Cape Kapchik is a unique place that attracts people with completely different interests and hobbies.

Geologists are drawn here by the fact that this cape is nothing more than an ancient coral reef, which is riddled with endless paths of underground caves and grottoes. In the darkness of this underground palace there is also a salt lake.

Romantics looking for beautiful places for inspiration or peace are drawn here by the beauty of the place. Approaching the cape, one cannot help but notice its unique shape, which resembles a dragon. Having climbed onto that monster, you can endlessly admire the surface of the water of the Blue Bay and the concern of the Blue Bay. For this purpose, an observation deck is equipped here.

Even linguists will find something interesting, for example, in the name of the cape, which means “pouch” in Turkic. The presence of caves and grottoes is one of the versions of the appearance of this name.

But the most interesting place that attracts treasure hunters and historians here is the through grotto. It is surrounded by many legends, according to which it was here that pirates hid their loot and held secret meetings. Prince Golitsyn, having reached this grotto, ennobled it: stairs, forged doors and stained glass windows appeared - the grotto turned into a luxurious banquet hall for celebrating Golitsyn's anniversary. Now, unfortunately, it is impossible to get into the grotto due to the danger of collapses.

Cape Kapchik is an interesting natural phenomenon, the attractiveness of which has also been contributed to by humans.

Royal Beach

Located between Mount Karaul-Oba and Cape Kapchik, not far from the famous village of "New World", Blue Bay, also proudly called the "Tsar's Beach", is an absolute masterpiece of nature and a landscape of fantastic beauty. The bay got its name for the special, amazingly beautiful color of the water caused by the shale rocks lining the bottom of the bay. However, to understand the meaning of this name, it is not at all necessary to know about the geological composition of the bottom; it is enough just to see at least once the leisurely swaying of the waves on the shore of the bay.

This place is called the Tsar’s Beach because in 1912 Russian Emperor Nicholas II vacationed here, preferring the Blue Bay to the two neighboring ones - Blue and Green, which, by the way, are also capable of capturing the imagination, although they are inferior to the famous Blue. At one time, these places were a favorite place for Turkish smugglers, and their feluccas more than once made their way into these waters under the cover of darkness. In honor of this historical fact, the neighbor of Golubaya Bay, Sinaya, is even sometimes called Razboinichaya.

The beauty of these places also attracted film directors. It is the local landscapes that can be admired in such famous films as “Sportloto-82”, “Pirates of the 20th Century”, “Three Plus Two” and “Amphibian Man”. It’s safe to say that not visiting Tsarsky Beach means not seeing one of the most luxurious pearls of Crimea.

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Museum of Champagne Wines of Prince Golitsyn

At the Novy Svet resort, Prince Golitsyn founded a Champagne factory on his estate. This place is notable for its picturesque views of the sea and juniper and coniferous forests.

The plant's products are famous in many cities; everything around is conducive to winemaking, and the wine is made according to traditional recipes.

Already in 1890, the champagne of the Golitsyn plant received the Grand Prix at the World Exhibition in Paris. After this, Crimea took its rightful place in the world market for the sale of champagne and wine products. Now it is the main attraction of the New World.

The resort village of Novy Svet is located on the shore of one of the most picturesque bays in the south-eastern part of Crimea, surrounded by mountains and pine groves. Novosvet beaches are famous for their crystal clear water and magnificent views. In the vicinity of the village there are three spacious beaches, and in numerous coves there are many small “pocket” beaches hidden, perfect for a secluded holiday.

The main Novy Svetsky beach, the largest and most comfortable, is located on the shore of the emerald Green Bay. The water here warms up quickly, thanks to the gentle shallow descent of the shoreline. The seabed is flat, sandy, there are practically no large stones, so the beach is simply ideal for a family holiday with children. As for entertainment, there is a great variety of it on the main Novy Svetsky beach. Vacationers can use a water scooter, a banana boat, surfboards or scuba gear. By the way, divers have the opportunity not only to admire sea fish, but also to examine the wreckage of a sunken ancient Greek sailing ship.

To the west of Green Bay there is the beach of Blue Bay, which is also called Razboinichaya. Legend says that it was in this place that pirates stopped and hid their looted valuables. If, having passed this beach, you move further, you can find yourself on the famous Tsarskoye Beach on the shores of the Blue Bay. It became famous because it was here that Emperor Nicholas II once rested with his family during a visit to Crimea.

The most popular attractions in the New World with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in the New World on our website.

Cozy New World is a small valley lost among the mountains, washed by three colorful bays. There is only one road leading here, seven kilometers of beautiful views and a very steep mountain serpentine. The small village is considered an elite resort, with corresponding prices, but here you can relax like a king.

Royal history of the New World

The New World owes its present to Prince Lev Golitsin, who was exiled to these lands. Inspired by the example of European winemakers, the prince considered the miniature valley, sandwiched on three sides by mountains and washed by the sea, a real paradise for growing a vineyard. He named his estate Paradise.

The enterprising prince planted vineyards on fertile soil, founded a champagne wine factory and ordered a bottle storage facility to be built in Mount Koba-Kaya, a wine library to be built in the grotto, and a path along the sea to be built for walks. He erected an estate in the center of the future village.

The area was very beautiful, the land was fertile, but there was one problem in Paradise - the lack of water. The prince tried to solve this issue by installing a water supply from the source of St. Anastasia, located on Mount Sokol. The remains of the ancient aqueduct can still be seen today, but this project was unsuccessful.

The fame of the new fashionable resort, evening concerts in the grotto with wine tastings, spread throughout the country. Nobles came to visit Golitsyn; Chaliapin himself once sang in the grotto, later named in his honor. But the most famous guest was the autocrat Nicholas II. The tsar toured the estates of the disgraced prince-winemaker, tasted the products, swam in a distant bay and was very pleased. The village was renamed New World in honor of the visit of the august person.

Sights of the New World

The miniature village is simply overflowing with places attractive to tourists.

Main attractions of the New World:

  1. Lev Golitsyn's estate and museum.
  2. Factory of champagne wines "New World".
  3. Pedestrian Path Golitsyn.
  4. Monument to Prince Golitsyn and Tsar Nicholas II.

This is a basic list of man-made attractions, but when choosing what to see in the New World, consider its natural beauty. The resort is generously endowed with subtropical vegetation, which has taken root well in the mild climate of the wind-protected valley. The mountains became the defenders of the village:

  • Karaul-Oba;
  • Koba-Kaya (Eagle);
  • Kush-Kaya (Falcon).

Trio of colorful bays

Three bays: Green, Blue and Blue - these are the most beautiful places in the New World.

Green Bay– the widest, there is a city equipped beach with sun loungers. The beach offers views of capes Alchak and Meganom. And in the evening, from the pier near which the pleasure pirate schooner spends the night, the lights of neighboring Sudak are visible. The beautiful embankment of the New World is an attraction and entertainment in itself. The resort life of the village is in full swing here.

Blue Bay, once a haven for robbers and smugglers, is a narrow rocky beach under the Golitsyn Path, closed by Cape Kapchik. It’s nice to sit on the coastal strip in the evening, accompanied by a bottle of Crimean champagne, and look at the sea.

Blue Bay, in the waters of which the majestic Karaul-Oba and the side of Kapchik are reflected, known from films. Eremenko Jr. himself dived from a small rock called Turtle. The Tsar's Beach was a forbidden place for tourists; to get there you can walk along the paths of the Juniper Grove and go down the cliff. Or just come by boat.

After relaxing on the beach and tasting champagne, you can explore in more detail the other attractions of the New World and the surrounding area. For example, you can take a walk in the park or go to Sudak, stroll along the Golitsyn Trail or walk along the highway to the filming location of the film “Three Plus Two”.

Few people have not heard of the village of Novy Svet - the birthplace of the famous “Soviet champagne”. This wonderful piece of paradise in Crimea is truly worth a visit. And, as a rule, someone who has been there once is drawn there again and again. Why is the history of the village interesting? And what attractions of the New World (Crimea) have been attracting tourists there for how many years now? But first, about where exactly this unforgettable place is located.


This village is hidden in the vicinity of Cape Kapchika (the southern coast of Crimea, near Sudak) and is protected from the north, west and east by mountains. It was thanks to the surrounding mountains that the New World retained its pristine beauty, because for a long time the way there was accessible only from the south, from the sea. Now there is an asphalt road from Sudak to the village: about 10 minutes by car - and amazing landscapes and sights of the New World open up to your eyes. each one is unique in itself, and the village of Novy Svet is a true miracle.

Climate and vegetation

The mountains protect from cold winds from the peninsula, so there are no sudden weather changes here. Winters are mild, warm, almost always with above-zero temperatures, and snow rarely falls. Already at the end of February, spring comes to the New World (Crimea).

The attractions here are rare tree species: crooked Crimean and Sudak pine. There are also entire juniper groves here.

History of the New World

The fact that this fabulous corner was inhabited back in the Middle Ages is evidenced by Genoese chronicles. During the time of Italian rule on the peninsula, there was a village here. Although archaeological evidence has recently been found that people lived here at least as far back as the 8th century.

If we talk about the time when Crimea already belonged to the Russian Empire, then these lands often changed hands. The first owners of the New World did not fully realize their happiness in owning such a piece of paradise, so they did not stay there for long and did not develop the village. No attractions of the New World (Crimea) have yet attracted high society there. Perhaps the village owes its first name Paradise (translated as “paradise”, “garden”) to the nobleman de Galere, who received these lands as a gift from Empress Catherine the Second. But who really played the most important role in the development of this resort was the prince who acquired this estate in 1878.

Winemaking is a specialized industry

This descendant of a noble princely family, who studied wine production in France, put his whole heart into the new property. He decided to develop winemaking there, since the climate was more than favorable for this. He began by planting European grape varieties on his land to observe how the Crimean sun affected the quality of wine. The prince built a factory and invested almost all his money in it.

Crimean champagne

Since 1882, Golitsyn has been conducting quite successful experiments in the production of sparkling wines.

After ten years of experiments, the best grape varieties for these purposes were determined; they turned out to be Pinot Gray, Pinot Black, Aligote, Chardonnay and Murdver. Winemakers also reached the optimal percentage of each variety in sparkling wine. As a result, the creation of such well-known brands of Crimean champagne to this day as “Paradise”, “New World”, later called “Coronation”. Both ordinary workers (the prince sold wine at very affordable prices) and the world community (Golitsyn wines participated in the Paris World Exhibition in 1900) could appreciate their taste.

Victory at the exhibition

It was there that the Coronation champagne, produced in 1899, received the Grand Prix. In this regard, we cannot fail to mention the amusing misunderstanding that took place at the gala dinner in honor of the end of the exhibition. As always, the competition participants were treated to wine that received the main awards. The chairman of the tasting commission, Count Shandon, raising a toast to the winner, was sure that this was his wine, and therefore loudly gave glory to his winemakers. But in fact, he was holding a glass of Coronation champagne in his hands, and Golitsyn thanked him in front of everyone for free advertising of his production. It was thanks to this drink that other sights of the New World (Crimea) became famous.

Emperor Nicholas II, while relaxing, tasted the champagne he made. They say that he said the phrase: “Now I see life in a new light,” and this name stuck with the village. Whether this is so is difficult to say.

Factory today

After a 30-year period of stagnation (1906-1936), the plant resumed its activities and in 1936 gave the world “Soviet champagne”, recognized even by the French, which is still produced today. Since it is produced not by bottle, but by reservoir method, the same French do not require replacing the word “champagne” (that is, produced in the province of Champagne) with “sparkling” in the name.

And recently (in 1997), the Novosvetsky plant repeated the success of Golitsyn wines at the Paris exhibition - again the Grand Prix. Now they produce 10 types of sparkling wines.

Of course, thousands of tourists come here to see with their own eyes the bizarrely shaped capes, bays with clear water, mountains shaped like figures of people and animals. Although many amazing places have been created by people, it is precisely the landscape richness of nature that is the main reason that people flock to the New World (Crimea) on the sea. The must-see attractions are:

And these are just some of the sights of the New World (Crimea). Among others, we can mention the Blue Bay, Tsarsky Beach, Paradise Gate, Anastasia Spring.

The sights and history of the New World (Crimea) impress absolutely everyone. There are fewer and fewer places with such untouched nature left on the planet.

The Golitsyn Trail, the famous Champagne Wine Factory, bays, beaches, grottoes - these are all the attractions of the New World, a resort village on the eastern coast of Crimea. From here it is very convenient to take walks or bike rides around the surrounding area, getting a lot of positive impressions and incomparable health benefits.

Golitsyn Trail, New World, Crimea

It starts on the shore of Green Bay and leads to a huge natural grotto - one of the so-called wonders of the New World. The length of the trail is almost 5.5 km, it passes near the most beautiful corners, such as the botanical reserve, Chaliapin’s grotto (former Golitsyn wine library), Green, Blue and Blue bays, Tsarsky Beach, a 77-meter-long through grotto, and a juniper grove. When going for a walk along the Golitsyn Trail, don’t forget comfortable shoes (preferably special ones or at least walking sneakers.

Nature Reserve New World, Crimea

This botanical reserve was created in 1974 with the aim of preserving the unique vegetation of the area. Relict tree-like junipers and relict pines (Stankevich or Sudak pine) grow here.

Several endemic species are also protected in the reserve. There are two ecological trails here - the Golitsyn trail and the second, starting at the western part of the New World and passing through the Karaul-Oba mountains, a staircase in the rock (probably carved by Taurians), on the way there are also two cave dwellings and tracts - “Hell”, “Paradise” ", "Adam's Bed". At the very top of the mountain, Golitsyn's Chair was carved out.

Champagne wine factory, New World, Crimea

It was founded by Prince Golitsyn. In 1978, in honor of the centenary of the House of Champagne Wines, the Museum of the History of the Factory was organized in the house of Lev Golitsyn, the father of Russian champagne winemaking.

Contemporaries preserved the house-museum in its original form. He can tell about the extraordinary personality of the prince and about the most important business of his life - the production of champagne. In addition to several halls and rooms, furnished and equipped with interior items belonging to Golitsyn himself, you will visit the basement under the house, where barrels of wine and bottles of the best drinks were stored, which even Nicholas II himself tried in his time. In the tasting room you will taste wine by candlelight - just like in the time of Lev Golitsyn.

Beaches of the New World, Crimea

Tsarsky Beach, where, according to legend, Nicholas II rested during boat trips, is closed to the public today. But there are still a lot of interesting and stunningly beautiful beaches in the New World.

Green Bay of Crimea is one of the three Bays of the New World. This is where the main beach of the village and the beautiful embankment are located. The beach is open to the public and entry is absolutely free. The bay is located in a botanical reserve; the water here is always crystal clear and there is no wind or waves (the beach is protected on both sides by high rocky mountains). The surface is sand and pebbles, it’s a bit painful to walk without shoes. Both the beach and the embankment are perfectly landscaped, there are plenty of cafes and shops.

Pirate (Robber) beach is located in Blue Bay. Once upon a time, back in the 12th and 13th centuries, it was an ambush site for pirates and smugglers. The beach itself is narrow and not particularly convenient, since it is covered with medium-sized boulders, and at the bottom there are stones overgrown with algae. It was here that the films “Amphibian Man”, “Pirates of the 20th Century”, “Three + Two” were filmed.

The village of Novy Svet Crimea is one of the most beautiful places on the peninsula where you can come on vacation. Novy Svet is an urban-type settlement 5 km west of Sudak. Initially, at the end of the 19th century, Golitsyn’s estate was located here and was called “Paradise” - paradise. The place here is truly heavenly. An open bay with the azure clear waters of the Black Sea is located among mountains and rocks, sandy beaches and rich vegetation of Crimean pine and juniper make the New World inimitable. Many feature films have been shot in the vicinity of the village.

Tourists with children and lovers of hiking are going on holiday to the New World in Crimea in 2019. The main attractions of the New World are the Golitsyn trail and the Novy Svet champagne wine factory. Outside the village you can visit the Genoese fortress in Sudak, the ruins of the Bosporan fortress and a cave monastery near Vesely.

How to get to the village of Novy Svet on vacation in Crimea

By plane

The nearest airport accepting flights from all over Russia is 100 kilometers away. Now all planes fly into the new airport terminal.

There is no direct connection with the village of Novy Svet from the airport. But you can get to Sudak. At the Sudak bus station you need to transfer to a minibus to the New World. During peak season it is crowded, although they travel every 20 minutes.

You can also take bus No. 49 or trolleybuses No. 8, 9, 11 and get to the bus station in Simferopol.

Another option is to fly to Krasnodar and Anapa airports, and then take a bus to Sudak. All buses go along the new Crimean Bridge.

By train

There is no railway connection directly with Crimea from Russia yet. However, it is still possible to come on holiday to the New World in Crimea by train. To do this, you need to use a “single ticket” from Russian Railways, which includes a train to Anapa or Krasnodar, transfer, ferry and bus around Crimea.

You can take a “single ticket” directly to Sudak. After September 30, you must plan the entire route yourself.

By bus

In Simferopol, from bus station-2 "Kurortnaya" there are direct bus services to the New World. So far the schedule is as follows: at 09.40, 11.45, 13.30 and 15.45 (but it may change). Travel time will be about 2.5 hours.

You can get to Sudak, and from there take a commuter bus without a number, which runs throughout the day. The fare is 14 rubles.

There are regular buses from Krasnodar and Anapa to Sudak, Yalta, Alushta, and Simferopol. The ideal option is any southern direction, you just need to ask the driver to make a stop in Sudak.

By taxi to the village of New World

The cost of a taxi in Crimea is about 25 rubles per kilometer. It’s better to book a car in advance and save yourself from haggling with drivers on the spot, as they will outplay you anyway. By ordering a taxi in advance, you guarantee yourself a constant minimum price. The local bombers asked us for 1000 rubles. from Sudak to the New World, although in fact a taxi costs a maximum of 500 rubles.

By car

From Anapa you need to follow the signs to the Crimean Bridge. After the bridge, you need to follow the E97 highway to Feodosia, go around the city along P26 and turn left onto P29. Along P29 you need to go to the village of Vesyoloye and at the first or second turnoff go left.

Climate in the New World

Daytime temperatures during the peak summer season remain consistently above +30 degrees. In May, too, such a temperature is not a surprise. The average temperature during the entire beach season is about +25. The humidity is moderate, and the climate itself is close to a Mediterranean climate with some continental elements. The village of Novy Svet Crimea is embraced by mountains, which is why the sea here is always calm.

Guest houses and hotels in Novy Svet

The most budget accommodation option for holidays in the New World in Crimea is the private sector. All local residents rent out their housing, and there is a lot of private housing in the village. The most budget room can be rented from 400 rubles. But this will not be a comfortable option at all, without amenities. Good housing costs much more. During peak season, a good room can be rented from 1000 rubles. At the entrance to the village people stand and offer housing from 1000 rubles.

There are not very many offers in the New World. The average room rate starts from 600-1000 rubles. The minimum price and good living conditions on holiday in the New World in Crimea can be found in the guest houses “Gorny”, “Dachny”, “Glontia”, “Ksenia”, “Scarlet Sails” and “U Mikhail Ivanovich”.

Hotels of a higher class, which have rooms corresponding to a level of three stars and above, are also available at the resort. Prices for holidays in the New World in Crimea start from 1,500 rubles. Budget options - hotels "Golitsina 19", "U-Dacha", "Cypress", "Shalyapin Castle", "New World".

Renting housing in the New World

In the village you can rent a small cottage or apartment. The cost of renting an apartment on vacation in Crimea in the New World starts from 1,500 rubles, and a house from 2,000 rubles.

Beaches in the New World

In the village of Novy Svet itself there is only one beach - the central one. It is surrounded by mountains and is located in a bay. Other beaches are in other bays, i.e. already far from the village.

Central Beach

Central is the main beach of the resort village of Novy Svet in Crimea. It stretches for a distance of about 600 meters along Green Bay. The beach can be up to 50 meters wide. The beach is sandy, but some have pebbles. When entering the sea there are huge boulders. In our presence, a woman broke her leg on such a stone. The water in the New World is clean, bright blue in the sun, very beautiful.

The beach, of course, is the pride of the resort village of Novy Svet, as it is truly the envy of many nearby resorts. The infrastructure is well developed; the beach has everything you need, from renting sun loungers and umbrellas to cafes on the embankment and water attractions. There are frame canopies along the embankment, under which you can hide from the scorching sun. The cost of renting a sun lounger is 100 rubles. for an hour, 250 rub. all day.

The water is clean, the bottom is mostly sandy and flat. During peak season, the center of the beach is crowded. From the central beach in the New World you can go to Tsarsky Beach. A boat ticket costs 200 rubles. per person, children free.

Beach behind the pier

At the end of the eastern part of the central beach behind the pier there is a small wild beach near the rocks. There is no infrastructure for recreation in the New World on the seashore, but when there are a lot of people on the central beach, this beach begins to fill with vacationers. The structure of the beach is pebbles and boulders. There are also inconvenient rocks at the bottom of the sea, but the water is very clean. The landscapes in this place are magnificent and ideal for a photo shoot on vacation in the New World in Crimea.

Blue (“Robber Bay”) is a wild beach among the rocks, which is a 15-minute walk along the Golitsyn trail (between the Golitsyn grotto and Cape Kapchik). The structure of the beach is rocky, there is special black sand. You won’t be able to retire to Razboinichiya Bay, because this is the most accessible place to refresh yourself on the Golitsyn trail.

The beach is located in a protected area, so you need to pay for the entrance to the Golitsyn trail (100 rubles). If you come early in the morning or during low season, you can enter for free.

Beach "Tsarskaya Bay"

The easiest way to get to Tsarsky Beach in the New World is by boat. But you can go down after Cape Kapchik along one of the trails. The beach is truly royal. Although it is wild, you get the feeling that such beauty was created artificially. Among the rocks in Blue Bay there is a pebble beach 150 meters long. The landscapes are simply mesmerizing, the cliffs literally hang over the sea. The water is clear, azure in color. The entrance to the sea is gentle, and the depth increases very slowly. There is no infrastructure for recreation in the New World on the seashore, but the picturesque views outshine everything around.

What to do in the village of Novy Svet on vacation in Crimea

The New World is, first of all, sea and mountains. There is not much entertainment here, the main advantage is the beauty of nature, clean air, bright colors.

The main attraction of the New World is the oldest sparkling wine factory in Russia, “Novyi Svet”, founded by Prince Golitsyn. Here you can get acquainted with the production procedure, as well as have a tasting. In the village there are 2 branded stores from the plant: on the embankment and where the canteen is from the plant. Prices for champagne wines from 500 rubles. There are much more expensive ones, from 2000 rubles.

The places along the coastline are very beautiful, so on vacation in the New World in Crimea you can go kayaking or SUP surfing (stand-up paddle surfing).

The most important attraction in the New World is the Golitsyn Trail, 5470 meters long. It is one of the top must-see places to visit in Crimea. It’s definitely worth going through it; people bring people here on excursions from all over Crimea. The Golitsyn path was carved into the rock in 1912 by order of Prince Golitsyn. Walking along it, you will see such beauty that no photograph can convey.

The Golitsyn Trail starts from Green Bay, passes by the Golitsyn Grotto, Blue Bay, and Cape Kapchik. The color of the water here is amazing - green, blue. Next there will be a juniper grove with “delicious” air. The trail runs in a circular route; you get off at the champagne winery.

There are several more trails in the mountains in the New World; you can go to Karaul-Oba, Cape Chicken-Kaya, go to Tsarskoe Beach, Asandra Fortress and Veselovskaya Bay. You can't cover everything in one day.

Without leaving the New World you can have a great time - the wine museum, the champagne factory, the Golitsyn trail, Anastasia's spring, the juniper grove.

On vacation in the New World in Crimea, you can go explore the neighboring resorts of the peninsula, And . These villages have many historical places and entertainment, such as water parks, aquariums, and dolphinariums.

Cafes and restaurants in the New World, prices

Eating in the New World is not a problem. There is a small market where you can buy homemade products - fruits, cheeses, pastries, etc. At the pier you can buy freshly caught fish. A car from the state farm arrives every morning - they sell seasonal produce, cheaper than at the market.

There is no nightlife as such in Novy Svet (it’s already quiet at 10 p.m.), but there are plenty of cafes. The average bill in a canteen on vacation in Crimea in the New World in 2019 will be 250-350 rubles.

The home-cooking cafe “Stella” is located in the center of the village. Portions are large and prices are affordable.

Dinner in one of the resort cafes will cost from 600 rubles.

The most worthy restaurant in the New World is Equator. Among the expensive restaurants, I can recommend “Wine&Fish” at the Vintage wine hotel. The restaurant is expensive, but the view is excellent, European service and delicious food.

At the beginning of the street. Chaliapin has a market where you can buy food.

New World is a good place for a family holiday. There are beautiful landscapes, mountains, picturesque beaches, various bays and a gorgeous sea, and, as a result, a good holiday. The New World is the Golitsyn trail, incredible tastings and various excursions. On the one hand, the terrain in the village is not very convenient (the slope is decent), and the prices are higher (because everything is absolutely imported). But, on the other hand, the nature is so picturesque, bays, mountains, junipers and simply deafening cicada concerts. There could possibly be more entertainment, but the beauty of these places already attracts a huge number of tourists to the New World in Crimea 2019.