Yesterday I took a ride on the Moscow-Adler double-decker train. Now I'm telling you the whole truth.
It’s good that it’s only 8 hours from Voronezh to Rostov. I have absolutely no desire to ride it anymore.
On the website it is advertised as a Premium class train.
I’ll say right away - Never buy top shelves. Otherwise, your trip will turn into HELL.
But first things first.

If you do not start from Moscow, then you will have to jump on the go. Because parking is about 3 minutes.

The website states free Wi-Fi all the way. It really is there, it connects, but it doesn’t work.
He's not there. Don't get your hopes up like me.

Second floor corridor.

Descent to the first floor

There are 3 toilets per carriage, which is even less than in a regular carriage. There are 2 on one floor.

By the way, there is no place for smoking in the carriages and vestibules. So everyone smokes in the toilets. It's quiet, that's why it's smoky in there.

Waste distribution. Metal, Glass, Paper... Although there is a regular bag, where all the garbage is thrown out.

But let's go up to the second floor again. Here you have to somehow squeeze through with your suitcase.

The coupe is ordinary. But the space for the top shelf is very small. Less than twice as much as in a regular coupe. It is impossible to sit on it. Just lie down. There is no space for luggage at all. And if a person is about eighty meters tall, then there is nowhere to put his legs.

What about legs? On the second floor there is a sloping roof. And because of this, you can’t even raise your head. I really can’t imagine how to sleep there. There is no overhead slope on the ground floor, but the space above is even smaller.

Restaurant. Bar on the first floor. On the second there is a small hall.

Menu with Olympic symbols.

They also give you an amenity kit on the train.

some water.

They could have done it better, like on an airplane, for example.

This is a vestibule.

There are also places for disabled people.

First floor corridor.

1. It is not possible to ride on the upper shelves. Riding them is a complete pain.
2. There is no space for luggage. So there are large suitcases in the aisle.
3. There is no Internet. At all.
4. Parking lots are small. It is impossible to buy anything on the road. All that remains is the restaurant car. Or take food with you right away.
5. There is one place for smoking, near the restaurant carriage. And the rest smoke in the toilet.
6. Despite the fact that he is a Fast Train. It goes just as slowly and sways.

As for the rest of the Beautiful Marquise... everything is fine...


For the first time, Russian Railways launched trains with double-decker cars in 2013. There was only one goal - to replace “reserved seat” cars with such carriages, while the price in such carriages should be comparable to the cost of a ticket in a “reserved seat”. But the promises remained promises. Moreover, Russian Railways has no competition - they said "there will be double-decker trains!" that means they will. And pay for tickets “there will be as many as we say!”

I immediately apologize for the small number of photos in the review of the train - I traveled on it in September 2015 and at that time I did not know that I would write a review on irecommend. But if fate turns out that I go again, I will update this review.

The Moscow-Adler train consists of 13 cars. Judging by the Russian Railways website - there is also a carriage for transporting personal cars! (I have not used this service, but I know that Russian Railways has recently introduced it). All carriages are double-decker. 1 carriage is “SV”, the rest are “compartments”. The train departs and arrives at Kazan Station Moscow almost every day (check in advance - for some reason sometimes the train does not run on certain days).

It’s interesting that on the site tutu There is a “popular” rating of trains based on passenger reviews. So this train takes 5th place in the TOP 10!


THE MOST IMPORTANT- it with fast train!

Total 1 day from Moscow - and you're at sea! This speed is achieved due to the fact that the train travels almost without stopping, and where there are stops, parking is minimal. (For comparison Express train This route takes 12-14 hours longer!).

By the way, only Muscovites have the opportunity to get to the sea so quickly. St. Petersburg residents will go 2 days!(Although you can get from St. Petersburg to Moscow in 4 hours). But for some reason Russian Railways does not think to launch high-speed train Petersburg - Adler. Although I think he would be very in demand!

Dry toilets.

In principle, they are now on all new trains. It's definitely great! Now there is no such idiocy as a “sanitary zone”. This was especially true on this route - the sanitary zone for regular trains stretches from Tuapse before Adler, Where the train is coming few hours! It is unrealistic for even an adult to endure this time without a toilet, let alone small children.

The shelves have become longer.

Unlike old carriages, modern carriages have longer shelves - the average height of a person has become higher. (At the same time, the corridor in the carriage became narrow).



In order to have a 2nd floor in the car, something must be given up - after all, the height of the car cannot be greater than the distance from the rails to the contact network. Naturally, the designers “removed” the overhead luggage racks above the compartment doors. Look -

In addition, the height from the floor to the bottom shelf was reduced.

As a result, if a passenger travels alone on the top bunk, he simply has nowhere to physically put his luggage! Yes, even if there is free space below, it is not a fact that the suitcase can be “stuffed” under the bottom shelf.

Advice: If you plan to travel on this train, pay attention to your suitcase. If it is large, do not be lazy to measure it and compare it with the height from the floor to the bottom shelf.

If you are traveling with your family - then, as a rule, there are a lot of things in the south - they physically will not fit into such a compartment! Especially baby strollers or something similar even when folded.

Low ceiling above the top shelf.

Because of this “two-story structure,” the ceiling above the top shelf is not straight, but has a slope towards the window. As a result, if you sleep with your head towards the window, you can hit the ceiling painfully, rising sharply. (I definitely hit myself a couple of times).

New neighbors.

In addition to passengers in adjacent compartments right left- neighbors now appear top/bottom. Of course, usually the people on such trains are decent, but if you come across a noisy company, it won’t seem like much. We were on the second floor and sometimes heard noise from neighbors on the 1st floor.

✔ 3 toilets for 64 seats.

In the carriage on each floor instead of 9 compartments - 8 . If the carriage is completely filled, then this is 64 people. At the end of the carriage there is 3 dry closet. It is easy to calculate that on average there are 21 people per toilet. For comparison, in a classic coupe it is 18. That is, there is a risk of waiting your turn to go to the toilet. Especially in the morning before arrival, when everyone goes to brush their teeth or change clothes. As an advantage, it can be noted that in the corridor there is an electronic board indicating the availability of free toilets.

✔ Parking at Sochi station - 5 minutes! At Lazarevskoye station - 4 minutes!!!

Well how can that be?? The train was specially created for a trip to Sochi! It's okay to get out there in 5 minutes. But how to enter? We were just driving from Sochi. There were probably 80% of the passengers on this train on the Sochi platform! Moreover, 64 passengers (in total) should enter one door of the carriage, and not 54 as in the reserved seat. As soon as the train arrived, there was a rush and a rush of people trying to get to their carriage with all their luggage. The good thing is that the conductors were understanding - they simply did not check the tickets - and people boarded the carriage on parole.

At the station Lazarevskoe a lot of people sat down too. There were also people running there.

Advice: If you are planning a trip on this train back to Moscow, I recommend buying a ticket from Adler and boarding there.

✔ There are no stops at many stations in the city of Sochi.

Sochi is a very elongated city and it begins literally right behind Tuapse. Previously (I remember in 2001) trains long distance made stops at stations such as Loo, Dagomys, Matsesta, Shepsi and others. Now they can only be reached by train. As a result, trains in Sochi are overcrowded not only with vacationers, but also with passengers with luggage traveling to or from the nearest station. I don’t understand why everything is done so inconveniently.

Additional services:

✔ Food

Feed once a day. For the price set for food, I think the rations are quite meager. The main dish I remember was a small piece of cottage cheese casserole. There was also some sausage, a couple of buns and a tiny bottle of still water.

✔ Pay attention to seat numbers.

I don’t understand the logic of Russian Railways, but instead of the usual numbering, the carriage does not have seats from 33 to 80. But the rule that even-numbered seats are always the top bunks applies. Here is the diagram of the carriage -


Russian Railways positioned double-decker carriages as an alternative to a reserved seat at a price. But it turned out to be a lie! The ticket price is comparable to a compartment carriage. With such disadvantages, it is more profitable to buy a ticket for a regular compartment on another train.

New double-decker passenger trains began operating on the Moscow–Adler route in November, on the eve of the Olympic Games in Sochi. Despite the fact that the train has been used on this route for almost a year, it still attracts the attention of others. Moreover, there are radically opposite reviews about the two-story building - from quite positive to quite critical. I also had the opportunity to travel on this train. One of the important advantages of a double-decker carriage is its increased passenger capacity, which allowed Russian Railways to reduce fares. A standard double-decker compartment carriage has 64 berths (16 compartments), while a regular carriage has only 36 (9 compartments).

The cars are produced in Russia at the Tver Carriage Plant. So far, only one route is operating, connecting the capital with the resort Sochi. This year, another 50 double-decker cars will be purchased. They will transport people from Moscow to St. Petersburg and Kazan.

I suggest we take a ride together and see what a double-decker train looks like from the inside.

2. The train leaves at 10 am from the Kazansky station. Travel time is 25 hours. Note the difference in height compared to a regular single-deck carriage.

3. The train is driven by the latest dual-system electric locomotive of the fifth generation - EP20. Can operate on both alternating and direct current.

4. This route has a dynamic pricing system - the more empty seats on the train, the cheaper the fare. There is also a 10% discount when purchasing round trip tickets. I bought a ticket 2 days before departure at a price of 8 thousand rubles. If you buy at least a week before the trip, the price will be around 5 thousand rubles.

5. Let's go inside. Tambour. The doors open with a button and close automatically. Transitions between cars are sealed. Since June 1, smoking has been prohibited on long-distance trains, but some bad passengers have poked holes in the ashtrays.

7. There are three toilets for each carriage. These are dry toilets, and you can use them at any time, including at bus stops.

9. Passage on the first floor. The ceiling height is just over 2 meters.

10. To lock the door in the compartment there are magnetic cards.

11. General view of the compartment on the first floor. The main difference from conventional single-deck carriages is the absence of an upper luggage rack. It’s also worth keeping in mind that you won’t be able to sit upright on the top bunk with your legs dangling. There are spaces for luggage under the lower shelves.

12. In each compartment there are two sockets on the bottom row. The lighting is entirely LED.

13. Inside of a compartment with the door closed.

14. The window does not open: the carriages have a centralized heating and ventilation system. The power supply for the cars comes from the locomotive. There is a sliding curtain on the window. Ventilation grilles are located under the window and on the ceiling.

15. Let's go to the second floor. The steps are illuminated (like in a movie theater), and there are handrails. On the stairs there is another trash container and a spherical mirror to see passengers coming towards you in advance.

16. The second floor is completely identical to the first. The only difference is this small slope of the roof. And the windows are below the waist, and you have to bend over if you want to admire the scenery from the corridor.

17. Upper shelves in the compartment on the second floor. There is a ventilation grille on the ceiling and a speaker with volume control in the center. Another interesting point I noticed is that on the second floor there are two personal lamps on each top shelf. This is probably due to the slope of the roof - not everyone may be comfortable lying with their head towards the window.

18. The rest is completely identical. I don’t know how it is for very tall people, but with my height of 182 cm, the length of the sleeping place was enough.

19. Each passenger is given a personal hygiene kit, a small food ration and water. Tea and coffee are served, of course, in branded cup holders.

20. While no one was there, I went straight to the dining car to investigate. The main hall is on the second floor. By the way, the views from the window on the second floor are better.

21. On the lower floor there is a small bar and the kitchen itself. And to lift prepared dishes upstairs, two small elevators are used.

22. On the way, the train makes several stops lasting from 5 to 15 minutes. All smoking passengers run outside at the first opportunity. For carriages, it does not matter whether the platform at the station is high or low

23. On the way from Moscow to Voronezh region there was absolutely nothing to see outside the windows. If you're bored, you can try free internet. All carriages have WiFi routers with connections from Megafon. True, everything depends on the availability of a cellular network, and this is not very good along the route. In fact, more or less stable communications and the Internet were only on the Black Sea coast.

24. At stops you can observe provincial life.

25. In motion - admire nature.

26. Another stop. Rossosh station.

27. Not all views can be photographed properly - numerous wires get in the way. Sometimes, by the way, it turns out that fewer wires come into the frame from the windows of the first floor than from the second.

28. At 2 o’clock in the morning the train should arrive in Rostov-on-Don. Travel time passes unnoticed. Compared to an airplane, the train is much less hectic, more spacious, and gives you time to work. But this is not two hours on an iron bird.

29. In the morning the train leaves for the coast.

30. Vacationers look with interest at the double-decker train. Many people take photographs.

31. The path runs almost close to the water. Definitely the most picturesque part of the route.

32. At 10 am the next day I get off at the station in Sochi and go to the “Strategic Partnership 1520” forum. But more on that in the next part.

As for double-decker cars, they are many times better equipped than conventional single-decker ones. A little tighter on the top shelf? But there are normal toilets, sockets, internet and everything else.

Have you ridden one of these? How are your impressions?

Comfortable double-decker trains began running on Russian railways not so long ago. The first train to be launched was "Moscow - Adler" 103/104. At the moment, residents of the capital who want to get to St. Petersburg have the opportunity to purchase a ticket for the same train number 5/6. There is also another train like this - from Moscow to Kazan (23/24).

How convenient are such trains?

The advantages of two-story trains include primarily:

  • the ability to transport a large number of passengers at once;
  • the ability to sell tickets at a not too high cost;
  • environmentally friendly operation.

The double-decker carriages of Russian Railways (see photo below) look quite unusual. Their height is 5 meters 25 cm. They were designed and built by domestic engineers. Tickets for travel on such trains cost approximately 22% less than on regular trains. Russian Railways managed to reduce their prices precisely because it became possible to transport a much larger number of passengers in one flight. However, judging by the reviews, traveling in a double-decker train is not as convenient as in a regular train.

Key Features

In addition to regular passenger trains, the double-decker trains also include a dining car. The dining room itself is located on the second floor. On the first floor there is a kitchen and a washing room. Ready meals are served upstairs via a special elevator. The same device is used to drain dirty dishes down. The restaurant hall is designed for 48 people. The bar can accommodate six at a time.

All double-decker train cars are assembled using special energy-saving technologies. They weigh only 64-66 tons. For comparison: the weight of a one-story building is 58 tons. At the same time, the capacity of the new train carriage is almost twice as large. The centralized energy saving system in such cars allows reducing energy costs by 35-40%.

In addition to the restaurant, this train includes a staff car. It is designed for only 50 passengers. At the same time, there are places for disabled people and their accompanying persons. Tickets for this carriage cost the same as for others. However, beneficiaries have the opportunity to ride in it for free.

A two-story train can reach higher speeds than a single-story train. You can get to your destination 2-3 hours faster with it. A double-decker train is traveling at a speed of approximately 160 km/h.

Cars in double-decker trains

Traveling on such a train is not as convenient as on a regular train, but it is still quite comfortable. There is a special lift at the entrance to double-decker cars. Disabled people have the opportunity to get inside the train without getting out of their wheelchair.

All double-decker carriages are equipped with air conditioning systems. The width of the passages inside the train is exactly the same as in regular trains. The stairs to the second floor are not too steep and are equipped with railings. A special mirror is installed on the intermediate platform. It is necessary so that passengers going up can see those going down and traffic jams do not form on the stairs.

Each double-decker car (photo of the corridor can be seen above) is equipped with a temperature display. The conductor can monitor order through a video surveillance system. It is much more convenient to move from carriage to carriage in a double-decker train than in a regular one. Nothing rattles or wobbles here (everything is absolutely sealed). Each double-decker carriage has three dry closets. Titan s hot water is not located in the corridor, as in conventional trains, but in the conductor’s working room.


There are no reserved seats in double-decker carriages. The coupes are almost identical to the regular ones. The difference is that they are equipped with 220 volt outlets. In addition, there is free Wi-Fi on the trains. Passengers have the opportunity, for example, to take a laptop with them and access the Internet. In this regard, double-decker Russian Railways carriages (the photo below shows the situation in the compartment) are, of course, superior to ordinary reserved seat carriages in terms of convenience.

Some discomfort in the compartments of such trains is experienced mainly by those who bought a ticket for the top bunk. In this regard, the double-decker car (the photo inside it clearly demonstrates this) actually differs from the usual one not for the better. The fact is that the distance between the surface of the shelf and the ceiling is very small. Even despite the absence of an upper luggage compartment The passenger will not be able to sit down with his legs dangling.

In general, the double-decker carriages of the new Russian Railways trains are quite well equipped. But, of course, the budget composition cannot be too convenient. However, you can still get to your destination on such a train with relative comfort. And you will have to pay a little less for travel than for a trip in a regular carriage.

Double decker buses or double deckers are business card London and those who have never even been to the capital of Foggy Albion know about them. What is known about double-decker trains? They can be found on the railways of most countries, and in Russia such transport was put into operation on the eve of the Sochi Olympics. The first one was launched on the Moscow-Adler route, since then there have been more of them, they are mainly occupied on long-distance routes.

About double-decker trains

A double-decker passenger car is not an invention of the future, since they were invented at the beginning of the 20th century. at the Tver Carriage Works. They were intended to transport passengers on Far East, but only the 2nd floor was used for people, and livestock was transported on the 1st. They were not in operation for long and for a whole 50 years they forgot about multi-storey railway transport.

Khrushchev repeatedly tried to revive the 2-story train during Soviet times. These attempts were unsuccessful and such cars were not used en masse. Only with the advent of the 21st century. In Russia, they began producing double-decker railway trains, which were developed and produced at the same Tver Carriage Plant.

A trip in such a carriage is almost no different from a trip in an ordinary single-decker, and the level of safety meets the required standards. Although some countries have abandoned the use of multi-story passenger cars, since they are technically difficult to maintain.

Double-decker train - general view

Characteristics of double-decker trains

A double-decker long-distance train consists of the following elements:

  • compartment cars with a capacity of 64 people each;
  • one SV car with 30 seats;
  • staff car with 50 seats;
  • dining car for 44 people (1st floor – bar, 2nd floor – dining room).

The development of domestic double deckers was carried out with the involvement of French specialists, and the assembly is carried out entirely at the Tver plant. The trains are capable of accelerating to a maximum of 160 km/h, and are driven by the EP20 electric locomotive. Designed specifically as a locomotive for multi-deck carriages, running on direct or alternating current.

If we compare the dimensions of a regular and a 2-story carriage, it turns out that the latter is not much different from its “younger brother”: new carriage became only half a meter taller, and weighs 8 tons more. These are not such big numbers, considering that the two-tier passenger train almost 2 times more spacious. The task of the designers was to create a “train of the future” for large passenger traffic, and at the same time it had to move without problems along existing railway lines. What was done for this? The center beam was modernized, making it more compact. In addition, we had to sacrifice the upper niches for luggage. Stabilizers protect against pitching in the upper carriage.

Diagram of a double-decker compartment car of Russian Railways

Russian double-decker trains

Russian Railways put the first double-decker cars into circulation in 2013; by 2020, it is planned to provide all routes with the highest loads with branded double-decker cars. What know-how is used in such cars? Here are the most basic ones that cannot be found in ordinary carriages:

  • You can only get into the compartment using a magnetic card, which is issued to each passenger individually. This guarantees the safety of luggage if a person needs to leave for a while.
  • Each carriage has two sockets.
  • The entrance to the carriage is automated and opens using a button.
  • Each carriage has three dry closets, which are open throughout the journey. And they differ in the level of comfort, there is an outlet inside, disposable toilet covers, large mirror, liquid soap, paper towels and toilet paper.
  • The carriages are equipped with a unified climate control and air conditioning system.
  • The staircase to the second floor is equipped with lighting and observation glass to see those who are climbing.
  • Car crossings are completely sealed.
  • For people with limited mobility there is a compartment (in the staff car), a lift for boarding the transport and a toilet.
  • The headquarters car is equipped with a GLONASS system, thanks to which satellite Internet is available along the entire route.
  • The train is equipped with a special control system, which is carried out from the headquarters car.
  • Each carriage has an electronic display with general information(car number, time, temperature, etc.).
  • The carriages are equipped with a small utility room with a water cooler, coffee machine, and microwave. In some NE carriages you can even find a shower and an iron and ironing board.
  • Separate waste receptacle for glass, plastic and food waste.

Boarding a disabled person into a carriage

Additional Information! The price standard includes Russian Railways branded bed linen and hot water for tea. You also receive a packed lunch (muffin, bun, nutrition bar, tea bags and water bottle) and a hygiene pack (wet wipe, toothbrush, hygiene products, disposable slippers). These sets may differ slightly on different routes. But the cost of travel on futuristic trains differs, and significantly. The earlier the ticket is booked, the cheaper it will cost. If you need to travel on holidays or weekends, you will have to pay more.


At first glance, the compartment in such a train looks like an ordinary one, and only upon detailed study does it become clear that there are differences. The distance to the ceiling on the upper shelves has become smaller, but this is not felt during sleep. But for the upper passengers, they added a couple of details that will make their trip easier: a limiter on the edge of the bed and a retractable step-ladder to make it easier to climb up.

Previously, all people, without exception, were annoyed by the radio point, which could not be turned off; on double-decker Russian Railways trains, each passenger can turn off the radio broadcast for himself. Each shelf also has hooks and hangers for clothes, a shelf for personal items, and individual adjustable lighting.

Coupe. Inside view

Staff carriage

The headquarters compartment car contains the train director's compartment, a control room, and a control panel for security and climate control systems. In addition, this carriage is equipped with a compartment for wheelchair users. Its area is larger than that of a regular coupe; inside there are: a lower shelf with an adjustable backrest, an upper shelf for an accompanying person, a place for a wheelchair, a table, and a folding seat.

On a note! To make it easier for people with disabilities to travel on the train, the carriage has a convenient location of an automated lift and a toilet for passengers on wheelchair, and in the compartment there is a button to call the conductor. All inscriptions are duplicated in Braille (for the blind).


As with many trains, the 2-story branded train there is a SV car increased comfort. The price of a ticket in such a carriage is much higher, but the passenger receives the following advantages: in each compartment there are only two lower passenger seats, and in addition to a food ration, the ticket price includes two meals a day.

Dining car

The “restaurant on wheels” is located in car No. 8, so passengers who want to have lunch during the trip need to buy tickets closer to this car in order to make fewer transitions. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, utility rooms and a small bar, but on the second floor there is the restaurant itself, designed for 44 visitors.

Dining car

The color scheme of the interior of the dining car is designed in blue and pastel colors, in accordance with the general color scheme of the entire train. The pleasant thing is a decent menu, freshly prepared food and quite affordable prices for a dining car.

Double deck train routes

By 2018, the Russian Railways branded double-decker train was launched on the following routes:

  • Rostov - Adler No. 642/641: departure from Rostov at 20:55, arrival in Adler at 8:21. Travel time 11 hours 26 minutes.
  • Moscow – Kislovodsk No. 003/004: departure from Moscow 08:22, arrival in Kislovodsk at 08:28. Travel time: 23 hours 54 minutes.
  • Moscow – Kazan No. 23/24: departure from Moscow at 23:08, arrival in Kazan at 10:45. Travel time: 11 hours 35 minutes.
  • Moscow - St. Petersburg No. 5/6, No. 7/8: departure of train No. 5/6 from Moscow at 22:50, arrival in St. Petersburg at 6:47; departure of train No. 7/8 from Moscow at 21:50, arrival in St. Petersburg at 6:06. On average the journey takes about 7 hours.
  • Moscow – Adler No. 103/104: departure from Moscow at 10:00, arrives in Adler 24 hours later.
  • Moscow - Voronezh No. 738/737 (with seats): departure from Moscow at 16:52, arrival in Voronezh at 23:12. Travel time 6 hours 30 minutes.
  • Moscow - Samara No. 49/50: departure from Moscow at 18:10, arrival in Samara at 9:45. Travel time: 15 hours 35 minutes.
  • St. Petersburg - Adler No. 35/36: departure from St. Petersburg at 20:27, arrival Adler at 10:11. Travel time 37 hours 44 minutes.
  • Moscow – Voronezh No. 740Zh/739Zh: departure from Moscow at 8:14, arrival in Voronezh at 14:34. Travel time 6 hours 20 minutes.

The train schedule and directions are given for informational purposes, as changes may be made to them, so you should find out current information on the official website of Russian Railways.

Train on the way

Features of double-decker trains: pros and cons

Thousands of Russians and tourists have already taken advantage of the opportunity to ride on a double-decker train, and they own experience appreciated the merits of such a trip. Mostly almost everyone highlighted the following advantages:

  • unusual and interesting appearance;
  • convenient carriage layout;
  • comfort and cleanliness;
  • sockets, WI-FI, magnetic key cards;
  • reduction of travel time;
  • increased sound insulation and absence of “shaking” on the second floor;
  • dry closets that the conductor does not close in the sanitary zone.

Although there are some shortcomings, these include the following:

  • too few conductors - two for 64 passengers;
  • the steps are steep, making it difficult to lift luggage;
  • the overhead luggage rack disappeared;
  • there are few toilets - one for 21 people, in regular ones one for 18 people;
  • motion is felt on the second floor;
  • low ceilings;
  • windows are inconveniently located;
  • lack of satellite internet.

Boarding the train

All reviews are contradictory and in order to form your own opinion about Russian double-deckers, you need to “know the whole kitchen from the inside,” that is, choose one of the routes and ride this miracle of the 21st century yourself.

Double-decker trains are slowly becoming a familiar part of the interior of railway stations and are no longer surprising passengers. However, the day may not be far off when the Russian Railway decides to surprise once again and put a three-story train on the rails?