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“When I come to Perm-36, I have a feeling of memory that needs to be preserved... As soon as the last of us forgets how everything really happened, everything will immediately begin again. Therefore, it is necessary to remember,” Andrei Makarevich said at the International Civil Forum “Pilorama”, which for the sixth time took place on the territory of the museum-camp “Perm-36” - the only memorial complex in Russia to the history of political repression.

The power of man today is obvious. With just a few button presses, he can destroy all life on Earth. However, this power is limited. So far we cannot prevent a drought, a catastrophic flood, a volcanic eruption, an earthquake, a tsunami... Their consequences are always the same: in addition to the death of many people, large tracts of land become unsuitable for further habitation, and this entails migration of peoples . And it is very possible that they will come to another country not with a hand extended for help, but with weapons!

Tuscan Margravine Matilda was born in the 11th century and died in the 12th century. At that time, she was a unique person: powerful and tough, she not only participated in political intrigues, but also carried out full-fledged military operations. She went down in history as an ardent supporter of Pope Gregory VII.

Heaven, as you know, is not very kind to women. In the 1930s, pilots, with rare exceptions, were men. They set world records for speed, altitude, and flight range. But unexpectedly, a young, ambitious American woman burst into this male-dominated profession and managed to break many male records. No wonder in her homeland she was called nothing less than the “queen of speed.”

On March 23, 1989, Captain Joseph Hazelwood walked into a bar in the port city of Valdez, Alaska. It was 4 p.m. and he had a few hours to spare while the oil terminal pumped 200 million liters of crude oil into the tanker. Hazelwood played darts with his assistants and drank vodka. The warm company relaxed in the bar all evening.

Swastika (Sanskrit) - a cross with ends bent at right angles (less often, an arc). Perhaps an ancient symbol of fertility, the sun, crossed lightning bolts, Thor's hammer and the like. As an ornamental motif, it is found in the art of ancient cultures, as well as in ancient, European medieval and folk art. In fascist Germany it was used as a state emblem, a distinctive sign of the Nazi party, and became a symbol of barbarity and violence. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. 2000

While brushwood was being piled up in Rome for Giordano Bruno's fire, in Naples the inquisitors threw another rebellious monk into prison. It was Tommaso Campanella. Like Bruno, he was considered not only a philosopher, but also an astrologer and a magician.

There is one very mysterious place in China, which is classified as an anomalous zone, but, personally, I call such places a place of power. I like to look at photographs of such places, I would like to visit them, but if we compare Black Bamboo Hollow or Heizhu or, as it is also called, Death Valley, then our ravines are just a strange place with different manifestations. Everything is serious here, it’s difficult to get here, and even more difficult to get out.

Southwest China, Sichuan province, the eastern slope of Mount Mean, near the city of Chengdu, neighboring settlements are occupied by a small number of Yin people. There are legends and chilling stories about this place, people prefer to avoid Black Bamboo Hollow. Immediately behind the Stone Gate, bamboo thickets begin.

You can hire one of the local residents as a guide either at gunpoint or for a lot of money. The guides stop dead in their tracks before the Shi-men (Stone Gate) pass, which opens the way to a mysterious place.

Of the legends and traditions, to my great regret, I was able to find only one thing, there was only a mention of the forbidden place and the miraculous salvation of the hero Niupi:

The story goes that he once went hunting in Heizhu Hollow with a group of people. Quite quickly, their water supplies were depleted and after three days some of the hunters began to fall into unconsciousness. Niupi, who was at the same disadvantage as his comrades, was visited in a dream by a fairy. She told him: “Don't worry. Your courage will help you find water." When he woke up, he followed the path shown to him by the fairy. However, he discovered only a huge stone. Confused, he drew his longbow and shot three arrows at the stone. Suddenly, three streams of clean spring water miraculously gushed out of the stone.

Meanwhile, the place is truly remarkable, it is one of those few places that are dangerous and are compared to the Bermuda Triangle: people disappear without a trace, animals accidentally wander in, inexplicable accidents occur... Chronology, from what we managed to dig up on this issue , is like this:

  • In 1949, when the Communists were pushing back the Kuomintang army with all their might, a small Kuomintang detachment of about 30 people who had strayed from the main forces entered the ravine. Since then, no one has heard anything about them.
  • Not much later, three scouts of the Chinese People's Army headed from Ganluo City towards Heizhu. Only one came out of the hollow. He said that he fell behind his comrades and tried to catch up with them all the way, but there was already no trace of them. So he reached his destination.
  • 1950 The plane crashed in the valley for an unknown reason: no technical problems were detected and the crew did not report a disaster. Another oddity is the following observation. In the same year, according to statistics, about a hundred people went missing in Black Bamboo Hollow!
  • In June 1955, a platoon of PLA military surveyors working on a hill near Heizhu sent two soldiers into the city to get provisions. Their path passed through a ravine. It's not hard to guess what happened to them. After an extensive search, only two rifles were found. However, there are no traces of either soldiers or their uniforms.
  • 1962 The disappearance of an entire exploration team without a trace. Only the guide managed to escape and told what happened. When the expedition approached the valley, he was delayed a little and fell behind. At some point, thick fog suddenly appeared, limiting visibility to 1 meter. The conductor felt an inexplicable fear and froze in place. A few minutes later the fog cleared, but the group was no longer there... The geologists, their belongings and equipment were never found. The shocked guide talked for a long time about the fog disturbing the sense of time and emitting very strange sounds...
  • In March 1966, six military cartographers were lost at the entrance to the forest. After some time, a local hunter found one of the missing, barely alive, and with difficulty they brought him to his senses. Having regained consciousness, the soldier could not explain what happened to him and his comrades.
  • And in 1976, a whole group of foresters disappeared there. It is difficult to explain how people with experience as harsh explorers and who spent half their lives in the forest could go missing.
  • In 1976, a group of foresters went to the Valley of Death, as it turned out later, to their death. Two of them disappeared without a trace. Those who managed to get out of the forest spoke of suddenly falling fog. The thick veil that covered them was accompanied by sounds unusual for human hearing. Judging by the hands on the clock, the fog lasted about 20 minutes. According to the feeling of every single person, it dissipated after a few seconds. When the number of disappeared exceeded a hundred, any expedition to the Valley of Death began to be equated to a trip to another world. The road goes one way. The most amazing thing is that the remains of lost people and animals were not found. The Valley of Death consumed them irrevocably. It was this circumstance that most confused scientists who were trying to find clues to the Black Bamboo Hollow. Science consistently demonstrated its impotence, and the people generated all sorts of assumptions about what happened to those who disappeared in the Valley of Death. Here are some of the common versions. Sichuan province is home to the largest population of polar bamboo bears on the planet, the panda. Some have concluded that the cause of these incidents is a giant-sized man-eating panda. Others believe that the mysterious fog hides extraterrestrial aliens whose goal is to kidnap people (for some reason, the Chinese). Many mystical theories about the secrets of the Black Bamboo Hollow forced a group of serious scientists from the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China to organize a trip to the Death Valley in order to find out the truth. One after another, well-prepared and equipped expeditions, consisting of various specialists, were sent to a mysterious place.
  • In 1995, two soldiers who went into the ravine disappeared. Some time later, only their weapons were discovered.

The last expedition to the Valley was made by scientists from the Beijing Academy of Sciences. Yang Wyun, the team's leader, said the area was thoroughly examined for a month. No supernatural presence was detected. However, it was possible to establish that the structure of the geological rocks of the territory is extremely diverse and complex. In addition, periodic releases of toxic gases were recorded. Scientists also noted the difficult climate of the area. Vühn believes that all the victims of deadly natural tricks are located under the earth's surface, which sometimes opens up. He believes that the entire set of identified factors explains the mystery of the Valley of Black Bamboo.

However, poisonous gas or fog, which prevents the ability to easily get from point A to point B, cannot in any way explain the disappearance of the bodies of people who fell victims. With poisonous gas, Death Valley should turn out to be a truly dead valley, without birds, without living creatures... like saber-toothed tigers, which, say, would devour their victims and this would explain, well, at least partially, the non-finding of remains... However, a version similar to a saber-toothed tiger really exists:

In 1974, farmer Ran Qianbu, who lived near the ravine, allegedly spotted a two-meter long monkey-like creature with yellowish hair on its body. Perhaps just one of the species of Bigfoot lives there.

BUT, whether you believe in Bigfoot, whether they exist or not, it is unlikely that they could survive the deadly gas, and the fog is also unlikely to be able to dissolve the countless victims of Black Bamboo Hollow. It seems that so far I have not found any mention of the fact that there are new victims of Heizhu, but who knows... either the valley has come to terms with human invasions of its territory, or it has simply fallen into slumber, which means that it may well wake up... more precisely, dormancy always ends with awakening.

Sites that helped me collect more complete information:

and of course, photos from Yandex photos.

The Heiju Valley is located in southern China, and its name can be literally translated as “Black Bamboo Hollow.” This place has gained fame as one of the most mystical and anomalous places in the world, although the amazing beauty of this place never ceases to amaze tourists.

The valley is located at the foot of Mount Maen, there is a Stone Gate, passing through which you find yourself in a deep thicket of bamboo trees. Locals call this place Death Valley because of the inexplicable and frightening events that occur there.

It is believed that this territory is a powerful anomalous zone in which people have been regularly disappearing since ancient times, and it is impossible to find any traces, bodies or things. No guide in his right mind would agree to approach Death Hollow, and local residents tremble with horror at the mere mention of this place.

The Shi-men pass is the extreme place where the territory of dense forest thickets begins, where local residents dare to enter. According to them, it is possible to enter the valley, but rarely does anyone succeed in finding the way back.

For a long period of time, people have been disappearing in the valley without any trace. For example, in 1950, a plane crashed in a ravine, although before that the crew had not reported any operational problems, and no distress signals had been received. Later, in 1962, an entire geological group disappeared in the same place. Only the guide will be saved. He will tell you what happened in this mystical place.

The expedition was approaching the valley, and everything was going smoothly, but suddenly the group found itself in a thick white fog. Visibility was almost zero. The conductor froze in place because of a premonition of something terrible that gripped him. The fog disappeared after a few minutes, but the group was no longer in the middle of the forest. Then search and rescue operations were organized, but neither the geologists nor their equipment were found. The frightened guide then told everyone for a long time that the fog was making incomprehensible sounds, and time seemed to slow down. In general, about 100 people disappeared in Black Bamboo Hollow from 1900 to 2000. Just imagine!

In 1966, an entire group of people disappeared again. This time, the victims of the valley were a group of military cartographers who were correcting the relief maps of that ill-fated area.

In 1976, a group of forest rangers disappear. Although it’s hard to believe, how could people who spent most of their lives in the forest and had considerable life experience get lost? After this, any exploration of the area temporarily ceased, as did the mass disappearances, but locals say Black Bamboo Hollow continues to take both pets and lonely, curious tourists.

In 1997, an expedition of scientists from the People's Republic of China went to the Heiju Valley to reveal its secret. They were unable to detect the deadly fog, but the instruments detected an unusually strong magnetic field in this area. The valley also has a surprisingly complex climate; natural conditions can change literally in a matter of minutes. Or maybe the missing group of foresters became a victim of the vagaries of nature? Perhaps... But scientists were unable to establish why people were disappearing here.

But, despite its notoriety, this place continues to attract travelers not only from all over China, but also from all over the world. Fans of extreme sports and thrills come to Mount Maen to tickle their nerves and plunge into an atmosphere of mystery and fear.

Scientists tried to find an explanation for these mysterious disappearances: some said that the fog is actually vapors emitted by special poisonous plants, others about portals to other universes and worlds hidden in the thicket of the forest. But none of these versions have yet been confirmed. And the mystery of the valley of black bamboo remains unsolved to this day.

There are many mysterious zones on Earth where amazing phenomena and strange incidents are observed that cannot be explained satisfactorily scientifically. They enjoy an unkind, even sinister reputation among local residents. They are usually located in hard-to-reach places: among high mountains, impassable wilds and swamps, in the heart of the desert, etc.

But all these anomalous zones are united by a characteristic feature: they are located near the power nodes of the planet’s energy field. Such places include Heizhu(translated from Chinese - Black Bamboo Valley).

One way road

This mountain valley is located in Southwestern China, in the Sichuan province. The Yin people, whose settlements are located nearby, have told many chilling stories about this place. Local residents prefer to avoid the valley.

There are brave souls who take curious travelers to the Shimen pass (which means “Stone Gate”), immediately beyond which thickets of bamboo begin. But not a step outside the gate, not for any promises. Because entering the Valley of Black Bamboo is much easier than leaving it. Both people and animals disappear there without a trace.

For example, in 1949, when the civil war was going on in China, a small Kuomintang detachment, about thirty people, who had strayed from the main forces, wandered into this anomalous zone, escaping persecution by the communists. Nobody saw them again.

Following in the footsteps of this ill-fated detachment were three scouts of the Chinese People's Army. Only one of them came out of the valley, in a deranged state. Later, when he was brought to his senses a little, the fighter said that he somehow fell behind his comrades, tried to catch up with them all the way, but did not find a trace. He could not remember what happened to him in this damned place.

In 1950, about a hundred people went missing in the Black Bamboo Valley. In addition, for completely unknown reasons, a plane crashed here, although no technical problems were identified and the crew did not report a disaster.

In June 1955, a detachment of military topographers worked near Heizhu. Two soldiers were sent to the city for provisions. Their path passed through the valley. They also disappeared without a trace. The military combed the entire area, but found only two rifles that belonged to the missing soldiers.

In 1962, the Black Bamboo Valley swallowed up an entire exploration party. Only the guide returned to the people. He said that when the expedition entered the Stone Gate, he was delayed a little and fell behind. And then suddenly a wall of thick fog stood in front of him; nothing was visible at arm's length.

This fog was very unusual: the guide who found himself in it lost all sense of time; Some strange sounds were heard, causing irresistible fear. He froze and could not move until the fog cleared. But the expedition failed miserably. Neither the geologists nor their belongings and equipment were found.

In March 1966, six military topographers got lost at the entrance to the bamboo thickets. Some time later, a local hunter found one of the missing, barely alive; it was with difficulty that he was brought to his senses. Having regained consciousness, the soldier could not explain what happened to him and his comrades.

In 1976, a group of foresters went to the valley - people who had spent most of their lives in the forest and knew how to navigate the area perfectly. However, two of them disappeared without a trace. Those who managed to get out of the forest spoke, again, about the suddenly descending fog.

The thick veil that covered them was accompanied by sounds unusual to human hearing. Judging by the hands on the clock, the fog lasted about 20 minutes. According to the feeling of every single person, it dissipated after a few seconds.

When the number of disappeared exceeded several hundred, any expedition to the Valley of Black Bamboo began to be equated to a trip to another world. The road goes one way. The most amazing thing is that the remains of lost people and animals were not found. The valley swallowed them up forever.

Three arrows of Niupi

And yet, one of the legends tells about a hero who miraculously escaped from an enchanted place. One day Niupi went hunting in Heizhu with a group of his fellow tribesmen.

Quite quickly, their water supplies were depleted, and after three days some of the hunters began to fall into unconsciousness. Niupi, who was at the same disadvantage as his comrades, was visited in a dream by a fairy.

She told him: “Don't worry. Your courage will help you find water." When he woke up, he followed the path shown to him by the fairy. However, he discovered only a huge stone. Surprised, he drew his longbow and shot three arrows at the stone. Suddenly, three streams of clean spring water miraculously gushed out of the stone.

Having quenched their thirst, the hunters returned home with rich booty.

No supernatural detected

In the end, the authorities became very concerned about such a massive disappearance of their citizens. In addition, the most fantastic hypotheses about the causes of all these incidents were born among the people. For example, there were rumors about a giant man-eating panda settling in the valley.

And in 1974, farmer Ran Qianbu, living near Heizhu, allegedly spotted a two-meter monkey-like creature with yellowish hair on its body. Is it really Bigfoot? Many have suggested that the mysterious fog hides extraterrestrial aliens whose goal is to kidnap people.

To dispel all these mystical theories and reassure the population, the Chinese Academy of Sciences sent several well-prepared and equipped expeditions to the anomalous zone. And although the magic of the valley turned out to be powerless before science and none of the researchers perished in its wilds, the secrets of Heizhu remained unsolved.

The most thorough study of the area was carried out in October 1997 by an expedition led by Yang Wyun. Nothing supernatural was discovered. Scientists explained the incidents in the Valley of Black Bamboo by a combination of natural factors. They found that the structure of the geological rocks of the territory is extremely diverse and complex.

Periodic releases of toxic gases, which are a product of the decomposition of certain tree species, were also recorded. Scientists also noted the complex climate of the area with dramatically changing natural conditions.

In addition, in his report on the results of the expedition, Yang Wyun suggested that all the victims of deadly natural tricks are located under the earth's surface, which sometimes opens up. He believes that the entire set of identified factors explains the mystery of Heizhu.

The scientists' explanations can hardly be considered convincing. Let's say visitors to the valley become victims of poisonous gases. But then where are their remains? In the event of a gas attack, the entire Heizhu would be littered with the corpses of animals and birds living here. Or have they developed immunity to toxic fumes over many generations?

Let us also assume that the bowels of the earth really open up and swallow up unwary travelers. But then sections of the forest would collapse along with them, and bald spots would appear on the surface. But nothing like this is observed in the valley. All that remains is to recognize the intrigues of the aliens.

Magnetic field barrier

But there is another hypothesis about the cause of the anomalies in the Valley of Black Bamboo. Heizhu is the threshold of the Valley of the Pyramids, the very existence of which is hidden by both the Chinese authorities and the space agencies of the leading powers of the world. According to the official version, these structures are the tombs of Chinese emperors.

However, ancient records say that the pyramids were built more than 5 thousand years ago by “the sons of heaven, who roared down to Earth on iron dragons.”

An undoubted connection has been established between the Chinese pyramids and the Egyptian and Central American ones. Probably, these structures, built in time immemorial by a highly developed space civilization, were stations located at the power nodes of the Earth’s energy field.

Perhaps there were special devices inside the pyramids that allowed communication not only between different points of our planet, but also with other worlds and dimensions.

A very strong magnetic field was recently discovered in the Black Bamboo Valley. A similar field exists in another Chinese “valley of death,” located in the Changbai Mountains of Jilin Province, where people also mysteriously disappear and planes crash. In this place, the compass needle begins to go crazy, and people fall into a strange state, losing memory and orientation in space and time.

Is this mysterious barrier of a strong magnetic field a protection against outsiders, so that they do not find their way into the Valley of the Pyramids? Perhaps this place still belongs to another highly developed civilization, which still manages earthly affairs?

It does not allow us to understand and decipher the complex energy network created millions of years ago, which probably operates on a cosmic scale even now. We are not yet ready for this, both technically and, above all, morally.


In southwest China, in Sichuan province, on the eastern slope of Mount Mean, lies the Heizhu Valley ( Black Bamboo Valley). For centuries, local residents seemed to erase it from their lives. For them, the valley seemed not to exist. If anyone tried to ask about it, the peasants answered briefly: “We don’t go there.” And they also persistently advised everyone who was curious not to go there. (website)

Scary legends about the Heizhu Valley

Representatives of the small Yin people live in the villages scattered on the slopes of the mountain. Here the guest will be warmly received, and after a cup of tea they will tell a dozen chilling stories about the mysterious valley lying beyond the Stone Gate pass.

Many people went there and only a few lucky ones returned back. In the valley, the compass needle “goes crazy”, and even experienced ginseng hunters who know the forest like the back of their hand wander as if enchanted in one place and cannot find a way out. People and animals disappear there without a trace. If the guest wants, he will be escorted to the pass, but then let him go alone.

Of course, there are many exaggerations in these stories. The same peasants visited the valley several times, and most returned home alive and healthy. And yet, cases of mysterious disappearances in the valley did occur. And there were too many of them to consider all these stories just horror stories.

Chronicle of strange disappearances

1949 There is a civil war in China. A detachment of Kuomintang members, escaping from the communists who were pursuing them, decided to hide in the Heizhu Valley. They heard about the valley's bad reputation, but they had no choice; no prisoners were taken in that civil war. 30 soldiers went beyond the pass. Nobody saw them again.

Following on their heels, a detachment of the Chinese People's Army did not follow, set up a camp at the pass and sent three scouts into the valley. A few days later one returned. Frightened, he said that there were no Kuomintang troops in the valley, and his comrades also mysteriously disappeared, literally dissolved before his eyes. The fighter categorically refused to go to the valley again as part of a new detachment, even under the threat of execution.

In the early 50s, China began to develop its vast expanses. Geologists, topographers, and surveyors appeared in the area of ​​Mount Mean. More people began to come to the valley, and naturally the number of disappearances increased.

1950 That year the Valley saw a bountiful harvest - 98 people disappeared. In the same 1950, a plane disappeared in the area of ​​Mount Mean. His search team found the wreckage, naturally, in the Valley of Black Bamboo. The aviation technicians who were part of the party examined the crashed aircraft and were unable to establish the cause of the accident. The plane was absolutely fine. The “black box” brought in did not help in solving the mystery: until the accident, all systems worked normally, the pilots joked and did not express any concern.

1955 A party of military topographers worked in the Heizhu area. Two soldiers were sent for provisions. They decided to shorten the road and went through the valley. It was the wrong decision. They entered the valley, but did not leave. They searched for them, but found only the rifles of the missing soldiers.

1962 An entire geological exploration party disappeared in the valley. The conductor returned alive. According to his story, as soon as they passed the pass, a thick dense fog descended on the valley. Having stretched out his hand, he could no longer see his fingers. The guide sat down on the ground and decided not to go anywhere, to wait until the fog cleared, no matter how much time passed. When the sun began to break through the fog again, he began to look for geologists, but found none. The sent rescue party also found neither the geologists nor their belongings or equipment.

1966 A party of topographers of 6 people went to the valley and did not return. They found one, but there was no use from him: the poor fellow was clearly damaged in his mind.

In 1976, a party of foresters went into the ravine. The group returned, having lost two people. Those who returned again spoke of the thick fog that had swallowed up their comrades.

Science versus superstition

Little by little, the number of black bamboo began to number in the hundreds. A variety of rumors circulated among local residents. In the villages they whispered about a giant man-eating panda living in the valley; someone saw a two-meter monkey (Bigfoot?) in the valley. The most “educated” assured that the fog was the work of aliens, abducting people in the valley for study.

To calm the population (and at the same time deal with these disappearances), the Chinese Academy of Sciences sent several expeditions to the valley. And although not a single one disappeared, everyone returned alive and well, they did not bring a solution to the mystery.

Yan Yun Expedition 1997

The largest and most prepared expedition was the 1997 expedition led by Yan Yun. For a month, scientists studied the valley, walking along and across it. Scientists did not find anything supernatural. However, the valley turned out to be a truly anomalous zone.

The structure of the geological rocks of the valley turned out to be complex and diverse, and very unstable. Scientists did not deny the possibility of short-term ruptures of the earth. (The earth opened up under the feet of the unfortunate earth... Am - and it’s gone!) Powerful emissions of toxic gases from the ground (products of the decomposition of certain tree species) were recorded.

And yet this does not explain the numerous disappearances of people.

Would you like a tourist tour to the Zone?

While scientists are looking for clues to the Valley, local businessmen are making money from the mystery. Tour companies offer those who like to tickle their nerves to take a trip to the Chinese Zone, try to meet aliens in the Heizhu Valley or find a portal to a parallel world. If you wish, you can go there too.

But remember: not everyone who goes to the Valley comes back.