Annecy is a small town that is definitely worth a visit for anyone who wants to plunge into the atmosphere of real France. Ancient castles, a clear lake, numerous churches and museums will not let you get bored. You can walk along the old streets of the town, go to the canyon or stroll through the Garden of Europe. Read on for more details about all the attractions.

The main attractions of Annecy with photos and descriptions

The small town of Annecy is located in the eastern part of the country. It is considered the historical capital of Haute-Savoie, and is located on the border of two states - France and Switzerland. Annecy seems to be hidden among the Alpine mountains and stunning landscapes. Tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy the special atmosphere of peace and tranquility, as well as to see local attractions.

Annecy Castle (residence of the Counts of Geneva)

Annecy Castle is one of the main attractions of the city, which is definitely worth seeing. This castle with towers, majestically rising above the city, was built between the 12th and 15th centuries and was at one time the residence of the Counts of Geneva. One of the oldest towers of the Chateau de la Reine was built in the 13th century. Its grandeur and stateliness emphasizes the spirit and atmosphere of that time.

Unfortunately, this ancient building had to endure a lot during the war. The castle burned down several times, was abandoned, and then served for a long time as army warehouses and soldier barracks. However, in the middle of the 20th century it was bought and restored, returning to its former grandeur. Later it was given the status of an architectural monument.

In the oldest part of the castle there are towers with walls 4 meters thick. And one of them houses a popular science collection on a fishing theme, which is worth a look.

Today, in the halls of the restored castle there are antique furniture and household items (from the 15th century), paintings and sculptures, and an archive of photographs of that time. It also hosts exhibitions on the history of the region and art.

Research lovers will be able to visit the Alpine Lakes Observatory that opened in the castle. And those who want to take some beautiful pictures as a souvenir will be delighted by the beautiful landscape that opens from the terrace of the building onto the old Annecy district and the sparkling lake.

The cleanest lake with crystal water surrounded by the Alpine mountains simply looks gorgeous, whether in winter or summer. It was formed due to the melting of mountain ice many centuries ago. Today, the water level of this reservoir is maintained by rivers flowing into it directly from the mountains.

For those who want to stroll along the picturesque shores of the lake and breathe fresh air, there are two beaches - Plage la Brune and Plage Municipal. In addition, playgrounds and sports grounds have been built on the coast, and there is a cozy restaurant.

By the way, this particular reservoir is considered the cleanest in all of Europe and the second largest among the lakes in France. Another interesting fact is that this reservoir gave its name to the city.

Pleasure ferries sail along the lake itself, and fast motor boats cut through the water surface. You can also book a cruise and enjoy the beauty of the scenery while eating a delicious lunch or dinner on board. Looking at the shores of Annecy, you can see small but cozy chapels, houses and stately towers of castles.

In summer, tourists can go water skiing, diving or windsurfing. There is also a paragliding school on the southern side of the lake. Those who wish will be able to use the services of experienced instructors and experience all the delights of free soaring in the air.

This area contains the ancient part of the city, in which ancient houses and narrow tiled streets remain. Wandering around them, it becomes clear that in the old days the city did not have any specific plan for the construction of buildings. Residential buildings are located in a way that was convenient for their owners. Many of the windows still have wooden shutters, and their openings have retained their original decorative trim.

The peculiarity of the old city is that it is literally buried in flowers. On the windowsills and balconies of residential buildings, near doors and along canals, literally everywhere there are flowerpots and pots with a wide variety of plants, filling the air with their fragrance.

And when the street lights turn on in the evening, the lights come on in the windows, and the quiet splash of water is heard in the space, an unreal feeling of comfort and being somewhere in a fabulous, distant place appears...

Those who like to enjoy ancient facades and plunge into the atmosphere of ancient France can visit Rue Saint-Clair, the main artery of the old city. Quaint balconies, curved arches, bright colors of the walls turn the avenue into another interesting place in the city. In addition, once every 7 days there is a market on this street where you can buy any thing.

Kibere Fountain

This fountain is located on Place Saint-Clair. It was erected at the beginning of the 17th century. It is interesting because there is a trout depicted on its wall. This was done for a reason, since this particular fish is considered the symbol of Annecy. By the way, if you look closely, you can even notice it in the design of residential buildings.

This palace is famous, above all, for its originality. Its peculiarity is that the building is located on an island washed by the waters of the Thiu Canal, and the structure of the palace resembles the outline of a ship. This attraction is one of the most popular in Annecy and every tourist always strives to take a memorable photo against its background.

During the construction of this castle, every free piece of land on the island was used, so the shape of the building strongly resembles a ship. The palace was built in 1132, until the 13th century its owners were the Counts of Geneva.

In appearance, the palace looks more like a fortress than a respectable castle. This is due to the fact that it was originally conceived as an office where money would be paid for crossing the bridge. However, fate decreed that at different times the building housed a mint, a noble residence, a court and even a prison.

Today the Palais de Lisle houses a local museum. And due to its unusual location and cozy embankment, this place has become a favorite among many tourists coming to Annecy.

Couples in love who come to Annecy should definitely visit the Lovers' Bridge, as it is a very romantic and beautiful place. The bridge itself was built relatively recently, but has already gained considerable popularity among tourists.

They say that if you walk along a bridge holding hands and kiss in the middle, the couple’s feelings will become even stronger and will never fade away. The romance of the place is added by the thick crowns of trees that cover the sky above the structure and form fancy shadows on the surface of the canal over which the bridge is thrown. The bridge also offers beautiful views of the lake and park.

The bridge looks especially beautiful when you can see pleasure boats in front of it, swinging on the glass surface of the canal. Majestic willows, bowing their branches, perfectly complement this picture. There are always a lot of people on this bridge, but this does not stop couples in love from enjoying each other's company. Walking further along the bridge, you can get to another wonderful place - Europe Park.

This park was officially opened in 1863. Lovers of leisurely walks should enjoy this English-style natural area located near the lake. There is everything for relaxation here: cute benches on cool alleys, playgrounds for children. You can also rent a catamaran or boat here. The park often hosts various festivals, concerts and dance evenings.

For curious tourists, there are signs near the plants with their names, origins and brief characteristics written on them. Nature lovers will be able to admire the small pond with Swan Island in the middle, and those interested in architecture will be able to admire interesting statues and decorative fountains.

The park also contains several of its own attractions. For example, on the shore of the lake there is the first sundial with a gnomon - this is an ancient astronomical instrument invented by the Capuchin monk, Father Arsen.

In the very center of the city there is a well, built in the mid-15th century by knights assigned to the Order of Saint Jean. What's special about this place? The fact is that in the 17th century, members of the city municipality restored this well and created from it something like a small fountain, while putting their names on the walls of the structure. Today, residents and guests of the city are happy to come to this place and take souvenir photos next to this ancient well.

There is an interesting temple in Annecy that is definitely worth seeing - Notre Dame de Lies. This church was built in the 16th century, but, unfortunately, it was then destroyed. It was restored much later - in the 19th century, relying on the neoclassical style. It will be interesting for tourists to go inside the church to see its unusual altar, on which there are sculptural images of the faces of saints.

This temple was built in the 17th century on the banks of the Tiu River. This was done in honor of the Bishop of Geneva, Francis de Sales, and his student Joanna de Chantal. Inside the cathedral are exquisite stained glass windows depicting moments from the life of St. Francis.

The Bishop of Sales was born in 1567 and, after undergoing appropriate training, became a priest. He was loved because he was a brilliant preacher, distinguished by his kindness and humility, and provided help to those in need. Francis de Sales also wrote many books.

This ancient Dominican temple was erected in the 15th century. It is located on the St. Dominic Canal, very close to the popular island palace. Saint Maurice himself is considered the patron saint of the city of Annecy and Savoy.

Tourists are attracted to this place by the opportunity to enjoy the ancient Gothic architecture and decoration of the interior of the church with unique paintings that create a three-dimensional effect. The temple's carved chairs date back to the late 18th century, and the throne that holds the colossus was created in 1715.

This cathedral in Annecy has the status of a national historical monument. In addition, it is also the cathedral of the city's diocese. The temple was built at the beginning of the 16th century; in its architecture, elements of the Renaissance are intricately intertwined with the Gothic style.

The cathedral is also famous for the fact that the very young Jean-Jacques Rousseau studied music there and began singing there. Therefore, the street on which the temple is located bears the name of this outstanding educator and composer.

From the outside, this castle looks very majestic and menacing. It is located on a cliff 200 m high, from where it looks regal on the surrounding settlements. Perhaps this is one of the most ancient buildings in the vicinity of Annecy, since Menton was created back in the 10th century.

Today, looking at the structure, it is difficult to imagine that it used to be entirely wooden. Starting from the 13th century, the castle was constantly rebuilt, various elements were added to its architecture, and gradually the structure became a real fortress.

The castle has the status of a historical monument. At the same time, from the end of spring to the end of September, it works as a museum, which contains collections of antique furniture, household items, clothing of people of that time, and their jewelry.

Those tourists who love to observe nature simply need to visit this canyon. Its charm lies in its amazing landscapes, untouched by civilization. The whimsical interweaving of colors, the play of light on the picturesque slopes and water surface gives an unreal feeling of unity between man and nature.

To explore the canyon, tourists need to walk along special hanging ramps. This move allows you to admire the natural views to your heart’s content, both on the sides and under your feet, which gives the excursion a touch of extreme.

The only minor inconvenience is that the movement of people is not regulated; tourists walk along the same ramps in both directions. For those who like to have a snack, there are picnic tables at special areas, as well as points where you can drink a cup of coffee or a glass of mulled wine.

Annecy hosts festivals and exhibitions of cartoon art every year, which are in particular demand among city guests. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that an animation museum also appeared here.

This museum houses exhibits accumulated over more than a hundred years of work by animators. In the exhibition halls you can see posters, sketches of characters from well-known cartoons, and various decorations. The decoration of the halls is complemented by spot lighting, which gives a special magic to the collections on display.

How to get to Annecy?

There are different ways to get to the French town of Annecy:

  • by direct bus from Geneva - the journey will take approximately 1.5 hours;
  • by train from Lyon or Geneva (you will have to spend 1-2 hours on the road) or Paris - the journey will take about 3.5 hours;
  • by plane from Paris - keep in mind here that air flights between the capital and Annecy are infrequent, so you will have to wait.

Tourists from Russia will find it convenient to get to Annecy via Geneva: take a ticket to this city and then transfer to a bus. The advantage of this method is that flights to Geneva from Moscow and St. Petersburg are frequent, even several times a day. And the Geneva-Annecy bus service is a regular service.

As for the railway, trains arrive in Annecy from Paris, Lyon, Grenoble, Valence, Chamonix (with transfers) and Chambery. You can adjust your route and choose the flight that is most convenient for you.

Those with their own transport can get to France on their own, but remember that major highways in the country are mostly toll roads. If you look at the map, they will be marked “A”. You can pay for travel at the terminal or when entering/exiting a toll section.

Tourist route in Annecy

It's good to have a few days to enjoy the charm of this small, quiet French town. But what if you only have 1 day at your disposal?

In this case, use this route to the main attractions of Annecy:

  1. Start with St. Clair streets. Since this is the main street of the Old Town, you will have the opportunity to immediately immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the ancient district of the city.
  2. Then, walking along it towards the lake, go out to Tiu channel, on which it stands Island Palace. Here, if you have time and desire, you can visit the museum.
  3. Look into Europe Park. In this charming place you can relax, sit on a bench and enjoy the aroma of herbs and plants. You can rent a boat for an hour if time permits.
  4. Leave the park to Lovers' Bridge. If you are with your significant other, be sure to walk along it, holding hands and kissing.
  5. Get back to the side Old Quarter admiring the ancient temples along the way . For example, along the way you will definitely see the Notre Dame de Lies church.
  6. Wander the streets of the old quarter or take a stroll to Lake Annecy. In the summer there will definitely be something to do on the lake, and in the winter you can simply breathe in the clean air of the Alpine mountains.
  7. Order dinner at restaurant or cafe. Of course, this is an optional item on the program, but by ordering local dishes, you will once again be able to experience the true French flavor.

Based on this map, it will become clearer where the city’s attractions are:

As you can see, Annecy, despite its tranquility, is a very interesting city. Here you can admire the natural landscapes and enjoy ancient buildings. The main thing is to correctly plan a tourist route so as not to miss anything interesting.

You will fall in love with this fabulous city at first sight. Annecy (Annecy) impresses with its color and beauty. Included in the list of the most beautiful cities in France. Today it is a popular tourist city. Many celebrities visited him. Among Annecy's guests are Queen Victoria, Churchill, Emperor Napoleon III, Charlie Chaplin, Jean Reno, Lenny Kravitz. What is so attractive about this French city? We also came to see)).

Alpine Venice, Alpine Rome, city of flowers, city of festivals - this is what Annecy is called. The city is located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Annecy, 40 km from Geneva, 150 km from Lyon. How to get there, what to see, where to stay, why the city is called that - we’ll tell you in this article.

Read about the entire travel itinerary in Switzerland and France and about a walk around Geneva here:

Annecy (Annecy) is the capital of the Haute-Savoie department, part of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. The first city of Bute was founded on the shore of the lake by the Romans in the 1st century. BC. In the 11th century, a city began to be built around the hill on which the fortress “grew.” Annecy housed the residence of the Count of Geneva in the 13th century and the Dukes of Savoy in the 15th century. The city became an important administrative center. And in the 1630s it turned into a Catholic religious center. It was in Annecy that the Genevan bishops fled from the Protestants. There was an “industrial” period in the history of the city. In the 17th century, large factories opened here, where fabrics were made. After the annexation of Savoy to France in 1860, tourism began to actively develop in Annecy.

The picturesque city and lake, surrounded by mountains, attract more than 2 million tourists every year. Most guests come in winter and summer. During the day, Annecy is visited by many tour groups. It is better to get to know the city without a crowd - in the morning or in the evening. That's why we decided to stay in Annecy for one night.

How to get to Annecy.

You can get from Geneva to Annecy in 50 minutes by bus and 1.5 hours by train with one change. We got there by bus. We used the service of a well-known European company. The bus is comfortable, clean, with toilets and power outlets. The ticket cost was 5 euros, bought online a month before the trip. Local Geneva bus companies have a ticket price to Annecy of 10-14 euros.

It is convenient to get from Lyon, Grenoble, Chambery, the thermal resort of Aix-les-Bains, the ski resort of Chamonix, Courchevel by train or bus. Tickets can be purchased online on the French Railways website. It's cheaper to travel by bus. We traveled from Annecy to Lyon by bus. Distance 150 km, 2 hours on the road. Tickets were purchased online. Cost - from 12 euros.

Annecy's bus station and train station are nearby, close to the historic city centre.

Where to stay in Annecy.

We booked an apartment hotel for our family Privilodges Le Royal - Apparthotel. It has an excellent location next to the historic city centre, 10 minutes walk from the bus/train station and 5 minutes walk from the lake and promenade. To the supermarket - 3 minutes, to the market - 5 minutes. Nearby, in the garden, there is a children's playground.

The hotel is old and that's why it's interesting. The first luxury hotel d'Angleterre in Annecy was opened in this building in 1852. Travelers stayed there on their way to a holiday in the Alps or to the thermal resort of Aix-les-Bains. The hotel's guests included Queen Victoria and the last French emperor, Napoleon III. In 2006-2010, the building was reconstructed and turned into a comfortable modern apart-hotel.

The hotel has free Wi-Fi, gym, laundry, small private parking (15 euros per night). It was very important for us that there was a storage room, because we checked out in the morning, and the bus to Lyon left at 15-00. It turned out that There are no lockers at train stations in Annecy, as in many cities in France. To leave your luggage while walking around the city, you need to negotiate with the owners of apartments, souvenir shops, restaurants, and bicycle rental points. However, there is no guarantee that your suitcase will be taken. Of course, this service will be paid. Therefore, we chose a hotel with a free luggage storage service.

Breakfast can be ordered separately and during warmer months it is served on the hotel's picturesque terrace overlooking the bishop's garden and the Notre-Dame de Liesse Church. We didn't order breakfast, we cooked it ourselves. Free tea/coffee is available to all guests (without breakfast) on this terrace after 11-00. We happily relaxed here with a cup of coffee and admiring the scenery.

Many hotels in France have this feature - the reception desk is open for limited hours. If you arrive outside of business hours, you can get the key in a special safe, the code for which will be sent to you by email a few days before arrival. Entrance to the hotel after reception closes only with a code. The code was given to us upon check-in. It’s an interesting system; no one else will be able to get into the hotel at night.
All rooms are equipped with a kitchenette with everything necessary for cooking, tea/coffee set, new kitchen set sponge/detergent/towel, safe, TV, bathroom. The only thing was that there was not enough salt in the kitchen. We bought it along with groceries at the supermarket. We prepared dinner and breakfast ourselves. Apartments with a kitchen significantly save your budget. This is what our apartment looked like. They had one bedroom, living room with kitchenette, TV. Clean, cozy, comfortable.

Special thanks to the hotel for the service and pleasant service. Everything is easy and with a smile. On the day of our departure, a girl, Svetlana, from Odessa, was working at the reception. Very attentive, polite, friendly. A cozy terrace, a kitchen in the apartment, a storage room and the location of the hotel became the main factors when choosing a hotel))).

Other accommodation options in Annecy can be booked using these links:

See special promotions and discount offers for Annecy hotels here:

To book accommodation while traveling, we use the website - Booking. This is a convenient and most importantly reliable service. How to use it, read our article:

Evening Annecy.

An evening walk around Annecy gave us our first impression of the city: we found ourselves in a medieval fairy tale.

Annecy at dawn.

The next morning, my daughter and I traditionally watched the sunrise, as we did in the summer in ,. As Anya said, it is very convenient to watch the sunrise in the fall. There is no need to wake up at four in the morning and ruin the whole day, but just go out into the city at about 7-00 in the morning and you are guaranteed beauty. A fabulous atmosphere reigns in Annecy early in the morning. There are no crowds of tourists yet, the city wakes up in the first rays of the sun, and the lake looks incredibly beautiful and mysterious.

Lake Annecy is considered one of the cleanest in Europe. It was formed 18,000 years ago as a result of the melting of Alpine glaciers. Lake Annecy is the second largest lake in France. It is 14 km long and from 800 m to 3.5 km wide. The average depth of the lake is 40 m, and the maximum is 80 m. In summer, there are many vacationers on the shores of the lake. The average water temperature is 22 degrees. Around the lake are the mountain ranges of the French Alps.

At dawn, Lake Annecy is even a little mystical. He has his own the legend of Lady Angon. This is local folklore. Once upon a time, in Angon Castle on the shore of the lake, there lived a lonely orphan, a beauty named Bernolina. She met the Knight, her great and only love. The young couple got married and lived in marriage for 2 years, until the young wife wanted to receive a bright star from the sky as a gift. The knight loved the girl very much and decided to make her dream come true. For 100 days he wandered through the mountains and valleys. Finally found the treasured star. On the seashore, the Siren gave it to the young man on one condition: the Knight must give his wife a star before the start of that night, otherwise the girl will die.

The knight was in a hurry to get home, but tired during the storm, he mixed up the banks. To get to the castle you had to cross the lake. The fisherman offered such a service in exchange for the Knight's soul in 10 years. If this does not come true, his wife will die. The young man agreed to the condition of the devil in the form of a fisherman. After 10 years of happy married life, the Knight had to pay a terrible price to the “carrier”.

Bernolina suffered incredibly. Then the devil came to her with the following proposal: every day he would send her strangers, if the girl recognized her husband among them, he would return home. But Bernolina never felt her beloved among strangers and could not return him. In desperation, she threw herself into the icy lake from the high rock of Roc des Cher. And now the soul of the Lady from Castle Argon wanders in the waters of Lake Annecy and draws to its depths those unfortunate people who decided to swim in the hope of recognizing their husband...

Several mountain rivers flow into Lake Annecy. Through the main Thiou canal, laid through the entire city, the waters of the lake flow into the Fier River, which, in turn, flows into the Rhone. Thanks to its numerous canals, Annecy is called the Venice of the Alps (or Savoy). But, unlike the original, the water here is clean and transparent.

The canals and labyrinths of authentic streets of the Old Town are the hallmark of Annecy. Castle-fortress Le Palais de I'lle most often found in all photographs and postcards.

Another symbol of the city - Chateau d'Annecy— towers over the city. I will tell you about it and other interesting places further.

Annecy. What to see in a day.

We already had a walking route around Annecy at home. At the hotel reception we received a free card. This is a small town with a compact historical center. Therefore, you can simply walk the streets, squares, and embankments for your own pleasure. The beauty around is incredible! Of course, along the way it’s worth considering the sights of Annecy: ancient houses, palaces, temples, Le Palais de I’lle castle-fortress, Château d’Annecy Castle, market, canals and the picturesque Lake Annecy.

This is the route we planned for a walk around Annecy. It took about 5 hours.

We go to the embankment of Lake Annecy through a cozy park Jardin d'Europe, Garden of Europe. It was opened on the peninsula in 1863. The park has a lot of benches, flowers, fountains, sculptures, playgrounds - everything is done for a comfortable stay.

Monument on the embankment chemist Berthollet. It is to him that the world owes the appearance of fabric bleach. In Annecy in the 18th century there were manufactories that produced fabrics with printed designs.

Lake Annecy amazes with its beauty, incredibly clear, azure water. Mountains rise all around.

Close to the embankment - Swan Island. Swans and ducks live here.

At first it seemed like it was a sign post. It shows the height of the city of Annecy and the surrounding mountains above sea level. When we looked closely, we saw that it was a sundial. It was invented in 1874 by a Capuchin monk, Father Arseny.

Pont des Amours, Bridge of Love (1907), spanned Canal du Vasse.

The canal and the plane trees above it - this “postcard” view from the bridge is often found in photographs of Annecy.

On the bridge of love they make dates. It is very romantic and beautiful here.

Annecy. France.

A large clearing begins behind the bridge Le Paquier with playgrounds, embankment, paths. It connects the Jardin d'Europe park with the famous l'Imperial Palace. This is a hotel complex and casino on the lake, built before the First World War, restored in 1990. His guests were Churchill, Charlie Chaplin, Edith Piaf.

There are many boats and catamarans on the embankment that can be rented in the summer. This clearing was once a swampy pasture. It was often flooded with the waters of the lake. Thanks to the canal system and mechanism for regulating the water level of Lake Annecy, developed in the 19th century by the engineer Sadi Carnot, it is now a favorite holiday destination. Popular festivals, concerts, film screenings, and sporting competitions take place here.

It's nice to just sit on the shores of Lake Annecy and enjoy the surrounding beauty.

And finally, we supplemented the emotional aesthetic impressions with culinary impressions. Annecy is the capital of the Haute-Savoie region. The city is famous for its delicious Savoyard cuisine and local wines. There are a large number of restaurants in the Old Town, on the canal embankment. There is such a feature in France - you can eat in establishments from 12-00 to 14-00 and from 19-00 to 21-30. At other times the kitchen is closed and drinks and light snacks are available. Water is served to guests free of charge.

It's time for lunch. In one of the restaurants on the canal embankment we tried the famous local dish - tartiflette. It's a baked potato with cheese, bacon and cream. We also ordered gratin- also a discovery for me. I'm used to it being made from potatoes, but in Annecy this dish is made from pasta. The portions are large. Everything is filling and very tasty. A wonderful end to your trip to Annecy!

The suitcases were collected from the hotel. On the way to Annecy station we admired the buildings of the 19th century.

We wish you bright travels!

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Annecy (France) is a place of concentration of historical and natural attractions - a city for a quiet family holiday for tourists on the shore of a beautiful lake framed by the Alpine mountains.

The historical countdown of the city of Annecy begins with a mention in the chronicles of the era of Emperor Lothar (867 AD). During the period of the 10th – 15th centuries, the residence of the dynasty of the Counts of Genevois was located in the city. The transition to the control of Savoy took place in 1401. The annexation to France as part of the mentioned duchy occurred in 1860.

The resort city is located in Eastern France, not far from the Swiss border (about 50 km), being the central part of Haute Savoy.

The department borders Italy. The distance to Grenoble in the south is 85 km, in the north to Geneva 45 km. The area of ​​the city's buildings is about 14 km 2; the Tew city canal runs through the center, which is a natural branch of the picturesque Lake Annecy and connects it with the river. Fie.

Annecy (France), whose attractions are popular among tourists from all over the world, is a town that many call the “Venice of Savoy”. Visitors come here to admire the beauty of the mountains, the serenity of the lake, the tranquility of the canals and the charm of the ancient cityscape, framed by a multitude of flowers.

Distinctive features of the city

Ancient streets paved with cobblestones; houses and castles that emanate history; clean mountain air mixed with the smells of numerous flowers; The picturesque shores of the transparent lake are far from a complete list of the features of Annecy.


The temperature background in summer is calm: minimum values ​​are not lower than +10 o C, the highest temperature is not higher than +29 o C, there is little precipitation.

It is cool in winter: up to -3 o C, heavy precipitation in November.


The lake of the same name is considered one of the cleanest in Europe. It feeds on mountain rivers, the water temperature in summer is 20 - 22 o C above zero. Clean air from the forests surrounding the city, there is a lot of greenery and flowers on the streets.


More than 51 thousand local residents live in the city.

Flora and fauna

Moving along the eastern shore of the lake, tourists at a distance of 12 km from the city find the Roc des Cher nature reserve, one of the largest in the southeastern part of France. Its area is about 70 hectares, located around the mountain that gave it its name, on the slopes of which many species of plants grow (more than 560 species), including oaks and hornbeams.

The vegetation forms the unique microclimate of the reserve. Deer and wild boars live in the foothill forests; swans live freely on the lake and in city canals.

How to get to Annecy

Annecy (France), whose attractions attract the attention of Europeans at any time of the year, is a settlement that is located at the intersection of various routes leading from geographically nearby cities.

By plane

It is only possible to fly to Annecy Airport from Paris Airport. The cost of a flight from Moscow to Paris in economy class is from 12,200 to 22,700 rubles.

By train

Tourists get to the railway station in the center of Annecy by train from the nearest cities:

By bus

There are daily regular buses from Geneva to Annecy, the journey takes about 1 hour, the ticket price is 300 - 400 rubles.

You can get to Annecy, France by bus from Geneva in just 1 hour.

The bus ride from Lyon takes about 2 hours, the ticket will cost from 300 to 2000 rubles.

By car

For tourists traveling by car, the travel route passes through the countries: Belarus, Poland, Germany, Switzerland. It is necessary to pay attention to toll highways, parking areas and obey the speed limit.

The shortest route to Annecy from Geneva Airport via a modern expressway by car is just over half an hour. Routes from Grenoble and Lyon airports are within an hour's reach.

Transport Annecy

Tourists explore the historical center of the city on foot; it is more convenient to get to the surrounding castles by local buses.


To move around comfortably during the day, you need to purchase a travel ticket for 3.1 euros, which will be valid for 24 hours. A single bus ticket costs 1.2 euros.

You can buy a ticket at the city bus station or from the driver along the route. Regular bus services from Annecy run to many cities in Europe.


A trip from Annecy airport to the city center when ordering a taxi through the dispatch service will cost approximately 10 euros.

Rent a Car

Several rental companies at the airport offer car rental services starting from 20 euros per day.

Main attractions of Annecy

Annecy has a special attraction - the shady Bridge of Lovers, famous throughout France. This place is considered ideal for dates and quiet romantic walks. The ancient town also attracts tourists with its majestic castles, churches and houses.

Religious buildings

The city center is decorated with the massive Gothic Church of Saint-Maurice, founded in 1442 in honor of the patron saint of Annecy and the duchy - Saint Maurice. For two centuries since its founding, it has been the center of local provincial life.

St. Rousseau leads tourists to the stone palace of the 17th century. - the bishop's residence. Nearby is the ancient St. Peter's Cathedral, built in the 16th century. He is famous for the fact that the future educator Jean-Jacques Rousseau sang in the church choir in his youth. Later, in one of his works, he described the patriarchal, rural, measured life of the settlement in which he happened to live in 1728.

On the street Notre Dame is the Notre Dame de Lies church, founded in the 16th century, later destroyed, but restored again in the 19th century. Inside are sculptures of saints and an unusual altar.

A modern building built in the 30s of the XX century. under the leadership of the Sisters-nuns of the Visitacion, it has operated as a basilica since 1951. Colorful stained glass paintings reproduce fragments of the lives of saints Jeanne de Chantal and Francis de Sales, whose remains rest in the basilica in copper sarcophagi with gilding.


The local history museum with interesting exhibits is located in an ancient castle on a small island in the middle of the canal. The castle-fortress was founded in 1132; it changed many owners during this time; served as a palace of justice, a chamber of accounts and a prison.

On the elevated part of the city there is a castle that belonged to the dynasty of the Counts of Geneva (XII-XVI centuries), the walls and towers of which are made of stone and have a thickness of up to 4 m. For a long time it was abandoned after a devastating fire in the 16th century, but in 1953 it passed into municipal administration, was restored and transferred to the museum.

Archaeological finds, works of ancient and modern art, and antique furniture are exhibited there. On a hill stands the Montrotier castle (XIII-XIV centuries), in which the Florimontin Academy is located. It was founded 28 years earlier than the academy in France. The exhibition features antique carpets, historical costumes, porcelain dishes and products.

Natural attractions

At the point where the canal flows into the lake there is a peninsula, the territory of which is decorated with alleys, beautiful statues, magnificent fountains, numerous benches and boats on the lake.

This park complex is called the Garden of Europe, which began with the planting of trees and shrubs in 1863 (information signs with names are located next to the plants). Not far away on the surface of the lake you can see Swan Island.


At the end of the embankment stands a statue of the local famous chemist Claude-Louis Berthollet, who was born in 1748 in Talloires. Carrying out various experiments, he came up with the idea of ​​​​using the substance chlorine for the process of bleaching the fabric and paper produced. Place Saint-Clair is famous for the Kibere fountain, launched in the 17th century. and still in operation, with the trout heraldic sign above the bowl.

An ancient well (built by knights in the 15th century) next to the street. Carnot attracts tourists with clean cold water, being a place of frequent dates and meetings of local residents. On the cape next to the village. Duigne is the Chateau de Rufi, built in the 11th century. and privately owned.

Holidays in Annecy

Visiting guests can find places to relax near the city and on its streets to suit every taste.


The streets of Saint-Clair and Royal are replete with a large number of shops and boutiques, ready to delight customers with a variety of goods.


Over the surface of the lake, from a mountain 1.3 km high, extreme flight enthusiasts often take off; international paragliding competitions are held here.

Catamaran rides are offered on the lake. There are modern sports centers and equipped beaches on the shore.

Interesting places to relax with children

Walking tours around the city with children are interesting and educational; numerous cafes and establishments offering Italian ice cream invite you to relax and have a tasty snack.

Children will be interested in looking at the ancient sundial (1874), made by the hands of the monk Arsen on the edge of the city embankment.

A bus trip (about 10 km west of the city) to Montrotier Castle will allow you to immerse your child in the Middle Ages, look at the rich collection of weapons and armor of knights and strange African and oriental things. An unforgettable trip will be to the mountain observation deck near the city, which is used for launches by paragliders and paragliders.

Events in the city and surroundings

Several significant events are held annually in Annecy:


Annecy (France), with its natural landscape to admire, is a city that offers active recreation for visitors. For example, a bicycle tour along the road along the lake (length about 40 km). Beautiful views of the surrounding mountains of La Tournette, Semnoz; forests on slopes; a sandy beach near the settlement of Sevrier will be found on the travel route.

Boats with tourists depart from the pier several times a day for 2-hour excursions along the water surface of the lake. The main attraction, visible from the water on the shore, is the castle of Menton-Saint-Bernard, located on a hill, founded in the 12th century.

They offer a walking tour of the surrounding area - the river gorge. Fje with steep picturesque cliffs. At the beginning there is a bus trip to the village. Poisy, then you will have to walk further. The route is closed between October and March.

Annecy Hotels

Many hotels are open for visiting tourists.

Atipik Hotel Alexandra

Hotel for a budget holiday with standard rooms:

Hotel des Alpes

The hotel is located in the city center, standard rooms:

Hôtel Les Tresoms, Lake and Spa Resort

Comfortable hotel with spacious rooms:

Imperial Palace

Hotel with comfortable rooms and beautiful views of the surrounding area from the balcony:

  • located at: Allée de l’Impérial (Emperial Alley), on the shore of the lake in the park, near Avenue. France;
  • nearby a zoological garden, a casino and a nightclub;
  • indoor swimming pool;
  • free parking;
  • air conditioner;
  • bathroom;
  • cost of living for 2 people for one night – 11200 – 12500 rubles.

A remarkable historical hotel in the town of Talloires (eastern shore of the lake) was previously a Benedictine abbey.

What to bring as a souvenir

Annecy offers tourists the opportunity to capture forever memories of their holiday by purchasing souvenirs in local shops:

Annecy (France) - this city has attractions that can satisfy the discerning taste of tourists - lovers of antiquity and a calm, measured holiday in the lap of nature.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about Annecy France

Annecy, a fairy-tale city in the French Alps:

As soon as I crossed the line where Annecy began, I realized: if I had spent my entire vacation in Paris, I would not have seen France. High mountains surrounding the crystal clear waters of a huge lake, amazingly clean air, but most importantly, unusually small houses with their foundations deep into the water of the canals... This charming town is like a precious stone in a silver frame of a mountain ring.

I was captivated by the tiled roofs, flower pots on the balconies, the petals of which fall into the water, the bright fresh greenery of the trees growing in the squares... And, of course, the picturesque canals: it’s not for nothing that Annecy is called the Venice of Savoy!

Of course, Annecy is inferior to many French cities in size and number of attractions, but it has its own unique appearance, its own amazing unique spirit. Here it is very clearly felt that Savoy recently became part of France, having previously been a separate duchy. But now it is a vibrant region of a large, multifaceted country and, undoubtedly, its highlight.

You definitely need to visit Annecy to experience this amazing atmosphere. It is also worth remembering that Annecy is a popular resort, as its mild climate allows you to comfortably relax on the shores of a fantastically picturesque lake. And lovers of antiquities will be happy to plunge into the atmosphere of a real flaming Gothic Middle Ages.

How to get there

The small town of Annecy, whose name is sometimes written as " Annecy", is located in the east of France on the shores of the amazingly beautiful Lake Annecy. In general, it was the lake that I saw first when we approached this place, which is no less than the capital of the Haute-Savoie department. And in fact, this travel option - going by car - is, in my opinion, one of the most convenient. If you are located in the European Union.

If you are departing from other places, it is more convenient to fly to Paris first. In general, the location of Annecy is such that, willy-nilly, you will have to make a couple more transfers or even change transport to get to the city.

Annecy can be reached by bus; the bus station has connections with many major cities in France. But you will have to get to large cities by plane, cars or trains.

There is also a train station in Annecy, this method will be especially good if you decide to travel from Paris, but not by plane. Which, by the way, will be more difficult there. Despite the fact that there is an airport in the city, communication there is only with the capital, and not so frequent.

Well, the city has no access to the sea, so there is no sea transportation there. Except for the lake boats and speedboats that tourists and locals ride on.

By plane

When traveling from Russia, you can fly not only through the capital of France. Let's consider the options.

Via Paris

Annecy Airport, its full name is Annecy - Mont-Blanc, is located about 6 kilometers from the city. As I already said, planes from there fly exclusively to Paris.

Via Geneva

It is much easier for our compatriots to do this: take a ticket to Geneva (GVA), which is only 44 kilometers from Annecy, and then get from there by bus. Flights to Geneva from Moscow and St. Petersburg occur regularly, several times a day, some with transfers, some direct. The price starts from 6.5 thousand rubles one way, time - from 4 hours one way.

Well, it’s easy to get from Geneva to Annecy by company bus TransdevHaute Savo ie . Buses run regularly from the bus station, approximately every hour, the ride will take a little more than an hour, and the price is generally quite reasonable - 10.5 EUR. Detailed schedules can be found on the bus company's website.

From Annecy airport to city center

Getting from the airport to your future destination is also quite easy. There is a constant guard in the parking lot in front of the building. Taxi from several companies at once, such as strong , ANNECY TAXIS ,TIBERO Lucien and several others. You can catch a car directly leaving the airport, or you can call the dispatch center in advance. By the way, on the same airport website there is also a telephone number for taxi services. If you order a car in advance, a trip to the center will cost you no more than 10 EUR.

Well, those who decide to move independently can take rent a car. There are rental services at the airport AVIS,HERTZ,EuropCar . Perhaps this option is much more convenient, since then you will not depend on buses, excursions and taxi drivers. The price of renting a car starts from about 20 EUR. You can look at offers from rental companies, for example.

However, as has probably already become clear, getting from Russia through Annecy Airport is still problematic. You need to make a transfer in Paris, and even there you need to match the flight schedule.

By train

There is a train from Moscow to Paris, which you can read about in. From St. Petersburg you can travel by rail through the capital. For options for traveling from Moscow to other cities in France, see the Russian Railways website, and by plane.

Annecy has its own train station. Trains from there regularly run to, Valence, Chambery and Chamonix. There are several flights from each city every day, the schedule changes periodically, so there is no point in listing it. It is better to check with French railways, where you can also buy tickets online. By the way, I recommend doing this, because in this case the trip may cost you less.

  • From Paris trains run every day with regularity from one to three hours. The drive will take about four hours. Prices actually vary greatly, from 49.9 EUR to 100 EUR.
  • From Lyon You can get there even faster - in just 2 hours. The ticket price will be 26–27 EUR.
  • From Chambery trains take about an hour, such a trip will cost you 10.6 EUR.
  • From Chamonix The ride is not entirely convenient; you will have to make one or two transfers, depending on the flight, in Saint-Gervais and La Roche-sur-Foron. On average, the trip will cost you 22–24 EUR.
  • From Grenoble trains take just under two hours, and the trip itself will cost you about 20.7 EUR.
  • If you go from Valence, then the trip will last about 3 hours, and the ticket price will be 30–40 EUR.

From Annecy station to city center

Annecy Train Station (ANNECY RAILWAY STATION) is located approximately in the city center, from there it is easy to get to anywhere. Either walk, take a bus, or take a taxi.

By bus

Having reached Paris or another convenient European city using the methods described above, you can try to get to Annecy itself by bus.

The bus station is located in the same building as the train station. Buses from Annecy go to major neighboring cities, not only French ones. As I already said, regular bus services connect Annecy with Geneva. It’s best to check the rest of the schedule on transport websites. The price of the bus depends on the place from where you will be getting there, so, in general, the difference in cost is significant. From 10 EUR and, for example, up to 60 EUR.

By car

But, in my opinion, the most ideal way to travel to Annecy is still a car. If you are driving around Europe in your own car, then great; if you don’t have one, but have an international license, then you can rent a car. I have already written about rental agencies above.

If you start your journey by car from Moscow, then the easiest way will be to take the M1 highway through Belarus towards the Polish capital of Warsaw.

I also recommend traveling through Belarus from St. Petersburg. Some motorists advise taking a different route from St. Petersburg, through Latvia and Lithuania, and this, of course, is a good option, given that you save about 1.5 hours of time. Everything, in general, depends on where you decide to cross the Eurozone border: in Latvia or in Poland.

When you leave Russia, do not forget to monitor toll highways. They are common in Europe, and if you want to save money, you can avoid them, although by significantly increasing your journey. In Poland, payment is made for the section of the route traveled, so it is difficult to indicate the exact prices of local highways; you need to understand how much you plan to drive along them. You may see signs for toll highways in Belarus, but don't worry - tolling is only required for vehicles registered outside the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

From Warsaw, travel through Germany and Switzerland to Annecy. In Germany, the autobahns are easier - they are all free. In Switzerland you need to buy a vignette, which costs 37 EUR (40 CHF/Swiss francs). The major cities you will have to pass by are Wroclaw in Poland, Nuremberg in Germany, Zurich and Geneva in Switzerland.

When you get to France, you need to remember a few things that are important for the motorist:

  • Major roads in France are mostly toll roads. On the map and on road signs such roads are marked with the letter “A”. Payment is made at the terminal either at the entrance to the toll section or at the exit from it. On average, you will have to pay about 10 EUR for 100 kilometers. You can pay by card.
  • As I already said, there are toll highways, but you can make your journey cheaper, although you can significantly increase it, by taking small roads through the countryside. The main thing here is to remember the speed limit, and in general to become more familiar with the rules and the system of fines in France. But perhaps a long drive through rural France will give you even more pleasure than a high-speed drive on the highway.
  • Cars in Annecy need to be left only in the parking lot. Such parking spaces are available almost everywhere. Usually they are paid, but they actually cost little, somewhere from 1 EUR per hour, and in most cases the first half hour is free.
  • If you violate the rules, you face a fine of 17 EUR for a minimal violation, which is illegal parking. The average fine for speeding and other violations is 135 EUR. More serious violations are estimated at several thousand EUR.

By ferry

Annecy is located on the shore of a lake and there are many fishing boats as well as tourist cruises. But, basically, this is all the transport on the lake. You can’t drive anywhere with it, but you can enjoy the beauty of Haute-Savoie with great pleasure!


Annecy - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 2

Kazan 2

Samara 3

Ekaterinburg 4

Novosibirsk 6

Vladivostok 9

When is the season? When is the best time to go

You can come to Annecy at any time of the year because there is always something to do.

The proximity of the lake naturally suggests the possibility of a resort holiday, but this resort is, of course, of the European type, where walks by the water are perhaps preferable to spending time on the beach.

Annecy in summer

Summers here are moderately hot, so don't count on a long high season. However, it exists! In fact, it seems to me that the truly comfortable months for swimming are July and August. In August, the air can warm up to +27 °C, and the water - up to +24 °C.

Annecy in autumn

Autumn in the city is beautiful: crimson, playing with colors, warm and not as rainy as in central Russia.

There are much more sunny days, and although there is more precipitation than in summer, it is not prolonged. But a lot of fog comes from the mountains.

In September, the sun warms up well, and you can wear a T-shirt during the day, but in October and November you will need a sweatshirt - the average temperature in these months is +13 °C and +9 °C, respectively.

Annecy in spring

Spring here is early, very bright, and many flowers bloom. At the end of February - beginning of March, all the trees are painted with bright colors. The air temperature in April is already around +17–20 °C, but for now, like in May, you can’t swim.

Annecy in winter

Winters in Annecy are moderately snowy, the temperature rarely drops below zero, so green grass almost always peeks out from under the snow. But a sharp, piercing wind often blows from the lake and, as fellow Muscovites who have visited there in winter say, the cold is much more difficult to bear due to the high humidity. The average temperature in winter is +5 °C. The coldest month is February.

Annecy - weather by month


Annecy - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

Annecy is located on the shore of a lake, and it is a rather elongated city that has somewhat narrowed its borders.

It is divided into 6 communes, that is, districts. In the picture below you can see them.

  1. Annecy,
  2. Crans-Gevrier,
  3. Please,
  4. Annecy-le-Vieux,
  5. Seino,
  6. Prenzhi.

The main tourist life is concentrated in the city center, where the ancient part of Annecy is located. Accordingly, hotels are mostly located nearby. Also, the majority of hotels are located along the shore of the lake. The price of hotels in the city center and near the embankment ranges around 80 EUR. This is a good choice, but remember that this is where most of the tourists and locals walk and can sometimes be quite noisy. However, all the attractions are nearby.

The areas of Crans-Gevrier, Seino and Prengy are considered cheaper, with prices starting from 40 EUR. The downside is that it takes a long time to get to the center.

What are the prices for holidays?

Annecy is not a very big city, so the prices there are not exorbitant. However, it is still worth remembering some points that will allow you to save.

  1. Firstly, move around the city itself on foot, especially if you are there for more than one day. Our small friendly group, for example, left the car in the parking lot near the hotel and went for a walk on our own. Very convenient, and at the same time we got a good look at the city.
  2. Secondly, take the time to find a good hotel. In my experience, the price of a hotel in Annecy depends little on the location, such as in coastal cities. The main thing in the price given is the level of the hotel. We stayed at the Atipik Hotel Alexandra, it is located a ten-minute walk from the lake and literally a stone's throw from the historical center of the city. And it cost us about 70 EUR per night per room. On average, hotel prices in Annecy range from 50 EUR to 100 EUR, and those that are over a hundred are starting to be considered luxurious. You can book hotels on, and compare to see if there are lower prices here.
  3. Thirdly, when it comes to food, I always advise going to restaurants as little as possible. Once or twice, of course, it’s worth it, but no more. On average, a normal lunch can cost approximately 15 EUR per person. But still, it will be much more economical to find a hotel with a kitchen in the room. Or simply with an accessible kitchen. Then you can cook your own food for free. You can look for options for apartments or apartments with a kitchen, for example. So when you buy groceries at the supermarket, you save some money on food.


Cost of food, accommodation, transportation and other things

Currency: Euro, € US Dollar, $ Russian Ruble, Rub

Main attractions. What to see

Annecy is a small piece of the Middle Ages, frozen in the middle of the mountains, like a dragonfly in amber. There is a lot to see here: fantastic views, medieval castles, austere beautiful churches. But the main attraction of the city is its unique atmosphere, which has not yet left any traveler indifferent. Walk along its streets, breathe in the aroma of fish and coffee, listen to the wind rustling in the cracks of ancient stones, and fall in love with this city as much as I did!

Don't forget about comfortable shoes, a hat and an umbrella: the weather in the foothills is unpredictable!

Top 5

Annecy, although it may seem like a small town, has a large number of attractions that visitors to this Savoyard pearl will want to see. Small churches, beautiful streets that have preserved the charm of the Middle Ages, unusual houses, parks and bridges that are amazing in their layout. The list could take a long time, but I would like to highlight 5 places that you must visit in Annecy if you find yourself there:

Well, I’ll tell you more about all these places below. Go!

Beaches. Which ones are better

Since in the summer not only lovers of historical attractions flock to Annecy, but also those who want to swim in the clear water of the lake, the lake, like the city, is also known for its beaches.

I will highlight three of the most popular:

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

Since the beginning of the 20th century, religion in France has been separated from the state. The majority of the population does not consider themselves believers, which is a kind of record in Europe. The predominant number of believers in this country are Catholics, especially in this region, so close to Switzerland, which was rocked by the waves of the Reformation until the 19th century. So in Annecy, most of the churches are Catholic. They are open from morning to evening, you can always go to any one, no one will kick you out. Women may not cover their hair when entering the temple, but men should still remove their head covering. Skirts are also treated quite tolerantly here, the main thing (which is unlikely to occur to anyone) is not to show up to church in a swimsuit straight from the beach. All the temples discussed below are active.

Also, to get a complete picture, it is worth visiting the following temples:

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

Palace on the Island (Palais de l"Île)

Perhaps the Palace is the main attraction of Annecy. This charming miniature castle is located on 3rd Passage de L'Isle. At this point, the Tiu channel bifurcates, forming a small island. The houses along the canal are crowded close to the water, giving the traveler an idea of ​​what the city looked like in the Middle Ages before the spacious embankments were built.

The palace was built in the 12th century, in 1132, and, surprisingly, it has retained its appearance to this day almost in its original form.

During the first two centuries of its existence, it belonged to the vassals of the counts of Geneva, then to Helen of Luxembourg, and then, coming under the jurisdiction of the city authorities, it performed various administrative functions. Over the remaining centuries of its existence, it managed to visit the Chamber of Accounts, the Palace of Justice, and a prison.

Now it is not only Annecy's most recognizable landmark, but also an excellent historical museum. You can also still see the prison casemates here.

Opening hours and visiting: From 1 October to 31 May it is open every day except Tuesday from 10:00 to 17:00 (closed from 12:00 to 14:00). During the high season, from June 1 to September 30, it is open every day without exception from 10:30 to 18:00 without interruption. The museum is also closed on holidays: January 1, Easter Sunday and Monday, May 1, November 1, November 11, December 25. Entrance ticket - 3.80 EUR.

Castle of the Counts of Geneva (Château d'Annecy)

You should also not ignore this monumental building, towering above St. Clair street. They say that the first fortress was built here in the 8th century, and in its place in the 12th century, by order of the counts of Geneva, a castle was erected. About 200 years after its construction, it came into the possession of the Dukes of Savoy. It was under their rule that the most beautiful tower of the Perrier structure was built.

However, later, when the duchy disappeared, the castle fell into disrepair - barracks were located here, and at one time it even served as a shelter for vagabonds.

Now there is an extensive museum here, where, along with a historical exhibition, objects of local folk and modern art are presented. In the Perrier Tower, I was curious to see fishing gear, a model of the lake and the mountains that surround it, and an aquarium with the fish that live in this lake. The castle is also worth a visit, if only because the windows of its towers offer magnificent views of the city and lake.

Opening hours and visiting: The museum is under the same management as the Palace on the Island, so the opening hours and days are the same. The entrance ticket costs 5.20 EUR. You can buy a combined ticket for two museums, it costs 7.20 EUR.


Garden of Europe (Jardins de l'Europe)

At the point where the Canal du Vasse flows into the lake, there is lovers' bridge (Pont des Amours). Here, of course, you definitely need to kiss and confess your love to each other if you come on vacation as a couple. It is also the most popular date spot in the city.

You can get to the bridge along the Jules Philippe embankment, walking from the Hotel de Ville stop. Or along Promnad Jacquet Street from the Prefecture Paquier stop.

But what was more important to me was that it led to a place that, located in the midst of this cozy French-Alpine splendor, was a real piece of England. It's called Garden of Europe(Jardins de l"Europe) .

This regular English park was established in 1863. It has its own small artificial lake with a miniature island, as well as a charming statue sculpted by a man whose main specialty was a chemist, Claude-Louis Berthollet.

Simple benches and perfectly flat lawns, where young people sit to eat ice cream or drink a glass of coffee, involuntarily bring back memories of London.

How to get there: By public transport, you can get to the Garden of Europe by getting off at the Hotel de Ville stop.

Tourist streets

The history of Annecy dates back hundreds of years, and despite the fact that the city has been rebuilt and modernized many times, many streets have retained their historical appearance, which seems to take you to pages from the history of the city.

  • And finally Rue Louis-Armand, another pedestrian artery of Annecy, is located slightly north of the Old Town.

What to see in 1 day

Although Annecy is a small city, there are plenty of attractions there, and it’s understandable that it will take a lot of time to see everything. But what if you are passing through Annecy and you only have a day to explore the city? In this case, I would highlight several places and things that you should definitely visit if you find yourself in this small corner of France:

What to see in the area

Haute-Savoie is filled with many amazing attractions. Many of them are worthy of attention, but first of all, I would recommend paying attention to the following places located near the city of Annecy.

Lake Annecy and the villages along it (right next to the city)

As I already said, the city is located on the shores of the amazingly beautiful Lake Annecy, a real French pearl. This lake is famous for being one of the cleanest in Europe. However, this is the result of careful work by environmental protection organizations.

Lake Annecy is an amazingly beautiful place where you can admire views of crystal clear water and the surrounding mountains. The surroundings of the lake are very picturesque; on the shore, in addition to the city of the same name, there are also small villages. We stopped at the small villages of Duingt (12 km), Doussard (19 km), very beautiful places that I would recommend visiting to admire the lake, small settlement and local residents. You can get there by taxi or private car.

A boat rental center has also been built near Lake Annecy, where the largest paragliding (paragliding) competitions in Europe are held.

Montrotier Castle (10 km)

About ten kilometers separates the city of Annecy from the Chateau de Montrottier, which is located in the Lovagny area. It was built in the 13th century, rebuilt several times, and its last restoration was carried out in the 19th century.

Now the castle is open to the public, but there is an entrance fee. The price of an adult ticket is 8.5 EUR, and if you go in a group of 20 people or more, then tickets will cost you 7.5 EUR per person. There are discounts on visits for students, pensioners and the unemployed. More information about visiting the castle and benefits can be found on it.

Roc des Cher Nature Reserve (13.5 km)

You can visit it for free, and the best way to get there is by car or bus. Buses along the lake run quite often, so it is better to check the schedule at the bus station.

Food. What to try

Savoyard cuisine is an amazing phenomenon even for French gourmets, who are famous for their gastronomic delights. It is rare to find a cuisine based on, in general, simple products, but at the same time so surprising. However, it should be remembered that the simple cuisine of Savoy existed many hundreds of years ago until the local residents decided to slightly diversify their table. The chefs of local rulers came up with original dishes that were made from simple cheeses, meats and game, but in unusual proportions, with the addition of special spices and herbs.

Nowadays, Savoyard cuisine is famous all over the world as one of the most exquisite, mainly dishes are prepared based on ingredients that were obtained directly in Savoy: river and lake fish, local cheeses, game, mushrooms, berries, fruits.

Of course, there are many delicacies in the local cuisine, but I would like to mention two of them, as well as one dessert, that I found especially tasty:


Safety. What to watch out for

Annecy is a pretty calm city. We walked the streets at night without any problems, but it should be noted that there were four of us. The locals we met only smiled welcomingly and did not commit any aggressive actions towards us. However, this is still the center of the city, they are used to tourists there, and everything is well guarded.

If you are renting a hotel on the outskirts, then it is better not to walk at night, especially if there is a park in the vicinity. As in any city, despite all the friendliness of the French, troubles do happen. My friends, for example, complained about beggars who are especially annoying in the area of ​​the station. Well, alas, there is no escape from pickpockets, especially in crowded central areas. So you need to pay closer attention to your bags.

But in general, in my opinion, Annecy is a rather welcoming and friendly city, which left a very friendly impression of itself.

Things to do

Although Annecy may seem like a laid-back tourist town, there is plenty of entertainment and shopping to be had. Well, Annecy, like any self-respecting tourist city, is simply well supplied with souvenirs!

Shopping and shops

Galeries Lafayette

There are quite a few clothing boutiques in the center of Annecy, especially a large number of them on one of the central streets, Rue Royale. But I would recommend checking out the huge Galeries Lafayette department store. This world-famous store has many boutiques and departments where you can find clothes and jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, and everything to suit every taste. Galeries Lafayette is located on Avenue Parmelan, and you can get there by taking buses 5, 14, 1, I, L, M.

Bars. Where to go

Bars where you can just have a drink and sit in pleasant company can also be found in Annecy, as, in general, in any city. The atmosphere there is usually typical for such places, there is a large selection of beers, wines, and light snacks. I will name specific places:

  • Savoie Bar, located on Place Saint-François de Sales. Very nice place.
  • And Captain Pub on Rue Pont Morent - an atmospheric establishment in a maritime style.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Souvenirs can be bought everywhere in Annecy. There are many small kiosks, and there are also large souvenir shops, e.g. Altitude on Rue Perrier. The assortment, however, is approximately the same everywhere: postcards, magnets, mugs, T-shirts, plates and other souvenirs.

How to get around the city

Getting around Annecy is quite easy, since the city is not that big after all. Tourists who don't want to break their feet and walk can take a taxi or ride a city bus.

If you have a driver's license, you can rent a car. This will be especially useful to you if you decide to explore the outskirts of the city. And believe me, there is something to see there!

And finally, if you live in a hotel closer to the historical center of the city or, for example, came for just a couple of days, then you can limit yourself to exploring the Old Town and the embankment near the lake. And for this you don’t need any transport, you can just walk.

Travel costs and payment

If you take a taxi to travel to a neighboring city, then there is a certain tariff for this. For example, to get to Chamonix with four people, you need to pay 70 EUR; if there are five passengers, the fare will rise to 80 EUR; if there are six passengers, then 90 EUR. Prices to different cities vary depending on the distance of travel. Well, when moving around the city, you are unlikely to pay more than 20 EUR.

You can also pay for taxi services with a credit card, but you need to be more careful here, because not every taxi accepts them for payment. It’s better to immediately clarify this issue with the dispatcher if you order a car by phone, or with the driver if you decide to just catch a car on the street.


Buses are the main form of public transport in Annecy. Transportation is carried out by SIBRA. The bus network covers not only the city itself, but also the suburbs, so if you want to explore Annecy as widely as possible, the bus is the most suitable transport for this. Provided, of course, that you don't have a car.


Ticket prices vary, and when purchasing, it makes sense to base your purchase on how long you will spend in Annecy. Tickets can be bought at the station or at special kiosks. Or even order on the bus company’s website. There are the following types of tickets:

  1. Ticket for 24 hours. Its cost is 3.9 EUR. When boarding the bus, the ticket must be stamped, and from that moment the time will begin. After 24 hours the ticket will expire.
  2. Ticket for 7 days. It works exactly the same as the daily allowance, only it expires after a week. Such a ticket costs 15.3 EUR.
  3. Ticket for 1 hour. Usually it is bought from the driver. Such a ticket costs 1.4 EUR.
  4. This option is quite good if you are traveling with a large group and only need one bus ride. In this case, you can buy a ticket for 10 adults. The cost of such a ticket is 10.7 EUR. It must be used within an hour.

Annecy - holidays with children

If you are going on vacation with children, it is best to book a room in some large hotel, since they often have all the conditions for children's recreation. These include playrooms, large playgrounds, private swimming pools, and water parks.

For older children, I think it will be interesting to go on excursions to local attractions, for example, to the castles that I talked about above.

Ski holiday

Haute-Savoie can rightfully be called a real fairy tale of alpine skiing. This French department is part of the French Alps and is simply filled with a variety of ski resorts.

Annecy itself is not such, but since it is located at the foot of the mountains, this allows the city to be an excellent transit point where you can spend the night before heading to a real ski resort, for example, Megève, which is only 60 kilometers from Annecy.

Many people do this in order to save money. They rent an apartment in Annecy (from 60 USD), which can be found much cheaper, spend an hour on the road, and then have fun skiing.

Well, in the evening we return by car to the hotel. But it is better to do this if you have your own car or rented a car. Still, adjusting to the bus schedule is quite inconvenient.

Ski passes

The cost of a ski pass is 225 EUR per week and about 40-45 EUR per day!

Hotels- don’t forget to check prices from booking sites! Don't overpay. This !

Rent a Car- also an aggregation of prices from all rental companies, all in one place, let's go!

Anything to add?