Problem 1. Get the required registration in the Individual Rehabilitation Program

In accordance with the law, a person with a disability can receive a wheelchair in accordance with the recommendations in his individual rehabilitation program, which in itself is already very difficult, since to obtainYPRESyou need to undergo a medical examination and obtain opinions from many doctors. But even after this, it is not at all a fact that you will be entered into the Individual Rehabilitation Program that you need. For example, many young people with disabilities prefer to use active strollers in everyday life, which are made of lighter materials (often aluminum and titanium), have quick-release wheel axles, which allows a person with a disability to even load it into the car themselves, and in general, themselves are much more maneuverable and compact. Given the appropriate skills and physical abilities, many people with disabilities can independently climb and descend steps, overcome curbs and rough terrain. So, not all people with disabilities manage to achieve such an entry in the IRP, but he will be prescribed, for example, an indoor stroller, and after that, with a similar wording in the social protection authorities and the social insurance fund, he will not be able to apply for the stroller that he really needs for active life. This problem is largely due to the cost of wheelchairs and the reluctance of government authorities to purchase them. The same active stroller is several times more expensive than a regular indoor stroller and not all regions buy them because of this. I know cases where in one of the regions children with disabilitieswrote down in the IPR about the need for active wheelchairs, but it turned out that they were not purchased in the region, and therefore there was nothing to issue. After this incident, no more such records were made by the medical and social examination. It will be even more difficult for a person with a disability to get an electric wheelchair, since its price is even higher.

Problem 2: Getting the right stroller.

If you have a corresponding entry inindividual rehabilitation program, then you will be provided with the stroller that was purchased by your region in accordance with the results of an open tender for the supply of rehabilitation equipment. Everything seems to sound right, but in reality this means that only one type of stroller is purchased, usually the cheapest, so the main criterion for determining the winners is the offered price, and the same size. That is, a person with a disability cannot choose either a comfortable model or a suitable size. And a stroller is such an individual tool that without individual selection and adjustment to a person’s specific needs, it often becomes not an assistant for a person with a disability, but an obstacle. In accordance with the law, a person with a disability has the right not to receive the wheelchair assigned to him, but to purchase it independently and then receive compensation for its cost. But this procedure is very difficult and I know only a few people who managed to achieve this. You need to buy the right stroller, which is certified in the right way, correctly fill out all the documents for the purchase, then go through a large number of officials with applications, etc. And if until recently a person with a disability could claim full compensation for the cost of a purchased wheelchair, now only for the cost of the wheelchair that he is entitled to from the state, that is, he will be paid the amount for one wheelchair that was purchased through a competition.

Strollers are issued for a certain period of time. If nothing has changed, then this period depends on the type of stroller and is 4-6 years. Different regions may have different procedures, but according to what I have encountered, if a stroller becomes unusable before the due date, a person with a disability can present it to social authorities, after an appropriate inspection, a write-off report is drawn up and exchanged for another stroller. It is strange why the social protection of the city of Kazan did not do this, perhaps because of the timing of the tender they did not have strollers available at that time to issue to needy citizens. Although, as soon as I needed it, the stroller was immediately found.

Instead of the result:

In general, the procedure for obtaining strollers is very difficult and confusing, so a very large part of people with disabilities prefer not to receive them from the state but to buy them themselves with their own money, especially since now the state provides the cheapest, often unreliable, without the possibility of individual selection and adjustment of strollers . In general, it is generally unclear why the state took on such a function when it would be much simpler and cheaper (not to maintain a significant additional staff of workers, not to hold competitions, not to store and not to issue strollers) to simply provide people with disabilities who need strollers, certificates, with the help of which they could purchase the equipment they need directly from manufacturers and stores (if necessary, paying extra with their own funds). There they will immediately select the required size and equipment, provide service during the entire operation, and themselves will fight for each client. But while all these functions are in the hands of Russian officials, all that remains is to write to the President’s blog.

Lawyer's comments:

In terms of providing citizens with TSR, the situation in different regions is different and may concern specific TSR. it all depends on the efficiency of officials and the availability of manufacturers. In general, purely organizational issues. Such interruptions in the provision of TSR occur even in Moscow.

The queue is the most common - whoever submitted the application for TSR provision first will receive it first. Of course, there is a dependence on whether a specific, say type, stroller is available.

If TSR is prescribed in the individual rehabilitation program (IRP) of a disabled person and it is included in the federal list, in accordance with Art. 11.1 of the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" should be provided free of charge!

The technical means of rehabilitation provided for by individual rehabilitation programs for disabled people, provided to them at the expense of the federal budget and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, are transferred to disabled people for free use.

Additional funds to finance the costs of the technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people provided for in this article may be obtained from other sources not prohibited by law.

In accordance with the federal law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008 N 240 “On the procedure for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products "

If the technical device (product) provided for by the rehabilitation program (conclusion) cannot be provided to the disabled person (veteran) or if he independently purchased the specified technical device at his own expense, the disabled person (veteran) is paid compensation in the amount of the cost of the technical device (product), which should be provided to a disabled person (veteran) in accordance with the rehabilitation program (conclusion).

The decision to pay compensation is made by the authorized body on the basis of an application submitted by a disabled person (veteran) or a person representing his interests for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of a technical device (product), as well as a rehabilitation program (conclusion) and documents confirming these expenses.

Thus, a disabled person, if he does not want to stand in line, can independently purchase a TMR, demand compensation in the amount of the cost of the TMR, and not wait for his turn to come.

You can choose and buy a wheelchair that suits you in the section

Not a single healthy person can even imagine how many different difficulties every disabled person in a wheelchair faces every day. Obstacles await you at every step, even in your own apartment. Think for yourself how narrow the corridors are in modern apartments, and how small the passages to the elevator are, and not all public places are equipped with ramps. And this is not all the difficulties that a disabled person has to face.

One of the difficulties is obtaining a free wheelchair from the state, in which a person will be able to move conveniently and comfortably.

The procedure for obtaining a wheelchair from the state:

1. First of all, the disabled person will have to receive a referral to VTEK, which is issued by a doctor at the clinic at his place of residence.
2. The VTEK Commission not only determines the disability group, but also creates a rehabilitation program. It details what rehabilitation equipment a disabled person needs.
3. After the decision of the VTEK commission, an appeal should be sent to the Social Insurance authorities at the place of registration of the disabled person. There they will register you and give you a direction according to which a disabled person has the right to receive a wheelchair.

It is also worth understanding that in the drawn up rehabilitation program the commission will make a note about what type of wheelchair is needed. And it is not always convenient for use in different situations.

Types of wheelchairs:
Electric stroller.

It will be the best option for disabled people who have problems with their hands, because it is controlled by pressing the joystick. In such a wheelchair, a disabled person practically does not depend on the help of others and can move independently, finding himself in various public places and at home.

Lever type stroller.

Here the stroller will be moved by special levers using your hands. This stroller usually has quite large dimensions and is preferably used in outdoor conditions.

Active stroller.

This stroller is propelled by wheel supports that rotate by hand. It has a fairly compact size, making it easy to transport. And it can be used both outdoors and indoors.

Stroller with sanitary equipment.

In this type there is a toilet for the disabled, and it is driven with the help of unauthorized persons. It is used mainly for seriously ill people.

Of course, if you have certain skills and abilities, it will not be difficult for a disabled person to operate any wheelchair. But often not all people have these skills. Therefore, you should pay attention to the entry made by the VTEK commission immediately upon receiving the certificate, then you will still have the opportunity to challenge this entry.
This problem arises due to the difference in cost of different types of wheelchairs and often disabled people receive one of the cheapest options.

AiF answered these and other questions Vladislav Matkarimov, Deputy Head of the Social Programs Department of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Tatyana Bogdanova, AiF: News has come from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation - a list of technical means of rehabilitation for disabled children has been approved, which can be purchased at the expense of maternal capital. Will it happen that people will buy strollers that are already provided to them for free?

Vladislav Matkarimov: The Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation took part in the development of this document, and the main task was to prevent repetitions. It included 48 products that are not included in the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to people with disabilities free of charge. At the expense of maternal capital, it will be possible to purchase a stair lift, a simulator for the development of motor functions, functional chairs and beds, devices for writing the Braille alphabet, etc.

- What funds are provided for free?

They are listed in the federal list approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2347-r. It is very extensive - from prosthetic and orthopedic products and wheelchairs to absorbent underwear and diapers (see infographics). What kind of prosthesis, wheelchair or other means of rehabilitation a disabled person needs is decided upon by a medical and social examination. Each case is individual.

The right to choose

Diapers and other rehabilitation aids are needed constantly, you can’t wait a day. Is it possible to buy them yourself and then get compensation?

Certainly. Legislation gives a person the right to choose - to be provided for at the expense of the federal budget or to purchase a means of rehabilitation himself and then receive compensation. Documents are submitted to the territorial branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation. But to do this, you should take into account an important point - do not buy the first remedy you come across, but exactly the one that is written down in your rehabilitation program. For example, diapers have characteristics such as absorbency and waist size, and if you purchase something other than “yours,” compensation may be denied. And be sure to take from the store not only a cash receipt, but also a sales receipt. If these simple conditions are met, there will be no problems with compensation. According to current legislation, you must be paid compensation within 2 months, the amount of which is determined according to government contracts concluded by the territorial branches of the fund for similar products and executed on the date of filing the application.

- How is the quality of strollers and other equipment checked today?

All technical means of rehabilitation that are purchased by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are necessarily certified and manufactured in accordance with GOST standards. In addition, in 2015, the FSS of the Russian Federation entered into agreements with leading all-Russian organizations of disabled people. Now people with disabilities are directly involved in the commission for the acceptance of new shipments of strollers or other rehabilitation equipment. If the quality is not satisfactory, the problem is solved by replacing products or terminating the contract with the offending supplier.

How to replace?

- What if a stroller or prosthesis suddenly breaks during use, what should you do?

Rehabilitation products are supplied under government contracts that stipulate warranty obligations. If something happens to them during the warranty period, you can contact the manufacturer directly or the territorial FSS of the Russian Federation. There are two possible solutions to the problem - repair or early replacement. In any case, you don’t have to pay for the repairs yourself. Contact the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, they will definitely help you.

Disabled people in the Russian Federation have a number of benefits that are determined by law. In particular, they have the right to receive the necessary equipment to help them in everyday life.

You will need
— individual rehabilitation and habilitation plan (IPRA)

In accordance with the law, a person with a disability can receive a wheelchair in accordance with the recommendations in his individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA).

To obtain an IPRA you need:
- contact your attending physician for a referral to a medical commission (ITU)

- undergo a medical examination and obtain opinions from many doctors.

This may take a significant amount of time as you will be examined by various specialists. They will take into account your capabilities and needs for rehabilitation equipment. Based on the results of the research, an individual rehabilitation and habilitation plan (IPRA) will be drawn up. Make sure that a wheelchair is entered there; it is not at all a fact that they will make the entry you need.

For example, many young people with disabilities prefer to use active strollers in everyday life, which are made of lighter materials (often aluminum and titanium), have quick-release wheel axles, which allows a person with a disability to even load it into the car themselves, and in general, themselves are much more maneuverable and compact.
Given the appropriate skills and physical abilities, many people with disabilities can independently climb and descend steps, overcome curbs and rough terrain.
So, not all people with disabilities manage to achieve such a registration in the IPRA, but he will be prescribed, for example, an indoor stroller, and after that, with a similar wording in the social protection authorities and the social insurance fund, he will not be able to apply for the stroller that he really needs for active life.
This problem is largely due to the cost of wheelchairs and the reluctance of government authorities to purchase them; an active wheelchair is several times more expensive than a regular indoor stroller. It will be even more difficult for a person with a disability to get an electric wheelchair, since its price is even higher.

If you have an appropriate entry in the individual rehabilitation and habilitation program, then you will be provided with the stroller that was purchased by our region in accordance with the results of an open tender for the supply of rehabilitation equipment.
In 2016, the Russian Ministry of Labor issued orders to identify suppliers of wheelchairs for disabled people in the Russian Federation. They became:

— LLC “BCARI “Overcoming”
— Otto Bock Mobility

Everything seems to sound right, but in reality this means that a person with a disability cannot choose either a comfortable model or a suitable size.
And a stroller is such an individual tool that without individual selection and adjustment to a person’s specific needs, it often becomes not an assistant for a person with a disability, but an obstacle.
In accordance with the law, a person with a disability has the right not to receive the wheelchair assigned to him, but to purchase it independently and then receive compensation for its cost.
You can buy the right wheelchair, which is certified in the right way, correctly fill out all the purchase documents, then go to the Social Insurance Fund with applications and receive compensation for the cost of the purchased wheelchair equal to the market value of wheelchairs purchased and provided by the state. If your vehicle costs more, you will only receive a partial refund.

Strollers are issued for a certain period of time. This period depends on the type of stroller and is 4-6 years. If a stroller becomes unusable before the due date, a person with a disability can present it to social authorities; after an appropriate inspection, a write-off report is drawn up and exchanged for another stroller.

Technical means of rehabilitation, provided at the expense of the federal budget and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, are transferred to disabled people for free use.

How to choose a wheelchair?

It just seems that all wheelchairs are similar to one another, like twin brothers. In fact, they differ significantly from each other. And each stroller is selected based on the needs of a specific person. Experts even highlight a number of requirements that need to be taken into account when choosing such a vehicle.

1) When choosing a wheelchair, first of all, rely on such a parameter as the weight of the person who will ride in it. If this figure exceeds 100 kg, then you will need a stroller with a reinforced frame. A lighter one will not be able to withstand such a load, and difficulties will arise with movement.

2) Another parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a stroller is the volume of the patient’s pelvis and the width of the vehicle itself. A standard stroller has a seat size of 43 to 46 cm. If the person sitting in such a chair is thin and puny, then he needs to select the seat individually, otherwise he will not have sufficient back support. And this in turn will lead to additional problems with the spine.

3) As for overweight patients, it is also necessary to select a seat individually for them. After all, if a person finds himself “squeezed” into a stroller, this will lead to problems with blood circulation in the legs: arthrosis of the joints, thrombosis and varicose veins.

4) The width of the seat can be easily calculated based on the size of a person’s clothing.
Measure with a measuring tape across the widest areas of the hips or iliac bones. Add 5 cm to the resulting value. Thick clothing should also be taken into account.
If the seat is too narrow, a person may develop bedsores. A seat that is too wide can cause incorrect body position.

Determining whether you have chosen the right stroller is simple: your palm should fit between the stroller and your thigh, without squeezing through.

5) An equally important parameter when choosing a wheelchair is its full width. The stroller must pass freely through all doorways and flights of stairs in the room. Otherwise, she bans the person from the premises.

6) If in the house where a wheelchair user lives there are no ramps or the elevator often breaks down, then weight is a very important indicator when choosing a means of transportation. It is desirable that it be light enough, maneuverable and easy to operate.

7) Footrests, armrests, headrest and other related parts are what you should pay special attention to. Indeed, in some cases these things may simply be vital. For example, a stand is an element that is especially useful in case of swelling of the legs. It must be movable so that you can change the position and direction of the body of the person in it.

8) In addition, the choice of stroller is also influenced by its type. For example, for people who do not want to give up an active lifestyle, there are electric strollers. The built-in motor gives this vehicle additional speed and maneuverability. There are even strollers adapted for sports and fitness.

Take the issue of choosing a stroller quite seriously. After all, only in this case will you provide a person who is forced to move with the help of such a means, a full and rich life that will not be limited by four walls.

In fact, choosing a stroller is very important.
Much depends on where it will be used. A stroller for active sports is not at all the same as an indoor stroller.
The nature of the disease should also be taken into account - a severe form of cerebral palsy or tetraparesis is not always combined with an active wheelchair, and at the same time, an electric wheelchair can “unlearn” a person to move, he will “become lazy” and remain in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, although he could walk.

Armrests: fixed or removable.

Removable or fold-back armrests are convenient for quick transfers. In addition, in some modern strollers the height of the armrest is also adjustable. Strollers with fixed armrests are quite simple and reliable, their design is durable and stable. There is no risk that the moving mechanism will break, so it is safe to move around in them. However, fixed armrests make the transfer process somewhat difficult.

Tires: solid or pneumatic.

Solid tires are reliable and durable, but are designed for moving the stroller exclusively on a flat, hard surface, since any unevenness will reverberate throughout the entire human body. Typically, strollers with such tires are used indoors.
Wheelchairs with pneumatic tires are made just for moving on the street: due to shock absorption, they “smooth out” small bumps on the road, making them invisible. But this model has its own drawback: it requires periodic inflation and replacement of tires. Modern models of wheelchairs with pneumatic tires are designed with new components that make them even more comfortable.

Electric wheelchairs

This stroller starts up using batteries. A power wheelchair has a completely different chassis than a manual stroller (in which the person turns the wheels themselves), and electric wheelchairs can be used both outdoors and indoors.

The control panel is located on the armrest and is extremely convenient to use. Many electric wheelchairs allow you to move the remote control: from the right side to the left, install it in the middle, or make it controlled by your feet. These are very fast and comfortable strollers; you almost don’t need to spend any effort to control them. But they have a small disadvantage - cost. Not everyone can afford to buy a power wheelchair.

Active wheelchairs

A wheelchair for those who are used to an active lifestyle. They allow you to quickly and easily move, maneuver, and even engage in certain sports. These strollers are made from very durable materials designed to withstand extreme sports loads. The lightweight design of large and small wheels allows them to be used for a long time under heavy loads. These are lightweight strollers, they can be disassembled quickly and are popular among young people.

Russian legislation provides special assistance to certain categories of citizens. People with physical disabilities especially need it. Therefore, it is necessary to know what a disabled person of group 1, a bedridden patient, is entitled to from social protection.

To whom and how is group 1 disability assigned?

The law provides for support for people with disabilities in the field of work, education, social adaptation, and free medical care is also provided. The rules are regulated by an impressive number of laws, regulations and acts. There are additional benefits that are available to a bedridden patient. They are established by the authorities of the constituent entities of the federation.

Group 1 disability is granted in the following cases

  • lack of self-service;
  • a condition requiring assistance from outsiders;
  • poor orientation in space and time;
  • inability to move independently.

Group 1 disabled people are people with impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system, most often these are bedridden patients. A person cannot prepare food, take care of himself, or move indoors without the help of others.

Disability is assigned by a medical social examination (MSE). Beneficiary status is confirmed once every 2 years. The group is assigned for life in cases of permanent helplessness, based on medical certificates and medical history.

These cases require someone to be nearby to provide care. Often this person is the closest relative. for a disabled person of group 1 is provided by social security in the following cases:

  • loss of relatives;
  • reluctance of loved ones to care for a bedridden patient;
  • lack of possibility of supervision due to business trips, placement in places of detention.

What is a disabled person entitled to?

The objectives of social protection in providing assistance are aimed at maximum rehabilitation, improving the lives of bedridden patients, and adaptation into society.

What is required for a bedridden disabled person:

  • additional payments;
  • a set of social security services;
  • transport benefits;
  • assistance in obtaining education;
  • improvement of living conditions;
  • tax compensation.

In addition to pensions, the state provides special benefits. Relatives and guardians should know what is appropriate for a group 1 disabled person who is bedridden in accordance with federal and regional regulations.

List of benefits:

  • provision of medications,
  • provision of an annual voucher to a dispensary;
  • use of vehicles within the city on a free basis (except for taxis and private carriers);
  • extraordinary admission for education after passing the Unified State Exam;
  • free dental prosthetics;
  • obtaining funds for rehabilitation.

The list of services for disabled people is extensive. Unfortunately, in reality, a bedridden disabled person does not always have the opportunity to fully take advantage of the benefits provided to improve the quality of life. There are not enough social security workers, huge queues at the hospital, lack of medicines in pharmacy chains, long waits for rehabilitation equipment necessary for movement and orientation in space.

Cash payments and compensation

For citizens of retirement age, a payment of 10,481.34 rubles is established. (information as of March 2018). Persons have the right to use the insurance part of their labor pension or receive the fixed payment specified above.

For disabled people of group 1, special unified cash payments (USB) are provided, which include compensation for certain services:

  • Purchase of medicines and medical nutrition in the amount of 833.79 rubles;
  • Rest in a dispensary – 129 rubles;
  • Long-distance travel to the place of treatment – ​​119 rubles.

The total amount of social services is 1082.54 rubles. A bedridden patient can refuse it and receive full monetary compensation in the amount of 3,651.75 rubles. Payments must be processed at the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence of the disabled person.

Social services

The state provides social assistance and moral support to bedridden patients. What a disabled person of the 1st group is entitled to from social protection is established

List of services provided to bedridden disabled people:

  • Assistance in paying utility bills and legal support in case of disputes;
  • Accompaniment for receiving medical care;
  • Maintaining the residence of a pensioner;
  • Providing a nurse from social security;
  • Assistance in organizing funerals;
  • Accommodation for a pensioner in a full boarding house in;
  • Delivery of food, medicine and essential supplies by social security workers.

Housing and tax benefits

Patients with disabilities have the right to demand improved living conditions. They are provided with special devices for movement. For example, wheelchair users need special access devices and handrails to easily move to the common door. Entrance openings must be widened.

To do this, you need to submit an application to social security. Guardians and authorized persons on behalf of a disabled person can submit an application to social security. A change of place of residence to a more suitable one is required if social security cannot provide access road equipment. The first disability group gives the right to receive a land plot out of turn.


In addition to the above, a group 1 disabled person is provided with a number of other benefits:

Name of services and taxes Privileges
Payment of utility services 50%
Property tax cancellation
Payment of state duty when buying and selling real estate Reduction of coefficient depending on region
Personal income tax Reduction of the annual amount by 3000 rubles
Notarial services 50% of the total cost
Property claims Exemption from state duty for claims up to 1 million rubles.

Note. Full exemption from transport tax is established by regional authorities. Some entities provide a 50% benefit if the car's engine power is less than 150 hp.

Rehabilitation means

Relatives of beneficiaries sometimes do not know what rehabilitation means are available to a group 1 disabled person who is bedridden. As a result, they acquire technical equipment to move independently. Based on this, the state provides disabled people with special rehabilitation means at the expense of the Federal budget.

Free adaptations for a disabled person:

  • Products that help with movement: handrails, crutches, support devices, wheelchairs, orthoses;
  • Technical devices for self-service;
  • Medical devices for measuring pressure, temperature;
  • Hearing and voice aids;
  • TVs and phones with text output;
  • Absorbent underwear, ;
  • Special clothing and orthopedic accessories;
  • Guide dogs with the necessary equipment.

Relatives of bedridden patients are interested in whether a disabled person is entitled to group 1. The state is obliged to provide pensioners with special shoes, an orthopedic mattress and a pillow.

Note. The basis for the free issuance of special devices from social security is an individual rehabilitation program. Therefore, when registering for disability, it is necessary to indicate a list of medications, personal hygiene products and necessary devices.

Ways to obtain rehabilitation funds

After completing the rehabilitation program, it should be registered with the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) and an application for the provision of rehabilitation funds must be written. The authorized body must conduct a tender and purchase the necessary device.

You can buy rehabilitation equipment yourself. To do this, you must make a written request about the amount of compensation for a specific type of funds. It is determined based on the last purchase. When purchasing the necessary device, you must keep the sales receipt and all accompanying documentation. Next, you should contact the Social Insurance Fund with a request for reimbursement of the amount spent, attaching documents confirming the purchase.

Registration of benefits for a disabled person of group 1

To receive government assistance and social benefits, you need to go to the social security department with a set of documents. The interests of bedridden patients can be represented by their relatives or proxies.

List of documents submitted to social security: After receiving documents from social security regarding the provision of benefits, the papers must be sent to the relevant organizations and tax authorities. You must visit the bank in advance to open a current account or card.

Socialization of disabled people

To ensure access to cultural objects and social adaptation, the state developed the “Accessible Environment” program. Its goal is to create a space where people with disabilities feel comfortable without noticeable limitations. The program includes the construction of special paths, lifting devices, and handrails used for the passage of wheelchairs and gurneys. Road intersections should be equipped with signals for safe movement.

Interim results showed that some of the planned social protection tasks are being fulfilled. Traffic lights with sound signals are installed, shops and centers are equipped with special lifts and ramps. However, even in this case, some objects do not meet the standards. If you look through the eyes of a disabled person, the “comfortable environment” brings a lot of difficulties, and sometimes is not accessible at all. The laying of tiles, the dimensions of the drives, the lifting angle are not observed, there are no handrails, tactile stands are installed in blind places inaccessible.

Various rehabilitation programs, social security assistance, benefits and payments have been developed for disabled people of group 1. To fully take advantage of the opportunities, it is necessary to monitor changes in legislation and clarify individual rates for the relevant region with social protection institutions.
