A miracle has happened and every single tanker will be able to receive free bonus from WG in the form of World of Tanks gold in the amount of 1000 gold. Unprecedented generosity fell on the heads of the players of RU servers from the developers, now everyone reading this article is thinking to themselves - well, come on quickly... where can I get the promised gold? Where to click and get gold? Guys, this is not a scam or a joke, anyone can get 1000 gold for free for WoT.

How to get a bonus of 1000 years World of Tanks:

In the Wargaming company system there is a “Single Account”, you need complete 10 combat missions in World of Warplanes, after receiving 1000 units of gold in airplanes, we go to World of Tanks tanks and naturally we see one thousand gold credited to the WoT account.

List of combat missions that must be completed to receive one thousand wot gold:

  1. - Kill two defender aircraft during the battle. (Do it three times reward: 50 gold coins )
  2. - Destroy three ground targets during the battle. (Do it three times reward: 55 gold )
  3. - Destroy three enemy aircraft while defending your territory. (performed for any number of battles, reward: 60 gold )
  4. - Earn 1,000 capture points in any number of battles. ( reward: 75 gold )
  5. - Blow up four enemy air defense guns in one battle. ( Prize money: 50 gold )
  6. - Capture an enemy airfield; participation in a successful capture is counted. ( Prize money: 120 gold )
  7. - Take part in the capture of the plant. ( Prize money: 120 gold )
  8. - Take part in the capture of an enemy military base. ( Prize money: 120 gold )
  9. - Kill three strike aircraft in any number of battles. ( reward: 100 gold )
  10. - Be in the top 5 in terms of battle points. ( reward: 250 gold )
After completing all the tasks, we don’t spend gold on planes, we switch to tanks and voila, 1000 free gold in our hangar.

Note: You need to log in to the planes with the same login and password as in the tanks - YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER A NEW ACCOUNT AGAIN ON THE PLANES.

How to earn extra gold in World of Tanks:

- If 1000 gold is not enough for you and you want more freebies and don’t want to throw money into gold, there are a couple more options to collect gold even to buy a premium lvl 8 tank such as IS-6, T34, Leva, etc.
- Service which has been working for a very long time allows you to earn gold for any games, including World of Tanks, we go in and complete free tasks and get gold. The service has been tested and works 100%. You can learn more about this site.
- IN this moment we are testing 1 service and two mobile applications to earn gold, then we will inform you about the results of this check.

Note: Dear players, do not try to find a freebie, you will lose a lot of time and nerves. Guys, don’t be fooled if you are offered to buy a cheat for gold - this is 100% a scam, and a large number of sellers of bonus codes are also scammers!

For players who need a good twink or ( Register a new account), you can coolly combine a bonus from Wargaming for 1000 free gold with an invite link or a working invite code for 2018. To do this, you need to do a number of manipulations in a certain sequence, you can even say in a strict sequence - I repeat, this option is suitable for players who register a new account or twink!!!

Brief instructions for registering a new account (Twink) with an invite code for wot 2018 + 1000 gold:

  1. 1. Go to the official World of Tanks website Wargaming.net To fill out the registration form, click create a new account.
  2. 2. Next, fill out all the registration fields for the new account and in the “Do you have an invite” field enter the invite code - there are currently working ones or
  3. 3. Copy the invite code into the registration form in the line “You have an invite.”
  4. 4. Click “Register”, go to your email (Email), confirm registration.
  5. 5. We go into the tanks and undergo training we get premium tank T29 and 500 gold + silver + 3 days premium .
  6. 6. Change the password and link the phone + 400 gold.
  7. 7. Download the aircraft client, if the World of Warplans game is installed, log in with the same login and password that you registered the tanks with, complete 10 combat missions and get another 1,000 gold , thanks to a single account, there will be 1000 gold on your World of Tanks account.

To summarize: You get premium tank T29, 1900 gold, 10 days of premium account + silver. Having 1900 gold on your account, you can additionally buy any premium tank of any level 5 nation such as: Churchill III, Matilda, Valentine, Pz. T35, Pz. T 15, M4AE24, Matilda BR, Excelsior, Chi-Nu Kai. Not only can you buy an additional premium lvl 5 tank, you will also still have 400 gold left, since the price for a premium lvl 5 tank is 1500 gold.

Do you have any questions?- you can safely ask them in

Investigators are checking whether the cargo of precious bullion belonging to the Canadian gold mining company Kinross Gold was transported legally; the owners of the plane have not yet been found.

The Investigative Committee began a pre-investigation check on the incident at the Yakutsk airport, where a piece of the An-12 aircraft fell off during flight and cargo fell to the ground - about nine tons of gold and silver bars. The cargo belonged to the Canadian gold mining company Kinross Gold. Exactly how much cargo was on the plane and what exactly is still not known exactly. It is not even clear yet who owned this plane, what condition it was in, who serviced it and how. It is known that it made its first flight back in 1972, after which it changed several owners and has recently been laid up for a long time. Investigators also check compliance with the rules and requirements for the transportation of precious metals, including security requirements.

Golden flight

The old Antonov, produced in 1972, was transporting valuable cargo from the Kupol mine to Krasnoyarsk - to the Krastsvetmet JSC refinery. According to the Investigative Committee, the plane belonged to the Novosibirsk company Nimbus. It was operated by a crew of five people. We stopped for refueling in Yakutsk. It is reported that on board the stricken plane there were nine tons of doré bars - a technical alloy of gold and silver. The cargo belongs to the Canadian gold mining company Kinross Gold.

According to Life, upon departure from Yakutsk, the gold bars were displaced due to improper fastening. Under their weight, part of the plane's ramp - the cargo hatch - was torn off. A piece of the fuselage fell in the area of ​​the local car market, and into the hole

The ingots were scattered throughout the runway. The airport services quickly arrived and began collecting jewelry - in total they picked up 172 bars and took them to the warehouse under guard. The battered plane landed safely at Magan airport, 12 kilometers from Yakutsk.

Kinross Gold Corporation representative Stanislav Borodyuk told Life that the entire cargo had been found and collected and was under guard.

When the news of gold bars falling from the sky spread local residents, they reached the airport area. The police managed to drive them away, but part of the precious cargo could become the prey of thieves. At the very least, representatives of Rudnik Kupol LLC in Yakutsk have already published a stern warning in the local press that the misappropriation or sale of this cargo will be prosecuted by law. And they suggested reporting the found bars to them.

Ownerless plane

Now let's check the circumstances of the incident

The story itself with the transportation of valuable cargo still looks very, very vague. According to the Investigative Committee, the plane belongs to the Nimbus company. However, according to the state register, the An-12 RA-11130 belongs to ZAO PO Kosmos.

General Director of Nimbus Airlines Alexey Tresvyatsky has already told reporters that his company does not operate aircraft of this type. ZAO PO Cosmos also told Life that the plane with that tail number does not belong to them. Kinross Gold Corporation representative Stanislav Borodyuk fusses and avoids questions about the plane. He claims that the cargo was transported in accordance with an agreement concluded between Chukotka Mining and Geological Company CJSC, part of the corporation, and Air Transportation Coordination Center LLC.

Check with Air Transportation Coordination Center LLC what kind of airline transported the cargo,” Borodyuk told Life.

Some experts note a strange scheme for transporting such an expensive cargo, very similar to the shadow one: an ownerless plane, a cargo of jewelry worth six billion, and the absence of visible security.

After investigators identify the owners of the plane, they will check how it was operated, maintained and how cargo was transported. It is possible that the incident was also influenced by the technical condition of the aircraft. The An-12 was 45 years old at the time of the incident. The Ukrainian manufacturer issued a bulletin according to which the lower part of the fuselage should be especially carefully checked for strength in older An-12 models. According to calculations from the Antonov plant, it turns out that frames in certain parts of the aircraft become a weak point after several decades of service.

Where is the security?

The East Siberian Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is now checking compliance with the rules for transporting precious metals by the Novosibirsk airline Nimbus.

According to paragraph 3 of Article 29 of Federal Law No. 41-FZ “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones”, they are obliged to transport precious metals, precious stones and products from them by specialized transport and with armed guards,” lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky told Life. - The aircraft had to be equipped with special technical means, such as safes, in which jewelry was to be stored.

According to Ostrovsky, transportation of precious metals and stones must be accompanied by armed guards.

If the information is confirmed that nine tons of valuable bullion worth 21 billion rubles in transport plane were not stored in special safes, and the cargo was not accompanied by armed guards, then the Nimbus airline and the owner of the jewelry will be brought to administrative responsibility, the lawyer notes. - But employees of the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Air Transport Agency must understand all the intricacies.

In addition, as Life’s interlocutor at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation notes, the airline transporting precious metals and the security guards responsible for the safety of the cargo, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, must have appropriate licenses to work with precious metals and stones.

And the absence of this specialized security is considered a direct violation of Russian legislation and may entail liability, for example, the revocation of a license from a private security company or even an airline, says Life’s interlocutor from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Kinross Gold Corporation representative Stanislav Borodyuk claims that the cargo was transported in accordance with the rules for the transportation of precious metals.

The main thing is that none of the plane crew members and two representatives of our company were injured during the incident,” Borodyuk told Life.

Wealth under the "Dome"

The Kupol deposit is one of the largest in Chukotka. It was opened in 1995 by the Anyui Mining and Geological State Enterprise. Canadian firm Bema Gold subsequently estimated reserves at more than 150 tons of gold and about 1.9 thousand tons of silver. The cost of the Dome was estimated at approximately $3.5 billion.

"Dome" is located 450 kilometers from Anadyr. The field has its own airport of the same name in the Bilibinsky district with a dirt runway almost two kilometers long, capable of receiving small aircraft and helicopters. Near the deposit itself there is a processing plant, a rotational camp, a power plant, and warehouses. The factory can process up to one million tons of ore per year. Ore is mined both open-pit and underground, and then gold and silver are obtained from it. The first gold bar was smelted here in May 2008. Mining is carried out by Chukotka GGK CJSC, which is part of the Canadian company Kinross Gold. Now Kinross controls ChGGC through the Cyprus offshore company Kupol Ventures Limited.

For success in battles in World of warplanes, pilots are awarded the main game currency - silver. In addition, the game has such a currency as gold. And of course, pilots receive experience points. Let’s try to understand why each currency is needed in this article.

Silver in World of warplanes

What is silver awarded for in World of warplanes (WoWp)? This question can often be heard from beginners. Silver in WoWp is awarded to the player for discovered, shot down and damaged aircraft, as well as for destroyed ground targets, and for the overall victory of the team. You can also convert game gold into silver.

For in-game silver you can purchase new aircraft, if they have been researched, ammunition and modules, and for silver you can train the crew up to 75% skill.

Gold in World of warplanes

How to get gold in World of warplanes? Gold in WoWp can be purchased for real money. After the launch of the global map, gold will probably be awarded in the same way as in World of tanks. And in general, the developers promise that the gold reserves will be the same for tanks and aircraft.

Game gold can be spent on purchasing silver, converting experience into free experience. Or for the purchase of premium aircraft. For gold you can train your crew to 100% skill. You can also purchase a premium account for gold, which adds 50% to the experience and silver received for the battle.

During the first stage of open beta testing, in-game gold was temporarily replaced by tokens.

Tokens can be acquired by winning air battles. By winning 10 battles, as well as destroying 10 ground and air targets, you can get 240 tokens per day. The price of a premium account per day is 250 tokens. To destroy 10 ground targets, it is better to use attack aircraft. Light fighters can be used to defeat up to 10 opponents. Heavy fighters are a universal option; using them you can destroy both ground and air targets.

For tokens you can purchase premium in Wowp, and it will apply to your account in World of tanks. Thus, you can get a free premium in Wot just by flying on planes. Hurry, after the release of World of warplanes you will no longer be able to get such a bonus.

Accrual of experience in World of warplanes.

Experience is awarded to the player for detecting damage and destroying enemy aircraft and objects, as well as for game activity. Game activity implies helping the team, for example, the longer a player lasts in battle, the more experience he will gain. The aircraft crew also gains experience. For the first victory of the day, double experience is awarded. During promotions, this coefficient may be increased

Experience can be spent on researching new equipment and modules.

In addition to the experience accrued for a specific aircraft, World of warplanes has free experience; each time you gain experience, 10% goes into free experience. Free experience is not tied to a specific aircraft, and can be spent on any aircraft presented in the game.

You can convert regular experience into free experience for in-game gold, and the vehicle with which the experience will be transferred must be premium, or get elite status. An aircraft becomes elite when all possible research for this aircraft has been completed.

World of Warplanes is a free online action game. Anyone can download the game client and become a participant in large-scale battles in the sky just half a minute after launching the game, trying out both the legendary cars of World War II and test prototypes that never left the testing grounds.

Perseverance and good gaming skills will allow you to upgrade to a car of any class and level without spending a penny on it. However, with the help of small financial investments - microtransactions - you can make your life in World of Warplanes more comfortable. For real money, you have access to valuable game currency - gold, which will speed up your development in the game.

Please note: in-game gold is the same for the World of Warplanes and World of Tanks projects.

What does having gold give a player?

Premium account

A premium account is the most popular purchase among virtual pilots. It allows you to receive 50% more experience and credits for each battle and thus quickly get to the desired combat vehicle in the vehicle development tree. You can purchase a premium account for a period from one day to two years. Premium account gives:

  • 50% more experience for each battle;
  • 50% more experience for the crew for each battle;
  • 50% more credits for each battle;
  • clean and spacious Hangar.

Please note: the premium account is the same for the World of Warplanes, World of Tanks and World of Warships projects.

Exchange for game credits

Sometimes it happens that the necessary modules or equipment have already been researched, but there are not enough credits to purchase them. The first solution in this case is to fight a few more battles and accumulate a sufficient number of credits. The second, faster and more convenient, is to convert gold into credits and immediately go to the Store for new clothes.

Purchasing tokens

is a unique game currency that is used only in World of Warplanes. Tokens can be purchased for gold in the last week of each month at the rate of 1 = 50, as well as during various game promotions.

Translation of experience

An aircraft that has already had all its modules researched, as well as the vehicle next to it in the development branch, acquires elite status. The experience gained on an elite aircraft accumulates after each battle. For gold, you can convert this experience into free experience and use it to upgrade any other aircraft.

Premium technology

Premium aircraft are combat vehicles that do not require upgrades and are only available for gold. These aircraft do not provide a decisive advantage in battles, they do not have super-powerful weapons or impenetrable armor, but the income per battle on such aircraft is higher than on pumped-up aircraft of the same level. In addition, experience from premium aircraft can be immediately transferred to free experience.

Crew training

When purchasing new equipment, you hire a crew who will be responsible for controlling the aircraft and firing at the enemy. The effectiveness of your winged vehicle in battle depends on the skills of the crew. You can choose a crew that has completed basic training for free (50% proficiency level in the main specialization), or hire graduates of a training aviation regiment (75% proficiency level in the main specialization) for credits. With the help of gold, you can invite a crew that has been trained in a front-line air regiment and has a 100% level of proficiency in the main specialization. In this case, your plane will be as effective as possible from the very first battle.

Crew retraining

Each crew member is specially trained to fly a specific aircraft. If you want to assign him to another aircraft, he will have to be retrained. There are several retraining courses for this. A training wing and basic training will help retrain crew members for new equipment, but a certain percentage of professional experience will be lost. You can train the crew for other equipment without losing experience by choosing courses from a front-line air regiment. In this case, the earned crew experience that you transfer to a new aircraft will be fully retained.

Additional slots in the Hangar

What to do in a situation when all the places in the Hangar are occupied by your favorite cars, but you really want to buy a new plane or even several? Buy additional slots in the Hangar for gold and expand your fleet of vehicles.

Premium ammo

Premium ammunition differs from regular ammunition in its greater likelihood of igniting enemy equipment or causing critical damage to it, as well as increased damage when firing at ground targets.

Premium equipment

Equipment are in-game items used during battle to repair damaged modules, heal incapacitated crew members, or improve the performance of equipment. In World of Warplanes, there are standard and premium equipment. Premium equipment is more effective and can be purchased for gold.

Barracks expansion

For in-game gold, you can always expand the Barracks to make room for new pilots.


Camouflage in World of Warplanes is a color scheme that can be applied to an aircraft, giving it a 10% camouflage bonus. This bonus only applies if the camouflage type matches the type of map it is used on. There are 4 types of colors: summer, winter, desert and sea. One camouflage from each group can be installed on one aircraft. Before the battle, depending on the type of map, the required camouflage automatically appears on the plane (if purchased). You can apply camouflage on both certain time- for loans, and forever - for gold.


You have the opportunity to personalize your aircraft by adding one of the available decorations to its nose. You can purchase jewelry either for a certain time - for credits, or forever - for gold.

Changing your username

If for some reason you no longer like your username or you simply came up with a more sonorous in-game nickname and now want to be called that way, you can use the “Change Username” function, available for in-game gold.

172 gold bars spilled from an airplane in Yakutsk March 15th, 2018

That's cool! In Yakutsk, gold scattered across the runway! Yes, and how heaped it is.

Who did not pack their luggage so neatly? The bags seemed to be torn from such weight.

Come on, of course this is not private luggage and not private gold. But this doesn’t make the situation any less epic. According to preliminary data, the An-12 was transporting gold bars to Krasnoyarsk to a refinery. According to media reports, some of the ingots could have fallen in the forest in the vicinity of Yakutsk and Magan. Now people will rush there. And you can probably look for small fragments on the strip.

So far, 172 ingots weighing 20 kilograms each have been discovered. On board were gold bars totaling 21 billion 600 million rubles. The cargo belonged to the Chukotka Mining and Geological Company LLC.

But actually why this happened - “The air flow of the An-12 cargo plane of the Nimbus airline tore off the left side of the cargo hatch,” said the press service of Magan Airport. As soon as the cargo hatch flap was torn off, the crew decided to return to the departure airport and landed safely.

It will be interesting to find out a reconciliation of what was loaded onto the plane and what was later found. I can’t believe that everything will come together!

In the comments, the question naturally arose - what to do if you found such an ingot in the forest? Well, or a piece. Take it to the police? Or maybe sell it - well, I found it!