The high-speed branded train “Nevsky Express” travels between St. Petersburg and Moscow twice every day - there and back. It began running in 2001 and did not lose popularity even when newer high-speed Sapsan were launched. The composition has been updated over time, and now the Nevsky Express remains one of the most comfortable and popular trains in Russia. In the middle of the day, two trains depart towards each other - from the Leningradsky station in Moscow and from the Moskovsky station in St. Petersburg.

The schedule of the Nevsky Express and the level of comfort in it made it popular among those who go on business trips (departure and arrival within the working day, and besides, you can work fully on the way - there are tables for a laptop and sockets).

If you want to work on the road, choose seats in an open-lounge car or near a window in compartment cars. This way you will have a table at your disposal.

Train Features

Passengers of the high-speed branded train "Nevsky Express" St. Petersburg - Moscow can confidently count on the fact that the trip will take place in more than decent conditions, and the conductors will be attentive and caring. This feature of the train is most often noted in reviews by those who have already traveled on it.

  • It is convenient to work on the train: there are sockets in every carriage, there are tables and comfortable chairs in almost all seats, the conductor will bring tea or coffee.
  • You can relax on the road: sleeping on a train with seated carriages is not very comfortable, but watching movies or reading is fine. You can have lunch in the dining car.


The layout of the Nevsky Express train from St. Petersburg to Moscow includes two types of seated cars: with an open cabin (seats in rows 2+2) and seated cars with six-seater compartments.

  • Cars with an open-type cabin - two rows of seats, each with a folding table, headrest, and footrest. The backrest can be adjusted.
  • The carriages are divided into compartments - in each compartment there are two three-seater sofas, opposite each other. The table is near the window, but it can be moved apart temporarily if passengers sitting closer to the compartment doors want to have a snack. Then you have to fold it anyway, otherwise it will be awkward to get out. The compartment has compartments for small items, space for hand luggage, and a headrest.

Both types of carriages belong to the same class of service. Therefore, the ticket price for them is the same, and so is the list of included services.


  • The price of all tickets to Nevsky Express includes a meal plan (lunch box), amenity kit (slippers, wet wipes, comb, shoe sponge, etc.), and the latest newspapers.
  • All carriages are air-conditioned, dry toilets have everything you need, and there are blankets on the overhead luggage racks.
  • There is a restaurant car, you can order dishes from it and have it delivered to your place.
  • You can order tea, coffee, confectionery, and souvenirs from the guides.

If you have any questions on the road, you can contact the conductor: at Nevsky Express they are very polite and caring.

Ticket prices

All tickets to the Nevsky Express cost the same, because it only has seats of one class.

It is more profitable to buy tickets in advance. If you buy a train ticket online when sales first open, it will cost the least. Then the price gradually increases, and three days before departure or less - the most expensive tickets.

Sales of tickets for the Nevsky Express from St. Petersburg to Moscow on our website open 60 days before the train’s departure - as for most Russian Railways trains. Gradually, the depth of sales increases, and trips can be planned for a longer period of time.

The “Express-3” system allows you to organize the sale of tickets on railways in four types: selling seats at the train station, for the return trip, from any station of the railway network, along the train. To sell tickets for each of the above types, the system provides that any seat can be purchased by a passenger from open (free) sale or sale by reservation. Each type of armor has a two-digit number. From the total number of seats, a certain quota is allocated for each reservation, which can be specified during the sales process. The list of types of reservation allowed for a specific terminal (each cash desk) is indicated in the terminal characteristics.
Ticket offices installed at train formation stations have the right to use the entire list of permitted types of reservation. For this reason, a passenger purchasing a ticket using it has more options compared to other types of sales.
Let's look at the basic principles of searching for available seats and calculating the ticket fare.
The largest stations where passenger trains stop are metering stations. Each of these stations has a so-called “level”, with the train formation station having the first level, and intermediate stations that are not seat counting stations having the level of the previous station. Tickets indicating seat numbers are issued by stations on the first level. All other stations along the train's route issue tickets without indicating seat numbers. In these cases, instead of seat numbers, the words are printed on the ticket: SEAT NUMBERS ARE INDICATED BY THE CONDUCTOR R Z D .
The boundaries of the search for free seats in the array are set by the ticket cashier. The search for places is influenced by the information typed under the keys N- train number, B- number and type of car, M- boundaries of places, T- requirements for places, G- Reservation number.
Keys N, B, G determine the most general search boundaries: in all cars or cars of specific “threads” of the train (key N), in a specific type of car (key B), within the reservation number (key G). Key M defines a range of places already defined in keys N, B, G, and the key T(the number of lower and upper seats and their location in the compartment or side of the car) clarifies these boundaries. If the key T is not indicated in the order, then the search is carried out according to the principle “lower, upper in one compartment,” i.e. default key value T is T 11K. For reserved seat carriages, the system searches for seats first in the compartment section, and only then, if there is no possible option, in a combination of the compartment section and side seats. According to this algorithm, tickets are sold to a passenger who orders a number of seats that is a multiple of six.
In case the train contains the total number of requested seats, but the passenger's requirements are indicated behind the key T cannot be satisfied, the ticket cashier’s display displays information about which seats are available for sale B - only side ones, N-no- absence of lower places, etc.
Places for return departure are allocated from the reserve of places ordered or from places for open sale.
Sales of seats from any station of the railway network are carried out from reserved seats using a special reservation - G 02 “Reservation of an intermediate station” - or (again) from among the places on open sale.
Stations located along the train line can issue tickets in accordance with the sales modes “winter”, “summer”, “spring-autumn”. The system provides two modes of sales along the route, differing in the location of data on seats on the train. In the first mode, the number of seats is stored in the computer center serving the train departure station and each terminal makes a request to this information center. In the second mode, the number of seats as the train moves forward is transferred from one computer center to another and each terminal (each ticket office) goes to its own information center.
To strengthen control over the sale of seats at special service terminals, it is possible to obtain a train population diagram indicating the “history” of the sale of each seat, on the basis of which financial investigations are carried out.
The fare in the Express-3 system is calculated according to the following algorithm:
1. The type of message (domestic or interstate) is determined by the codes of the departure and destination stations.
2. By key N the category of the train is determined (passenger, fast, company).
3. According to the information typed behind the keys N, B, WITH , D the road that owns the car is determined.
4. Depending on the distance and type of communication, the road that owns the car, the cost of a reserved seat is calculated.
5. Fees are then calculated taking into account additional fees and additional services. The insurance fee is determined;
6. All calculated amounts are stored in the corresponding counters.
The price in the ticket is calculated by the computer of the computer center in which information about the allocated seats for a specific train is stored. Thus, the system automatically manages the process of selling tickets and issuing statistical and financial reporting.

Issuing tickets in the Express system

ACS Express-2 uses a single formalized language for all messages. Like a computer language, it contains an operator and an operand part. Latin alphabet characters called “keys” are used as operators. They indicate what information is contained in the operand part. All requests to the system are coded with two numbers from 01 to 99. Key P determines the code of this request: P01 - cashier’s report for the shift; P11 - order to receive a direct reserved seat or documents for return travel; P12 - work in the order office; P62 - obtaining certificates for long-distance trains (ECASIS system). Following the key P, other keys are indicated: N - train number; D - date of departure of the train (very rarely the date of arrival of the train is implied); C - departure, destination or transfer station; B - type or class of car; key X, which determines the number of persons for whom the travel document is issued, as well as the type of document (for example, children's), type of payment (for example, military), preferential tariff (for example - ШК), number of the document giving the right to the benefit and some other information . Working with such a language, as a rule, does not cause difficulties. Any passenger requirement is easily translated to it.
Full text of the request P11 C2004000 C2000000 N001АУ D0103 BК X01 X01 T2К M009-016 Types of work Express
Type of work P Description of this type of work
01 Cashier's report for the shift
02 Services for passengers
03 Entering the remaining available seats on the plan maps
04 Providing information about passengers disembarking at intermediate stations
05 Reservation of seats by password
06 Entering operational changes into the system
07 Extending your password
08 Maintaining documentation on magnetic media
09 Operational changes to the archive of advance invoices
10 Order up to 4 types of documents
12 Preparation of documents at the order office
14 Registration of travel documents using the dispatch terminal
15 Issuing documents using a password
17 Placing group orders
18 Reservation of seats in international traffic
19 Registration of travel for foreign citizens in domestic traffic
20 Refund of carriage fees from unused documents
21 Writing off amounts from travel documents
22 Partial refund of travel documents
23 Re-issuance of travel documents
24 Return with trip interruption
25 Cancellation of fares and seats from damaged travel documents
27 Cancellation of damaged and unredeemed travel documents
29 Password Refusal
30 Checking the security code on travel documents issued by the E-2 system, obtaining a SOT certificate
31 Information about the operation of cash registers
35 Information on the use of seats on trains
36 Information about availability of seats on trains
37 Receiving military reports
40 Cashier's report. Duplicate report. Report and another terminal in international traffic
41 Registration of travel documents in international traffic
42 Cancellation of travel documents in international traffic
43 Cancellation of travel documents in international traffic
44 Advance booking in international traffic
45 Receipt of payment for the order. Help information. Train diagram
46 Information on international travel costs and exchange rates
47 Registration of international group trips (booking, redemption, extension)
49 Processing test requests
51 Cash register status message
52 Duplicate financial statements
53 Automation of changes to Tariff Guide No. 5.
55 Test control of terminal equipment
60 Entering operational information on the movement of long-distance trains in the Ecassis system
61 Receiving reporting documents on the work of the help desk in the Ecassis system
62 Obtaining information about long-distance trains
63 "Ecassis" suburb
64 Registration of commuter travel documents
69 Entering seats according to travel documents of late passengers
70 Help "ESUBR"
71 "ESUBR" Registration of luggage and cargo transportation documents
80 ASU-L tasks
81 ASU-L tasks
82 ASU-L tasks
83 ASU-L tasks
84 ACS-PV tasks
85 Buses
90 Entering information about the receipt and issuance of forms into the system. Receiving certificates and reports on the IUB
91 Correction of the MUB archive
98 Entering information from travel document stubs issued using manual technology
99 Retrieving information from the terminal's replaceable counters

The classifier was developed on the basis of technical documentation on the software of the system and is part of the reference and information fund of the Express system.
Only certain keys can be used for each message. This makes it easier for the user to collect information. The terminal memory contains data about all valid keys for each type of work. Each time you press the “next key” key, an image of a new key appears on the screen. If the user wants to enter data, he types it on the keyboard immediately after the key. If this key is not used when dialing (for example, the passenger does not require to indicate the boundaries of seats M), then when the key is pressed again, the image of the unused key is replaced with a new one. The key is valid until the user sees all valid keys. When reaching the end of the list, the terminal presses the keys do not respond.
The result of the dialogue between the user and the railway ACS computer is the system response. Responses are divided into positive, in which the system satisfies the user's requirements in the messages sent, and negative, in which a refusal was received from the computer. Negative responses are generated either when the required data is not available in the system (for example: there are no free seats on a given train), or when errors are detected in the transmitted message. The response information can be sent to a display screen or to a printing device. In some systems this is determined by the user, in others - by the system itself. An example of an automated control system that independently determines the output device is "EXPRESS-2". The service line of the system terminal display indicates the information where the information output is currently directed: “EC RESPONSE” - to the screen, “FC RESPONSE” - to the printing device. In this case, the key on the keyboard that the user must press to display the next piece of information can be highlighted: - for printing on strict reporting forms and printing other certificates and reports, respectively; - for displaying on the screen. In the Express-2 automated control system, the form of output depends on where the information output is directed - to the display or printer. When displayed on the display, the system takes into account the small capacity of the screen and arranges all the data compactly. When printed, the information is duplicated on the display screen. It is difficult to read printed information from the screen, since all data is formatted according to the length of the printed sheet.
When replying, it is mandatory to print the word “CERTIFICAT” and its code, the date and time of issue from the system, the code of the computer processing center that issued the certificate (MM), the technological number of the terminal that requested the document (31M48) and the request number in the system.
If the requirements specified in the request cannot be satisfied, then "EXPRESS" gives a negative answer. It contains text explaining the reason for the response. For example, if train No. 157 does not arrive on March 17, then the system will respond to the request P62 G50 N157Ц D1703: 17.03 THE TRAIN IS NOT RUNNING A special place in EXPRESS when issuing information is occupied by the printing of travel documents - tickets. These are strictly reporting documents, the execution of which has special requirements.
The system informs the ticket cashier that it is ready to start printing the travel document by illuminating the key. The terminal does not allow reprinting of the same travel document on another form. In some terminal models, if a passenger refuses the offered seats, the key is used to return them to the system.

Dear user! You can issue tickets in the new version of the site. To switch to the old version, click:

and see the schedule

Train ticket

Actual train movement

Departure date and time

  • Trains
  • Electric trains

transportation request

Basic schedule for 10 days

At a minimum, it is enough to indicate the station and arrival date of the train(s) of interest.

To obtain information about the actual movement of the train of interest, fill out the fields of the search form.

Departure and arrival stations

My orders

$transferDate$ VTB24 transferred funds to you:

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$amount$ rubles were transferred for payment transaction $transactionId$. to card $cardnum$ (transaction ARN - $arn$)

For further crediting of funds to your current account, you must contact the bank that issued your bank card and provide the above information.

No new orders. Go to archive


International trains

Loyalty program "RZD Bonus"

Collect points for completed trips and exchange them for award tickets.

Branded trains

Trains with high-quality service and convenient schedules are at your service:

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high speed trains

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Bologoe, Veliky Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, Tula, Orel, Kursk, Smolensk, Krasnodar, Adler, Tver, Vyborg

Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod

News for passengers

  • 11.01.2018 | 17:22

Dynamic Pricing

New rules for calculating ticket prices are formed depending on demand and availability of seats on a specific date in the following areas:

UNIFIED information and service center

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Train tickets

Single tickets

There are two types of single train tickets: for one one-way trip and for one round-trip trip.

A one-way train ticket is valid for one trip during the date indicated on it, as well as for an hour of the next day.

According to the transportation rules, a return ticket is valid for one trip from 00:00 a.m. on the day indicated on the ticket until the end of the next day.

On OAO trains of the Central PPK and the Moscow-Tver PPK (as of 2017), the validity of the return ticket exceeds the minimum - the ticket is valid until the end of the next day, not counting weekends and holidays.

Having bought a round-trip ticket in Moscow on Friday, you can use it to travel back on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and even on Monday.

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Having bought a ticket in Moscow on Saturday, you can go back on Saturday, Sunday or Monday.

If the ticket expires en route, it is extended until the train arrives at the destination station indicated on the ticket.

Preferential tickets (discounted or cash-free), as a rule, can only be purchased on the day of travel. When purchasing a ticket and en route, you must have with you all the necessary documents confirming the availability of the benefit.

Federal beneficiaries - residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as labor veterans - residents of Moscow can, as a rule, issue free tickets 10 (or less) days in advance at the ticket office of the Central Suburban Passenger Company, provided they have a social card.

Regional beneficiaries of St. Petersburg and the region can also purchase a ticket on the day before the trip.

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Discount tickets are issued at ticket offices, as well as at self-service terminals (not at all stations and not in all regions).

Please note: free travel does not mean ticketless. Passengers entitled to free travel are required to issue a cash-free ticket at the ticket office or in the terminal before the start of the trip. When issuing a ticket directly on the train, or at the ticket office after the end of the trip, the carrier has the right to charge a fee for issuing a travel document (usually rubles), except in cases where there is no ticket office or terminal at the departure station (stopping point).

Like single tickets, they can be issued at the ticket office, self-service terminals, or through the “My Travel Card” application (for CPPC directions). Please note that the start date of the subscription is indicated upon purchase (default - current day) and it cannot be changed.

"Working day"

Such subscriptions are issued for 10, 15, 20, 25 consecutive calendar days and for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 months. On the routes of JSC “Central PPK” in Moscow and the region, “working day” passes are issued only for 1 and 3 months.

On regular trains of JSC Central "PPK" for cases when travel in the Moscow region and Moscow (except for routes within the “old” Moscow) is carried out within one zone, or when the number of crossings of the boundaries of tariff zones (both zones belong to Moscow or the region) equals one, the subscription is not issued.

This type of subscription is valid only on weekdays.

Free legal advice:

When transferring weekends/holidays and working days, the following tickets:

valid on weekends declared as working days,

are not valid on working days declared as non-working days.


These passes are issued for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 days and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 months.

Free legal advice:

On the routes of JSC Central PPK Moscow and the region, passes are issued only for 10 days and 1, 3, 12 months. For fast electric trains, 5-day passes are also issued.

On regular trains of JSC Central "PPK" for cases when travel in the Moscow region and Moscow (except for routes within the “old” Moscow) is carried out within one zone, or when the number of crossings of the boundaries of tariff zones (both zones belong to Moscow or the region) equal to one, the subscription is issued for only 10 days.

For regular electric trains of JSC Central PPK, a 10-day subscription is not issued on sections where per-kilometer tariffs apply (for example, BMO).

This type of subscription is valid for the entire validity period indicated on the ticket, on all days of the week.

When registering at the ticket office of OJSC Central PPK for this type of subscription for 1 month from a station not included in the “Big Moscow” zone to the nearest Moscow main station, the passenger has the right to free registration of a “Big Moscow” subscription on the same card. To do this, you need to ask the cashier to arrange travel through “Greater Moscow” (free of charge).

A subscription issued for a number of months is usually valid for travel for 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 360 calendar days, respectively.

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Such a subscription is usually issued for only 30 days. It works by:

weekends and holidays,

on the day before a weekend or holiday,

on the day after a weekend or holiday.

This type of subscription is not issued for routes within the old territory of the city of Moscow (with the exception of the Leningrad direction), on sections of OJSC Central PPK with per-kilometer tariffs (including BMO), as well as in some other regions. A weekend pass is also not available for satellites and other fast commuter trains.

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"For the number of trips"

The subscription is issued only for routes whose departure and destination stations are equipped with automatic turnstiles or other technical means of reading completed trips.

This type of subscription can be issued in all directions in Moscow and St. Petersburg; in most other regions this type of subscription is not available.

They are issued for 10, 20, 60, 90 trips.

Passes for 10 and 20 trips must be used within 30 days, for 60 and 90 trips - within a longer period (the exact period depends on the carrier). On the routes of JSC Central PPK in Moscow and the region, a subscription for 90 trips is not issued, a subscription for 60 trips is valid for 120 days.

This subscription, like all others, can be pre-registered (up to 30 days). The start date of the subscription must be told to the cashier (or selected at the self-service terminal) upon purchase.

Free legal advice:

For this type of subscription, the trip must begin from the station where the turnstiles are installed (this can be any intermediate station or stopping point within the route, but with turnstiles). In this case, the card must be brought to the turnstile to “open” the trip. If this is not done, the trip will be considered ticketless and you will have to pay the full cost of the trip and the service. The exit turnstile may also not open if there is no entry mark on the card.

Exit at the destination station must be carried out no later than 4 hours after entry. Otherwise, the trip may be “closed” and when approached at the turnstile at the exit, the turnstile will not open, or another trip will be written off.

Please note that if the exit turnstile does not work, you must swipe the card again at the same turnstile, otherwise another trip may be charged.

"On dates"

This subscription can be issued for any dates chosen by the passenger - from 5 to 16 dates.

It can also be issued for even and odd dates (from 14 to 16 dates depending on the month).

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All dates must be within the same calendar month.

At the training ground of JSC Central PPK, this type of subscription is issued only for corporate clients and employees of JSC Russian Railways.

"Big Moscow"

Gives the right to make an unlimited number of trips in all directions within the Greater Moscow zone for 30 days. Read more.

Issued for 30 days, cost 1570 rubles.

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"Megapolis Plus" (only for the Kazan and Kyiv directions of Moscow)

Gives the right to make an unlimited number of trips along the chosen route (“there” and “back”), as well as in all directions within the “Greater Moscow” zone.

Issued from the Kazansky and Kievsky railway stations to one of the stations located at a distance of km from the station (Kraskovo, Malakhovka, Udelnaya, Bykovo, Ilyinskaya, Otdykh, Kratovo, Korenevo, Ovrazhki, Rodniki, Vyalki, Khripan; Lesnoy Gorodok, Tolstopaltsevo, Kokoshkino, Krekshino, Victory).

Issued for 30 days, cost 2250 rubles.

This pass is not valid for travel on satellites and other fast commuter trains.

Please note: due to the reduction in the cost of a monthly subscription to the Kazansky railway station from August 20, 2015, in most cases it has become unprofitable to buy this subscription to the Kazansky direction, since it is more expensive (except for Kratovo and Khripani).

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“City Nearby” (only for Kazan and Kyiv directions of Moscow)

Gives the right to make an unlimited number of trips on the chosen route “there and back” as well as in all directions within the “Greater Moscow” zone.

Issued from Kazansky and Kievsky railway stations to one of the stations located at a distance of km from the station (42 km, Fabrichnaya, Ramenskoye, 47 km, State Farm, 41 km, Donino, 49 km, 52 km, Grigorovo; Aprelevka, Dachnaya, Alabino, Selyatino) .

Issued for 30 days, cost 3300 rubles.

This pass is not valid for travel on satellites and other fast commuter trains.

Please note: due to the reduction in the cost of a monthly subscription to the Kazansky railway station from August 20, 2015, this subscription is in the Kazansky direction in most cases it has become unprofitable to buy, since it is more expensive (except for State Farm, 52 km, Grigorovo).

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"My Moscow Region"

Gives the right to make an unlimited number of trips along the selected route “there” and “back”, as well as in all directions within the “Greater Moscow” zone.

It is issued from one of the main stations of Moscow to one of the stations of the Moscow or Gorky railway, located at a distance of over 53 km and up to 200 km from the station (as a rule, only if there is a direct suburban connection).

Issued for 30 days, cost 4600 rubles (when purchasing a subscription at stations and stopping points of the Moscow Railway; when purchasing at stations and points of other roads, the cost may be higher).

Please note (especially when issuing a ticket at a machine) that by default a regular monthly pass may be issued, which sometimes costs more and/or includes travel only to the main station without “Big Moscow”. To issue a ticket, you must select “Greater Moscow” from the machine.

This pass is not valid for travel on satellites and other fast commuter trains.

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This subscription is valid throughout the entire service area of ​​Moscow-Tver Suburban Passenger Company OJSC - on the Leningrad direction (sections Moscow - Tver - Bologoe - Uglovka, Moscow - Konakovo, Tver - Torzhok), as well as on the sections Shakhovskaya - Rzhev - Velikie Luki, Zemtsy - Zharkovsky, Torzhok - Rzhev, Torzhok - Soblago - Ostashkov, Bologoe - Velikiye Luki, Bologoe - Sonkovo, Sonkovo ​​- Vesyegonsk, Bologoe - Edrovo.

Issued for 30 days, cost 6060 rubles.

This pass is not valid for travel on satellites and other fast commuter trains.

You can get a “Free” subscription at almost all stations and stops where there is a ticket office. If the cost of a monthly subscription ticket exceeds the cost of a “Free” ticket, then by default the cashier or ticket machine will usually issue a “Free” subscription.


Gives the right to travel on the St. Petersburg Finlyandsky - Melnichny Ruchey section on all commuter trains (including Lastochka trains). Cost - “daily” for 5 consecutive days 430 rubles, “working day” for 30 calendar days in a row rubles.

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This subscription is designed for passengers in the Vitebsk direction (St. Petersburg - Oredezh section) traveling long distances (more than 60 kilometers) and purchasing season tickets at full price.

The cost of a subscription from St. Petersburg for January 2017 is:

Sludice (distancekm)

New, Thicket (distance km)

100 km, 101 km, Cholovo, Tarkovichi, 125 km, Oredezh (distance 100 or more)

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The subscription can be issued not only from the Vitebsk railway station, but also from an intermediate station (stopping point), if the route distance is 60 kilometers or more.


Issued for 30 days on the route St. Petersburg Vitebsk - Tsarskoe Selo, cost rub. “daily” and 1450 rubles “working day”.


Issued for 30 days from St. Petersburg Baltic to the stations New/Old Petergof (cost rub. “daily” and 2100 rubles “working day”) and Oranienbaum-1 (cost rub. “daily” and 2800 rubles “working day”).


Issued for 30 days from St. Petersburg Main to Kolpino station, valid daily. Cost: 1900 rubles - travel on all commuter trains, including Lastochka; 1,700 rubles - only on regular trains.


Issued for 30 days from St. Petersburg Main to Tosno station, valid daily. Cost: 4,700 rubles - travel on all commuter trains, including Lastochka; 4000 rubles - only on regular trains.

From April 1, between the stations of the St. Petersburg - Tosno section and the stations of the Chudovo - Novgorod-on-Volkhov section (as well as between the Chudovo-Moskovskoye and Novgorod-on-Volkhov stations), the “Veliky Novgorod” subscription is introduced. Issued for 5-16 dates, valid for all trains, including Lastochka.

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The cost of one date is equal to the cost of a single ticket to “Swallow” multiplied by 1.7. For example, a ticket for 10 dates on the route Novgorod-on-Volkhov - St. Petersburg-Main will cost 9,840 rubles.

"#we're on our way"

Issued for 30 days on the routes: St. Petersburg Finlandsky - Vyborg (cost rubles “daily” and rubles “working day”), Udelnaya - Vyborg (cost rubles “daily” and rubles “working day”) Valid on all commuter trains (including “Lastochka” ) along the subscription route, as well as on buses in the city of Vyborg on regular routes, the carrier of which is Vipline LLC:

  • No. 1/6 – bus station (precast concrete plant) – microdistrict. Northern;
  • No. 2 – st. Dekabrista Lunina – Hospitalnaya St.;
  • No. 4 – bus station – Dzhatievo village;
  • No. 5 – Onezhskaya st. (City Polyclinic);
  • No. 7 – bus station (precast concrete plant) – Tammisuo village);
  • No. 8 – bus station (precast concrete plant) – Krasny Kholm village
  • No. 9 – st. Gagarina - st. Industrial;
  • No. 10 – Leningradsky Ave. (Gas Station “Neste”) – Saimaa Dachas;
  • No. 11 – Leningradsky Ave. (Gas Station “Neste”) – Sady village;
  • No. 12 – Kharitonovo village – Vyborg – Kharitonovo village;
  • No. 13 – Triangular lane. – circular;
  • No. 14 – Zheleznodorozhnaya st. (bus station) - circular.

All types of subscription tickets (except for tickets “For the number of trips”) are valid for an unlimited number of trips. However, repeated passage through the turnstiles at the same station is possible only after 40 minutes.

You can enter and exit at any intermediate station (for tickets “For the number of trips”, before starting the trip, the card must be presented to the turnstile to open the trip, i.e. if there are no turnstiles, then the trip cannot begin at this station).

The passenger has the right to return fully or partially an unused subscription ticket.

Special tickets are issued for satellites and other fast commuter trains (highlighted on the website in blue) (when registering at a ticket machine or ticket office, you must select the category “satellite”, “fast” or “express”) - as a rule, the cost of such tickets is higher than on a regular train. These passes are valid both on fast trains and on regular trains of the same carrier.

For Aeroexpress trains (highlighted on the website in red with the mark “Aeroexpress”), special tickets are issued at the Aeroexpress LLC ticket office or via the Internet. Passengers with benefits, in addition to documents for benefits, must present an identity document (passport).

For interregional express trains (highlighted on the website in green), a ticket is issued using a passport linked to a specific place, the number of seats is limited. You can buy a ticket at a specialized suburban ticket office (connected to the Express-3 automated control system), or via the Internet (including on our website in the “Railway tickets” section). The sale starts 10 days in advance (departure date minus 9 days) at 8:00.

For express trains that are long-distance trains (highlighted on the website in red with the mark “long-distance” or “Swallow”), tickets can only be issued at long-distance ticket offices (or via the Internet, including on our website in the “Railway” section tickets"), the number of seats is limited. Tickets for “Swallows” St. Petersburg - Vyborg are currently issued at regular ticket offices, the number of tickets is not limited.

Please note that at some stations the issuance of tickets for interregional express trains at the ticket office stops minutes before the train departs, even if there are still empty seats. On our website, ticket processing ends 1 hour in advance (on some routes - 2 hours in advance).

Subscriptions and one-time tickets for satellites and other fast trains are also valid for regular trains of the same carrier (for all REX trains from August 19, 2015, the carrier is TsPPK OJSC). Subscriptions and single tickets for regular trains for travel on fast commuter trains are not valid.

In some cases, you can apply for an additional payment to a one-time ticket for a regular train - together with the additional payment, the ticket will be valid for an express train. When making an additional payment directly on the train (this is not always possible - they may simply not be allowed on the train with a regular ticket), an additional fee will be charged (usually 100 rubles).

There is no additional payment for a regular train ticket. If you travel with such a ticket on an express train, you will have to pay the cashier-controllers the full cost of travel and a service fee (usually 100 rubles).

Transportation of animals on commuter trains

A fee is charged for the transportation of small domestic (pet) animals, dogs and birds on commuter trains.

It is allowed to transport small dogs without containers, muzzled and on a leash. Cats travel under the supervision of their owners or attendants.

Large dogs (including service dogs) can be transported with a muzzle and a leash in the train vestibule (no more than 2 dogs per carriage) - under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons with payment of the cost of their transportation.

The cost of transporting animals on a train cannot exceed 25% of the cost of travel for an adult passenger on a similar route. As a rule, it is 25% of the fare, rounded down to the nearest whole ruble. At the same time, the cost of transporting an animal on regular electric trains and fast commuter trains of JSC Central PPK is different.

To transport animals or birds on the train, you will need veterinary documents on vaccinations. There is no charge for the transportation of guide dogs.

In the seated cars of the Lastochka electric trains of JSC FPK, as in ordinary electric trains, it is allowed to transport small pets, dogs and birds for a fee - no more than one place per issued travel document (ticket) and no more than two animals or two birds to this place.

Suburban trains

Types of subscription tickets for commuter trains

The carrier, in agreement with the government authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, can issue the following types of subscription tickets:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (except non-working holidays (1-5, January 7, February 23, March 8, May 1, 9, June 12, November 4)

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, holidays, the day before the holiday and the day after the holiday

10, 20, 60, 90 respectively.

If a day off coincides with a non-working holiday and the day off is transferred to a working day, a “working day” subscription ticket is valid for travel on a day off declared as a working day, and is invalid on a working day declared as a non-working day (weekend).

Subscription tickets for the number of trips

Subscription tickets for the number of trips are issued at service areas:

  • OJSC "Central Suburban Passenger Company";
  • OJSC "Moscow-Tver Suburban Passenger Company" on the route Moscow-Oktyabrskaya - Tver;
  • OJSC North-Western Suburban Passenger Company.

Subscription tickets for the number of trips are issued for routes, the points of departure and destination of which are equipped with an automated travel control system using turnstile lines or other technical means of reading completed trips.

Subscriptions are issued using a new type of transport card on a flexible basis.

Cancellation of trips on subscription tickets is carried out when passing through the turnstiles at stations and stopping points included in the route for which the subscription was issued. The turnstiles are equipped with indicators to display the number of remaining trips, as well as information about the reasons for the prohibition of entry using the presented transport card.

The availability and validity of trips can be checked at passenger validators located in turnstile complexes and at ticket offices.

The carrier may also issue other types of season tickets.

Subscription tickets valid at the service area of ​​JSC Central Suburban Passenger Company:

For commuter trains, registration is carried out for a distance of 2 or more tariff zones

"For the number of trips"

between stations equipped with turnstile complexes (ASOCUPE)

not valid on routes within Moscow

The entire range* with the exception of routes within Moscow

Moscow, Moscow region

only on the Kazan and Kiev directions of the Moscow Railway

* polygon - routes of JSC "Central PPK" through the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Moscow region, Ryazan region, Kaluga region, Smolensk region, Bryansk region, Oryol region, Tula region, Kursk region, Tver region, Vladimir region.

**except for fast commuter trains with provision of seats

Daily travel tickets valid for 5 days are issued only for fast commuter trains.

From January 1, 2015, the issuance of “working day” subscription tickets valid for 30 and 90 days was suspended; “daily”, valid for 30, 90, 360 days on separate routes between stations in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Special offers of JSC "Central Suburban Passenger Company":

"Big Moscow"

Validity period: 1 month.

Days of travel: daily.

Coverage area: any suburban railway routes numbered 6000 within 25 kilometers from central Moscow stations (as well as on the routes Moscow - Balashikha, Moscow - Butovo).

Stopping points included in the subscription coverage area:

Bakovka, Balashikha, Barvikha, Begovaya, Beskudnikovo, Biryulyovo Passenger, Biryulyovo Tovarnoe, Bolshevo, Bulatnikovo, Butovo, Veshnyaki, Vnukovo, Vodniki, Vykhino, Gorenki, Civil, Degunino, Kurskoe Depot, Dmitrovskaya, Dolgoprudnaya, Zheleznodorozhnaya, Zil, Kalitniki, Karacharovo , Kolomenskaya, Kosino, Krasnogorskaya, Red Baltiets, Red Builder, Kuntsevo 1, Kuntsevo 2, Kuskovo, Kuchino, Leningradskaya, Lianozovo, Losinoostrovskaya, Los, Lyubertsy 1, Lyubertsy 2, Lyublino Dachnoye, Lyublino Sortirovochnoye, Malenkovskaya, Mark, Matveevskaya, Michurinets Moscow 3, Moscow Belorusskaya, Moscow Kazan, Moscow Kalanchevskaya, Moscow Kievskaya, Moscow Kurskaya, Moscow Paveletskaya, Moscow Riga, Moscow Sortirovoi Kievskaya, Moscow Starkolit, Moscow Kurskaya Kurskaya Paletskaya, Moscow Yaroslavskaya, Moscow-Savelovskaya, Moskvorechye, Mytishchi , Nemchinovka, Nizhniye Kotly, Nikolskoye, Novaya, Novogireevo, Novodachnaya, Odintsovo, Okrug, Ochakovo 1, Panki, Peredelkino, Pererva, Perlovskaya, Perovo, Plyushchevo, Podlipki Dachnye, Pokrovskoye, Pokrovsko-Streshnevo, Rabochy Poselok, Discord, Rastorguevo, Reutovo , Rzhevskaya, Romashkovo, Savelovskaya, Saltykovskaya, Northerner, Hammer and Sickle, Setun, Skolkovo, Solnechnaya, Sortirovochnaya, Stroitel, Construction, Taininskaya, Tarasovskaya, Tekstilshchiki, Testovskaya, Timiryazevskaya, Tomilino, Trekhgorka, Knitted, Tushino, Ukhtomskaya, Fili, Frazer , Khlebnikovo, Tsaritsyno, Chelyuskinskaya, Chertanovo, Chukhlinka, Sheremetyevskaya, Elektrozavodskaya, Yauza, Levoberezhnaya, Moscow Oktyabrskaya (Leningradsky Station), Mosselmash NATI, Ostankino, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, Planernaya, Rizhskaya, Khimki, Khovrino.

"Megapolis Plus", (Kazan and Kiev direction)

Validity period – 1 month.

Days of travel - daily.

Coverage area: from central Moscow stations to any stopping point and back at a distance of 26–39 kilometers in one direction.

“City nearby” (Kazan and Kiev direction)

Validity period – 1 month.

Days of travel - daily.

Validity area: from central Moscow stations to any stopping point and back at a distance of 40–52 kilometers in one direction and throughout the entire validity area of ​​the Greater Moscow subscription ticket.

Where to buy season tickets

You can buy a subscription ticket at suburban ticket offices of train stations, stations and bus stops no more than 30 days before the start of their validity period.

A subscription ticket can be issued:

Cost of season tickets

The cost of a subscription ticket may be set at or below the total cost of tickets for a single trip in one direction, issued in quantities and on conditions similar to those of a subscription ticket.

Return of season tickets

The cost of the subscription ticket is refunded by the carrier after the passenger submits a written application within 10 days. A fee will be charged for the return of an unused or partially unused travel document.

Certificate of registration of mass media No. FS

Express trains with designated seats and fast commuter trains

In the Moscow transport hub, express trains with seat indications run on the following routes:

Moscow - Ryazan (Kazansky railway station)

Moscow - Kaluga 1 (Kyiv railway station)

Moscow - Tula (Kursky station)

Moscow - Vladimir (Kursky Station)

Moscow - Orekhovo-Zuevo (Kursky Station)

Moscow - Dubna (Savelovsky station)

Moscow - Alexandrov “Fyodor Chizhov” (Yaroslavsky Station)

You can buy an express ticket indicating your seat directly on our website. Schedule and seat selection

On peak dates, tickets may run out several days in advance.

In addition to express trains with location indications, “fast” commuter trains run along the routes of the Moscow transport hub, which differ slightly in the type of rolling stock, name, and other characteristics

Moscow - Kryukovo - Tver (Lastochka)

Moscow - Ramenskoye (Sputnik)

Moscow - Kurovskaya (Skory)

Moscow - Golutvin (REX)

Moscow - Zheleznodorozhnaya (Satellite)

Moscow - Krutoe - Vladimir (Skory)

Moscow - Noginsk (Skory)

Moscow - Serpukhov (Skory)

Moscow - Odintsovo - Mozhaisk (REX)

Moscow - Zvenigorod (REX)

Moscow - Mytishchi - Bolshevo - Monino (REX)

Moscow - Fryazino (REX)

Moscow - Pushkino (REX)

Moscow - Alexandrov (Skory)

Moscow - Domodedovo - Barybino - Ozherelye (REX)

Moscow - Domodedovo Airport (Aeroexpress)

Moscow - Shakhovskaya (Skory)

Moscow - Lobnya - Dmitrov (Sky)

Moscow Belorusskaya - Sheremetyevo Airport (Aeroexpress)

Moscow - Vnukovo Airport (Aeroexpress)

The cost of travel on “fast” commuter trains is higher than the cost of a trip on a regular train. The exact price of tickets can be found at the box office and on our website. Tickets for fast commuter trains are sold at suburban ticket offices and terminals of the carrier company. Unlike express trains with designated seats, there is no guarantee of a seat on fast commuter trains, but there is no risk of running out of tickets. Tickets for fast commuter trains are not refundable or exchangeable. In addition to one-time tickets, there are season tickets for fast commuter trains.

Our schedule is extremely easy to install and convenient for your users.

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Our schedule is extremely easy to install and convenient for your users.

  • Missing a train within 12 hours from the moment the train departs;
  • Being late for a train within 5 days from the moment the train departs in case of illness or other valid reason (upon presentation of the appropriate certificate);
  • Refund of an electronic ticket less than an hour before train departure;
  • Refund of a ticket issued by bank transfer ("PU" sign).

In all other cases, travel documents are returned in your personal account or ticket office in the usual manner (in accordance with the “Rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo luggage on federal railway transport”).

When making a claim return, you must provide documents

For individuals:

1. Application from the passenger indicated on the ticket (original);

2. A copy of the passenger’s passport (the first page with a photo of the passport indicated on the ticket);

3. Original travel document (if the ticket is not electronic);

4. Original supporting document;

5. A certificate confirming a valid reason for being late.

For legal entities:

1. Original application from the organization indicating the details for the transfer;

2. Original travel document;

3. Original supporting document.

Application submission and consideration by the commission

Documents can be sent by mail: 129075, Moscow, p.o. box 15;

Either by courier or in person at the address: 129075, Moscow, st. Sheremetyevskaya, 85, building 1, 5th floor, office. 516.

A passenger can file a claim for a ticket refund within six months from the date of train departure.

Decisions on the return of funds for an unused travel document returned in accordance with the claim procedure are made by the Commission within a month from the date of receipt of the claim. A Notification of the Commission's decision is sent to the passenger at the address specified in the application.

Refunds are made at the ticket office of JSC TK "Grand Service Express" in cash (if the passenger appears within a year from the date of departure of the train), or by bank transfer using the details specified in the passenger's application (within a month from the date of the Commission's decision).