In the summer of 2011, a British insurance company conducted a survey on the topic: “What do women take with them on vacation?” It turned out that on average, girls take 18 tops, 12 pairs of shorts and skirts, six swimsuits and eight pairs of shoes on a two-week trip. And some manage to fit 10 pairs into a suitcase. The total cost of the suitcase in this case is approximately 1.29 thousand euros. Moreover, in two weeks of vacation, according to the study, ladies manage to wear only 12 tops, six skirts, three swimsuits and a maximum of six pairs of shoes.

In winter, Russian travelers face a more difficult task than in summer for the British, since in winter you can go both south (for example, to Africa) and north (for example, to celebrate the New Year in Yakutia or Norway). In both cases, you must not make a mistake with the choice of clothes and other necessary things that you may need on the trip.

Since rubber suitcases, it seems, have not yet been invented, and airlines strictly monitor the weight of luggage entrusted to them for transportation, we have compiled a list of the 10 most necessary things on vacation.

We're going south

So, we’re going south to bask in the sun - away from the snow and frost, and for this we’ll put in our suitcase:

  • Swimsuit, you can even have two or three - a couple of bikinis and one closed one, which is better used for visiting a beach bar or long swims. A bikini, as you might have guessed, is better suited for sunbathing.
  • A light (white) sundress or dress that will be appropriate for visiting the beach and in the evening if you wear some bright jewelry with it.
  • Comfortable shoes- flip flops and sandals. By the way, flip flops are suitable not only for the beach, they can also be worn for a walk around the city. And sandals will become indispensable if you plan to take a number of excursions during your vacation.
  • Shorts or breeches, if you are a fan of trousers, they are very comfortable to walk in. Yes, you know that yourself...
  • A hat or scarf. By the way, you can buy a hat on the spot. Like a scarf, it is very convenient to take with you to the beach to protect your face and hair from the sun. In addition, a large chiffon scarf can be used as a pareo on the beach, it will also protect you from the sun while walking, or it can be an addition to an evening outfit.
  • Tops. They will form the basis of your holiday collection - different tops combined with one skirt or breeches will give the impression that you brought your entire wardrobe with you. How many should I take? The more, the better, and they will all be different - with embroidery, with print, just one color or with funny sayings...
  • Bag, preferably light, maybe even straw like a basket or linen. You can go to the beach with her, take her for walks - she will help you out more than once.
  • Nice sunglasses. This is an important and indispensable part of your luggage that will help you protect your eyes and add comfort. Well, then, photographs from vacation, where you are wearing a hat and sunglasses, and even against the backdrop of some architectural monument, will add impressiveness to you.
  • Cosmetic bag. Most likely, it will be quite heavy, since, in addition to ordinary cosmetics, you must take sunscreen.
  • Medicines. Be sure to take with you on your trip an adhesive plaster, headache remedies, activated carbon (or other modern adsorbent), hydrogen peroxide, tablets for nausea and to improve digestion, painkillers, bandages and cotton wool. It would not be superfluous to spray or cream "Panthenol", "Depanthenol" (sold in any pharmacy), which can help with sunburn and any other skin damage.

All these tips apply to women. Of course, men need to do adjust your clothes and don’t forget shaving products.

A small but important disclaimer: When getting ready for a trip, take into account the laws of the country where you are going - you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you are not allowed into the temple with bare shoulders or because you are dressed too provocatively. We are not only greeted by our clothes, but also judged.

Finally, if you have to meet under the palm trees New Year or Christmas, you can put your favorites in your suitcase an evening dress with shoes included, and for men - a suit.

We're going north

What should a person take on the road who is going to celebrate the New Year, for example, in the homeland of Father Frost, or in Yakutia, or to spend their holidays at a ski resort? In this case, let’s try to name the 10 most important things that you can’t do without during your New Year’s trip. Let us remember the key word - “warm”.

  • Warm jacket, overalls or cropped coat that will protect you from the cold.
  • Warm hat- the warmer the better.
  • Warm and comfortable shoes. Perhaps Ugg boots will do the best job of keeping you out of the cold.
  • Thermal underwear- T-shirts, briefs, socks, T-shirts, pants made from special fabric
  • Jumpers and pants. Nowadays, many tourists choose warm fleece sweatshirts and fleece jackets, or even suits.
  • Warm socks(preferably several pairs - regular wool ones, for skiers - special ones, with a fixed ankle).
  • Regular wool mittens or gloves(two pairs are possible).
  • Skis and boots(for skiers).
  • Cosmetic bag, which should contain a rich cream for the face and hands, as well as sunscreen, if you are going to a ski resort.
  • Travel first aid kit. The previously listed set of medications can be expanded to include an ointment or balm for injuries and sprains, antipyretics, drops for the runny nose, tablets for coughs or sore throats. Winter, however!

Wherever you go

On vacation - both in the south, by the sea, and among the snow in the north - you will need things such as a mobile phone, a charger for it, a camera and/or video camera, a laptop, hygiene products (toothpaste, brush, shampoo, soap ). It doesn’t hurt to take a thermos, a boiler, a mug, tea or coffee with you so that if necessary you can warm up or wake up with a warm drink.

If your trip includes celebrating New Year, Christmas, or you will be throwing a party for yourself, do not forget about evening attire.

We hope that you will not forget to take your passport, tickets, vouchers, insurance and others with you on vacation. Required documents, as well as money and bank cards, no matter where you are going.

Collection technique

Fitting a small wardrobe in a small suitcase is a difficult but doable task if you use a simple diagram

All beach tours and detailed information on departures and duration:


Few people like to pack their bags, even if they have an exciting journey ahead. Start preparing for your trip in advance; there are things that should not be done the night before departure. These include: design bank cards, buying currency, choosing an international communication tariff, copying documents, washing clothes, buying medicine. Make a list of things and pack them properly. Act according to plan and then you will have time to do everything and will not forget anything.

We pack our suitcase. List of necessary things

List of things you need for your trip

To maintain lists, there are ready-made interactive tables with standard options; you can create your own Excel table and save it on your computer or use mobile application. I write lists by hand on A4 sheet, mark what I have collected with pluses, and cross out what is unnecessary. Do what is convenient for you, the main thing is that you can not only look at your list, but also interact with it. A well-written list will come in handy on every trip. I have two basic lists: summer and winter, there are not many differences in them, because... The principle is the same - all things are divided into categories.

Documents and money

It is better to keep money and documents separately. When traveling, it is convenient to have a hip purse or pocket-wallet, which hangs around the neck and is not considered a separate piece of hand luggage.

  • International passports. Save copies of all passports on a virtual disk (Yandex, Google), you can make photocopies. There is no need to take a Russian passport when traveling abroad
  • Medical insurance (can be in electronic form)
  • Flights. Print boarding passes upon online registration
  • Driver's license, international driver's license. If you are driving your own car: documents for the car, green card insurance
  • Hotel reservations, confirmation of apartments and other types of accommodation
  • Your notes: route, phone numbers, addresses, contacts
  • Money for credit cards, cash in rubles and foreign currency. Divide into several parts and put in different places


For chronic diseases, take the medications prescribed by your doctor.

  • For headaches
  • Painkillers
  • For indigestion
  • For spasms
  • Aspirin
  • Germicidal patch
  • Chapstick

Personal hygiene items

You should not take large packages, they weigh a lot and can leak in your luggage. If you run out of any cleaning supplies, you can always buy them locally.

  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • Razor and shaving products
  • Comb
  • Wet wipes and disposable handkerchiefs
  • Shampoo, shower gel, soap. Give preference to 2-in-1 products and single-use packaging. Keep in mind that most hotels will have this all in the room
  • Deodorant
  • Manicure accessories (file, scissors). Get a manicure, pedicure and other treatments before your trip
  • Decorative cosmetics. Lipstick/lipgloss, long-lasting mascara, small mirror
  • Hairpins, hair bands
  • Creams that you use in small quantities. Sun cream


Before traveling, check and charge all devices and clear memory. Don't forget to take chargers, extra batteries, rechargeable batteries and adapters. To protect your mobile phone and other important things from moisture, there are waterproof cases.

  • Mobile phone. Set up a favorable tariff plan for the duration of your trip.
  • Camera/video camera with memory card
  • Laptop, tablet (if you need them)
  • When traveling by car, a navigator with loaded maps. Can be replaced with a tablet or smartphone
  • Hairdryer (if the hotel does not have one and you use it)


Take complementary items: several T-shirts with one pair of trousers and shorts. One hat, one pair of outdoor shoes, a jacket, sweater, etc. Give preference to comfortable clothes, do not wear high heels, evening dresses and jewelry. Leave room in your suitcase for shopping.

  • Several changes of underwear
  • Headwear according to the season
  • Outdoor shoes and slippers. Don't buy a new pair that hasn't been worn yet; it can rub your feet. In the cold season, it is very important that your shoes do not get wet; treat them with a special product
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks for a beach holiday, visiting the pool or sauna


Things that do not fall into the category, for example:

  • Umbrella
  • Corkscrew
  • Wrist watch
  • Small souvenirs for new friends
  • Guide
  • Toothpicks
  • Folding knife


When all things are laid out, you can start collecting them. Divide things into 2 parts: what you will carry with you ( hand luggage) and what you check in as luggage.

Suitcase You should never hammer it all the way. Firstly, you may be overweight (most airlines have a baggage allowance of up to 20 kg). Secondly, it will be inconvenient for you to look for your things or get them at the request of a customs officer. Thirdly, you will not have room for souvenirs and other purchases.

Pack all liquids in tight bags, distribute clothes, shoes and other contents evenly; most suitcases have a special pocket for underwear. Many people advise rolling clothes, I fold them in a pile, filling the gaps with hosiery. Organizer covers help you neatly place and protect items inside your suitcase. Place a folding bag with a zipper on top; if you overweight, you can put some things into it, and then use it for going to the beach or shopping.

There are always things that need to be packed at the last minute: house keys, phone, food for the road. Mark them separately on your list so you don't forget. To protect your suitcase from dirt and mechanical damage, you can wrap it with film or buy a beautiful cover, with which your suitcase will be visible on the luggage belt.

Take a list of the things you planned to take with you, it will help you not to forget anything on the way back.

Are you traveling?

Check your debts online and pay off your debt at least 2 weeks before departure.

A long-awaited vacation is looming ahead, but you don’t know what things you can take to Turkey and what you can leave at home. What to wear and what you can't do without.

The question of what to take with you to Turkey can be extremely tedious if you are traveling to this country for the first time. 3 simple questions and tips provided in this article will help you cope with the task.

So, questions:

  • When will you go to Turkey?
  • Which region of the country are you heading to?
  • What are you going to do?

Let's leave aside the obvious advice to tourists about passports, money, medicines and underwear, and discuss in more detail the 3 main issues.

What clothes to take to Turkey

WITH it's simple for men- you need shirts, T-shirts or polos, trousers, shorts and swim briefs. Comfortable shoes for walking, flip-flops for the beach and dress shoes if you go to a restaurant or club. A light sweater or sweatshirt in case of cool evenings, and an umbrella from the rain. The biggest difficulty is choosing clothes for women, so I will pay more attention to it.

Depending on the season

Spring (April to May) and autumn (October and November) you may be exposed to rain, warm days and cool evenings. If you go to Turkey during the off-season, be sure to take a sweater or windbreaker with you. In northern and eastern Turkey the weather is close to winter, in the southeast it is almost summer-like warm.

Summer (June to September) Bring plenty of light cotton clothing, sunscreen, and glasses. For the evening, grab a thin sweater or jacket. Rain is rare in summer; only on the Black Sea coast can you get thoroughly wet. It is very hot in the south of the country. The hottest months: July and August.

Winter (December to March) take warm woolen clothes and waterproof clothes. IN seaside towns warmer than inside the country. On the contrary, in mountainous areas it is cooler.

© andrey_filippov / / CC BY 2.0

Depending on the region

Far away from major cities and coastal tourist resorts Turks dress very conservatively. Women wear traditional dresses and headscarves. The more modestly you dress, and the more parts of your body covered by clothing, the better.

To go to the mosque

If you want to visit a mosque, then wear a floor-length dress, or trousers and a T-shirt that will hide your shoulders. A headscarf is not required, but it will show your respect for the local religion. If you don’t have a scarf, you can buy one at a nearby store or directly at the mosque. Popular mosques provide free scarves that must be returned after visiting.

© alexxx-malev / / CC BY 2.0

What else to take with you to Turkey

Again about women

On holiday in Turkey you need to take deodorant, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and toothpaste with you. If you are going to relax on the beach a lot, then I advise you to take hair conditioner. Sun, sand, salty sea ​​water, and water in hotels with a lot of limestone will turn any curls into dry straw.

If you are going on vacation in the summer, then don’t take a lot of makeup, it will still come off in the heat faster than you get to the beach. I only took powder, lipstick and mascara.

  1. Avoid drinking tap water and brush your teeth with bottled water.
  2. Be sure to bring a bag or backpack for day trips and sightseeing.
  3. For your gadgets you need to take a travel adapter; in Turkey, as in the rest of Europe, the voltage in sockets is 230 Volts.
  4. If you go to Istanbul, take a small folding umbrella. Or buy it on the spot for 5-7 Turkish lira.
  5. If you want to drink wine in private, bring a bottle opener. For some reason it is almost impossible to find in liquor stores, cafes and supermarkets.
  6. If you like to wash in the bathroom, then take a standard plug. For some reason, there are no plugs even in expensive hotels.
  7. Do not take money in traveler's checks, this practice has long been outdated and it is very difficult to find a bank that agrees to cash checks. Better take cash in dollars and a Visa or MasterCard. Answers to questions from the category “How much money should I take with me to Turkey?” and “Dollars or euros?” you will find in the article about money in Turkey.
  8. If you are going, I advise you to pay extra for GPS. In the cities of Turkey there are complex labyrinths of one-way traffic, so as not to drive around in vain, it is better to spend a little money.

© ifl / / CC BY 2.0

Unless you're traveling with a backpack or carry-on luggage, take hard suitcases with wheels.

Leave your name, telephone number and address on the inside and outside of every bag you check. This will help you avoid losing your bag forever.

If you are traveling with someone, then put part of your luggage in your partner’s bag, and let him put his half in your luggage. This way you won’t lose all your luggage if something happens.

To decide what to take with you and what to leave at home, try this method. If you can say about a thing, “This could be useful to me,” don’t take it, but if “I can’t live without this,” there is a chance that you are right.

Savvy travelers plan that they will wash their clothes instead of packing a supply for the entire day. You can wash it in the hotel sink and hang it on your room door or balcony. If you wring out your clothes through a towel, they will dry faster. If you are going to a laundromat, instruct the workers by what time you expect clean clothes to be picked up. Say you are about to take off to emphasize urgency.

© garrettziegler / / CC BY 2.0

Take a maximum of 2 colors of clothing with you so that you can beautifully combine things with each other. Choose your clothing fabric carefully. Natural fabrics are cooler, but they wrinkle more, take longer to dry and take up more space.

Roll and fold socks and belts inside your shoes to save extra space.

Bring bags for wet swimsuits and dirty clothes.

Hang your clothes in the bathroom while you shower, the steam will smooth out the wrinkles a little.

Due to fear of the unknown and inexperience, people tend to take too much stuff with them. The more travel experience you have, the lighter your luggage will become.

I hope now you know not only what to take on vacation to Turkey, but also understand how best to manage the space in your luggage.

When going on vacation, you should think about the composition of your luggage in advance. It's best to write everything down and take the list with you so that when you return you won't forget any things at the resort. Wash and fix everything in advance. Choose clothes that do not restrict movement and comfortable shoes. You should find out in advance how to dress in restaurants and clubs that you plan to visit on vacation. In general, you don’t need to take too many things with you; you’ll most likely be leaving for a short time, and you can buy the missing little things at the resort. However, the composition and amount of luggage depends on what type of vacation you have chosen.

Main subjects

  • First of all, you need to take the necessary documents and a first aid kit with basic medications. You will also need money when traveling - cash or on a plastic card. It is recommended to try to take care of small bills and coins in advance.
  • A camera will help you capture the best moments of your vacation. It's best to use a digital camera and take a few spare memory cards so you can take plenty of photos. If you are interested in videography, take a video camera and a sufficient number of blank cassettes for it.
  • Sunscreen may be needed not only on sea beaches, but also in winter on ski resorts, as well as during excursion tours.
  • Cosmetic and hygiene items should not take up much space - a little shampoo, a toothbrush and your usual toothpaste, your favorite decorative cosmetics, a hair brush. You will also need sanitary napkins.
  • You'll need a couple changes of underwear, T-shirts, shorts, socks and the like. The quantity should be designed so that you don’t have to do laundry while on vacation.
  • Choose a comfortable travel bag, preferably one with wheels.

Beach holiday

  • Bathing accessories - swimsuits, swimming trunks should be purchased in advance. It's better to take a spare set with you.
  • A hat and sunglasses should be taken, and the glasses must be of high quality and do not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through.
  • Flip-flops or beach slippers will be needed not only on the beach, but also in the pool and other places.
  • Sandals or mesh shoes are best for beach days.
  • Men should bring several T-shirts, pants or jeans, shorts or Bermuda shorts, and a short-sleeved shirt. Depending on the climate of the resort, a light sweater or similar may be needed.
  • Women should take a light dress, a sundress, a couple of T-shirts, tops, blouses, skirts, and shorts. If you plan to visit clubs and city restaurants, you may need a simple evening dress. If cold nights are expected, you should take something warm. It is also recommended to take a large scarf made of light translucent fabric, which can be used in a variety of ways.

Ski holiday

  • It is better to take warm clothes in duplicate so that you can put on the second set when the first one is drying. It is best to take comfortable sweaters and trousers, as well as wool socks and warm mittens. The headdress should be warm and comfortable.
  • A ski suit should be chosen very carefully; it should be waterproof, but at the same time allow the skin to breathe.
  • Ski equipment can be taken at the vacation spot, but more often it is more profitable to bring your own equipment or rent it in Moscow.

Excursion tours

  • Place all your luggage in two bags, with the large one you will check in as your luggage, and the small one, with the essentials, valuables and documents, you will carry with you.
  • Clothes and shoes should be chosen the most comfortable, which will allow you to spend a lot of time in them. You should definitely think about warm clothes, even on summer excursions.

Vacation with children

  • First of all, you should take several complete sets of clothes so as not to have to do laundry while on vacation. There should also be warm clothes among your clothes.
  • For small children, you need to bring a set of diapers, a collapsible potty, and a light stroller. You will need a bottle of drinking water during the flight.
  • Toys and books will help keep your child occupied during flights and moves.
  • Don't forget the children's cosmetics and hygiene items that your child is used to.

When going on vacation, it is very important to take the right approach to packing - pack your things so that your suitcases contain only the most necessary items, and nothing unnecessary. This is especially true when traveling by plane. In order for packing to go quickly and efficiently, it is best to make a list in advance of what to take with you on the trip. Over time, it can be supplemented, gradually crossing out what has already been prepared.

For those who like to spend their holidays away from home, such a list can be compiled once. After the first trip, adjust it, taking into account what was taken but not needed or fill in missing items.

Money and documents

Of course, you can’t do without these two things on any trip, even if you go on vacation to relatives in the nearest village. And if you are flying by plane or traveling by train for a long period of time, documents and money will come in handy during the trip.

List of required documents:

  • A foreign passport (if you are crossing the border) and a civil passport if you are traveling through Russia. It is advisable to make photocopies of passports in case they are lost;
  • Put it in your passport travel documents– train, plane or bus tickets. Scan them and place them in one of the folders on your gadget;
  • If you decide to spend your vacation at a resort, be sure to grab a voucher for the hotel where you decide to stay;
  • For sanatoriums and health boarding houses you will need a medical card;
  • To those who have health insurance, you will need to take a photocopy of it with you. If there is no such thing, and the trip is long, be sure to arrange it;
  • A driver's license if you are going on holiday by car and an international driver's license, provided that you plan to rent a car abroad.

Important! Please note that when traveling abroad you may find yourself in unforeseen and unusual situations. Therefore, among your loved ones who remain at home, there must be a trusted person who can resolve problems with local authorities. Even a lost SIM card from a mobile phone cannot be restored without a notarized power of attorney.

Divide materials according to this principle:

  • A small amount of cash, which may be needed at the airport, train station or on the train itself;
  • Be sure to have not one, but several bank cards. It is better if they are from different banks and support different payment systems - MasterCard or Visa. Before leaving, pay attention to their expiration dates;

If your vacation involves crossing a border, grab a small amount of currency and open at least one foreign currency account at the bank.

Do not forget that before traveling abroad you need to inform the nearest bank branch where the foreign currency account is opened. Otherwise, you will not withdraw money from an ATM in another country!

Technology and electronics

Be sure to take a mobile phone on the road, even if you do not have the “roaming” service. You may need it to inform your family if an unexpected situation arises at the airport or train station and you need their help. Also put a charger in your luggage.

A tablet or laptop, if necessary, is checked in at the airport as hand luggage. The same applies to a camera or video camera. Don't forget to take chargers for all devices. Bring a flash drive to your laptop or tablet.

Clothes and shoes

The list of things you need to take with you on the road depends on the time of year, the country you are going to, and, of course, how exactly you plan to spend your time. Tourist routes with a backpack over his shoulders and beach holiday in a fashionable hotel on the seashore will require completely different equipment from you.

There should not be a lot of clothes that you plan to take on a trip. Add only the essentials to the list:

  • There is no need to take warm clothes to the countries of Asia and the South East. A few pairs of T-shirts, shorts, swimsuits and sun hats are all you'll need in Vietnam, China, Thailand or Bali. Shoes are slates and a pair of sneakers for hiking and excursion trips;
  • In European countries you can expect different natural disasters. You need to prepare for them. Be sure to take raincoats and umbrellas if you are traveling to the UK, Finland or Switzerland;
  • On the shores of the Mediterranean, 2-3 swimsuits, a small amount of summer shoes and clothing would be appropriate.

When making a list for your trip, also focus on your place of residence. If you can do laundry at a camp site or holiday home, but in hotels you can give things to the laundry, don’t take a lot of them.

Hygiene items and first aid kit

When going on vacation to resorts in the summer, be sure to include sunscreen creams and lotions, insect repellent, sunglasses, and hygienic lipstick in your list of items.

There shouldn’t be a lot of hygiene items if you are going to live in a place where everything you need can be bought. Here is a rough list:

  • Shampoo and hair conditioner;
  • Dry and wet sanitary napkins;
  • A small piece of soap and roll-on deodorant;
  • Hairdryer, comb;
  • Manicure scissors, nail file.

Provide a small sewing kit as well. Its standard version: white thread, black thread, a couple of needles, several safety pins.

Remember that during air travel the amount of liquids is regulated by the carrier company! Carrying cans of hairspray and deodorant in hand luggage is also prohibited.

When packing your first aid kit, please take into account the fact that strong psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers can only be transported by plane if you have a medical report and a prescription from the attending physician (in your name).

When you start packing your things according to your list of what you need for your trip, immediately divide them into those that will fly in the luggage compartment and those that will be checked out as carry-on luggage. Try not to pack a lot of clothes and shoes! Remember that you will have to pay extra for every extra kilogram at the airport!