Caucasian Mineral Waters is a famous Russian brand that many generations trust with their health. Our fathers and mothers walked through the resort parks of the KMV; there will probably be an old and funny photograph from Pyatigorsk in my grandmother’s album. The local resorts have preserved an amazing combination of natural beauty and exquisite architecture, the very subtle essence of the Caucasus, which enchanted Lermontov, without tiring of developing and adapting to the demands of the time. There is everything here - from a conveniently located airport to cozy hotels and modern cinemas. And the resort conglomerate’s hospitals not only have not gone out of fashion, but also continue to enjoy wild popularity (look at the prices!) and improve their ability to relieve guests from all over Russia from hundreds of ailments. Welcome to KavMinVody!

Resorts KavMinVod

The resort towns of the KMS are close neighbors, but different in essence. The first to greet guests is Zheleznovodsk. Sometimes it seems that there are more tourists in this small town than locals. Stretching along the only main street, it is clearly divided into resort and residential parts. In the resort, on the side of the Beshtau station, there are famous health resorts, Resort Park and attractions. Residential is no different from ordinary Russian panel-brick cities. It’s worth going here to the market and supermarkets; prices there are lower than in stores near sanatoriums.

The KMV health resorts have at their disposal more than 100 mineral springs and large reserves of healing mud extracted from the Tambukan and Lysogorsk lakes.

Important non-man-made attractions are the immature volcano of Iron Mountain, the Permafrost Grotto of Mount Razvalka, Koltso-Mountain near Kislovodsk, Goryachaya Mountain and Mashuk.


The diversity of the relief creates noticeable differences in the climate of the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. In Pyatigorsk, summers are warm, winters are moderately mild (a third of winter days include rain, thaws, and fogs) and there are 98 clear days a year. Kislovodsk is famous as a winter climatic resort, the winter there is clear and dry, and the number of sunny days per year is 150. The resort also stands out for its constant atmospheric pressure, which has a beneficial effect on the healing process. The climate of Zheleznovodsk corresponds to the mountain-forest and moderately dry climate of the middle mountains of the Alps. There are 117 clear days a year here. Essentuki is distinguished by contrast - summer is hot and dry, winter is frosty and rainy, the number of clear days a year is 112.

In the south of the Stavropol Territory, in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Range, there is an amazing place - Caucasian Mineral Waters. This resort area is located at the junction of the Mineralovodsk inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Caucasus Range, exactly in the middle between the Caspian and Black Seas. On one side, the region is surrounded by snowy peaks, and on the other side by the arid Caspian steppes. All this creates a very valuable healing climate, appreciated by balneologists and vacationers. It is interesting that the French Cote d'Azur and the Spanish Adriatic lie almost at the same latitude as the Kavminvody.

Kavminvods are usually considered to be the agglomeration of the cities of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody. Although geographically the CMS is much larger. Starting from the foot of Elbrus in the south and ending near the city of Mineralnye Vody, the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region covers an area of ​​more than five hundred thousand hectares.

Taking this into account, the KMS region can be classified as mid-mountain, because the maximum height above sea level reaches 2592 meters (Bermamyt plateau).

The CMS can be conditionally divided into two climatic zones: southern and northern. The first will include Kislovodsk - there are more sunny days and there are almost no strong winds. This is a climate with pronounced features of a continental lowland. Kislovodsk is located in a natural basin, surrounded on all sides by mountains that block clouds. Thanks to this, the sun shines 300 days a year in Kislovodsk. This is one of the sunniest cities in the world.

Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk can be classified as the northern part of the KMS, it is also very sunny and warm here, but the humidity and precipitation are higher. Although, quite often you can see how it rains in one of the resort cities, while in other cities it is clear and sunny. The weather can change several times a day. This happens very quickly. There is even a saying among people: “North Caucasus - keep your gloves in reserve.”

Winters in Caucasian Mineral Waters are warm; snow rarely lasts longer than ten days. Snow in winter is less common than rain. In autumn, the weather is often warm until the end of November. The proximity of the Greater Caucasus Range and a large number of green spaces soften the summer heat. Spring is usually early: in April-May, many residents and vacationers already begin to swim in rivers and lakes.

History of the resort

The first relatively accurate information about the mineral waters of the Caucasus appears in 1717, when Peter I gave the task to his physician, Doctor Schober, to find and study hot waters near the first Russian fortress of Terki, later called Bragunsky. In his report, Schober described springs in the lands of the Pyatigorsk Circassians, as Kabardians were previously called in Rus'. From that moment on, the study of the medicinal properties of Kavminvodsky mineral springs begins. Unfortunately, after the death of Peter I, all initiatives to develop KMS resorts were stopped.

In 1780, the Konstantinogorsk fortress was founded at the foot of Mount Mashuk. The soldiers were the first to notice the healing properties of the hot springs of the future Pyatigorsk. The Academy of Sciences sends Doctor of Medicine Peter Simon Pallas to study mineral springs. He spent a year studying the healing properties of the waters. In addition to the Pyatigorsk springs, Pallas also explored Narzan in Kislovodsk. They noted that water bursts out of the ground with great force and is capable of lifting a person bathing in it.

After the report of P. S. Pallas, the CMS region gained fame. People come here for treatment from the most remote corners of Russia.

In 1803, Alexander I, with his rescript, assigned resort status to Caucasian Mineral Waters. Funds are allocated for the arrangement and development of the resort. Despite government support, the resort is developing poorly. The hospitals are in disrepair. The aristocracy prefers to travel to foreign resorts. Thus, according to data for 1860, Russians spent about 160 million rubles at foreign resorts.

In order to rectify the situation, in 1861 the Caucasian Mineral Waters were leased to the entrepreneur Novoselsky, and then to A. M. Baykov. This did not give the desired results, and two years later the resort returned to government control.

Resort development

In the sixties of the 19th century, research scientists Smirnov and Batalin carried out serious work to study the balneological features of the Caucasian resorts and mineral springs. A Geological Committee is being created, which conducts a comprehensive study of the subsoil. The year 1893 was marked by the opening of a railway line that connected all the resort towns with the Vladikavkaz line. As a result, the resort is rapidly gaining popularity. By 1914, the number of vacationers increased more than 45 times. This year, more than 100,000 people visited Caucasian Mineral Waters.

In 1919, Kavminvodsk resorts received a safe conduct and the status of “socially significant”. The decree signed by V.I. Lenin saves the infrastructure from looting.

In 1920, the Balneological Institute was created in Pyatigorsk, which exists to this day. The Institute studies balneological factors in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

During the Second World War, all sanatoriums and boarding houses of the resort accepted the wounded.

Resort today

Today, there are about one hundred sanatoriums in the region, which are visited by more than seven hundred thousand people per year.

You can come to relax at any time of the year, but if you plan to come in the summer, it is better to think about purchasing vouchers in advance. They say that in Soviet times in the summer in the cities of Kavminvod the number of people in the cities tripled due to vacationers. Of course, this popularity is explained not only by medicinal factors. Narzan alone won't satisfy you. The region has a large number of cafes for every taste and color. Probably, only here you can taste the dishes of a wide variety of peoples: Russian, Kabardian, Jewish, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Ossetian, Karachay, Armenian, Chinese, Japanese and even Vietnamese cuisine - choose, compare, evaluate. I'm sure you'll find something to suit your taste in each one. And also, try not to get confused in the various methods of preparing barbecue and remember the main differences. After all, if you forget, you will have to repeat the entire course again, and one voucher may not have enough time.

If you are tired of culinary delights, then know: in Kavminvody there is where to get spiritual food. Every city has a theater. In Pyatigorsk this is the Stavropol State Regional Operetta Theater (previously it was called the Musical Comedy Theater). In Essentuki this is the Concert Hall named after F.I. Chaliapin. In Kislovodsk, I recommend visiting the Philharmonic. This is one of the oldest concert institutions in Russia. In Pyatigorsk park named after. In addition to the attractions, Kirov also has a concert venue “Tuning Fork”. And there are so many 3D cinemas that there is no point in listing them here.

In any of the KMS resort towns, you will find numerous bowling alleys and billiard rooms, as well as nightclubs with discos until the morning.

In addition to the attractions on the CMS, vacationers are offered more than a hundred different excursions, both one-day and designed for several days. The excursion routes are very diverse: here you will find Honey Falls, Arkhyz, the ancient city of Magas (where the oldest Christian churches in Russia are located), trout farming and alpine skiing, a permafrost cave or the Deuteroathon Monastery. It’s impossible to count everything. It is very difficult to choose excursions on the spot. Therefore, it is best to first read about them in advance, look at reviews, photos and make your choice.

Every self-respecting Kavminvodsk resort town has its own park, at least one lake and picturesque healing paths.

Terrenkur: from the French terrain - terrain and German Kur - treatment, a method of sanatorium-resort treatment that involves dosed exercise in the form of walking.

These places are imbued not only with real history, but also with literary history. Bronze Kisa Vorobyaninov is still begging near Gukasov's coffee shop, which is opposite the Lermontov Gallery, and his partner Ostap-Suleiman-Bertha-Maria-Bender-Bey still sells tickets near that same Proval.

Photos of KMV

There are 17 unique laccolith mountains in Kavminvody 1, each mountain has its own legend and special charm. You definitely need to visit at least one of them. If you are unable to climb on foot, then there is a cable car to the Air Temple (Kislovodsk) and to the top of Mashuk (Pyatigorsk). The Pyatigorsk ski lift is considered the fastest in Europe. In clear weather, panoramas of the Greater Caucasus Range open up from there, which you will never forget. They say that it is worth coming to the Caucasian Mineral Waters just for the views that open from there. Or you can take off from the ground on a paraglider and enjoy the panorama and the feeling of free flight.

You will definitely like it here. Having arrived in the summer, you will definitely want to return: admire the mountains in autumn colors or wander through the snow-covered parks. Here, at any time of the year, you can improve your health and find something to do to your liking.

1 Mountain laccolith- can be considered as a “failed volcano”, because the magma was unable to escape and only lifted the upper layer of sedimentary rocks, solidifying underneath it in the form of a dome or hemisphere, often mushroom-shaped. (Geographical Encyclopedia).

Beautiful video about Caucasian Mineral Waters

In the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation there is a group of resorts united by the common name Caucasian Mineral Waters (abbr. KMV, Kavminvody). Today it is a state-protected resort region, where hundreds of thousands of people not only from Russia, but also from countries near and far abroad come annually for recreation and treatment. This region includes cities such as Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Lermontov, Zheleznovodsk, Mineralnye Vody and Georgievsk - here you will find many attractions.

The Family Suitcase company organizes trips on comfortable buses.

Geographical features of the region and the history of the development of settlements

Russian poets and writers loved places in the CMV region, the most famous of whom is M. Yu. Lermontov, the heroes of whose works often live in these places. In addition to mineral waters, there are many sources of medicinal mud, so it is not surprising why today the KMS is well known as a balneological resort. The climate of this area is very favorable, and all tourists who come here in the spring and summer celebrate bright and warm salty days.

Features of the cities that are part of the Caucasian Mineral Waters

Surely many tourists and travelers who want to visit these places would like to know about the features of these cities. Despite the fact that they are all united into one region, each of the resort cities has its own characteristics due to its location. Since the late 90s of the last century, this region began to be actively financed, thanks to which the quality of roads improved, new resort and sanatorium complexes began to be built, and the territory of the cities was significantly improved. So today, when you come to KMS for treatment and recreation, you can count on a great time, and at very reasonable prices.

To appreciate all the attractions of the region, as well as find out where and how you can relax, you should make an overview of the most interesting and attractive cities included in the general resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters.

This is the most famous city in the Stavropol Territory, from which the history of the region as a balneological resort begins. It was in Pyatigorsk in 1863 that the first balneological society was founded, which included famous scientists and doctors of that time. In the city area there are about 40 healing springs with mineral water, which differs in chemical composition and richness of mineral components. Most of them are concentrated in the area of ​​Mount Mashuk. Due to this, the city of Pyatigorsk received the status of a natural museum of mineral waters.

How to get to Pyatigorsk?

The city does not have its own airport, and the nearest airport is in Mineralnye Vody, which is 25 km away. For this reason, everyone who travels by air takes a ticket to Mineralnye Vody, after which they travel to Pyatigorsk by minibus No. 11, the ticket price of which is only 15 rubles. It should be noted that there is a train between both cities, which can take you to your destination in just 45-50 minutes.

Bus No. 223 also runs from the station square of Mineralnye Vody to Pyatigorsk, the price of which is 45 rubles. The most expensive way to get there is by taxi, the price of which is 700 rubles or more. You can travel from Moscow to Pyatigorsk by the Moscow-Kislovodsk train, which departs daily from the Kazan railway station. The price of a compartment ticket is about 4 thousand rubles. You can also go by bus, which will be cheaper (2 thousand rubles), but the travel time will be 25 hours.

Main attractions of Pyatigorsk

The city is very green, as there are a large number of trees, shrubs and flower beds. The most important place for city residents to walk is the Tsvetnik Central Park, which is over 200 years old.

You should definitely visit the Lermontov Gallery, where the State Philharmonic is currently located. A very striking architectural monument is the open-air museum - the Pyatigorsk necropolis, where many prominent figures who lived and worked in this city are buried.

To enjoy the amazing panorama of the Caucasus Range, you should definitely climb Mount Mushuk, and this can be done by cable car. During the trip, tourists have an excellent opportunity to admire the beautiful scenery.

Cafes, restaurants, hotels

There are a large number of public catering outlets - restaurants and cafes, where you can try local delicacies and dishes of Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaijani and Russian cuisine. Tourists are especially pleased with the polite staff and cleanliness of the restaurants, not to mention the reasonable prices, since the average check is about 300 rubles.

A calmer city in terms of lack of pretentiousness, which is the closest neighbor - Pyatigorsk, the distance to which is only 3 km. Apparently, after just 15-20 years, both resorts will merge into one and create a single conglomerate. There are much fewer tourists here than in other cities of the KMS, so it is more suitable for a calm and measured holiday. It is worth noting that it is in this city that the most mineral waters are located, which differ in composition and taste, and therefore Essentuki is called the “Pearl of the Caucasus”.

How to get to Essentuki?

The nearest airport is located in Mineralnye Vody, which is 35 km away, but both cities are connected by bus and minibus, so there are no problems getting to your hotel. Every day, trains depart from Moscow from the Kursky and Kazansky stations to Kislovodsk, which pass by Essentuki. Ticket prices range from 2.2 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the type (reserved seat, compartment, SV).

For those who prefer to travel by bus, you should know that the Moscow-Essentuki bus departs daily to Essentuki from the South Gate bus station, and the ticket price is 2 thousand rubles. If you travel by private car, choose the Don or Elista highway, the length of which is approximately the same.

How can you relax in Essentuki?

Given the presence of numerous springs with mineral water, many balneological resort sanatoriums have been built in Essentuki, where people come for relaxation and treatment from all over Russia. Anyone can buy and try mineral water, and this can be done at special bottling points. By the way, in Essentuki there is a Big Lake where swimming is allowed, so everyone can sunbathe and take water treatments in the summer. Essentuki water treats a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system and skin rashes.

Among the attractions of Essentuki are:

  • Nikolaev baths
  • Shopping gallery
  • Oreanda observation gazebo
  • Weeping grottoes - springs with mineral water
  • Drinking gallery "Pentatesyachnik"

Many tourists who have visited and drank the water in Essentuki, after rest, can unmistakably distinguish the water of “Essentuki-4” from “Essentuki-17”, and “Essentuki-2” from “Essentuki-20”.

Cafes, restaurants and hotels

Prices in Essentuki restaurants are moderate, so you can have lunch and a delicious meal for only 250-300 rubles. Those with a sweet tooth can be advised to visit the famous Nefertiti confectionery-cafe, where they will offer not only delicious coffee, but also a variety of confectionery products. If we talk about hotels and inns, there are not too many of them, but those that are available are quite enough to accommodate visiting guests.

The city is distinguished by the fact that it is the smallest of all that are included in the CMS, but is often mentioned in the works of Russian writers and poets. The city is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, so it is surrounded by interesting relict forests, many species of trees of which are listed in the Red Book. A unique mountain-forest microclimate, beautiful picturesque views of the surrounding area, and the presence of mineral water springs are what attract tourists to this city.

Zheleznovodsk is one of the most famous and popular cities in the Stavropol Territory, where people come not only for recreation, but also for balneological treatment. This place is also called “tiny Switzerland” because, in terms of climatic and natural conditions, Zheleznogorsk is really very close to the Alpine resort area. The air in the vicinity of the city is saturated with beneficial ions and oxygen, so those who suffer from respiratory diseases are recommended to come here.

How to get to Zheleznogorsk?

There are no direct bus services to the city, but this does not prevent you from getting to your destination with a transfer in Mineralnye Vody, from which you can get to Zheleznogorsk by minibus No. 107. Ticket price - 50 rubles. If you come from Pyatigorsk, you should take minibus No. 134, where the price is 40 rubles. If you travel by car from Moscow, first choose the Don highway. When you reach the village of Pavlovskaya, you should turn onto the Caucasus highway.

Hotels and resorts

Considering that Zheleznogorsk is a small city, there are only about 10 hotels that offer their services to tourists and guests. The most famous is the German House hotel, where you can rent apartments in the range from 2.5 to 8 thousand rubles/day. However, in addition to this, there is a private market, where you can rent an apartment for just 1.2 thousand rubles per day. But there are many more sanatoriums here, but you can only get into them with a voucher. If a person does not have chronic or other serious diseases, getting into a sanatorium will be problematic.

The main advantage of the resort town of Kislovodsk is, of course, Narzan - water with a specific taste, containing a large volume of sulfate-hydrocarbonate elements. The city was founded at the beginning of the 19th century by soldiers under the command of General A.P. Ermolov, who ordered the construction of a resort park here. For several decades, the park remained the largest in all of Europe. Today Kislovok is a well-maintained resort town that delights guests with its beautiful streets and small, neat and well-kept houses.

You can not only drink Narzans, but also take baths from them, since water has a positive effect on the human body, treats numerous skin diseases, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system. Some of the most famous places worth visiting in Kislovodsk include the following:

  • Resort Park
  • Theater and Concert Hall named after. V. Safonova
  • Literary and Musical Museum
  • Chaliapin's dacha

Vacationers often come here to take part in health walking – health paths. The purest mountain air and abundance of greenery allow you to easily cover many kilometers.

The largest city that is part of the CMS, that is why a sightseeing tour of the entire region usually begins with it. There is a Central Railway Station, where trains from major Russian cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, arrive daily. There is also an airport that receives dozens of planes every day, so we can confidently call the city of Mineralnye Vody the main transport artery of the CMS.

Today it is one of the most visited resort towns in the entire Stavropol Territory, although it should be noted that there is not a single natural spring with mineral water on the territory of the city. On the station square, tourists are greeted by a large sculpture of an eagle cast from real bronze. This is a symbol of victory over diseases, since the city has many sanatoriums and clinical centers that accept people for spa treatment. You should definitely take a photo with the eagle in the background, as the pictures are very impressive.

Sights of Mineralnye Vody

While walking around Mineralnye Vody, it is worth visiting the memorial complex dedicated to the defenders of the fatherland, which looks very impressive. It will also be interesting to see the Tersky Stud Farm, founded in 1880 by Count S. A. Stroganov, where you can not only admire the noble animals, but also ride horses.

The “Old Steam Locomotive” monument is also unusual, against which anyone who wants to photograph themselves in the most interesting places of the city can also take a photo. Other attractions include the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Music College named after. V.I. Safonov and St. Nicholas Church.

Hotels and restaurants

Taking into account the fact that Mineralnye Vody is a large city, there are several dozen hotels and guest houses located here. Among the largest hotels, we should highlight the Imperial, ArtHall, Hermes, Olympus and Europe. Despite the fact that room prices here start at 3 thousand rubles, the level and quality of service is always at its best. These same hotels have their own restaurants, where you can try delicious dishes not only of Russian, but also of Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani cuisine.

Excursion tours along the CMS

In 2018 it will be possible to sign up for a trip to these places. The route is being developed.


Concluding the review of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, it should be noted that, if desired, every tourist can easily take a sightseeing tour visiting all of the above cities. The only thing is that for this it is best to book a sightseeing bus, especially since the places here are very beautiful and passengers will enjoy admiring the beautiful panoramic views.

As some of the most worthy and great Russian writers and poets would say: “Whoever did not breathe the Caucasian mountain air did not live...”.

In this article we will talk about Caucasian Mineral Waters. What is good about this resort in the Caucasus and what is unique about Min. waters

The Caucasus is not just mountains, gorgeous nature, springs, springs, eagles over the gorges, vipers on mountain roads between the placers of rhododendrons, the Caucasus is a special spirit, a special culture, this cannot be found anywhere else, harsh, wild, proud, very beautiful, in some places a virgin region.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a group of resorts of federal significance in the Stavropol Territory, a specially protected ecological resort region of the Russian Federation.

South of the European part of Russia. The resort includes cities and territories:

“The Caucasian Mineral Waters agglomeration region, with an area of ​​more than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. km), is located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the mountain sanitary protection district:

in the Stavropol Territory - the cities and resort towns of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody (including the resort of Kumagorsk and the resort area of ​​Naguta), Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, as well as the actual districts of Georgievsky, Mineralovodsky and Predgorny, - 58% of the total area of ​​the region;

in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district, - 9% (therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan, Narzanov Valley and others);

in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky districts, - 33% of the territory (zone of formation of mineral springs)."

The location of the resort is, to put it mildly, gorgeous:

“The Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory and is located on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, just a couple of tens of kilometers from Elbrus. The earth seems different here, the sky seems different to others.

From afar, motionless white clouds are visible, which, when approaching, turn out to be the snowy peaks of the Caucasus Mountains. The southern borders of the region are the foothills of Elbrus, the valley of the Khasaut and Malki rivers; in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakona and Podkumka rivers; The northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, beyond which the steppe expanses of Ciscaucasia begin.”

Very close to the Stavropol Territory are the famous resorts of the Krasnodar Territory and Sochi:

“In the west and southwest, the Stavropol Territory borders on the Krasnodar Territory, in the northwest on the Rostov Region, in the north and northeast on Kalmykia, on the east on Dagestan, on the southeast on the Chechen Republic, on the south on North Ossetia. Alania, Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian republics."

About the Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts in the video:

There are many sources of mineral waters in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, because the difficult region is named just that. The name of the main city, Essentuki, appears on bottles of medicinal water, known to everyone for a couple of decades.

And the water actually has medicinal properties, unlike the products that store shelves are filled with.

In addition, there are many springs, waterfalls, salt and mud springs in the region.

The resort has existed since the beginning of the 18th century; more precisely, the first mentions of it date back to this time. All efforts were directed towards developing the region, so in the 20th century the resort became the largest in Russia, and the most healing.

The most famous cities and resorts of Caucasian Mineral Waters:







Kislovodsk the highest mountain resort, it is located at an altitude of 817-1063 m above sea level, the lowest mountain point of Kislovodsk is 750 m above sea level, and the highest is 1409 m (on the Big Saddle in Kislovodsk Park).

“Kislovodsk is located in the south of the Stavropol Territory, practically on the border with Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, 65 km from Mount Elbrus.

The city is located in a small and cozy picturesque valley, surrounded by the slopes of the Main Caucasus Range and formed by the gorges of two merging rivers - Olkhovka and Berezovka, flowing into the Podkumok River. The length of the valley from southeast to northwest is about 7 km.”

The weather is almost always good here:“The climate of the KavMinVod region has long been highly valued by balneologists and has been successfully used as a healing factor. The main advantages of the local climate are associated with the large number of sunny days - in Kislovodsk only 37-40 days a year are without sun.

It is relatively dry here; moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here - they are delayed by the Main Caucasus Ridge.”

« In terms of the number of sunny days, Kislovodsk is not inferior to the best resorts in the world. On average, per year the number of clear days in Kislovodsk is about 150, while in Pyatigorsk - 98, in Zheleznovodsk - 112, and in Essentuki - 117. The number of cloudy days is also small - on average 61 days per year.

The air in Kislovodsk is always clean, mostly dry and invigorating. Kislovodsk stands out among other KavMinVod resorts for its generally quiet weather, without strong winds, and low humidity in winter, which fluctuates during the day from 56 to 70%, which has a beneficial effect on the well-being of resort guests.”

In January it was 18 degrees Celsius, sub-zero temperatures reached 20 degrees, but much more often the temperature at this time of year here is around zero or “slight minus”. The hottest months are July, August; the temperature, depending on the location near or far from mountains and snowy gorges, ranges from 4-5 degrees Celsius to 37 degrees Celsius.

All resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are primarily therapeutic, but Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk - especially. After Sochi, Kislovodsk is the second city in terms of the number of health resorts and sanatoriums.

A third of all medical and preventive institutions in the region are located here. In Kislovodsk there is a source of the famous acidic mineral water - Narzan.

Built on the site of a former fortress, the city is now replete with green spaces and orchards; in terms of population, it is a very small town: 130 thousand people.

Most health resorts in Kislovodsk have a medical profile for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, nervous diseases and respiratory diseases.

In addition to health resorts, mineral springs and other beauties of the city, one of the most striking attractions is the Resort Park, its area is 948 hectares, which is comparable to the huge city parks of Europe and the world.

“The park is located on both sides of the Olkhovka River and contains over 250 species of trees and shrubs, including cedar, fir, birch, pine, spruce, black walnut, Chinese paulownia, cork tree, etc. In the alpine part of the park, more than 800 species of herbaceous plants.

The park contains nurseries for ornamental plants and greenhouses. Over 80 varieties of abundantly blooming roses are planted on the “Rose Square” and in the “Valley of Roses”. Squirrels, trustingly taking food from people’s hands, and various species of birds have acclimatized in the park.

A natural monument is the Red Stones, which appear in several places in the park and are sandstones with a red-brown color and various forms of weathering.”

The park has a route for therapeutic walking - a health path. And in Kislovodsk itself there are several dozen large and popular sanatoriums.

Despite the fact that resorts and cities are located close to each other, the atmosphere in them can be completely different. So, in Zheleznovodsk there is a different air, a slightly different climate - compared to other resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

"Zheleznovodsk - the most dynamically developing resort of Kavminvod. In 2003, it was awarded the title “Best City in Russia” among small cities.

The climate here is mountainous and forest, similar to the climate of the Middle Alps. Long-term meteorological observations made it possible to classify it as mountain-forest, mid-mountain alpine, moderately dry.

The air is saturated with oxygen and forest phytoncides. Moderately hot summers with cool nights, a large number of sunny days with weak refreshing winds, winters are not cold.”

The population of Zheleznovodsk is only about 25 thousand people, but despite the small number of inhabitants, the city is truly a pearl not only among the resorts of the Stavropol Territory, but throughout Russia.

Yes, there are few residents, but many times more guests: for example, the health resorts (about two dozen sanatoriums) of Zheleznovodsk can accommodate up to 80 thousand tourists. The main areas of treatment are diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, and metabolic disorders.

Over 20 mineral water sources and several mud springs.

Pyatigorsk more, so to speak, “amazed by industrialization” than the small and remote cities of Stavropol in terms of the number of citizens. Pyatigorsk has about 145 thousand inhabitants, industry, trade, and science are well developed.

“Within the city limits there is Mount Mashuk (993.7 m, with a 112-meter television relay tower installed on it) and its spurs.

The climate in Pyatigorsk is characterized by mild winters and hot summers. Thanks to a large amount of water resources and a mild climate, the city has picturesque ponds, forest belts and parks.

The resort area, rich in underground mineral water sources, is relatively poor in surface water resources.

The tourist infrastructure of the resort city of Pyatigorsk includes:

More than 30 health resorts and sanatorium-resort institutions. Every year they are visited by over 200 thousand people per year (225-250 thousand people per year in 16 sanatoriums and 7 boarding houses - in the second half - the end of the 80s);

43 travel companies and organizations;

17 hotels;

The city and Pyatigorye have enormous tourism potential and have the right to compete with leading European resorts and balneological health resorts.”

Pyatigorsk has many museums, theaters, historical monuments, libraries, and beautiful places. There are parks and fountains in the city.

“The surrounding mountains are decorated with natural forests in which mighty oaks and snow-white birches, honey-bearing maples and lindens grow, and in the fall dogwoods, hawthorns, rose hips, barberries, and rowan trees turn red with berries.

The fauna is not so diverse due to the proximity of the city, but tourists are always delighted by squirrels, which can be found even in small public gardens in the very center of the city. Swans swim on the pond in Kirov Park in the summer.”

The population is about 105 thousand people, many health resorts, more than 20 mineral springs, the main direction of treatment is “diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and metabolism.”

Essentuki hosts festivals, cultural events, and there are many cultural institutions.

Caucasian Mineral Waters resorts have this name for a reason: the main attraction and main treasure of the region are the springs of mineral waters. And if someone was not here, then everyone drank mineral water.

In 2000, almost 500 thousand people rested and improved their health here.

The “Genius of the Place” program tells about the sights of the Caucasian Mineral Waters:

Caucasian Mineral Waters ranks first in popularity among Russians among Russian resorts:

“The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) analyzed the most popular destinations of domestic tourism in the summer of 2014, the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory (Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse) were in first place in the rating, Crimea was in second, on the third, fourth and fifth lines are Caucasian Mineral Waters, Golden Ring and Karelia respectively, Baikal took sixth position.”

Caucasus. How much of this word! Majestic mountains, healing waters, colorful nature and such friendly people.

Having visited the Caucasus once, you leave a piece of your soul there forever.

My love for the Caucasus began as a light holiday romance, but grew into a real reverent feeling.


Caucasian Mineralnye Vody (or abbreviated as KMV) is the name of an area in the Stavropol Territory, which includes such cities as Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk.


The airport closest to the CMV is located in the city of Mineralnye Vody.

Despite its name, Mineralnye Vody does not have its own mineral water sources, so vacationers do not stay in the city for long.

There are several ways to get to the Resort Cities from the airport. But first you need to take a taxi or minibus No. 10 or No. 11 get to the Mineralnye Vody railway station.

THE CITIES OF ESSENTUKI, PYATIGORSK, KISLOVODSK can be reached by train. This is a very convenient type of transport for the KMV, because... The route runs through large resort towns. There is enough space in the carriages, travel is not expensive, and trains run frequently.

The city of ZHELEZNOVODSK the train passes by. You can get there take the train to Beshtau station and then take a taxi (about 100 rubles) to Zheleznovodsk. Or take the train to Pyatigorsk and then transfer to minibus No. 213.

You can use minibus services.

From the Airport stop, route No. 11 to the Oktyabr Cinema stop (Mineralnye Vody), where you need to change to minibus No. 107 (to the Zheleznovodsk railway station stop)

From the railway station, go to the Dom Torgovli stop, take route No. 133, get to the 11th km stop, where change to minibus No. 107 (to the Zheleznovodsk railway station stop)

From the Airport, get to the Mineralnye Vody railway station (minibuses No. 10,11), take the train to the Pyatigorsk station and then take minibus No. 213 to the Zheleznovodsk railway station.

The most convenient way to get to Zheleznovodsk is by taxi. For example, in the airport building there are reception desks of several taxi companies, which for 200-300 rubles will take you straight to the doors of the sanatorium. In this case, you will be given a business card with an individual number, which will give you a discount on your return trip.


Each city of the Caucasian mineral waters is unique, has its own spirit, atmosphere, climate. Yes, yes, the climate in cities is completely different.

I suggest taking a mini-tour of each of the cities.

************************ZHELEZNOVODSK ******************************** *

A city called Caucasian Switzerland. And this name is completely justified. Zheleznovodsk has a unique nature: mountains surrounded by green trees, the aromas of herbs and flowers are in the air, and birdsong can be heard.

The city is divided into two parts: a residential town and a resort part. The residential town is located on a flatter area and consists of multi-storey buildings and a private sector. There are shops, a city park (though abandoned), a market, and the Western mineral pump room (near the Dubrava sanatorium).

The resort part is located in mountainous and mountainous areas. Some of the sanatoriums are located right on Mount Zheleznaya.

In the Resort part of Zheleznovodsk there are three open sources of mineral water, which are available to every vacationer who wants to drink the water.

Sources Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky and Lermontovsky.

In the Resort part there is a medical park located on the town of Zheleznaya (853 m above sea level) and several health paths (along Mount Zheleznaya, near Mount Razvalka).

Zheleznovodsk, despite the fact that it is the smallest resort town of the KMS, is rich in sanatoriums (of varying comfort and size).

The sanatoriums are multidisciplinary, but the main profile is digestive and gastrointestinal diseases.

Indications for treatment in Zheleznovodsk:

diseases of the digestive system:
Reflux esophagitis. Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, with preserved and increased secretion. Gastroduodenitis. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12-humus intestines in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation. Diseases of the operated stomach (after surgery for gastric and duodenal ulcers). Chronic colitis and enterocolitis. Residual effects of viral hepatitis in the inactive phase. Chronic hepatitis of various etiologies in the inactive phase. Chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis of various etiologies. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder. Gallstone disease without attacks of hepatic colic. Chronic pancreatitis. Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs

Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent), its complications - polyneuropathy and angiopathy. Nutritional obesity

Chronic pyelonephritis during remission, residual effects of acute pyelonephritis (not earlier than 3 months after relief of the acute process). Chronic cystitis (non-tuberculous), trigonitis. Chronic prostatitis (non-tuberculous vesiculitis without stricture and without residual urine). Infertility of the established nest. Chronic oroepididemitis (non-tuberculous). Sexual disorders in men. Urolithiasis without stones requiring surgical treatment.

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages during remission, but not earlier than 2 months after the last exacerbation. Chronic parametritis during the period of remission, no earlier than 6 weeks after the end of the acute process of stabilization of palpable signs of infiltration, without an increase in body temperature, ESR, or leukocyte count. Pelvic peritoxal adhesions. Incorrect position of the uterus. Infantilism (genital). Hypoplasia of the uterus. Ovarian dysfunction as a consequence of an inflammatory process with insufficiency of both phases of the cycle. Infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to the inflammatory process due to depletion of the hormonal function of the ovaries or failure of both phases of the cycle.

Cons of Zheleznovodsk:

Transport distance from other cities of the CMS. The easiest way is to take a minibus to Pyatigorsk, and then to other cities.

It is extremely difficult to take a minibus to Essentuki (it runs rarely, seats are allocated even before the minibus arrives at the stop).

Poor street lighting.

A small number of entertainment places, catering establishments, shops.

Mountain terrain is not for everyone. A lot of uphill, a lot of steps.

In the summer there is a lot of humidity in Zheleznovodsk, which causes a lot of mosquitoes and midges.

The climate in the city is unpredictable. For example, in the spring, after a hot day, snow may fall, and the next morning it will melt and the twenty-degree heat will return.

Zheleznovodsk captivated me with its nature, being there, it seems that you are in the illustration of some good old fairy tale. The resort town is very cozy, but is not suitable for people with mobility problems.

The next city is Pyatigorsk, you can get to it from Zheleznovodsk by minibus No. 113 (to the final stop “Upper Market”, Pyatigorsk).

From the Upper Market it is literally a 7-10 minute leisurely walk along Krainiy Street to the main walking street of Pyatigorsk - Kirov Avenue.

Or at the “Railway Station” stop in Zheleznovodsk you can take minibus No. 213 and get to the Pyatigorsk Railway Station, where in 5 minutes you can be at the end Kirov Avenue.

************************PYATIGORSK******************************** *

The largest city of the Caucasian mineral waters. The resort area is located on the slope of Mount Mashuk, near the Proval, famous thanks to the movie “12 Chairs”.

The waters of Pyatigorsk are quite unique and require getting used to.

There are several types of mineral water: Hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, salt-alkaline waters.

There are 2 drinking galleries and about a dozen pump rooms.

In the Academic Gallery Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide water from well No. 16 is released.

In the Central Drinking Gallery, in its 3 pavilions there is carbonated water of the Krasnoarmeysky new spring, carbonic-hydrogen sulfide water of the Lermontovsky spring No. 2 and mineral water of the Essentuki type of springs No. 17 and 30.

In addition to 2 drinking galleries, the resort has pump rooms:

Lermontovsky– at the sanatorium "Lenin Rocks", which dispenses carbonated water - well No. 19 (hot Narzan) and well No. 35 (Essentuki type No. 4);

pump room of spring No. 7 named after. Pavlova And pump room No. 4- warm narzans;

pump room of spring No. 24– on the territory of the sanatorium "Pyatigorye";

pump room of the Lermontov source No. 2(Park "Flower Garden");

pump room of the spring No. 20 named after Volodkevich And source No. 1(near the sanatorium "Tarkhany");

pump room of spring No. 14 at the Pushkin Baths.

Also at the Pyatigorsk resort they use water type Essentuki No. 17 (wells No. 14, 17, 30), Essentuki No. 4 (well No. 35) and carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide water from well No. 20 (source named after Volodkevich).

Indications for treatment in Pyatigorsk:

peripheral vascular diseases:
Obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities without ulcers, gangrene, including after reconstructive operations on peripheral vessels (6-8 weeks after surgery). Obliterating endarteritis with circulatory disorders of the lower extremities I and II degrees. during a period of stable remission. Chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins. Residual effects after phlebitis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (not earlier than 2-4 months).

diseases of the nervous system:
Osteochondrosis of the spine with reflex and radicular syndromes, conditions after removal of a disc herniation, plexitis, polyneuritis, neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerves, damage to individual nerves of the extremities, neurofibromyositis outside the acute phase. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system: autonomic polyneuritis, solaritis, sympathoglionitis at the end of the acute period. Nerve injuries are injuries to roots, plexuses, and nerve trunks that do not require surgical intervention. Diseases and consequences of trauma to the central nervous system: residual effects after encephalitis, arachnoiditis, encephalomyelitis at the end of the acute period (not earlier than 3 months after the disease). Cerebrovascular diseases: a consequence of cerebrovascular accidents in the recovery period after 4 - 6 months

gynecological diseases:
Chronic salpingitis, osphoritis 2 months after exacerbation. Chronic metritis, endometritis 4 weeks after exacerbation. Chronic parametritis 4-6 weeks after the end of the acute period. Pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum. Infiltration after surgical interventions for diseases of the uterus, tubes, ovaries at the end of the acute period 6-8 weeks after surgery. Incorrect position of the uterus: fixed or subfixed retroflexion, retroversion after an inflammatory process of the female genital organs or due to pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum. Ovarian dysfunction, infantilism or uterine hypoplasia, including in combination with chronic inflammatory process of the female genital organs. Infertility resulting from inflammatory diseases, menopausal syndrome.

diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
Arthritis and polyarthritis of non-tuberculous origin: rheumatoid arthritis in an inactive phase with minimal and moderate process activity, infectious polyarthritis of a certain etiology with process activity not exceeding degree II, deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis with process activity not exceeding degree II without visceritis . Consequences of fractures of the trunk and limbs with delayed consolidation; chronic synovitis, bursitis of various localizations, tendovaginitis, myositis, fibromyositis, myalgia, epicondylitis, styloiditis; hematogenous osteomyelitis (except tuberculosis), which does not require surgical intervention. Referral of patients with the listed diseases is possible subject to independent movement and care.
skin diseases:
Psoriasis in stationary regressive form. Neurodermatitis - limited and diffuse, chronic stage. Eczema, true and seborrheic in the chronic stage. Scleroderma: plaque limited and widespread, inactive stage, systemic with damage to the musculoskeletal system of the inactive stage in the period between courses of drug therapy. Lichen planus is a limited and common form of the chronic stage.

diseases of the ear, nose and throat:
Chronic pharyngitis (subatrophic, atrophic, hypertrophic without exacerbation (in the summer months). Chronic tonsillitis is uncomplicated, compensated, often exacerbating. Chronic laryngitis - subatrophic, atrophic. Chronic rhinitis hypertrophic, atrophic, subatrophic. Chronic sinusitis and condition after operations of the paranasal sinuses in the absence of complications (not earlier than 2 months). Chronic inflammatory processes in the middle ear and auditory tube in the stages of remission. Otosclerosis, condition after surgery.

urological diseases:
Chronic prostatitis, chronic vesiculitis (non-tuberculous) in remission without urethral structure and without residual urine. Chronic cystitis of a non-tuberculous nature. Urolithiasis, including complicated by pyelonephritis and cystitis. Chronic pyelonephritis in remission, latent form of pyelonephritis. Secondary pyelonephritis without impaired nitrogen excretory function of the kidneys and without severe hypertension. Residual effects of acute pyelonephritis no earlier than 3 months after relief of the acute process.

other diseases:
Primary obesity, nutritional-constitutional, grade 1 - 3. without symptoms of circulatory decompensation. Diathesis; phosphaturic, uraturia, oxaluria with various clinical manifestations. Thyrotoxicosis of primary and secondary origin, mild. Mild hypothyroidism with obesity, dystrophic changes in the joints and spine.

In Pyatigorsk there are a large number of shops, shopping centers, cinemas, a famous operetta theater, a clothing market "Lira" (where you can buy high-quality knitwear, shoes, bed linen, curtains, etc.) and a fur coat market.

The city center is bustling with life, there is a pedestrian street where you can enjoy delicious Pyatigorsk ice cream. This is a gathering place for young people. There is always music here, often performed live.

It should be noted that there are many educational institutions in Pyatigorsk, a whole campus, so the city creates the impression of a city of youth.

There are many attractions in Pyatigorsk: Lake Proval, the city of Mashuk, where a duel took place in which the poet M.Yu. was killed. Lermontov, there are many Lermontov places here: the house-museum, the Lermontov Gallery, the monument “place of the duel” and many others.

Architecture lovers will find something to keep themselves occupied while walking around the central part of Pyatigorsk.

Cons of Pyatigorsk:

  • Big city. Of course, this fact can be perceived as both a positive and negative aspect for relaxation. As a resident of a metropolis, I still want to be outdoors when relaxing, so for me a big city is a minus.
  • The resort area is located on a hill and you have to go down into the city to reach the mineral pump rooms.
  • A kind of traffic movement that requires getting used to. For example, in the center a car can be parked right on the roadway, and cars can drive directly along the tram lines.
  • Pyatigorsk is very hot in summer, but comfortable in spring and winter.

Pyatigorsk is a city of contradictions. Bustling and trendy in the center, but the further you go from the central streets, the more you realize that the main part of the city is completely different. In essence, this is a village in the city, because... Most of the city consists of private houses with land plots.

A city of youth, students who, having received a diploma, want to leave their homes due to lack of work. All this leaves its mark on the city.

I like to come to Pyatigorsk for a day to walk along its streets, enjoy ice cream and plunge a little into the bustle.

************************ESSENTUKI******************************** *

Perhaps this is the most famous resort city of the Caucasian mineral waters, which gained fame thanks to its waters.

There is hardly a single resident of the former USSR who has not heard about the Essentuki Four.

The city, thanks to the private sector, looks quite large. For vacationers there is a resort park, near which there are sanatoriums.

But you need to know that there are two resort areas in Essentuki: one near the resort park itself, ancient mineral water springs and Theater Square.

The other is located behind Pobeda Park and is simply called “Victoria” by local residents (after the name of the sanatorium of the same name).

The attractions of Essentuki include a mud bath, ancient mineral water pump rooms, churches and monasteries located near the city.

There are shopping centers, boutiques, a concert hall, various cafes and restaurants. Vacationers love to go to the local market to buy fresh vegetables and fruits.

Essentuki is perhaps the flattest city of the Caucasus, so it is ideal for people with musculoskeletal problems or mobility problems.

Holidays in Essentuki are leisurely, vacationers walk around the resort park, sit on benches in shady alleys.

The city itself immerses you in an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.

But the main advantage of the resort is its mineral waters. The city has both ancient and modern pump rooms. For example, near the Victoria sanatorium there is a drinking gallery, which amazes with its scope.

Indications for treatment in Essentuki:

Digestive diseases:
Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency, with preserved and increased secretion. Gastroduodenitis. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12-humus intestines in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation. Diseases of the operated stomach (after surgery for gastric and duodenal ulcers). Chronic colitis and enterocolitis. Residual effects of viral hepatitis in the inactive phase. Chronic hepatitis of various etiologies in the inactive phase. Chronic cholecystitis and cholangitis of various etiologies. Dyskinesia of the biliary tract and gallbladder. Gallstone disease without attacks of hepatic colic. Chronic pancreatitis. Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs.

Nutritional obesity. Diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent), its complications - polyneuropathy and angiopathy.

Chronic pyelonephritis during remission, residual effects of acute pyelonephritis (not earlier than 3 months after relief of the acute process). Chronic cystitis (non-tuberculous), trigonitis. Chronic prostatitis (non-tuberculous vesiculitis without stricture and without residual urine). Infertility of the established nest. Chronic oroepididemitis (non-tuberculous). Sexual disorders in men. Urolithiasis without stones requiring surgical treatment

Chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages during remission, but not earlier than 2 months after the last exacerbation. Chronic parametritis during the period of remission, not earlier than 6 weeks after the end of the acute process of stabilization of palpable signs of infiltration, without an increase in body temperature, ESR, or leukocyte count. Pelvic peritoxal adhesions. Incorrect position of the uterus. Infantilism (genital). Hypoplasia of the uterus. Ovarian dysfunction as a consequence of an inflammatory process with insufficiency of both phases of the cycle. Infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to the inflammatory process due to depletion of the hormonal function of the ovaries or failure of both phases of the cycle.

Chronic nonspecific bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis of toxic and dust etiology in remission, with pulmonary heart failure no more than stage 1-B. Chronic pneumonia in remission without attacks of bronchial asthma, brochiectasis accompanied by copious sputum production, without hemoptysis, with cardiopulmonary failure not higher than stages 1-11. Residual effects after acute pleuropneumonia, dry and exudative pleurisy. Bronchial asthma is atopic and infectious allergic, mild to moderate, with rare attacks, without hormone dependence. Chronic asthmatoid bronchitis without pronounced symptoms of pulmonary heart failure, i.e. no more than stage 1-B. Pneumoconiosis (silicosis, initrosis, biriliosis, etc.) with a generally satisfactory condition and pulmonary heart failure of no more than stage 1-B. Bronchiectasis in the stage of stable remission without abundant purulent sputum, with pulmonary heart failure no more than stage 1-B, in the absence of amyloidosis of organs and hemoptysis

Diseases of the ENT organs:
Chronic rhinitis (vasomotor). Chronic adenoiditis. Chronic sinusitis. Chronic pharyngitis. Chronic tonsillitis. Chronic laryngitis hypertrophic and atrophic. Chronic catarrhal and purulent otitis media. Chronic eustacheitis. Chronic labyrinthitis. Acoustic neuritis

Redheads. Vulgar (spherical, conglobate, necrotic, medicinal) acne. Psoriasis. Eczema (acute, chronic). Neurodermatitis. Atonic dermatitis in children. Hives. Dermatitis. Mycosis. Necrobiosis lipoidica. Erythematosis. Scleroderma is focal. Acne-Keloid. Acrodermatitis sclerosis. Anetoderma erythematous Jadasson. Hyperkeratosis. Darier's disease. Demodicosis. Dühring's dermatitis. Zaeda. Itching. Ichthyosis. Skin candidiasis. Keratoderma of the palms and milking. Red grain, nose. Paronychia. Perioral dermatitis. Pyoderma. Seborrhea. Sjögren's syndrome. Nodularity is periarticular. Folliculitis (atrophic, occipital region). Varicose leg ulcer

Nervous diseases:
Spondylosis and related conditions. Neurological manifestations and syndromes of osteochondrosis of the spine: cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system, facial nerve and nerve root diseases and lesions of the vascular system. Diseases of the central nervous system after the end of the acute period (meningo-encephalitis, arachnoiditis, encephalomyelitis, diencephalitis). Consequences of neuroinfections in the form of asthenoneurotic and moderate hypertension syndromes. Consequences of a traumatic brain injury, including traumatic encephalopathy (non-convulsive form). Consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident. Vascular diseases of the nervous system, including various forms of migraine, Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerotic plexuses (neuritis, plexitis, polyneuropathy), including trigeminal neuralgia, neuritis. Neuroses, neurosis-like conditions, various neurological syndromes; accentuations of character, pathocharacterological changes in personality. Psychosomatic diseases (peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma), diseases of the digestive tract, obesity, sexual disorders

Cons of Essentuki:

  • Limited space for movement of vacationers. Most of the city is private sector. A resort area has been allocated for vacationers, and in general there is no point in going beyond it.
  • There are no mountains in the city, which distinguishes it from other resort towns. But there is a gorgeous view of Elbrus and from some points of the city of Beshtau.

For me there is no better water than Essentuki-4. Because of the water, you can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of the city, due to the lack of a large number of attractions or space for long walks.

Essentuki has an excellent location relative to its fellow resort towns, located between Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk along the iron line.

And finally, from Essentuki we go to the sunniest city of the KMV - Kislovodsk.

We will travel on an already proven train. Travel time is about 30 minutes.

************************KISLOVODSK******************************** *

I repeat that this is the sunniest and highest mountain city of the Caucasian mineral waters.

stands at an altitude of 600 to 1200 meters above sea level

The city is surrounded by mountains, so it has a special microclimate. There are a lot of sunny, clear days, while the city does not have the stifling heat and humidity as in Zheleznovodsk.

In Kislovodsk there is a large man-made park, they say that it is even the largest in Europe.

Each tree was planted by hand. But walking through the park it’s hard to believe it, because it’s scary to even imagine how much time and effort went into planting such a huge area.

But we must give credit to those who worked on the landscaping; the park turned out magnificent.

It is so pleasant to walk along the shady thuja alleys and sit under a majestic pine tree. Admire the Valley of Roses or count the steps from the Ladies' Caprice bridge to the top of the mountain.

There are a huge number of sanatoriums and boarding houses in Kislovodsk, perhaps a great merit in this is that the city is the birthplace of the water of the Narts (heroes) - Narzan.

Like Essentuki, Narzan is known to many. In every supermarket you can see a green bottle with this name.

But I think that few people know that there are several types of Narzans. They are even divided into groups.

1 group. General Narzan.

2nd group. Dolmitny Narzan.

3rd group. Sulfate narzan

There is a Narzan Gallery in Kislovodsk, where everyone can taste several types of Narzans. Moreover, each Narzan has its own healing properties.

Unlike its counterparts, Kislovodsk is famous for treating people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

And thanks to its climate, athletes from all over the country undergo rehabilitation and train here.

Indications for treatment in Kislovodsk:

diseases of the cardiovascular system:
Coronary heart disease, hypertension stage I-II, cardiopathy, rheumatism, inactive phase, condition after heart valve replacement (after 3-4 months), condition after coronary artery bypass surgery, myocarditis, obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities without ulcers, obliterating with violation blood circulation, chronic venous insufficiency due to varicose veins, residual effects due to varicose veins, residual effects after phlebitis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (not earlier than 2-4 months), post-thromboectomy syndrome.

gynecological diseases:
Chronic salpingitis, sophoritis, endometritis, parametritis, pelvic adhesions of the peritoneum, ovarian dysfunction, infertility resulting from inflammatory diseases, menopausal syndrome.

urological diseases:
Chronic prostatitis, chronic cystitis, non-tuberculous nature, impotence.

respiratory diseases:
Chronic nonspecific lung diseases, bronchial asthma.

diseases of the nervous system:
Cerebrovascular diseases: consequences of cerebrovascular accident (after 4-6). Diseases of the peripheral nervous system: spinal osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, condition after removal of a herniated disc, polyneuritis, neuritis. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system: polyneuritis, solaritis, sympathoglionitis at the end of the acute period

diseases of the digestive system:
Chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis outside the acute phase, duodenal ulcer in the phase of remission or fading exacerbation without a tendency to bleeding and penetration, chronic colitis, enterocolitis, chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, of various etiologies without a tendency to frequent exacerbations in the remission phase.
diseases of the ear, nose and throat: Chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis

Cons of Kislovodsk:

  • Kislovodsk is a big city, and therefore, vacation is accompanied by noise, car exhaust, and crowds of people.
  • Kislovodsk is the most “remote” city of the KMS. The journey to Pyatigorsk will take about an hour by train.

  • Not everyone will like the steep climbs to the Upper Medical Park.

Kislovodsk has a pleasant resort atmosphere. The city invites you to take leisurely walks along the Olkhovka River, stopping at shops and cafes where you can taste legendary local pastries.

It will also satisfy those who love active recreation - there are excellent jogging paths in the Upper Park. In addition to running, you can rent a bike or just take a walk to the tops of the mountains.


I advise you to first decide on the treatment profile. The choice of resort city will largely depend on this.

I also recommend getting acquainted with the topography of the city. For example, Zheleznovodsk is beautiful with its nature, but having difficulties with movement, relaxation will not bring joy. Once, while vacationing in Zheleznovodsk, I managed to twist my ankle and everything became a torment for me: getting to the water in the park (4 km), getting to the medical building in the sanatorium (several hundred steps), even the distance to the dining room seemed like an endless route. Fortunately, my leg healed quickly and I started running again, but this experience was enough to understand that only physically strong people can relax in Zheleznovodsk.

****************TRICKS, INSTRUCTIONS, WISHES***************

Having chosen any of the cities of the Caucasian mineral waters for your holiday, do not be lazy and go to the rest. To do this, you don’t have to buy excursions, just buy a train or minibus ticket. The trip will cost 300-400 rubles there and back, but you will know exactly which city is closer to you in spirit, waters, and natural conditions.

Download the 2GIS map and walking around cities will become easier.

Always have a couple of plastic cups with you so you can taste the waters in the places you visit. It should be remembered that water is medicine and should be drunk carefully. If you have any concerns, it is better to consult your doctor.

Be sure to bring comfortable shoes. Even if you choose passive relaxation, you will still have to walk to the pump rooms.

Mineral water has side effects. Thus, Essentuki causes swelling and many people cannot fit into their shoes in the morning. And the waters of Zheleznovodsk have a diuretic effect.


To visit the Lira market, you need to set aside half a day, preferably the first half of the day.

Market opening hours:

May - September: 5:00 - 17:00

October - April: 6:00 - 16:00

3rd Wednesday - sanitary day!

Be sure to take a notepad to the market or take notes on your phone. In which row and what did you see, because it is very easy to get confused in the rows.

The market has its own website where you can download a map of the market.

You can get to the market by public transport:

There are direct minibuses No. 134, 115 from Zheleznovodsk

From Pyatigorsk from the Upper Market by minibus No. 21A and No. 11

*************************WHAT SHOULD I BRING FROM KMV?*************************

Traditionally, gifts are brought from the Caucasus spices, herbal teas.

But it’s better to bring teas from excursions (Dombay, Elbrus).

They are brought from the Caucasus and knitted things.

There are two good departments in Zheleznovodsk: near the mud baths at the entrance to the Medical Park, and on Lermontov Street (in the area of ​​the Palace of the Emir of Bukhara).

In Essentuki near the new pump room.

In Kislovodsk, a spontaneous market is being organized on Mira Avenue.

At the Lira market you can buy high-quality knitwear.

You can bring back a good fur coat from your vacation, which will be two to three times cheaper than in stores in Russia. To do this, you can go to the fur (coat) market or go shopping or go to factories where free tours are organized.

You can also bring wine, knives, honey, paintings and traditional magnets.


My friends often ask me, knowing my love for the CMS: which city is the best?

And I usually answer:

“Now, if there was an electric train in Zheleznovodsk, and the city was located on the site of Kislovodsk, with the same number of sunny days, while the Essentuki Chetverochka took place in it, and there was a Broadway, like in Pyatigorsk, where you can listen to local musicians and enjoy ice cream "This city would be the very, very best city of the CMS."

Each resort city is unique, we will not repeat it. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

All the disadvantages I described are, of course, subjective. Whatever city you find yourself in, it deserves to be called a mineral resort.