September 11, 2001 was a special day in the history of the United States: until that moment, the country had not been subjected to a massive attack on its continental territory. However, two dozen terrorists were enough to commit the largest terrorist attack in history, causing significant destruction to the business center of New York and destroying the lives of three thousand people. The content of that tragic day consisted of five events in which three buildings and four aircraft were involved.

Event 1

The main event was the destruction of the two twin towers of the World Trade Center (each 110 floors high), which occurred successively at 9:59 a.m. local time (south tower) and 10:28 a.m. local time (north tower). The collapse of the Twin Towers was the result of a ramming attack carried out by two captured suicide bombers. passenger planes. The collisions led to a strong fire and damage to the supporting structures of the towers, which together led to a chain reaction - the upper floors (those located above the collision site) collapsed onto the lower ones, they could not withstand the load and the buildings collapsed entirely. There is a popular alternative theory, according to which the collapse of the towers only as a result of a collision with aircraft was impossible, and a pre-planned explosion of buildings from the inside took place.

Event 2

American Airlines Flight 11 was the first plane hijacked by terrorists on the morning of September 11th. The plane was en route from Boston to Los Angeles when it was hijacked at 8:14 a.m. By the way, it later turned out that upon boarding, the terrorists’ luggage was additionally checked, but no suspicious items were identified. After the hijacking, the terrorists announced to the passengers that the plane had been hijacked and was returning to the airport to make certain demands. US authorities received information about the hijacking of the plane, but the radar transponder on board was turned off, so it was not known exactly where Flight 11 was heading. Military fighters were scrambled only a few minutes after the plane, carrying 92 people, 8 hours 46 minutes crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Until the moment of the second attack, this incident was considered an aviation accident.

Event 3

United Airlines Flight 175, also en route from Boston to Los Angeles, was hijacked between 8:42 a.m. and 8:46 a.m. The terrorists killed the commander and co-pilot and abruptly changed course. This was noticed by dispatchers who tried to contact the plane, but no one answered them. On the way to the World Trade Center, the plane almost collided with other planes in the air twice - this was avoided only thanks to a preliminary warning from the air traffic control service about an “out-of-control aircraft.” In order to hit the south tower, the terrorists made a sharp turn at the very last moment. The collision itself occurred at 9:30 a.m. and was practically shown in live throughout the world (the first such precedent in history) - a television broadcast began in connection with the incident with the north tower. There were 65 people on board the plane, including terrorists.

Event 4

American Airlines Flight 77 was en route from Washington to Los Angeles when it was hijacked by five terrorists about half an hour after takeoff. At 9:37 a.m., it purposefully crashed into the Pentagon building, located in Arlington, a suburb of Washington. A total of 189 people died - 64 people on board the plane, 125 of those who were in the US War Department building. There is a version according to which the Pentagon was a reserve target for terrorists and was chosen for attack only after the terrorist flying the plane was unable to detect the visual coordinates of the main target - the White House.

Event 5

United Airlines Flight 93 was the last plane hijacked by terrorists. The terrorists established control over it at 9:28 am and turned the plane from its previous course to San Francisco in the opposite direction, to Washington. However, the plane's passengers managed to contact their relatives by phone, who informed them about the fate of the other hijacked planes (by that time, collisions with the Twin Towers and the Pentagon had already occurred). In this situation, the hostages tried to regain control of the plane, which, according to investigators, was supposed to hit either the Capitol or the White House. As a result of the struggle between terrorists and hostages, Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, with 37 passengers (including four terrorists) and crew members on board.

(average: 4,94 out of 5)

This September 11, 2001 in the USA(in the West simply 9/11) is considered the bloodiest in all of world history. The most covered media event of all time.

10 years ago, three planes flown by terrorists crashed into the Pentagon building, located near Washington, and into the 110-story skyscrapers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York, causing them to collapse. Terrorist attacks killed 2,977 citizens from 92 countries.

By official version, responsibility for these attacks lies with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. Subsequently official version the incident was criticized by a number of journalists, scientists and witnesses to the tragedy.

Independent investigations were carried out, some of which were made into documentaries. According to one version, the attack on the Twin Towers was only a diversionary maneuver, and the customers should be looked for not among Afghan terrorists or in the lair of Osama bin Laden, but much closer - in the circle of the US President.

The events of September 11, 2001 developed like this. At approximately the same time, terrorists hijacked 4 airliners some time after takeoff.

1. Statue of Liberty. Manhattan is shrouded in smoke from the collapse of the World Trade Center skyscrapers. Photo taken September 15, 2001. (Photo by Dan Loh | AP):

At 08:45 am first The Boeing 767-200 crashed into the North Tower of the 110-story World Trade Center skyscrapers at approximately 94-98 floors. 18 minutes later at 9:03 second plane The Boeing 767-200 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center approximately at the 77-85 floor level.

2. “One second before.” Second plane approaches the South Tower of the World Trade Center, New York, 9:02, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Sean Adair | Reuters):

3. Second plane Boeing 767-200 Flight 175 crashes into the World Trade Center South Tower on floors 77-85, 9:03 a.m., September 11, 2001. (Photo by Sean Adair | Reuters):

4. On board the 175th flight there were 56 passengers (including 5 terrorists) and 9 crew members. (Photo by Spencer Platt | Getty Images):

5. Almost 35 tons aviation fuel explodes on impact. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

6. Hole in the North Tower of the World Trade Center where the first one crashed, New York, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

After the capture, some passengers were able to report what was happening using satellite phones. According to their reports, the terrorists used bladed weapons (possibly knives), as a result of which several flight attendants and crew members were killed.

7. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center after 2 airliners crashed into them. Ahead - Empire State Building, New York, Tuesday, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Marty Lederhandler | AP):

8. Satellite view of the burning skyscrapers of the World Trade Center in New York, 9:30, September 11, 2001. (USGS Photo | AP):

9. People on the top floors of skyscrapers. They are trapped by fire on the lower floors where the planes crashed. (Photo by Jose Jimenez | Primera Hora | Getty Images):

10. At least 200 of those trapped on the upper floors of the World Trade Center towers jumped down, preferring such a death to death by fire. (Photo by Jose Jimenez | Primera Hora | Getty Images):

11. Their fall was observed by numerous witnesses. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

12. Some tried to get to the roofs of the towers, hoping for evacuation by helicopters, but the evacuation did not take place: the smoke and heat from the fire made it impossible to use helicopters. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

13. Third plane American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. This is a photo from a surveillance camera. (AP Photo):

14. Fire in the Pentagon building after it crashed. 125 people in the building and 60 passengers on board the Boeing died. (Photo by Will Morris | AP):

16. Part of the Pentagon building collapsed. (Photo by Kevin Lamarque | Reuters):

18. The target of the 4th plane The Boeing 757-200 may have been the Capitol. According to the Flight 93 voice recorder transcript, the plane's crew and passengers attempted to regain control of the airliner after learning from cell phones that other hijacked planes had crashed into the World Trade Center towers. It is likely that the terrorists, losing the fight, decided to send the plane into the ground, where it crashed. The Boeing crashed into a field in southwestern Pennsylvania, near Shanksville, at 10:03 a.m. (Photo by Jason Cohn | Reuters):

19. The site of the crash of the 4th plane in the southwestern part of Pennsylvania, near the city of Shanksville. (FBI Photo | AP):

20. But we return to the burning skyscrapers of the World Trade Center. The main events took place there. (Photo by Mario Tama | Getty Images):

According to the official version, about an hour after the airliners crashed into the skyscrapers, buildings began to collapse as a result of fire and melting of supporting steel structures by burning aviation fuel.

The official version has been criticized by many experts who believe that the use of aviation fuel to melt 200,000 tons of steel (the amount of steel in one Tower) is an amazing discovery.

Other theories They doubt that the nature of the collapse of the WTC towers corresponds to that which could have been caused by aircraft hits and fires. It is argued that the destruction of the towers is more like a controlled demolition. It has also been suggested that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned and carried out not by the al-Qaeda organization, but by American intelligence agencies.

International opinion, according to a survey conducted in 17 countries, gives this picture. Overall, 46% of respondents place the main responsibility on al-Qaeda, 15% on the US government, 7% on Israel, and another 7% name other culprits. We won't go deeper into this topic. Those interested in these events can find materials on the Internet.

21. 56 minutes after South Tower the second plane crashed at 9:59 am it begins to collapse, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

22. (Photo by Richard Drew | AP):

23. Collapse of the 110-story South Tower World Trade Center. View from the street, September 9, 2001. (Photo by Doug Kanter | AFP | Getty Images):

24. As in from dust and debris. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

25. 102 minutes after North Tower the first plane crashed at 10:28 am it begins to collapse, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Diane Bondareff | AP):

26. (Photo by Primera Hora | Getty Images):

27. Collapse of the 110-story World Trade Center skyscrapers, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Greg Semendinger | AP):

28. A total of 2,606 people died at the World Trade Center. (Photo by Shannon Stapleton | Reuters):

29. 1366 people on the upper floors died North Tower World Trade Center, many of whom died when the plane collided with the tower, and the rest due to fire and collapse. IN South Tower At least 600 people died on the upper floors. At least 200 of those trapped on the upper floors of the towers jumped down and died. (Photo by Greg Semendinger | AP):

30. On the streets of New York during the destruction of the World Trade Center towers, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Suzanne Plunkett | AP):

31. Clouds of smoke, dust and debris spread throughout Manhattan. (Photo by Ray Stubblebine | Reuters):

32. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

33. (Photo by Gulnara Samoilova | AP):

34. (Photo by Daniel Shanken | AP):

35. The fire killed 341 firefighters, 60 police officers, and 8 ambulance workers. (Photo by Mario Tama | Getty Images):

36. In total, about 18 people were able to leave the impact zone in the South Tower and escape. (Photo by Gulnara Samiolava | AP):

In New York, more than 1,600 bodies were identified, but about 1,100 people could not be identified. It was reported that “about 10,000 fragments of bones and tissues were found at the scene of the tragedy, which is incomparable with the number of victims.”

38. The streets of Manhattan after the collapse of the “twin” World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Boudicon One | AP):

39. At the site of the former 110-story World Trade Center, September 15, 2001. (Reuters Photo):

40. The landing gear of one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center buildings, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Shannon Stapleton | Reuters):

41. Search for possible survivors of the World Trade Center "twin" crash, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Matt Moyer | AP):

42. Fire still burning at the site of the former World Trade Center, September 12, 2001, one day after. (Photo by Baldwin | AP):

45. In addition to the destruction of the two 110-story WTC towers, other buildings were seriously damaged or destroyed. As a result of skyscraper collapses, about 1.5 kilometers of New York subway lines were damaged. AP Photo):

46. ​​Rescue workers work underground in the collapsed World Trade Center, September 14, 2011. (Photo by U.S. Navy | Reuters):

The events that took place caused chaos throughout the United States. All commercial flights were canceled and aircraft landing in the United States was prohibited. Planes arriving from other countries were diverted back to their departure airports or diverted to airports in Canada and Mexico. Above major cities US Air Force fighters were patrolling.

47. Ruins of the World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. (Photo by Doug Kanter | AFP | Getty Images):

The victims of September 11, 2001 were 2,977 people (not including 19 terrorists): 246 passengers and crew members of aircraft, 2,606 people in New York, in the World Trade Center buildings and on the ground, 125 in the Pentagon building. Citizens of the United States and 91 other countries were killed, including 96 citizens of Russia and the CIS.

When the World Trade Center skyscrapers were destroyed, about 16,000 people were saved who were in the towers below the plane's impact zone. Most of them survived, having been evacuated before the buildings were destroyed.

Built on the site of the collapsed twin towers memorial Complex. The complex is currently undergoing reconstruction, which is planned to be completed by 2012.

The official version of the September 11 terrorist attacks, which led to the death of almost 3 thousand people, the destruction of three skyscrapers in Manhattan, including the two famous twin towers, as well as part of the Pentagon, and which gave a new direction to world history, is striking in its absurdity.

It turns out that in a security-obsessed country with about 20 intelligence agencies - about one for each of the 19 Middle Eastern terrorists involved in the attacks - they were able to do what they allegedly did. Namely, having only the basics of flight training, they can brilliantly ram targets almost simultaneously captured by airliners that are beyond the capabilities of even experienced pilots, acting under the leadership of the bearded terrorist Osama bin Laden, who was hiding in a cave in Afghanistan. All this, like all other points of the official version, which we will consider in more detail below, completely contradicts common sense.

Official version

The official version is this. Since it is widely known, we will only dwell on it briefly. Terrorists from the al-Qaeda group banned in Russia and other countries of the world, many of whom were known to the CIA, mostly Saudi citizens, legally entered the United States. They easily stole four passenger airliner, two of which were sent to the World Trade Center (WTC) towers, one to the Pentagon building, and another crashed under strange circumstances in Pennsylvania. In the latter case, passengers allegedly resisted by “democratically voting” to repel the hijackers. At the same time, the World Trade Center 7 tower, which no one crashed into, and which the BBC television company collapsed live on air 20 minutes before it happened, also mysteriously collapsed in Manhattan. When correspondent Jane Standley was reporting on this and the victims of the new terrorist attack, WTC 7 was still looming behind her, and the caption at the bottom of the screen already read: “The 47-story Salomon Brothers building next to the World Trade Center also collapsed.” Anyone can check out this amazing report on YouTube...

A problem emerged: the BBC reported the collapse of WTC 7 20 minutes before it happened. Photo: FA Bobo/PIXSELL/PA Images/TASS

The mass of inconsistencies and lies surrounding the September 11 attacks leave Americans with very little choice. The dilemma here is simple. On the one hand, you need to turn off your reason and believe in the official version or pretend to believe it if you are a “patriot” of your country and do not want it to suffer reputational damage or expose its leadership, without whose sanction such large-scale terrorist attacks would simply be impossible. It is very difficult to live with the awareness of this, and it is beyond the strength of the conformist majority. The second position is accessible only to a minority who are not afraid to go crazy in the face of the truth and despise accusations of “conspiracy theories.” This position, which is held by many Americans and others, requires recognizing that bin Laden and his people are nothing more than decoration, since terrorist attacks of such a scale could only be organized by the American intelligence services themselves, with the assistance of politicians and the media.

But we are not Americans. We are patriots of Russia, not the USA, and therefore our hands are free. Since the official American version is completely unsatisfactory and does not explain anything, let’s turn to the “conspiracy theorists.” If we put aside fantastic versions, such as a mini-nuclear explosion under the Twin Towers, probably launched at the instigation of the American authorities in order to compromise all others, then the following picture emerges.


Al-Qaeda terrorists, many of whom were known to the CIA, legally entered the United States and went on terrorist attacks, taking their passports with them. Only a few of them had the skills to fly light aircraft. Under no circumstances could they replace pilots of civil airliners, especially at high speed “get” into the twin towers hidden in urban areas - among other skyscrapers, fly at a height of several meters on the ground, without damaging anything along the route, and ram the Pentagon.

The American authorities immediately began to blame the leader of Al-Qaeda for the incident, although it was obvious that this was a surprise for Osama bin Laden; he did not immediately allow himself to be persuaded to take responsibility for this on himself and his semi-virtual group. And he can be understood: it is impossible for a person in his right mind to believe the official version. Therefore, bin Laden delayed for a long time and took responsibility for the September 11 attacks only on October 29, 2004.

What really happened? In fact, most likely, American intelligence agencies deliberately allowed terrorists into the country, who were probably actually plotting terrorist attacks using aircraft. They were needed as cover. The fact that the terrorists boarded the airliners, leaving their passports in the cars, most likely suggests that they were conducting training, deciding to see how best to act once they learned to fly the planes. Or the planes that rammed the Pentagon and the Twin Towers... there was no such thing, and that means this whole passport story didn’t exist.


Indeed, was there a boy? Eyewitnesses to the attacks in New York on the morning of September 11 give conflicting accounts of what hit the Twin Towers. Some say they saw or heard noise from small planes flying over, some believe they saw missiles, others believe they saw large airliners. The latter will probably evaluate their experience retrospectively, having watched well-known footage on TV many times. Meanwhile, as has been proven, large planes They simply couldn’t hit the World Trade Center skyscrapers without colliding with a couple of other skyscrapers along the way. From the air and at the speed at which they had to fly, even very experienced pilots would not have been able to accurately “hit” the targets. A legitimate question also arises: where did the wreckage of the planes go? The engine of one of them, which was later “found” in the wreckage of one of the collapsed buildings, turned out to be from a different type of plane than the one that allegedly rammed it. As for the Pentagon, independent researchers have discovered that the affected area in the wing of the building where the Boeing allegedly landed is noticeably smaller than the span of its wings. The penetration area is not as deep as it should be. There was no tail left of the plane, no corpses or suitcases of passengers... Evaporated?

Also amazing are the famous shots of an airliner made of aluminum, which barely survives a bird strike, going like a knife through butter into the steel structure of the World Trade Center buildings, so that the tip of its nose is even visible on the other side of the skyscraper! Calls from airliners that passengers allegedly made from their own mobile phones were also completely unthinkable. At the height from which they were made, it was technically impossible...

What really happened? It is clear that no airliners crashed into the twin towers in New York or the Pentagon near Washington. Most likely, we were talking about cruise missiles that could avoid obstacles, which were helped by “beacons” installed on buildings. Everything else is a crude imitation.

The most interesting question here, to which there is no clear answer yet, is where did the people who were allegedly on the planes go? There weren’t really that many of them, since, as “conspiracy theorists” established, at least two of the planes that allegedly took part in the terrorist attacks were already written off at that time and could not be used on September 11th. But where did those who were not originally “dead souls” go? They were killed, they had plastic surgery and were moved to the other side of the country or abroad? Who knows.


Everything is clear with the Pentagon - everything was organized there by the military and special services themselves, no civilian firefighters were allowed there even close. Whether there was one cruise missile there or whether it was “helped” with the help of charges installed in the wing of the building that was being repaired is not so important. The consequences of the incident were quickly eliminated, no one washed dirty linen in public - military people are serious, they know how to keep their mouths shut.

The main intrigue is with New York skyscrapers. They seemed to be collapsing before our eyes, live. But this shouldn’t have happened - they were built taking into account exactly what allegedly happened to them. Instead, the “twins” collapsed, settling inward at the speed of free fall, as if someone had “cut down” all the supporting structures at once.

The current US President Donald Trump, himself a construction magnate, “hot on the heels” did not believe that planes could bring down the twin towers. Photo:

What really happened? The Association of American Engineers and even future US President Donald Trump, himself a construction magnate, have long argued that the buildings should not have perished, they should have withstood the plane's impact. Trump thought so “hot on the heels” - now, of course, he is pretending that this was a terrorist attack. But engineers with professional knowledge capable of uncovering deception have only strengthened their opinion. In addition, in 2009, an international group of researchers published an article in the journal Open Chemical Physics on the results of a chemical analysis of the WTC debris, where fragments of thermite, a super-flammable substance that burns through steel, were identified. Its melting point is about 1500 degrees, while the combustion temperature of aviation fuel is only about 1000 degrees... Only in this case was it possible, as the official version says, for the destruction of buildings as a result of “weakening of the steel frame during the fire, combined with damage caused by exposure to airplanes."

The “controlled demolition” that actually took place was caused by a series of explosions at key, most vulnerable points of the skyscrapers, as a result of which they “collapsed” in clouds of dust, which is what always happens in such cases. Firefighters and other people nearby heard the explosions. Recordings of the voices of those standing in a cordon near the WTC-7 building have been preserved, saying that this skyscraper will soon be blown up. However, there was a little delay in this matter, which is why the BBC reported about it earlier than necessary. There is footage on YouTube of this building collapsing - a typical directed explosion.

There is plenty of other evidence that we're talking about about a deliberate provocation organized by the American authorities themselves. Even if there was ten times less evidence, it would be enough for an unbiased court to give an unequivocal verdict: guilty. Let us briefly note just one of them - not a single bigwig was killed during the terrorist attacks in New York. The victims of the terrorist attacks were mainly maintenance workers, service employees, firefighters, who, by the way, began to be brought to the financial capital of the United States several days before the terrorist attacks from other parts of the country... There is evidence that important meetings in the area of ​​future terrorist attacks were canceled in advance, some valuable employees unexpectedly they offered not to go to work on September 11...

Media involvement

It is clear that such a grandiose hoax would have been impossible without the involvement and involvement of leading American federal television channels. According to independent researchers, they received blanks in advance depicting future terrorist attacks in New York, which they each processed in their own style. And planes crashing into skyscrapers, according to Cambridge University physicist John Wyndham, is the most common hologram. That’s why they entered skyscrapers made of super-strong steel without being destroyed, like a knife through butter, and even in one case pierced the building with their nose. It seems that the media were developing technologies for creating an artificial reality - the very thing that America struggles with today, like a fly caught in a web.


Why and who needed this?

The answer to the question why this was necessary lies on the surface. The terrorist attacks of September 11 became for the US ruling circles the “new Pearl Harbor” that they had long dreamed of. They buried international law and, instead of the self-dissolved USSR, created a new enemy for Washington in the face of “international terrorism,” which was allowed to be fought throughout the world. Already on October 7, 2001, the Americans invaded Afghanistan to “punish the terrorists,” having achieved, on the wave of international sympathy for the victims of the tragedy, in particular, Russia’s consent to organize its military bases under this sauce in the territory of the former USSR - in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. And with a very long sight. In March 2003, the United States attacked Iraq, plunging the entire region into chaos, giving birth to ISIS, banned in Russia. Then there was Libya, an attempt to overwhelm Egypt, Syria... For the “fight against terror” in various countries, the Pentagon received almost 6 trillion dollars over the past 16 years after the tragedy, and the US military-industrial complex acquired a new reason for existence. The Americans wrote off Russia then. After all, if they had waited a little, then perhaps the “terrorists” would not have had to blow up New York skyscrapers.

However, this extremely cynical action, for which none of the special services, by the way, was punished, although it seemed to be a terrible failure, also had serious internal political goals. In October 2001, the so-called Patriot Act was passed with a bang - a carefully and pre-researched federal law that significantly expanded the rights of intelligence agencies to electronically spy and supervise Americans. A prison appeared in Guantanamo Bay, and America itself finally turned into a police state in which “Big Brother” is breathing down the back of every citizen.

The most cynical thing, however, is that some gentlemen specifically made huge money from the September 11 tragedy, and they clearly acted on the assumption that terrorist attacks would happen, and very soon.

What an amazing coincidence: in July 2004, New York businessman Larry Silverstein became a tenant - for 99 years - of all seven WTC buildings. The contract amount was 3.2 billion dollars, of which he managed to pay only 14 million, and ultimately earned over 8 billion dollars. How did he do it? The main insurance element in the policies was the event of a terrorist attack. He didn't have to wait long.

Provocations, provocations...

If we have not convinced anyone who is actually responsible for the September 11 attacks, let us note in conclusion that provocation is historically the main instrument of US policy. This is the famous Boston Tea Party, and the explosion of the battleship Maine in the harbor of Havana, and the same Pearl Harbor, and the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin... This list goes on and on, as well as the list of large-scale hoaxes in which the Americans managed to convince millions, even billions of people. The most striking of these was the US space program before the advent of the shuttles, most notably the staged landing on the Moon. While commemorating the innocent victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks, people have no right to forget how and why it was done. And that something similar could happen again, since no one is punished for it.

Gullible, armed and evil children - US citizens - still do not even suspect that there are several billion people on Earth, much smarter than the post-Columbian Jews - who still believe the spring predictions of the groundhog.

Framing Bin Laden

Everyone “at the top” in the United States knew about the planned destruction of the Twin Towers. For example, just 8 hours before the attack on Shopping mall Condoleezza Rice dissuaded the mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown from a flight to New York scheduled for the morning of September 11th.

And according to London "Times", President of the U.S.A George Bush immediately after the attack on the Twin Towers, he began to actively evacuate the relatives of the leader of the “terrorists” Bin Laden. The president of the newly attacked power ordered a private plane to take a dozen relatives of the main terrorist out of the United States. And this despite the fact that bin Laden’s relatives were never summoned for questioning by either the police or the FBI.

Al-Qaeda was financed by major international corporations - "Microsoft" , UBS , "Compaq" etc. These computer giants are not responsible for a theatrical “terrorist attack”, but for the completely outright criminal activities of pre-ISIS.

But after 14 years, no Microsoft, nor Compaq have not lost their position in the market at all. Neither the “progressive” public, nor “human rights activists,” nor law enforcement services, nor family members of those killed during the “terrorist attacks,” nor, finally, “sympathetic” buyers have any complaints against them. Somehow, the entire population of the Earth reacted absolutely shamelessly to the criminal activities of these companies.

Chief Terrorist Osama bin Laden was announced in international search long before the “terrorist attack” of September 11, 2001. But, nevertheless, in July 2001, he unhinderedly underwent treatment in an American clinic. In between enemas, he met with one of the leaders of the CIA. An American urologist allegedly treated bin Laden Terry Callaway.

All this and many other data indicate that Bin Laden was not involved in the terrorist scam with the Twin Towers. Osama himself, in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat, said that he considers the organizers of the terrorist attacks in the United States Florida Jewish community.

The supporting beam of a demolished tower cut off by a directed explosion.

In his interview with American radio (audio.mp3, 2006), Rabbi Abe Finkelstein explained the following about the scam:

Presenter: " There were no Jews in these towers. Can you explain this?».

Rabbi: " Many Jews died in the towers, spiritually».

Presenter: " Oh, I see there were 3,000 Jews who were not at work that day in these towers. It just gave a lot of people the impression that the Jewish population there in Jewish York, I mean New York, knew something was going to happen and they didn't show up for work that day».

Rabbi: " Yes, we got a call from Kehilla (Jewish community) that Ariel and some boys are from Mossad. They got together and they wired these buildings [mined them], and they filled them up. It was pretty hard to fill them up, anyway, because we wanted to build some new structures, and the buildings are getting old, and it was time to fill them up. So we will make a few shekels by destroying these buildings. Ah, Silverstein was a good friend of mine. We have Larry. He got two for one, and he doubled the insurance, like magic, just three months before it happened, and he got double the benefit on it, so he made four times his money.

I should have been in on this deal. He asked me, but I said, eh, I'll have to think about it. It took me too long to think about it, and they pulled the plug, as they say, and filled these buildings. But at least I went public and I sold American Airlines, I sold United Airlines, I sold Lloyd's of London Insurance, because it was a big blow for them, Alliance Insurance, I sold them too.

So I made a few shekels».

I don’t presume to judge how sincere the rabbi is, but you can still listen to his interview on air today. Finkelstein says very interesting things. Even more interesting conclusions can be drawn.

Absolutely the same situation is happening today in Donbass. Ukraine captured Zion and terrorized her. It pumps money out of the budget and pumps up the treasury with debts. It pushes Ukrainians out of the country and forces them to engage in prostitution and other indecent things. Zion has turned Ukrainians into murderers of civilians - children, old people, women...

Today is the anniversary of the scam. It’s painful to even think about the cynicism of those who pulled it off. No amount of shekels can restore their conscience. The American people, scared shitless by their democratic and free government, do not even try to appeal to the authorities for victims - no one is burying anyone, no one is demanding compensation, there are no graves. Only enterprising and unscrupulous people are being sued for the tenth time for the same fraud.

Andrey Tyunyaev, editor-in-chief of the President newspaper,