Voinov Mikhail

Presentation " Golden ring Russia" introduces the historical heritage of our Motherland, with ancient cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia. In the process of getting acquainted with the presentation, one becomes familiar with the spiritual and cultural values ​​of our Motherland.



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gold ring of Russia

Moscow Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. In the 12th century, Moscow was an outlying city of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus'. In 1237-1238 the Tatars ravaged and burned it to the ground. Despite everything, Moscow was rebuilt again, and soon became the capital of a small appanage principality.

The city is located in the center of the European part of Russia, on both banks of the Moscow River. The area of ​​Moscow in 2006 is 1081 km 2. According to the latest data, approximately 10.5 million people live.

One of the most beautiful architectural monuments of Moscow, the historical building of the Russian State Library, the famous Pashkov House.

SERGIEV POSAD - THE SOUL OF RUSSIA Named in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh, who founded the largest Trinity Monastery in Russia. Ivan the Terrible was baptized in the monastery. The city developed the production of crosses, candlesticks, icons, etc. The Sergiev toy gained great popularity. Buying a toy near the walls of the Lavra means doing a godly deed.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra From 1919 to 1946 the monastery was closed. Today the Lavra is active monastery, the spiritual center of Orthodox Russia. On the territory of the monastery there are the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary, as well as a museum-reserve.

Pereslavl-Zalessky Founded the city in 1152 at the intersection of trade routes by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The name of the city is translated from Old Russian as “taking over glory.” The most famous Pereslavl prince was Alexander Nevsky.

Goritsky Assumption Monastery arose in the 16th century. under Ivan Kalita. The monastery is located on a hill near south coast Lake Pleshcheyevo. Thanks to its location, it is visible from everywhere. Currently, the Pereslavl Historical and Art Museum is located within the walls of the Goritsky Monastery. Goritsky Assumption Monastery

Rostov the Great One of the oldest Russian cities - known since 862. On the eve of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, Rostov was one of the largest Russian cities. Stone construction took place here, chronicles were written, books were copied. The annual Rostov fair was a significant phenomenon in city life.

Kremlin Architectural Museum Kremlin Reserve Finift

Uglich The city stands on the banks of the Volga River and was founded in 937 by Jan Pleskovich. In the 19th century, Uglich turned into provincial town, where several small leather, linen and paper enterprises operated. The construction of hydroelectric power stations and factories greatly changed the appearance of the city. Uglich - “corner”

“Seagull” watch The Uglich Museum is located on the territory of the Uglich Kremlin. Founded in 1892 in the chamber of the palace of appanage princes. A well-known watch factory in Russia operates in Uglich, where they produce -

Yaroslavl Yaroslavl is one of the most culturally significant and largest among the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. The city is older than Moscow (it was mentioned for the first time in 1071) and bears the name of the famous prince Yaroslav the Wise. According to legend, the prince himself, having hacked to death in a forest ravine with a battle ax a bear, which was worshiped by the local pagan population, placed it in this place, at the confluence of the river. Kotorosli to the Volga, the first wooden city, and a bear with an ax later became the city’s coat of arms.

Church of Elijah the Prophet

Kostroma Kostroma was founded in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky. From the sources it follows that “there were impassable forests, dense wilds in this place,” and robbers were hiding here, from whom “there was no way at all.” Yuri Dolgoruky dealt with the robbers with a “sea of ​​fire.” And on the scorched earth the city of Kostroma appeared.

Trading rows In 1773 During the fire, all the wooden buildings in the Kremlin burned down, and a significant part of the suburb was also damaged. There is a legend that Catherine II, when asked what she would like Kostroma to be like, unfolded her fan. Kostroma is really planned according to a fan system.

Plyos Plyos was founded in 1410 by Prince Vasily I as a military fortification on the Volga, guarding the approaches to Moscow and the Volga cities. Plyos is well strategically located. The Volga does not meander here, which allows you to see the enemy from a great distance.

Levitan Museum Many famous artists came to this picturesque region: I.E. Repin, V.V. Vereshchagin, I.L. Levitan. They said about the latter that “Ples glorified Levitan. Levitan glorified Plyos.” After the appearance of Levitan’s paintings, many summer residents began to flock to Plyos.

The symbol of the city is the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery Suzdal The city has a happy and noticeable fate in the history of the country. Although it was destroyed more than once over the centuries, it suffered from fires and epidemics, but was revived again and again. There was not a single large historical event, in which Suzdal or its citizens would not participate.

Pokrovsky Monastery Famous Museum of Wooden Architecture

Vladimir It is called the gate of the Golden Ring of Russia. In 1108, Prince Vladimir Monomakh built a powerful fortress, protected from the south by the steep banks of the Klyazma River, from the north by the Lybid River, and from the east and west by deep ravines. The new fortress was named after the founder - Vladimir.

The Golden Gate is a rare monument of military-defensive architecture. They were built in 1164. Only two powerful white stone walls have survived from the ancient building. Today, one of the exhibitions of the Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve is located in the Golden Gate building.

The presentation was made by Mikhail Voynov, a 4th grade student of the Municipal Educational Institution "Baranovskaya Secondary School" of the Gorshechensky district of the Kursk region Internet resources: http://www.zolotoe-kolco.ru/

Cherdyn – ancient capital Ural
Cherdyn, Cherdyn the Great, Why are you great? The Kolva River is dozing, sobbing like an old man... V. Radkevich
“Cherdyn” is translated from the Komi-Permyak language as “settlement at the mouth of a stream”
1451 – the first written mention of Cherdyn
Fortress of Cherdyn.
This is how the handsome Polyud appears many tens of kilometers away.
At the top of Mount Polyudov Stone
Modern coat of arms of the city of Cherdyn
1601 – imprisonment of boyar Mikhail Nikitich Romanov, uncle of the first Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty
The shackles of boyar Mikhail Romanov
Cherdyn – a city-monument
Resurrection Cathedral
St. John the Theologian Church
St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nyrob, Cherdynsky district
Church of the Transfiguration from the village of Yanidor, Cherdyn region. 1702 Architectural and Ethnographic Museum "Khokhlovka"
Cherdyn is a monument city. Such protected places must be protected and preserved.
To repeat and teach is to sharpen the mind. Russian proverb
How is the word “cherdyn” translated from the Komi-Permyak language?
A) “melt water” B) “settlement at the mouth of a stream” C) “distant land”
What is the date of the first mention of Cherdyn in written sources?
A) 1451 B) 1601 C) 1430
What is the name of the mountain in the vicinity of Cherdyn?
A) VetlanB) PomyanennyiC) Polyud
What is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Cherdyn?
A) cornucopiaB) elk on top of the mountainC) salt well
Rearrange the letters to form a word.
Many things happened for the first time in Cherdyn in the Kama region first

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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A crossword puzzle on the history of the Perm region can be used in extracurricular activities or electives when studying the history of the Kama region. The crossword puzzle can be solved by students from grade 5 and older....

Do you know what the expression “Permyak - salty ears” means? Permian salt is fine and white. It seems to be covered in blood and sweat, but still clean. It was salt that made it famous in the 17th century Perm region. There was not enough salt in Russia. It was bought abroad, it was worth its weight in gold, and they searched for it literally as actively as gold during the gold rush. The Kama region was rich in outlets of salty groundwater - brines. Salt was boiled on Solikamsk soil under difficult conditions. Poverty is undisguised everywhere. The barns were salted through. Here they sweat salty solutions and cry salty tears. Salt is in the air, deposited on the mustache, beard…. They carry salt in bags on their backs, the brine flows onto the ears, corroding them... Hence the saying becomes clear... And even now, in the vicinity of Usolye and Solikamsk, you can find springs, the banks of which, even in the summer, seem to be dusted with white snow - these are salt crystals from dried spray . Elks, wild boars, and wolves come to these springs to lick the salt.

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Golden Ring of Russia Compiled by: G. A. Larionova, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 27, Tver

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Sergiev Posad We set off on a trip along the Golden Ring from Moscow. We are going to the northeast. And now we arrive in the city of Sergiev Posad.

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The city of Sergiev Posad is named after St. Sergius of Radonezh, who founded a large monastery here. This monastery is called the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. The word "lavra" means the main, most important monastery. And it is indeed recognized as the main monastery of Russia

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl-Zalessky From Sergiev Posad we go to Pereslavl-Zalessky

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Pereslavl-Zalessky is a city that, like Moscow, was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Ancient churches and other architectural monuments have been preserved here. The pearl of Russia is Lake Pleshcheyevo, amazing in beauty and purity - one of the main values ​​of Pereslavl-Zalessky. The lake is of glacial origin, its age is about 30 thousand years. The Goritsky Assumption Monastery arose in the 16th century. under Ivan Kalita.

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Rostov. This city is one of the most ancient in the Golden Ring, and already in ancient times it was respectfully called the Great. The most wonderful part of the city - Rostov Kremlin. Behind its white walls you can see numerous domes of churches, the bells of which are famous for their melodious ringing. Rostov bells are recorded on audio cassettes and laser discs and are known all over the world. In Rostov we will definitely admire the famous Rostov enamel. These are very beautiful jewelry with enamel - brooches, earrings, bracelets. They have been made here for several centuries.

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich The next stop on our route is the city of Uglich.

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Uglich. It stands on the Volga River. The name of the city may have come from the word "corner". The river bends in this place and flows at an angle. There are many ancient monuments in Uglich. Besides them, the Uglich hydroelectric power station is interesting - one of the first hydroelectric power stations built on the Volga. There is also a large watch factory in Uglich, where they make the “Chaika” watch. Uglich Kremlin, Church of Tsarevich Demetrius on the Spilled Blood (1692) Panorama of the Uglich Kremlin from the Volga View of the Uglich Hydroelectric Power Station from the street. Spasskaya Chamber of Tsarevich Dmitry View of Assumption Square in Uglich

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl From Uglich we will go to Yaroslavl

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Yaroslavl is the most Big City Golden ring. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise, whose name it bears. The city also stands on the Volga. You can stroll along the river along a very beautiful embankment. In the center of the city we will see a monument to Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov. This remarkable man created the first public theater in Russia in Yaroslavl. That is why Yaroslavl is called the birthplace of Russian theater. Monument to Yaroslav the Wise Theater named after F. Volkov and monument to F. Volkov

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma The next city on the Volga where we will stop is Kostroma.

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Kostroma. If you look at the city plan, you will notice that the streets here are arranged in the form of a fan. There is a legend that explains this. When Empress Catherine II ordered the city to be rebuilt, she was asked what she wanted Kostroma to be like. At that moment, the empress unfolded her fan. This is how the city was made so unusual. In the part of the city where the streets converge, there are ancient shopping arcades. They have been trading there for several centuries. Each product had its own place. The names indicate this - Large and Small flour rows, Butter rows, Gingerbread rows...

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma Plyos Continuing our way along the great Russian river, we will visit another a beautiful city on the Volga - Plyos.

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Plyos. It got its name from the river reach, that is, the wide part of the river between two bends. Plyos is a city of artists. We'll definitely see them at work here. They are attracted by the extraordinary beauty of the city and its surroundings. Artists have come here in the past. The Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900) especially loved Plyos. Now the I.I. Levitan Museum is open in the city.

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma Plyos Suzdal From Plyos we will go to Suzdal

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The city has famous museum wooden architecture, where ancient wooden buildings are collected - churches, huts, mills, etc.

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma Plyos Suzdal Vladimir From Suzdal it is very close to Vladimir.