Today there will be an article for those who use the services daily apartment rentals. There are many nuances in this type of service that it is advisable to be aware of in order to reduce your risks and, especially, not to run into outright scammers. Next, I will consider these nuances and give some useful tips and recommendations for those who want to rent an apartment for daily rent. So, first things first.

Who rents apartments daily?

First of all, it is important who you will be dealing with. Apartments can be rented daily by:

  1. Direct owner.
  2. Management Company.
  3. Real estate agency.

As a rule, if you rent an apartment from managers or realtors, you can count on additional services, for example, daily cleaning, linen change, etc., that is, the service can be approximately the same as in a hotel room. In the case of renting from a private person, this is unlikely.

In addition, when contacting a real estate agency or management company, there is less risk of running into scammers (if the realtors and management companies are well-known, with a long-term reputation and a good name).

There is also the other side of the issue: owners can directly rent out apartments for daily rent cheaper than intermediaries, so here, as elsewhere, you will have to face the choice of what is more important to you: price or quality.

Selecting an apartment from a photo.

If you are traveling to another city (and, as a rule, renting apartments by the day is necessary in this case), you do not have the opportunity to personally inspect the proposed housing options in advance, so the choice must be made based on photographs provided by the owners or agencies.

And since the rental agreement, signing of the agreement and making payment/prepayment in this case often occurs remotely, in order to protect yourself, it is necessary to provide in the rental agreement a condition that the housing must correspond to the stated photos, otherwise the agreement is considered invalid, and the landlord is obliged return the advance payment and pay a fine.

Conclusion of a lease agreement.

If you are going to rent an apartment on a daily basis, as is the case with , you must enter into a lease agreement - this way you will have a legal document in your hands, according to which you will be able to make claims and even sue if something happens. If you don’t have such a document, no one owes you anything.

What must be included in a daily apartment rental agreement?

  1. Legal addresses and registration/passport details of the parties to the transaction.
  2. Address and characteristics of the rented apartment.
  3. The day and hour of check-in and check-out from the apartment.
  4. Inventory (composition and condition) of property and equipment located in the apartment.
  5. The condition that the rental price includes/does not include payment for utilities and the use of equipment. When renting apartments daily, utilities are usually included in the price, unlike long-term apartment rentals.
  6. The condition that during the time the tenant lives, the parties do not have the right to make other transactions with this apartment (to move in other tenants, sell real estate, etc.).
  7. The cost of rent, the procedure for making payment/prepayment/deposit, the procedure for returning the deposit, the condition that the cost cannot change during the validity period of the contract.

If the lease agreement is concluded in a certain standard form (as a rule, this is what happens), then all important points for you that are not included in this form must be stated in an additional agreement or annex to this agreement, which must also be signed by the parties.

How much does it cost to rent an apartment daily?

Well, now about the most important thing – prices. It is pointless to write any specific numbers here, since they are different in different cities and countries, and inflation is not asleep - prices tend to rise. Therefore, I will write in general terms.

The cost of renting an apartment daily is on average 3-4 times higher compared to the cost of long-term rent in terms of days. In addition, the price depends on:

  • From the area (the closer to the center, the more expensive);
  • From proximity to the metro (for large cities);
  • From proximity to the sea (for resort towns);
  • From the number of rooms;
  • From the quality of repair;
  • From the interior, furniture, equipment;
  • From the rental period (for a large number of days you can get a discount);
  • Depending on the situation on the rental market (price falls when demand is low).

By the way, when renting out an apartment on a daily basis, in addition to the basic fee, the tenant usually takes a deposit, which is at least the cost of 1 day of rent (often more). This is a kind of guarantee of responsibility for the safety of property. At the end of the rental period, the owner checks the apartment, and if everything is fine, the deposit is returned to the tenant.

Where to look for an apartment for daily rent?

Well, in conclusion, about where you can select options for rental real estate. I will list the main sources of information:

  1. On Internet sites with advertisements in the “real estate rental” section.
  2. On the websites of real estate agencies in the desired city.
  3. On the websites of TOP regional media in the “hand to hand” category.
  4. In social networks.
  5. On city portals in the advertisement sections.

Now you have a certain idea of ​​how apartments are rented out on a daily basis, and what you need to pay attention to if there is a need to use such a service.

Stay on. There is a lot of other interesting and useful information in the field of personal finance, economics, earnings, investing, banking services and achieving success. See you again on the pages of the site!

Renting an apartment is a whole science, and when you first come across the search for housing, there is a high risk of falling into the hands of scammers. So, what to look for, what documents to check, and what to look out for when renting an apartment.

Renting an apartment is a whole science, and when you first come across the search for housing, there is a high risk of falling into the hands of scammers. So, what to look for, what documents to check, and what to look out for when renting an apartment.
Study prices on the rental housing market
Have you found an advertisement offering an apartment for 25 thousand rubles in the center of Moscow with a good renovation? Forget about her, she doesn't exist. You call the number provided and they will most likely say that it has already been rented out, but you can consider another great option. This will be an apartment more expensive than the specified price and much worse. This is how unscrupulous realtors lure clients.

To understand which rental price is adequate and which is suspiciously cheap,. Analyze rental advertisements in the area you are interested in, call the indicated numbers to check the reality of the apartments, and after a few hours you will already understand that for 25-30 thousand rubles within the Garden Ring you will not rent anything decent, but in residential areas this is Maybe.

Don't fall for scammers' tricks
In 95% of cases, you will still have to deal with a realtor. Even if you are looking for housing on your own, the agent will almost certainly be from the owner. There are scammers who, posing as realtors, offer to look at an apartment for money (the apartment is simply gorgeous and you will definitely want to rent it) or they offer you to buy a database of owners who rent out apartments (then you can conclude an agreement directly and do not have to pay a commission to the realtor). Of course, this is all a hoax.
Also, you should not cooperate with agents who show you fake photographs, but in reality the apartments are completely different. If he is dishonest in this matter, he can deceive in another.

Check the owner's documents
When you like an apartment and you already think that you have found the right one, be sure to ask for documents. You need to check the certificate of ownership of the apartment, passport and receipts for payment of utility bills.
- Certificate of ownership
What to look for? Firstly, the information in this document and in the passport must match. Secondly, this way you will make sure that this is really the owner of the property. Anyone can show an apartment - a realtor, a neighbor, a relative, but you only need to sign an agreement with the owner, or with a person who has a notarized power of attorney from the owner. Otherwise, the next day after you celebrate your housewarming, the real owner of the apartment will come and simply kick you out. And you will lose all the money you have already paid.
Also pay attention to the number of owners. If there are several of them, then it is necessary to require written consent from all owners to rent out the apartment. The consequence will be approximately the same - for example, the ex-wife will come, say that no one asked her, and give one day to evict. This is almost certainly a conspiracy between them, because they will get all your money.
- Receipts for payment of utilities
In your receipts, look at information about debts for previous months. If it is, then demand that the debt be repaid. At some point, either the owner will want to attribute this amount to you, or, if we are talking about a large debt, utility companies will begin to threaten to turn off their services to you.

Carefully inspect the apartment

This is one more step before concluding a contract. You need to check everything in the apartment - whether the household appliances are working, whether the tap is leaking, whether the legs of the sofa or the armrests of the chair are broken. All information about the condition of the apartment must be written down in the property acceptance certificate. Often, in a hurry, realtors or the owners themselves write the standard wording “in satisfactory condition” or “in good condition.” It is better to record everything meticulously, so that later you are not required to reimburse the cost of the initially scratched laminate.

It doesn’t matter whether a realtor concludes the contract or you took a standard one from the Internet, take the time to study it carefully. In the contract, you need to check the full name and passport details of the owner of the property, the address of the apartment, indicate the rental period and cost, the conditions for revising the rent, the conditions and procedure for early termination of the contract and penalties, and even the number of visits by the owner. So, if you forget about this point, the owner can easily come to you at least every day, supposedly to check. You are unlikely to stand this and decide to move out, which means that sanctions will be imposed on you for terminating the contract. Or, if you verbally say that you will live with a cat, but do not write this down in the contract, one day this could become the reason for your eviction. And do not forget about the most detailed inventory of the property in the annex to the contract - the acceptance certificate

Assess the adequacy of the owner

Whatever one may say, in any case you will need to communicate with the owner. Let's say you transfer payment to a card, but... the tap breaks, a letter arrives in the mailbox, and the neighbors offer to chip in for the barrier. Yes, and the number of visits can be limited in the contract, but not the number of calls. Some grandmothers who rent apartments consider it their duty to worry too obsessively about the tenants. All this can be understood when meeting the owners and weighing whether you can come to terms with it.

Pay the first month, deposit, commission

You need to understand that when renting an apartment, you should immediately prepare three amounts - payment for the first month, a deposit and a commission to the realtor.
You pay a deposit to the owner, usually equal to the monthly rent payment. Some owners agree to split the payment over two months. The deposit is a kind of protection for the owner, because he can also be deceived. What if you take all the equipment and move out of the apartment or ruin all the furniture? The deposit is either returned at the end of the rental period (if nothing is damaged), or by agreement you can live the last month on this amount.
The commission goes to the realtor and you pay it. Usually, only when renting an expensive apartment does the owner pay the agent. The amount can be different - either 10% of the monthly rental cost or 100%.

If you are coming from another city, then you should take care of housing in advance.. In many cities you can see a lot of rental advertisements posted right at the train station, but using this search option is fraught with negative consequences.

Firstly, you can run into scammers. Secondly, in this case it is possible to see the apartment only by arriving at the address. It’s not a fact that it will suit you. You will end up wasting time on viewings and negotiations with owners.

The best way to find the right option is to search for suitable offers on the Internet, for example on the following sites:

Another way to find a roof over your head for a short term is to contact a real estate agency. This option is suitable for those who are not constrained by finances and prefer to entrust such matters to professionals. In this case, the realtor will provide a quick selection of options and provide an agreement.

There are also agencies specializing in daily rentals. As a rule, they have their own websites with current offers, accompanied by high-quality photos of objects and descriptions.

Contacting such agencies allows you to book property in advance. The only negative is that the cost may be higher.

How to Avoid Scams

In order not to fall for the tricks of scammers and avoid conflicts with the owner, you should adhere to the following precautions:

IMPORTANT: If the owner requires a deposit as a guarantee for possible damage to property, its amount should be specified in the agreement and receipt.

How to rent an apartment for a day cheaply?

You can rent an apartment cheaply daily, but only good offers It’s best to search on the Internet on specialized sites and free message boards.

If you are counting on a specific amount and cannot afford expensive apartments, then it is better not to contact realtors, but to look for offers from the owners.

This way you can save on agency commissions. Another way to find a good deal is to look for housing in residential areas.

As a rule, it is more profitable to rent an apartment for a day (the price is lower) on the outskirts than in historical places and prestigious areas.

Housing spaces with modest renovations and a minimum of household appliances are rented out cheaper. So if expensive repairs and furnishings are not important to you, then you should take a closer look at simpler options.

If you are renting a house not for a couple of days, but, for example, for a week or two, then you can negotiate with the owner about the price. Usually the owner makes concessions, especially in the off-season, when it is difficult to find clients.

Prices for daily rentals in Russia

How much does it cost to rent an apartment for a day? Prices for renting an apartment daily may vary depending on the city, as well as location and environment:

To ensure that the search for real estate and the transaction go smoothly, and that your stay is comfortable and safe, do not forget to enter into an agreement and discuss all the nuances of the agreement with the owner.

Remember that it is better to take care of a roof over your head in advance than to look for housing upon arrival in the city.

In the last article I gave you how to rent an apartment with the least risk. Today we will talk about what you need to know if you have decided to rent an apartment and are already looking for options.

If you decide to rent an apartment without intermediaries or through an agency, you will need this information.

At the very beginning of your journey, you have two options:

  • rent an apartment without an intermediary;
  • or using the services of agencies.

Method No. 1

Rent an apartment yourself

Here, everything is quite clear. You independently determine where you will get the information, do the calling yourself, and filter the availability of properties rented out by owners.

You can also start painting the areas in which you plan to rent an apartment. You can do this if you have enough time and no one is driving you away from your current place of residence, breathing down your back.

Method No. 2

Rent an apartment through an intermediary

In the real estate market you can find three types of intermediaries - real estate agencies, information agencies and private intermediaries. There is little difference in their work.

Respectable agencies charge 30-50% of the rental price for their services and receive their remuneration upon check-in. Information agencies offer for 3-4 thousand rubles to use their “base of owners” who rent out apartments that meet your parameters.

Private intermediaries can cooperate with several owners and rent out their properties.

How to work with intermediaries

Real estate agencies usually enter into an agreement in which they indicate that they undertake obligations to select an apartment for you to rent. If you have already decided to take such a step, then make sure that the contract specifies a specific date for which the agency must find you the desired option.

Do not forget to provide for such an important point - the procedure for action if the agency fails to fulfill its obligations to find you an apartment within the agreed period.

If you rented an apartment through a real estate agency, you should know that usually the agency itself draws up a rental agreement, receives its commission and bows out. Then you are left on your own.

I don’t know how you can rent an apartment through an information agency, because... Such methods are still new to the real estate market. Moreover, the performance of such an information service is somewhat questionable.

Although, if there are precedents for real assistance in renting an apartment from news agencies, we will consider them.

As for private brokers who engage in mediation, I know several examples when things got ridiculous.

Apparently, there is an agreement between the owners and the broker so that clients do not damage the apartment, or cause minimal damage to it. So one of the clients of such a broker could not even drive a nail into the wall without asking...

The second case concerned the lease agreement, or rather its contents. One friend expressed a desire to rent an apartment he liked and asked to sign a lease agreement. When he looked at it, hair began to move everywhere.

I assume that the apartment was soon to be sold, and the owners were also very distrustful of people. Maybe that's right, I don't know :)

In any case, no matter what method of searching for an apartment you choose, to be on the safe side, you need to follow some rules.

Rules for renting an apartment

1. As soon as you have found someone to rent an apartment from, you must definitely meet with the owners of the apartment. This will once again allow you to establish human relationships, because who knows how long you will stay here.

2. Find out what relation the person who introduced himself as the owner has to the apartment. Ask to see your passport and title documents for the apartment, because they will still be needed to draw up a lease agreement. So double-check who you will be renting an apartment from.

The owner must have the original Certificate of Ownership and the document justifying the acquisition of this right (sale and purchase agreement, privatization, donation, etc.). If the apartment you plan to rent is in social rent, ask to see the social tenancy agreement or warrant.

If the owner behaves inappropriately - he becomes indignant, shouts, refuses to show documents, or gives photocopies instead of originals - turn around and leave, no matter how attractive this option for renting an apartment may seem. There must be a fraudulent scheme going on here.

A case from one's life:

Once at the dawn of my youth I helped my friend rent an apartment in Khabarovsk on the lane. Inskom. We came to the apartment with a real estate agent. There, our aunt and uncle met us with suitcases, with a photocopy of title documents, and said that they were renting out their sister’s apartment, and that they themselves were leaving today for the glorious city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

They, they say, need to deliver it urgently, which is why the price is attractive. There was no power of attorney from the sister; they promised to give it to the agent as soon as they arrived in Komsomolsk. A friend thought to ask for tickets (although it’s not a fact, it could have been), but they refused to show them.

In general, a pure scam :) We turned around and left, although the apartment for rent was very good both in price and in condition. I warn you again, it’s hard to leave “black” apartments without renting - they’re so nice :))

3. To make everything fair, show your documents, you have nothing to hide, and they are also needed to draw up an agreement. They may ask who you work to reassure you that you will pay consistently, this is normal.

4. By the way, regarding the conclusion of the contract. This question should always be positive for you, because... you are actually in an apartment that does not belong to you and are using someone else’s property. Renting an apartment without a lease agreement means sitting on a powder keg. because It will explode right then. when you don't expect it.

To have peace of mind, find a well-drafted contract or look at the one available from the owner or agent (depending on who you are dealing with). The agreement will help you defend your rights so that, for example, you are not asked to vacate the rented apartment ahead of time without obligations on the part of the owner.

Whether the owner pays taxes on the rental or not should not worry you, this is his personal business, but the agreement will still be valid even without notarization.

We will talk in more detail about drawing up a lease agreement in a separate article.

5. Just in case, don’t forget to be on the safe side and find out from the owner (or better yet, look more closely at the Certificate of Ownership and the documents justifying the acquisition of this right) whether anyone else owns the apartment equally with him and whether they agree that you will rent the apartment .

Remember a small but important nuance. All owners of the apartment, including those who have permanent registration in it, must sign the lease agreement on the part of the owner. But on your part, as a tenant, only you can sign, and the rest can simply be registered in a separate paragraph.

Subsequently, you will be personally responsible for the actions of those with whom you rented an apartment.

6. When concluding a contract, indicate the period for which you are renting an apartment, the conditions under which the contract can be terminated before the contract expires.

Write down the period within which the owners are obliged to notify you that you need to vacate the rented apartment and their responsibilities if they violate this clause.

7. Agree when you will pay the owners for renting an apartment (usually the last days of the month). Also agree on what period the fee will be charged - month-quarter, in advance or after the fact.

In general, for the peace of mind of both parties, it is better to pay in advance for a month, without paying for the quarter or after the fact. Agree who will come to collect the rent payment (the owner personally or an authorized representative).

Upon receipt of payment, each time make a receipt or mark it with the signature of the owner in the rental payment schedule.

8. Payment for renting an apartment is usually charged either in full, or including electricity according to the meter, or including meters (water, electricity, gas). Immediately stipulate and write down in the contract the principle on which payment for renting an apartment will be formed.

9. Visits to the owner of the rental apartment must also be specified in the contract. To prevent unauthorized visits, especially when you are not at home.

It is necessary to respect each other and trust at least a little, otherwise you simply cannot have any relationship. Typically, one visit per month is enough for owners to collect rent for an apartment.

10. If you or the owner decide to make additions or changes to the lease agreement for the rented apartment, then you will need to draw up an additional agreement.

11. It is not superfluous to make an inventory of the property transferred to the tenant for use in the apartment rental agreement. Everything here should be like in the army, those who served, of course, know :)

In other words, everything is clear, no unnecessary pieces of furniture or household appliances, so that you don’t have to look for the cat in a dark room and prove something over time. What parameters you choose for the description is at your discretion, but I would advise you to indicate the main ones.

For example, for household appliances - model, year of manufacture, degree of wear and damage, and of course quantity too. Do not forget to check the proper operation of all devices included in the list.

It would also be a good idea to check the functionality of furniture, such as a sofa book, windows, doors, etc.

12. After your relationship with the owner ends after the expiration of the lease agreement and you, by mutual agreement or by your consent, no longer want to continue it, you will need to vacate the rented apartment and transfer all the property, according to the inventory that was drawn up at the very beginning.

There is no need to write any receipts. The only thing you can do is ask the owner to write on your copy of the lease agreement that he has no complaints against you and has received payment in full. You can write the same on its copy. Apart from words about the payment received, of course :))

If it turns out that during the process of renting an apartment, some household item from the inventory was lost or damaged, then the issue of restoration or compensation for damage is resolved amicably. If you can’t resolve the situation amicably, you go to court.

Renting an apartment is quite simple if you follow these simple rules, and you have learned how important it is to follow them when renting an apartment.

The list of rules and advice when renting an apartment turned out to be quite long, with examples from practice and life. I hope that if you are planning to rent an apartment, this will be of good help to you.

This question usually arises for those who have already tried to rent out an apartment for a long term, but want to “squeeze” the maximum out of their square meters. Is it possible to increase your income by renting out an apartment daily and what should you do for this?

Whom to settle?

First we need to understand who our target audience is and who needs an apartment for a short term? For the most part these are:

  1. Students who came to go to college or take a exam;
  2. Business travel;
  3. People from other regions who came to get a job;
  4. Vacationers.

Many tenants do not accommodate guests with children, pets, visitors from Central Asia, or companies planning to celebrate an event with alcoholic libations - the choice is yours. It is only important to find a balance between the amount of profit and personal comfort. If some category of residents causes problems for you or your neighbors, then you should not contact them.

Equipping an apartment for daily rental

To successfully rent out a daily apartment, it must be properly “equipped.” Nowadays, residents, on the one hand, place high demands on comfort, and on the other hand, they are ready to pay for this comfort. Therefore, an apartment must have a mandatory set, without which renting it out is like selling a car without air conditioning - either very cheaply or for a very long time. The standard set looks like this:

  1. Fridge;
  2. Plate;
  3. Dishes;
  4. Washing machine;
  5. Table and chairs;
  6. Ironing board and iron;
  7. Kettle;
  8. Microwave;
  9. Bed or sofa;
  10. Bed dress;
  11. Hygiene products;
  12. TV

Not required, but recommended to have:

  1. Cable or satellite TV;
  2. Wired or Wi-Fi Internet;
  3. Laptop;
  4. Audio equipment;
  5. Dishwasher;
  6. Air conditioner;

Most of this technical equipment can be bought in good working order for mere pennies by searching on ad sites or asking around among friends. Sometimes the simple absence of an electric kettle or ironing board can be critical for a tenant.

Search for guests

In order for your apartment to be rented, you need potential tenants to know about your offer. And in this the Internet has no equal. For these purposes, there are both well-known portals advertising everything, and highly specialized sites dedicated to renting apartments in different cities of the country and the world.

  • General thematic advertisement portals and;
  • Specialized Russian portals:,,,;
  • International sites dedicated to renting and booking accommodation:,

If you have only one property to rent out, then you can limit yourself to the first category of sites. If there are several, you will need to include in your area of ​​attention other Internet sites, which involve not only publishing advertisements, but also processing reservation requests, answering customer questions and working with reviews.

Cost of daily apartment rental

The price is influenced by many factors:

  • Distance from transport interchange;
  • High cost of repairs;
  • Quantity and quality of furniture;
  • Number of beds;
  • Room size;
  • Availability of technical devices, etc.

When determining the cost of rent, focus on competitors. Browse the apartment rental sites listed above, compare the characteristics of properties similar to yours and decide on the pricing policy of your company. When booking for several days, it is considered normal to give a discount, as well as to inflate prices during the holidays.


Many owners of rental apartments, especially those that are rented daily, are afraid that their tenants may make copies of the keys and then, after leaving, visit your apartment to remove valuables. The tenant's passport data will provide protection against such a risk. No one will engage in illegal activities in relation to your property, knowing that they will definitely figure it out and find it. The likelihood that professional thieves with fake documents will visit your rental apartment as tenants is close to zero, because an iron or an old TV is a dubious catch for this category.

There is another way to protect yourself from possible copying of keys. To do this, you will need two entrance doors; fortunately, most older apartments have them. Both doors must be equipped with locks, but the outer door must have a regular door handle that allows the door to be slammed and opened without the use of a lock. This way there is no need to give guests all the keys. It is enough that they have a key only for the internal entrance door; in this case, the external one is closed and opened with an ordinary handle, and only you can lock it and only with your key. There are, of course, more expensive solutions in the form of an electronic lock, in which the electronic code simply changes after the guests leave.

The guarantee of the return of the keys and the safety of the property is usually a security deposit, which is taken on the day of check-in. Its size depends on the level of “packing” of the apartment and usually amounts to several thousand rubles. The deposit is a guarantee that the guest will not forget to return the keys to you and will not take the spoons they liked with them.

Regarding spoons and other property - when renting out an apartment, make an inventory of all the more or less significant things and include them in the contract. This will help in the future to avoid controversial issues and additional expenses.

Charging an advance payment and deposit is a completely normal practice when renting out an apartment on a daily basis, because, in the end, you are giving the keys to your property, worth several million rubles, to complete strangers, and of course you have the right to play it safe. In addition to ensuring measures for prepayment and deposit, it would not be superfluous to insure both the apartment itself and the property located in it. This can be done through most insurance companies. The cost of insurance and the size of insurance premiums are varied, so it is quite difficult to recommend something. You can choose insurance based on the specifics of the object and guests - the main thing is that it is available. When choosing an insurance company, it is better to focus on reviews than on the price of the policy.


The main difficulty of renting an apartment daily is that it requires constant attention and, accordingly, takes a lot of time. Calls, meetings, viewings, transfer and return of keys - all this is quite labor-intensive and energy-consuming work. In addition, you should always have fresh bed linen ready, maintain working condition of equipment and monitor the cleanliness of the apartment.

There may also be difficulties with demand. The daily rental market is unstable - there are surges in December, before the May holidays and in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, there is a significant outflow of clients, so it is almost impossible to guarantee a constant high income. However, even if you rent out an apartment daily only for half a month, the income from it will still cover the potential income from long-term rental.

How much can you earn on daily rent?

On average, out of 30 days of the month, an apartment will be rented out for about 20. With good repairs, you can charge 2,000 rubles for a fully furnished one-room apartment in the center of a Russian city with a million population. The income in this case will be 40,000 rubles. With a monthly rental, the rent from such an apartment is unlikely to exceed 20,000 rubles.


In our country, it is rare that a landlord is registered as a legal entity. However, there are no particular difficulties in this. You will need to register as an individual entrepreneur, register with the tax authority and install a cash register - with the help of it you can attract people who are in your city on a business trip. After all, they need documentary evidence of their expenses, which an ordinary “private owner” is not able to provide.

Standard daily rental agreement for an apartment

A sample short-term rental agreement for residential premises is as follows:

I,________________________________________________hereinafter referred to as the lessor
and ________________________________________________ subsequently the employer entered into an agreement as follows:
1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. The landlord rents out an apartment at the address
___________________________________________________________________ ,
and the tenant accepts the specified premises for a fee for use for residential purposes.
2. Payment procedure
Due date from ________________ to __________________, total: ___ days
2.1. Rental cost ___________ per day, total: _____________
2.2. Prepaid expense___________________________________
2.3. Pledge___________________________________
3. Rights and obligations of the parties
3.1. The tenant undertakes to use the residential premises only for residential purposes, comply with the rules for using the residential premises, and keep the premises in order.
3.2. The tenant guarantees the safety of the premises with the property, equipment and machinery located in it, as well as furniture and floor coverings. The signing of this agreement confirms that the household appliances are in good condition.
3.3. The tenant is obliged to compensate the landlord for losses caused in the event of damage to the residential premises or transferred property, equipment, furniture, and floor coverings.
3.4. The tenant is responsible to the landlord for the actions of people living with him or members of his family who violate the terms of this agreement.
3.5. The time of move-in and check-out is agreed upon at the time of concluding this agreement or in advance.
3.6. The landlord has the right to inspect the rented residential premises and property for safety and sanitary condition, having previously notified and agreed upon the time of his visit with the tenant.
4. Termination of the contract
4.1. After payment is made, the contract is considered valid for the period specified in the contract.
4.2. The parties are required to notify the other party of termination of the contract 1 day before the date for vacating the premises.
4.3. At the request of the lessor, this agreement may be terminated early in cases where the lessee:
-uses the premises in material violation of the terms of the contract or conditions of use of the premises;
- significantly worsens the condition of the landlord’s premises or property;
— the employer receives complaints from neighbors.
4.4. At the request of the tenant, the lease agreement may be terminated early in cases where:
- the landlord creates obstacles to the use of residential premises and property;
- the residential premises transferred to the tenant have disadvantages that prevent their use, which were not specified by the landlord when concluding the contract.
4.5. The contract may be terminated by the parties if, during the period of its validity, there has been a significant change in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding the contract.
5. Responsibility of the parties under the agreement
5.1. Responsibility for failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement arises in accordance with the agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. All disagreements regarding the main terms of the contract are resolved either by joint settlement or by going to court.
5.3. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the contract, the guilty party compensates the injured party for the losses that it suffered.
5.4. The parties are not liable in the event of force majeure circumstances.
6. Final provisions
6.1. The parties exercise their rights and obligations in accordance with this agreement and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. In case of disagreements between the parties between the tenant and the landlord regarding the subject of the contract, the parties will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations.
7. Inventory of property

8. Contacts
Issued by_______________________________________________

Contact number:__________________________________
"___"______ 20__

So is renting an apartment profitable by the day?

Daily rental of apartments is a popular service in the rental real estate market, which satisfies an already formed and understandable demand.

  • This is beneficial for the tenant - renting an apartment for a day is cheaper than buying a hotel room. Compared to staying in a hostel, there are also advantages: you don’t have to share the apartment with strangers, it’s not so cramped and you have your own kitchen.
  • This is beneficial for the landlord - the overall profitability is higher than from a regular lease, and you can leave the relationship with the tenant at virtually any time. Daily rental of an apartment can also be used when selling it, when the property may remain idle for several months. You just need to space out the actual rental and showings to buyers.

Nowadays, online booking and ordering daily rentals via the Internet take this type of activity to a qualitatively different level. With the right strategy, you can make real estate work for you at its best. And if you have several apartments at your disposal, then this is already an application for a serious and profitable business that can bring you from 1,000,000 rubles a year. Agree that this is more than just an increase in pension or a nest egg for a rainy day.