Money, Beautiful, Crimean, Vysotnaya - these are all Mount Paragilmen, the routes to which have long been well known to tourists who prefer active recreation to sitting in hammocks.

Mount Paragilmen is located near the village of Maly Mayak and is one of the most attractive points for all travelers.

The name is translated from Greek as “to cross the line, to go beyond” and if you dare to climb a high-rise, you will understand exactly what we mean we're talking about– a breathtaking panorama of views opens up and it seems that a little more and the edge of existence will be broken. There will be complete unity with the birds and you will be able to literally fly through this air filled with aromas and wind.

The origin of Mount Paragilmen dates back to the Upper Jurassic period, which is confirmed by the composition of the mountain - marbled limestone interspersed with conglomerates. Once upon a time, a piece called Paragilmen broke off from the main ridge of mountains and is gradually sliding into the Black Sea.

The place is famous and has been shown more than once in our films, for example, it was in the vicinity of Paragilmen that the film “Hearts of Three” was filmed. And now, if you happen to see the film, pay attention to the magnificent views of nature that are available for real inspection, you just have to come to Crimea and visit Paragilmen, choosing routes according to your strengths and your own taste.

In addition to charming views, Paragilmen will give you a lot of interesting things. To begin with, this is an ascent to a point 857 meters high, and the southern slopes are quite steep, reaching 60-80 degrees, so only experienced climbers can conquer them. Travelers who want to take a regular walk go along the northern side, where they can calmly climb to the peak stretching towards Babugan-yayla.

Sights can be found literally at every step. Two huge yew trees, keeping many secrets in their evergreen crown, have been waiting, greeting and seeing off travelers for many hundreds of years. Judge for yourself: the yew grows in thickness by 1 mm per year, and the width of the trunk of each tree is 0.7 meters. Once you estimate their age, yew trees turn into real time travelers who calmly look at everything that happens, perfectly understanding the transience of life. You should not try the fruits, which attract with their red hue - poisons that were deadly to humans were often prepared from yew. Paragilmen is not as harmless as it seems.

The mountain shines with special beauty in the fall, when all the plants begin to literally compete in the richness of their decoration. Speaking of plants, there are more than 30 species of trees, many medicinal herbs, mushrooms, and shrubs. Many species are listed in the Red Book and are especially protected by law. Every now and then, as you climb, you come across smooth, huge boulders, rolled by the wind and sun. These are usually left by glaciers, but in the southern part of Crimea there are no, and there were no, glaciers, so the origin of the stones still remains a mystery. Travelers will be greeted by a pear grove, the old trees of which still flutter with silver leaves in the mountain wind, flowers, fragrant herbs, and along the entire path it will be easy to breathe, despite the ascent. The air here is healing, calming the nerves, giving pleasant emotions and complete healing from headaches.

Routes to Paragilmen

There are many tourist routes to Paragilmen. One of them starts from the bridge in the village of Maly Mayak, passes by the Talma spring and leads to the Babugan plateau.

There are 4 routes for climbers: along the Left and Right edges, along the Center, Troika through the fireplace. All routes require mandatory experience and special equipment. The passage time is up to 4-6 hours, depending on the difficulty. The routes are beautiful and vary in difficulty. If you have a great desire to conquer a steep wall, then you should go to the village of Vinogradnoye, where you can take a trainer and with him go through an easier path accessible to a beginner. Climbers with experience prefer to get to Paragilmen themselves, reaching the Sharkhinsky quarry stop, walking up the road for half a kilometer and turning right, where the base camps are located, right under the mountain. Here in the camp there is an opportunity to discuss new products, be happy for your comrades and, perhaps, learn news and discoveries of waypoints.

Well, for ordinary tourists, the road also leads to Vinogradnoye, from where, past a small lake full of mountain waters, through the Sharkha quarry, a path leads to the foot of Paragilmen and you can begin the ascent, carefully moving to the intended point.

The length of the routes to Paragilmen is small, from a quarter of a kilometer. Let a person with minimal training be able to walk, especially if it is not running, but a smooth and measured journey. On Mount Paragilmen, rallies and meetings of mountaineers, local historians and youth gatherings often take place. The views of the surrounding area are truly magnificent, mesmerizing and therefore Paragilmen remains one of the popular points on tourist map Crimea. At the same time, the height is quite accessible, which means that by choosing the time and suitable routes, you can climb Paragilmen with the whole family. And don’t be surprised when you come across freshly dug pits on Paragilmen - this means that the legend about the treasures of Soufakis is not forgotten and treasure hunters are still full of strength and optimism to find the untold riches buried, according to legend, on Paragilmen!

Paragilmen- this is one of the largest Yailin rejects of the South Coast (857 m). The name of the mountain comes from the Greek “paraginome” - “to go beyond something.”

The mountain is clearly visible from the trolleybus route against the backdrop of Babugan-yayla in the area of ​​the village of Maly Mayak. From the sea side it looks like a large trapezoid; it has steep slopes of up to 60–80° and a flattened top, stretching from south to north for almost half a kilometer.

The mountain is composed of Upper Jurassic marbled limestones (sometimes conglomerates), which makes it similar to the Yaylin massif Babugan-yayly (with highest point Crimea - Mountain Roman-kosh, 1545 m), from which it broke away, moving down the slope in Quaternary time. In a small space of Mount Paragilmen, as in a natural-ecological museum, you can see and understand the picture of the formation of various relief forms: rocks, karst formations, inherited from the yayla, deep crevices and scatterings of pebbles from layers of natural concrete - conglomerate.

The southern slopes of Paragilmen are rocky, like alpine walls. Here you can find tall juniper, very old specimens of yew berry and very rare endemics of the Crimea. On a patch of the upper plateau there is a well-preserved grove of old pear trees with half-meter-thick trunks. Its pubescent silvery leaves resemble a blooming crown on a hot summer day. Many species of Paragilmen flora are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

Paragilmen is a natural monument since 1964. In 1979, on Mount Paragilmen and the adjacent area of ​​beech forest, a reserve of medicinal plants was organized, ten species of which are listed in the Red Books.

An ancient pack trail leads through Paragilmen, along which lies the popular route to climb Mount Roman-kosh (1545 m) - the highest point of Crimea. The dirt road from the trolleybus route begins at the village. Grape.

There are many legends about Paragilmen. Filmmakers have filmed romantic scenes here for adventure films such as Hearts of Three.


The most interesting attraction of Paragilmen is two large yew trees nestled in a deep crevice at the top. The thickness of the trunk of one of them is about 70 cm, and the mighty branches spread out to the sides for 7–8 meters. This giant yew is not inferior in age to its thousand-year-old brother on Ai-Petri.

Rock climbing

On Mount Paragilmen there are climbing routes of various categories of difficulty: the peak of Paragilmen includes three different massifs. The western (left) is a heavily destroyed forested area. Only the far right part is relatively monolithic. Here, along a pronounced buttress, there is a route of the 1st category of difficulty. The central wall is bordered on both sides by two huge internal couloir corners. There are at least 4 routes on it, from the 2nd to the 4th category of difficulty. The right massif is very diverse: there are vertical walls, walls covered with ivy, local monolithic overhangs, and shelves strewn with stones. The length of the routes is about 250 m.

Reading time: 3 minutes

Mount Paragilmen - view in autumn

Paragilmen is a mountain located 2 km northwest of Alushta. It has maximum height 871 meters above sea level. It stands apart from the rest of the hills of the Crimean system.

The cliff slopes are very steep. Its top is an ellipse, stretching 480 meters from south to north. It is completely covered with mixed forest. On the very top of Paragilmen's head there are 2 yew trees. One of them has a trunk diameter of 70 cm and a cast shadow radius of 7-8 meters. Of the 30 species of herbs and shrubs that were found on the mountain, 10 are rare and are included in the Red Book. In 1964, Paragilmen was recognized as a natural monument and is still protected by the state.

There are several translation options for the name of the mountain. The name apex is generally accepted to mean “to go beyond something.”

Paragilmen is a natural attraction popular among tourists visiting Alushta. It is known as the filming location for episodes of the film “Hearts of Three.” Runs through the hill hiking trail on mountain . Previously, the above-mentioned path was used for mule caravans. About the rock Paragilmen is folded beautiful legend.

Legend of the Rock

One of the translations of the name of the mountain sounds like “Go for the money.” In ancient times, the Greek Sufrakis the Crooked lived in Lambada, who was so nicknamed because one of his legs was shorter than the other. The Hellene could not walk straight, but walked in zigzags.

One day, residents of the village saw fires on the shore - signals of the approach of pirates. People took their goods, drove out their cattle and went to the mountains to hide the most valuable things. Sufrakis also carried his belongings. Having reached the top, he began to look for a place where he could bury the treasure. I saw a yew tree, walked away from it a little to the west, and then a little to the north, dug a hole and put a jug of coins there.

There was a raid. The pirates had nothing to profit from. They cut down trees and destroyed houses, but found no money. The robbers returned several more times, but were always left without any loot.

We've arrived peaceful times. The residents returned their treasures to their homes and began to live happily. Soufrakis grew old and walked poorly. He sent his sons to the mountain, but they did not find the treasure. Then the Crooked Greek shouted “Paragilmen” - go get the money and showed how he walked up the mountain. The children could not exactly imitate his gait and again returned with nothing.

Soufrakis died soon after, but even before his death he repeated “Paragilmen! Paragilman! To this day, his descendants come to the mountain and try to find their ancestor’s treasure. Freshly dug holes that are regularly found at the top are clear confirmation of this.

Climbing on the mountain

The steep slopes of Mount Paragilmen are an excellent platform for mountaineering. Due to their complexity and high risk of rocks, they are not often visited by professionals. mountain sports. In the 70s of the last century, 4 routes were laid through the rocks of the mountain. They were assigned categories from 2nd to 4th. The mountain consists of 3 massifs:

  • Western, destroyed and overgrown with trees. A category 1B route runs along its right monolithic part.
  • Central, limited by couloir corners. There are routes of 2-4 difficulty categories along it.
  • Eastern. Characterized by a wide variety of obstacles, with routes of 3-4 categories.

It is believed that the difficulty is greatly underestimated and in fact some “fours” fully meet the criteria of “fives”. The decrease occurred due to the fact that the routes were laid by the best athletes of the USSR, who in their own way assessed the obstacles encountered on the mountain.

While climbing even the easiest routes of Paragilmen, climbers must be as careful as possible, since they are all covered with lichens. After rain, the routes become washed out and very slippery.


Alushta equestrian clubs offer city guests rides on Paragilmen. Excursions to the mountain are made by prior arrangement and take place all day: from 8 am to 5-6 pm. During the promenades, tourists view the peak, the view from it of nearby cities, a mountain lake, vineyards and other attractions in the vicinity of Alushta.

Horse promenades are available to unprepared tourists and children over 6 years old. Excursions are conducted in groups of up to 8 people, accompanied by experienced instructors who explain how to handle a horse and tell legends about Paragilmen.

Alushta cycling clubs regularly organize trips to visit famous mountain, with stops at its top, a lake at the foot of the cliff and swimming on the nearest beach. Such excursions are also suitable for experienced fans. active rest and those who have never ridden a bicycle.

To view the mountain from above, paragliding flights are available in Alushta active recreation clubs. From a height of 800-1000 meters above sea level, all the slopes and hard-to-reach places of the peak are visible.

How to get there?

On foot . No one leads to the mountain highway, so you can only climb to the top of Paragilmen on foot. From Alushta you need to go along the Bakhchisarai highway to the village of Vinogradnoye. In the village, a convenient point for gathering is the parking lot at the Aquatoria theater of marine animals. Near it there is a bus stop on routes No. 30 and 50 “Sanatorium Uzbekistan”. From the square, past vineyards, a mountain lake and the Sharkha quarry, a path leads to the top of the mountain. It offers a beautiful view of Alushta and Yalta.

By transport. To get to the foot of the mountain you need to take a minibus that runs between Yalta and Alushta and get off at the Sharkha Quarry stop. From there you need to move in the direction of the bus. After 500 meters, turn right onto the path that leads to the tourist camps at the foot of the mountain.

The latter are equipped with tables and benches, awnings. At a distance of 200-500 meters from them there are springs with clean drinking water. It's worth stopping at these sites little money(up to 100 rubles per person).

Paragilmen – interesting and unique place, which is definitely worth seeing during a visit to Crimea.

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general characteristics:

Driving to Foros again, I promised myself to return to Paragelmen, where I went for the first time in 1991 Crimean route. And now I’m starting a series of articles with him.

The development of the massif began in the 60s, as evidenced by wooden wedges (!) and hooks made of 50x50 steel angles. In the 80s and at the very beginning of the 90s, this place was popular among novice climbers: many of my friends climbed their first twos and threes here. Now the popularity of this mountain (as well as Sokol) among climbers has dropped somewhat. The reason for this is in some of the “hothouse” twos and fours of F. Kant, Mshatka, Chelebi, where the stations are almost always on trees, and the hooks are in bad taste.
But it’s worth visiting Paragelmen - firstly: the unique nature of this corner of Crimea, due to its proximity to Roman-Kosh; secondly: there are fewer traces of people (i.e. banal garbage) than on Foros, thirdly: the non-Foros structure of the rocks, the great steepness, the short length of the routes will significantly diversify your technical techniques.

How to get there, where to live?

You can get to Paragelmen from Simferopol by trolleybus or bus going to Yalta, the “Maly Mayak” stop is the first after Alushta. Then from the highway climb up to the right for about an hour in the direction of the wall. At the beginning, pass several houses, cross the road and, having found a green water pipe, move along it through the forest with small lavender fields. You can park above or below the upper road. From here to the beginning of the routes 15 - 20 minutes. Water can be taken below the upper road from a cut in the pipe. For those who like comfort: you can live in a village below the Simferopol-Yalta highway, then the approaches will increase somewhat, but are compensated by the presence of shops, summer eateries, etc.
In addition to climbers, this area is famous among paragliders, and earlier, in the late 80s, union-level climbing competitions were held here.

Technical specifications:

Only the far right part is relatively monolithic. It is here, along a pronounced buttress, that the route of the first category of difficulty passes.
The central wall is bordered on both sides by two huge internal couloir corners. There are at least 4 routes on it, from the second to the fourth category of difficulty. All of them are distinguished from the Foros routes by their short length and a large number of technical difficulties. On “troikas” you can find sections with IV+/V- climbing or requiring aid, which is typical for Foros routes 4A, 4B c.s. Route 4 k.s. on Paragelmen (first ascent by Yu. Lishaev) corresponds to the Foros “fives” in terms of the set of difficulties, but is inferior to them in length.

The right massif is very diverse: there are vertical walls, walls covered with ivy, local monolithic overhangs, and shelves strewn with stones. Therefore, there are no full-fledged routes there (if I'm wrong, correct me). It is this part of the massif that is an ideal testing ground for those who want to try themselves as a pioneer, but before you do this, re-evaluate your strengths.

Descent from the top - east along the trail takes 20 - 25 minutes to the upper road.

List of routes to the Paragelmen peak:

Route 1
1B, II

In my opinion, this is the easiest route in Crimea, category 1B, very pleasant and friendly. Ideal for your first independent sport climb in small mountains. The route runs along the right edge and the buttress of the left Paragelmen massif, to the left of a huge fault - a couloir.

From the upper road, approach the buttress in the direction of the buttress, first along the path, then along uncategorized rocks (10-15 minutes). Further, in bundles, up 200-250 meters along simple and medium-difficult rocks, belaying through ledges, trees, pitons. The last 50 m are a little more difficult than the previous sections (II). It is necessary, going to the right, along the slabs and cracks to approach a tree with a sign, then along simple rocks 10-15 meters exit to the yayla.

There are many trees and old pitons on the route, which not only serves as a guide for movement, but also simplifies the organization of belay points.

Travel time: 2-3 hours.

Equipment: a set of bookmarks, 5 guy ropes, tree loops for organizing stations.

Route 2
2A, III, A1

The route begins to the right of the fault-couloir from the tree with a cable loop (landmark of the beginning) and runs along the left buttress of the central massif (SW kf).

From the tree on the right side of the edge, climb 30 m along rocks of medium difficulty (III) to a wall with a difficult gap (the key of the route). The gap is passed using aids (long wedges, 3 m, A1), then along the wall 5 m to the cable loop - R1.

Then go under the cornice, pass it to the right and enter the inner corner (II). The station is higher on a shelf with a cable loop. From R2 along the buttress 100-150 meters up simple rocks (II-), keeping to the left side, to the summit. From there, through the gap (insurance!!!) 50-70m to the yayla.

Travel time: 2-4 hours

Equipment: bookmarks, 5-8 quickdraws, some groups hit hooks.

Route 3
3B, V, A1

One of the strongest “troikas” of Crimea. The set of sensations is equivalent to “Chelebi Fireplace”. The route is often broken, but this does not add safety: the pitons are old (20-30 years), not always in reliable cracks, there are even wooden wedges.

So the route goes left of center walls with access to the summit tower along the SW buttress. The beginning is the left of the 2-3 slots in the center of the wall. Section R1 leads to a shelf with a bolt. From R1 - along the break (IV-), bypassing the overhang on the left, approach the difficult wall. Along the wall vertically upward (10 m, 85°, V-) to a narrow shelf with two “marks” - R2. Then approach 5 m under the overhang, go through the gap (5 m, 95°, V+A1) and along the break (80°, IV+) and emerge after 15 m onto a narrow, uncomfortable shelf under the vertical fireplace. To organize reliable insurance, you may need pitons (!!!).

Along the difficult narrow fireplace 15-20 m up (move first without a backpack), then go out onto it left (!!!) wall and along rocks of average difficulty 15-20 m up. Sections R2, R3 contain many old pitons, some of them in very poor condition.

Our walkthrough: September 30, 1995; 3 hours.
Equipment: friends (recommended), a set of bookmarks, quickdraws (6-10 pcs.), a sling for blocking hooks, hooks + hammer - recommended. A set of anchors and a friend, 6 guys were enough for us, but this is not an indicator - we really wanted petal hooks for organizing R3.

Known options:

from R1 along the breakaway, going around the overhang on the right. Possibly a station in the inner corner. Further moving along very difficult (visually, no less than V-V+), vertical rocks up and to the left, it is possible to approach the fireplace - R3.

We did not use this option, but there are memories of its existence from Maxim Robuk (Kharkov-Krivoy Rog), dating back to 92-93, and a ladder taken from there.

Its condition and the possibility of arranging insurance are currently unknown to us.

P.S. From the middle of the route, the bolts, marked in red, belonging to the Fantik four, are clearly visible. If you want to get acquainted with this route and have a good warm-up, the three is for you.

A detailed description of climbing routes to one of the most difficult and infrequently visited mountains in Crimea - Paragilmen. Overview of the area + photos of routes, photos from ascents are also included.

Mount Paragilmen(857 m) is a pointed rocky peak towering above resort village Small Lighthouse. The name of the mountain comes from the Greek “paraginome” - “to go beyond something.”

Paragilmen is located between Alushta and Yalta, near the village of Maly Mayak. Go to the “Sharkha Quarry” stop. From the highway up the road, after 500 meters there will be a path to the right that will lead to the tourist sites under the mountain.

Mount Paragilmen (857 m)

Mount Paragilmen (857 m)

Paragilmen includes three arrays: Western (left)- is a heavily destroyed forested area. Only the far right part is relatively monolithic. Here, along a pronounced buttress, there is a route of the 1st category of difficulty. Central wall bordered on both sides by two huge internal couloir corners. There are at least 4 routes on it, from the 2nd to the 4th category of difficulty. Right array very diverse: there are vertical walls, walls covered with ivy, local monolithic overhangs, shelves strewn with stones. The length of the climbing routes is about 250 m.

View from the top of Paragilmen

Since the times of the Union, Paragilmen has attracted many climbers, among whom were many honored masters of sports and famous international athletes. The first Soviet mountaineering competitions were also held on Paragilmen.

During the years of Soviet mountaineering there were many strong masters of sports of international class. The first ascents to this mountain were made by them, so many routes to Paragilmen are very old and quite difficult, because... in those years the categorization of routes was too relative. If, for example, the next USSR Mountaineering Championship was being prepared, then the strongest athletes of that time began preparing the routes at Paragilmen. Therefore, the categories of many routes to Paragilmen are very underestimated. For example, almost all Para-Gilmen “troikas” can be equated to the Crimean “fours” in terms of difficulty of passage. And the rare Para-Gilmen “fours” can be easily compared with the Crimean “fives”.

Climbing routes to Mount Paragilmen

The first Soviet mountaineering training camps in Crimea began in the early 70s.

Several archival photographs from the history of Soviet mountaineering in Crimea. Paragilmen 1978

Crimea, Paragilmen, photo 1978

Climbing training under Mount Paragilmen. 70s

Climbing to the top of Paragilmen

Climbing to the top of Paragilmen. In the photo: a team of 2 people working on a rocky, steep ridge

Now a short overview of the climbing routes to Mount Paragilmen, which are popular these days:

  • The route (on the left) is the easiest and is classified as category 1B.

The route passes along a picturesque buttress (the western ridge of the massif) with gentle rocks, the length of the route is 250 m, the rocks are not difficult to pass, so the route does not require rock climbing or mountaineering experience.

  • Route 2A along the left edge of the wall (“left deuce”) is located next to route 1B. This is a beautiful and easy two-way hike with a viewing ridge at the culmination of the route. The dots mark the proposed stations on the route; unlike 1B, the terrain here is poorer in vegetation and protrusions. The total length is about 350 m, covered in 7 ropes/stations.

The first route (on the left) is the easiest, classified as category 1B, and runs along the western ridge of the massif. The second route (on the right) - 2A along the left edge of the wall (“left deuce”), is located adjacent to the first route.

  • The next most difficult is ( ).

The route goes along the right edge of the wall, without going onto the wall. Unfortunately, it is almost invisible in the photograph. You can start the route directly along the edge, or to the left of the edge, along a system of cracks and internal corners, it’s a little more difficult and shorter, about 20 meters, or to the right of the edge from the couloir. The description shows the left start of the route.

  • Quite a difficult triple, despite the fact that it is categorized as 3A. It's more like a simple 4A. Called ( Photo of the route thread, see above in the text).

Personal impressions of the ascent participants:

Maksim:“The impression from the triplets we completed was good - a strong route, I would say, even more difficult than many Crimean triplets.”

Yura:“I liked the route, but it was sometimes very tense.”

  • A very complex and intense “four”, although it was recently categorized as 3B - 3B (4A), ( Photo of the route thread, see above in the text).

The route runs along the corners of the center of the wall, turning to the right in the upper third, leading to the top of “Shovel”. The route is much more difficult than the classic three. It starts in the same place, but after the first corner, it does not go to the left, but goes along the system of internal corners, in the direction of the cornice with a white spot under it.

A little history. The route is very beautiful and logical in its own way. There are four difficult pitches, which is why it is considered a 4th pitch (at one time Fantik called all difficult routes less than five pitches long as four pitches), but this is Fantik, and he is not an indicator. But for mere mortals, this is a good, combative 5, according to the level of the “right diamond”, no lower. The route requires careful climbing and good command of aid technology. You can call it a real mountaineering route, as opposed to a beaten climbing route.

Mount Paragilmen (857 m)

To the attention of all climbers who are planning to climb Paragilmen: Remember that almost all routes to this mountain are very dangerous with rocks, many (rarely traveled) routes are covered in places with lichen, which is why they become very slippery in the rain, they are also not cleared, and in some areas there is a lot of “living things”.

The relief of the mountain is very steep, almost vertical, so climbing even on a route of low difficulty category requires maximum attention and rock climbing technique.

Paragilmen- the highest limestone outlier of the Main Ridge, 871 m above sea level. From the sea side, this mountain looks like a large trapezoid; it has steep slopes of up to 60–80° and a flattened top, stretching from south to north for almost half a kilometer. About 30 species of trees and shrubs grow on Paragilmen, 10 of which are listed in the Red Book. The landmark of Paragilmen are two large yew trees on the top of the mountain. The thickness of the trunk of one of them is about 70 centimeters, and the mighty branches spread out to the sides for 7–8 meters. This giant yew is probably one of the oldest trees in Crimea.

Mount Paragilmen has been a natural monument since 1964.