So, it's time to get your butt off the chair and do something in the real world.

Let's say that you need to fly somewhere by plane. Let's also assume that you have never flown by air before. It's OK. There is a first time for everything. It doesn't matter how old you are. Let you be 20 years old, 30 years old, 40 or 50 years old, it’s okay if you’ve never flown on an airplane. What do we do? How to fly on an airplane? First we need to understand what we actually need to do.

Airports are usually located outside of cities, so first look at how you can get to them. For Moscow it will be an Aeroexpress. Tickets for Aeroexpress trains can be purchased on their website. There you can also find instructions for its use and payment methods. The most difficult thing will be to navigate the place, where to go and which train to take. Your eloquence skill will help a lot here. Look for the counter labeled “Information.” A living person is sitting there. Tell him that you are flying for the first time, so you don’t know where to go. He will tell you everything without any problems, the main thing is to be extremely polite and friendly, then there should be no problems.

Tickets for the planes themselves are usually purchased on the websites of the airlines themselves. You can find out which airline operates flights in the direction you need, for example, on Yandex Air Tickets. Find the right company, buy a ticket. There is nothing particularly difficult here. Don't forget to read the airline's rules, they may sometimes differ.

It is better to arrive at the airport early. Especially for your first flight. It’s better to arrive even three to four hours before departure, then you’ll have more time to get your bearings, explore the airport and understand what’s going on here.

And now you are standing in front of the airport building. The size of the airport may vary depending on the status and city, but in general we have to go through four stages:

Airports usually have two very useful things: an information desk and a board with flights and status.

The stand with the inscription “Information” is useful because there is a living person sitting there, who you can ask what you should do next in order to still fly. Don't hesitate to ask him. No matter how stupid the question, the person at the counter will most likely be able to help you. You can even say at the beginning of the conversation after greeting that you are flying for the first time.

A board with flights and their status is also useful. Find a line on it with your flight number. There may be the following states:

  • check in - check-in is in progress
  • delayed - delayed
  • go to gate<число>- go to the gate/gate with the indicated number
  • gate changed to<число>- gate/gate changed to...
  • boarding - landing in progress


You can also check in for a flight online on the airline’s website. Online registration usually starts 24 hours in advance.

However, if you are flying for the first time, you may find checking in at the airport easier. Check-in at the airport usually begins 2 hours before departure. On the board opposite your flight there will be the inscription “check in” indicating the counter to which you need to go. If nothing is clear at all, then go to the counter where it says “Information” and ask for help finding your way, what to do now, where to go.

We go to the required check-in counter, give our passport and the piece of paper that we printed when purchasing a ticket on the airline’s website.

Your luggage will be weighed during check-in. You can usually take a small backpack of up to 10 kg and strictly defined dimensions into the aircraft cabin. The rest will have to be checked in as luggage. It is better to wrap suitcases and bags that you check in as luggage with film and secure it with electrical tape. Such luggage packaging will protect the bags from dirt, and will also make theft more difficult, or at least make it more difficult to cover up traces after the theft. You can wrap it yourself, or you can do it for a fee using special devices. If you wrap it yourself, then do not skimp on the film, since during loading the luggage will simply be thrown onto the plane, since the task of the loaders is to do this quickly. A special tag will be placed on your hand luggage with a note that it is hand luggage.

Keep in mind that there are quite strong restrictions on what you can carry on board for carry-on luggage, and for other luggage too. It’s better to check them out on the airline’s website.

When everything is done with check-in, you will be given a boarding pass, and then ask the person who did the check-in where to go next. Believe me, he will tell you, not send you. The skill of eloquence will help you here too.


Well, there are some boundaries here that you need to go through. There is also tape and special plastic boxes.

We place hand luggage on the belt, along with all metal objects. And a belt with a metal buckle goes there too. Then we go through the frame.

You may be asked to turn on your phones and laptop and share the screen. I didn’t understand how the operating system selection menu in my laptop could help them, but it was enough.

We put on the belt, stuff the keys and change back into our pockets and move on.

Boarding the plane

We find ourselves in some kind of area with seats, benches, shops, cafes, vending machines and other nonsense with fairly high prices.

We don't need any of this, believe me. Just go around everything and find your gate. It is written on your boarding pass, which you were given upon check-in for your flight. If you cannot understand what is written on the boarding pass, then find some airport employee and ask him. He will definitely help you.

We are waiting for boarding. The boarding time is written on your ticket, and the current flight status can be viewed on the electronic display in the hall.

Don't miss boarding time. At the appointed time, go to the gate (oh, those Anglicisms). Make sure your flight is written on the gate. Get in line. Here you will only need your boarding pass. You give it to a person, he tears off part of it and returns the other to you. Get on the plane and look for your seat. Sit down.

The flight itself

If you have not failed any of the previous quests, then you find yourself in the cabin of the plane. Then everything is much simpler. Just be careful. Before boarding there will be very detailed instructions on how to fasten your seat belt, etc.

We're just flying to our destination.

Upon arrival, we get off the plane with everyone else and get on the bus, which stands next to the ramp (everyone will get on there, so you can’t go wrong). This bus will take you from the landing strip to the airport building.

Before taking a plane for the first time, many people not only worry about how the flight will go, but the procedure itself from check-in to boarding also raises a lot of questions. It’s not surprising, because in the case of, for example, a railway, everything is simple, and the airport, firstly, is many times larger than even a large train station, and secondly, before boarding you need to go around several counters, check in your luggage, go through customs control and do a lot of other things . Although flying on an airplane for the first time seems to be a difficult task, all the procedures are quite logical. If you are thinking something like this: “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time, what should I do at the airport?”, just step by step go through all the points described below. If you are worried before a flight, to reduce stress, imagine that you are not going through registration, but completing a quest. This will allow you not only to relax, but also to experience less discomfort from queues near each point.

Checking with a metal detector is a standard security requirement

At almost all airports, you will be greeted by a metal detector immediately upon entering the building. It is installed not at all in order to detain a passenger in a hurry, but in order to promptly identify a potential threat to visitors and staff. Don't be nervous, of course, if you haven't hidden a gun in your bosom. Before passing through the arch, place electronic devices (phone, tablet, camera), wristwatches, jewelry containing metal, hair clips, belt, keys, and small change on a special tray. Also, if you have, for example, a chocolate bar with you in foil, you should take it out too. However, it is worth noting that, as a rule, the detector does not respond to piercings.

There is no need to worry if, even if you put all the listed items separately, the metal detector still beeps. Check your pockets again, perhaps the cause was just a coin that got under the lining. If you find a source, put it with the rest of your things and go through the arch again.

Remember: Airport workers do not have the right to undress a passenger in plain sight, as shown in some films. If the device still beeps, the security officer will simply check you further with a hand-held scanner.

But what to do in situations where it is impossible to get rid of the metal? We are talking, for example, about an endoprosthesis. Every year, about 2 million knee and hip replacement surgeries are performed worldwide. Do not doubt that airport workers have clear instructions in this case, and a passenger with a prosthesis will definitely be allowed on board, but security must first make sure that there are no other metal objects. Don't forget to pick up your bags and head to the front desk. If you arrive early and want to get some fresh air while waiting, you will have to repeat the metal detector check procedure when you re-enter the building.

Queue for registration

Registration (Check-in)

There is no need to worry about flying an airplane for the first time. The starting point will always be registration. It starts 2.5-3 hours and ends approximately 40 minutes before departure. Especially if you are flying for the first time, it is advisable to arrive exactly at the beginning, this way you will have more time left, you will not worry about not being on time, you will calmly go through each point without unnecessary fuss, even if you have to stand in lines. In addition, there will be time to wander around Duty Free.

To simplify things, there are 2 more registration methods:

  1. Every major airport (especially abroad) has special terminals. As a rule, there is no queue for them, and the passenger is required to enter a minimum of information.
  2. You can register yourself online directly on the airline’s website.

If this is your first flight, it is better to wait in line for a while, but go through the standard procedure. In addition, you do not have to check your luggage separately, since it is weighed and collected directly at the counter.

Basic requirements for baggage and hand luggage

The ticket price already includes the cost of transporting a suitcase with a certain weight limit. As a rule, without paying additional fees, economy class passengers have the right to carry baggage weighing up to 20 kg, business class - up to 30 kg. However, requirements may vary from airline to airline. To check the permitted weight, check your ticket. If your bag exceeds the limit, of course, you will not be forced to throw things away. In this case, you only need to pay extra at the fare or put something in your hand luggage.

Column indicating the weight limit

A little advice: if you want to carry more things for free, choose the lightest suitcase, since the ticket indicates the total weight of the bag and its contents.

Hand luggage- this is luggage weighing up to 5-10 kg that you can take on board. Some companies, for example, Wizzair, set more specific limits: for a bag or backpack to be regarded as hand luggage, its dimensions should not exceed 55 × 40 × 20 cm (total 115 cm). Interestingly, usually a package with goods from Duty Free is not taken into account: you can freely carry a bag weighing up to 10 kg and goods purchased at the airport on the plane.

Of course, you need to distribute things at home in advance, and not do it at the reception desk. However, if you have excess weight in your main luggage, and only a phone and a couple of souvenirs in your carry-on luggage, transfer at least a few things from your suitcase into it. Especially if you are traveling by plane for the first time, you need to know that there are strict restrictions regarding items in hand luggage.

Leave the following items in your suitcase:

  • cosmetics (sprays, gels, perfumes, lotions, etc.);
  • toothpaste (you will have to be patient, even if you have a very long flight, take chewing gum with you);
  • piercing and cutting objects (you cannot even bring nail scissors into the cabin, and you should also not expect that you will be able, for example, to embroider or knit while traveling - needles, knitting needles and hooks are also prohibited items on board);
  • Items that are too heavy and may exceed the carry-on baggage weight limit.

After checking in your luggage you will receive a special baggage tag. Most often, it is not handed over, but glued to the back of the passport. Do not peel it off under any circumstances until you remove your suitcase from the baggage carousel at your destination! As confirmation of registration, you will receive a boarding pass. It must be presented immediately before boarding the plane.

Green corridor

Customs control and passport control

The customs service checks passengers for the export or import of prohibited items (lists may differ in different countries). Also, if you are bringing antique items, a large sum of money, or weapons (for example, souvenirs), you must fill out a declaration and pay a fee.

Attention! In order to simplify customs clearance, the concepts of “green” and “red” corridors have been introduced. If the passenger does not have items in his luggage that need to be declared, he can go along the “green corridor”. Otherwise, take the “red” line.

After walking along the corridor, you will find yourself next to booths or passport control windows. Here, the airport employee only needs to show your passport.

Security check and boarding

Passing the last point that separates you from boarding the plane is perhaps the most unpleasant and tiring. During security control, a security officer must search the passenger, his personal belongings, and hand luggage. At this stage, a search is being carried out for weapons or other items that may pose a threat to the safety of passengers. Most often, this is where the longest line is, which moves quite slowly. In addition, you will have to go through the metal detector again and have your hand luggage x-rayed.

After security checks, you proceed to the waiting area. Now you can walk around Duty Free and also buy water. In this territory, the passenger has the right to purchase a larger bottle (not 100 ml), but be prepared for very high prices, especially for food. Carefully follow the announcements and information on the monitors in the hall, and when boarding for your flight is announced, immediately proceed to the desired exit (gate).

While waiting for landing announcements, you can watch the planes at most airports

How to behave on an airplane for the first time? Exactly the same as in any subsequent one, that is, first of all, restrained. Remember that the cabin of the aircraft is a space that cannot be left, so be respectful of other passengers. Don’t talk too loudly; during the flight, you shouldn’t joke, for example, “Oh, the wing is about to fall off.” Also, do not take photographs of the personnel, and the view from the window can only be captured after gaining altitude.

In contact with

So, you are flying on an airplane for the first time and have already purchased tickets, expensive or not. For the first time, the upcoming first flight sometimes scares you to the point of trembling in your knees. Don't panic - our tips will help you.
The main thing is don't panic! It's just fear of the unknown. Armed with knowledge, you will lose at least 50% of your fears. So read on!
By the way, you can find cheap air tickets using the calendar on our website.

Low price calendar

A few rules for those who fly for the first time on an airplane

  • To everyone who flies on an airplane for the first time, we advise you to get to the airport early. Check-in for domestic flights begins two hours before departure, for international flights - three hours. It ends in 40 minutes.
  • Be careful, especially if you are flying on an airplane for the first time: being late for check-in usually results in the airline refusing to refund money for an unused ticket.
  • When you get to the airport, you may have to go through security - less rigorous than when boarding a plane, but often with long queues of mourners, passengers and staff. Remove mobile phones, keys and other metal objects from your pockets in advance.
  • Then find the monitors indicating your flight and check-in number. At the check-in counter, check in for your flight and check in your luggage if necessary. Please note that some airlines check in non-EU citizens at a separate check-in counter. By the way, free baggage weight when flying within Russia does not exceed 20-30 kg in different airlines. They will find out in advance to avoid overpayment.
  • At the security control, your belongings will be passed through a scanner, and you will go through a frame - and find yourself in the duty-free area, where you need to find a board with the gate number from which you will board your plane. Typically, queues at the gates form within 50-60 minutes. What should you do if, during a search, an item is found in your hand luggage that is prohibited from being carried on board the plane? Don't argue - it's useless. To avoid having to leave these items behind, read the lists of items allowed in hand luggage in advance.
  • If this is your first time flying on an airplane, we remind you that during takeoff and landing you need to turn off all electronics, including your mobile phone. Don't smoke on board the plane! Even if you try to do this in the toilet, you will still have to pay a fine upon arrival at the airport.
  • If you are flying for the first time on an airplane and during takeoff your ears feel a little stuffy - swallow saliva, yawn or chew gum (candy). Food and drinks are provided on long flights. What can you take with you? Eliminate drugs, weapons and dynamite. You can take water with you to drink, purchased in the duty-free zone. A book or laptop to avoid boredom, or a player if the screams of children make you nervous. You can take slippers to prevent your feet from getting numb. Neck inflatable pillow for comfortable sleep. The most nervous ones are advised to purchase a talisman that will relieve panic and problems on the road - an eagle.
  • Upon arrival, go through passport control and pick up your luggage.

That's it, the first flight is over. We hope that these simple tips have helped everyone who is flying on an airplane for the first time.

Air tickets have been purchased, suitcases are packed, there are only a few days left before the start of your vacation, but instead of joy, you begin to worry. Excitement is growing every day, because you are flying for the first time and all you are now worried about is how to behave at the airport, how everything will go, will you get lost, will you mix up the plane, etc. You can stop worrying, you have just found the most detailed instructions “ first time at the airport” for beginners, which will answer all your questions.

So, before departure, after purchasing an air ticket, before boarding the plane, you need to go through the following necessary procedures:

1. Customs control, before or after registration
2. Check-in and baggage drop-off
3. Passport control
4. Security screening

Everything is easy and simple, it’s extremely difficult to miss a plane or get lost at the airport, the main thing is to carefully read and follow our most detailed instructions.” first time at the airport“.

And so - the route is chosen, the plane ticket is purchased, things are packed, money is prepared, documents are checked several times (your personal signature must be in the passport). You didn’t forget to put money on your phone and activate roaming. All this needs to be checked before leaving home. Items are divided into luggage and hand luggage. Carry-on luggage is part of the things that will lie next to you in the cabin during the flight. This can be large electronic equipment (laptop, camera, video camera), fragile souvenirs. It is strictly not recommended to check them in as luggage - they may be damaged during loading and loading.

Do not try to carry the above items in your hand luggage

It is prohibited to carry in hand luggage:
- liquids in bottles over 100 milliliters
- highly flammable and explosive substances (acetone, hairspray, etc.)
- piercing and cutting objects (knives, nail scissors, etc.)
- heavy items exceeding the established weight limit for hand luggage

Information about these restrictions should be read on the airline's website, especially if you are flying with a transfer. Some foreign airports have strict security rules (for example, in European Union countries, mascara may be confiscated during security control).

Under no circumstances should you try to carry sharp objects in your hand luggage. At a minimum, they will be confiscated from you; at a maximum, you are guaranteed a conversation with airport security. A box for assembling sharp cutting objects at the airport in Lima, Peru

Please note that if you are flying in business class, you are allowed to carry no more than 30 kilograms for free; in economy class – no more than 20 kilograms. Keep in mind that the weight of the bag or suitcase is included in the luggage weight. If you are overweight, you will have to pay extra at airline rates. Before check-in, there are special facilities in the departure hall where, for a fee, your belongings will be carefully and securely packed in transparent polyethylene. This guarantees you the inviolability and safety of your belongings checked into the luggage compartment and maximum peace of mind during the flight.

Almost everywhere in the world (hotels, transport, travel agencies) you will be understood in English. If you are flying abroad, it is advisable to carefully read information about the country, customs, and attractions on the Internet. Learn a few phrases in the local language so that you can communicate at the airport or with the police if a problem arises. Or prepare these phrases on a piece of paper; you can also take a dictionary or phrasebook with you.

Whatever you are first time at the airport or you are a regular air passenger, we suggest putting copies of all documents inside your luggage and sewing a badge with your name, surname and contact phone number (for the paranoid, in several copies and in different places) to the suitcase, in case your luggage is lost. For the advanced, it is useful to upload scans of all travel documents to your email, and if necessary, use electronic copies. This little thing will save you from extremely rare unpleasant accidents in the future.

Carry-on luggage on an airplane. Always put passports, important documents, money and plastic cards in your hand luggage

Important! Never put documents, money or plastic cards in your checked baggage.

So you are ready for many new and interesting experiences, let's start registering. Moreover, you can check in at the airport in two ways: online check-in and check-in the old way.

Option 1 – online check-in at the airport:
More and more airlines are offering online check-in via the Internet. It can be completed at any time during the day before departure and at least an hour before scheduled departure, without arriving at the airport. In this case, you can register from any computer with Internet access. All passengers can check in online: those flying with or without luggage, in a group or with children, regardless of whether they are flying economy or business class. To complete online check-in, you need to open the airline’s website, find the tab that says online check-in and click on it. Then fill in, usually this:

Electronic ticket number or booking code
- departure airport
- first and last name of the passenger
- departure date

After entering the necessary information for registration, the system will generate a boarding pass, which must be printed (this will be the document that must be presented at the airport gate when boarding the plane). At the airport, for online registered passengers, you need to check your luggage at a special counter and avoid standing in a huge general queue, and if you are flying only with hand luggage, then go straight to security and passport control.

Option 2 – regular registration:
You decide to use the traditional check-in form upon arrival at the airport. Check-in for a flight usually opens three hours before departure and closes 50 minutes before scheduled departure. First timers should arrive 2 or 3 hours early to avoid fuss, rush, worry, confusion and anxiety. Departure and arrival times on air tickets are always indicated only as local times. You need to remember this when preparing for your trip. Otherwise, you may miss your plane or even ruin your trip.

Regular check-in at the airport with a queue

When entering the airport, you need to go through a metal detector; your luggage will be scanned on a self-propelled belt - this goes quickly. Inside the airport there is a board (information monitor) with departures. It says Departures in English. In the printout of the electronic ticket we find the flight number Flight (for example UN777) the destination city and on the board we find our flight. Once again, we clarify the direction and remember the number of the check-in counter, where they will exchange the air ticket for a boarding pass, which is a pass to the plane. Note – if you arrive too early, your flight may not yet be shown on the board.

Approaching the check-in counter, you present your passport, ticket and voice your wishes for a seat on the plane (at the aisle, at the emergency exit, at the window, etc.) Taking into account your wishes and capabilities, you will be given a ticket with a seat. Then they will weigh and accept your luggage. A tag with a number will be affixed to both the luggage and the ticket. Make sure your luggage is tagged with your name and flight number, and your ticket has a baggage receipt.

The boarding pass contains important information - the date and time of departure, flight number, boarding time, gate number of the boarding area (Gate) and most importantly, the number of your seat in the aircraft cabin. Boarding times will be repeated repeatedly over the airport's public address system. Loud and clear every 10-15 minutes.

Boarding pass. Click on photo to enlarge

With your passport and boarding pass, proceed to the customs inspection area. This is the most meticulous check before boarding. Customs control is required to find out whether you have antiques, large sums of money, drugs, weapons, excise goods, etc. on you. You must declare this in your customs declaration. Therefore, before passport control, fill out a customs declaration if there is something to declare, but if not, a declaration is not required.

For the convenience of passengers at international airports, there are two types of border crossings: green And red corridors. You choose the corridor yourself. 99 percent of tourists have nothing to declare, so you can freely go through the green corridor.

Green corridor sign for exiting the airport. This corridor is suitable for 99% of tourists

Customs officers have the right to ask you to present your luggage for inspection, but this is an extremely rare practice. Therefore, before passport control, they fill out a customs declaration if there is something to declare, but if not, a declaration will not be required. Then you need to go to the passport control area. The border guard will check your boarding pass and passport.

After passport control you need to go through a personal search. When going through security you must present your passport, boarding pass and ticket. Aviation security staff will tell you what to do. Attention! If you have implanted devices, do not enter the area of ​​a stationary metal detector. First, contact the aviation security inspector and explain your situation to him.

After passing security, you enter the boarding lounge. Now you can relax and stroll around the waiting room, buy souvenirs and wait for the boarding announcement. After the announcement, you need to go to the gate indicated on your boarding pass and present this pass to the attendant. You will only need your boarding pass and possibly your passport. Airports with heavy traffic sometimes do not announce the start of boarding. Therefore, you must always remember about the landing time and at the specified time independently go to the desired exit (Gate). Boarding the plane takes place either by bus or through a special accordion connecting the plane with the terminal building.

After landing at the airport, you go through the same procedures as when landing. First, passport control: the border guard will check your passport, boarding pass, visa or entry permit. Then you receive your luggage and go through customs control. If your luggage is not found or is damaged, you must contact an airport employee (Lost and found).

You see nothing complicated, even if you first time at the airport.

Fly with pleasure!

If you've never flown on a transit flight, then you're probably nervous and have a whole bunch of questions on your mind. To stop worrying, let’s try to figure out how a connecting flight works. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Take some time to read this article, and then you will be able to take advantage of all the advantages of such flights.

  • Firstly, Transit flights are often cheaper than direct flights - they really give you the opportunity to save a decent amount.
  • Secondly, There are simply no direct flights to some places. This means that in order for a traveler to get to such places, he must be able to fly in transit.

Flight with transfer. How does transit happen?

So, let's figure it out from the very beginning. First of all, let's understand the differences between a direct flight and a transit flight.

What is a direct flight? This is a flight where you fly on one plane from the departure airport to the destination airport.

What is a connecting flight? This is when you fly to your destination on several planes, usually two. Otherwise, we can say that during your journey there is an intermediate stop at a transit airport, during which you transfer from one plane to another and continue your flight.

Now let's look at the details. The fact is that there are several types of transit flights. And when you buy a ticket, you should clearly understand what type of transfer you have.

Types of transit depending on what we are flying on

1. Flight on planes of one airline or partner airlines

All parts of the flight are operated by one airline or partner airlines that cooperate with each other.

  • For example, you board the first Aeroflot plane and arrive at a transit airport, where you transfer to the second plane, which also belongs to Aeroflot.

  • Another example. You fly to the transit airport on the first plane belonging to Aeroflot and transfer to the second plane belonging to Aeroflot's partner, Air Berlin. These airlines cooperate with each other.

Advantages such a transit flight is that it is not you, but the airlines that are responsible for your transfer: for example, they allow sufficient time for the transition from one plane to another. And if for some reason the transfer did not take place (for example, the first plane was late, but the second one had already departed), then the airlines will have to put you on the next available flight.

With such a transit, you have one itinerary receipt in your hands, which includes both of your flights.

2. Flying on planes of different airlines that are not connected to each other

How does a connecting flight work with this option and what is its main disadvantage? The first flight is operated by an airline that is not affiliated with the airline operating the second flight. In other words, these two flights are independent of each other, and airlines do not cooperate with each other on this route.

With this type of transit, you have two itinerary receipts in your hands for each composite flight separately.

Flaws such a transit flight is that it is not the airlines that are responsible for connections and transfers, but only you. Fortunately, as a rule, the search engine does not show such flights, but you can arrange it yourself if you wish.

Types of transit depending on “where we transfer”

We have dealt with the first very important point. Now let's try to figure out the second point - the type of transit. How the transplant will proceed in general depends on this.

3. Transfer at the same airport terminal

How does a connecting flight work in this case? Everything is simple here. You stepped off the first plane into the airport terminal. Now from the same terminal you board the second plane. Such a transplant requires little time.

4. Transfer to another terminal

This option is a little more complicated. You left the first plane at the airport terminal, but boarding the second plane takes place in another terminal, to which you still need to move. It will take a little more time to get your bearings and move (move) to another terminal. But in general, this option is quite common and well-established at airports.

5. Transfer to another airport

How does a connecting flight work with this option? The most difficult transit. To board the second plane, you will need to move to another airport. You need to budget a lot more time, and find out in advance in detail how to get to the airport, and ask how it works.

Types of transit depending on whether “to leave or not to leave the transit zone”

6. No need to leave the transit zone

To board the second plane, you do not need to leave the transit area. There are many advantages to such a transplant. Firstly, it takes less time to transfer. Secondly, you are not required to apply for a transit visa if you are flying through a visa country.

7. You are required to leave the transit zone

How does a connecting flight occur when leaving the transit zone? This case is much more complicated and requires special attention and preparation before the flight. This option is possible if, for example, you need to move from one airport to another airport. Do not forget that in addition to all this, you need to pay special attention to the visa rules of the transit country and, possibly, apply for a transit visa.

There are countries that have special transit rules. For example, in the USA, for any international transfer, passengers are required to leave the transit zone, for which they must have a transit visa.

General instructions for flights with a transfer

Unfortunately, it is impossible to write one instruction for all cases, because each specific transplant requires separate consideration. This depends on many factors: transit country, airlines, airport, connection time, etc. However, we can offer instructions that will help you figure out how a connecting flight works in your particular flight case.

So, you have found a temptingly priced ticket, but it includes a transfer. How to proceed now.

1. Determine who serves connecting flights

  • One airline (Excellent).
  • Partner airlines (Excellent).
  • Airlines not affiliated with each other (Not the best option).

2. Determine how the transplant occurs

  • In the same terminal (Excellent).
  • In another terminal (Good).
  • At another airport (Not the best option).

3. How many route receipts will you have on hand?

  • One, in which two connecting flights are registered together (Excellent).
  • Two. Each connecting flight is listed on a separate receipt (Not the best option).

4. How will your luggage be delivered to your final destination?

  • We have included questions regarding luggage in a separate article.

5. We contact the airline that operates the flight to clarify details: how a flight with a transfer occurs specifically for this flight

  • In order to find the coordinates of the airline, you need to click the “Buy” button in the line with information about the ticket you selected, which the search engine gave you. After which you will be redirected to the airline's website. If the seller is an agency, then it is wise to call them. Typically, the agency cannot give you information about connecting flights, but you can ask them for the phone number or email of the airline operating the flight.
  • The airline staff will tell you in detail how the transfer process will take place and what your actions should be.
  • We recommend that you write down all the necessary information about the flight, as well as the questions you want to ask, on a piece of paper before the conversation so as not to miss anything important.

For those who want to fly in transit for the first time, please be sure to read our recommendations.

  • For the first time do not choose difficult transit flights. Start with simple transfers: for example, do not consider flights where you have to move from one airport to another on your own. Over time, you will get the hang of it, gain enough experience and be able to plan difficult routes yourself.
  • For the first time, To ensure peace of mind, only consider flights where parts of the flight are fully operated by one airline or partner airlines. In fact, most of the transit flights returned by the search engine are just like this.
  • For the first time only consider flights with sufficient time between connections. For example, look for ones where the transition takes more than two hours. And if you are still worried, then look for those that have a break between flights of three or even five hours.
  • For the first time, for example, only consider transfers in countries where you do not require a visa, or you are absolutely sure that a visa is not required for your transfer.