At one time, such a blogger as Oleg Chirkunov was very famous in LiveJournal. Some of his posts reached the Top, he even responded to comments, commented on others himself, and was noted for his good nature and spontaneity. Why am I writing about this as something extraordinary? The fact is that this blogger was not an ordinary blogger, but a golden one - the governor of the Perm Territory. Then he abandoned LiveJournal, preferring Facebook instead. It's the owner's business. Chirkunov left the governorship in 2012. After his resignation, he devoted his time to traveling and teaching at the Higher School of Economics.
And then a post appeared on Facebook, which was republished by the media, saying that he was going to move to France for permanent residence. On the same occasion, Chirkunov gave an interview:
“There are few places in the world to which my soul has grown attached. Perhaps the main thing is my dacha in Gorskaya, at the junction of two rivers, Sylva and Chusovaya. But not fate. Realizing that life needed to change and I needed to leave Perm, I sold my apartment in Perm immediately (according to rumors, in a high-rise building on Sibirskaya, near Zhemchuzhina. - Ed.) when I finished working there, but I haven’t decided to lose my dacha yet, there is I feel like this is an important connection for me. This place, mother and business are what connects me with Perm today...
Like any Russian, I love the sun. Southern peoples, the Spaniards for example, do not love the sun so much; they hide their houses from its burning rays. And we have a lifelong deficit of sunlight, there are always few of them. They do not burn us, but caress us. That's why I decided to settle somewhere in the south.
After the voyage Dordogne - Bordeaux - Toulouse - Pyrenees, I ended up in Languedoc. A real French province, and also one of the main wine regions of the country. There are no Russians here, this is the “Dutch-English zone” of France. A huge territory: gardens, rivers, waterfalls, forest, and now almost everything is neglected. I wanted to work with my head and hands and put everything in order, restore it, and I also wanted to bring Russian art here, to French territory. Perhaps this is a utopia."
Everything about this interview is great. It makes me happy to want to live in the sun and where there are no Russians! And how much enthusiasm there is to put in order the neglected huge territory: all these neglected gardens, rivers, waterfalls, forests. I wonder how much land he bought in France that he now has rivers, waterfalls and forests? Or does he expect that he will be elected governor there too? But the best part is that Chirkunov is going to bring Russian culture to future ennobled territories. This is generally very typical: real Russian people love the sun, foreign nature and Russian culture, but they don’t like other Russians.
At the same time, there were reports in the media that Chirkunov’s son Anton was transferring his business to the USA. Anton Chirkunov is 23 years old, but he is, of course, a talented businessman. Have you ever heard of governors not having close relatives capable of business? Anton and his brother Andrey studied in Switzerland, of which for some reason they have been citizens since birth. Their mother, Tatyana Chirkunova, is a Swiss citizen.
Anton Chirkunov Faculty of Economics, University of St. Gallen. The young man decided to immediately put his knowledge into practice - he organized the Wheely eco-taxi service, first in London and then in Moscow. Anton received grants from the Moscow government, Pavel Durov and Yuri Milner for his startup. Just recently they gave an interview: “I’m 23 years old now. And like any young person, I have thousands of ideas about what I could do. But Wheely became the first adult idea that found its implementation.” Chirkunov intended to expand his service and conquer new cities: “The plans are to increase the Moscow fleet from 40 to 150 cars in the next six months. The Wheely fleet in London numbers about a thousand cars.
By the way, the former governor is divorcing his wife. They wrote that in a divorce she could get 1.5 billion rubles.
These are shares of OJSC Perm Oblunivermag with a par value of 1.5 million rubles, whose assets exceeded (as of the end of 2011) 3 billion rubles. In addition, according to Russian law, Tatyana Chirkunova can claim half of what she acquired during marriage - an apartment, a car. According to official data provided by O. Chirkunov, Chirkunov owns an apartment in Perm, a plot of land and a bathhouse on the Sylva River (Perm Territory), an apartment in Moscow in Maly Kozikhinsky Lane, and a Mercedes car. According to Novaya Gazeta, he has an apartment in Switzerland.
The wife can also claim shares in various companies, including shares in Norpexal Holding SA, the Swiss company of the ex-governor.
Oleg Chirkunov's main business in the Perm region is a chain of department stores and shopping centers under the Semya brand. Formally, these are dozens of small companies of various forms of ownership, but their real owner is the Swiss Norpexal Holding SA, 99% of whose shares (according to the tax return of the ex-governor) belong to Oleg Chirkunov.
Norpexal Holding SA manages its retail business through five Russian companies. The main one is E.K.S. LLC. International”, with the help of which all Oleg Chirkunov’s companies are managed in Russia. The Swiss share in this company is 76.4%, the ex-governor himself owns 14.4%, his assistant Svetlana Kuzmich - 9.2%. OJSC +Perm Oblunivermag" also belongs to Norpexal Holding SA (24.33% of shares), as well as LLC "E.K.S. International" (55.13% of shares) and Oleg Chirkunov himself (18.12% of shares). It is the shares registered in Chirkunov’s name that, apparently, the court will have to divide.
Three more companies - CJSC Supermarket "Semya", LLC "Perm Trading Network" and LLC "Perm Trading Society" are in one way or another also connected with Norpexal Holding SA, the Swiss company owns large shares in them. Moreover, “Perm Trading Society” is a company from whose activities, according to the declaration for 2010, Oleg Chirkunov received the lion’s share of his income - 81 million out of 83 million rubles.
When at the end of 2010 the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation studied the activities of E.K.S. International”, it turned out that 72 legal entities and 44 individuals were involved in the “bush” controlled by Oleg Chirkunov. But the real control levers for all these companies are concentrated in the Swiss holding.
Norpexal Holding SA was registered on July 6, 1992 in the city of Friborg in the French-speaking canton of the same name in western Switzerland. At that time, Oleg Chirkunov worked in this country as an expert at the Russian trade mission. Returning to his homeland in 1994, he entered the business of his friend Yuri Trutnev, who was then elected as a local deputy. His main company was called "EX Limited". Until this year, many related companies with the abbreviations EKS and KS in their names appeared and disappeared, until they evolved to “E.K.S.” international".
The European part of Oleg Chirkunov’s business - Norpexal Holding SA - was managed by his wife, Swiss citizen Tatyana Chirkunova, and sons Anton and Andrey.
Oleg Chirkunov was born in 1958 in Kirovsk, Murmansk region. In 1967, the family moved to Perm.
Graduated from the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in economics and organization of mechanical engineering production (1981), the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR (1985), the Faculty of Law of the Perm State University (in absentia, 1988).
Candidate of Economic Sciences (1990).
1983 - 1985 - second secretary of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of Perm.
Since 1985 - in the service of the KGB of the USSR.
1991 - 1994 - expert at the trade mission of the Russian Federation in Switzerland.
1994 - 1996 - Deputy General Director of the EKS group of enterprises.
1996 - 2001 - Director of Ex Opt LLC.
Since 2001 - representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Perm region.
Since 2004 - acting Governor of the Perm region.
2005 - 2012 - Governor of the Perm Territory.

If you look at his biography, it is difficult to understand why a KGB officer was sent to Switzerland as a trade expert in 1991, and he would have developed his own business there. It is even more unclear why this businessman was made governor of the Perm Territory for 8 years. In this post, he replaced his business partner Yuri Trutnev, who was the mayor of Perm in 1996, and the governor of the Perm region from 2000 to 2004. The education of the Perm region is his idea. But he didn’t have time to manage them himself; he left for another job. Trutnev was Minister of Natural Resources from 2004 to 2012, and now he is Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District.

What made Chirkunov famous in the Perm region? Everyone heard how he wanted to make Perm a cultural capital. He invited current artists to Perm, led by Marat Gelman,

who put a big letter “P” in the city, and put little red men on the roofs of houses, whom the poor Perm residents for some reason hated.

Chirkunov allowed himself to be a frontier. Even when he was in the Federation Council, he was the only one who did not vote for the return of the anthem to Alexandrov’s music. Indeed, it’s not the KGB people who love the USSR? They suffered so much from totalitarianism! More recently, Chirkunov supported the white-ribbon opposition. About his position, he said that governing the region is not at all difficult.
What good did he manage to do during his 8 years as governor?
Oleg Chirkunov was a supporter of the construction of a nuclear power plant in the Perm region. 35 million budget rubles were spent on a non-existent station. That's how much the Moscow company was paid for her project. Later it turned out that regional authorities did not have the right to make a decision on the construction of a nuclear power plant, but the money had already been spent.
Chirkunov was the initiator of the development of the master plan and General Plan of Perm. The ex-governor's big dream is a city built according to European standards. For this purpose, the development of the General Plan was entrusted to the Dutch, they were even paid 160 million rubles. Afterwards, the Perm residents were shown beautiful pictures: green squares, cozy streets, a wide embankment... But all this remained on paper.
Chirkunov also forced officials to sit in offices without doors. However, later the idea stalled. It turned out that not all doors can be demolished recklessly (the security service advised), and people reacted differently to the innovations.
Oleg Chirkunov started several major reconstructions at once: the opera and ballet theater, river station, airport, railway station, zoo, city embankment and the construction of an art gallery. They looked for a famous foreign architect for almost every project, negotiated with him for a long time... But not a single grandiose construction project has yet begun.
In general, he really wanted to improve the Perm region, but failed. However, after his resignation, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a Decree “On awarding the Order of Honor to Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov.”
The Perm Territory has a territory of 160,236 km², 2,635,862 people live in it, GDP is 17.8 billion dollars, and per capita is 6384.5 dollars per year. Winter is long and snowy. The average January temperature in the northeast of the region is −18.5 °C, in the southwest −15 °C; July – +18.7 °C.
The minimum temperature (in the north of the region) was −56 °C], in summer up to +42 °C.

Whether it's France! There GDP per capita is $43,000.
Summer is quite hot and dry - the average temperature in July reaches + 23-25 ​​degrees, while the winter months are characterized by rain at an air temperature of + 7-8 ° C - feel the difference!

Why are our country ruled by Chirkunovs like this? Who don’t like their native country and see it only as a source of enrichment? Here they receive huge incomes, enjoy themselves, act strangely, and place their children abroad, and they themselves go there to retire when someone closer to power is put in their cushy place.
And everything is fine, no one is surprised.

Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov(born November 15, 1958, Kirovsk, Murmansk region, USSR) - Russian statesman. Former governor of the Perm region. Member of the Federation Council (2001-2004).


Born in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region. In 1967 he moved to Perm. Graduate of the advanced mathematics class of secondary school No. 9.

In 1981, Chirkunov graduated from the Aircraft Engines department of the Perm Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of Mechanical Engineering Production. From 1983 to 1985 he worked as second secretary of the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol of Perm. Was a member of the CPSU.

In 1985 he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR and entered service in the KGB.

In 1988 he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Law of Perm State University, and in 1990 he defended his thesis at Ivanovo State University, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.

From 1991 to 1994 he worked as an expert at the trade mission of the Russian Federation in Switzerland. After returning to Perm in 1994, Chirkunov worked as deputy general director of the EKS Group of Enterprises, controlled by Yuri Trutnev, and from the beginning of 1996, as director of Eks Opt LLC, which imported food products from Europe.

Since December 1997 - Director of EKS Group of Enterprises LLC (Perm). At the same time he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region on a non-exempt basis.

Since January 18, 2001, he worked as a representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Perm region, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Budget Committee. On March 14, 2001, he was the only senator who spoke out and voted against amendments to the law on the National Anthem of Russia (this amendment approved the text by S. V. Mikhalkov to the melody of A. V. Alexandrov adopted in 2000). Since September 2002 - member of the Federation Council Commission on Natural Monopolies. Author of the collection of humorous stories “Strokes”, published in 2003 with a circulation of 2000 copies.

Since March 25, 2004 - and. O. Governor of the Perm region. Since December 1, 2005 - Governor of the Perm Territory. On April 28, 2012, by decree of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, he was relieved of his position at his own request.

After leaving government service, Oleg Chirkunov was engaged in teaching at the Higher School of Economics, business, and actively traveled around the world. In 2013, the Moscow publishing house “NLO” published his book “State and Competition”. In January 2014, Chirkunov announced that he had chosen France to live “at least for six months a year”: needs to change and we need to leave Perm (...) In the next five to ten years, it’s not Russia (...) Like any Russian, I love the sun, but we have a lifelong shortage of sunlight (...) That’s why I decided to settle somewhere in south (...) I don’t want to see a rich and important life, for now I need something simpler. After the Dordogne-Bordeaux-Toulouse-Pyrenees voyage, I ended up in Languedoc. (...) A real French province, and also one of the main wine regions of the country. There are no Russians here, this is the “Dutch-English zone” of France..


  • On May 2, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, O. A. Chirkunov was awarded the Order of Honor.
  • Winner of the National Award “Musical Heart of the Theatre” for support of musical theater (2007).

Property and income

  • Co-owner of the retail chain of supermarkets "SemYa" in Perm. As of 2005, the share in the authorized capital of ZAO Supermarket "FAMILY" was 19.99%
  • According to official data provided by O. Chirkunov:
    • Chirkunov owns an apartment in Perm,
    • land plot and bathhouse on the Sylva River (Perm region),
    • apartment in Moscow on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane,
    • Mercedes car.
  • According to Novaya Gazeta, he has an apartment in Switzerland. Chirkunov himself claims that he does not own real estate in Switzerland, and “all that he has is rent.”

Former governor of the Perm region (2005-2012). From April 2004, he served as acting governor of the Perm region until its unification with the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug. In 2001-2004 he was a representative of the administration of the Perm region in the Federation Council, and from 1997 to 2001 - a deputy of the legislative assembly of the Perm region. Before starting his political career, he was the general director of the EKS Group of Enterprises (1996-2004), served in the KGB of the USSR and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (1985-1993).

Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov was born on November 15, 1958 in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region of the RSFSR. In 1981, he received his first higher education at the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Perm Polytechnic Institute. Little is known about Chirkunov’s further activities in the 1980s: from 1983 to 1985 he was the second secretary of the Leninsky district Komsomol committee of the city of Perm, probably at the same time he met Yuri Trutnev. In 1985, Chirkunov graduated from the Red Banner Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after Dzerzhinsky in Moscow and began working in the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was engaged in foreign intelligence. At the same time, in 1988, he graduated from the correspondence department of the Faculty of Law of Perm State University. In 1990, Chirkunov defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences at Ivanovo State University.

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, Chirkunov moved to Switzerland, where he became an expert at the trade mission of the Russian Federation, remaining an employee of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service until 1993. He worked as an expert at the foreign economic association Technointorg at the trade representative office until 1994. At the same time, Chirkunov began collaborating with Trutnev in his company EKS, which was engaged in the sale of food products, heading its Swiss representative company EKS Nandels AG. In 1994, returning to Perm, Chirkunov became deputy general director of Trutnev's EKS Limited company. In 1996, Chirkunov became the general director of EKS Opt LLC. After Trutnev was elected mayor of Perm that same year, he sold his business to Chirkunov, who headed the EKS Group of Enterprises holding company and created EKS International.

In 1997, Chirkunov was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region. In January 2001, he was appointed as a representative from the administration of the Perm region in the Federation Council, was deputy head of the budget committee of the upper house of the Russian parliament, and from 2002 to 2004 was also a member of the Federation Council commission on natural monopolies.

In December 2001, Chirkunov led Trutnev’s election headquarters when he managed to win the election for governor of the Perm region. In March 2004, Trutnev was appointed Minister of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, and Chirkunov was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as acting governor of the Perm region. On December 1, 2005, Chirkunov, after his candidacy was nominated by Russian President Vladimir Putin and approved by the legislative assemblies of the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, took the post of governor of the Perm region. The press noted that at that time Chirkunov was one of the few Russian governors who were not members of United Russia, whose election this party supported.

In 2008, Finance magazine placed Chirkunov in fourth place on the list of governors of the most financially attractive regions. Chirkunov has a reputation as a liberal governor, and he is also known as a blogger.

In October 2010, Chirkunov’s name was included in the list of candidates for the post of head of the Perm Territory from the United Russia party presented to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. The head of state submitted Chirkunov's candidacy for approval by deputies of the regional parliament, who supported it. That same month, Chirkunov was again given the powers of governor.

On April 28, 2012, President Medvedev granted Chirkunov’s request for early resignation as governor; his successor in this post was the former head of the Russian Ministry of Regional Development, Viktor Basargin.

Experts estimated Chirkunov’s fortune at between $250 million and $3 billion; he himself did not deny that he was a rich man. He has apartments in Perm, Moscow and Switzerland. Chirkunov is married and has two children. He is interested in literary creativity, horse riding and basketball.

Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov was born in one of the small towns called Kirovskoye. This city is located in the Murmansk region. Date of birth: November 15, 1958. Oleg Anatolyevich was a governor and also served as a member of the Federation Council

Detailed biography

The birthplace of the famous politician was a small village called Kirovskoye. It is located in the Murmansk region, namely in its southern part. In 1967, Oleg Anatolyevich moved to another city called Perm, it was here that he graduated from school No. 9. He became a graduate of the mathematics class and had a passion for the exact sciences. The school gave the young man excellent knowledge.

Granite Science

In 1981, Chirkunov graduated from the technical faculty of the Perm Polytechnic Institute. The diploma indicated the specialty - “Economics and organization of mechanical engineering production.” In 1983, he was hired as second secretary of the Leninsky district committee of the city of Perm. But he did not stay in this position for long, and already in 1985 he decided to change his place of work. At the same time, Oleg Chirkunov was a member of the CPSU.

All this time he continued to study, and was able to graduate from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR in 1985, thanks to this he managed to take a place among the KGB service officers.
But his journey in knowledge did not end there. Chirkunov decided to continue his studies, but in absentia. Thus, in 1988 he graduated from the prestigious Faculty of Law, which is located in

In 1990, another significant event occurred in the field of education; Oleg Anatolyevich defended his Ph.D. thesis in the field of economics. The defense took place at Ivanovo State University.

New position

In the years from 1991 to 1994, he had quite an interesting and profitable job. Oleg Chirkunov had the opportunity to work as a trade representative of the Russian Federation in a wonderful country called Switzerland. Upon his return, he was offered the position of deputy general director of a whole group of enterprises called “EX”. And after some time, a promotion was received in the form of director of product imports to the countries of the European Union. It was a very prestigious position, which involved a lot of significant acquaintances and communication.

On January 18, 20001, Oleg Anatolyevich again received a new position. This time he received a seat among the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Another life of an official

On March 14, 2001, an interesting incident happened to Chirkunov. The fact is that there was a vote for the approval of new amendments to the anthem of the Russian state. This person was the only one who cast a “no” vote, and was not afraid to express his real and sincere opinion.

In September 2002, another position was assigned, namely that of member of the Federation Council Commission on Natural Monopolies. It was quite an interesting activity that allowed us to acquire new knowledge and provided some fertile ground for human development.

The spring of 2003 was marked by a very exciting day for Oleg Anatolyevich. The whole point is that he tried himself as a writer. And finally, I decided to try to publish my own collection. It was a small book with humorous stories, which was called “Stroke”. 2,000 copies were produced and quickly sold out.

Oleg Chirkunov - Governor of Perm

On March 24, 20004, Oleg Chirkunov (the biography of the politician is full of changing events) received a new post, namely, he became the acting governor of the city of Perm. In a short time, he managed to win the trust of city residents. And already on December 1, 2005, he officially became the head of the city of Perm. In the month of April 2012, Governor Oleg Chirkunov decided to leave his post of his own free will; more detailed reasons are still unknown.

Education details

In 1981, Oleg Anatolyevich received his first higher education. He graduated from the Faculty of Aircraft Engines at the Perm Polytechnic Institute. The 1980s were not marked by many events. But from 1983 to 1985, Chirkunov took the post of the Lenin District Komsomol Committee of the city of Perm, his activities were quite successful, and provided the first opportunities for path to a great career. It was during these years that, thanks to his position, he became acquainted with Yuri Trutnev.

The year 1985 was marked by the end of another prestigious institution - the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR in Moscow. It was this educational institution that created enormous potential and gave Chirkunov the opportunity to grow further as a professional. After graduating from the above-mentioned school, Oleg Chirkunov had the opportunity to join the KGB of the USSR, and there he had the opportunity to successfully engage in foreign intelligence, where, thanks to his efforts, he was noted by his superiors.

In parallel with his work, he decided to continue his studies at the Faculty of Law in his hometown. In 1990, Chirkunov celebrated an important event in his life - receiving a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences in economics. This event was very important in his scientific and educational activities.

Family and kinship ties

Oleg Chirkunov (Perm) has a wife Tatyana. In their strong marriage, two beautiful sons were born, who bear the names Anton and Andrey. Since Oleg Chirkunov worked for some time in Switzerland, he really liked this place. Therefore, he decided to send his entire family there for permanent residence, where they are very comfortable. Therefore, children and families have dual citizenship - Swiss and Russian.
Tatyana, Chirkunov’s wife, has a medical education and is developing her career in this area. She holds the position of surgeon in one of the prestigious clinics.

The children graduated from the Institute of Economics, and both have a bachelor's degree. In 2009, Anton got a job as a freelance adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Perm Territory, Yuri Utkin. He provides business consulting to industry. But in 2010, Oleg Chirkunov himself stated that his son does not hold this position, but it is not really known how it is.

In 2012, Oleg Anatolyevich decided to break his marriage ties with the mother of his children. He addressed this request to the court. Thus, the court decided in favor of divorce.

A more detailed personal portrait of Oleg Anatolyevich Chirkunov

Former governor of the Perm Territory Oleg Chirkunov is a fairly advanced Internet user. He runs his own blog, where he publishes all kinds of news about himself. Thus, in 2012, an entry about divorce proceedings appeared on the blog. Since they had been married for a long time, all property required division. Thus, the shares of the Perm Oblunivermag OJSC company were divided, as well as personal funds from the accounts, and in total it was 3 billion rubles. In addition, the politician had real estate, shares of other companies, cars and much more.

During this entire trial, some rather unpleasant facts came to light. It became known that when Oleg Anatolyevich held government positions, he did not miss the opportunity to pocket state money, and it was thanks to this opportunity that he amassed a large capital for himself. In the reports, travel allowances for huge sums were found, but the trips were never made, but the money was issued. In this simple way, many operations were carried out, the money for which remained in the official’s pocket. Perhaps it was thanks to such dishonest activities that the official had to leave his warm post. Still, the details remained behind closed doors.

Compromising facts

As you know, Oleg Cherkunov tried to illegally acquire state lands in Perm. He repeatedly put pressure on other officials to force them to carry out his unspoken decrees. But surprisingly, the federal services turned out to be quite honest and refused to take part in illegal fraud. This process ended in legal delays. Naturally, the letter of the law won, but the governor was cast in a bad light. This is what undermined his reputation and subsequently became one of the factors in leaving his position.

Land question

After this incident, an inspection of other land resources of the city began. During this check, a number of interesting facts were revealed. One of them is the mysterious construction of a hypermarket called “Family”. This particular piece of land belonged to military structures. But under unknown circumstances, it was given to a commercial structure for the construction of a store.

This state of affairs greatly outraged the federal services. This fact was challenged in court, and the land returned to its rightful owner, who manages it for the purposes necessary for the state. Of course, the mayor of the city understood the illegality of his actions, but he may have had quite good reasons for violating the law.

One of them is attachment to your family. The owner of the supermarket is his own son, so he could not refuse his own son such a courtesy. But this is not the end of the story; on this land, there were several objects of military significance, which naturally were demolished. Their approximate cost was 38 million rubles.

At the moment, a new lawsuit is being prepared in court for damages. But this will not be the only lawsuit, because the fate of the supermarket has not yet been decided. Here there are variations in the solution, in the end, the building can be demolished, or a settlement agreement can be concluded. But all this will already be decided in court.

But where is Oleg Chirkunov now? There are rumors that the former governor moved to live in France, in the small province of Languedoc. He likes the fact that there are no Russians there. This is exactly what the official stated on his page.