Vilnius– this city is not like other Baltic capitals. Its streets have a chamber atmosphere. Situated on hilly terrain. The old part of the city is under UNESCO protection, and its most unusual area is the self-proclaimed Republic of Užupis. This quarter, uniting representatives of creative professions, has its own flag, anthem, constitution and even its own currency.

Trakai– the calling card of Lithuania. Photos of Trakai Castle most often appear on the covers of tourist brochures. This small town is located just a few kilometers from Vilnius. In addition to the Trakai castle and picturesque lakes, it is interesting because it is home to an almost extinct nation - the Karaites, who appeared here during the time of the Lithuanian prince Vytautas.

Druskininkai– the oldest resort in the country, located in the southern part of Lithuania on the banks of the Nemunas River. It is surrounded on all sides by pine forest and there are many lakes around. Healing air, healing mud, and mineral water springs make the resort’s climate unique. Traditionally, there are many hospitals and sanatoriums offering health programs (treatment of cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, metabolic disorders, etc.).

Kaunas- the most Lithuanian of all major cities in the country, the former capital of the Republic of Lithuania. The most interesting museums in Kaunas are the Ciurlionis Museum of Art and the Museum of Devils.

Klaipeda– the largest port, the junction of the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. It has ferry connections with Germany, Scandinavia, the Kaliningrad region of Russia and the Curonian Spit. The city belonged to Germany for a long time and was called Memel. The old part retains traces of German influence.

Palanga– the most popular Lithuanian resort and an excellent place for a family holiday. Clean pine air, dunes and wide sandy beaches attract many tourists from the Baltic countries, Russia and Poland. Unlike Jurmala, vacation here will be more measured and calm. The city's main entertainment venues are located on the pedestrian Basanavičius street.

Neringa– this is the name of the Lithuanian part of the Curonian Spit. It includes the villages of Nida, Juodkrante, Pervalka and Preila. This unique nature reserve and one of the most beautiful corners of Lithuania is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Nida is the largest village on the spit. The resort will certainly be appreciated by lovers of secluded relaxation and pristine nature.

In the central and eastern parts - continental, on the coast - sea. The weather, as elsewhere in the Baltics, is changeable and especially unpredictable in seaside resorts. Summer is not hot, temperatures can vary from +18 to +25-27 °C. Winters on the coast are milder; in the central part the climate is not much different from central Russia.

In Palanga, Sventoji and on the coast of the Curonian Spit there are excellent wide sandy beaches. The water, even on hot days, is cold, as throughout the Baltic. Locals say the “Lithuanian Sea” is not for swimming. Here it is customary to sunbathe in the dunes, walk along the coast in search of amber, breathe healthy iodine air and splash in the waves.

There are nudist beaches in Palanga. In Lithuania, traditionally, they are separate for men and women. Such beaches are marked with a special sign, so if you do not consider yourself a member of the nudist community, pay attention to the signs so as not to get into an awkward situation.

In Vilnius, the tourist infrastructure is well developed, so you can easily find hotels to suit every taste and budget.

Palanga is a popular place for family holidays. The resort has a huge selection of apart-hotels and small guest houses that are optimal for families with children.

The most popular hotels in Palanga:

Gabija 4*- located next to the Botanical Park, 500 m from the beach. The hotel has a swimming pool and a restaurant with a summer terrace.

Alka 4*- the hotel is located next to the Botanical Park, not far from the street. Basanavicius.

Alanga 3*- this cozy hotel has an excellent location, next to the central Basanavičius street and numerous cafes and restaurants.

Hotels Vanagupe Spa Resort 5* And Meduza 3* located away from the center, in a quiet area of ​​Vanagupe. Hotel Meduza is located very close to the beach, separated from the sea only by pine trees and dunes. Vanagupe Spa Resort 5 is a magnificent hotel with a swimming pool and spa center, tennis courts and a restaurant.

Meals at the resort

Probably the most famous dish of Lithuanian national cuisine is zeppelins. For those who don't know, zeppelins resemble a large potato zraza filled with meat.

Cold borscht (Šaltibarščiai) is an ideal dish for a hot day. It tastes best eaten as a bite with boiled potatoes, which are served with borscht instead of traditional bread.

Smoked fish is a national delicacy. The most delicious fish is smoked on the Curonian Spit, in the town of Juodkrante.

Lithuanian beer deserves a separate topic. The most common brands are Svyturys-Utenos and Kalnapilio-Tauro. And if you are staying in Palanga, be sure to try the local draft beer from Juozas from the HBH brewery. Fried bread with cheese is great as an appetizer. High in calories, but damn tasty!

Šakotis is the national Lithuanian dessert. Cake made from egg dough, cooked over an open fire. His recipe is included in the National Culinary Heritage Trust.

Perhaps Lithuania is not the richest country in historical and architectural attractions. But there is amazingly beautiful nature here, protected pine forests and many lakes. The main pride of Lithuania is the Curonian Spit National Nature Reserve, which attracts lovers of solitude and nature.

It is not for nothing that the capital of the country, Vilnius, is called the “city of baroque”. On its streets you can see real pearls of baroque architecture. Trakai attracts thousands of tourists every year and is the most visited place in Lithuania.

The Lithuanian coast is a paradise for cycling lovers. Bicycle paths run along the pine forest and connect the neighboring resorts of Palanga, Sventoji and the coast of the Curonian Spit. Everyone rides in Palanga - both adults and small children. Vacationers can rent bicycles with child seats and trailers.

Windsurfing and sailing are popular on the lakes and sea coast.

In Druskinikai there is the Snow Arena complex - an indoor ski center with three slopes (for beginners and professionals).

Features of the holiday

The hot season in Lithuanian resorts is the summer, especially July and August. Accommodation prices during the season, even compared to June, can rise 2-3 times. At this time, there is a very large influx of tourists in resort towns, so for those who want to spend their vacation in a more intimate atmosphere, it is worth shifting the trip to the beginning or end of summer.

Vilnius- the ancient capital of Lithuania, a city that grew up at the crossroads of European cultures and religions; The Old Town with the remains of the Upper Castle on Mount Pilies, Vilnius University - one of the oldest higher education institutions in Europe, Cathedral Square with the Cathedral and much, much more, as well as a huge selection of upscale hotels, guest houses, motels, bars, restaurants and shops.

All European architectural styles are concentrated in the Old Town - Renaissance, Baroque and Classical. The architecture of the city is characterized by monumentality, Baltic (Vendian) masonry, and restrained decor. Among the most ancient monuments are the castle ensemble, the Church of St. Anna, Aušros Gate, Verkiai Palace and Cathedral. The symbol of the city is the Gediminas Tower, on which the main observation deck is located. Ancient buildings have been preserved - elongated, one- or two-story residential buildings, with their end or facade facing the street.

Kaunas- the second largest and most important city in Lithuania, founded in 1280 at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers Nemunas and Neris. The ruins of Kaunas Castle have reached us from the 17th century, and the beautiful buildings of the old city from the 17th and 18th centuries. The special feature of Kaunas is its original museums. The old town, picturesquely located at the confluence of two rivers, is a stunning combination of archaeology, architecture and history. Buildings of the Gothic style include Kaunas Castle (13-17 centuries), Perkūnas House (late 15-16 centuries) - one of the largest Gothic buildings in Lithuania, and the Palace of the Masala Princes - a creation of the Renaissance. The Camaldolian monastery in Pažaislis (one of the most beautiful creations of this type in Northern Europe), the city hall, and the Jesuit church were built in the Baroque style.

Trakai- a city on a peninsula between the connected lakes Galvez, Totorischiu and Lukos. The attention of tourists is attracted by the Karaite residential buildings, the Kenesa prayer house, and the Karaite Museum. Neighborhood Trakai Castle, located on the territory National Park, are able to impress both lovers of secluded corners and those who prefer to admire vast panoramas. Particularly interesting is the tour of Trakai Castle itself. It consists of a castle with a defensive wall and a building located in front of the castle, separated from the main castle by a wide moat. The castle's courtyard was once full of the prince's courtiers and knights. Now, in the left wing of the castle there is an ethnographic museum.

Palanga- climatic and balneological resort of Lithuania on the Baltic coast. White sand beaches, dunes, green pine trees - all this awaits guests of Palanga. A botanical park with the Amber Palace, sanatoriums and a wide network of hotels of various levels, for every taste, will make your vacation unforgettable.

Druskininkai is the oldest balneological resort in the southern part of Lithuania, on the right bank of the Nemunas. The resort has rich natural, successfully combined healing factors: healing springs, balneological procedures, peat mud treatment, and climatotherapy. The climate here is always mild and pleasant.

The third largest city in Lithuania is Klaipeda stands on the strait connecting the Curonian Lagoon with the Baltic Sea. Klaipeda is now a modern port city, in which antiquity and modernity are mixed. Exhibition halls, Clock Museum, Aquarium Museum and Maritime Museum with thousands of exhibits of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, hotels, restaurants and cafes - all this awaits guests of Klaipeda.

Neringa, Curonian Spit. “No artist could capture in his paintings this miracle of a thousand colors, light and shadows. This land... led man to himself, to his spiritual depths and at the same time to his divine source.” (F. Kuding).

This is a unique piece of land: a sandy strip with forests, rare villages and Nida adjacent to the large dunes, lighthouses, ethnographic fishing houses, beautiful hotel buildings.

Lake District of Lithuania- these are national parks, remote villages and farmsteads in forests, on the banks of lakes and rivers, a wonderful vacation away from the city noise, alone with nature; hunting and fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, hiking, boating and kayaking, spending the night in tents, at camp sites, and numerous village estates.

Located in northern Europe, the Republic of Lithuania is part of the region called the Baltic States. From the name of the territory it follows that the answer to the question of which sea washes Lithuania sounds like the Baltic.

Beach holiday

The main Lithuanian resorts on the Baltic Coast are concentrated in the area of ​​Klaipeda and Palanga. These cities boast ideal beaches for those who prefer mild, cool summers and cool seas to sizzling tropical exotics.
The most famous beaches of Klaipeda are Melnraze, Smiltyne and Giruliai. The main features of these territories are snow-white dunes and pine groves, and therefore there is especially pleasant air and unique landscapes. The season in Klaipeda begins in June, when the Baltic water warms up to a stable level of +18 degrees. By mid-July, this figure reaches +22 degrees, and then even sissies and finches rush into the waves with delight. By the way, it is in July that the widespread Neptune holidays take place on the Lithuanian sea. In addition to theatrical performances on the water, guests can see theatrical performances, cheer for the participants in a sailing regatta, and buy a variety of souvenirs at fairs and folk art exhibitions.
When asked what seas are in Lithuania, fans of leisurely country life will note the indispensable purity of the Baltic and the possibility of solitude with nature on its shores. This is exactly what Palanga appears to travelers, where the measured roar of waves mixes in the evenings with jazz tunes coming from local restaurants. The air of Palanga is saturated with iodine and pine phytoncides, and therefore colds are cured here and fragile children’s bodies are strengthened. The water temperature in the sea off the coast of Palanga reaches +23 degrees at the height of summer.

  • Lithuanians call their sea the Baltic, but in some other European countries the names East and West Sea are adopted, depending on its geographical location in relation to the state.
  • The average depth of the Baltic does not exceed 50 meters, and the maximum is 470 meters.
  • In some areas of the Baltic Sea, ice appearing in late autumn is a common occurrence. Its thickness can reach more than half a meter in the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia.
  • The main wealth of the Baltic is the resin of coniferous trees, fossilized millions of years ago, called amber. Amber is classified as an ornamental stone, but some of its specimens, which are of particular value, can be classified as precious.
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