Weekends in Georgia in 2018

Weekends for holidays in Georgia in 2018

Weekends for public holidays in Georgia in 2018

Weekends for religious holidays in Georgia in 2018

January 2018

These days, New Year holidays are celebrated in Georgia.

Day of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On this day in Georgia they celebrateEpiphany - Day of the Holy Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a public holiday and an official day off

Note: public holiday celebrated on January 14, 2018 National Flag Day is not a day off in Georgia.

February 2018

There are no holidays in Georgia in February 2018. Accordingly, there are no days off on these days

March 2018

On this day in Georgia they celebrateMothers Day. This is a public holiday and an official day off

On this day in Georgia they celebrateInternational Women's Day. This is a public holiday and an official day off

April 2018

These days are celebrated in Georgia Easter days - Good Friday, Great Saturday, Day of the Bright Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ; All Souls' Day - the second day after Easter, Monday . These are public holidays and official holidays

Due to the fact that Easter is a moving holiday, another holiday falls on April 9 - the Day of Restoration of Independence of Georgia. The number of days off does not change.

On this day in Georgia they celebrate Day of adoption of the Act on the restoration of state independence of Georgia, Day of national unity, civil harmony and memory of those who died for the Motherland .

May 2018

On this day in Georgia they celebrateVictory Day over Fascism. This is a public holiday and an official day off

On this day in Georgia they celebrateDay of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called - the founder of the Georgian Church as an Apostolic Council. This is a public holiday and an official day off

On this day in Georgia they celebrateGeorgian Independence Day. This is a national holiday and an official day off.

June 2018

There are no holidays in June 2018 in Georgia. Accordingly, there are no days off on these days

July 2018

There are no holidays in Georgia in July 2018. Accordingly, there are no days off on these days

August 2018

On this day in Georgia they celebrateDay of the Assumption of Our Lady Most Holy Theotokos (Mariamoba). This is a public holiday and an official day off

September 2018

There are no holidays in Georgia in September 2018. Accordingly, there are no days off on these days

October 2018

On this day in Georgia they celebrateMtskhetoba (Svetitkhovloba) - the holiday of the Robe of the Lord and the Life-Giving Pillar. This is a public holiday and an official day off

November 2018

On this day in Georgia they celebrateGiorgoba, St. George's Day. This is a public holiday and an official day off

December 2018

There are no holidays in December 2018 in Georgia. Accordingly, there are no days off on these days

Weekends in Georgia:

- Saturday and Sunday

Everyone knows that Georgians know how to celebrate like no one else and know a lot about feasts, delicious food and good wine. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in how folk holidays are honored and respected in Georgia.

Main holidays of Georgia

One of the most important holidays in Georgia. It is based on Georgia’s acquisition of a great Orthodox shrine – the Robe of the Lord. Thanks to the discovery of such an important relic, the main temple of the country, the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, was built in Mtskheta.

Every year on this day a festive service is held, after which a mass baptism is held, which has become a Georgian holiday tradition. Also on this day, it is customary to visit the ancient Jvari monastery and other ancient temples, of which there are many in Georgia.

This is a big church holiday dedicated to the arrival of St. Nino in Georgia, who brought the Christian faith with her to Georgia.

The relics of the saint are located in the Bodbe Monastery in Kakheti. Every year on June 1, hundreds of pilgrims come here, and a solemn service is held in the Zion Temple in Tbilisi.

Queen Tamara is the wisest and greatest ruler of Georgia, whose government took place at the beginning of the 13th century. Under her rule, Georgia experienced unprecedented prosperity, spirituality and enlightenment. For her great deeds, the church canonized her as a saint.

This is one of the main national holidays of Georgia. The main celebration takes place in Akhaltsikhe, where there is a monument in her honor.

Saint George is the most revered and beloved saint among Georgians. On this day, all churches in Georgia ring their bells and believers kneel in prayer to St. George. He is asked for well-being in the family, the health of loved ones and peace.

On November 23, a solemn liturgy is celebrated at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi. In Georgia, this is an official day off on which they relax and devote time to their families.

On March 31, 1991, the independence of Georgia was declared, but Georgians celebrate the anniversary of independence on May 26, since it was on this day, in 1918, that Georgia first gained independence.

There are parades and concerts all over the country. Also on this day, a flower festival is traditionally held.

National Unity Day is a harbinger of Georgian independence. Since the events of April 9, the idea of ​​sovereignty has been firmly established among Georgians and the national unity for which they are so famous was born. On this date, in 1989, USSR troops were brought into Georgia with the aim of suppressing rallies for the independence of Georgia. Today, on this day, Georgians remember the heroes who fell for the freedom of their country and bring flowers to memorials.


An ancient Georgian holiday in honor of the grape harvest day. It is not tied to any date, since the grape harvest differs in different parts of Georgia. If you want to see real Georgian traditions, try to attend this holiday.

The Rtveli holiday is fun, dancing, laughter, songs, and, of course, the famous Georgian wine, which flows like a stream on this day.

New Year

One of the most important and vibrant holidays, which Georgians love very much and know how to celebrate so noisily and cheerfully that hardly anyone is able to compete with them. Celebrating the New Year in Georgia, you literally enjoy every minute of the feast.

In Georgia, the holiday, adored by everyone, has its own characteristic features and traditions of celebration. For example, in addition to the New Year tree, Georgians also decorate chichikali - a homemade Christmas tree made of wood. After the New Year, the chichikali is burned so that all the problems and hardships accumulated over the year will be burned along with it.

The New Year's table in Georgia is also special. It's not just beautifully laid out, it's simply bursting with the number of dishes on it. Here you will find spicy marinades, juicy boiled pork, savitsi with khachapuri, homemade cheese, fried pig, honey gozinaki, churchkhella and much, much more.

Easter and Christmas in Georgia

The most important and great Christian holidays that have been celebrated in Georgia since time immemorial. Adults and children are always waiting for them with great desire. The traditions of celebrating Easter in Georgia are very similar to ours. Georgians also bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and go to church.

But celebrating Christmas in Georgia is a little different from ours. On the night before Christmas, the liturgy begins in all churches in Georgia. And after the service, early in the morning, the solemn procession “Alilo” begins. Christians with priests walk through the streets of cities and sing church songs, thus symbolizing the good news of the birth of Jesus. On Christmas night, Georgians place lighted candles on their windows in memory of biblical events. Among the culinary traditions, it is worth highlighting querzi - Georgian holiday flatbreads.

Georgia is a multinational country. It has ethnic regional groups, for example, Mingrelians and Svans. There are also national minorities: Russians, Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Greeks, Ossetians. The country's culture thus consists of local traditions mixed with European and Middle Eastern ones. The main Georgian traditional holidays are celebrated on New Year, Christmas, Epiphany, Mother's Day (March 3) and International Women's Day, in April Remembrance Day, Victory Day, Independence Day (May 26), Mariamoba or Dormition of the Virgin Mary, Svetitkhovloba (14 October), Giorgoba (November 23), Easter.

Mtskhetoba – Svetitkhovloba

A great holiday based on a biblical miracle. On October 14, Georgia found the greatest shrine, the Robe of the Lord, after which the main temple of Svetitskhoveli was built.

Every Georgian knows the legend about how two priests brought Jesus to the country of Chiton - he was executed there. This tunic was buried, and in its place a large cedar grew. Many years later, the cedar began to flow myrrh. People touched the tree and were healed of illnesses, and therefore the cedar was called the Life-Giving Pillar. Subsequently, pillars for the church were cut from the tree trunk.

On the holiday, the Patriarch of Georgia holds a solemn service and mass baptism of those wishing to do so at Aragvi and Kura. Not far from the church is the ancient monastery of Jvari, which is visited daily by hundreds of believers.


June 1 is the day of Saint Nino's arrival in the country. She converted Georgians to the Christian faith at the beginning of the 4th century. Nino herself converted to Christianity in the Roman province of Cappadocia. Having moved to Jerusalem, she learned about the robe of the Lord. It was then that Nino decided to visit Georgia.

Relics of St. Nino are kept in Kakheti. On the first of June, pilgrims come here, and a service is held in the Sioni Cathedral. Pilgrims arrange a procession along the route taken by this holy woman.

On May 14, Georgia celebrates Tamaroba

Queen Tamara is elevated to the rank of saint. During her reign, the mountaineer tribes were united, the church was reconciled with the state, and many temples, libraries and monasteries were built. This smartest woman patronized poets and scientists. Therefore, the church treated her with great respect. The celebration on this day takes place in Tbilisi itself and in Akhaltsikhe.

St. George's Day

The story of St. George took place at the beginning of our era, when Christianity was just beginning. George was the commander of the Roman emperor. When Christians were persecuted, he defended them, for which he himself was wheeled.

Since then, November 23 is a national holiday for Georgians and, of course, a day off. Georgians stay at home with their families, set the festive table and celebrate it with friends and family.

International Women's Day and Mother's Day

Georgian women celebrate two women's days in March. The first holiday falls on March 3 and is called Mother's Day, the second is International Women's Day, which is celebrated in many countries. The first holiday has been celebrated since 1991. On March 3, the streets of the city are filled with flowers; they can be bought almost everywhere. Flowers are given to mothers, grandmothers and wives. On Mother's Day, concerts, folk festivals and charity events take place on the streets in many cities.

It should be noted that Georgians have a particularly respectful attitude towards their mother. And in general, Georgians really value their family, their clan and are proud of their origin. The most distant relatives gather at the festive tables; they are always the most welcome guests. And in Tbilisi there is a huge statue on the mountain, symbolizing at the same time Georgia, Mother and Motherland.


Every year in October a holiday is held that is dedicated to the city of Tbilisi. There is no exact number. The celebration falls on Saturday-Sunday in October. People from all regions come to the city for the holiday. The streets are festively decorated, trade fairs are held, collective farmers bring food, wine tastings take place, souvenirs from folk craftsmen are sold, and concerts are held on the streets of the city. Folk festivities take place for two days, and no one leaves without tasting real Georgian kebab and churchkhela.


An ancient pagan holiday, which is celebrated on the Wednesday before Maundy Thursday, it is also called Maundy Thursday before Easter. When it gets dark, residents of cities and villages light large bonfires. The fire is made high, but when the main part of it burns down, people begin to jump over it. Georgians believe that this way they are cleansed of evil spirits.

This holiday brings great joy to children. The Georgian Church opposes this holiday, considering it pagan. But Georgians still light bonfires every year and party until the morning.

New Year celebration in Georgia

Instead of a regular Christmas tree, Georgians buy chichilaki. This is a wooden stick, which is covered with snow-white shavings. A unique version of the Georgian New Year tree. Chichilaki can be decorated with dried fruits, sweets, and after the old New Year it is burned. Georgians are confident that the failures of the outgoing year are becoming a thing of the past along with the fire.

Preparations for the celebration begin in mid-December. Preparations are carried out thoroughly, because it is believed that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Housewives wash everything that can be washed - carpets, curtains, bedspreads. Shake and dry pillows and mattresses. Be sure to wash all the glass, floors, wipe the ceilings, corners - do a general cleaning of the house.

But these are minor matters. The main thing is the festive table. In order for it to be plentiful, many Georgians begin preparing at the beginning of December, buying livestock (chicken, turkey, pig). At the beginning of December, they cost half as much as on New Year's Eve. On New Year's holidays, the market is so crowded with people that it is impossible to squeeze through. Many traders do not fit in the market building, so they are forced to stand on the streets nearby. During this period of time, roads near the bazaar are blocked due to traders. The counters are bursting with goods that you won’t see on them!

In order to get out of this crush, you will have to spend more than one hour of time, but, despite the difficulties, the townspeople still rush to the market. For Georgians, it has become a ritual to buy livestock, spices, pickled dzhonjoli, dried persimmons, gozinaki and churchkhela. Not a single family can live without these products on New Year's Eve in Georgia.

There are many rituals associated with the New Year in the country. Many of them have been observed for several centuries. We have already mentioned chichilaki, there is also a ritual associated with bread. For the holiday, housewives baked a loaf of white bread, reminiscent of a bagel. Before the New Year, it was hung on the vine, which meant a good harvest next year.

Every family should have a large dish with various fruits and sweets on the table. In cities on New Year's Eve, people left their doors open because they believed that happiness was walking through the streets. If you close the door, it will not be able to enter the house.

Many people still adhere to this tradition - they set up a small table in the house with sweets. Candles are placed in the four corners, and at exactly midnight the head of the family must take a table and walk around the entire house. It is believed that by these actions an angel is called into the house, who will bring prosperity, happiness and prosperity.

At 12 at night, many families shoot in the air. Now, of course, they use fireworks instead of guns, but previously each shot meant that the head of the family was killing an evil spirit. It is believed that after this, there will be prosperity and peace in the family in the New Year. On New Year's Eve, Georgians believe that you should not sleep, because you can sleep through your happiness.

Another custom associated with the person who should come on the first New Year's day. It is called "mekvle". This person must have a pure soul and a “good leg.” But this could only be verified within a year. If the family was lucky for a whole year, there was prosperity, then this means “mekvle” was good. Such a person was then specially invited from house to house on January 1st. People believed that his luck would bring them prosperity.

On January 1, festivities, performances and fireworks take place in the streets of cities. But it is necessary to return home before lunch, otherwise, according to the sign, the person will be absent from the house all year.

New Year celebrations continue until the night of January 2. This day is called the day of happiness or “bedobis dge”. It must be spent with family or pleasant people, because according to legend, how you spend it will be the same all year.

These are the holidays of Georgia that can be identified as the main ones, although there are many other family celebrations that people do not forget about and celebrate every year.

Everyone knows that Georgians know how to celebrate like no one else and know a lot about feasts, delicious food and good wine. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in how folk holidays are honored and respected in Georgia.

Main holidays of Georgia

One of the most important holidays in Georgia. It is based on Georgia’s acquisition of a great Orthodox shrine – the Robe of the Lord. Thanks to the discovery of such an important relic, the main temple of the country, the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, was built in Mtskheta.

Every year on this day a festive service is held, after which a mass baptism is held, which has become a Georgian holiday tradition. Also on this day, it is customary to visit the ancient Jvari monastery and other ancient temples, of which there are many in Georgia.

This is a big church holiday dedicated to the arrival of St. Nino in Georgia, who brought the Christian faith with her to Georgia.

The relics of the saint are located in the Bodbe Monastery in Kakheti. Every year on June 1, hundreds of pilgrims come here, and a solemn service is held in the Zion Temple in Tbilisi.

Queen Tamara is the wisest and greatest ruler of Georgia, whose government took place at the beginning of the 13th century. Under her rule, Georgia experienced unprecedented prosperity, spirituality and enlightenment. For her great deeds, the church canonized her as a saint.

This is one of the main national holidays of Georgia. The main celebration takes place in Akhaltsikhe, where there is a monument in her honor.

Saint George is the most revered and beloved saint among Georgians. On this day, all churches in Georgia ring their bells and believers kneel in prayer to St. George. He is asked for well-being in the family, the health of loved ones and peace.

On November 23, a solemn liturgy is celebrated at the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Tbilisi. In Georgia, this is an official day off on which they relax and devote time to their families.

On March 31, 1991, the independence of Georgia was declared, but Georgians celebrate the anniversary of independence on May 26, since it was on this day, in 1918, that Georgia first gained independence.

There are parades and concerts all over the country. Also on this day, a flower festival is traditionally held.

National Unity Day is a harbinger of Georgian independence. Since the events of April 9, the idea of ​​sovereignty has been firmly established among Georgians and the national unity for which they are so famous was born. On this date, in 1989, USSR troops were brought into Georgia with the aim of suppressing rallies for the independence of Georgia. Today, on this day, Georgians remember the heroes who fell for the freedom of their country and bring flowers to memorials.


An ancient Georgian holiday in honor of the grape harvest day. It is not tied to any date, since the grape harvest differs in different parts of Georgia. If you want to see real Georgian traditions, try to attend this holiday.

The Rtveli holiday is fun, dancing, laughter, songs, and, of course, the famous Georgian wine, which flows like a stream on this day.

New Year

One of the most important and vibrant holidays, which Georgians love very much and know how to celebrate so noisily and cheerfully that hardly anyone is able to compete with them. Celebrating the New Year in Georgia, you literally enjoy every minute of the feast.

In Georgia, the holiday, adored by everyone, has its own characteristic features and traditions of celebration. For example, in addition to the New Year tree, Georgians also decorate chichikali - a homemade Christmas tree made of wood. After the New Year, the chichikali is burned so that all the problems and hardships accumulated over the year will be burned along with it.

The New Year's table in Georgia is also special. It's not just beautifully laid out, it's simply bursting with the number of dishes on it. Here you will find spicy marinades, juicy boiled pork, savitsi with khachapuri, homemade cheese, fried pig, honey gozinaki, churchkhella and much, much more.

Easter and Christmas in Georgia

The most important and great Christian holidays that have been celebrated in Georgia since time immemorial. Adults and children are always waiting for them with great desire. The traditions of celebrating Easter in Georgia are very similar to ours. Georgians also bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and go to church.

But celebrating Christmas in Georgia is a little different from ours. On the night before Christmas, the liturgy begins in all churches in Georgia. And after the service, early in the morning, the solemn procession “Alilo” begins. Christians with priests walk through the streets of cities and sing church songs, thus symbolizing the good news of the birth of Jesus. On Christmas night, Georgians place lighted candles on their windows in memory of biblical events. Among the culinary traditions, it is worth highlighting querzi - Georgian holiday flatbreads.

Considering the fact that the majority of citizens living in Georgia are Christians, the country celebrates all important events related to this religion.

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Considering the fact that the majority of citizens living in Georgia are Christians, the country celebrates all important events related to this religion. Along with this, there are national holidays, the history of which goes back into the distant history of Georgia.

Holidays and weekends in Georgia

March-April – Easter

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