The bridges of Paris - why are they interesting for residents and guests of the French capital? Photo review of the site "site"

The history of one of the most romantic European cities, Paris, is inextricably linked with the Seine River, or rather with the numerous crossings that connect its right and left banks. There are a total of 38 bridges in Paris, each with its own unique and amazing history. Everyone, despite their advanced age, looks elegant and romantic. The first bridges in the city were wooden, then they were converted into stone, but all the crossings over the Seine were built in different eras, so they are not similar to each other.

For centuries, the bridges of Paris have inspired people of creative professions - composers, artists, directors: they are described in books, depicted in paintings, and shown in films. We will tell you about the most famous, most beautiful and romantic among them.

This viaduct crosses the Seine in the center of Paris, connecting the Champs-Élysées with the esplanade of Les Invalides. This is without a doubt the most luxurious bridge in the French capital. Four gilded 17-meter columns, made in the Art Nouveau style, sparkle from afar. The bridge is decorated with bronze lamps, figurines of nymphs, cupids, winged horses and cherubs. In addition to sea monsters and water spirits, it is crowned with four gilded allegory statues, symbolizing Trade, Art, Industry and Science. At the same time, this 108-meter metal structure amazes with its elegance, because it consists of one span. An interesting fact is that the famous building, which became one of the heroes of Luc Besson’s romantic film “Angel-A,” has a twin brother. This is the Trinity Bridge in St. Petersburg: it was built according to the design of French architects at the end of the 19th century at the same time as the Parisian bridge - the latter was built in honor of the conclusion of a military-political alliance between Russia and France, as a commemoration of the unity of the two peoples. The first stone of the Parisian bridge was laid by Nicholas II himself, and the structure was named after his father, Emperor Alexander III. And now the bridge over the Neva is decorated with the same lanterns as the famous crossing of the Seine in Paris.

This viaduct connects the Bourbon Palace on the left bank of the Seine (where the National Assembly now sits) with the Place de la Concorde, which is located on the right bank of the river. It is famous for the fact that it was built in 1787-1791 from the stone left after the destruction of the Bastille, which is why the first name of the unusual structure is connected - the Bridge of the Revolution (in those years it was designed to bring the joy of victory over absolutism to the townspeople). By order of Napoleon, the bridge was decorated with sculptures of fallen generals, and during the reign of the Bourbon dynasty they were replaced with statues of great ministers, generals and sailors. True, the new sculptures turned out to be so heavy that they could cause the bridge to collapse, so under Louis Philippe I they were transported to Versailles. Currently, Pont Concorde, like many other Parisian bridges, is one of the most important transport arteries for the city: it ranks first in the capital in terms of traffic intensity, and is one of the busiest bridges in Paris. After a large-scale reconstruction that lasted from 1930 to 1932, its capacity doubled.

In terms of traffic intensity, only Austerlitz can compete with the Concorde Bridge in Paris. This massive metal structure connects the Quai d'Austerlitz and Quai Saint-Bernard with Place Maza. Its construction was completed in 1807, under Napoleon I, and was timed to coincide with the victory of the French army over Russian and Austrian troops near the village of Austerlitz. The bridge is decorated with a uniquely beautiful ornament; the names of the French commanders who died in this bloody battle are imprinted on it. In 1815, after the fall of Bonaparte's empire, the Allies who occupied Paris renamed the Austerlitz Bridge to the Royal Park, but this name did not take root, the Parisians did not accept it. In 1830, the building was returned to its original name. Between 1886 and 1887, the Austerlitz Bridge was expanded (up to 32 m wide), thanks to which it became one of the most important transport routes for the city on the Seine River.

Openwork and light, one of the most beautiful in Paris, the Pont des Arts was founded in 1802, and then rebuilt between 1981 and 1984 by order of Napoleon Bonaparte (the original 9 arches were converted into 7). This structure became the first iron crossing to connect the two banks of the Seine River. It is located between the building of the French Academy and the Louvre, which was previously called the Palace of Arts, hence the name. Like all the famous bridges of Paris, Pont des Arts is extremely popular among tourists. People come here to enjoy the views of the capital. No one will disturb you in this place: the Pont des Arts is an exclusively pedestrian zone. Passers-by stop to sit on the benches, and many tourists, following the example of the townspeople, sit right on the steps to have a snack or just admire the view of the Seine that opens from above: it, like the place itself, has amazing beauty. Two channels of the river are visible, which seems very wide and unusually majestic from this angle, and the charming Ile de la Cité, the cradle of Paris. Many French artists, including Nicolas de Stael and Auguste Renoir, depicted the Pont des Arts in their creations.

One of the oldest in Paris, the Change Bridge was originally a wooden structure, like most river crossings of that time: it was probably built in the 9th century, during the reign of Charles the Bald. A stone bridge in place of a wooden one appeared only in the middle of the 17th century, and the structure acquired its current appearance only in the second half of the 19th century. In the Middle Ages, money changers and shopkeepers conducted a brisk trade on the Pont de Change (connecting the Place du Châtelet on the right bank of the Seine with the Conciergerie building on the Ile de la Cité). There was a mill there, about 140 houses and more than 100 workshops of artisans, trading shops of money changers and goldsmiths, which is why the bridge received such an unusual name. It was so densely built up that it looked more like a flea market: walking through it, the townspeople could not even see the river. For several centuries, the Pont de Change was the main financial artery for Paris. The houses and shops were only demolished at the end of the 18th century, after which Pont au Change was opened to pedestrians.

This crossing of the Seine, despite its name, is one of the oldest in Paris. The structure, which rests on two islands, Patriarchal and European, consists of two halves: the northern part has 7 spans, the southern - 5. Construction of the New Bridge began in 1578, under Henry III, and ended 30 years later, under Henry IV. At that time, the city had only four crossings over the Seine, but they could not cope with the increasing traffic. The constructed structure helped relieve congestion on busy highways; for many years it was one of the busiest places in the city. The new bridge is the only one in Paris, which from the first day of its existence was intended only for pedestrian walks: there were no benches or booths on it, which, naturally, aroused the indignation of money changers and merchants; instead of them, sidewalks were laid, which are still used today Residents and guests of the French capital love to walk. To this day, romantic dates are arranged at Pont Neuf, because it is one of the main symbols of Paris. It is repeatedly mentioned in the works of famous artists and writers. It was here that the heroine of the film “Lovers from the Point Neuf Bridge,” played by the inimitable Juliette Binoche, suffered.

Devil's Bridge» (Pont Notre-Dame)

The Devil's Bridge connects the banks of the Seine with the cradle of Paris - the Ile de la Cité. It is known that crossings existed in this place back in ancient times, when the Celts lived on the territory of modern Paris. Ancient chronicles mention a bridge that under the Romans was a continuation of the central street of Lutetia (as Paris was called in Ancient Rome). The author of the modern building, opened in 1919, is Louis-Jean Résal, the architect who designed the Pont Alexandre III. The Notre-Dame Bridge has gone through several reconstructions: during the last alteration, the central arches were removed, because of which barges collided with the Devil's Bridge: for this reason, it was called that by the common people. The first houses and shops of artisans appeared on the Notre-Dame Bridge in the 15th century: thanks to them, the structure turned into a busy shopping area. True, at the end of the 18th century, by order of the king, all the buildings were demolished. Today, rollerbladers gather on the Notre-Dame Bridge, and numerous caricaturists, artists and cartoonists await guests of the capital heading to the nearby Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.

The list of the most beautiful bridges in Paris includes the Tournelle Bridge, the Royal Bridge, the Eau Double pedestrian bridge, the modernist Solferino Bridge, the two-level Bir Akeim Bridge, the Petit Bridge (the shortest in Paris), the Marie Bridge, the Sully Bridge, the Saint-Michel Bridge, and the Charles Bridge. de Gaulle, Bercy Bridge. If it were not for the numerous crossings towering over the Seine, the river dividing the city into two parts would be a serious obstacle for both residents of the French capital and its guests.

The bridges of Paris are so different... Extraordinarily beautiful, infinitely romantic, like the city itself, which has forever become their home. You can study them for a long, long time, but our journey has come to an end. It’s much more pleasant to admire the pearls of Paris in person. Let this happen to you as soon as possible!

Paris, the world capital of fashion, fragrance, wine, the most delicious pastries and cheeses, was founded on the Seine River. From time immemorial, bridges have been built across the Seine. At first they were wooden, later stone, and even built up with buildings (commercial and residential). The development of the city is inextricably linked with bridges, of which there are about 38 today.

It is considered one of the most luxurious bridges in Paris. The crossing took 4 years to build (from 1896 to 1900). Its construction was timed to coincide with the conclusion of a military alliance between France and Russia. The bridge owes its name to the father of Russian Emperor Nicholas II - he personally laid the first stone of the construction. This lightweight single-span structure offers views of the main attractions of Paris: the Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Elysees. The crossing is decorated with gilded figures located on the four supporting columns of the viaduct.

Initially, it was a wooden structure that arose in the 9th century as a crossing for the central part of Paris. Later, in the 17th century, the bridge (viaduct) was replaced with a stone one. A characteristic feature of this structure was the presence of about 140 residential buildings and over 100 shops of traders and money changers, for which the bridge received its name. This viaduct is very well described in the work of P. Suskind “Perfume”.

This is one of the oldest architectural monuments of the city, which was founded in the 16th century by King Henry III. The main purpose of this structure was to relieve congestion on the Bridge of Changes and Notre Dame. This viaduct is considered a unique symbol of the decline of the Middle Ages, and no additional buildings are provided on it.

This crossing is also quite ancient. The project of the wooden building was developed in 1605 by the architect Christophe Marie. Later the bridge was named after him. But as a result of the flood of 1658, the crossing was practically destroyed; it was rebuilt from stone and this building has survived to this day.

Royal Bridge (Royal)
One of the three oldest bridges in the city. The construction of the crossing took place from 1685 to 1689 under the patronage of King Louis XIV.

When, at the beginning of the 19th century, wooden and stone bridges were recognized as unsanitary, dangerous to human life and unaesthetic, the first iron bridge was built by order of Napoleon. This crossing connected the French Academy and the Louvre Museum (formerly the Palace of Arts), hence its name. is pedestrian: from here you can enjoy the beauty of the city, as well as relax on a bench, or have a snack in a small snack bar. And couples in love also consider it the most romantic place in Paris, so they come here to install locks as a symbol of their love.

This structure is considered very symbolic: it was built from the remains of the stone Bastille. At first the bridge was named Revolution, but was later renamed in honor of one of the city squares. Today it is one of the most frequently used crossings in Paris.

The Bercy crossing was originally built in 1832. At that time it was located outside the city limits, and crossing it was subject to tax. In 1864, a new bridge was erected, which largely repeated the design of the old one, but was larger in size and reinforced with supports and fastenings.

In the original, the crossing was called Solferino and was built in honor of the victory of the allied forces of France and Italy over Austria. The bridge was opened in 1861 by Emperor Napoleon III. But over time, the building collapsed, and a new viaduct was erected in its place, which was named after the first president of Senegal.

This is another symbolic building of Paris. It coincided with the victory of the French and their allies over Russia in the Battle of the Alma River (Crimean War). The bridge is also famous for a tragic event: Princess Diana died in a car accident in the tunnel under it. The “Flame of Freedom” torch is located there, which since that sad moment has become a kind of memorial to the princess and a place of pilgrimage for many of her fans.

This pedestrian bridge, built in 2006, connects the 12th and 13th arrondissements of Paris. This crossing is considered an ingenious technical structure because it is shaped like an eye.

This crossing, thanks to its openwork metal structures, has a very elegant shape. Three arches are harmoniously connected to each other, and they are decorated with 4 statues cast in bronze (one of them symbolizes Paris, the second - Navigation, the third - Commerce, and the fourth - Abundance). The poet Guillaume Apollinaire dedicated one of his works to this bridge.


As you know, Paris was born on a small island on the Seine River and it was from here that it began. Therefore, the first crossings in Paris connected the island of Cite with the right and left banks of the Seine. At first they were built of wood, but later they were converted into stone, and many were even built with buildings. The history of inhabited bridges in Paris is not simple. The first shops of artisans and merchants appeared already in the 12th century, and by the 15th century the first residential buildings and shops could be seen on the Notre-Dame Bridge (Pont Notre-Dame). Thanks to them, it quickly turned into the city's shopping center. However, by order of the king in 1786, all buildings were demolished from the bridge.

New bridge (pont Neuf) is in fact the oldest surviving one. Its construction began at the end of the 16th century, when Paris already had 4 river crossings, but they could not cope with the ever-increasing traffic. He was needed in order to defuse the situation on Memenalny and the Notre Dame Bridge. The peculiarity of this viaduct at that time was that there were no buildings on it.

This, in turn, caused indignation among merchants who were accustomed to seeing bridges in Paris built up with shops and residential buildings. Undoubtedly, this building is one of the symbols of the city, for which it was repeatedly mentioned in the works of artists and writers.

Bridge of Changes (Pont de Change)
, on its site, like on the site of most crossings in the center of Paris, there was originally a wooden structure in the 9th century. Subsequently, around 1638, a stone bridge was built, on which there were about 140 houses and more than 100 money changers, for which it was named so.

The royal development agreement stated that all buildings must correspond and fit together, all structures must be made of the same material and be on the same level. As a result, all the buildings on the bridge looked like two rows of identical houses with shops and shops on the ground floor, which overlooked the narrow street between them.

By the time the first iron appeared in Paris Pont des Arts, inhabited bridges already had a reputation as unsanitary, dangerous and unsightly structures. This viaduct, built in 1801-1804 by order of Emperor Napoleon, is now pedestrian.

Therefore, many passersby stop here just to have a snack or sit on a bench, because the view from the building and the place itself are of extraordinary beauty. This crossing also connects the French Academy, and since the Louvre was previously called the Palace of Arts, the bridge began to be called accordingly.

Pont Alexandre III
is directly related to Russia. It was built in 1896-1900 in honor of the conclusion of a military alliance between France and Russia. And it was named after the father of Emperor Nicholas II, Alexander III, who, during construction, himself laid one of the stones at the foundation of the structure.

Many consider this the most luxurious in Paris. And indeed, even from afar, the structure sparkles with gilded figures located on four 17-meter columns and at the same time amazes with its lightness, because the bridge is single-span.

Bridge of Concorde (Pont Concorde) It is known for being built from the stone remains of a destroyed bridge, and in honor of this it was first called the Bridge of the Revolution.

Now it bears the name on the right bank of the Seine, which it connects with the Bourbon Palace on the left bank. Today, this bridge in Paris ranks first in terms of traffic intensity.

So, the history and development of Paris is inextricably linked with its bridges, of which there are 38 only within the boulevard rings. And any tourist can happily spend more than one day studying and contemplating the bridges of paris.

What could be more beautiful and romantic than bridges over the river? Paris wouldn’t be itself if it weren’t for its bridges. They connect the two banks of the Seine and give the city a special charm.

All the bridges here are different, each has its own history and is a unique work of art. Therefore, many French poets believed that the bridges of Paris are the soul of the city; they inspired their creativity, as well as artists.

There are a total of 37 bridges in Paris, built at different times: some that are several hundred years old, but there are also modern marvels of engineering.
On my first boat trips, I looked more around at the embankment, historical buildings, bridges floated past me, literally and figuratively.
But it turns out they are very interesting and have their own history.
I invite you to take a short walk with me along the Seine and admire its bridges. We will start it from the pier near the Eiffel Tower Bateaux Parisiens.

And the first bridge that we will meet will be the 150-meter arched bridge Alma (Pont de l "Alma). It was built back in 1856 under Emperor Napoleon III.
But it got its name, sadly enough, in honor of the victory of the French army over Russian troops in the battle of the Alma River in 1854 during the Crimean War. But these are things of the past, so we won’t be upset about this.
Initially, the bridge was decorated with figures of soldiers from various French regiments that took part in the Crimean War: a grenadier, a zouave, a mountain rifleman, an artilleryman. When it was rebuilt, only the figure of the zouave remained, which Parisians use as a landmark during floods. If the water rises above the Zouave's knees, it is considered that there is a danger of serious flooding.

When entering the bridge you can see the Flame of Freedom. This gilded copy of the torch of the Statue of Liberty was given by America to France as a sign of friendship between the two countries.
The Alma Bridge became widely known due to the fact that Princess Diana died in the tunnel under it. Many people think that this torch was installed in memory of her, but this is not so.
The history of the bridge begins back in 1820. French engineer Claude Louis Marie Henri Navier proposed a design for a suspension bridge. In 1824-1826 the bridge was under construction, but was not completed. In 1829, a new bridge with two pillars and three porticoes was opened.
But gradually the bridge wore out and was destroyed, but was restored for the World Exhibition held in 1855 in Paris.

The figure on the central pillar of the bridge symbolizes Napoleon's victories on land and sea, while the sculpted heads on the other pillars represent war trophies.

But in front of us is an elegant arched bridge that spans the Seine and connects the Invalides with the Champs Elysees. This can be said to be a piece of Russia in France - the Pont Alexandre III.
The bridge, named after the Russian Emperor Alexander III, was founded in October 1896 by his son Nicholas II and marked the strengthening of the Franco-Russian Union. The bridge was built in five years (1896-1900). The opening of the bridge took place at the legendary world exhibition of 1900.
The composition includes seventeen-meter lamp posts framing the entrance to the Alexander III Bridge, and bronze figures representing Art, War, Battle and Agriculture. The center of the bridge arches is decorated with a copper nymph of the Seine with the coat of arms of France and a nymph of the Neva with the coat of arms of Tsarist Russia. The decoration of this structure, containing figures of pegasuses, angels and nymphs, is made in a playful and at the same time noble eclectic Beaux-Arts style, combining the best traditions of the French Baroque and Italian Renaissance.

Of course, compared to other bridges, our bridge (it’s ours!) is the most luxurious and pompous!
After the bridge was built, the French were surprised and delighted (in my opinion, mostly by the extravagance of the Russians).
In St. Petersburg, the Alexander III Bridge has a “brother”, also a symbol of friendship between the two countries - the Trinity Bridge. It was designed by the French, and French President Felix Faure was present at the laying (he did not live to see the opening).
It is believed that a passionate kiss on the Alexander III Bridge will bring the couple in love a long and happy family life.

The next bridge is Concorde or Concorde.

The arched Bridge of Concorde (Pont de la Concorde), 153 meters long and 34 meters wide, connects the Place de la Concorde with the Bourbon Palace and is a fairly important transport interchange between the two banks of the Seine.
The Pont de la Concorde is famous primarily for the fact that stone from the destroyed Bastille was used in its construction.
Previously, it was decorated with eight statues of Napoleon Bonaparte's generals killed in battle, but they were so heavy that they were removed and taken to Versailles.

Just beyond the Ponte de Concorde is the modest, narrow pedestrian bridge of Solferino. It connects the Orsay Museum and the Tuileries embankment.

The bridge was built in 1861 and was named in honor of the French victory over Italy, in the Italian village of Solferino.
The bridge became unstable over time and in 1997, construction began on a bridge designed by Mark Mimrama, who proposed a lightweight and sophisticated design. It is more than simple: two mesh arches are connected by traverses supporting the deck, which is made of steel and wood. The entrance to the bridge can be made from four places, which for some reason are not symmetrically located.
And it’s so airy that I saw it at the very last moment, which is why it turned out “modest” for me.
The name of the bridge changed in 2006 in honor of the first President of France and the bridge became known as the Leopold Sédar Senghor Bridge of Senegal.
And behind it we see another bridge with a great name - Royal.

This is one of the oldest bridges. It was first built back in 1632, after which it burned, was repeatedly flooded and was finally demolished during one of the floods.
Louis XIV financed the construction of a new, now stone, bridge and gave it the name Pont Royal (Royal Bridge).
On its outermost bulls there are marks of the levels to which the water rose during floods.
The Carrousel Bridge, located opposite the gates of the Louvre, only gives the impression of being ancient - this is undoubtedly due to the facing stone, which hides the reinforced concrete nature of the structure. The current bridge was only built between 1935 and 1939, just before World War II. Its length reaches 168 meters.
On both sides of the bridge, on high pedestals, there are four allegorical figures depicting abundance, industry, Paris and the Seine.

The first bridge on this site was called Saint-Pierre since 1831. In 1834, King Louis Philippe I named it the Pont Carrousel because it was opposite the Arc de Triomphe of Carrousel. But it became outdated, became too narrow and not high, so in the 30s of the last century it was rebuilt and moved several tens of meters downstream, where it is now located.

But the next bridge is well known to lovers. This is the Pont des Arts - the first iron bridge in Paris, stretching across the Seine. It connects the French Academy and the Louvre and is exclusively for pedestrians.

It was built in 1801-1804 by order of Napoleon Bonaparte. Since at the beginning of the 19th century the Louvre was called the Palace of Arts because of the collections of works of art presented in it, the new bridge that was built began to be called the Pont des Arts.
Subsequently, it was reconstructed several times.
The Pont des Arts is quite popular among Parisians - in the summer they have picnics right on the bridge. And many famous artists, such as Auguste Renoir and Nicolas de Staël, depicted this bridge in their paintings. Contemporary artists quite often exhibit their works here.

The lovers of Paris chose it as the place of a kind of vow of love. They hang their locks on it, and throw the key into the Seine, thus sealing their love. Some people don’t have a lock, but the desire to seal love is great; they tie a ribbon or lace, and sometimes even more intimate things. But lately there have been no problems with this. You can buy a lock here on the bridge from artists or in souvenir shops.
Can you imagine how many keys lie at the bottom of the Seine?! This tradition creates problems for the Paris City Hall. More than 1,600 “love locks” were removed from the Pont des Arts during the latest sweep, with the oldest dating back to 2008. The names engraved on them indicate that couples from all over the world have loved this tradition.

And now we are approaching the New Bridge (Pont Neuf). Despite the name, this is one of the oldest bridges in Paris. It crosses the arrow of the Ile de la Cité and consists, as it were, of two parts. The southern part of the bridge has 5 spans, the northern - 7.

King Henry II decided to build a bridge, but the cost of construction was prohibitive at that time. Construction began by Henry III, who laid the first stone in 1578. After a long period of inactivity due to the War of Religions, the New Bridge was completed during the reign of Henry IV, crowned in 1607.
It was the first bridge that did not support houses and also had sidewalks, protecting pedestrians from mud and horses. Pedestrians could also enter the bastions to give way to passing carts.

At the point where the bridge crosses the Ile de la Cité there is a bronze equestrian statue of Henry IV. It was commissioned from Giambologna by order of Marie de' Medici, Henry's widow and regent of France, in 1614. During the French Revolution, it was destroyed, but restored, and cast in the mold used in the manufacture of the first statue. Inside the statue, the new sculptor François-Frédéric Lemot placed four boxes containing the life story of Henry IV, a 17th-century parchment certifying the authenticity of the statue, a document on how the new statue was made and a list of people who made voluntary contributions for the statue's creation.

The events that took place on the bridge can be considered significant both for Paris and for the country as a whole.
The last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake on the Ile de la Cité, near Pont Neuf, on March 18, 1314.
In 1789, the royal ministers were burned, the already dead Concini, the hated adviser to Marie de Medici, was beheaded here, and during the Terror, carts drove to the right bank of the Seine, carrying the aristocracy to the guillotine.
But, despite its ominous history, the bridge is still a favorite meeting place for Parisians. True, almost all the famous bridges of Paris are suitable for these purposes, and especially for romantic dates.

The Saint Michel Bridge (Pont de Saint-Michel) connects Place Saint-Michel with the Ile de la Cité. The bridge was named after the nearby chapel of Saint-Michel. Built in 1378, under Napoleon III, it, like many of the Paris bridges we examined, was rebuilt several times, most recently in 1857, and in this form has survived to this day. It is decorated with the emperor's monogram.

Since the bridges are located close to each other, we soon approached the Double Toll Bridge. Oh, what a name! In Russian, this bridge connecting Rene Viviani Square with Notre Dame de Paris is usually called the Double Toll Bridge or Double Denier Bridge. In any case, the point is the same: for passage on this crossing they charged twice as much as usual. Why?

In 1634, when a bridge was built on this site, the Parisian hospital for the poor, Hôtel-Dieu ("House of God"), was located on the left bank of the Ile de la Cité. Hotel Dieu - "House of God" in Paris
The bridge was conceived not as a crossing, but as part of a hospital - there were wards on it. Below, the Augustinian nuns from the Hôtel-Dieu washed hospital linens in the Seine from morning to evening. A third of the bridge's width was left for pedestrians and carts, and local residents began to use it. That’s when the hospital introduced double switching fees to make money. The Parisians were indignant (they didn’t like this neighborhood before - the hospital dumped sewage directly into the Seine), things came to fights and even murders of toll collectors.
In 1709, the bridge collapsed due to bad weather. After that, it was built again and reconstructed several times.

It acquired its final form in 1882, becoming cast iron and single-arched. Now it is a short (45 meters long) pedestrian bridge with a warm copper color unique to Parisian bridges. It is located in one of the most beautiful points of Paris - right in front of Notre Dame. Passage through it, of course, is free, but the historical name remains.

Photo from the Internet
The height of the arches of the next one, the Archbishop's Bridge (Pont de l'Archevêché), is the smallest in Paris. It is named after the Archbishopric building destroyed in 1831. The bridge leads from the back of Notre Dame (from the Ile de la Cité) to the Latin Quarter.
It is also loved by lovers; this is where they hang their love locks. It would be interesting to know if this helps preserve love?

This photo is from 2010, so there are still few locks.

We didn’t have time to sail under the previous bridge, and in front of us was already the Tournelle Bridge.

It is one of the oldest bridges in Paris. It was erected in 1651 on the site of the wooden Bridge of the King, built in 1370, demolished during a flood, and connected the island of Saint-Louis with the left bank of the Seine.
Quite a few bridges were built on this site; they were made of wood and were periodically demolished during floods. Then a stone bridge was built, but it too suffered the same fate. The next construction began in 1923-1928. This time, the structure turned out to be more durable, and above the bridge rises a statue of Saint Genevieve, the patroness of Paris, who once protected the city from an attack by the Huns. It is not known whether the secret of the strength of this bridge is hidden in engineering subtleties, or whether it is connected with holy patronage - in any case, this bridge is much more stable than its predecessors!

Now we have reached the Sully Bridge (Le pont de Sully).

The Sully Bridge in Paris connects the Ile Saint-Louis or the Ile Saint-Louis with both banks of the Seine River. It received its name in honor of the Duke of Sully, who was the head of the French government under Henry IV. If you walk from the Boulevard Saint-Germain over the bridge and then follow the Boulevard Henri IV, you end up at the Place de la Bastille.
Like the New Bridge of Paris, this bridge crosses the needle of the island, dividing into two sections.

We also sail under the Pont Louis-Philippe, which connects the Marais with the arrow of the island of Saint-Louis.
Construction began in 1833, the first stone was solemnly laid on July 29 by the then monarch, the same Louis Philippe, in whose honor this bridge was named, timing the start of construction to coincide with the modest three-year anniversary of the July French Revolution of 1830.

During the revolution it was destroyed, but was immediately restored, apparently the revolutionaries realized that they had gotten carried away. The only thing they did was rename it the Reform Bridge.
In 1852, after the death of the king, the name of the bridge was returned. The French are quick-tempered, but quick-witted, really more profitable 💰💰 Booking.

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I, the oldest is the New Bridge, and the most romantic is the Pont des Arts. To see the real beauty of all these bridges, we advise you to take a boat trip along the Seine ().

Pont Alexandre III

Built in the early 20th century to honor the Franco-Russian Alliance, the Alexander III Bridge was named after the reigning emperor's deceased father. Spanning the Seine, it is one of the main Parisian attractions. It offers views of the Champs Elysees, Les Invalides and the famous Eiffel Tower. The nearest metro station is Invalides.

New Bridge (Pont Neuf)

Fun fact: The Pont Neuf is the oldest surviving bridge in Paris. It was built at the end of the 16th century, and the first stone was laid personally by Henry IV. The new bridge connects the left and right banks of Paris, passing through the Ile de la Cité, and in the center stands a statue of that same Henry IV, destroyed during the Revolution, but later restored in its original place. The new bridge became popular among Parisians immediately after its construction, thanks to its wide sidewalks and beautiful views of the city. Perhaps thanks to this, it has survived to this day, unlike its predecessors. The nearest metro station is Pont Neuf.

Pont Marie

One of the oldest Parisian bridges. Originally made of wood, it was destroyed by a flood in the mid-seventeenth century. Later it was reconstructed. And the bridge is named after its creator Christophe Marie. Although many have already forgotten about it completely. Today it is one of the most romantic places in Paris. Local legend says that those who kiss under this bridge while sailing on a boat will be forever happy with each other. The nearest metro is Pont Marie.

Pont des Arts

The Pont des Arts is the ideal place for two lovers to meet. This building also performs an important practical function, connecting the French Institute and the Louvre. The Pont des Arts, Paris's first iron bridge, is entirely pedestrian, so picnics are common here in the summer. In addition, as the name suggests, musicians often perform here, artists create, and a festive atmosphere reigns. From the bridge itself there is a panoramic view of the sights: the Ile de la Cité, the Louvre, and others. Previously, it was on this bridge that lovers hung their locks, but after one of the bridge’s fences collapsed from their weight, the mayor’s office removed those locks. The nearest metro station is Louvre Rivoli.

Bercy Bridge (Pont de Bercy)

The Bercy Bridge was originally built in the 32nd year of the 19th century, but by the middle of the century it was reconstructed. An interesting fact is that at that time he was outside the city. Previously, you had to pay a certain amount to use it. The bridge became popular thanks to the song “Under the Sky of Paris”, where it is mentioned. The nearest one is Quai de la Gare.

Pont Royal - Pont Royal

The third oldest bridge in Paris; was built at the end of the seventeenth century, which is why it is an important architectural monument of those years. The construction was supported by King Louis XIV, who allocated funds and gave the building its name. The nearest metro station is Tuileries.

Leopold Sédar Senghor Bridge (Passerelle Léopold Sédar Senghor)

Initially it had a different name - the Solferino Bridge - but at the end of the twentieth century it was renamed in honor of the first president of Senegal. Built in the mid-nineteenth century by Napoleon III, reconstructed and renamed at the end of the twentieth. The nearest metro station is Tuileries.

Simone de Beauvoir Bridge (Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir)

A relatively “new” Parisian bridge: it was opened about ten years ago. The practical function is to connect the twelfth and thirteenth districts. It can only be used by pedestrians and cyclists. On one side you can see the famous Bercy Park, on the other - the National Library. The bridge looks extremely unusual: its original shape in the form of two intersecting arcs determines its popularity. Nearest metro stations: quai de la Gare, Bercy.

Alma Bridge (Pont de l'Alma)

Erected in the mid-twentieth century as a sign of the French victory in the Battle of Almina in the Crimean War, known to our compatriots; albeit from a slightly different angle. The bridge has a certain sad fame, since Princess Diana died in an accident next to it. The new Russian Orthodox Church of Paris is now located on the other bank. And from the bridge itself there is a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower. The nearest metro is Pont de l’Alma.

Mirabeau Bridge

This bridge is distinguished by its grace due to its seemingly almost weightless openwork design; The foundations are based on three steel arches. Here you can see four bronze symbolic statues: Paris, Navigation, Commerce, Abundance. The famous French poet Guillaume Apollinaire wrote a poem called Pont Mirabeau. The nearest metro station is Javel-Andre Citroën.

There are still many bridges in Paris that we have not mentioned. Walk around the city, ride river buses along the Seine and get to know Paris from a new and new perspective.