How does the fountain work? and got the best answer

Answer from Aleksandr Karnaukh[guru]
A fountain is a device in which water flows from a source (lat. fons), falls into a bowl of some kind and is used again. Fountains are classified into sculptural, static, color-dynamic and musical fountains.
Any fountain represents a water cycle. The reservoir can be a real pond inhabited by animals and plants, or a modest plastic container hidden in the base of the sculpture.
The fountain can also be installed “on land”. This is what is usually done if we're talking about about stone decorative fountains or sculptural compositions with pouring water. In this case, a fountain bowl is installed under the base of the sculpture. The height of a decorative fountain depends on the water pressure and the size of the reservoir, the shape of the fountain depends on the nozzle. The nozzle forms the water flow, and this ultimately determines the appearance of the fountain.
The structure of any fountain is a cycle in which water rises upward with the help of a pump and then flows down the stone into a container. Thus, we are talking about a closed system in which the used water is gradually renewed, since the initial supply of water is no longer sufficient by a certain time.
A fountain brings noise, movement and sparkling water to the garden. Fountains look great in decorative ponds. The design of fountains is very diverse - large bowls with water falling from one bowl to another, or simple gutters producing a soft murmur of water flowing into an urn. In addition to the many free-standing decorative fountains, there are also natural-style fountains where water flows directly from pebbles, millstones or rocks.
Today it doesn’t even matter whether there is suburban area natural pond: modern technology allows you to build a decorative fountain almost from scratch
Source: Wikipedia and

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How does the fountain work?

A country house is a place to relax and unwind from hectic days. Therefore, it is not surprising that people are trying in every possible way to decorate their summer cottage. A flower bed, a front garden and a cozy garden are a small part of those landscape design components that can complement the territory. But you can decorate your lawn with a fountain. And thanks to the spray of water, there will be fresh air in the nearest area. The article describes the construction of a fountain and waterfall on a summer cottage

Street fountains: classification

Decorative designs, depending on the technique of execution, come in the following varieties:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Submersible.
  3. Cascade.

A stationary fountain is often installed in a city park. However, it can also be built on a personal plot, decorated with decorative elements: marble statues, sculptures, natural stones and other design items. When constructing these structures, polymer concrete is used - a durable and frost-resistant material. As a result, the structure will be light, durable and protected from rotting.

A submersible waterfall, which consists of a pump, a receiving tank, a pipeline and a nozzle, is considered simple in design. The purpose of the last design element is to ensure that the water jet is sprayed in different compositions. The structure can be decorated with natural stone and flowers, and its construction is inexpensive. In addition, installing a fountain and waterfall on a summer cottage optimizes the humidity and temperature of the nearby garden area.

The cascade type design is somewhat reminiscent of a pyramid. In this case, the water falls from top to bottom, creating a continuous stream that washes each step.

Principle of operation

Depending on the design technique, fountains are:

  1. Flow-through.
  2. Circulating.

To organize the first option, it is necessary to equip the structure with a water supply and drainage system. Fountains of this type work on the following principle: water rises, and then falls and goes into the sewer. The main advantage is that the structure performs a useful function: flow-through structures are sometimes used for watering vegetable gardens, lawns and flower beds.

To operate a circulation fountain, it is necessary to ensure a circulation of water that will fill the reservoir. After this, the liquid is raised by a pump to a special nozzle, which sprays water. The advantage of this structure is that its operation does not require water supply and sewerage. However, sometimes the tanks need to be refilled as the liquid gradually evaporates.

If the fountain is equipped with a pump, then thanks to this mechanism the water will rise. As a rule, small aesthetic structures are made without the mentioned unit. Building a decorative structure with your own hands is a labor-intensive and costly process, but it’s worth it: installing a fountain in your dacha will give your garden an unforgettable look.

Optimal location

The size and type of fountain are the main parameters that influence the choice of the site where the structure will be installed. In addition, the decorative structure cannot be installed next to trees, since falling leaves can damage the pump or clog the filter. In addition, the structure cannot be placed near the house: due to high humidity, the foundation of the building will deteriorate over time.

Factors to consider when choosing a location:

  • wind direction (the fountain will become dirty if installed on the leeward side);
  • natural lightening of the area (water will begin to bloom if it is constantly exposed to sunlight);
  • Availability of nearby power supply to operate the pump.

The ideal place is an area surrounded by low trees and flowers. For the rational arrangement of fountains in parks, as a rule, they are located near gazebos or playgrounds.

Necessary equipment

Details for a fountain and waterfall are basic, additional and decorative. The first includes the following equipment:

  1. The bowl is the water reservoir of the structure.
  2. Electric pump (remote or submersible) - motor water flow.
  3. Nozzles are parts that help regulate the shape of the jet.
  4. PVC pipes, tees, taps, valves, couplings and adapters are elements for water supply systems for fountains and waterfalls.

The service life and performance of the structure depend on the quality of the main parts. However, simple structures can be made without some elements (for example, a pump is not needed for a single-tier mini-fountain). But a mandatory part is a bowl, but additional equipment includes the following components:

  1. Cleaning filter.
  2. Water control sensor.
  3. Expansion tank.
  4. Wind speed sensor.
  5. Sound equipment.
  6. Lanterns and waterproof lamps for illumination.
  7. Control cabinet.

The price of the fountain directly depends on the cost of installed parts.

Choosing the material for the bowl

To construct fountains and waterfalls, stone (natural or artificial), stainless steel, plastic, concrete or fiberglass are used.

Marble is an expensive material that makes the most beautiful designs. Working with this stone is difficult, but if all technical conditions are met, the result will be a durable decorative structure.

Natural granite is another high-quality building material used for the construction of fountains. Its advantage is that it can be used to make a structure of any color.

Garden fountains built from sandstone or shungite will look good on a summer cottage. In addition, these materials are easy to process and poorly absorb moisture. It should be noted: a bowl made of coral sandstone will retain its original appearance for 15 years.

A concrete fountain is a cheap but short-lived option. It is better to give such a structure an original look: it can be painted or covered with facing material (for example, tiles).

When installing a fountain, you need to make or buy a waterproof and reliable tank yourself. As you know, experts recommend purchasing bowls made of stone or fiberglass.

Pump selection

This element is considered the so-called heart of the fountain. The pump works in this way: the unit takes in and purifies water thanks to a special filter, and then throws clean liquid into the bowl through nozzles. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to its operating voltage, power and performance. The technological device of a pump for a decorative fountain is of two types:

  1. Submersible (piston).
  2. Remote (superficial).

A piston pump is a low-voltage device for small-sized fountains. It must be mounted on the bottom of the water tank.

Surface equipment is used for multi-level garden fountains. It must be installed near the structure, but the electrical appliance must first be protected from precipitation and sunlight. To do this, you can use a special protective film or place the pump in a plastic box. Expensive equipment like this is noisy, but it is a quality pump that will last for many years.

Optional equipment

To make a fountain with visual effects, you can use various sprayers. Thanks to these details, it will be easy to regulate the water jet, which can be given the appearance of a water wall, geyser or bubbles.

The fountain can be supplemented with decorative lighting, which comes in the following types:

  1. Above-water (lights are installed around the perimeter of the structure).
  2. Floating (powered by solar batteries).
  3. Underwater lighting using moisture-resistant lamps.

Colored 12-volt LED strips are often used for these purposes.

Fountain technology: step-by-step instructions

The initial stage is the preparation of a pit, the shape of which depends on the dimensions of the future structure. As a rule, the depth of the excavation is 50 cm. Next, you need to level and compact the bottom, and then lay a layer of crushed stone on it.

The next step is the construction of two formworks, the minimum distance between which should be 30 cm. The first is erected along the outer part of the fountain, and the second along the inner. After this, it is necessary to reinforce the walls and bottom of the structure with steel mesh.

Then the bottom must be filled with concrete mortar and the space between the formworks, which is needed to make the sides of the fountain, filled. But there is one caveat: first you need to fill the bottom of the bowl and wait until the concrete hardens completely. Only after this can the construction of the sides begin.

The construction of the fountain does not end there, since next you need to install a pump. The technique for performing this stage depends on the type of equipment. The device is connected to electricity and water supply, which means you can check its operation.

The final stage is facing the fountain with natural stone or other finishing material, and the side parts of the bowl can be decorated with flowers and statues.

Construction of a waterfall

First you need to dig a pit according to the design documentation. If the waterfall is intended for fish breeding, then its minimum depth should be 1 meter. To prevent the structure from deforming during operation, the walls of the pit must be thoroughly compacted and moistened. The prepared bottom must be covered with a 10-centimeter layer of sand.

The structure must be covered with waterproofing material (for example, plastic film). After this, you need to fill the pit with concrete mixture.

To make a cascade, it is better to buy a ready-made form at a hardware store. But it can also be made independently from flat stones connected with cement mortar.

A 70-watt device can be used as pumping equipment for a small waterfall 1.5 meters high. The pressure hose should be installed at the top of the cascade, and the water supply pipes should be located behind the stones.

Construction cost

Before starting work on arranging the fountain, it is necessary to draw up an estimate for the facility being built. Initially, it is necessary to take into account that a foundation must be erected under a massive structure, so the cost of organizing the foundation is a key aspect that must be recorded in the document. In addition, the estimate for the installation of a fountain includes the following parameters:

  1. Height of the structure.
  2. Total area of ​​the object.
  3. The material from which the bowl (reservoir) is made.

If the fountain has been lined, then it must also be taken into account when calculating costs. total cost depends on:

  • fountain type;
  • difficulties in performing the work;
  • installations additional equipment;
  • volume of work on foundation construction;
  • design difficulties;
  • quality of consumables.

In any case, a garden fountain is an expensive landscape decoration.


The article described the structure of the fountain. To build this structure you need to perform a few simple steps and spend a little money. However, if finances allow, then you can make a unique work of art yourself. In addition, the article describes what elements this aesthetic structure consists of.

There are not so many things that can work independently, without an external source of energy, and Heron’s fountain occupies a special place among them. Its main advantage is that it works thanks to the natural laws of nature, without spending external energy.
In fact, everything is not quite like that - this is not a perpetual motion machine, and certainly not a source of free energy. Such a fountain needs regular “recharging” - depending on the design, it may be required every 15-50 minutes. In principle, this is a simple procedure that will require a person to swap a couple of containers. It is the independent work that makes Heron’s fountain interesting, o self-production which we will talk about in this article. Together with the Dream House website, we will understand its design, study the principle of operation and answer the question, how to make this miracle with your own hands?

How to make Heron's fountain photo

Heron's Fountain: how it works

If we use clever terms, the operation of the Heron Fountain is based on the principle of hydropneumatics - the work of pushing water upward in a stream is done by air and the liquid itself. Naturally, this cannot be done without gravity, thanks to which the necessary pressure is created in the fountain system. This fountain consists of at least three containers.

As you understand, such a fountain will work until the liquid in the upper container is used up - after which a recharge is required, due to which this system has nothing in common with a perpetual motion machine or an endless source of energy. Recharging Heron's fountain is quite simple - a full flask (the one that was bottom) is installed instead of an empty container installed on top, which, in turn, is placed instead of a full container. After recharging, the fountain will need to be started - you will need to add some water to the upper bowl.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, and even the principle of making Heron’s fountain with your own hands is no exception. In its elementary version, it is assembled from plastic bottles and transparent tubes - naturally, you will need a bowl, a mounting structure and various little things that we will deal with as we study the question of how to make a Heron fountain with your own hands?

How to make Heron's fountain: assembly features

So, the principle of operation of the Heron fountain is clear; now it remains to understand the intricacies and options for its assembly. There are several different designs.

In principle, this is the entire system of the Heron Fountain. The only thing that needs to be added here is to clarify a few details. Firstly, the entire system must have exceptional tightness - there must be only a few open places(bowl drain and fountain nozzle). Well, and secondly, the height of the jet of this fountain directly depends on the distance between the upper and lower containers - you will have to adjust this whole thing yourself at your discretion.

How to make Heron's fountain: what can be improved

They say that there is no limit to perfection, and almost any thing can be modernized ad infinitum - this is not entirely true, but nevertheless, the possibility of improving any product is almost always available. The Fountain of Heron is no exception in this regard - there are many things that can be modernized in it.

In general, despite the fact that in general Heron’s fountain is a very well-thought-out product, there is still room for its improvement and, apparently, there is no limit to this place. To conclude the topic, it remains to add that according to the principle described above, it is possible to produce quite a lot of different systems, ranging from small experimental models of fountains to huge working models. With the latter, however, the problem of recharging arises, which is very, very difficult to solve without a pump or other ingenious modern devices.

How does the fountain work?

Almost every person has encountered fountains in their life. But few can explain how this device works. Most will say something like: “The water shoots up under pressure.” And this is generally a correct explanation, but too short. Let's try to figure it out.

Components of a fountain

Any product has two required elements:

A bowl that hides structural elements under a layer of water, and also to some extent performs the function of distributing water jets in different directions;

A pump that sprays water.

In addition, modern models, whether fountains in the courtyard of a country house or in a city park, have other design elements:

A make-up system that provides required level water in the device;

A drainage system that allows water to be completely or partially drained; this element is especially important when preparing the product for winter;

A system of nozzles that are responsible for creating a water pattern;



Transformer system and other devices for controlling pumps and lighting.

Closed system of fountain operation

Theoretically, fountains come in both closed and open types. But in modern world Most often it is the closed ones that are found.

Their main feature is that the water in them moves in a circle, passing through a filter system, splashing, and then returning to the cycle again.

Now fountains in public gardens, products for private residences, and even home models are made like this, although they are most often connected to the water supply system. The main advantages of such models:

Easy to install, they require less complex connections and communications;

Saving water, which has a positive effect on both the environment in general and the owner’s expenses in particular;

Autonomy and independence;

Better price.

How the fountain works

Almost all fountains work on the same principle:

Water from the reservoir, which in most cases becomes a bowl, passes through filters, is cleaned and enters the pipe;

With the help of a pump, water is forced upward, passes through a system of pipes and sprinklers and exits out in the form of a pattern of jets conceived by the designer;

And finally she returns to the tank again.

For proper operation of the product, you need to choose the pump wisely; its power is directly related to the number and size of water jets.

Along with historical monuments, many of which are more than two hundred years old, in the center of the Upper Pond there is a modern creation that has become a bright decoration of the ancient park. All guests of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve are eager to see the light and music fountain; this spectacle is especially impressive in the evening.

Now it seems surprising to us that during the reconstruction of the estate in 2005-2007, the urgent question was whether to install a fountain or not.

The fact is that the owner of the estate, Catherine II, was completely indifferent to fountains and its structure, according to historians, could become another remake. However, their fears turned out to be in vain. The light and music fountain has become an important landmark of Tsaritsino, leaving no one indifferent to the park’s visitors.

Thanks to the successful choice of equipment, spectators receive maximum aesthetic pleasure and at the same time can enjoy the charm of antiquity in Tsaritsyno Park.

The fountain design uses 82 pumps with power ranging from 7 to 45 kW. Four melodies were chosen as musical accompaniment: “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​and “March” by composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky, as well as two melodies by Paul Mauriat.

  • Fountain depth 1.2 - 1.5 meters
  • Bowl radius - more than 27 meters (surface area - 2400 sq. m)
  • Number of underwater lamps - 2583
  • Number of fountain circles - 12
  • The height of the jets is up to 15 meters (depending on the light and music solution).

The operation is controlled using a computer, and for each melody a certain height, direction and power of the jets are selected (there are 915 of them in total) and its own backlight.

Opening hours of the fountain in Tsaritsino in 2020

  • From May to October daily - from 9:00 to 23:00
  • The backlight is open from 21:00 to 23:00

The light and music fountain in Tsaritsino is a marvelous sight. You will find yourself in a fabulous atmosphere, where the flow of water turns into hundreds of jets and splashes playing in the lights of light. Meeting the shimmer of sound, water fantasy gives birth to beauty and grandeur that touches the soul.