of the “Scythian gold” exhibition, which is rightfully considered the archaeological find of the century), Lunch in the city at a restaurant.

07/22/17 Day 6 (Saturday) Departure for the excursion program: lake "Svatikovo""- healing lake of Asia, lake " Chagatai"- a favorite vacation spot for all guests. Lunch in nature.

Upon return, acquaintance with performers of traditional Tuvan throat singing - "khoomei". Dinner*. Free time. Additionally, for the evening program, you can order a fascinating spectacle of shaman rituals. It is a rare case when several shamans take part in a ritual.

07/23/17 Day 7 (Sunday) Departure for the route: the group crosses Tuva from east to west, following the road of ancient nomads. There is a stop at "Khayyrakan" mountains, this is one of the holiest and most revered places in Tuva. The mountain was chosen as an energetically strong place and consecrated by the Dalai Lama XIV. Once a year, local shamans come here to recharge their energy, strengthen and purify the spirit. Lunch in nature. Visit to the center of Buddhist culture, the restored Ustuu-Khuree temple. The temple became the crown of Buddhist construction in Tuva. There was nothing like it not only in Tuva, but also in the entire territory of the former Union. Continuation of the journey along the picturesque Sayan Pass, at an altitude of 2214 meters above sea level.

Late arrival in Abaza to the camp site. Rest. Dinner.

07/24/17 Day 8 (Monday) Departure for the route. Arrival in Abaza. Stop at visitor center of the Khakassky Nature Reserve. Sightseeing tour.

Tour of the museum "Khurtuyakh tas"-is a place of pilgrimage and is considered one of the most revered stone sculptures. Sightseeing. National lunch in a yurt.

Tour of the museum-reserve "Casanova"" - a place inhabited by indigenous people since ancient times. Here, Khakassian speech is heard in families, villagers practice traditional crafts and sacredly keep the behests of their ancestors. Attractions Kazanovka are the white stone" Ah-Tas", rock paintings and reconstruction of the Khakass aal.

Late arrival at tourist center Olenye Ozero. Rest. Bathhouse. For dinner there is a traditional dish - roasted lamb on a spit.

07/25/17 Day 9 (Tuesday) Breakfast. Departure for the excursion program: Visit to the Salbyk mound. The most popular excursion in Khakassia! Whoever has not visited the Salbyk Kurgan has not been to Khakassia! The Great Salbyk Mound, located in the Valley of the Kings, is one of the most majestic and mysterious monuments of Southern Siberia, a kind of apotheosis of mound construction on the territory of Ancient Khakassia. Archaeologists have established that the mound was built in the 3rd century BC. The first mention of the Salbyk Kurgan was made in 1739 by the famous scientist Miller, who argued that the Salbyk Kurgan is proof of the power and wealth of the former Tagar kingdom. Next, according to the program, guests go to the Shirinsky district to explore the sights and healing lakes. On the way, visit numerous archaeological sites.

Return after 15:00.

Those interested can visit popular places to buy souvenirs: handmade ceramics, wooden idols - amulets, dishes, clothes, fur trophies, original ethnic silver jewelry - which are very much appreciated by foreign guests.

We also offer our guests a visit to a popular chocolate shop.

Khakassia produces original confectionery products: delicious chocolate, candies with natural fillings, marshmallows, marmalade, baked goods and much more.

Guests will have a short tasting and will be introduced to the original recipe.

07/26/17 Day 10 (Wednesday) transfer to the airport. Flight to Moscow SU 1479 (ABA) 9:30. Arrives Sheremetyevo, Moscow (SVO) Terminal D 10:20

Included in the price:

Service: Transport, excursion services, guide services, meals according to the program, insurance, accommodation (tourist complexes, yurts, hotels: 2- and 3-bed rooms).

Paid additionally :

air ticket Moscow - Abakan - Moscow (price from 24,700 rubles),

Additional payment for single occupancy - 6800 rubles

1 dinner in Tuva (payment on the spot, on your own)

Tour reservations are made :

When making an advance payment 10% of the tour cost,

In case of cancellation of a confirmed and booked tour the refund is made minus the expenses actually incurred by the TOUR OPERATOR, taking into account “holidays” and the “high” season.

KRASNOYARSK, January 6 – RIA Novosti. The heads of Tuva and Khakassia Sholban Kara-ool and Viktor Zimin supported the proposal of the acting governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss to create a Yenisei economic zone on the territory of three regions. Kara-ool expects that the project will attract investment and will accelerate the development of infrastructure projects, Zimin - that joint efforts will be an impetus for the development of the domestic economy and international relations.

On December 21, Uss announced the possibility of creating the Yenisei economic zone in the region and neighboring Tuva and Khakassia. He noted that in the near future a working group will be created that will formulate organizational and legal proposals for the formation of the zone and giving it a status comparable to Primorye. At the same time, Uss emphasized that this is not about administrative unification, but only about establishing interregional interaction on an economic basis. At the same time, in his opinion, the Yenisei economic zone is capable of becoming the core of Russia’s eastern vector.

Tuva: combining resources

The project to create a single economic zone will allow the efforts of the three regions to be brought together into one fist and will help the Siberian economy earn money on Asian markets, the head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool cites his press service.

“The goal of the project is to gather into one fist all the capabilities and resources of our regions in order, firstly, to speed up the implementation of transport projects, including railway construction. Secondly, to create comfortable conditions for attracting investment and business development within the framework of the Eastern Economic Partnership,” - said Kara-ool.

“For example, I am seeking multilateral status for the Khandagaity checkpoint, we are negotiating with Mongolia a counter-traffic to connect their road network with our M-54 highway, we are preparing the airport for international flights, we are working on the transit of electricity from Khakassia through Tuva, and so on. All this is the infrastructure of a single Siberian economy, which will help us enter the Asian market and earn money there,” continues the head of Tuva.

He added that the project will allow “punching through” the construction of the Kyzyl (the capital of Tuva) - Kuragino (halfway to Krasnoyarsk) railway not alone, but by all three regions together, which is more effective. Construction of the road began back in 2011 in Tuva, but was stopped almost immediately.

Khakassia: “doomed” to be friends

The three regions are “doomed” to friendly relations in the fields of economics, culture and industry, said the head of Khakassia, Viktor Zimin, in turn, whose words were relayed to RIA Novosti by his press service.

“We are doomed to friendly, mutually beneficial economic, cultural and industrial ties with our neighbors. I consider interregional cooperation to be the most important point in the economic component of modern Russia. Namely, the promotion of economic and cultural interaction between the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tuva and Khakassia. In the near future, serious joint projects will be prepared “We already talked about the revival of some productions together with Alexander Uss several months ago,” Zimin was quoted as saying in the press service.

He believes that the creation of the Yenisei economic zone will be a combination of industries of various specializations without confrontation or infringement of the interests of anyone. According to the governor, the points of contact between the regions are hydropower, mechanical engineering, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, light and electrical industries, agriculture, as well as coal, forestry, woodworking industries, enterprises producing building materials and a number of others.

Zimin agreed with Kara-ool’s opinion that with joint efforts the project to build a railway to Tuva would be easier to implement.

“With our joint efforts, we are more likely to be able to lobby for a railway project to the Republic of Tyva, a region with fabulous reserves of coal, copper and other minerals. The absence of a railway makes it difficult to export. Taking into account its construction, this will be easier to do, and Mongolia and "China - we also need a railway connection there. Thus, we will shorten the route of all cargo that goes from the West and Siberia to China and back by 2.5 thousand kilometers," Zimin said.

“What is direct communication with China? This is an exchange of goods, this is a new stage in the development of the regional market,” he added.

The head of Khakassia also said that the program of the three regions will be presented at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, which is planned to be held in the spring of 2018.