You should prepare in advance for opening a seasonal business - there is no time to waste, summer will fly by quickly, and with it the opportunity to earn money. There are amusement parks in every city, which means you need to think about what services will be in demand.

The specificity of seasonal business is that there is no time to build up - you need to prepare for summer in advance and treat the business as a full-fledged project. In resort towns, summer is a golden time, when the number of vacationers exceeds the number of indigenous residents.

But in other settlements, people live up in the summer, especially on weekends, the parks are filled with vacationers, many come with their whole families and are ready to spend some money on pleasant little things. It would be a sin not to take advantage of the opportunity and not create conditions for fellow citizens for a complete and varied urban recreation.

Traditional types of seasonal park business (attractions, selling ice cream and soft drinks, photography) do not require advertising. If you manage to come up with something new, take care of the advertising, which should be catchy, with recognizable images and attractive conditions.

Characteristics of summer business

Success is achieved by those who know how to think flexibly and change quickly. The time to correct errors will come only in a year, so hurry to take advantage of the opportunities here and now.

  • In summer, the demand for some services and goods is so high that in a few months you can fully recoup your investment and make a solid profit.
  • In summer, fruits and flowers can be purchased from farmers at minimal prices.
  • Markups on draft kvass and ice cream, which are extremely popular in the hot months, reach 40%, and equipment can be rented.

Seasonal business ideas

Trade (ice cream, soft drinks)

This is a win-win business in places of mass recreation. It is unlikely that anyone, after spending several hours in the park, will not buy a portion, a glass of cool lemonade or a pie, etc.

You can organize trade in a summer cafe under umbrellas, in a stall, on a tray, or simply from a cooler bag attached to a bicycle or scooter. You will have to prepare for the opening of a stall or cafe in the fall, as permits, documents and approvals from municipal authorities are needed. A tray or portable cooler is much easier to organize.

You can recoup your investment in a business selling ice cream and soft drinks in just a few days, since in the heat the goods fly away, and the markup compared to the wholesale price sometimes reaches 200%.

For seasonal use, a rented or used refrigerator is quite suitable, the price of which does not exceed 15,000-16,000 rubles. You can enter into an agreement with ice cream manufacturers or wholesalers, then you will receive a refrigerator for free, but you will be able to sell only certain types of goods. According to reviews, during the season, a mobile point with ice cream and drinks can bring in up to 60,000 rubles in net income. If you install a network of 20 or more points in the parks, by the end of the season you can become a couple of million rubles richer.

It is more profitable to sell ice cream by weight and soft ice cream, but organizing such a point is much more difficult, mainly due to the strict requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Summer cafe

If you choose the right location, a summer cafe in the park is guaranteed to bring profit. To open a cafe, you need to collect an impressive package of documents and obtain permission from the municipal authorities. The list of required documents will definitely include:

  • Land lease agreement.
  • Permission from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority.
  • A list of goods and products that you will trade.
  • Sketch and characteristics of the structure.

As a rule, cities announce a competition of applications for the construction of summer cafes, which businessmen with a “tarnished reputation” and complaints from visitors have no chance of winning.

In addition to permission from local authorities, you will need a canopy, pavilion or tent. It makes sense to cooperate with one of the brewing companies - you will receive branded glassware and a free tent, but you will be able to sell beer from only one manufacturer.

Buying a tent will cost approximately 40-45 thousand rubles; you will also need furniture (bar counter, tables, chairs) and dishes. The total costs are in the range of 80-100 thousand rubles, but they will pay off during the season, since the average profitability of these establishments reaches 35%.

Attractions for children

Another sure way to develop a seasonal business. The location must be agreed upon with the city authorities or the park administration, as well as with the local cultural department. You must have safety and quality certificates, documents confirming compliance with standards and regulations, without which attractions cannot be permitted. Prepare a package of documents and photographs of all attractions. It is not necessary to advertise an amusement park - bright colors, joyful music and beautiful uniforms of workers will attract visitors without additional invitations. The more money you invest in attractions, the greater the return will be. On average, the park pays for itself in one and a half to two months.

Summer cinema

With the right approach, this business can bring good profits. Of course, ticket prices cannot be the same as in, but spectators will definitely gather for the evening open-air show. A movie under the stars is romance, fresh air and unusual experiences.

Shooting gallery

Few people go there specifically, but parents, walking with their children in the park, do not deny themselves the pleasure of testing their vigilance and steadiness of their hands. The money invested in the equipment of the summer shooting range and the purchase of pneumatics will pay off in a month and a half.

A license to purchase pneumatics with energy up to 7.5 J is not required, and you can equip the pavilion yourself, rent it or buy a transformer - the price ranges from 20,000 to 180,000 rubles.

Try to attract visitors not with empty tin cans and printed targets, but with something more interesting, for example, mechanical toys and prizes.

Cotton candy

They buy cotton candy willingly - no one needs to be persuaded. The profitability of this business is incredible - one serving is sold for the price of a kilogram of sugar, while its production requires one tablespoon of granulated sugar (9 grams). The price of the equipment depends on the performance and the company - there are devices for 3,000 rubles. and for 150,000 rubles. If there are parks in your city that have not yet been chosen by competitors, urgently occupy the territory and give people joy.


You can sell it anywhere - it will be sold out in, on the street, in a shopping center and, of course, in the park. Why not crunch some corn while sitting on a bench in the shade? To start a business, you need a popcorn machine, specially prepared corn kernels and disposable cups. To make popcorn even tastier, you can diversify its taste with additives. Popcorn costs ten times more than corn, the demand for it is always high, and the equipment is inexpensive.


If you live in a city with a large flow of tourists, it makes sense to do it. All equipment is limited to a table or rack for displaying goods, and you can purchase souvenirs from wholesalers, large manufacturers and individuals involved in hand-made goods. It’s even better if you can produce something interesting and original yourself - in this case, in the summer you can sell the work you made at home in the winter. Crafts, magnets, knitted items, painted dishes - all this is still in demand among city guests.

Sunglasses, hats

In holiday destinations, inexpensive attributes of a summer holiday will be in demand. The purchase price of such items is 50-80% lower than the selling price, and the only equipment needed is a table for laying out the goods.

Table tennis

You need to set up a tennis table in a light tent or under a canopy and charge for the time you play. If possible, equip the site with electric lighting, then the operating hours of your service will extend until late in the evening.

Rental of bicycles, scooters, children's cars

Find a safe place where children can ride on a free area or paths, and parents will be happy to please their child. Purchasing bicycles and cars will require financial investments, but you will return them within the first season. This business is relevant from the first warm days of spring until late autumn.

Photos for memory

Just 10-15 years ago, photographers in parks made good money, but now everyone has a mobile phone or a camera that allows them to capture every minute of life. Your chance to attract the attention of the public is through an interesting setting. Stock up on theatrical costumes, a carriage, a throne, exotic plants and everything that your imagination tells you. It is unlikely that you will return your investment in the first season, but after a few years the investment will definitely pay off.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

No matter what new places of recreation appear, no matter what means people have to spend their free time, no matter what they are interested in, the usual parks with green shady alleys and wooden benches, where many romantic dates take place, do not lose their popularity. Although the idea of ​​paying for entry to such a park just to walk through it is rather bewildering to most of our compatriots. Meanwhile, private parks are far from a new phenomenon. They existed in our country more than a century ago and are still popular abroad. First of all, they attract the attention of older people who want to enjoy the peace, tranquility and beautiful views that are not typical for this region. However, children also enjoy going on excursions to the botanical garden. Moreover, various entertainment events are often held there for visitors of any age.

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Such changes are taking place in the traditional concept of botanical gardens around the world. Their functions change all the time, as their owners try to take into account the interests of their visitors. In our country, botanical gardens were initially created to conduct scientific activities, as a tool for botanists and doctors. Then such gardens began to sell materials for decorative gardening. Finally, we have gradually come to the point that, like abroad, the main goal of private parks is to provide a range of services to the population and, of course, to make a profit.

However, today, creating your own park can hardly be called a full-fledged business (or, at least, an extremely profitable business). Its main disadvantages, which scare away investors, include the high costs of organizing even a small fleet, a long payback period, and low profitability. But with the right approach, a botanical park can become profitable over time, if, of course, you have the opportunity and desire to wait for this moment, constantly investing in your project. As the entrepreneurs themselves say, such a park for the time being should be considered only as a very expensive, but very pleasant hobby. But with enough patience and perseverance, such a business in the future can become a family affair and quite profitable.

So, if difficulties do not frighten you, consider the process of organizing a botanical park. Let's start by choosing the optimal place to lay it out. Ideally, it should be a resort or at least a southern city, where many vacationers come in the summer. Even a small park requires a large area - at least 0.3 hectares. But it’s also not worth making a park larger than five hectares. It takes about 1-1.5 hours to walk around such an area at a leisurely pace. Accordingly, it will be more convenient to charge visitors an hourly rate: having paid once for entry, they will be able to see all the sights and relax a little in the gazebos or alleys. If the area is large, it is advisable to either charge a fixed entrance fee or charge a per-minute fee (for example, anti-cafes operate on this principle).

As for location, give preference to sites either on the outskirts of a large city or in an area close to it. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find a free half-hectare in the city, and the costs will be unreasonably high. At the same time, a 20-30 minute drive by car will not scare away those who want to visit your park. For a resort town, it is possible to organize transportation of visitors from the city (for example, from the local bus station) to the park and back.

Many people believe that there is nothing simpler than setting up a park: just make paths and plant trees and shrubs. In fact, both the park and the botanical garden are a very complex project, which even involves laying a foundation that cannot be destroyed by the roots of large trees and at the same time will protect the plants from freezing of the soil. There are design organizations that specialize in the design and construction of such facilities, and it will not be possible to do without their services.

Park design work

Such companies offer a whole range of services - from creating a landscape design project to its implementation. After you leave your application, a representative of the company goes to the site of future construction, who assesses the scale of the work, clarifies all the details and finds out the customer’s expectations. The designer then builds a topographical plan with object references to determine the area of ​​his work. Moreover, the plan is not drawn up “on its own,” but taking into account all the features of this area and always with a specialist visiting the site. If a designer works exclusively in the office and does not visit the site, there is a high probability that he will make a large number of serious mistakes. For example, after drawing up the layout, it may turn out that, for example, one of the gazebos ends up on an important engineering communication node, as a result of which it will be necessary to re-design. And this, in turn, is associated with additional time costs and material losses. Therefore, the designer must know the location of all communication networks on the site, take into account sources of pollution and the prevailing wind direction, so that the recreation area does not have a view of, for example, a busy highway.

For the same purposes, photographic recording of the area is carried out, which will help identify successful species and not so good ones. Then experts analyze all possible nuances that can have a direct impact on the construction itself. They take careful measurements to create a relief map that will show the elevations and depressions of the terrain, as well as calculations of the spatial structure that will show the percentage of volumetric areas. Moreover, not only the complexity of construction matters, but also even visual effects. The specialist must also take into account the location of the site relative to the cardinal points.

At the next stage, an insolation analysis is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the degree of shading of the area by determining the acidity of the soil and its chemical composition. Then an inventory of green spaces is carried out and their decorative and sanitary condition is assessed. Moreover, all this is only a preparatory stage, after which, finally, you can proceed directly to design based on the data obtained. First, a sounding of the area is carried out, identifying areas of active and passive recreation, main entrances, garden and vegetable garden areas, and utility parts. After this, a network of roads and paths is developed. The sketch is drawn on graph paper or designed using a special program, taking into account the scale of the area. After preparing one or several sketch options (of course, the more, the better), the specialist again comes to the construction site to present the proposed layouts together with the customer. Most likely, changes will be made to them repeatedly. And only after the layout has been approved, you can begin to create a master plan, which is a set of sketches for various purposes with the most detailed details corresponding to the designer’s plan.

Ready ideas for your business

The master plan is always carried out in color on a computer or (which, however, is very rare) manually. The alignment drawing is intended for builders who, using the specified dimensions and relative coordinates, will be able to later make canopies, build gazebos, erect retaining walls for green compositions, dig reservoirs, etc. In most cases, the alignment is made on the basis of already existing buildings or plantings, which allows a little reduce costs.

The master plan, in the form of an appendix, also includes a planting drawing that will be used by landscapers, with a legend. Only objects for reference and directly designed green areas are plotted on this plan, indicating the scale and cardinal directions. To arrange the trees, a dendroplan is used, which reflects the boundaries of the project, flower beds from the planting drawing and the size of the tree crowns at the time of flowering. Sometimes the landing drawing and the dendroplane are combined into one. Next to each plant on the plan there are letter codes indicating the name of the breed or variety in abbreviated form and a numerical fraction. The numerator is the number of the item in the assortment list, and the denominator is the required amount of planting materials. The assortment list is a detailed list of planned plants and species. The data includes the serial number, the name of the plant in Russian and Latin, the average height in meters and the required quantity. For convenience, experts sort plants according to certain rules. Deciduous trees are recorded first, followed by conifers (the same rule applies to shrubs). The list then lists all vines, perennials, various herbs and ferns.

Ready ideas for your business

Finally, an explanatory note is attached to the master plan, with an analysis of the condition of the site and its compositional solution. Additional information may include optimal walking routes and brief tips on caring for plants. Finally, the complete package of documents is transferred to the customer, who begins to implement the project. Most design companies also offer design support, which involves the contractor monitoring the accuracy of the layout in the future, and design supervision, when an employee of the design company continues to monitor the project, its implementation and development for a year after execution.

Landscape design: overall style and attention to detail

The main condition for the success of your park is its design. But before you contact a landscape designer, think about what style you are attracted to. It can be classic, rustic, landscape (English), Italian, French styles, or even stylized to resemble a natural landscape. True, despite the fact that the main principles of landscape design are simplicity, convenience and practicality, as well as aesthetic value, experts still do not advise oversimplifying. After all, people will come to your park and pay money not to relax in the lap of nature (or at least an artificially created island of it near the metropolis). First of all, they want to see unusual plants and landscapes, and also capture themselves against their background as a keepsake. When planning a park, always remember that you are, in fact, creating the scenery for beautiful photo shoots, the appropriate surroundings for holding various thematic events (paid entrance and excursions alone will not get you far, but you can find out about this below).

Japanese gardens are now very popular, but they have a complex structure and organization of space, require the participation of a specialist and high costs for planting material and, no less important, require daily care of the plants. But no one forces you to use styles in their pure form. It is quite possible to create separate “islands” according to theme and use characteristic elements of different styles. And in this case, it is impossible to do without careful planning, working out all the details and a large amount of work.

Do not forget also that half a hectare is still not the largest area, so try to rationally use every square meter. The principle of simplicity in landscape design involves the use of simple forms, a small number of color combinations used and minimal decoration of objects. Convenience and practicality require the creation of comfort and an abundance of rational little things. There can be a lot of the latter - this is the layout of the park itself, the arrangement of benches and gazebos so that they are in the shade most of the day, the location of paths, bridges over streams, etc.

Experts advise making the most of the natural landscape of the area. It’s great if there are at least some bodies of water in the park. Even a wetland can be turned into a pond. You can visually enlarge a small pond by decorating its banks with plants in a special way.

Thus, landscape design is, indeed, an art that involves the use of classical artistic techniques - symmetry, asymmetry, contrast, balance, repetition, chiaroscuro, known to designers.

Divide the park area into several sectors in advance. About 70% of the sectors will be made up of various exhibitions, and the remaining part will be used for gazebos, paths, a children's playground (for example, you can make a small vegetable garden or kindergarten for kids), a greenhouse, etc.

Ready ideas for your business

The choice of plants depends entirely on the concept of your botanical garden, as well as on the climatic conditions of the region where it is located, and your material capabilities (equipment of a greenhouse, greenhouses, water supply, heating, etc.). Maintaining greenhouses and greenhouses is expensive, especially in the autumn-winter period (after all, they need to constantly maintain a certain temperature, humidity and lighting level), so in order to recoup the costs, park owners set aside only part of them for excursions, and the rest are intended for growing collectibles plants for sale.

When designing vegetation, a specialist thinks not only in the future - what the park will look like in a few years. He strives to ensure that the park is ready to receive visitors immediately after construction is completed. For this purpose, fast-growing tree species are selected and already grown seedlings are planted. It is necessary to take into account the growth rate of the plants being planted: in the first year, the main decorative effect can be obtained from annual flowers and lawns, in the second year - from lawns, perennials and some types of shrubs, and from the fourth year, tree species will gradually be included in the composition. In this case, you will not have to wait 4-5 years until the trees grow and your park takes on the intended appearance. If you purchase a sufficiently large amount of planting material, then the effect of perennial cultivation can be achieved using thickened plantings that create pronounced contours of groups of plants. True, in the future such plantings will have to be thinned out regularly so that growing crops do not interfere with each other. Even the location of tall trees is taken into account, which should not stand out too contrastingly against the background of lower vegetation.

Private park as a business

Despite all their beauty and uniqueness, botanical gardens and parks are significantly inferior in popularity to even the banal amusement parks that exist in every city. This is quite understandable: of course, it’s nice to walk through beautiful places and admire nature, but people are more willing to pay money for more active types of recreation that children like. Large botanical gardens themselves already have an educational component. And with a well-thought-out infrastructure, such a project does not require additional “bonuses”.

But the owners of small parks have to take into account the needs of their visitors and come up with more and more additional programs. The latter can include both various types of entertainment (for example, holidays dedicated to certain dates) and more serious events - from tea ceremonies to yoga classes. Visitors to private parks are offered, among other services, such services as wedding photo sessions (travels around the garden with a photographer and video operator, marriage registration), romantic dates, filming of the now popular love-story, photo sessions for everyone, meditation practices, excursions , trainings and master classes on floristry and landscape design, film clubs, etc.

All these services are usually paid. The exact cost depends on the region. Today, in the very first and currently only private park in this region, located in the south of Russia, the following prices apply: a walk through the park - 200 rubles. per hour per person (children under seven years old are free), guide accompaniment - 500 rubles, photo session - 200 rubles. per hour per person, wedding photo session – 1000 rub. per hour per person. The park is open from 7 am until the last visitor. In addition, there is a summer cafe on the territory of the park (staying on its territory is not paid for).

Many visitors are dissatisfied with paid photo sessions, believing that just one hourly payment for staying in the park is enough. Owners of parks and botanical gardens explain their price lists... by the Russian mentality. Most visitors try to take something from the park with them as a souvenir. Moreover, they are not interested in standard souvenir products. They happily pick leaves “for the herbarium”, break off branches or pull out shoots. Although this doesn’t make much sense, because most plants that grow in a botanical garden do not take root from cuttings. Often, unscrupulous visitors even steal potted plants. At wedding photo shoots, drunk guests walk, sit, lie down and fall on flower beds and lawns. The result of all this is a spoiled exhibition, the creation of which took a lot of time and money. Charging fees for photo shoots allows parks to compensate for the damage and not go into the red.

In addition, a lot of money is spent on maintaining the park in good condition, on the reconstruction of old and construction of new greenhouses and conservatories, repair of gazebos, etc. An additional source of income for the park can be the sale of surplus plants. As a rule, botanical gardens and parks purchase and plant more plants than necessary on the assumption that a few seedlings may survive. Then the resulting excess bushes and trees are sold. For example, a meter-long ficus can be purchased in such a garden for 500-1000 rubles, and rooted myrtle shoots for 100-200 rubles.

Based on the park, you can create your own landscape design studio or florist center, grow flowers for sale, provide services for decorating premises using flowers, conduct paid consultations on plant care, seminars, lectures, master classes, etc. Options for additional income There are a huge variety - it's all a matter of your imagination.

The success of a business largely depends on investments in advertising and promotion. In anticipation of the season, massive advertising campaigns are launched in local media. But park owners do not ignore the Internet - they actively work on social networks, on regional websites and forums. Private botanical gardens are a new phenomenon for our country. There is no demand for them, but not because the supply is not in demand, but because of ignorance. So the very phenomenon of private parks works ahead of schedule - there is supply, but demand has not yet been formed, which is the main difficulty of running such a business.

As for expenses, according to the owner of such a garden, its improvement requires 700 thousand rubles per 100 square meters. meters. The finished business is estimated at 51 million rubles. For this amount you can purchase a park with a total area of ​​0.35 hectares with land owned with five reservoirs, several buildings, an automatic irrigation system, a well and 1,500 mature plants. To service such a park, two or three workers are enough.

But these impressive investments will not pay off in the next 5-7 years, even under favorable circumstances. In general, private parks are a profitable business, experts say, but... in the future. When this prospect will come and when Russians will begin to appreciate beauty and landscape art, they find it difficult to say. Unfortunately, most people still prefer to spend their weekends outside the city with barbecue and alcoholic drinks.

The seasonality of business also plays a negative role. These large botanical gardens with a large number of greenhouses and greenhouses have something to show visitors even in the winter season, although they are now going through difficult times: there is no money for the reconstruction of greenhouses and expansion of exhibitions. Small private parks go on “vacation” from autumn to spring. Although work there does not stop during these months (and therefore, wages must be paid to workers), there is no profit: there are few people willing to take a walk in the snow-covered park.

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The initial costs for organizing a paid beach will be from 3 million rubles. If the work is done correctly, these investments will pay off by the middle of the second year of operation of the beach.

Publications: 13


How to build the perfect park

In the summer, you feel especially acutely how comfortable the urban environment is or, conversely, how hostile it is towards the residents of the metropolis. Unfortunately, not all of us manage to spend the hot months in nature, outside the city, and therefore for many city dwellers the only accessible place to relax are gardens and parks. In St. Petersburg, for example, there are enough of them.

But the point, of course, is not the number of garden and park hectares, but the quality of these territories. Alas, so far it leaves much to be desired.

We are not talking about such giants and recognized standards of gardening as Pavlovsky Park, or, for example, the Summer Garden or Peterhof. Here everything - or almost everything - is at its best. Mostly, simpler parks and gardens are criticized by metropolitan residents - those that are closer to home, that are located within the city limits and within walking distance.

What can the average city dweller see in such a “culture and recreation” park? Usually not much. Several benches (okay, if not broken), lawns with not always mown grass, poor flower beds, dog walkers walking along the lawns with their pets, sculptural compositions made of concrete that are not pleasing to the eye.

The picture is complemented by prohibitory signs: do not walk on lawns, do not light fires, do not walk animals, do not swim in reservoirs. Oddly enough, vacationers do just the opposite - they trample the grass, fry kebabs, climb into the water, and don’t clean up after their dogs. What is the reason for this confrontation between the law and citizens? The main reason, of course, lies in the lack of culture and basic respect not only for others, but also for oneself. What about the non-main one? Maybe she is in the very place where people come to relax? Since it is not pleasing to the eye, why take care of it? Moreover, Russians now have something to compare “their” parks with - many of our compatriots regularly travel abroad and see how they approach the urban gardening problem.

Based on the influence of what they saw, naturally, St. Petersburg residents, like residents of other Russian cities, form certain requirements for an ideal park; they know exactly what it should be like to make it pleasant to walk there.

First, the park must be green. So that it has a lot of trees, shrubs, flower beds, flower beds. Plus, trimmed lawns on which you can walk barefoot without fear that you will cut your feet on the remnants of someone else's feast, or get dirty in dog excrement. It was precisely this kind of “human-friendly” lawn that city residents could feel with their bare feet just a year ago in New Holland. Today this territory, as you know, is under reconstruction.

And it is prohibited to enter all other green carpets of the Northern capital. The city has had an official ban on recreation on the grass for ten years now. Walked across the lawn, lay down on the grass to sunbathe - get ready for retribution. The fine is considerable - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. And an ideal park should imply that a person will be completely lawfully, without fear of public censure and administrative punishment, closer to nature.

Therefore, secondly, the park should have so-called picnic areas, even, possibly, paid ones. If a person wants to barbecue on a grill, he goes where he can, where there are tables, water, and there are definitely garbage cans (ideally for separate waste collection, so that people get used to sorting it). And, although the majority of citizens are against this type of recreation, there are those who cannot live without “cooking over an open fire.”

To prohibit barbecue business means to infringe on someone’s rights. In Moscow, for example, about three hundred such picnic areas have been equipped in many gardens and parks. Our northern neighbors have similar ones - in Helsinki. A list of picnic areas should be posted on official websites so that a person, going to the park, knows in advance whether there will be a place for his barbecue and can reserve it (why not charge a fee via the Internet).

Thirdly, we need bicycle paths and areas for roller skating and skateboarding. Attempts to mark paths for cyclists in parks in St. Petersburg have already been made. In the Frunzensky district, in the Internationalist Park, a bicycle path was “outlined” - they simply took it and marked it with white paint on an ordinary sidewalk that ran along Slavy Avenue, which was busy with traffic. Naturally, this bike route was not particularly popular.

The Central Park of Culture and Culture on Elagin Island also has bicycle paths, but on weekends you will not be allowed into the park area with a bicycle. Rollerblading is possible, but for some reason it’s not possible with two-wheeled (even children’s) transport, even for money (on weekends and holidays the entrance to the park on Elagin is paid).

Fourthly, the presence of public toilets in the park area is mandatory. So that citizens do not hide under bushes while relieving themselves, but do it in comfortable, civilized conditions. Entrance to public areas should be free. Who will sponsor public restrooms? Surely there are many advertisers who will agree to do this: take, for example, the same manufacturers of cosmetics or hygiene products. And the park management will have something to “lure” profitable advertisers, if only they would like to find them.

Fifthly, the park should have a sufficient number of small architectural forms - benches, trash cans. Seating is especially important for older visitors and those bringing children.

You can put up ordinary, standard benches, or you can use original designs. Like, for example, in Nizhny Tagil, where luminous decorative benches appeared in the city park. These improvements were installed with funds from local businesses.

Another point is that the places where the benches are installed should be comfortable for vacationers. Maybe it’s worth taking the bench under the canopy of a tree, rather than digging it right on the footpath? There are possible options here. After all, these are not people for shops, but shops for people.

No park is complete without trash cans. These small architectural forms should be sufficient and, at the same time, they should not stand out from the surrounding landscape. And most importantly, the trash cans should be clean, and not turn into banal garbage heaps.

Sixth, any park or public garden definitely needs physical education “corners.” You don’t have to commit to a global sports facility like a stadium or tennis court. But a horizontal bar, a couple of wall bars, simple exercise equipment (although you can do without them), a volleyball net, a tennis table, several stands - a completely budget-friendly set for park infrastructure. And if you add changing cabins for physical education athletes to it, then it will be absolutely beautiful.

In addition to the sports component in the park, if the territory and landscape allow, it is necessary to provide areas for active recreation. There is a river, a pond, a lake - that means there must be a boat station, there are hills, elevations - that means mountain biking is possible, there are long paths - rent bicycles or scooters.

Seventh, don’t forget about water. “Swimming is prohibited” - we have all become accustomed to these menacing posters long ago. They are not even interested in the reason for the ban. And it should! Why is swimming here dangerous? Maybe it’s worth explaining to citizens? Did a nearby enterprise “leave” something into the water, or did the pond simply not be cleaned for twenty years, and the park simply forgot about it? You shouldn’t hide information, then maybe people will think again about whether it’s worth breaking the ban and getting into water “not living, but dead,” as in that fairy tale.

By the way, this summer, none of the almost two dozen beaches within St. Petersburg received permission to open the swimming season.

As you can see, the list of requirements for an almost ideal modern urban park space is not that long, and many of them are easily achievable. Of course, it is impossible to say that the municipal authorities are not doing anything in this direction. Thus, in 2014, gardens and parks of St. Petersburg will be subsidized from the city budget by 1.5 billion rubles. Although this is not a drop in the ocean, it is still not 100% financing. As the officials themselves estimated, this amount is 40% of the needs of the gardening sector. However, as they say, not everything is measured by money. To make gardens and parks a friendly environment for citizens, we also need an idea, a program, and a direction of action. Naturally, taking into account foreign experience in the field of park construction.

You can learn, for example, from Chicago. In this American city, so-called walking parks have been created, designed for the simultaneous recreation of a large number of people.

A characteristic feature of Chicago parks is their clear layout, everything in it is subordinated to creating convenience for the movement of visitors. The roads are divided into primary and secondary and even business roads, which connect different parts of Chicago at the shortest distance, which can be reached through the park. The spatial organization of the parks is clear and very expressive: open areas are combined with picturesque ponds. In Chicago parks there are a minimum of facilities to serve visitors; nature dominates everything.

Another excellent example of the approach to landscape art is the "Emerald Necklace" of Boston.

This is a multi-kilometer ensemble of ten parks, united by a common water theme. Boston boulevards smoothly turn into park areas.

The Sensational Park in the Italian city of Frosinone surprises and enchants. Here, vacationers are invited to take a walk, during which the surrounding landscape, created not only from plants, wildlife, but also from building materials, changes, like the scenery on a theater stage.

Visitors to the park cannot shake the feeling that they are always discovering different places in a well-known park.

As you can see, there are many options for park construction. The main thing is that this municipal facility should be friendly to people, so that citizens would want to return to the park in any weather.

Let's look at opening an amusement park as a business, its profitability and reviews from the owners. People always like such entertainment because they provide an opportunity to take a break from everyday life, spend time with family and plunge into a fabulous world of adventure.

Today there are many different parks, which feature all kinds of swings, slides, trampolines, cars and other attractions. Some of them are intended only for adult clients, as they involve rather extreme entertainment. Having opened such a complex, you can expect an influx of visitors and make a solid profit.

Business specifics

According to statistics, more than 700 amusement parks of various formats operate successfully on the territory of the Russian Federation. But they do not saturate the market properly, because in many small regional centers, where there are enough people who want to relax, entertainment events are presented in very limited quantities or there are none at all.

Of course, you will have to spend a significant amount on such a project, but all investments will pay off fairly quickly. Opening an amusement park in a modern style, using the latest equipment, is a very profitable and promising business. Especially if there are no major competitors nearby.

To draw up a business plan and calculate how much money will be needed at the start, and what the profitability of the project is, you need to initially think through the concept itself in all details. To do this, decide on the format and volume of the park, whether it will be outdoors or indoors, what attractions you should bet on, etc.

In our country there are many old amusement parks, the equipment in which hardly works or has already lost its former attractiveness. The state and a number of entrepreneurs do not have sufficient funding to update them. Therefore, if we propose a complete reconstruction of old territories and purchase new popular attractions, then the local authorities will meet them halfway and will be happy to cooperate.

Most often, an amusement park is presented not only with swings, slides and other entertainment, but also supplemented with all kinds of retail outlets, cafeterias, etc.

Experts draw the attention of novice entrepreneurs to the fact that 70% of the profit should come from the direct operation of the equipment and only 30% from related sales. If the ratio is violated in the direction of additional services, it means that the attractions themselves were chosen incorrectly or there are other errors that urgently need to be corrected.

This project has the following advantages:

  1. Low level of competition - there are very few reputable parks in the country with a good workload of visitors.
  2. At the same time, the demand for entertainment among the population is quite high; people want to have fun all year round.
  3. To bring joy to their child, parents are willing to pay for interesting services and attractions.
  4. Working with children is rewarding and enjoyable work with a huge positive impact.
  5. Such a park, if properly and thoughtfully organized, will become a permanent source of income.

Of course, as in any business, there are some drawbacks. But the main thing is to be able to level them out. So, before organizing such a project, think about how to deal with the main difficulties:

  • With an open type of amusement park, all activities significantly depend on seasonality and weather conditions.
  • Large investments will be required to purchase modern equipment.
  • Some mistakes made during the planning stage can greatly impact future success and profitability.

Therefore, approach the issue with special care and pay close attention to various little things - zoning, selection of attractions and their proper location relative to each other, personnel selection, pricing, etc.


The paperwork process is not too complicated. When opening an amusement park, licenses, certificates and various activity verification procedures are not required. Although it should be taken into account that if you are going to organize an entertainment facility indoors, then you cannot avoid communicating with representatives of the SES and State Police.

Let us briefly list what is needed to open an amusement park:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax service. The first option is suitable for small projects with a feasible budget for one entrepreneur. If you need a lot of funding, then it makes sense to form a legal entity with several co-founders.
  2. The form of taxation is selected immediately when submitting documents. In this case, it will be most appropriate and profitable to choose a simplified scheme according to the “income minus expenses” plan, since significant amounts will be spent on the purchase of equipment.
  3. Indicate the OKVED code according to which you can conduct your activities. In this case, 93.21 or 93.29 is suitable - the work of cultural parks and themed entertainment in open or closed spaces.
  4. When purchasing equipment, be sure to check each attraction for safety and require appropriate certificates from suppliers.
  5. When searching for personnel, pay attention not only to the availability of health records, but also to the absence of a criminal record in the past. After all, work involves communicating with children.

To ensure that no claims are made against you during your activities, you need to have the following package of documents on hand:

  • A well-drafted agreement for the lease of land or premises where all your business facilities are located.
  • Written permission from the city administration to install attractions in a certain place for a specified period.
  • Quality certificates for each type of equipment and specified admission standards for age categories of visitors.

You will also have to inform Rospotrebnadzor before opening about what services you provide and where exactly you intend to conduct your activities.

Park format

It is very important to think about exactly what your entertainment business will be like from the very beginning. If this is an open area, then you can earn money only in the summer. In the form of a closed pavilion, the park will be open all year round, but it has significant restrictions on the placement of only small and simple objects.

In general, modern parks are divided into the following options:

  1. Single attractions, where only one type of entertainment is presented. For example, small entrepreneurs often purchase a trampoline or water slides and install them in a crowded place. This type of business does not require large capital investments or rent of land, but every year you will have to obtain permission from the authorities to locate the attraction again. In this case, most often only family members are employed and no outside personnel are hired. For the winter, the equipment is hidden in the garage.
  2. Mobile parks - characterized by a small amount of entertainment and frequent movement from place to place. At the same time, the costs of organizing a business become larger, since you will have to purchase freight transport for storing and moving equipment, as well as an autonomous electric generator. Ease of installation makes it possible to take a more advantageous position in relation to competitors. But there are also difficulties - the owner of the park never knows whether next time he will be able to agree with the authorities on the desired location.
  3. More interesting is a small stationary amusement park. At the same time, they try to set up to 8-10 positions for a variety of ages. The costs of organizing such a project will require about 300 thousand dollars, but the prospects are quite good, since many cities lack such a place for family recreation. Therefore, a park of this type will have constant attendance.
  4. You can focus on 15-25 positions, among which there are extreme entertainment for young people. But it makes sense to install such a park only in a populated area with a population of 500 thousand.
  5. Larger complexes will require significant expenses and require a long payback period. If you set out to create a large park, like Disneyland or other world centers, you will have to rent land of 4 hectares or more and invest several million dollars.
  6. Parks “at the crossroads” are a practically untapped market segment in our country, although they have long since gained popularity in Western countries. But it is assumed that with the growing number of motorists, it makes sense to open amusement parks on the route between cities. And the lack of free space in megacities contributes to this as much as possible.

Let us consider the nuances of opening an amusement park using the example of a medium-sized territory (up to 2 hectares), since this project is considered more promising, profitable and can be organized by several enterprising businessmen in modern conditions.

Finding a location for a park

If you decide to purchase and install from 10 to 20 attractions, then you will need 1-2 hectares of land, although a lot depends on the equipment itself and its dimensions. It is important that the area is accessible to the majority of city residents and can be easily reached on foot or by public transport.

Provided that in your locality there are abandoned parks that have enough space, but do not have modern and popular attractions, it is worth negotiating with the authorities about renting a site.

Experts argue that it is profitable to open medium-sized entertainment complexes only in cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more. But if the entertainment industry is completely undeveloped in the region, then you can try your hand at smaller areas.

It is believed that the presence of any attractions or natural beautiful objects near the park is a significant advantage. Therefore, try to find a place where the success of the project is ensured by the surrounding landscape.

You need to carefully consider the zoning of space, the placement of each attraction and the expected flow of customers. Thus, experts recommend installing the most attractive equipment in the area farthest from the entrance, so that visitors walk through the entire territory when getting to it.

Controlling and directing the flow of people is one of the most important tasks of a park owner. And for this purpose, it is worth hiring an experienced specialist so as not to make a mistake.

Range of entertainment

It is better for a novice entrepreneur to start by paying attention to equipment that does not require complex repairs and management, and is also not too expensive. But it must be modern, safe and attractive to visitors. It is better to start with a smaller number of attractions and add more as your business and profits grow.

Give preference to positions that are not represented in the city or even the region. Therefore, it is initially worth assessing your competitors and noting what equipment they have installed. For a new park it is better to choose something unique. If this is difficult, give preference to a better quality swing, then people will want to enjoy the same entertainment, but in an improved form.

Please note that there are attractions for children, family type and extreme ones, more suitable for young people. For a medium-sized park, it is recommended to select 4-5 types of entertainment for children, 4-5 for families, and 1-2 unique and arousing strong emotions, especially popular among people 15-25 years old.

When purchasing equipment, pay attention to the safety of each element; check these points personally or with an experienced mechanic. Also, be sure to require quality certificates. Italians and Germans are considered the best manufacturers, but domestic factories for creating attractions should not be neglected.

Do not forget that an amusement park is not only swings, slides, etc. Here you need to equip a recreation area, lay paths, install benches, you can open a cafe or restaurant, rooms for different age groups, place concert venues, etc. What The more interesting the territory is decorated, the more profit you will get in the end.


For the smooth functioning of the park, a lot of people will be needed. It is advisable to train some specialists over several years in order to obtain a professional for the needs of the park. But the seasonality of business leaves its mark on this issue.

The staff must have:

  • ticket takers;
  • administrator;
  • accountant;
  • mechanic for equipment repair;
  • cleaners;
  • animators.

If you have a cafe or retail outlets, you will need additional specialized personnel - waiters, cooks, salespeople, etc. It all depends on the range of services offered.

Solving the seasonality problem

Since opening an amusement park is a complex and expensive matter, you need to seriously think about what sources to make a profit from in the winter. This issue is also acute with regard to personnel. Do I need to fire and find new workers every year or pay them wages when the park is closed?

Experienced entrepreneurs advise doing things in a special way. During the cold season, it is advisable to open the following entertainments in the park:

  1. Ice rink.
  2. Snow slides.
  3. Organize winter-themed competitions.
  4. Conduct concerts and master classes.
  5. Let the restaurant or other catering establishments be open all year round.
  6. Open bowling, billiards, karting, slot machines, shooting range, etc.
  7. Create a tubing course.
  8. Install ice sculptures.
  9. Organize a mini-cinema, etc.

As you can see, most of the attractions can operate year-round or change from one season to another. Due to this, hired personnel do not have to be fired, since they are provided with work for the whole year. And profits are constantly growing, because in winter people also want to have fun and are ready to spend money on it.

If the park is located on the site of an outdated city center, then no special actions will be required to attract customers. After all, people will come here out of habit, and when they see new attractions, they will definitely want to try them out. Word of modern entertainment will quickly spread throughout the city.

If such a park is located somewhere in previously undeveloped territory, then advertising will have to be used. To do this, you can hire a special agency or disseminate information in all available modern ways:

  • printing products;
  • billboards;
  • announcements on public transport;
  • advertising in the media;
  • Internet.

The key to the success of such a business is well-chosen attractions, their proper location relative to each other and correctly set prices.

Financial questions

You will have to draw up a business plan yourself or with specialists in this field. Depending on the region, expected size, rented area and selected equipment, the numbers will differ significantly. Here are the average figures for how much a similar project costs in various formats.

The payback of the project also depends on its size. For example, an investment of 300 thousand dollars with proper space planning can be returned in 2-3 years. But the park, for which about $20 million was initially spent, will not return the investment in less than 5 years, even with a large influx of visitors. Therefore, you should be patient and move according to a well-thought-out plan.

Video: entertainment business.

The business idea for creating a children's playground with attractions has different options. The park can be opened outdoors or indoors. The choice depends on the initial capital and the entrepreneur’s desire to have seasonal or permanent income. First, you need to choose the concept of a children's institution and write a business plan in order to understand what funds are required to rent or purchase premises, land, documents, equipping the park with attractions and other attributes of children's entertainment.

Is it profitable to open an entertainment complex? Or you should start with a small room, where there will be only one-dimensional attractions, for example, a karting area, a trampoline center for children and adults, a paintball club. An amusement park is not only a place with carousels, trains, and a Ferris wheel, but also areas with sports equipment, slides, climbing frames, and rooms with intellectual quests.

You can choose your own direction and make money from it only if you manage to offer visitors new interesting children's attractions. Visitors should come to the park and not be disappointed. Positive emotions will guarantee the desire to come back here again.

The park should be located in a walkable location so that visitors can easily reach it. It is mandatory to comply with safety standards for attractions so that children do not get health problems. Materials of equipment, inventory, and comfort attributes should not be toxic or untreated. Each item in the children's park must be checked independently to avoid problems.

Business organization

There are no obstacles to starting an amusement park if you have enough money in your pocket and a suitable premises or open area have been chosen for it. Before preparations for the launch of the park begin, the activity must be registered with the Federal Tax Service and registered with the funds. To do this, we select a legal form (IP, LLC) and collect the relevant documents for submission to the tax office.

  • If you plan to use a small area for attractions that is not designed for a large flow of people, then you can choose the individual entrepreneur form. Investments may be feasible for one owner.
  • A large amusement park requires significant investment. You can find like-minded people who will become founders of the organization. In this case, we register an LLC.

The amusement park belongs to the service sector. We select the type of activity according to OKVED and indicate in the application for registration: “Activities in the field of recreation and entertainment” (93.2). This is a general division that includes theme parks, culture and recreation (93.21), and indoor and outdoor entertainment and entertainment (93.29).

The tax system must be selected at the registration stage. A simplified taxation system based on the “income minus expenses” tariff is beneficial, especially at the initial stage. The cost of attractions is the main expense item at the stage of organizing an amusement park. Taxes may be minimal, which will have a positive effect on the promotion stage.

Facility equipment

What equipment is required for an amusement park depends on the specifics of the children's leisure center. An open park must have an appropriate landscape, fencing of the area, and various types of carousels for children aged one year and older. Parents are also not averse to having fun and visiting an attraction designed for adults.

Benches, benches, a cash register, a kiosk with drinks and sweets will be useful in an open-air park if there are no catering places nearby. All attractions must be technically sound and have appropriate accompanying documents confirming the service life and passing the next maintenance.

Indoor amusement parks are in demand because they can be visited in any weather and season. The equipment for such entertainment centers is varied:

  • Electronic devices (racing, shooting, flying, achievements) launched by a token.
  • Electronic cars, radio-controlled animal figures that a child can ride on.
  • Facilities for skating, roller skating, and sports bicycles.
  • Various types of trampolines (slides, jumping ropes).
  • Puzzles, obstacles and other props for the themed quest rooms.

A more precise set of equipment for an amusement park should be specified in the business plan, taking into account the specifics of the amusement center. The cost of equipment depends on the specifics and can be 200 thousand or 10 million rubles.

Documentary side of the project

What documents need to be collected to open an amusement park again depends on its format. For an outdoor entertainment project you will need:

  • Agreement for the land where carousels and other objects will be located.
  • Permission from the administration to use the area as an amusement park.
  • Quality certificates for attractions and admission standards by age category.
  • Notification to Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business activity.

A license is not required for this type of activity. For indoor children's attractions, the package of documents is slightly larger:

  • The conditions in the building must comply with fire safety.
  • The layout is legalized in the BTI.
  • If you have a bar, you will need permission from the SES to sell drinks and food.

Otherwise, the requirements for a closed park are identical to the open version.

State formation

A children's amusement park requires the presence of the following specialists on its staff:

  • A mechanic who will monitor the technical condition of the equipment.
  • Controller (the number depends on the operating mode, the flow of visitors and the number of objects on the territory).
  • The administrator can combine the position of cashier and keep order in the park.
  • Maintenance staff who maintain cleanliness and order in the park.

For children's institutions, employees without a criminal record are hired. When applying for a job, request the appropriate certificate.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Every business idea has pros and cons that need to be explored. The advantages include the following conditions:

  • Low load on the segment, which reduces dependence on competitors.
  • There is a great demand for entertainment at any time of the year.
  • Parents are ready to shell out any money to please their child.
  • Working with children is always pleasant and brings a stable income.

The disadvantages include the following points:

  • If the park is open-air, then the income is temporary; during the cold season it does not generate income.
  • Large investments are required because attractions of any kind are expensive.
  • You can end up at a loss if the chosen park format or location is chosen incorrectly. The profitability of the establishment also depends on this.


The idea of ​​opening a children's amusement park is relevant and can be successful if the interests of the target audience and the workload of the segment in the region are taken into account at the preparation stage. For more food for thought, we recommend studying the amusement park business plan on our website.