Volcanoes, for all their danger, are one of the most beautiful and majestic wonders of nature. Active volcanoes look especially beautiful at night. But this beauty brings death to everything around. Lava, volcanic bombs, pyroclastic flows consisting of hot volcanic gases, ash and stones can wipe out even large cities from the face of the earth. Humanity has seen the incredible power of volcanoes during the infamous eruption of Vesuvius, which destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Herculaneum, Pompeii and Stabiae. And there are many such examples in history.

The largest volcanoes in the world - today we’ll talk about these dangerous but beautiful giants. Our list includes volcanoes of varying degrees of activity - from relatively dormant to active. The main selection criterion was their size.

Height 5,230 meters

The ranking of the largest volcanoes on Earth opens with an active stratovolcano located in Ecuador. Its height is 5230 meters. The summit of the volcano consists of three craters with a diameter of 50 to 100 meters. Sangay is one of the youngest and most restless volcanoes in South America. Its first eruption occurred in 1628. The last one took place in 2007. Now the volcanic activity of the giant from the Equator is assessed as moderate. Tourists who visited National Park Sangay, on whose territory the volcano is located, can climb to its peak.

Height 5,455 meters

In 9th place among the largest volcanoes in the world is. It is located in the Mexican Highlands. The height of the volcano is 5455 meters. Even in a calm state, the volcano is constantly shrouded in a cloud of gases and ash. Its danger lies in the fact that there are densely populated areas around the volcano, and Mexico City is located 60 kilometers from it. Last eruption The destruction of the giant occurred quite recently - on March 27, 2016, it threw out a kilometer-long column of ash. The next day Popocatepetl calmed down. If the Mexican giant erupts strongly, it will threaten the safety of several million people.

Height 5,642 meters

There are large volcanoes in Europe. In the North Caucasus there is a stratovolcano, the height of which is 5642 meters. This is the most high peak Russia. Elbrus is one of the seven highest mountain peaks on the planet. Scientists have different opinions about the activity of the giant. Some consider it an extinct volcano, while others consider it a dying one. Sometimes Elbrus becomes the center of small earthquakes. In some places on its surface, sulfur dioxide gases emerge from cracks. Scientists who believe that Elbrus may wake up in the future express the opinion that the nature of its eruption will be explosive.

Height 5,675 meters

The seventh place in the list of the largest volcanoes on Earth is occupied by the highest peak of Mexico. The height of the volcano is 5675 meters. It last erupted in 1687. Now Orizaba is considered a dormant volcano. From its top, stunning panoramic views open up. In order to protect the volcano, a reserve was created.

Height 5,822 meters

In 6th place on the list of the largest volcanoes is located in the south of Peru. Its height is 5822 meters. Misti is an active volcano. It last erupted in 1985. In January 2016, an increase in fumarole activity was observed on the volcano - steam and gas vents appeared. This is one of the signs of an impending eruption. In 1998, six Inca mummies were found near the inner crater of the volcano.

An interesting fact is that many buildings in the city of Arequipa, located 17 kilometers from the volcano, are built from white deposits of the Misti pyroclastic flows. That's why Arequipa is called the "White City".

Height 5,895 meters

The fifth place among the largest volcanoes on the planet is occupied by the highest point of the African continent -. Scientists have concluded that this giant stratovolcano, 5895 meters high, is potentially active. Now it periodically releases gases and there is a possibility of the crater of the volcano collapsing, which could trigger an eruption. There is no documentary evidence of Kilimanjaro's activity, but there are local legends that speak of an eruption that occurred about 200 years ago.

Height 5,897 meters

In fourth place on the list of the largest volcanoes on Earth is the second largest peak of Ecuador. This is an active volcano with a height of 5897 meters. The first time its activity was recorded was in 1534. Since then, the volcano has erupted more than 50 times. Kotpahi's last major eruption occurred in August 2015.

Height 6,145 meters

An active stratovolcano located in Chile, it ranks 3rd among the largest volcanoes in the world. Its height is 6145 meters. The last volcanic eruption occurred in 1960.

Height 4,205 meters

The second place among the largest volcanoes in the world is occupied by a volcano located on Hawaiian Islands. In terms of volume, it is the largest volcano on Earth, containing more than 32 cubic kilometers of magma. The giant was formed more than 700 thousand years ago. Mauna Loa – active volcano. In 1984, its eruption lasted almost a month and caused enormous damage to local residents and the area surrounding the volcano.

Height 6,739 meters

In first place among the largest volcanoes in the world is the active Startvolcano. It is located on the border of Argentina and Chile. Its height is 6739 meters. The giant's last eruption took place in 1877. Now it is in the solfata stage - from time to time the volcano emits sulfur dioxide gases and water vapor. In 1952, during the first ascent of Llullaillaco, an ancient Inca sanctuary was found. Later, archaeologists discovered three child mummies on the slopes of the volcano. Most likely they were sacrificed.

This is interesting. The Yellowstone caldera, which measures approximately 55 km by 72 km, is called a supervolcano. It is located in Yellowstone national park USA. The volcano has not been active for 640 thousand years. Under its crater there is a bubble of magma more than 8 thousand meters deep. During its existence, the supervolcano erupted three times. Each time this caused major cataclysms that changed the appearance of the Earth at the site of the eruption. It is impossible to predict when the supervolcano will wake up again. Only one thing can be said with certainty: a cataclysm of this magnitude can bring the existence of our civilization to the brink.

The volcano is one of the most beautiful, unexpected and terrible mysteries of nature. There are more than two hundred of them on Earth, and each one amazes with its height and power. Even volcanoes that are considered extinct cannot be trusted, because one day they may “wake up” and start erupting lava. Which of all active volcanoes is considered the highest? Where are they most? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

The area with the most active volcanoes

A volcano is a crack in the earth’s crust through which ash, steam, fiery lava, and gases are ejected. Appearance The volcano resembles a mountain. Why are volcanoes divided into active and extinct?

If the slightest activity has been recorded in human history giant mountain, which means the volcano is considered active. It doesn't have to erupt. By activity we mean even if it simply emits steam and ash once every hundred years.

Many active volcanoes are located in the Malay Archipelago, which is geographically adjacent to Asia and Australia. Russia also has a dangerous zone of active volcanoes. It is located in Kamchatka with the capture of the Kuril Islands. According to scientists, at least 60 volcanoes show signs of activity there every year.

The largest volcano in the world

Mauna Loa is the name of the giant, which in size surpassed all other volcanoes in the world. It is located in Hawaii. Translated from the local language, the volcano is called “Long Mountain”.

The giant's activity was first recorded in 1843. Since then, it has erupted 33 times, making it perhaps the most active volcano on the planet. The last eruption occurred in 1984. Then lava covered 30 thousand acres of land. After the eruption, the territory of Hawaii increased by almost 200 hectares.

Above sea level, Mauna Lao has a height of 4,169 m, and if you count the height from the very center, you get almost 9 thousand m. This is even higher than the highest mountain in the world - Everest.

Mauna Lao is not only the largest, but also the most powerful volcano. 75 thousand cubic km - this is its total volume.

Tallest active volcano in the world

In this part, even scientists have divided opinions. As for the height above sea level, there is no doubt, the highest is the Llullaillaco volcano - 6,723 m. It is located in the Andes between Chile and Argentina. Its last eruption was recorded in 1877.

Another part of the scientists gives the laurels of championship to another volcano located in the Andes, but on the territory of Ecuador - Cotopaxi. Its height above sea level is slightly lower than its competitor - 5,897 m. However, its last eruption was in 1942. And it was much more powerful than the eruption of Llullaillaco.

All scientists agree on one thing - Cotopaxi is the most beautiful volcano. It has an elegant crater and incredibly beautiful greenery at the foot. However, such beauty is very deceptive. Over the past 300 years, 10 powerful eruptions have been recorded. All 10 times, the city of Latacunga, which is located near the foot of the giant, was completely destroyed.

The most famous volcanoes in the world

Despite the fact that the previous volcanoes are the largest and most beautiful, few have heard of them. But there are two leaders that are known to everyone since school lessons - Fuji, Vesuvius and Kilimanjaro.

Fuji is located in Asia, on the island of Honshu, not far from the Japanese capital. Since ancient times, local residents have elevated the volcano to a cult. It rises 3,776 m above sea level and has beautiful contours. The last powerful eruption was recorded in 1707.

Vesuvius is an active volcano in southern Italy. By the way, this is one of the three active volcanoes in the country. Although Vesuvius is not as high as other volcanoes (only 1,281 m above sea level), it is considered one of the most dangerous. It was he who completely destroyed Pompeii, as well as Herculaneum and Stabiae. Its last eruption occurred in 1944. Then the cities of San Sebastiano and Massa were completely destroyed by lava.

Kilimanjaro is not only the highest African volcano, but also the highest point on the continent. Scientists believe that the history of Kilimanjaro goes back two million years. The volcano is located 300 m south of the Equator. Despite this, a large number of glaciers have accumulated at its foot.

The tallest extinct volcano in the world

The tallest extinct volcano is also located on the territory of two countries - Chile and Argentina. The peak of the Ojos del Salado volcano (translated from Spanish as “Salty Eyes”) is located on the Chilean side. The height of the peak is 6,891 m above sea level.

In the entire history of human existence, Ojos del Salado has never erupted. There were several cases where it emitted water vapor and sulfur. The last time such a case was seen was in 1993.

This fact made many scientists think about whether Ojos del Salado should be included in the ranks of active volcanoes? If this happens, it will become the tallest active volcano in the world.

The article talks about the highest volcanoes in the world. The Earth has hundreds of volcanoes on its surface. In addition to small, inactive volcanoes, there are also powerful, tall and huge ones. They all have something in common, most likely, this is that they all tower above humanity to great heights and instill fear in many. After all, everyone knows that volcanoes can erupt, release steam and ash. Does everyone know what volcanoes are? Volcanoes are formations above cracks in the earth's crust, so to speak, geological formations that release ash, lava, loose rocks, vapors and gases onto the surface of the earth.

If a volcano throws out ash and releases gas and a person notices it, then it can be considered active. According to estimates, the largest number of active volcanoes is located in the Malay Archipelago, which is considered the largest on planet Earth. It is located between the continents of Asia and Australia. The largest cluster of volcanoes in Russia is considered Kuril Island and Kamchatka. In addition, there is data on those volcanoes, their number is 627 volcanoes, which within 10 years still showed signs of their life and dormancy. But still activity.

I would like to note one of the majestic volcanoes, its name (translated from Hawaiian means “long road”). In Hawaii, it is this volcano that accounts for most of the territory, in addition, it is the most active among all existing geological formations above cracks in the ground. When they began to record the activity of the volcanoes, they noted that in 1843 it was active 33 times. But in 1984, he proved for the last time that he was still alive. It was that year that lava covered 30 thousand acres of the earth's surface, and the area of ​​​​the island of Hawaii increased by about 180 hectares. The volcano rose above sea level at 4169 meters. However, if you measure overall height Mauna Low, starting from the bottom, the figure will become twice as large - 9 thousand meters. It should be noted that this is larger than Mount Everest.

Mauna Low in addition to its superiority in power and height, it is also distinguished by its massiveness. The volume from the base to the top is 75 thousand cubic kilometers. Legends are made about this volcano. For example, one of the legends says that Pele (the mistress of volcanoes) was driven out of her home by her sister. The sister, in turn, was the mistress of the sea and water. And if Pele wanted to build a house for herself, then her sister, sending waves, destroyed all the work. Then the exile settled on the island and built herself a house, which she named Mauna Low. It was so big that the waves couldn't reach it.

Some consider it the highest active volcano. It is located in the Chilean-Argentine Andes. Differs in height at 6,723 meters. It last erupted in 1877. However, the opinions of scientists differ on the question of which volcano is the tallest active one. Many people give preference in this matter to the Cotopaxi volcano (South American Andes, Ecuador). Its height is less than that of Llullaillaco by 5,897 meters. Although a major eruption occurred in 1942. Whopahs are considered very beautiful in Ecuador. It has a very graceful crater and very attractive and dense greenery at the base. But all that glitters is not always gold. Cotopaxi is one of the most dangerous volcanoes. Since 1742, there have been recorded major eruptions, which destroyed the city of Latacunga (a nearby city from Cotopax in Ecuador).

The volcanoes described above are probably not known to many. But the most popular are the volcanoes Vesuvius, Fuji and Etna. Located in the south of Italy, near Naples. It is considered active, huge, with a height at 1,281 meters. Vesuvius is a representative of the country's trio of active volcanoes. He is considered the most dangerous in the world. At present, 80 of its eruptions are known, and the most massive and extensive eruption occurred in the year 79 (2 millennia ago). The eruption of 79 killed cities such as Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae. The last eruption occurred in 1944 and destroyed the cities of Massa and San Sabastiano.

The highest point in Africa and the most high volcano. This volcano is located 300 kilometers south of the equator, in Tanzania. The summit of Kilimanjaro is Kibo, which reaches 5895 meters. However, the most high point The peak of the volcano is considered to be Uhuru. According to scientists, the age of the volcano has reached more than a million years. The large accumulation of glaciers on the slopes of this geological formation can be considered surprising, since it is located close to the equator.

Asia can also surprise the eye with the presence of volcanoes. For example, located on the island of Honshu (Japan, 150 kilometers from Tokyo). For local residents, this is an iconic volcano with regular conical outlines 3776 meters high. On this moment shows weak activity; its last eruption occurred in 1707.

The most powerful volcanic eruption was recorded in 1883. The giant volcano demonstrated unprecedented activity on May 20. Peals were heard throughout the Indonesian capital. And Krakatau was located 50 kilometers from the city. For three months he frightened the entire population with his “cries” of cod. The surface of the earth has accumulated large layers of pumice. But on August 27, 1883, an eruption occurred that the world had never seen before. From the epicenter of the outbreak, the roar of the volcano spread over 5 thousand kilometers, everything was incinerated, because the ash rose to a height of 30 kilometers. The radius of expansion of the volcanic structure reached 500 kilometers. A column of gas and ash rose into the atmosphere (the height of the column was 70 kilometers). An area of ​​4 million square kilometers was covered with ash, that is, 18 cubic kilometers. The explosion was rated on a 6-point scale and reached the maximum level. To be clear, this is 200 thousand times more than the explosion that destroyed Hiroshima.

After such an eruption, the result was not long in coming, and it was very sad. Just imagine, almost 300 villages and towns in Indonesia were destroyed, 37 thousand dead people, most of which were overwhelmed by a 30-meter-high tsunami.

It is considered one of the highest volcanoes in Spain (translated from Spanish as “salty eyes”). It occupied the territory of the border between Argentina and Chile and rose above sea level at 6891 meters. Its peak is located in Chile. It is considered inactive because its activity has never been recorded. Although, there are times when the volcano seems to remind of itself. This concerns the release of water vapor and sulfur that occurred in 1993. It should be noted that some scientists still consider it to be valid. This led to it becoming the tallest active volcano, taking the place of Llullaillaco. But this fact is disputed and a unanimous decision has not yet been reached.

But there is another interesting fact, it says that Mount Elbrus in Russia is also a volcano... How interesting our world is, and how little we know about it.

Some of the most magnificent wonders on earth are volcanoes. Their beauty is truly dangerous, as they can bring destruction to everything around them. Hot lava and volcanic bombs can easily wipe out from the face of the earth everything that gets in their way, including the largest cities. Over many millennia, humanity has already become convinced of the incredible power of active volcanoes. For example, Vesuvius, which took thousands of human lives and destroyed Largest cities that era (Pompeii, Stabia, Herculaneum).

The article describes largest volcanoes in the world. This list contains volcanoes from different parts of the world, regardless of seismological activity. The main criterion for selection was their height.

10. Mauna Loa

Mauna Loa opens the top 10 largest volcanoes in the world. This is one of the active megavolcanoes, which is located in the central part of the island of Hawaii. In terms of volume, it is second only to the Tamu Massif. Its height is over four thousand meters. Scientists suggest that Mauna Loa originated over seven hundred thousand years ago. Today it is considered an active volcano.

Mauna Loa has an irregular shield shape with gentle slopes. In the vicinity of the volcano you can find many species of rare plants and wild animals. The mountain and lands from the southeastern part are included in the reserve.

WITH east side The Andes mountain system is home to one of the largest volcanoes on the planet - the active Sangay volcano. It has a steep conical shape, and numerous layers of lava and tephra can be seen on its top. The uniqueness of this volcano lies in the presence of three craters. On the territory of the mountain and its nearby territory a national natural Park, which belongs to the list of UNESCO protected areas.

Scientists suggest that the Sangay volcano was formed about 14 thousand years ago. Its height is over 5 thousand meters. From the 1930s to the present day, Sangay has been characterized by very frequent periods of activity. The first documented volcanic eruption was in 1628.

8. Huila Volcano

Old volcano Huila is the most big volcano in Colombia, whose height is 5365 meters. It has a steep elongated shape. Huila was considered dormant for many years, but after fifty years he began to show signs of activity. From 2007 to the present day, more than 7 thousand small seismic events have occurred. The last eruption was recorded in 2011. Huila poses a great danger to the inhabitants of the four regions that are in its vicinity.

This volcano and its surrounding areas are home to many species of wildlife. The rich flora and fauna is due to the presence of numerous water sources, which were formed due to the descent of snow from the top of the mountain.

7. Popocatepetl

The Mexican highlands are home to one of the largest active stratovolcanoes in the world, Popocatepetl. Its height is 5426 meters. The name of the volcano comes from the Nahuatl language, which means “Smoking Hill”. Next to it is Mount Iztaxuatl. These two hills received their names thanks to a legend. In it, the Aztecs talked about unhappy love, where a girl was given in marriage to another. This happened because her parents did not wait for their daughter’s lover to return from the hike. Soon the girl committed suicide. After some time, the warrior returned home victorious, but did not find his beloved alive. The guy could not come to terms with the loss and also committed suicide. At their sign eternal love the gods turned the lovers into two mountains.

6. Orizaba

Orizaba is the highest peak in Mexico and one of the largest volcanoes in the world. Its height above sea level is 5675 meters. Locals The volcano is called Citlaltepetl. This is translated from one of the Aztec languages ​​as “mountain of stars.”

At the moment, the volcano is dormant, but it has not completely gone out. About 27 eruptions have been documented, the last of which was observed in 1846.

In 1936, a protected park was created that included the mountain, surrounding areas and the settlement. The area of ​​the protected area is almost 20 thousand hectares.

Over thirty years ago there were about 14 glaciers at the top of the volcano. Due to the problem of global warming, their number has decreased. Today there are 9 of them. The largest of them is Gran Norte with an area of ​​9 km2.

5. Misty

Misti is the largest active volcano in South America. It is located in the southern part of Peru. Its actual height is 5822 meters above sea level. Not far from the hill is the city of Arequina, home to more than 1 million people. Most of the city's buildings are built from pyroclastic deposits from the volcano.

The cone shape of Misti is a stratovolcano. It is characterized by explosive eruptions that alternate with the outflow of lava. One of the features of the volcano is the presence of three concentric craters. In the 15th century, very strong eruptions were observed. The most recent seismological activity was documented in 1985.

4. Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is the highest African volcano. It is located in the northeastern part of Tanzania. Taking into account glaciers, its height is 5895 meters. Kilimanjaro, like most of the world's largest volcanoes, remains dormant. At the moment, local residents are observing little seismological activity. Kilimanjaro has a conical shape and consists of three craters.

There are many theories that explain the origin of the name in different ways. The name of the volcano is translated from Swahili as “mountain that sparkles.”

Despite the fact that Kilimanjaro is an inactive volcano, many scientists visit it every year. The top of the volcano is covered with a huge snow cap, which has been formed there since the Ice Age. Due to global warming, its volume has decreased sharply over the last century.

3. Cotopaxi

In the list of the largest volcanoes in the world, Cotopaxi ranks third. The height of the volcano is 5911 meters, it is located in Ecuador on the western side of the Eastern Cordillera ridge. The capital of Ecuador, Quito, is located just 50 kilometers from Cotopaxi.

The peak of volcanic activity fell in the 17th-18th centuries. The last eruption occurred quite recently - in 2015.

Cotopaxi means "shining or smoking mountain" in the Quechua language. Sometimes you can see small puffs of smoke above its mouth, which are formed due to the release of water and sulfur. Since the volcano is dormant, its summit is covered with a thick layer of glaciers and snow.

2. San Pedro

San Pedro, at 6,145 meters high, is the largest stratovolcano in mountain system Andes. The volcanic cone is formed by basalt and andesite layers. The last seismic activity was observed in the 60s of the last century. In the summer of 1903, the first documented ascent to the top of the mountain was made.

Not far from San Pedro is the San Pablo Volcano. Outwardly, they look like two brothers who are connected to each other using a high saddle.

1. Llullaillaco

Llullallaco is the largest volcano on Earth. Its height is 6739 meters. It is located on the high plateau of Puna de Atacama, between Argentina and Chile.

Today Llullallaco is in a dormant state. The last period of activity was documented in 1877. Nowadays, you can quite often see smoke emanating from its mouth.

The very first documented ascent to the top of Llullallaco occurred in 1952. During the expedition, archaeologists found an ancient sanctuary belonging to the Incas. Upon closer examination of the slopes of the mountain, several mummies were discovered, which were most likely sacrificed to the gods.