Number of tourists and business people visiting big cities country is constantly growing, and hotel business is developing at a rapid pace. Tour operators talk about a shortage of hotels of all levels, so it is not surprising that services for the reconstruction of old hotel buildings are in high demand.

In addition to the reconstruction of existing hotel buildings, the practice of renovating old buildings into mini-hotels and guest houses. In any case, major repairs and reconstruction have several advantages over construction from scratch.

Economic feasibility of reconstruction

  1. Specialists from the Eskpertstroy company have calculated that the reconstruction of a building for a hotel may be 40-50% cheaper than new construction, and this is a lot of money. Exact numbers can be determined after carrying out design and survey work and assessing the condition of the soil, foundations, and load-bearing structures of the existing building.
  2. During reconstruction, the usable area of ​​the building can be significantly increased through extensions and add-ons.
  3. Another argument in favor of saving construction costs is the use of existing utility networks and connections.
  4. To obtain approval for a reconstructed facility, a significantly smaller amount of documentation is required, which significantly saves time and money for owners.
  5. And most importantly, as a result of the reconstruction of an old building into a hotel, you can profitably invest in a modern hotel located in historical center or another location attractive for business.

Specifics of building reconstruction work

Our experience shows that the design and reconstruction of obsolete buildings is much more complex than conventional construction and requires specific resources - knowledge, skills and specialists. In order to transform a building with its own unique style into a modern one comfortable hotel, architects and builders need to find a balance between the past and the future.

The development and implementation of reconstruction projects requires non-standard approaches - original ideas, engineering and architectural solutions. Preserving the aesthetics of ancient facades requires deep knowledge of modern materials. Among them you need to find ones that are compatible with the original ones.

Satisfying results

The results of the work of the Expertstroy team of specialists are modernized buildings with a unique style of their own, thoughtful redevelopment, modern levels of energy saving and comfort.

Do you have an idea to transform an old building into a new one? Call us - we know how to breathe new life into it.

Our company offers a full range of services for the development of design documentation for hotels, hostels, and hostels.

As part of the design, we will develop the following sections of the design documentation:

  • pre-project proposal (dramatic design)
  • sections of project documentation of stage “P” (Government Decree Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 N 87 Moscow “On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content”
  • sections of design documentation stage "RD".

Conventionally, the design of hotels, hotels and hostels can be divided into two options:

Projects for the redevelopment (reconstruction) of premises for hotels or dormitories of existing premises

New construction projects

Projects for refurbishment (reconstruction) of premises for hotels, hotels, hostels

The main feature of such projects is the task of incorporating the Customer’s requirements and technological processes into existing premises, which most often did not previously provide for such a purpose of use.

Design in this case begins with studying the BTI plan for compliance with new requirements.

The greatest difficulty for reconstruction in such cases are panel houses of standard series. The main difficulty lies in the large number of load-bearing structures in such a building. A large number of load-bearing structures limits the possibilities for serious redevelopment and, therefore, it may be difficult to fit the Customer’s requirements into the existing premises.

Monolithic and brick buildings, of course, also impose such restrictions, but to a much lesser extent. Therefore, if you are considering purchasing a building or premises for the purpose of subsequent repurposing as a hotel, then, from the point of view of possible future alterations, it is better to give preference to brick or monolithic buildings.

Projects for new construction of hotels, hotels, hostels

In the case of designing the construction of a new building, the above problems naturally do not arise and the Customer’s flight of imagination will be limited by the boundaries of the land plot and SNiP and SanPiN standards.

The design of new construction naturally begins with the Technical Specifications. Formally, the Technical Specifications for the design must be provided by the Customer. In practice, the design organization prepares the terms of reference for itself (naturally, taking into account the Customer’s requirements), and the Customer approves it.

To start designing, you must have at least:

  • Technical specifications for design;
  • Geo-basis indicating all encumbrances on the site;
  • Report on engineering and geological surveys;

The general design procedure is as follows:

  1. At the first stage of building design, the gene is prepared. Site plan with planting object(s)
  2. Space-planning solutions are being developed. Space-planning solutions are developed based on the Customer’s wishes, but taking into account the requirements of technological processes.
  3. A sketch of the building facade and architectural solutions are being prepared
  4. Structural solutions include calculation and design of foundations, calculation of load-bearing structures, calculation of external enclosing walls, calculation and design of roofing, calculation of particularly critical structures (long spans, elements creating increased loads on floors)
  5. Engineering and other sections are being prepared in accordance with Government Decree No. 87 of February 16, 2008 “On the composition of sections of project documentation” - at stage “P”
  6. At the Customer’s request, the “RD” stage can be developed, which is actually a task for the builders.

Features of designing hotels, hotels, hostels.

Projects of hotels, hostels, and hostels generally do not differ significantly from the design of other types of buildings, but there are certain features:

  1. A simpler diagram of utility networks - predominantly vertical arrangement of utilities
  2. The requirements for evacuation routes are quite simply met in connection with the corridor layout of buildings (in most cases)

Zoning of hotel premises

In a simplified form, the premises of hotels, hotels and hostels can be divided into the following zones:

  1. Living sector
  2. Food area
  3. Administrative and residential area
  4. Cultural and leisure area (swimming pool, conference rooms, etc.)

Our company is ready to offer you its services for the development of hotel projects, hotels and hostels on a full turnkey basis, including supervision during construction. Despite the fact that the company's main office is located in Moscow, We are ready to design buildings in any region of Russia and other countries.

It has long been known that the formation of a new hotel market for Russia is taking place in a specific way. Declared hotel investment projects are not always implemented, or are converted into residential and office premises, the payback period of which is significantly lower than hotel real estate. The problem is that in the absence of a deep understanding of the industry, the budget grows at each stage of the project. As a result, the investor, who has come to a significant increase in costs, decides to build a business center, residential building, etc. But not the hotel. One of the options for launching a hotel property with less losses would be the reconstruction of an old building. As a rule, these are “Soviet heritage” hotels, which the investor receives as a “load” for a large project or simply as a temporary placement of funds in non-core assets. In layman’s terms, it’s an investment “for a while.” However, often the reconstruction of an old building into a modern hotel becomes a more expensive undertaking than the construction of a new building. The situation is even worse when the property needs to be reconstructed in stages, without interrupting the process of accommodating guests. In this case, the owner is faced with the task of not only renovating the number of rooms, but also not losing existing clients. Especially for, the article discusses the basic principles of reconstruction, following which you can avoid financial losses and risks associated with the loss of clients, delays in renovation and increased costs.
Inconvenience caused to guests during the renovation process can cause serious damage to both the economic and image of the hotel. If we talk about a functioning enterprise, then the average period of operation without renovation is from 5 to 7 years. Refurbishment of hotels managed by an international operator may vary depending on the requirements and standards of the hotel brand. Planned reconstruction allows the hotel to meet service requirements, remain competitive and maintain the planned profit level. When preparing for a remodel, all aspects of the guest experience should be considered, including developing an operational plan for furniture replacement, material movement, guest traffic in guest areas, and staff activities. The steps listed below can go a long way in minimizing costs and inconvenience to guests and allowing the renovation to take place with minimal disruption.

1. The selection of material suppliers, service companies, and third-party consultants is carried out before the start of reconstruction, which ensures the hotel coordinated work of related companies. The step-by-step selection of contractors during a project can result in serious problems regarding delivery times, work ordering, and collaboration between contractors on site. Unfortunately, a typical situation is when a hotel, which does not request materials in a timely manner, receives low-quality products at an inflated price, since the deadline for completing the project was limited. In one of the Moscow hotels, the furniture purchased in advance was categorically not in harmony with the carpeting purchased “at the last moment.” Ultimately, the cost of new coatings amounted to 250% of the originally planned price. Selecting a pool of suppliers in advance will enable all participants in the process to jointly manage the project.

2. Cost estimates for technical equipment of hotel rooms should be based on demand and market trends. This is especially true for telephony, Internet access, pay television and information systems. The manager who has decided to equip the rooms with innovative technologies must be aware of the services most in demand by guests and the latest industry trends. A striking example is a hotel that spent tens of thousands of dollars on installing a wired local network in the rooms, but became hostage to the fact that the main business contingent coming to the hotel requires WiFi access. Business travelers using a laptop to access the Internet are more demanding than a few years ago. There is no need to remind you that almost all mobile computers have long been equipped with a WiFi adapter.
3. In Russian hotel industry There is a misconception that any communication between hoteliers and each other can harm their own business. Our mentality does not allow us to talk openly about the process of doing business, which significantly hinders the development of the sphere as such. The Western management model has a serious advantage that is not yet widespread in our country - communication. Any experience in carrying out renovations can be useful to a hotelier. Consultations received from a hotel that has undergone renovation will help you avoid the classic “rake” that you can step on. And don’t think that choosing a certain door handle shape is a secret know-how that will reduce the competitiveness of your hotel. Mutual recommendations are mutually beneficial and allow you to wisely invest in the process of reconstruction of the facility.

4. Project evaluation is not only about budget planning for all upcoming transformations. The analysis must be carried out not only in relation to costs, but also regarding the real need for phased reconstruction. It is necessary to understand how feasible it is to carry out planned repairs without closing the hotel and stopping the reception of guests. In some cases, a facility that was closed for a short period of time later “starts” from a much more advantageous position than the one that carried out phased work. On the contrary, if the competition is high enough and the budget does not allow closing the hotel for some time, there is no other choice but reconstruction during the work process.

5. The main paradox and difficulty of renovating many hotels with a pronounced seasonality is that the main influx of funds that can be invested in reconstruction occurs during the high season. Those. when it is most problematic to stop the hotel and start repairs. Accumulation of funds is not always possible, and by the time of low load, when it is necessary to begin renovation, there are no savings left. The best option there will be a decision to start reconstruction immediately after the high load season, when the flow of clients has already decreased and the funds have not yet been spent on operational needs.

6. Hiring a general contractor for a renovation may be a solution for an owner who has no experience in the hotel industry. However, hiring a construction company that has not previously carried out hotel renovations can be a decisive failure. Therefore, when choosing a contractor, special attention should be paid to references from the latter’s clients. The specificity of the hotel renovation lies primarily in a special approach to cleanliness and the highest possible sound insulation. As a rule, contractor companies that have not previously carried out similar orders are unable to cope with the task presented, and as a result, there is a loss in the quality of service and dissatisfaction of guests. At the same time, the choice of materials for equipment should be under special control by the customer. It is no secret that many companies easily reduce the cost of a project by replacing higher quality materials with surrogate ones. In the hotel industry there are clear requirements for equipment, and to compromise them means to lose a significant share of profit and quality.

7. There is a common belief that arguing with a visiting designer is bad manners. That invited specialists work on the project much more deeply, based on experience and their own taste. However, when implementing a hotel project, the main emphasis is on comfort for the typical client, whose taste is quite predictable and close to the classical understanding of comfort. And if we're talking about not about the delights of a creative boutique hotel, then fair comments about the excessively flashy colors are quite acceptable. The collective decision of the project team should determine the direction and style of the interior, and the designer’s task is to implement a solution that corresponds to the concept of the hotel, the segment in which it operates and the generally accepted understanding of comfort.

Hotel "Moscow" on Okhotny Ryad, 2 is one of the largest in the capital of Russia. It was originally built between 1933 and 1935. The project was developed by a group of architects, which included Leonid Ivanovich(?) Savelyev and Osvald Andreevich Stapran, with significant participation from Alexey Viktorovich Shchusev.

The hotel complex was dismantled in 2004, and in its place a building was erected, which was built according to the actual original drawings and almost completely reproduces the former forms of the previously dismantled one (as the developers say).

Photo 1. Hotel "Moscow", the central facade of which faces

Manezhnaya Square

History of construction of the first stage

The Moscow Hotel was included in the list of the first buildings of this type in Soviet Russia. It occupies an entire block, bounded by Okhotny Ryad Street and squares - Manezhnaya and Revolution Square. The massive building became the dominant feature of the surrounding area.

It is worth noting that the Okhotny Ryad area was considered at the beginning of the 20th century to be one of the most unfavorable sanitary conditions in the city of Moscow. Since this place was planned under the new government as a site for the construction of the Palace of Labor, the surrounding area began to be cleared and brought into a more dignified form.

There were some excesses, which resulted in the demolition of the chapel in the name of Alexander Nevsky and the Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in the 1920s. But, meanwhile, all the stinking dilapidated shops were destroyed here, most of which were located at the southern end of this area, and the local market was moved from the very center of the Mother See to Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Photo 2. View of the hotel complex from Okhotny Ryad street and

Theater Square

The authors were, as stated above, architects Stapran and Savelyev. The future building was to be erected in the then fashionable constructivist style, which clearly conflicted with the architectural appearance of the area: massiveness and strict asceticism did not fit in here.

By the time the frame frame of the building was almost completed, the famous architect of the pre-revolutionary school, Alexei Shchusev, was brought in to implement the project for the construction of the future Moscow Hotel. Why?

The fact is that by the onset of the 1930s, the architecture of the country of the Soviets began to move away from the avant-garde style in the outline of buildings and turned to the urban planning heritage of the past, i.e. classical style, which became a factor in the emergence of the so-called “Stalinist Empire style”.

So, Alexey Ivanovich had to correct the initial idea of ​​​​his young colleagues.

It was already impossible to make significant changes due to the already built monolithic box, but Shchusev managed to correct a lot without infringing on the pride of Savelyev and Stapran, and create a laconic decor, executed in the spirit of neoclassicism.

This is how an eight-column portico with an open terrace, six floors high, numerous balconies along the facade and loggias-arcades from the main entrance appeared here. Turrets appeared at the corners of the building, and after all the innovations, the building itself received a certain plasticity, which the division into fragments of the entire facade helped to express.

The building of the Moscow Hotel was originally supposed to be of different heights: the main facade from the side Manezhnaya Square consisted of 14 floors, and the building along Okhotny Ryad was only 10.

It is worth noting that the building was supposed to have an architectural connection with the future Palace of the Soviets, which was planned to be built on the site of the destroyed Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and therefore the central facade is oriented to the other side and now “looks” directly at the recreated religious building.

In those same years, the architect Shchusev began to implement the plan for the construction of the second stage of the Moscow Hotel, but the practical implementation of the project was never started.

Construction of two additional buildings began only in 1968. These were a 10-story building on the side of Revolution Square and a 6-story building facing Teatralnaya Square. For these purposes, some buildings located next to the already built part were demolished hotel complex, incl. and the Grand Hotel.

The work was completed in 1977 on the eve of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution.

Although they tried to erect the buildings in the same architectural concept as the former buildings, the decor of the facades turned out to be somewhat dry. Many critics expressed particular complaints about the building from the Teatralnaya Square side, which was an ordinary concrete box.

The history of the construction of the first stage of the Moscow Hotel is connected by legend with Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin himself, the leader of the Soviet state at that time.

Allegedly, the architect Alexey Viktorovich Shchusev presented the leader with a design project for the main facade in two versions, combined in one drawing and separated by a median line: the left one was more pompous, and the right one was made in more strict forms. Stalin's signature crossed the center line, and they were afraid to decide which of them was actually approved. So they built the façade with some asymmetry.

In confirmation of this, they point to the differences between the right and left risalits.

The legend may be beautiful, but it does not correspond to the facts. Stalin never put his signature on architectural projects.

“Restoration by demolition” - the architectural movement of Luzhkov’s time

In 2004, the old buildings of the Moscow Hotel, which occupied an entire block, were dismantled, and in their place they began to build a new building, which in its shape was supposed to resemble the previous building. By 2013, the main work was completed, and will begin soon new story of this complex in the center of the capital.

It is worth noting that huge amounts of money were allocated for construction, of which about $90 million were simply stolen. Many believe that the reconstruction of the building was required precisely for these purposes - cutting.

The Moscow Hotel was built only in the 30s of the last century, and here it was possible to do with a gentle reconstruction that would bring the building to the level of the world's best hotels, especially since such experience already existed in the capital. As an example, we can cite the hotels “Metropol”, “National”, “

Reconstruction and renovation of hotels in Moscow and the Moscow region are significant areas in the activities of SK Sinmar. These services allow us to create not only a more favorable living environment for guests of our capital, but also significantly increase the economic efficiency of our customers’ businesses.

Depending on your goals and investment opportunities, as part of the hotel reconstruction, the area of ​​the establishment and its number of floors, its reconstruction, extension or addition of additional structures, as well as the replacement of load-bearing structures, updating the interior and exterior design may change. Facility renovation may also involve redevelopment of premises and modernization of utilities, renovation, complete or partial rework of the roofing.

We will repair and reconstruct hotels and inns, while complying with state standards, fire and sanitary safety standards. At the same time, we monitor compliance with design and estimate documentation, correct spending of customer funds, and often provide Additional services author's and technical supervision of the construction progress. When modernizing your establishment, we will take into account all the important technical, technological, design and architectural aspects.

Reconstruction works for hotels and inns

During modernization, work is carried out that is associated with changing the technical and economic indicators of the facility, improving the culture and quality of service for guests, and the comfort of their stay. Before designing a hotel reconstruction, our team will carry out a full analysis of the constructed building and determine the level of deterioration of the structure’s structures. We will develop design documents and also obtain permits from the responsible government agencies to carry out installation work and subsequent commissioning of the structure.

Our team will reconstruct the hotel, including:

  • inspection of the building to determine its technical condition;
  • implementation of design;
  • coordination of project documentation with supervisory authorities;
  • construction of extensions, superstructures, increase in number of storeys;
  • foundation repair;
  • strengthening of load-bearing structures;
  • dismantling and installation of partitions and metal structures;
  • implementation of façade works;
  • modernization of the roof and rafter system;
  • improvement of the surrounding area.

When reconstructing hotels, we will also install natural and forced ventilation in the rooms, install fire alarms, and ensure the temperature in the rooms is at the level established standards and minimizing the costs of its maintenance. Comfortable conditions will be created in the hotel rooms and other premises for both visitors and staff.

As part of the restoration of hotels and inns, when work is carried out in the corresponding building, we recreate the original interior, think about updating furniture, decor, flooring materials, walls and ceilings. These services involve the restoration of their surfaces, as well as doors, windows, fireplaces, etc. A high-quality restoration of the building makes it possible to emphasize the status and prestige of the institution. The cost of building restoration services is naturally influenced by the age and condition of the premises, the complexity and volume of work to be done. When reconstructing a building for a hotel, we strictly adhere to all construction, sanitary, fire safety, environmental, legislative standards and requirements.