Malta has some of the oldest megaliths on Earth. Archaeologists consider them to be temples because it has been established that in prehistoric times there was an elaborate funeral ceremony here. However, scientists claim that at that time a technically highly developed people lived here, who were able to create a calendar and possessed amazing information about the stars.

The local megaliths are also unique in that, for the most part, they are not located alone, but form rather large complexes.

Megaliths of Malta

The oldest megalith, Ggantija, is located on the island of Gozo, off the coast of Malta. It was built in the 4th – 3rd millennium BC, and was found in 1826. The megalith consists of two separate temples, each of them has its own entrance, but they are connected by a back wall. The buildings have a slightly concave façade and a platform of huge stones is built in front of them. There are three oval rooms in the temple that resemble a trefoil. Researchers suggest that this is a symbol that reflects the three stages of life.

Megalith Ggantija, Gozo island off the coast of Malta

The Hagar Quim (or Hadjar-Kim) megalith is dated by scientists to the last centuries of the 4th millennium BC. Hagar Quim means “standing stones”, since archaeologists saw only the tops of huge stones, the height of which exceeds 5 m. The complex is located in Malta near La Valletta.

The skill of the ancient builders of antiquity, who were able to perfectly fit all the stones, is amazing. Researchers note surprisingly accurate calculations, which required good knowledge of geometry and mathematics. Temples reflect the movement of our luminary during the day, and on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, the rays of the sun illuminate the main altar.

The Hypogeum Gal Saflieni (or Hal Saflieni) temple, which has several levels underground at a depth of up to 12 m, is of great surprise, as is Tarxien, the largest temple in Malta of four buildings.

Hal Saflieni, underground sanctuary in Paola, Malta

Purpose of megaliths - versions and assumptions

There is a version that the megalith complexes served as a temple and burial place. Here residents performed various rituals and also buried the dead. However, scientists have thought about their original purpose. It is known that in ancient times various structures often changed their functions and, according to archaeologists, this is what happened with the megaliths in Malta.

Some researchers believe that megaliths were used to observe the phases of the moon. The question is, did ancient farmers need megaliths? It's much easier to watch the weather.

Some scientists suggest that megalithic complexes are unique generators of various types of vibrations. Let us remember that many megaliths are built from rock with a large amount of quartz, which, when compressed, can generate electric current and even radio waves. As is known, at the base of some menhirs, with their narrow ends directed into the ground, there are quartz stones (a menhir is a simple form of megalith).

The ultrasound measurement happened by accident. UK scientists conducted a study of the behavior of bats on the border of Oxfordshire and Warwickshire and noticed that at dawn a stone emits ultrasound, which confuses the path of the mice. The radiation was much more intense and lasting during the spring and autumn equinoxes, and the least at the solstice. Scientists also noted the cyclical nature of the radiation bursts.

Ancient funerary stone dolmens are also of interest. The shape of their hidden chambers has led to speculation that dolmens can also generate infrasound. Perhaps it was for this reason that the builders of megaliths became interested in the movement of the Moon. Probably, using acoustics, the population of these regions stopped the enemy and predicted adverse natural phenomena. Perhaps this explains some of the excitement that many people experience upon entering such a temple?

Mysterious furrows of the island of Malta

Furrows in Malta

Many articles have been written about megalithic complexes, Stonehenge and the pyramids. But the stories of tourists about the numerous mysterious furrows crossing Malta in various directions turned out to be news for many.

The furrows run parallel for some distance, then connect and turn to the side. They cross mountains, then suddenly end near a cliff. But if you look down, you can see how on the plain they seem to continue their path. And their traces do not end on the coast and continue along the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea for several hundred meters, reaching the nearby island of Gozo. The furrows are usually 14–26 cm wide and 9–70 cm deep. If you imagine a wheel that could leave such marks, then its diameter would be at least two meters. The distance between the ruts reaches 62–122 cm. It is not clear who and how left these furrows thousands of years ago.

According to the famous professor of archeology in Malta, Anthony Bonanno, more than 90 percent of these grooves are located near temples, and they appeared during their construction. Colossi appeared in the Andes and mysterious stripes in the 5th – 4th millennium BC. The researchers put forward several hypotheses. For example, this is a cart track. But the carts could not turn in these furrows. According to another version, these are the remains of the route that connected Europe and Africa.

The next version, which explains the purpose of the grooves, uses to prove its position a large number of limestone balls found in Malta (these balls are another mystery of Malta). Scientists suggest that the balls are the support of a platform for transporting huge blocks of stone for the construction of 23 temples that have survived to this day. But these traces are trough-shaped, and therefore the hypothesis is not widespread.

There is an exotic version that the aliens had an accident, and the laser drew these lines. According to the second version, armed clashes occurred between the Atlanteans, and some kind of weapon left the ruts. Let us recall that according to Davenport and Vincenti, the large city of Mohenjo-Daro was the predecessor of Hiroshima, and some ufologists claim that nuclear weapons destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah and other ancient cities.

Wars have accompanied humanity for many millennia and, unfortunately, there is always a reason for them.

Malta is one of the most amazing countries on our planet. On the tiny territory of the islands of the Maltese archipelago there is an incredible number of historical attractions that amaze the imagination with their age and purpose. As you guessed, today we will talk about the megalithic temples of Malta - the oldest stone structures made by human hands. Enjoy reading!

The largest island of the state is Malta. It is here that the bulk of all attractions, including Neolithic buildings, are concentrated. We will look at the megalithic temples of Malta below.

Hypogeum of Khal-Saflieni

Perhaps the most famous megalith of Malta should be considered the amazing underground temple of Hal Saflieni, which is located in the vicinity of the city of Paola. We have already talked about this historical object in the article.

Temple complex of Hajar-Im (Hajar-Kim)

This megalith is located near the city of Zurriq, 15 km from the capital of the country, Valletta. Hajar-Im means “standing stone” in Arabic. There is another version, according to which the temple is called “stones of worship.” The largest Neolithic stone complex in terms of area was erected in the 4th-3rd millennium BC. It owes its size to constant expansion, which was carried out through additional buildings and structures. Externally, Khajar-Im is a large-scale stone structure consisting of several structures located on a hill. All parts of the sanctuary are fenced with huge boulders. The construction of the temples was carried out from soft material, which, over the long period of existence of the object, spoiled the overall appearance of the attraction. On the facade of one of the buildings there is an entrance made of three slabs, orthostats and a bench. In front of this temple there is a large courtyard-like area, which is surrounded by a stone wall. The entrance leads into the center of the sanctuary, and a separate opening is provided for visiting four separate buildings that were added later. Inside Hajar-Im, the remains of sculptures decorated with spiral patterns and ornaments were discovered. Today these finds can be seen in the National Archaeological Museum of Valletta. To preserve the ancient interior, replicas of these sculptures are included in temple visits. You can get to Hajar-Im by bus numbers 201 and 74. You can explore the unique sanctuary every day from 9 am to 6 pm. During the cold season (from October 1 to March 31), the attraction is open from 10 am to 5 pm. The megalith is closed on Christmas holidays, New Year's and Good Friday. To visit Hajar Im, you must purchase a ticket, which includes a visit to the nearby Mnajdra sanctuary. A ticket for an adult will cost 10 euros. Pensioners, teenagers and children of school and preschool age are provided with discounts.

Megalith Mnajdra

Next to the Hadjar-Im temple (just 500 meters from it) stands the Mnajdra megalith, which is not as large-scale, but more regular in layout. According to historians, this sanctuary was built in 3600-2100 BC. The opening of the temple took place in 1840. Mnajdra consists of three parts: Lower, Middle and Upper temples, standing close to each other. The oldest is considered to be the Upper Sanctuary, built in 3600-3200 BC. This building is a three-apse structure with a doorway in the form of a geometrically irregular opening. In the distant past, supporting stones were decorated with holes. The vaulted ceiling of the megalith has not survived; only the dilapidated base remains. The average megalith appeared in 3150-1500 BC. (late Tarscienian period). It is the youngest temple in Mnajdra. It was built from stone slabs on which there are horizontal rows of boulders. The third, the Lower Temple, appeared in the early Tarshien period. It is this that is considered the most interesting object among other sanctuaries of Mnajdra. In front of this temple there is a small area equipped with stone benches, a corridor (aka entrance) built of stone slabs, and the ruins of a roof, which, according to scientists, in the past had the shape of a dome. The walls of the lower sanctuary are decorated with battlements, patterns, and there are carved windows in the slabs. The three temples described are not connected by any passages. Many valuable finds were discovered inside the premises of Mnajdra: a stone ball, which, most likely, was used by the ancient inhabitants of Malta to transport massive boulders and blocks, figurines, tools, bowls, flint knives, etc. The megalithic temple of Mnajdra has the same mode of operation as and Hadjar-Im. To visit it, you must purchase a ticket that allows you to visit two nearby sanctuaries of the island.

Megalithic Temple of Bugibba

The remains of an ancient megalithic temple are located in an unusual place - on the territory of the New Dolmen Hotel, which is located between two famous Maltese resorts - Aura and Bugibba. You will find the most complete information about this object in the article.

Tarshien temple complex

One of the largest megalithic temples in Malta is located in the city of Tarshien. Tarshien Temple was built around 2800 BC. It, like the hypogeum of Khal-Saflieni, was discovered by accident - during agricultural work in the field. A unique find was found by peasants working in the fields of Malta in 1914. Like Mnajdra, the Tarshien megalith consists of three sanctuaries, but unlike the first temple, all parts are connected by passages. This temple complex can be considered the most decorated: on almost every stone slab you can see various reliefs, images of animals, and spiral patterns. The first temple of Tarshien was built around 3100 BC. It is he who is decorated with the most exquisite patterns. The middle sanctuary appeared in 3000 BC. A distinctive feature of this building is the presence of three rather than two apses. The eastern part of Tarshien was built in 3100 BC. In the past, in front of the main entrance to the megalithic temple there was a statue of the goddess, three meters high. The original of this sculpture is in the Metropolitan Archaeological Museum of Malta, and today an exact copy stands in its place. In one of Tarshien's rooms there is an altar decorated with a spiral pattern. There is a hole in it where scientists and archaeologists discovered a ritual knife and bones of some species of animals. Not far from the eastern part of the megalith are the ruins of another temple. Its dimensions are small, but the age of the temple is quite significant, because it was built in 3250 BC. You can get to Tarshien by buses No. 206, 84, 82, 88 and 85. You can visit the temple complex of the city every day from 9 am to 6 pm (in winter - until 5 pm). On holidays: New Year, Christmas holidays and Good Friday, the attraction is not accessible for inspection. A ticket to the megalithic temple for an adult costs 6 euros. There is a system of discounts for children and pensioners.

Megalith Sorrow

One of the most modest megalithic temples in Malta is Skorba, located in the small village of Mgarr. The oldest structure was erected in 4400-3000 BC. The study of Sorrows began relatively late. The first excavations on the territory of the temple were carried out in the 60s of the last century. Unfortunately, this sanctuary has preserved only the external outlines of the once existing temple. Today Skorba is a complex of vertical boulders no more than 3.4 meters high. The floor of the megalith was paved, the temple itself included three apses and an entrance. The first two apses and the façade of Skorba are destroyed. However, the finds discovered in the vicinity of the sanctuary are extremely important from a historical and cultural point of view. According to historians, the temple was built on the site of a village, which was surrounded by an 11-meter wall of stone. A coal dating back to 4850 BC was discovered near it. Also found in the temple were examples of prehistoric ceramics that were made by the ancient Maltese in 4500-4100 BC. You can get to the Temple of Sorrow by buses number 101 and 44. You can admire the ancient sanctuary only on Saturday, Thursday and Tuesday from 9 am to 16:30 pm. On holidays the site is closed to the public. An adult ticket to the megalithic temple costs 6.5 euros.

Important information! No more than 15 people are allowed in the Shrine of Sorrow at any one time.

Temple complex TaʼHajrat

Another megalithic temple is located near the village of Mgarr, about 1 kilometer from the sanctuary of Skorba described above. The megalithic complex includes two temples: the first, also known as the Great TaʼHajrat, was built around 3600-3200 BC. The second, Small Temple, appeared in 3300-3000 BC. The megalith was created from durable coral limestone. It has a unique layout, atypical of the megalithic temples of Malta. The Small Temple is connected to the Great Sanctuary on the north side. Archaeologists excavating at the site of the sanctuary discovered many valuable pieces of ceramics that date back to 3800-3600 BC. These finds indicate that in the even more distant past there was a village on the site of the temple. Scientists also found a valuable model of the temple on a reduced scale, more like a figurine. In 1937, the portal and facade of Ta'Hajrat were reconstructed. Today, curious tourists can only see the majestic remains of the ancient temple complex. You can get to the described attraction of Mjarra by buses No. 238, 101 and 44. The operating hours and ticket prices for TaʼHajrat are the same as for the Temple of Sorrow.

Borj in Nadur

This island archaeological site is located in the vicinity of Birzebbugia in the south-eastern part of Malta. Unfortunately, little remains of this megalith - only the foundation, built in the shape of a trefoil. The poor condition prevents scientists from accurately determining the age of the object. Archaeologists are inclined to believe that Borj in Nadur was built around 2000-1600 BC. Near this temple, the remains of an ancient village were discovered, of which only a 4-meter stone wall remained. It once protected several huts of the ancient Maltese. Visiting this attraction is only possible by prior arrangement. You can apply to visit Borj in Nadur on the website

Megalithic temples on the island of Gozo

The island neighboring Malta also has several Neolithic temples, which we will discuss below.

Ggantija Temple Complex

We partially talked about this object in the article about. Today the majestic Dzgantic will be described in more detail. The named megalith translates as “tower of giants.” It is the most famous sanctuary of the island of Gozo, as well as the oldest megalithic temple in the entire state of the Maltese archipelago. Ggantija is located in the village of Shaara. It consists of two large sanctuaries that appeared in 3600-2500 BC. The shape of the megalith is typical of all other similar temples built by the ancient Maltese. It was built in the shape of a clover leaf and has a wall height of six meters. Many artifacts were discovered near Ggantija: ceramics, spherical stones intended for transporting stone boulders, figurines, etc. The temple area is surrounded by a fence made of vertical stones. Some of the boulders reach a height of 5.5 meters. You can get to the Ggantija Temple by bus No. 307. The Neolithic sanctuary can be seen every day from 9 am to 6 pm in summer, and from 9 am to 5 pm in winter. The ticket price is low - only 9 euros; discounts are available for children and pensioners. The ticket price also includes a tour of the Ta Kola Mill.

Stone circle

An equally interesting historical site in Gozo is the stone circle, often called the Broschtorff Circle. It is an underground temple that was built in the Neolithic era in the vicinity of the modern village of Shaara. The stone circle was found in the 20s of the 19th century, and then rediscovered in the 60s of the last century. Scientists believe that the Broschtorff circle served the ancient Gozians as a burial place. This is confirmed by the large number of bones found on the site. To be precise, archaeologists have found approximately 200 thousand human bones, as well as a variety of art objects dating back to the period of construction of the Maltese megalithic temples. One of the most striking examples of the skill of ancient craftsmen is a chamber tomb, made, according to experts, in 4100-3800 BC. Tourists are transported to the site by bus No. 307. Like Bordj in Nadur, the stone circle can only be viewed by appointment.

If you are interested in the megalithic temples of Malta, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the interesting facts associated with these historical monuments of human heritage.

  • In total, there are 23 megaliths in Malta. Some of them are in a destroyed or dilapidated state.
  • Despite everything, scientists equate such sights as the grotto and catacombs of St. to megalithic temples. Paul, as well as the catacombs of St. Agates.
  • The Ggantija Temple is the oldest man-made structure on the planet, for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • No less remarkable is the Ar Dalam cave, located near Birzebbugia. It consists of an intricate network of underground tunnels, which were most likely used by members of the Order of Malta to move around the island. It contained the remains of many prehistoric animals, including dwarf elephants, hippos and deer. Some scientific minds believe that Ar Dalam is nothing more than an ancient sewer, cut by the Maltese in prehistoric times.
  • The iconic nation, which erected unique historical monuments, disappeared in 2300 BC. The reason for their disappearance is unknown to this day.
  • During the construction of Neolithic sanctuaries there were no wheels, no fastening materials, no construction equipment. The mystery of constructing temples from multi-ton stone blocks has not yet been revealed.
  • There are many legends and stories surrounding megalithic temples. Most Maltese believe that giant sanctuaries were built by giants who were their ancestors.
  • Some ufologists attribute the appearance of megalithic temples to alien races.
  • Another popular assumption is related to the sunken Atlantis. Some people believe that the ruts that crisscross the territory of the state are traces of the mighty Atlantean titans.
  • In the central part of each temple complex, burials were found, as well as attributes accompanying various sacrificial rituals (bones of sacrificial animals, flint knives, altars). At some distance from them, the ancient builders erected their stone temples.
  • Five megalithic temples of the state are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. These include Skorba and Ta'Hajrat, Mnajdra, Ggantija, Tarshien and Hadjar-Im. The hypogeum of Khal-Saflieni is listed under a separate number on the UNESCO list.
  • The megaliths of Malta are older than the Egyptian pyramids by a whole millennium.
  • Alas, the destruction of the temples of Malta was facilitated not by weather conditions, but by the Maltese themselves, who dismantled the ancient sanctuaries and used the broken stone blocks to build their own homes.

And some useful information for tourists. Malta is a small but popular country. If you want to see all the sights of the islands, then book excursions in advance: approximately 1-1.5 months before arriving in the country. This will ensure that you have time to enjoy the ancient treasures of Malta and will not waste time in long queues at the entrance.

Megaliths in Malta are a sight that deserves the attention of every guest of the country. The stone blocks, imbued with the spirit of Maltese life of ancient times, will make you think about the strength, talent and tenacity of the prehistoric Maltese builders, and will also give rise to many interesting thoughts in your minds that deserve careful reflection at your leisure. Have a nice holiday!

Maltese megaliths

Local geographers claim that in prehistoric times, the site of tiny Malta was occupied by a much larger piece of land. This is evidenced by two megalithic temples discovered on the seabed, near the city of San Julian. The opinion about the relationship of the archipelago to Atlantis is widespread in the scientific world, although it is not supported by any specific data. The country's earliest history is also vague; Just guesses are assumptions about the existence of a developed civilization here with a cultural, but aggressive society that brought fear to the Egyptians and Greeks.

According to the most common version, the first inhabitants of Malta were farmers from Sicily. Having safely covered 100 km on wooden rafts, they brought with them food, utensils, and tools. Together with people, domestic animals and animals of unknown purpose landed on the islands, for example, dwarf elephants the size of an ordinary dog. This significant event occurred approximately 4 thousand years ago. However, experts attribute the settlement of the Maltese archipelago to earlier times, citing mysterious, although quite material, things as evidence. Thus, the local roads appeared long before the invention of the wheel, and their abrupt end near the coast suggests earthly faults.

Elephant figurine from a megalithic temple

Mysterious ruts with beveled walls are hollowed out in the rocky ground, have a depth of about half a meter and are separated from each other by a distance of 1.4 m. In some places they reach the very edge of the water, maintaining parallelism; in others they converge and intersect, like rails. Left behind by unknown transport, the ruts could have been preserved after the construction of the temple or its transfer to another place due to a change in the topography. Discarding the idea of ​​Atlantis, we can assume that Malta is part of the land swallowed up by the sea. In addition to the strange roads, evidence of this is the remains of prehistoric lizards found on the islands, too large for an island only 27 km long.

Another mystery lies in the finds in the dungeons of the Hal Saflieni sanctuary near the city of Paola: figurines in the form of obese, headless figures with tiny arms and legs, at the time of discovery, lay next to amphorae and lamps. No less surprising is the origin of local ivory products. As you know, mammoths left the world at the end of the Ice Age, and their supposed descendants - elephants - were found only in Africa. In ancient times, as an ornamental material, ivory was valued on a par with gold. Its transportation until the beginning of our era was too difficult, especially for people who did not know how to build ships. Nevertheless, in Malta, ivory jewelry was available as early as the 3rd millennium BC. e. Today they are included in the exhibition of the National Museum of Archeology, along with pottery and stone tools.

Being the largest of Valletta's museums, it is housed in a house called "Auberge de Provence", built as a dormitory for the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Clay and metal items discovered in the upper layers of the Hal Saflieni underground date back to the Bronze Age.

Terracotta figurine from Hal Saflieni

Standard plan of a megalithic temple

Later and less artistically valuable, they are marked by the influence of Aegean art.

Judging by the appearance, these products were not made by aliens, but by people from Sicily: ceramics with a scratched pattern of red and white colors are similar to objects from the Neolithic cultures of Western Europe.

Ancient architecture - the most valuable part of the prehistoric heritage - in Malta is presented in open-air museums, which are all the islands of the archipelago. The megalithic sanctuaries of Malta date back to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. The most interesting of all the monuments discovered in Europe, they are carved out of rock or built from local limestone. Some structures were erected about 6 thousand years ago, that is, they appeared earlier than the Egyptian pyramids, which until recently were considered the first man-made buildings on Earth. Megaliths (from the Greek megas and lithos - “big stone”) are ancient religious buildings built dry from huge, often unprocessed stone blocks. Today, 3 types of megalithic structures are known: dolmens, menhirs and cromlechs. Dolmens, made in the form of large stone boxes covered with a flat slab, were built as burials. The menhir is a long stone dug into the ground strictly vertically.

The prehistoric monuments of Malta are mainly represented by cromlechs, or a group of menhirs set in the form of a circular enclosure. Similar to the famous complexes of Stonehenge in England and Karnak in France, they appeared a thousand years earlier. In addition to their age, the Maltese megaliths are distinguished by their purpose and unusual density of development: more than 20 temple complexes are located on an area comparable in size to a small city. Megalithic structures of the same type, wherever they are located, are similar in material, architectural form and design. High stone fences often hide courtyards that resemble a flower with three petals.

In prehistoric times, stone was not just a building material. Belief in its magical properties was reflected in amulets and totems. Filled with deep meaning in ancient times, things made of solid earth rock retained their former meaning in the future. Christians built their first church on the rock; stones were used to mark the boundaries of sacred territories; Tribes gathered for council next to large stones endowed with a special role. In mainland complexes, groups of stone obelisks were used in unknown rituals. Even the quantity, not to mention the location, refutes any thoughts about the random nature of such ensembles. While dolmens were undoubtedly tombs, the role of menhirs is still a matter of debate. The structure of cromlechs, which was quite complex for its time, required knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, which the ancient builders could well have mastered.

Collective burials in caves and the cyclopean masonry of temples do not reveal the mystery of the first millennia of island history. The gods of the ancient Maltese remained unknown, just as the daily life of a people who were undoubtedly developed and, perhaps, came from the mainland, was covered in a veil of secrecy. Recently, thoughts have been increasingly expressed about the presence of giants in Malta, which arose from nowhere, existed on the islands for 2 millennia and just as mysteriously disappeared, leaving behind huge temples.

Maltese sanctuaries are built from stone monoliths up to 8 m long and weighing several tons each. It is difficult to attribute their creation to the Sicilians, because they were never distinguished by their tall stature or strong physique.


The ancient builders of Malta used 2 types of stone: hard tal-quawwi for masonry walls and soft tal-franca for interior decoration. The method of transporting and processing the blocks is still unknown, but the construction technology was reproduced quite accurately. The work began with the construction of a hole for the base. Its walls were sloping on one side and strictly vertical on the other, opposite, where the pit was reinforced with logs. Having rolled the blocks on rollers, the workers moved them onto the wooden flooring, and then, helping themselves with levers and winches, lowered them down. The laying of the slabs happened slowly, literally centimeters at a time, although as a result the huge stones lay precisely.

After the foundation, the construction of the above-ground part of the temple began, which was folded with the help of winches and scaffolding. Ancient builders fitted the blocks very tightly, trying not to leave gaps. The semicircular chambers of the sanctuaries were located around a central passage. The complex buildings were surrounded by a common wall, similar in plan to a horseshoe and also made using the megalithic technique, that is, without mortar or pre-treatment of the stone surface. It is assumed that the fences were originally covered with false vaults.

The largest Maltese sanctuary - Gzantija - is located on the island of Gozo and, in addition to the official one, has the name “mother and daughter”. The second name was determined by the original form of the structure, erected in the form of two lying women of unequal height. The entrance to each of them is located at the site of the vagina.

Erotic symbolism occupied a special place in the culture of the Maltese newcomers. In many temples, places of honor were given to phallic signs, represented by drawings and unusual sculpture. Thus, a powerful slab in one of the sanctuaries personified the human reproductive organ. Anyone who managed to touch her could hope for a quick addition to the family. The smooth and fairly even surface of an ordinary stone pedestal was in some unknown way correlated with male power, which is what today’s Maltese believe. It is no coincidence that this particular temple is the most visited of the ancient monuments of the island, and it is not difficult to guess that representatives of the stronger sex come here more often.


At one time, Gzhantia was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest building on the planet. The rest of the temples of Malta were built 2-3 thousand years later, but, despite their relative youth, they are of no less historical interest and are excellent from the artistic side. In 1847, notes by the French writer G. Flaubert appeared in the European press. Like many of his colleagues, the famous novelist expressed interest in ancient monuments, but, unlike many, he did not see any mysticism in their origin. Having called dolmens and menhirs witchcraft buildings, he did not deny their cult significance, noting that “they could embody the ancient ideas about the temple.

Some see the huge swinging stones of dolmens as a symbol of the Earth floating in an endless void. They could be a device for judicial trials: when someone was accused of a crime, he had to walk over a shaky stone. If he remained motionless, the person was acquitted. It is difficult to say anything definite about menhirs. If desired, in each of them one can notice a resemblance to a huge phallus and on this basis draw a conclusion about some kind of phallistic cult, like the cult of Isis.”

The religious significance of the Maltese megaliths could not be proven, but the piety of the local residents forced them to build sanctuaries before houses. Probably, this tradition passed into modern times from the era of mysterious giants who did not hide in fortresses, did not build tombs for themselves, did not have weapons, including primitive knives, did not hunt or plow the land. Rejecting metal, which by that time had long been known to people, the probable ancestors of the Maltese turned their talents to construction.

Stone figurine of Saracen

The life of the mysterious settlers was subordinated to serving the gods and building temples. Perhaps they were supplied with food and clothing by pilgrims who came to Malta to worship the goddess Saracen, a fat, fertile giantess whose image is depicted in temple sculpture. The rocky lands of the archipelago could be a sacred place where her priestesses and secular admirers lived, who undoubtedly adhered to the laws of matriarchy. The overweight Saracen was more often depicted sitting and lying down. Almost all of her statues lack heads, but in place of the neck there are indentations into which attachments found in the same temples fit. Apparently, each head of the goddess was a specific symbol, and therefore was replaced before the start of the corresponding ceremony.

The Maltese believed that the beauty of Saracen could drive you crazy, so the priestesses, not wanting it for faint-hearted spectators, hid the face of the goddess by removing the head from the statue. The most spectacular of all the sculptures found is usually called the Maltese Venus. The peculiar appearance of the islanders’ foremother brings considerable income, because miniature copies of the famous sculpture are now sold in all souvenir shops in Malta. According to legend, it was she who built Gzhantiya, dragging huge blocks of stone from nearby cliffs. Translated from the Maltese language, the name of this sanctuary of the archipelago sounds like “tower of the giantess.” They say that in one hand Saracen held a block, and in the other she carried her child, whom the short inhabitants of Gozo for some reason consider their ancestor.

Carved ornament on a stele in Khal Tarshin

Interior view of the Khal Tarshin sanctuary

Most Maltese churches do not have interior decoration. The impression of completeness is created by the decoration: stone idols, carved altars, niches and hearths, flat sculpture on the walls, where the animal motif is often repeated. In some cases, portal blocks were decorated with primitive carved ornaments. Dots, spirals, realistically interpreted plant and zoomorphic motifs were made in flat relief and then painted. Similar patterns with traces of paint distinguish the walls of the Hal Tarshin temple, discovered about a century ago in the north-east of Malta. Currently, a museum complex of the same name has been created here, consisting of 4 temples created in 2100–2800 BC. e.

A true masterpiece of prehistoric architecture is the Hypogeum, a multi-story cave carved into granite rock using stone tools. A labyrinth of narrow passages, caverns, shallow and deep niches smoothly descends to a depth of 12 m. Translated from Latin, the word “hypogeum” means “underground dwelling.” However, the full name of the monument includes the name of Saflieni Street, where archaeologists dug it up at the beginning of the last century.

Unlike other Maltese temples, the Hypogeum probably had more than just a religious purpose. Excavations in the lowest level revealed tens of thousands of human skeletons, indicating that the underground corridors may have been used as a cemetery, a prison, or a place where priests were tested. The burials are located in the lower tiers, representing a series of low burial chambers with three blank walls. Each of them was intended for a small body; they all resembled each other, but one was distinguished by its “infinite length,” that is, stretching out in the form of a tunnel, it was lost in the unexplored thickness of rocky rock. In the pre-war years, local daredevils tried to explore the mysterious hole; having difficulty crossing the narrow entrance, they fell into the tunnel and remained in it forever.


In the absence of eyewitnesses, rumors arose that this place was inhabited by certain creatures interested in preserving the secrets of their monastery. One way or another, people really disappeared in the Maltese dungeons, strange sounds were heard and the most attractive caves crumbled by themselves. The catacomb system was mentioned more than once in ancient books. Some of the authors claimed that the network of tunnels branched inward and to the sides, continued under the seabed and stretched to Italy.

To date, all megaliths discovered in different parts of the archipelago are open to the public in Malta. Prehistoric buildings, as a rule, are combined into complexes, that is, several structures are meant under a single name.

On the southern tip of Malta there are 2 temples as part of the Hajar Qim ensemble, built in 2700 BC. e.


Ar Dalam Cave

On the opposite side of the island stands Bugibba, a temple named after the city, near which it was discovered by archaeologists in 1928. Over time, the city border came close to the ancient cromlech and today it is located on the territory of the New Dolmen hotel. The resort town of Bugibba, located 10 km from Valletta, is located at a large distance from the capital, by local standards, because Malta is three times the length. The road from Bugibba to San Giulian runs along the coast, and, despite the loud name Regional Highway, is a crooked single-lane road with poor coverage. At night it turns into a kind of “death road”. The last lights stand at the exit from the nearest town of Sliema, and drivers, cursing the darkness, are forced to drive between a rock and an abyss.

The gloomy Ar Dalam Cave Museum is a veritable depository of fossils. Walking through its cool halls, you can see dwarf elephants and hippopotamuses, giant dormice and a turtle, as well as birds that inhabited the island more than 200 thousand years ago. Thus, the unique exhibits of Ar Dalam record the moments of the emergence of life not only on Malta, but also on Earth as a whole. The cult ensemble of Mnajdra, discovered in the mid-19th century on the southern tip of Malta, consists of three sanctuaries of varying sizes. In the spring of 2001, on the night of the fateful Friday the 13th, on the eve of Easter, modern vandals visited the monumental structure, moving and breaking 60 stone blocks. The ancient temple, fortunately, was not destroyed, although it suffered only once in its long existence.


Having erected unique complexes, the mysterious giants suddenly disappeared at the very height of their culture. The events that led to the departure or mass death of an entire people remained a secret of history: guesses about the epidemic and war were not confirmed. Also, the idea that they left the world voluntarily, not wanting to see the changes taking place in it, has not been proven.

The mysterious Maltese archipelago in the Mediterranean Sea is one of the most popular holiday destinations for travelers from different countries. And it’s not just the beaches of Malta or its direct connection with the Knights Templar and their untold riches, it’s simply that there are grandiose sights of historical significance - the oldest megalithic temples and religious sanctuaries. Moreover, all these ancient buildings are shrouded in mystery and many mysteries, the answer to which scientists still cannot solve. Nobody knows who built the ancient megalithic temples, with the help of what unknown machines or tools they managed to install such huge structures, and where did these builders go? All that remains of the skilled craftsmen of antiquity are their sanctuaries, which are well preserved to this day.

Scientists suggest that the civilization of ancient Maltese builders lived at least seven thousand years ago, had a Neolithic culture and erected giant structures made of stone. The oldest man-made religious sites in Malta are a thousand years older than the famous Egyptian pyramids. Megalithic temples are structures assembled from stone blocks of enormous size; in shape, these sanctuaries resemble a blooming flower, but in fact they are “cromlechs” - circular compositions created by vertical installation of slabs. It is interesting that all Maltese temples and ancient catacombs were erected without the use of cement mortars, from only partially hand-processed stones. These blocks of stones reach fifty tons in weight and exceed eight meters in height. Which raises a lot of questions, including: how did the islanders of Malta, with their primitive tools, manage to create a large-scale and grandiose architectural megalithic ensemble? There are so many mysteries and inconsistencies that some scientists even voice a version about the alien origin of these builders.

A small Mediterranean state that can be traveled around in a day, which is very attractive for tourists. In addition, there is a very developed infrastructure here, allowing you to quickly and easily get to any historical sites. In total, twenty-three ancient megalithic temple-sanctuaries have been found in Malta to date. But, unfortunately, many of them are poorly preserved, since for centuries, local peasants dismantled their walls for their construction and household needs. That is why the Maltese religious megalithic temples, for the most part, can be seen as ruins, but even those are striking in their size and the scope of the builders’ ideas. Each ancient sanctuary of Malta was built in a certain era. But even after the appearance of new temples, people continued to be buried in old buildings. All megalithic buildings in Malta were built according to the same principle: there were tombs in the center, around which there were temples. Several megalithic temples have been well preserved to this day: Ggantija, Hagar Kvim, Mnajdra, Tarshien, Mgarr, Scroba, Hypogeum Hal-Saflieni, Ar Dalam.

The ancient buildings of Malta are majestic and powerful, and even rather rude, but with a romantic touch of millennia, they have a unique appearance. The unknown builders of Maltese temples did not make megaliths in any place; their construction and location on the ground had a certain connection. Construction in Malta was carried out according to a certain set of rules, created according to the Chinese teaching about the harmonization of space - “feng shui”; in addition, the megalithic sanctuaries hid in their location a connection to the starry sky. In the megalithic complex of Mnajdra, all buildings are associated with astronomical phenomena: the winter and summer solstices, as well as the equinoxes.

– are located on the territory of a small Maltese settlement, famous for its beautiful pastoral landscapes, numerous vineyards, and farms where they produce natural agricultural products. There are two prehistoric megalithic attractions of Malta here: the Ta’ Hajrat temple complex and the Neolithic complex of Skroba. In these places, scientists managed to make a lot of interesting archaeological finds. The temples are small in size but important in terms of history. These are the oldest buildings on the island of Gozo dating back to the Neolithic period. The ruins of the megalith Ta-Hajrat - "Ta" Hagrat" are dated 3600-3000 BC. A kilometer away there is another megalithic complex of Skorba - "Skorba", dated 4400-3000 BC. These structures were found by scientists recently in the sixties twentieth century. So far, little information has been collected about them, but it is known that in the Neolithic the oldest settlements of Malta were located here.

- was built in the place of today's settlement of Paola, on the territory of Malta six thousand years ago. This unique underground religious sanctuary is the oldest temple in the world. Fortunately for contemporaries, it was well preserved. But in order for the temple complex to continue to stand, the number of people visiting it on excursions is strictly limited. On the day of the Hypogeum, no more than eighty tourists can see the Hal Saflieni. That's why travelers planning to book this excursion to Hypogea in advance. The hypogea, like other megalithic Maltese temples, were built to last for centuries, and to ensure this safety, the sanctuaries were built underground. In terms of functionality, this is more likely not a temple complex, but a necropolis - a centuries-old tomb for local residents. The Khal-Saflieni Temple has many corridors, grottoes, rooms, they are divided into three tiers. There are more than thirty halls, chambers, niches of different sizes and shapes, and the deepest room in the lower tier is a corridor that goes ten meters underground. The walls of the middle-level rooms are very smooth; scientists have suggested that they are masonry. In addition, they were interested in the ornaments that decorate all the halls of the complex, made with red ocher: these are patterns in the form of a spiral - a symbol of prosperity and the infinity of life. The total area of ​​the Hypogea is four hundred and eighty square meters. Over the centuries, approximately thirty thousand people were buried here. The Hal Saflieni hypogeum was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century and was immediately called the most unusual example of underground architecture in Malta. During excavations, scientists discovered unique archaeological finds: bones, ceramics, stone and wooden figurines of animals, miniature figurines, women's jewelry - all this changed the understanding of modern people about the Maltese islanders of antiquity. Excavations of the Hal-Saflieni Hypogeum cave are still ongoing, constantly delighting archaeological scientists with new finds.

– located on the island of Gozo. This is the oldest megalithic sanctuary, consisting of two temples. Ggantija is similar in shape to a clover leaf, which symbolizes the cult of fertility, as evidenced by the figurines discovered by scientists during excavations. From the largest temple, only the six-meter ruins of the facade remain, but they also testify to the former greatness of the megalith in ancient times. Especially considering that such religious sites were built under Stone Age conditions. The temple has cyclopean masonry, that is, when the stones are held under their own weight. Here you can see the altar and sacred places-altars, over which animals offered as gifts to the gods were hung, bleeding them. There are recessed baths at the entrance to the temple so that parishioners can wash their feet before entering the sanctuary. It is united with another temple by one common wall. The temples are fenced with large stones, many of which weigh at least fifty tons. The ancient megalithic sanctuary of Ggantija was discovered in the nineteenth century.

- the largest and best-preserved religious complex in Malta, located fifteen kilometers from the capital of the country - Valletta. This spacious sanctuary on a hill consists of three temples surrounded by stones. Scientists found on the top of the hill oval limestone slabs decorated with elegant ornaments, as well as figurines - animal figurines and idols made of silicon. This megalith of Malta, like many others, has the shape of a clover leaf, which means it is dedicated to the cult of fertility. Much to the surprise of archaeologists, the Hajar Kvim temple has survived to this day almost in its original form.

– it consists of three temples and is deservedly considered the best example of ancient Maltese architecture. Many thousands of years ago, near the entrance to this sanctuary there was a statue of an ancient, locally revered goddess. This statue was about three meters in height, today only the lower part remains of it - bare feet and part of a pleated skirt, but this is a copy, and the original is in the museum of the capital city of Valletta. The megalithic complex of Tarshien is the most complex architectural object, despite the fact that it is poorly preserved, invariably impresses travelers coming to Malta with the honed skill and talent of ancient architects: mysterious cromlechs with perfect and precise details. The lower temple of the megalithic complex tells us that the Maltese builders had ideas about astronomical phenomena: since every year in September and March the sun's rays move along the same precise trajectory. The temple has a stone altar, which is decorated with a spiral pattern. There is a hole in the altar in which archaeologists managed to find the bones of sacrificial animals and a special ritual knife. In addition, scientists found a large bowl in the temple, which was carved from a huge stone slab, but its purpose remained unknown. All these finds made it possible to argue that the Maltese many thousands of years ago had a whole complex set of religious beliefs.

- a gigantic network of tunnels with traces of human settlements, located on the islands of the Maltese archipelago. This discovery to this day excites the minds of historians, who say that this is most likely an underground city of the Knights of the Order of Malta, who created secret labyrinths and passages in the thickness of the earth. Other scientists say that this is an ancient sewer from an unknown civilization of the builders of the Maltese megaliths. This find raises a lot of questions and assumptions, but there is not a single exact answer.

Getting acquainted with the large number of megalithic temple buildings in Malta, one involuntarily thinks that many millennia ago there was the largest religious center of the ancient world, where pilgrims arrived from other countries and islands of the Mediterranean. Megalithic temples performed not only a spiritual function, but also had the role of administrative, medical, financial and public institutions. It is still a mystery to scientists - the end of the ancient Maltese civilization, but they were able to establish an approximate date - 2300 BC. The reasons for the disappearance of the great Maltese builders have not yet been found, there are no traces of destructive epidemics, no traces of war, no traces of natural disasters, these people simply disappeared somewhere, leaving only megaliths reminiscent of their existence. These ancient temples of Malta will forever remain the world's greatest cultural heritage. In 1980, the megalithic sanctuaries were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

For tourists planning a trip to Malta and exploring the megaliths, it is necessary to book an excursion in advance. The approximate price is one hundred twenty dollars per person. Near all of the listed ancient religious buildings in Malta there are museums where there are interactive screens, all archaeological finds are demonstrated there, there are models of megaliths, and guides will tell you a lot of interesting things about these ancient buildings on the planet.

The oldest man-made structures, which raise many questions among scientists around the world, are located in Malta. The religious sites, which are older than the Egyptian pyramids, have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1980.

Temples and catacombs, built without cement mortar, were created using stone blocks partially processed by man. It is curious that some of the slabs exceed eight meters in length and weigh about 50 tons. Therefore, it is unknown how the islanders, with primitive tools, created such a large-scale architectural ensemble. However, many are convinced that the incredible megalithic temples of Malta were not erected by representatives of the human race, and it was they who participated in the construction of Stonehenge in England.

Mysteries of Malta

It is difficult to believe that many centuries ago there was a civilization in Malta, about which experts argue to this day. Who were the explorers who landed on the islands in the fifth century BC and built the megalithic temples of Malta? Unfortunately, the question that worries everyone remains unanswered, but researchers are confident that these people have nothing in common with the modern inhabitants of the Mediterranean state. Archaeologists have discovered that the entire island is literally riddled with deep traces that remain from riding on carriages or carts, but not a single wheel, not even a wooden one, has ever been found.

Different versions of the origin of the mysterious traces

Therefore, ufologists are talking about the extraterrestrial origin of the rut, and many are sure that it was located on the territory of Malta and all the grooves were left by the mighty titans. Mysterious footprints in some places even go under the water, and they are hidden by a thick layer of silt and sand, but most of them disappeared under the built houses.

There is another version according to which it was the islanders who passed on their accumulated knowledge to the most mysterious people in the world - the Sumerians, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of our civilization.

The oldest buildings

Incredibly, the first inhabitants erected the gigantic megalithic temples of Malta a thousand years before the appearance of the famous Pyramid of Cheops. Structures made of stone blocks, the shape of the entrance to which is similar to a blooming flower, are cromlechs - circular compositions of vertically standing slabs.

If we talk about sanctuaries, it was precisely established that all the buildings served the purpose of worship. A total of 23 temples were found, none of which have reached us in their original form. The main material for construction was coral limestone, and local peasants often dismantled the slabs for their own construction, turning well-preserved temples into real ruins. Only four structures can be seen relatively intact. True, they suffered the sad fate of poor-quality reconstruction made to increase the tourist flow.

Megalithic temples of Malta: description, history

Each sanctuary of the state has its own era. Despite the construction of new ones, they continued to be used as burial places for people. The researchers found that all the buildings were built according to the same principle: tombs were located in the center of the structure, and temples grew around the burial ground at some distance from it.

The ancient sanctuary of Ggantija

As a result of the research, it was found that Ggantija is the most. The megalithic temples of Malta, created according to the same design, are designed in a single architectural style. The structure, found in the 19th century, has a common rear wall that connects two temples with separate entrances.

Located on the island of Gozo in the Maltese archipelago, the important archaeological site was built a thousand years before the appearance of the pharaohs in Egypt. The megalithic temple of Ggantija, shaped like a clover leaf, belongs to the cult of fertility, and this is evidenced by the figurines found in the excavations.

Features of construction

Each of the temples has a slightly concave facade, and in front of each of them there is a monumental platform of stone slabs. The area where the religious complex is located is fenced off by vertically standing boulders. Near the entrance, a slab with a strange recess was discovered, filled with water and used for ritual ablution.

The mysterious megalithic sanctuaries of Malta, located closely, the history of which worries all scientists of the world, are directed towards the southeast. It is believed that the South Temple, approximately six meters high, is the earliest and largest structure, including several semicircular parts (apses). Remains of the plaster that covered the uneven walls of the building were found. Altars with animal bones found inside the temples are evidence that sacrifices were made here.

Hadjar Kvim

Located 15 kilometers from the capital of Malta, the spacious temple, rising on a hill, consists of three sanctuaries surrounded by a fence. The religious object, on top of which oval limestone slabs were found, is decorated with interesting ornaments, figurines of animals and idols made of silicon. Having the shape of a clover, like other megalithic temples, Hadjar Kvim reached its descendants almost in its original form.


The three temples of the Mnajdra religious ensemble are also well preserved. According to scientists, the sanctuary is oriented towards the sunrise during the solstice and equinox. Archaeologists who worked on the territory for a long time did not find a single metal object, which indicates the Neolithic origin of the religious monument.

Tarshien Temples

The whole complex, consisting of four megalithic objects, is recognized as the most complex of all the others. The poorly preserved temple still impresses tourists to this day. The unusual megalithic architecture of Malta amazes with the exceptional skill and talent of the architects who created the mysterious cromlechs, where all the details are carefully verified and thought out.

The design of the lower temple of the complex confirms the masters' awareness of astronomical phenomena: in September and March, the passing sun's rays follow the same trajectory every year.

The lower part of the statue of the Maltese goddess is visible on the ruins - a pleated skirt and bare feet are visible. Scientists have found that the sculpture reached more than two and a half meters in height. Its original is now kept in the capital's museum, and an exact copy of the statue is installed in the sanctuary.

Nearby is a stone altar, lavishly decorated with spiral patterns. The hole in it was tightly clogged, and when archaeologists cleared it of stones, they discovered animal bones and a ritual knife. In one of the objects they found a huge bowl carved from a stone slab. All this speaks of a whole complex of religious beliefs of the Maltese.

Hypogeum of Khal-Saflieni

The mysterious megalithic temples and the underground sanctuary of Malta, carved into the rock, are considered the main prehistoric monuments of our planet. The hypogeum of Khal Saflieni, discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, was used as a religious site and burial site.

The three-story complex is an unusual example of underground architecture. Excavations in the cave bore fruit - unique archaeological materials were found. Remains of bones, ceramics, carved figurines of animals, small figurines and even women’s jewelry change our ideas about the life of the ancient islanders.

The underground kingdom, carved into the rock, covers an area of ​​500 square meters. More than 30 halls, chambers and niches differ in size and shape. The deepest room in the lower tier goes 10 meters into the earth. The rooms on the middle level have walls so smooth that they look like stonework.

Scientists are interested in the ornaments made on all the halls of the Hypogeum. Spiral patterns most likely symbolize prosperity and continuation of life. More than 30 thousand human remains were found in the underground sanctuary, which can be called a necropolis. However, excavations of the cave continue to this day, so scientists will delight with new finds.

Ar Dalam

Another invisible kingdom, where traces of human settlements were discovered on the islands, excites the minds of scientists who want to understand what the extensive network of tunnels is. According to one version, this is the underground city of the legendary Order of Malta, and according to another, there is an ancient sewer at depth.

The fact is that there are underground labyrinths with secret passages that have been built in Malta. And today the legend was confirmed when workers discovered the entrance to a tunnel under the city square. It was not possible to go through the underground corridors with high arches, since they were all blocked. True, some historians of Malta believe that this is only part of the ancient water supply system.

Megalithic temples: the mystery of ancient Malta

Scientists are concerned about the question of why there are no roofs. So much effort was spent on the construction of the megaliths, and none of the builders provided for the possibility of privacy in the sanctuary, so that even bad weather would not interfere with human communication with the deities. True, some researchers claim that there were roofs, but they collapsed over time.

The megalithic temples of Malta are a unique phenomenon, and there are no structures similar to them in the world. Behind a single wall there are separate rooms, and this isolation raises many questions. If people worshiped one deity, then why were the temples divided among themselves? And how many clergy were there - one or several? Experts also argue about the religion of the ancient inhabitants of the state. What gods did they worship five thousand years before Christ?

The mystery of civilization

The island's discoverers clearly distinguished between their dwellings and the megalithic temples of Malta, making their houses from fragile materials and erecting cromlechs for eternity. In 2300 BC, a mysterious civilization disappears without a trace, and there is no evidence that it died as a result of some kind of catastrophe. After studies of the remains from the necropolises, no signs of epidemics were found.

Where the first builders on Earth went, and why they did not show their remarkable talent, remains one of the main mysteries of civilization.

For those who are going to Malta, it is worth knowing that excursions to cromlechs must be booked a month before the trip. No more than 80 people are allowed to visit the ancient temples, and during the high tourist season the queues stretch for several months. The approximate cost of the excursion per person is $120.

Next to religious buildings there are museums with interactive elements, where you can see all the unusual finds made by archaeologists, get acquainted with models of megaliths and learn a lot of interesting things about the ancient buildings of our planet.