After a long winter, catching crucian carp with a float rod in the spring is the first joy for anglers who do not engage in ice fishing. Unlike other types of fish, crucian carp, having slept all winter in most reservoirs, emerges from hibernation first and begins to actively feed, delighting fishing enthusiasts with good catches. Spring fishing for this fish, despite its activity, is not as simple as it seems at first glance - without knowledge of places and times, good sensitive gear, and a set of baits, catching a silver beauty even at this time can become a very difficult and not at all exciting experience.

Distinctive features when catching crucian carp in the spring with a float

Unlike the hot summer, fishing for crucian carp in the spring with a float rod has a number of very important features that any angler must take into account at this time of year:

  • Small fishing depth– unlike in summer, when crucian carp tries to hide from the heat in deeper places with cool water, in spring it spends most of the day on the coastal shallows, where the water is well warmed and there is plenty of food.
  • Use of thin, unobtrusive equipment– spring crucian carp is not as lively as in summer, so to catch it you need fairly thin and sensitive equipment.
  • Caution and silence– in the spring, the water is still very clear, and therefore, while fishing, the fisherman needs to stand up to his full height as little as possible and move along the shore near the gear so as not to spook the fish.
  • Application of baits– trying to accumulate a sufficient supply of nutrients for spawning in the spring, fish prefer more nutritious baits.
  • Fishing during the day– unlike in summer, in spring this fish is caught from 7-8 o’clock in the morning until the evening.

Where and when to catch crucian carp in the spring with a float rod

Crucian carp are caught in the spring on a float mainly in small reservoirs, where, due to their small volume, the water reaches a temperature of +7+10 degrees earlier than in large lakes, reservoirs and river backwaters.

The main places for catching crucian carp with a float rod at this time are:

  • Shallow areas of ponds and lakes with a depth of no more than 1 meter.
  • Floodplain lakes with shallow depth and abundant thickets of last year's reeds and reeds.
  • Backwaters and bays of small rivers with slow currents.
  • Discharge channels for warm water from thermal stations.
  • Reclamation ditches.
  • Swamps and "toads".

Crucian carp is most active in mid-spring after 7-8 o'clock in the morning and until the evening. At the end of May, with the onset of warm days and nights, activity shifts to the early morning and late evening hours.

The crucian carp bites well at the end of spring, also at night.

Like all fish, crucian carp is influenced by weather factors such as atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation. Thus, fishermen in the spring noticed the following patterns of the influence of weather conditions on fish activity:

  • The bite is most active in mid-spring on warm sunny days with constant pressure and a light warm wind.
  • At the end of spring, when hot days come, this fish is more active on cloudy warm days with light rain and weak wind.
  • A sharp cold snap with heavy rains and gusty cold north winds has a negative effect on the bite.

Features of catching crucian carp on a float depending on the month

Each of the three spring months has its own characteristics in catching crucian carp with a float rod.


During the harsh winter in March, most crucian carp reservoirs are still covered with a thick, although not so durable, ice shell. But life-giving oxygen dissolved in it begins to penetrate under the ice along with the melt water. This activates the behavior of the fish, forcing it to move around the water area in search of food. In this case, crucian carp is caught in March with the winter equivalent of a summer float rod.

If the end of winter turned out to be warm, and some small reservoirs were free of ice by the beginning of mid-March, you can try fishing in them in deep places using long fly rods or Bolognese float rods.

The main bait for catching crucian carp in March, both with winter and summer gear, is bloodworm.

Video: catching crucian carp with a float in early spring in March


From mid to late April, as the water warms up, crucian carp become very active. They catch it at this time at a slight distance from the shore using the thinnest summer rigs. The bait is used in small quantities, adding a few drops of attractants.

When fishing for crucian carp in April, I use bloodworms, large dung worms, and maggots as bait.

Video: fishing for crucian carp in April using a fishing rod with a float


Fishing for crucian carp in May with a float rod due to the upcoming spawning can last, depending on weather conditions, both until the middle and until the end of the month. Before spawning, crucian carp are caught in the same places as in April. As aquatic vegetation appears, along with bait, the fish begins to show interest in bait of plant origin - semolina, dough, pearl barley.

Fish spawn when the water warms up to a temperature of at least +16 0 C in small coastal areas with thickets of fresh and last year’s aquatic vegetation. During the period of spawning, the fish does not feed.

When May is abnormally warm or hot at the end of the month, crucian carp begins to be caught not only in the morning and evening hours, but also at night.

Video: large crucian carp on a float in May

Rigging a float rod for crucian carp in spring

For catching crucian carp in the spring with a float rod, equipment plays a very important role along with the choice of place, time and bait.


For the most common and accessible to most anglers, float fishing from the shore, fly and Bolognese rods are used. The choice depends on the casting distance:

  • In places where the casting range is no more than 10 meters, and the depth at the fishing spot is no more than 1.0 meters, lightweight carbon fiber fly rods 4-5 meters long are needed
  • For casting over a distance of over 10 meters and a depth of up to 1.5 meters, 5-7 meter carbon fiber Bolognese rods are used.


When using Bolognese fishing rods, they are equipped with a simple bobbin or small spinning reel.

fishing line

For spring fishing, thin monofilament fishing line with a cross section of 0.16-0.18 mm is used.


The float is selected with an elongated spindle-shaped shape with a long antenna painted in bright colors. The keel and lower part of the float body should be of an inconspicuous, dull color. The most sensitive when catching crucian carp in the spring are floats with a weight of 1.0 to 1.5 g.


To load the float, lead weights of the “pellet” type are used. To increase the sensitivity of the equipment and reduce the noise it produces when sinkers hit the water, the entire weight is divided into 3 parts - 2/3 of it is placed 20-25 cm from the place where the leash is attached to the main line, and the remaining 1/3 is placed at the loop node, to to which the leash is attached. Also often a small weight weighing 0.1 grams. placed in the middle of the leash.

Leash with hook

A leash up to 30 cm long is made from a simple monofilament thread with a cross-section 0.02 mm thinner than the main line. For fishing with plant baits and large dung worms, hooks No. 8-10 are tied to the leash; when using bloodworms, maggots and shit, smaller and thinner hooks No. 12-14 are used.

Video: how to catch spring crucian carp using a float rod

The main types of bait for crucian carp in spring

Spring crucian carp does not take all baits. The choice depends on the water temperature. So, on a float rod in early spring, when the water is not yet too warmed up, crucian carp are best taken with bait such as:

An increase in water temperature at the end of May increases his interest in plant foods. At this time, along with baits, he also prefers the following baits:

  • Semolina chatter;
  • Pea porridge;
  • Steamed peas;
  • Dough;
  • Pearl barley;
  • Canned corn.

A particularly popular bait is "Semolina Chatter", the recipe and preparation process of which you can see in the following video:

When the bite is weak and uncertain, many anglers use combination baits such as “sandwiches.” This bait consists of bait and attachments of plant origin:

  • Corn + bloodworms.
  • Peas + bloodworms.
  • Corn + worm.

Video: the best bait for crucian carp - preparation and use

Technique for catching crucian carp with a float rod in spring

After you have collected the optimal gear for this time of year, you can begin to master fishing techniques and consider the features of spring fishing for crucian carp from the shore and from a boat.

The main technical techniques when fishing with a float rod are casting, feeding, hooking, and retrieving:

  • Feeding - When catching crucian carp in the spring with a float, groundbait is as important as bait. Feed the selected promising location in early spring with a mixture of soil from molehills or dense coastal soil with crushed worms and small food bloodworms. At the end of spring, most of the bait consists of heavy porridges - millet, pearl barley, to which breadcrumbs, cake and a small amount of bait are added. They feed by making balls out of the mixture and throwing them with their hand at the intended fishing point. At least 15-20 minutes should pass between feeding and casting the baited equipment - during this time, the fish, disturbed by the fall of heavy balls into the water and attracted by the bait, will gather at the intended point.

Specifics of fishing for crucian carp from the shore, boat and at night on a float

In spring, crucian carp are caught both from the shore and from a boat. Each type of fishing has its own characteristics.


Catching crucian carp in the spring from the shore using a float is the most common and popular type of fishing. Unlike fishing from a watercraft, coastal fishing has such features as:

  • Long rods– when fishing from the shore, use fishing rods up to 7-8 meters long.
  • Thin Snaps– in spring, in clear water, the thinnest and strongest fishing lines and small floats with a low load are suitable.
  • Using two or more gear– Shore fishing allows you to use a large number of gears. The main thing when choosing fishing rods is to remember the legality of their use at a given time of the year - it is better to see in advance how many tackles and hooks are allowed by the rules of recreational fishing in a given period.

Video: fishing for crucian carp in spring using a float rod from the shore

From the boat

Fishing for crucian carp from a boat is not as popular as compared to shore fishing. Compared to the previous one, this type of fishing has the following characteristic features:

  • Short rods– when fishing for crucian carp from a boat, use short side or telescopic rods no more than 3 meters long.
  • Coarser rigs– bites often occur from large individuals, which require thicker and more durable equipment to fish out.
  • Depth greater than onshore– when fishing from a boat, the depth should be at least 2.0 meters, since at this time of year the crucian carp, in shallow depths, is very frightened by the silhouette of a boat moving directly above it.

Fishing for crucian carp from a boat in the spring is relevant in May, when, due to excessive warming of the water, the fish gradually move away from coastal shallow waters to remote deep-water areas.

Night fishing

Catching crucian carp at night with a float rod is practiced in warm spring. The best time for such fishing is the second half of May. Unlike daytime fishing, night fishing has a number of features:

  • For successful night fishing you need to: night was enough warm, without heavy rain, wind and thunderstorms.
  • Pre-feeding– at night, crucian carp are even more timid and cautious, so they are fed several hours before the start of fishing, so that by the time it starts, the fish has already calmed down after the splashes of the bait falling into the water and approached it.
  • Preparing the site– in order to avoid bumping into things and objects lying on the shore in the dark, even in the daytime the fishing area is cleared of everything unnecessary, the necessary equipment and gear are placed nearby, and firewood is prepared for the fire for the whole night.
  • Short fly rods– since at night crucian carp more boldly enters the coastal shallows, more convenient and lighter short fly rods are used.
  • Using a flashlight and glowing attachments– for fishing in the dark, it is necessary to use firefly attachments for floats and a powerful LED flashlight.

When fishing with a float in the spring, it is also worth remembering that crucian carp is not a weed fish species, therefore, having caught a small crucian carp, it should be released to grow back into the reservoir. This is not just a humane but also a rational attitude towards fishing - from a small crucian carp in the future a large and strong fish can grow, the capture of which will be a true fishing happiness.

In contact with

With the arrival of spring, when warming begins in most reservoirs, the fish slowly become active. It can even be caught from under the ice. There was once an opinion that crucian carp fishing could only be successful in the warm season, in open water. But this statement has long been refuted by experienced fishermen who discovered crucian carp fishing in early spring. In the last few decades, in most rivers and lakes, crucian carp began to bite at the end of winter. He became more active and pleased anglers with a good bite, even under the ice. It is enough to follow a few simple rules and catching crucian carp in early spring will be no less successful than in the summer.

Choosing a fishing location is one of the most important factors for success

In early spring, depending on the type of reservoir, some ponds may still have fairly strong ice, and in some, it is already moving away from the shore and you can start catching crucian carp in open water. But how to catch crucian carp in early spring? This question interests many still inexperienced fishermen. Let's take everything in order, and let's start studying this issue from the most important one - choosing a place. After all, the success of any fishing will largely depend on it.

When the ice broke

Fishing for crucian carp in March is not very different in fishing techniques from winter, with the exception of the behavior of crucian carp. Therefore, to choose a fishing spot, you do not need to rely entirely on winter fishing rules, since it is unlikely that you will already find schools of crucian carp at great depths. In the first half of March, fish begin to gradually leave their winter resting places and swim to those parts of the reservoirs in which the water becomes warmer and saturated with oxygen, and also where it is easier to find something to eat. These are, as a rule, shallow areas near the shore that warm up well, as well as areas with old reeds. In such areas you can find a lot of natural food, which is what attracts crucian carp here.

In open water, since it is still completely transparent, it is better to catch crucian carp without going into the water, but only from the shore, so as not to scare the fish with your presence. The ideal place is where the depth of the reservoir is about one and a half meters, there is aquatic vegetation, and the bottom is clay or silty.

Fishing for crucian carp in March - video

Ice fishing for crucian carp

During spring fishing for crucian carp on the last ice, you need to correctly decide on the fishing spot so that you don’t end up without a bite, and your neighbor, who is next to you at a distance of one meter, will fish out crucian carp one after another from his hole. Schools of crucian carp stay near a narrow channel zone, and places with various underwater snags are the most attractive for them.

Also promising are places near river mouths, near cracks in the ice, where melt water helps bring fresh oxygen into the reservoirs. Fishing for crucian carp from the ice in March is not so long, despite the fact that in some places the ice is still quite strong. However, you must be extremely careful, since the warmth of spring rays makes the ice very fragile and unsafe. It should be noted that crucian carp is not caught from ice in every body of water. If the reservoir is not deep and grass grows strongly in it in the summer, then there will be no bite in such a place until May. And when the pond is based on a clean river and crucian carp lives in it, then you can safely go to the last ice to fish for crucian carp. Moreover, during the ice fishing period, large fish are most often caught.

Crucian carp on the last ice: video

The right choice of gear is the key to successful fishing

Catching crucian carp from the ice

Fishing for crucian carp in early spring is much more varied than in winter. Since the beginning of March in many regions of the country it is still possible to fish on ice using winter gear. The most effective way is to fish with stationary gear. Fishing with a float rod and jig is the most popular type of fishing. The tackle has the following design: the main line is 0.09 mm thick, and a leash 0.07 mm thick is attached to it through a small swivel. The leash is a necessary component of the equipment and must be replaceable, since for a stable bite you have to change the types of jigs quite often. The most common types of jigs are droplets, pellets and multi-colored larvae. Crucian carp in early spring loves combinations of bright colors. So take this into account when choosing a jig.

Since fish have their own rules in each body of water, when fishing for certain species, you need to adhere to some rules, such as:

  • Use different sets of baits;
  • Combine colors of baits and change them;
  • Use different types of fishing rods;
  • Sensitive equipment.

In a crucian rig, absolutely everything is important - the type and color of the jig, the method of attachment and the location of the hooks. Only a precisely soldered hook can guarantee a reliable hook-up without leaving the fish.

Fishing for crucian carp on the last ice video

Tackle for spring fishing in open water

In the spring, you can use gear with all the variety of your fishing imagination. Catching crucian carp in early spring with a float rod is considered the most ideal during the period when the ice has already melted in some places. The float is an important component of the equipment, and the lighter its weight, the greater the chance of a good bite. Despite its weight - up to a maximum of 2 g, the float must be high. This is a requirement for better maneuverability, since crucian carp bite very modestly and can be missed. The hook size should be medium, from 3 to 5, so as not to frighten the fish with too large a size and not lose it with a small one.

The rod is selected in length from two and a half to five meters with a main line 0.2 mm thick and a leash from 0.1 to 0.18 mm. In good clear weather, it is necessary to take into account the color of the fishing line and select it for the pond or use a transparent color fishing line.

Catching crucian carp with a float rod in early spring can be fly or match, it all depends on the personal preferences of the fisherman, his experience and dexterity. You need to experiment, changing gear, bait, leash length, etc. Fishing for crucian carp with a match rod is usually designed for long casts and catching small fish. The match rod is about 4 meters long and is equipped with a reel that allows you to cast over long distances. It can be with a telescopic or plug-in connection and, depending on the weight, light, medium and heavy. Since the fishing line used in match fishing is quite thin, in order to avoid its breaks in the middle of the process itself, it is necessary to carefully select the fishing location, avoiding places with snags, reeds and unknown cloudy parts of the reservoir. Match fishing will allow you to get fish from the very bottom!

What to feed crucian carp in early spring

The last ice is perhaps the most fertile time for crucian carp fishing lovers. After all, you can enjoy not only the fishing process, but also the first, slightly warming rays of the sun, beautiful clear weather and watching nature wake up after its winter sleep.

After we have found that very cherished place for fishing, we can begin this wonderful, soul-warming process of fishing. Every novice angler asks the question: what to use to catch crucian carp in March? There is no clear answer to this question. Crucian carp is very picky, and it is almost impossible to predict its appetizing mood, since it depends on many different factors.

Among the reservoirs there are places where in early spring crucian carp bite well on a naked playing jig. Such a bite can be much more intense than even the most attractive bait for crucian carp. In such cases, you cannot do without bait; it will become an integral part of fishing. But you need to feed the crucian carp in moderation, since heavy feeding of the crucian carp in the form of a large cloud descending from above can scare away the crucian carp. It is enough to pour the bloodworm into the hole in small parts, while simultaneously lowering the jig at approximately the same speed as the bloodworm. When playing this way, the crucian carp mistakes it for falling animals and the bites become quite confident.

If fishing for crucian carp on the last ice is still carried out with a bait, then you can put three or four large bloodworms on the hook. Of particular interest to crucian carp are also various sandwiches made from bloodworms: with burdock moth larvae, with Chernobyl or with maggot, although the bite with the latter bait option is slightly worse. During this period, crucian carp are attracted to softer and smaller larvae. Chernobyl is a very good bait, which crucian carp eat with pleasure on the last ice, but you need to take care of its preparation in advance. In the spring it is unlikely to be obtained anywhere, so Chernobyl is often prepared in advance. To do this, in late autumn, wormwood stems are picked, split and the larvae are taken out. Place in a jar and put in the freezer until early spring.

In addition to using animal bait, catching crucian carp on the last ice can be done using regular summer complementary foods based on bread and porridge. Also, due to the presence of ice and the absence of currents, ground and breadcrumbs can be used. This bait is lowered into the hole in small portions, and feeders are used at great depths.

If we catch crucian carp in early spring in March, then in addition to bloodworms, we can use worms and maggots as bait. True, we should not forget that crucian carp is very capricious and picky. He may easily prefer baits made from semolina, peas, etc. Therefore, when fishing for crucian carp, always take with you a variety of baits and lures of animal and plant origin.

Fishing tactics

Catching crucian carp from ice in March is quite an interesting activity, especially since it is much easier to catch this way. Each hole requires an individual approach and if there is no bite, do not rush to move to another hole. Try several types of jigs and only when none of them brings effective results, try fishing from a new place.

For jigs to give a good result, it is necessary that the way they move in the water closely resembles the behavior of real live prey. As a rule, when playing with a jig, a bite occurs when its movements are suspended or it completely sinks to the ground. Usually, crucian carp bites are barely noticeable, so you need to hook at every hint of them.

To summarize, we can draw general conclusions about how to catch crucian carp in the spring:

  • Take into account the fact that spring is not always the right time to catch crucian carp in the spring. Despite the fact that under a still thick layer of ice, the weather is relatively constant, the air temperature outside and other factors still influence the bite. For example, stable warm air temperature always increases the activity of crucian carp and has a positive effect on the bite;
  • Successful fishing for crucian carp from ice largely depends on the correct choice of fishing spots;
  • To please this fastidious predator, you need to try different types of jigs. So, in some cases, only nymph jigs of certain types can bring success, and in some cases, only devil jigs, also of various types;
  • When using natural baits, remember to experiment with different types, both animal and plant based. The same principle must be adhered to in cases with lumps;
  • The choice of equipment for crucian carp on the last ice depends on the personal preferences of the fisherman, his experience and skills.

Video - catching crucian carp in spring (early)

Fishing for crucian carp in early spring: video

Video - catching crucian carp in early spring

Video - fishing for crucian carp in early spring

Catching crucian carp in early spring: video

Fishing for crucian carp in early spring - video

Crucian carp in early spring video

Although there are often funny cases and crucian carp refuses to “agree” with these rules, so you need to experiment directly on the reservoir itself. The standard fishing line diameter ranges from 0.10-0.12 mm, hooks according to the International classification No. 13-17, according to domestic numbering No. 4-6.

Fishing tricks

Every experienced fisherman has his own secrets, with the help of which fishing for crucian carp bears fruit throughout the year. Such secrets include special bite activators, baits with pheromone treatment and gear with extreme sensitivity.

Where to catch crucian carp in spring?

This is where the winter “parking” of crucian carp stops working; you shouldn’t look for it in wintering pits. In March, the crucian carp begins to become more active, not at full strength, but still. The underwater inhabitant looks for places with sufficient oxygen concentration and warm water. Therefore, this underwater inhabitant should be looked for within the coastline, in reeds and reeds, and accumulations of snags.

Features of March crucian fishing

It is unlikely that you will be able to fish from ice throughout March, because hot weather is just around the corner and the ice is becoming more saturated with water and weakening every day. Therefore, in mid-March or towards the end, it is recommended to take a short fishing “vacation” and wait until the ice recedes from the shore. Of course, this is a bit of a blow for dedicated winter fishermen, but don’t despair, because after the “rest” you can start fishing from the shore.

Fishing without ice cover

And so, in mid-March, when the coastline is “open,” you can fish using a float. It is this tackle that can really please anglers with trophy carp. It’s too early to take out spinning rods, because you can’t cast far (as a rule, there is still ice a few meters from the shore). In this case, the fisherman will need a rod 2-3 meters long. Installation of the fishing line makes its own adjustments: the main fishing line is 15 mm, and for the leash 0.1-0.12 mm will be enough. The carrying capacity of the float can greatly affect the number of bites. In order for neat “disturbances” on the part of the fish to be noticeable, the weight of the float should not exceed 2 grams.

Fishing time

You can catch a good catch in the morning, when the crucian carp is actively feeding. Practice shows that in the evening the fish “takes” not so well. The ideal time can be considered from 6 am to lunch. It is also too early to consider night fishing; they begin to experiment with this time of day from the beginning of May.

What to catch?

This month you can safely bait the following baits of animal origin: bloodworms (primarily), maggots and dung worms. By the way, unlike winter, in mid-March you can safely experiment with baits of plant origin: white bread, semolina, wheat and corn. In some cases, crucian carp are caught on foam plastic.

Here comes spring. The crucian carp are beginning to come to life and feed more actively - after all, now they need to restore the calories lost during the long winter. Crucian carp, unlike many fish, do not go far from their summer camps. Therefore, you need to look for it on the last ice in the summer biting areas.

The fishing rod for winter fishing for crucian carp with a jig is the simplest one. The length of the fishing rod with a nod is about 25 cm, and the length of the nod 10-12 cm. The fishing line is 0.1 mm in diameter. The nod is sensitive. It is better to use a jig made of copper or tungsten such as “diamond”, “flat”, “ant”, “larva”, etc. It is better to use very small jigs, about 3-4 mm long, and preferably two-color ones. Hook on jig No. 2.5-3.

We choose the color of the jig in accordance with the transparency of the water, the time of day and of course the weather, because by spring the water begins to become cloudy, so dark jigs are better. I think that every fisherman has his own established rules: let’s say in the morning you need to fish with a light bait, and when the sun rises, switch to a dark jig, this is especially true when fishing in shallow water. In deep places you can fish with shiny bait. This also applies to fishing at dusk. However, in the spring the water can be cloudy, then dark baits work better.

Even under a thick layer of ice and snow, underwater inhabitants somehow sense the approach of spring, and the bite of crucian carp at this time improves significantly. On cloudy days you can hunt crucian carp all day, and on sunny days it’s better in the morning and late afternoon, but, as always, there are exceptions.

When catching crucian carp, the angler does not need to actively play with a jig - crucian carp is a restless, thorough fish and is alarmed by sharp and frequent vibrations of the bait.

Nozzles- bloodworms, bark beetles, maggots, snail meat and others.

When hunting for crucian carp, the jig is located at the very bottom and even while tapping, “dives” into the silt, raising an appetizing cloud. The amplitude of oscillations when playing with a jig is small with a lifting height of 5-7 cm. The bite often occurs after the bait sinks to the bottom or hangs, almost touching it.

The winter bite of crucian carp is very sluggish; the fish seems to taste the bait and, sensing a foreign object, immediately abandons it. In this case, crucian carp, like bream, stands at an angle to the ground, but almost never lifts the bait to swallow it. At this moment the nod begins to vibrate, and the fisherman’s skill lies in choosing the right moment to hook.

It’s not worth catching crucian carp in a hurry, even though it doesn’t offer violent resistance, because The fish's lips are weak. For the same reason, fish brought into the hole should be taken by hand, but not lifted on the fishing line.

And of course, no tail, no scales!

Many argue that catching crucian carp in winter is a hopeless task, the same as catching carp or carp in winter. In fact, this is not so. It all depends on the nature of the reservoir and other conditions. Crucian carp do not always burrow into the mud to survive the winter cold.

As a rule, crucian carp cannot relax in those reservoirs where there is a predator that constantly pursues it. In this case, the crucian carp is in constant tension.

It is best to catch crucian carp on the first ice. As real cold weather approaches, the activity of crucian carp decreases. Moreover, it retains such activity until the onset of spring. Although in some reservoirs crucian carp exhibit optimal activity throughout the winter. The peak of activity during the day may be different for different bodies of water. As a rule, fishermen determine this experimentally.

Usually, crucian carp begins to bite from 7 a.m. until lunchtime. Then the fish goes to lunch and does not show any activity until about 4 - 5 pm. Biting activity may depend on weather conditions. In cloudy weather or during periods of thaw, crucian carp bite much more actively.

Fishing from ice requires special safety measures, and fans of winter fishing for crucian carp and other fish should always remember this. You should go out on the ice when it gets stronger and reaches a certain thickness.


The most catchy bait for catching crucian carp in winter is bloodworms, but this does not mean that it will not bite on other baits. In winter, crucian carp will certainly bite on the following baits:

  • for bloodworms;
  • on a worm;
  • for maggots;
  • on the dough.

Usually crucian carp is caught using a jig with a bloodworm attached to its hook. There are times when crucian carp refuses to bite at all. At such moments, fishermen begin to puzzle over this problem. No one knows why this happens, so fishermen are starting to change jigs, baits, and fishing methods.

Jig for crucian carp

The choice of jig is of no small importance. This can be done after several casts. Moreover, the color and shape of the jig may be different, depending on the nature of the reservoir. If on one body of water a crucian carp bites on a black jig, then on another it may be a completely different color or the crucian carp will refuse to bite at all.

Winter fishing for crucian carp is a lottery, because it is very rarely possible to find the key to this fish. The same can be said about other types of fish.

Crucian carp is caught with a playing jig and a standing jig. If the activity of crucian carp is high, then you can try to catch it with a standing jig, without spending much strength and energy. If there are no bites for a long time, you can occasionally twitch the rod to briefly animate the jig.

If the crucian carp is lethargic, which may be a consequence of weather conditions, then you can try to stir it up by playing with a jig. As a rule, use light twitches with the rod, with an amplitude of about 5 cm. If this technique fails to stir up the crucian carp, then you can resort to the following method. It imitates worms crawling in the mud. To do this, you need to lower the bait to the bottom and tap it with a jig. This helps raise a cloud of turbidity, which will certainly interest the crucian carp.

At the same time, we must not forget that crucian carp can be at any height from the bottom. This means that you should not forget about it and fish other horizons. To do this, you need to raise the jig to a height of 100 cm above the bottom, in steps of 20 cm. The jig is easier to see against the background of ice than against the background of the bottom.

Catching crucian carp is not as easy as it seems. Only the ubiquitous perch, which is the main fishing object for many winter fishermen, is easy to catch.

Choosing the shape of a jig for crucian carp

Depending on the fishing conditions, various forms of jigs can be used. As a rule, among the huge variety of forms there are the most catchy ones. They are used by most anglers for many seasons. Unfortunately, even the most famous manufacturers were unable to come up with more catchy forms during this time. The only thing they do is change the names of the same catchy baits. Most experienced fishermen will be able to determine, regardless of the name, what kind of jig it is and what it was called in the past. Salespeople at retail outlets also have similar knowledge. They are able to tell you which jig is more catchy, regardless of its manufacturer. It makes sense to note the 6 main types of jigs that actively catch crucian carp:

  • pellet;
  • ant;
  • disk;
  • bug;
  • drop;
  • Uralka.

But this does not mean at all that crucian carp will not be caught with other types of jigs. In this case, there is a huge field for experimentation. Moreover, this is true in conditions when there are fewer and fewer fish. Moreover, the fish are becoming more and more careful. It is possible that soon it will be possible to see new, more catchy forms of jigs.

Jig color

Most anglers pay attention to the fact that the color of the jig affects the bite of crucian carp: the color of the jig can worsen or improve the fish’s bite. If the color of the jig matches the fishing conditions, then this can stir up any crucian carp. Naturally, there is no universal color and the color of the jig will have to be selected through trial and error. Most anglers claim that crucian carp still have their favorite colors. Moreover, this approach of crucian carp is relevant for most reservoirs.

As a rule, they start fishing with a silver-colored jig. If the result is negative, they switch to other colors, for example, copper or brass. If the crucian carp refuses bright colors, they switch to jigs of dark colors, such as black, brown, gray, etc.

Moreover, they always start the fishing process with light-colored jigs, since crucian carp react to them much more often than to dark-colored jigs. Here weather conditions have a huge influence, which can change at any moment, which will force the crucian carp to change their mind. He can just as quickly abandon bright jigs in favor of dark ones.

Brightly colored, having several colors, jigs will also not leave crucian carp indifferent. Although this principle does not apply to all bodies of water. There are only a few where crucian carp ignores monochromatic baits, preferring multi-colored jigs. Although there are often cases when crucian carp refused silver or copper jigs in favor of brightly colored ones.

It follows from this that when going winter fishing with the hope of catching crucian carp, you need to have a full set of both traditional jigs and exotic ones. No one ever knows what shape of jig and what color crucian carp is going to be caught. Moreover, catching crucian carp in winter is not so easy and it is not caught everywhere.

Where to catch crucian carp in winter

Not every body of water has conditions conducive to winter activity of crucian carp. As a rule, in most reservoirs, crucian carp hibernate and do not show any signs until spring. Such reservoirs include small stakes or ponds, with a muddy bottom and not very deep.

As for large bets formed by a dam and having significant depth, here crucian carp can be active throughout the winter. And if the bottom of the reservoir is hard, then the conditions for crucian carp to hibernate simply do not exist, and it is forced to feed all year round.

If there is also pike in the reservoir, then this is another factor that seriously affects the activity of the fish. The crucian carp must constantly be in tension, waiting for an attack by a predator. In addition, he needs to constantly eat in order to have the strength and energy to avoid constant attacks.

If most fish prefer to go to depth, then crucian carp remains in the shallows, where it can find food and hide from predators in snags or thickets of old grass, reeds or reeds. But this applies to small individuals, but large individuals leave with the arrival of cold weather to the depths, where they bury themselves in the silt and remain in a state of suspended animation until the arrival of spring. Therefore, in winter, it is unlikely that it will be possible to catch a large kraus.

To catch crucian carp in winter, you need to work hard. To do this, you will have to drill a lot of holes and spend at least 20 minutes fishing each hole. If, when fishing for perch, 5 minutes is enough to determine whether there is a perch nearby, then the crucian carp does not immediately rush to the bait. Therefore, you will have to show maximum patience and perseverance. Here you have to choose what is more important, perch or crucian carp.

To catch crucian carp, you will have to demonstrate all your knowledge and apply all your experience. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to often change jigs and experiment with wiring.

You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of effort and energy before you manage to catch crucian carp in winter, especially since all baits are attractive not only for crucian carp. There will be no problems if crucian carp predominates in the reservoir. In this case, you can be guaranteed to catch a crucian carp.

Video “Catching crucian carp from ice”