Tkachev's dacha. Results. June 13th, 2011

Today it was possible to document that “Tkachev’s dacha” on Black Sea coast, near which I and my comrades were detained by the police at the end of February this year, really belongs to the Kuban governor.

We got extract from the state real estate cadastre, from which it follows that Tkachev owns a plot of land located right in the center of this protected estate on the coast.

It is this plot of 999 sq. meters and a mansion located on it with an area of ​​388 square meters. m are mentioned in Tkachev’s declaration for 2011. On the public cadastral map of Rosreestr, the Tkachev site belongs to the lands of specially protected territories and objects.

On February 28, the day after our detention and arrest, the director of a certain Otdykh LLC, Petr Kotov, stated: “Our Otdykh LLC rents a section of the beach for the purpose of its development and subsequent operation. There is no alleged “Tkachev’s dacha” on our territory...”

On March 1, the press service of the regional administration also denied information that environmentalists were detained at a cottage owned by the governor. However, it is now obvious that on February 27 we were detained just 50 meters from Tkachev’s mansion, which is now being renovated (photo by Evgeny Titov).

On May 29, we again conducted a public inspection of Tkachev’s dacha. It turned out that instead of the barbed wire fence that has surrounded the estate since 2006, they are rapidly erecting a new solid metal fence, along the top of which there will be exposed wires. The new fence surrounds twice as much forest as the old one.

According to the public map of Rosreestr, there are three plots of land located inside the fences in the protected area. Directly adjacent to Tkachev’s site is Sergei Storozhenko’s site, and a little further from the sea is Elena Krivneva’s site. Citizens Storozhenko and Krivneva are co-founders of the same Otdykh LLC, on whose territory, allegedly, “there is no Tkachev’s dacha”. However, most of the buildings hidden behind the fences are not located on these three small plots, but on state lands that are not assigned to specific individuals. This means that the buildings shown below were built illegally and the state did not receive a penny for their placement rent.

"Nobody's" building on public lands

"No man's" building on a publicly accessible shoreline

Buildings without owners on public lands

Undoubtedly, saving on rent allows you to save significant personal funds necessary for Tkachev, Storozhenko and Krivneva to maintain the security guards of the Neva private security company. Which allegedly protect not their personal plots and illegally seized state lands, but the recreation center of Agrocomplex CJSC.

The construction of a fence on the territory of the forest fund, which violates the right of citizens to freely stay in forests as provided for in the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, is obviously illegal. But the summer resident-governor did not limit himself to building fences. Red-listed Pitsunda pines have been illegally cut down on the lands of the state forest fund, and new mansions are also being built illegally. At the same time, the Forestry Department Krasnodar region in response to Vakhta's appeal, he indicates that the check did not reveal any evidence of tree cutting in this area!
A marina with two breakwaters for the governor’s yachts was built illegally, without mandatory state environmental assessment. Fences have been illegally built on the seashore, blocking access to the publicly accessible shoreline provided for by the Water Code of the Russian Federation.

On June 8, Greenpeace Russia Director Sergei Tsyplenkov handed Dmitry Medvedev a letter from the Environmental Watch, calling on the President to take measures to eliminate violations of environmental legislation related to the construction of Tkachev’s dacha. Handing over the letter, Sergei said: “I will give one example: this is the Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory, Agrocomplex. It is clear that the interests of the governor are represented there. Maybe this explains why everything goes so easily for them there. By the way, local population I’m sure that this is the dacha of one, I won’t mention the name.”

At that time, we did not yet have at our disposal a document confirming that the dacha on the Black Sea coast was personally owned by Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev.

Tkachev's dacha has grown with new plots

Governor Tkachev's dacha was illegally expanded with new plots. Governor Tkachev grabbed another piece of territory - for “his dacha” - photo

A new black page has been written in the history of lawlessness happening at the facility built for the recreation of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Alexander Tkachev and his family in the Blue Bay (village of Bzhid, Tuapse district) - the so-called “Tkachev’s dacha”.

July 22, 2014 Activists of the Environmental Watch North Caucasus conducted another public environmental inspection near the dacha. This inspection revealed why another section of the forest fund and the Black Sea coastline was attached to it.

The fact of fencing a forest plot on the Black Sea coast with an area of ​​about one hectare with a new fence, which is not included in the territory leased by Agrocomplex CJSC or other organizations affiliated with the Kuban governor, was revealed by EcoWakhta activists in early May of this year. In response to requests from EWSC regarding this fact, officials of the Ministry natural resources Krasnodar Territory and the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Southern Federal District reported that there is supposedly no fence and that this territory is supposedly part of a forest plot previously leased by Agrocomplex CJSC. Another visit to Tkachev’s dacha, carried out in June 2014, showed that large-scale construction had begun on the captured site, during which the coastal waters of the Black Sea were being backfilled.

Tkachev's dacha
"Thorn" goes along the entire perimeter of the dacha

The rest of the area is covered with steelgrid - a metal network, supposedly to strengthen the slopes

At the time of the last inspection, the new construction at Tkachev’s dacha was already completed. A captured section of the coast, which until recently was an undisturbed territory wildlife, turned into a stadium. A water park and a volleyball court were also built on it. On the side of Inal Bay, on the border of the occupied area, a concrete fence has grown, from which a jetty with a wooden fence installed on top extends into the sea. To completely protect this section of the coast from ordinary Russian citizens, a security booth with a guard on duty around the clock was also built on the fence line. At the same time, on the steep coastal slope adjacent to the booth, the initially installed fence was dismantled. Instead of a fence, the slope is completely covered with steelgrid - an “anti-erosion” metal mesh reinforced with rings of steel cables. It is impossible to walk along a slope covered with such a net. Steelgrid is installed on slopes where there may be rockfalls, but the forested slope above Tkachev’s dacha is not considered rockfall-hazardous. The net was installed not against rockfalls, but against people. At the same time, on the upper gentle part of the slope, closed from the eyes of the guards, in addition to the steel grid, a fence made of fence and barbed wire is still installed. The “know-how” of covering the slope with steelgrid was introduced for the obvious purpose - so that the control authorities have a formal basis for asserting that “there is no continuous fence around the site.”

Scrap metal dump from Tkachev's dacha

In front of the newly built concrete fence on the seashore, a dump of metal structures thrown out from the territory of Tkachev’s dacha has been organized. And about a hundred meters from the new fence towards Inal Bay on the seaside slope, preparations have been made for the installation of another fence - metal bases for the posts are driven into the ground and concreted. So the seizure that took place in order to expand the territory of the dacha is obviously not the last.

All these facts indicate that the level of lawlessness happening under the cover of the governor of Kuban in Blue Bay is simply off the charts. As well as the level of contempt for respecting the rights of citizens to unhindered access to the shores of the Black Sea and forest lands, which are public property. All this became possible thanks to the cover-up and inaction of various control bodies, whose duty is to combat such violations of the law and the rights of citizens. However, times of impunity for crimes committed by “ powerful of the world this" will end sooner or later. And Tkachev, sooner or later, will have to answer for the seizure of public lands, and for illegally built fences, and for the influence on the judicial authorities, as a result of which Ecological Watch activists Evgeniy Vitishko and Suren Ghazaryan were unjustly convicted “for damaging the fence.” One of whom is currently serving time in a colony, and the other was forced to go abroad.

[“Environmental watch in the North Caucasus”, 07/28/2014, “Censorship on the Kuban.Ru forum: the topic of land seizure at Tkachev’s dacha was blocked 4 hours after its appearance”: Today another incident occurred on the popular Kuban forum Kuban.Ru an act of censorship regarding a topic affecting the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev - the topic “Tkachev’s Dacha.” Continuation” was blocked, in which there was a discussion on the issue of the next seizure of land on the Black Sea coast at the summer residence of the head of the Kuban in Blue Bay. Also, the coordinator of the Environmental Watch for the North Caucasus, Andrei Rudomakha, who started this discussion, was banned from the forum.

The Kuban.Ru forum ceased to exist several years ago as an independent information resource and is currently controlled by the administration of the Krasnodar region through the Limited Liability Company “Special Advertising Technologies” (ORT LLC). - Insert]

The closed area in the Vyselkovsky district of Kuban near the village of Pervomaisky is heaven on earth, but few people know about it. According to residents of Pervomaisky, the Kuban ex-governor and now minister Agriculture Alexander Tkachev with his brother, State Duma deputy Alexei Tkachev. The publication, well-known in Kuban, considers this place “one of the alleged personal residences of Alexander Tkachev.” According to our data, this was officially called a recreation center for employees of Agrokompleks CJSC.

The total area of ​​the base is about 500 hectares. Squirrels, hares and other living creatures run around right under your feet. There are also decorative geese, “standing high on their feet,” as the builders who worked on the Tkachev hacienda described them. In addition to geese, six peacocks, white and black swans delight the eye. In order for swans, ducks and geese to live like humans, wooden houses with reed roofs were built on the local pond.

Two cows graze on the heavenly lands, but, again, they are special - hornless. They were brought from Holland. Two ponies and two trained dancing horses are always ready to amuse the soul of the former governor. A hippodrome has been built nearby, where horse races are held periodically. Several times local horses competed with visitors; evil tongues call them “Kadyrov’s”. “Tkachev’s” horses invariably and politically correct lose to “Kadyrov’s”.

Among other entertainments of the local nobility is shooting, for which two firing ranges were built. They shoot like adults, in the sense that they don’t use traumatic guns or small guns. At the entrance to the base there are two tall spruce trees, they were brought from Germany. There are pine trees, cherries brought from Italy, and rose alleys. They look especially beautiful against the backdrop of artificial waterfalls. All these landscape wonders were designed and implemented by Krasnodar LLC Tandem-South Design.

You can isolate yourself from the bustle of the world here for a long time, since the base has its own electrical substation and water tower.

There is only one drawback in the Kuban paradise: the weather does not obey the minister, sometimes pouring rain and falling with snow. For this case, two houses were built, on different banks of the pond. And if Alexander and Alexey Tkachev visit that wonderful place, then I wonder for whom the houses are intended. The mansions were built by the Kuban company Kapitel. Remember the famous “Tkachev’s dacha” on the Black Sea? Looking ahead, I’ll note: when environmentalists damaged the fence there, the company Kapitel-2 was listed as the victim.

The base near Pervomaisky is served by about a hundred people who ride around the territory on adult tricycles. Senior guards use sports bikes. Moreover, they make a detour around the base every 30 minutes. Ordinary security guards travel on electric scooters.

This entire gigantic economy is maintained not only for recreation, but also for their daily bread. There, for example, there are three swimming pools: a large one, a smaller one and the smallest one. Sturgeon is bred in the first pool, trout is bred in the second. At the base there are vineyards, greenhouses, a barn, and a sheep pen. The entire farm is managed by an authoritative person, whom the staff has given the nickname Beard. Periodically, Beard meets a helicopter with milk, fruits, vegetables, and meat. This is what happens all year round— It’s not for nothing that four helipads were built on the territory. Alexander Tkachev also descends from the sky in a rotorcraft.

Helicopter and yachts

Alexander Tkachev himself came up with the initiative to buy a helicopter in January 2013, and deputies of the regional Legislative Assembly agreed, which is reflected in their corresponding resolution. As indicated on the government procurement website, the order price was 11 million 88 thousand euros. According to the technical specifications, the helicopter has a luxurious carpet, leather-trimmed chairs, a mobile table and a mount for a tablet computer. Kuban Minister of Health Elena Redko spoke honestly and directly on the website of the Kuban Ministry of Health: “This is necessary so that doctors can simultaneously transport several patients from places of mass destruction, as well as send a team of several specialists for on-site consultation.”

In this case, the $25 million Renegade yacht was presumably intended for Kuban teachers. True, the largest portal about yachts, when mentioning this price, for some reason indicates Alexandra Tkacheva as the former owner. This floating luxury, sailing under the flag of the Cayman Islands, is designed for 10 guests and 8 crew members. In 2004, Novaya Gazeta Kuban wrote about this, attaching Tkachev’s decree No. 381/1-r dated 02/01/2004. According to the document, the lessor of the yacht was the Kuban Financial Company, and the monthly rental cost was 880 thousand rubles.

Food for thought: in 2004-2006, a certain Alexander Tkachev was officially listed on the list of affiliated persons of the Krasnodar Krayinvestbank. At the same time, Krayinvestbank was the founder of the same “Kuban Financial Company”, which acted as the lessor of the yacht. It turns out that the regional leadership paid itself budget money for renting a yacht?

Now Renegade has been sold, but there was also a 24-meter yacht Destiny. Its owner was Kuban Cruise LLC, where one of the shareholders was Zhanna Arefieva. In the 90s, this lady was a co-owner of the Exim company, where Alexander Remezkov, the former Kuban vice-governor and now a State Duma deputy from United Russia, worked as the financial director. The yacht Destiny has often been seen in the port of Sochi, where the yachts of the President and Prime Minister of Russia are moored. Now it is being sold by private individuals for 3 million 600 thousand euros.

Cottages and houses

Compared to the “Pervomayskaya” residence, the Black Sea dacha is a mere trifle: a plot of about a hectare. It was rented in favor of Alexander Tkachev, as evidenced by an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate. The residence is located near the village of Bzhid, Tuapse district. The local complex of elite mansions is 70% owned by the same Agrocomplex. In any case, that’s what Tkachev himself said in 2012 at a meeting with bloggers. There is a world famous landmark here - the iron fence. In addition to the dacha, he fences off a large area of ​​public forest, and it was this that was painted and slightly opened by ecologists Suren Ghazaryan and Evgeniy Vitishko in 2010. They were then given three years in a penal settlement for these drawings.

Division of land, kickbacks, millions - this dirt does not stick to Minister Tkachev. In these places, a hectare of land, according to the cadastre, costs more than 100 million rubles. But a hectare of the fenced beach of his residence, as indicated on the State Register website, is valued at only one ruble. Miracle.

Alas, from the peace of the Black Sea, Alexander Tkachev was forced every now and then to return to the everyday bustle. The most acute problem in Kuban is the lack of kindergartens, but due to forgetfulness, Tkachev never said that he himself lives on the site of the former kindergarten. In 2001, the Krasnodar mayor's office transferred a plot of almost 20 acres with the building of a kindergarten for the construction of a residential building. In Resolution No. 13-11 dated August 20, 2001, the object was valued at a ridiculous amount - 75,600 rubles. But this is a site in the very center of the city, on Komsomolskaya Street, next to Kraiinvestbank and the building of the regional FSB Directorate.

The site and the building were leased to the Delta-Stroy company from the village of Vyselki, where Tkachev is from. The firm, in turn, hired a construction company. According to the acceptance certificate, the cost of the built house was 9 million 300 thousand rubles. A couple of months later, the Delta-Stroy company sold the house to the general director of the Agrocomplex company, Alexei Nikolaevich Tkachev, the brother of the then governor Tkachev. Moreover, she sold it for 3 million 640 thousand rubles, that is, three times cheaper, as stated in the sale and purchase agreement dated May 15, 2003.

Daughter and son-in-law

Having barely graduated from the Kuban Agrarian University, the daughter of the minister (at that time the governor) Tanya Batalova, according to the SPARK-Interfax system, became the owner of 52% of the shares of the Intercomplex company. This company built the largest shopping mall"Gallery Krasnodar". The founder of Intercomplex, according to the same SPARK, was her talented husband Roman Batalov.

At the age of 23, Roman Batalov became a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the region, the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Property and Land Relations. He started with small projects like Krasnodargorgaz, then grew to the Kuban Development Group company, which established 60 subsidiaries, mainly construction ones. Since May 2015, Kuban Development Group has a new president, and the founder is a certain Basilon Holdings Inc.

Only the power of talent can explain the fact that Batalov joined the board of directors entertainment complex Sochi Park, built for the Olympics. Batalov is also on the board of directors of Agrocomplex, but his main project, as I understand it, is different. In the Sochi village of Krasnaya Polyana they are going to open gambling zone. It is planned to be equipped on the territory of the “Mountain Carousel” complex ski slopes, restaurants and hotels. At the end of 2014, his shares were acquired by the Omega Center enterprise, owned by the administration of the Krasnodar region. And last October, “Mountain Carousel” was suddenly bought by the unknown company “Resort Plus” for 35 billion rubles. It turned out that Resort Plus LLC was registered shortly before the purchase. And its owner, according to SPARK-Interfax, is Business Resort LLC. Moreover, the director of the Business Resort is Vadim Trukshin, who is on the board of directors of Sochi Park and is now on the list of affiliates.

Niece, goddaughter and spouse

Minister Tkachev’s niece, Anastasia, in 2007, while a student, through her representative began to buy land plots in the Dinsky district of Kuban within the boundaries of ZAO Niva, a former local collective farm. According to the purchase and sale agreement dated December 27, 2007, Anastasia Alekseevna Tkacheva, through her representative, bought a plot of 2,415,618 square meters. m. This, for clarity, is 338 football fields. But the governor’s niece paid only 2 million 500 thousand rubles, which at that time was equal to the cost of a two-room apartment in Krasnodar.

Soon she exchanged this plot, and according to the exchange agreement, its cadastral value was 21 million 483 thousand rubles, that is, 10 times more expensive than the purchase price. Under the same agreement, Anastasia also transferred another plot with an area of ​​about 2 million square meters and a cost of more than 17 million rubles, so, frankly speaking, things were going well for the Krasnodar student.

Among other things, Anastasia also turned out to be a co-owner of the Southern Pipe Plant and the Pipe Insulation Plant. And Tkachev’s niece also owned almost a quarter of the shares of the largest poultry farm in the Southern Federal District, Yugptitseprom. Since last year, she has not officially been a co-owner of the poultry farm. But the family business did not suffer from this: in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Anastasia’s husband, Kirill Crattli, among other things, is listed as the general director of MirTech-Kuban LLC and Agroprime LLC, which conduct wholesale trade in construction and agricultural equipment.

The goddaughter of the Minister of Agriculture, Elena Firstkova, is also an extremely successful businesswoman. Her father Sergei Firstkov, a former shareholder of Agrocomplex, has been heading Tkachev’s native Vyselkovsky district of Kuban for 11 years. Elena Firstkova appeared in business as director of the construction company Inkomkapitallgroup. Further, according to numerous media reports, she noted herself as a co-owner and director of more than two dozen companies included in the Kuban Development Group holding, which was associated with Tkachev’s son-in-law Batalov (we’ll say more about this company). And now, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Elena is listed as a director or co-owner of more than a dozen companies related to construction, investment and catering. For example, opposite the administration of the Krasnodar region there is a Bellini restaurant - next to the monument to commander Zhukov and the memorial arch. Elena is listed as the general director there.

Olga Tkacheva, the minister’s wife, also keeps up with the fast-moving times. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it fully owns Chateau de Talue LLC, which nurtures elite grape varieties near Gelendzhik. The company's authorized capital is RUB 23.338 million. Of the entire Tkachev business cohort, Olga Ivanovna is the least public figure, although in 2012 she was among the ten richest governor’s wives in Russia, according to

JSC "Agrokompleks" in Vyselki

According to the business certificate we received, in 2014 the revenue of Agrocomplex amounted to 26 billion 538 million 824 thousand rubles. That is 5 billion more than in the previous year. In total, during Tkachev’s governorship, the company’s revenue increased 33 times. The most effective manager was Tkachev’s dad, the late Nikolai Ivanovich. It was he who headed the Vyselkovsky feed mill in the late 80s. Then the head of the local enterprise “Myasoprom” left his post, which suddenly wanted to merge with a feed mill. This “merger” was called “Agrocomplex”, and then privatization arrived.

Soon, Kuban farms and enterprises suddenly began to join the Agrocomplex. In Vyselki, for example, there was a sugar factory “Crystal” of the Moscow company “Russian Sugar”. In 2005, the Vyselkovsky District Court banned him from working because, as it turned out, the plant violated the environment. The plant's managers were slightly indignant, wrote a couple of letters to Putin and, without waiting for a reaction, sold the enterprise to Agrokompleks.

Then there were JSC named after. Chernyakhovsky, JSC named after. Kalinina, farm "Rassvet". One after another they went bankrupt, joyfully refusing competition and transferring themselves to Agrocomplex. As for the current shareholders, Alexander Tkachev, of course, is not among them, because the law does not allow it.

Is there land? What if I find it?

Vyselki, as the homeland of the Tkachevs, used to be the most popular Kuban village. But when the Tsapkov gang simultaneously killed 12 people in the village of Kushchevskaya, Kushchevka thundered throughout Russia.

Before the massacre, the Tsapki were known in the region as philanthropists and athletes. They included football team"Artex-Agro". Its main striking force was the football players from Vyselok. It’s hard to say why the Tsapkas liked the Vyselkovites, but the team fought for the Governor’s Cup. At that time, Tkachev, having forgotten KVN, was fond of football.

The Tsapkov story ended with their imprisonment. And the Sever Kuban group of companies that belonged to them (40,000 hectares of land) was transferred to Agrocomplex in the summer of 2014. As stated on the website of Agrocomplex itself, Sever Kuban owed loans to Rosselkhozbank, and Agrocomplex paid off the debts, taking the debtor’s assets for itself.

Agrocomplex does not disclose the composition of shareholders. As for the founders, according to the business certificate, 29% of them are nine Kuban agricultural enterprises, including Niva CJSC (Anastasia Tkacheva bought land within the boundaries of this CJSC; coincidence?). The remaining 66% is described as “other,” but Tkachev’s son-in-law Roman Batalov is listed first on the list of the board of directors. The wife of the head of the Vyselkovsky district, Nina Firstkova, is also on this list.

In 2014, while the country was chanting “Crimea is ours!” in unison, the Agrokompleks company bought five farms from the Wimm-Bill-Dann company: Atamanskoe, Niva, Trud, For Peace and labor", "Testaments of Ilyich". As a result, Agrocomplex has 30 thousand more hectares.

Around the same time, Agrokompleks bought more than a dozen farms in the Kuban, in Stavropol region, as well as in the Rostov region from Valinor Group. The owner of Valinor, Kirill Podolsky, was wondering who to sell his troubled asset to. The head of one very large bank strongly recommended Tkachev. As a result, Agrocomplex expanded by another 170 thousand hectares. It turns out that in 2014 alone, Agrocomplex acquired two and a half times more land - that is, 450 thousand hectares. Now it is one of the five largest latifundias in the country.

In 2015, Agrokompleks also did not waste time, purchasing Kuban Bacon LLC. Before this, according to Interfax, this enterprise almost entirely belonged to the daughter of Alexander Tkachev, Tatyana Batalova. The Federal Antimonopoly Service did not find any violations in the transaction.

Does the head of the Ministry of Agriculture have a “secret residence” and assets associated with the “Tsapkov gang”?

"Secret dacha" of the Minister of Agriculture?

As is known, officials are prohibited from directly controlling business assets, as well as using various services commercial organizations. It seems that the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Alexander Tkachev, neglected the norms of Russian legislation and “chosen” real estate in the Vyselkovsky district of Kuban near the village of Pervomaisky, where, according to rumors, one of the alleged personal residences of Alexander Tkachev is located.

There is no need to confuse the “ministerial lands” in the Vyselkovsky district with the notorious Tkachev dacha, located on the Black Sea coast in the Blue Bay (the village of Bzhid, Dzhubgskoye urban settlement, Tuapse district of the Krasnodar Territory).

According to Rosreestr, the land plots behind the fence of the residence in the village of Bzhid, Tuapse region, are owned by Alexander Tkachev himself (plots 23:33:0102001:18 and 23:33:0102001:72), his probable relative Sergei Storozhenko (plots 23:33:0102001: 19 and 23:33:0102001:75), as well as Elena Krivneva, born in 1975 (section 23:33:0102001:17). There are no fences between the Tkachev and Storozhenko areas; they have a common swimming pool. The beach is rented by Otdykh LLC. The fence blocks the beach, the indicated territories, as well as an additional 5.4 hectares of forest fund from the passage of citizens.

Non-random coincidence

Unlike Tkachev’s dacha in Blue Bay, his probable holdings in the Vyselkovsky district extend over an area of ​​about 500 hectares. Mostly, we're talking about about hunting grounds.

There are a number of specific coincidences between Tkachev’s supposed residence in the Vyselkovsky district and his dacha in Blue Bay. Firstly, “Tkachev’s dacha” in Tuapse district officially called the recreation center of OJSC Agrokompleks, Tkachev’s alleged possessions in the Vyselkovsky district are also officially called.

After the Tsapkovs were imprisoned, the Sever Kuban group of companies that belonged to them (40,000 hectares of land) was transferred to Agrocomplex in the summer of 2014. Formally, Sever Kuban owed loans to Rosselkhozbank, and Agrocomplex paid off the debts, taking the debtor’s assets for itself.

It is interesting that, while still the governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Tkachev allocated more than 160 million rubles from the regional budget to Sergei Tsapok’s company (Artex-Agro). It is worth noting that Tsapok did not have time to testify against influential Krasnodar officials, as he died under very strange circumstances, and Tkachev himself was removed from the leadership of the region in 2015 and transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Mysterious shareholders

Corporation "Agrocomplex named after. N.I. Tkachev, which is named after the late father of the Russian Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev, is considered the financial stronghold of the “Tkachev clan”, but it never discloses its shareholders.

But information about the founders of Agrocomplex is known. 29% of them are nine Kuban agricultural enterprises, including Niva CJSC (the minister’s niece Anastasia Tkacheva bought land within the borders of this CJSC - editor’s note). The remaining 66% is described as “other,” but Tkachev’s son-in-law Roman Batalov is listed first on the list of the board of directors. The wife of the head of the Vyselkovsky district, Nina Firstkova, is also on this list.

Alexander Tkachev, head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

In 2015, Agrocomplex bought Kuban Bacon LLC. Before this, this enterprise almost entirely belonged to the daughter of Alexander Tkachev, Tatyana Batalova. At the end of 2015, the Tkachev Corporation became the largest milk producer in Russia.

Land Baron

There is an opinion in the expert community that the “Agrocomplex named after. N.I. Tkachev" allowed recent acquisitions of farms. And along with the farms, Tkachev’s “agro-structure” also “grabbed” a colossal amount of land (for example, huge pastures for walking livestock, fields for sowing, etc.).

The land fund of the “Tkachev” company is expanding literally “by leaps and bounds.” Only with the purchase of five crop and livestock farms of Wimm-Bill-Dann (part of the PepsiCo group), Agrocomplex acquired 30 thousand hectares of land.

But, having purchased the assets of Valinor at the beginning of 2015, Agrocomplex became the largest landowner in Europe. Land bank This company has grown from 80,000 hectares to almost 500,000 hectares in 14 years. Not weak, right?

Son-in-law's companies

The minister’s son-in-law Roman Batalov is considered Alexander Tkachev’s “right hand” in matters of control over the family business. It is worth noting that in the family of Roman and Tatyana Batalov, the “locomotive of business” is the husband, whom Tkachev provided patronage even at the time when he was the governor of the Krasnodar Territory.

Mr. Batalov is the founder of Krasnodar LLC Intercomplex, whose daughter is OJSC Gallery Krasnodar.

In 2008, Tkachev’s son-in-law created and headed Kuban Development Group LLC, which owns the following companies: Adlerinvest LLC, Adlerinzhiniring LLC, Adelerproektstroy LLC, Alionstroy LLC, Anapa Building LLC, Anapa Stroy LLC Invest", LLC "Adlerinveststroy", LLC "AlionInvest", LLC "Build-Invest", LLC "BUILDING-MARKET", LLC "BolivarStroy", LLC "Gelendzhik Building", LLC "GELENDZHIK RESOURCE", LLC "Gelendzhikglavstroy", LLC "Gelendzhikinzhiniring", LLC "Black Sea Lands", LLC "Zemlya-Kuban", LLC "Zemlyastroy", LLC "Investkurort", LLC "Invest-parity", LLC "InvestYugProekt", LLC "Infrastructure of the South of Kuban", etc. (a complete list of companies controlled by Alexander Tkachev’s son-in-law is available at the link).

Roman Batalov, Tkachev's nephew

One of the co-owners of Kuban Development Group LLC is Kuban Financial Company OJSC. It was established by Krayinvestbank OJSC, with which Alexander Tkachev himself was affiliated for several years of his governorship. Rumor has it that even now, through proxies, he can control part of the shares of Krayinvestbank.

Previously, the Accounts Chamber established the fact that one of Tkachev’s deputies, by order of the governor, repaid loans from Krayinvestbank at a budget expense.


In addition to the Batalovs, Tkachev seems to have “involved” his other relatives in the business. For example, the niece of Alexander Tkachev (daughter of Alexei Tkachev) is a co-owner of two pipe factories - Southern Pipe Plant LLC (YUTZ) and Pipe Insulation Plant LLC (ZIT). In both factories, Anastasia Tkacheva owns 10% shares. But this 10% accounts for part of the multimillion-dollar income from the activities of these enterprises.

Thus, YuTZ's revenue, for example, in 2008 amounted to 182 million rubles, and net profit - 21 million rubles. But ZIT’s revenue in the same year was 618.9 million rubles. with a net profit of 7.7 million rubles.

Anastasia Tkacheva, niece of the minister

Thus, 10% of these multi-million dollar sums formally went to young Anastasia Tkacheva. But can this young girl manage these shares on her own? Moreover, the first mentions of assets belonging to Anastasia were published in the press back in 2010, when Tkacheva was only 22 years old.

Most likely, she owns these shares in the interests of the ex-governor himself, who, apparently, actually receives millions from YuTZ and ZIT. Anastasia Tkacheva also owns 30% in the large developer Masterstroy LLC. She also owns a company that invested 3 billion rubles. in the poultry complex - "Yugptitseprom". Here Tkacheva owns 22.5%, and the projected annual revenue is 4 billion rubles.

By the way, the fact that all these assets are located in the Krasnodar Territory is especially important. It is obvious that Minister Tkachev’s relatives are engaged in business in his interests, and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture himself can personally control many commercial structures. According to experts, if investigators check Tkachev’s connection with business, he will lose his ministerial post.