Project participants talk about life in the Seychelles. Today the television project celebrates the 14th anniversary of its first release. In honor of this event, the site reveals secrets of reality TV that you may not even know about.

Exotic Seychelles is a place where every project participant dreams of visiting
​Photo: DOM-2 magazine archive

For four of these fourteen years the site has existed in the Seychelles. Participants build love not only in Polyana, but also under the hot sun of an exotic island. Many fans are interested in what happens behind the scenes in the lives of the heroes in the Seychelles. How do participants get to the Island? What sex scandals are happening between the residents of the television building on the shores of the Indian Ocean? Ex-participants of "DOM-2" revealed these and other secrets behind the scenes of reality.

Liberge Kpadonu: “Seychelles medicine is at a low level”

There is only one small hospital in the Seychelles. Moreover, it does not work on weekends. So if, for example, you break your leg on Saturday, you will have to wait until the emergency room opens until Monday.

Liberzh Kpadonu said that participants have to bring medicines from Moscow
​Photo: Instagram

Wealthy people who vacation on the island can afford to fly to a clinic in another country on the next flight. Local residents are accustomed to making do with various folk remedies. Participants and employees most often use the medications they brought with them from Moscow.

Mary Kuleshova: “The guys and I almost drowned”

There is a chef on site who cooks for the participants. When I first arrived, the dishes were delicious. And then another cook appeared, and we didn’t like his cuisine. When we went to a hotel without cameras on the weekend, we stocked up on food there. At first I cooked myself, and I was especially good at pasta. But then I got lazy.

Mary Kuleshova recalled a not very funny story
​Photo: Instagram

We got to our Island from the capital of Seychelles on a small boat with the help of a boatman. When the tides hit, you had to wait for hours for the waves to subside.

I will never forget the moment when I was on the verge of death. Vitalik Malyshev, Roma Gritsenko and Nikita Shalyukov and I decided to swim in the ocean on inflatable flamingos. At this moment the waves began to rise. We were carried very far and we thought we would drown. They shouted with all their might to the participants and employees, waving their arms, but at first they did not understand anything. Only later did a boat come to help. Fortunately, we were saved. Once, employees found themselves in a similar situation - they almost drowned and miraculously survived.

Victoria Romanets: “Kuznetsov and Lisova had sex in the toilet”

I was one of the first inhabitants of Love Island. We then lived in very dilapidated bungalows, which were not conducive to romance, so couples in love experimented.

Victoria Romanets remembered how TV stars had to look for secluded places for “magic”
​Photo: Instagram

For example, Ella and Igor liked to enjoy each other in the ocean. Someone took rugs and found comfortable corners near the area where the large turtles were. I remember that I often sunbathed topless in the Seychelles. I wasn’t shy about the cameramen, why didn’t they see them there? I think that over many years the employees had already seen so much that no one was interested in looking at Romanets’s tits. Not all couples were able to remain faithful to each other - for example, Nikita Kuznetsov cheated on Sasha Artemova with Nastya Lisova while she was in Moscow.

Nastya Lisova and Nikita Kuznetsov indulged in passion wherever necessary

Kuznetsov and Lisova were a passionate tandem and even had sex in a common toilet. It smelled terrible there; personally, I would never choose such a place for lovemaking.

Maria Kokhno: “They often borrowed money from me”

It often happened that the guys on the island did not have enough money. Lera Frost did not have enough money to buy clothes.

Maria Kokhno said that heroes in the Seychelles often face lack of money
​Photo: Instagram

I remember she took Liza Polygalova’s dress and went on a date with Vova Gauti in it. Roma Gritsenko borrowed money from me. He and I were late for the flight and were very afraid of the hosts’ anger - I bought new tickets for both myself and him. In general, a significant part of the participants faced the problem of lack of money.


On which island is House-2 filmed?

A coral island (or atoll) in the Outer Seychelles - Providence. The atoll consists of two independent islands: the inhabited Providence and the uninhabited Surf.

House-2 will be built on the inhabited island of Providence. True, its population is only 6 people, and its area is less than 200 km2.

The new site of the popular reality show is called “Love Island at Home-2” and is located on an atoll in the Seychelles called Providence; in the south of the atoll there is a small uninhabited island called Surf.

Project participants in the Seychelles will be without the amenities and conditions of civilization.


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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


Where is Seychelles HOUSE 2

The highest altitude on this island reaches 907 meters above sea level. The islands are home to rare birds such as the nightingale bulbul and the black cockatoo.

Koh Samui has something to suit every taste. It is best to pick up a visual aid and see where the Seychelles Islands are located on the world map - it will be the best assistant in resolving this issue.

The geology of the country is represented by two types of landscape - granite (the largest island of Mahe is one of these) and coral. But a vacation here cannot be called wild, because the Seychelles is a place where everything is thought out and organized to the smallest detail so that people want to come back here again and again.

The Republic of Seychelles is the name given to a group of one hundred and fifteen islands in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives includes 1,190 islands, but only 202 are inhabited by people. The area of ​​Bali is approximately only a third of a percent of the total area...

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


House 2 Love Island in Seychelles

What does that very paradise in the Seychelles look like, which many current participants in the television production are so eager to get to? The third site of the Dom 2 project is called “Love Island Dom 2”, the first photos have appeared online, so viewers can already appreciate in general terms the pristine charm of the tropical branch of the scandalous show.

There is not even a hint of civilization on House Island 2 yet. Along with love affairs, the islanders' households will have to deal with pressing everyday issues - providing themselves and their fellow tribesmen with food and water, creating a home from improvised means. The island branch of the House 2 project will communicate with the City and Polyana in a triple teleconference mode.

If one of the household members is very tired of the hardships of living in a paradise, they will have to endure it, since it will not be possible to simply leave the island of House 2 in the Seychelles. It is not beneficial for the Orgs to frequently renew the team of “islanders” - the flight is very expensive. Totally agree...

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


Filming of the Russian reality show “Dom-2” has started in the Seychelles. Eight participants, each of whom already felt like Robinson Crusoe or Fair Friday, began to build love. In the meantime, the islanders are going through a period of acclimatization and preparing for the construction of human housing. As before, they will have to work every day on the construction site of the project. The first to come to “Love Island” was TV presenter Olga Buzova, who, by the way, is not burdened with the hardships of primitive life: the girl sails on a yacht through clear equatorial water. Project participants Andrei Cherkasov and his girlfriend Victoria Romanets, couples Vadim Ryzhov - Olga Vlasova and Igor Tregubenko - Ella Sukhanova, Marina Afrikantova and Yegor Kholyavin are already exploring the expanses of the jungle.

Let us remind you that the creators of the project decided to expand the scale of the television production and created a new location - the Seychelles Islands, where the reality show will also be filmed.

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


Less than two weeks are left until the long-awaited departure of the participants of the television project House 2 to the Seychelles. TV viewers, like the characters in the show themselves, are looking forward to the exotic continuation of the television project. The film crew kindly showed everyone waiting what they were about to see in the very near future. Moreover, if previously the posts of TV people on the official website of the TV project were exclusively in photo format, now an exclusive video has appeared.

As before, no buildings for future participants are visible. The only things in view are exotic plants, the ocean, sand and the yacht from which the photo is being taken. It is obvious that the corner in which the lovers and singles of the television project will soon find themselves is truly heavenly - the clear water of the ocean, the gentle sound of the wind and the scorching sun audible on the recording. The organizers of the television project continue to intrigue fans of the show, sharing small photo or video details over and over again. However, the most...

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


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The Caribbean Islands combine groups of islands in the Caribbean Sea: the Bahamas, the Lesser Antilles and the Greater Antilles. The five large Caribbean islands include Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Trinidad and more than fifty smaller islands. You can have a truly unforgettable vacation in the Caribbean islands. Endless beaches, unique and untouched nature, dazzling sun – all this [...]

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


Today, Russian tourists are more discerning, so they try to choose the most exotic and attractive places for their vacation. One such place is the Seychelles, which is becoming increasingly popular. And if until recently many Russians had no idea where the Seychelles were, now most Russian tourists can easily show them on the world map.

Where are they located?

Many peoples on earth have legends about a once-existing paradise on earth. Some of them can be considered completely fictitious, but some are still worth paying attention to. Especially if this applies to some regions located closer to the equator, where man has not yet dominated much. The Seychelles Islands are just such a place, often called “Paradise on Earth”.

When the word “Seychelles” is used, it should be borne in mind that it is in fact not one island, but an entire archipelago...

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?



Travel packages and tours

about country

Seychelles is a wonderful world, full of bright colors and spicy aromas, enchanting sounds of unusual music and the sound of the surf, ancient legends and amazing stories about pirate treasures.

Seychelles is a unique corner, lost in the vast expanses of the ocean, which many often call “Paradise on Earth” or “Eden”. Seychelles has many amazingly beautiful islands, each of them is interesting in its own way. The most popular destinations among travelers are Mahe, Praslin and La Digue.

Holidays in the Seychelles mean countless beaches with silver-white sand, which are rightfully considered one of the best in the world, exotic nature, the like of which cannot be found anywhere else on the planet, as well as local cuisine and excellent service. The Seychelles attracts travelers from all over the world and leaves unforgettable impressions.

Holidays in the Seychelles are ideal for...

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


Every international tourist knows about the Seychelles, because everyone dreams of getting here. This is due to the peculiarity of these places - pristine beauty, beautiful nature and comfortable solitude.

It’s enough to just figure out where the Seychelles Islands are on the map; you just need to have at least a little idea of ​​our globe.

This paradise is located at a distance of about 1.5 thousand kilometers from the coast of East Africa in the Indian Ocean near the equator, retreating from it to the south only a few degrees.

There are such geographical objects in the district that almost everyone knows about:

The country itself is called the Republic of Seychelles, which includes more than 100 of these same islands, while a small number of them are inhabited - 33. The uniqueness of this corner of the earth is only the beginning. Thus, the only city is Victoria - the smallest capital in the world, located on Mahe, the largest of the Seychelles islands. Built right here...

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


Where should a Russian tourist go? Among the increasingly popular destinations is the Seychelles. Many of our citizens can already find them on the world map. To visit this country you do not need a visa, and the trip itself promises to be very exciting. Here are the basic facts about this wonderful place.

general information

So, Seychelles... Where are they? Their location is in the Indian Ocean, near the equator. In relative proximity are such well-known objects as Mauritius, Reunion (to the south), as well as the Comoros Islands (to the southwest) and the Maldives (to the northeast). However, if a person is not particularly familiar with geography, a verbal description will not tell him anything. In this case, you need a visual aid that will help you navigate the question “where are the Seychelles Islands located.” The map is the best assistant in this matter.

The Seychelles are more than 150 islands, 33 of which are inhabited. The total area of ​​the archipelago is about 450 square meters. km....

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Where can you find the Doma 2 bar in the Seychelles?


The Seychelles Islands are a stunningly beautiful archipelago, a real lost paradise in the waters of the Indian Ocean. Amazingly beautiful landscapes, white fine sand, azure ocean, unique flora and fauna, and, of course, the “signature” palm trees of the archipelago - all this is the Seychelles Islands.

Location of Seychelles

The exotic archipelago stretches in East Africa over an area of ​​455 square kilometers. In such a small area there are 115 islands, but only 30 of them are inhabited by people. The islands are located 1,600 kilometers from the continent of Africa, and almost 1,000 kilometers north of the notorious Madagascar. The capital of the island is the largest city of Victoria (Mahe Island).

Seychelles International Airport (Aоport International de Seychelles - Pointe Larue) with three terminals is located 10 kilometers southeast of the capital. The islands are home to approximately 90,000 people.

Seychelles - former French...

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Contrary to rumors on the Internet, our Wedgo team actually found the participants of HOUSE 2 in the Seychelles. And they are located next to the largest island of Seychelles - Mahe. And you can get there on foot.)

Information was specifically spread on the Internet that supposedly they now live on the island of Providence or Surf, which are located almost off the coast of Madagascar and it is impossible for an ordinary tourist to reach them.

In reality, the participants of the famous TV show live in a specially built villa on a small island, which does not even have a name on the map, but is located in close proximity to Mahe, 100 meters away. However, if you look at this small island from Mahe, you will hardly be able to see signs of life there, because... The villas are specially built on the other side of the island, away from human eyes. However, you can now look at the idols easily, just drive to Anse L "Islette on the island of Mahe, park near the Del Place restaurant, you will see a small island literally 100 meters in front of the restaurant, go there! If the tide is low at the moment, then you can easily you can just walk there knee-deep, the map shows the best way to go so that it is shallow, but if you arrive there at high tide, you will need to rent a boat for $10 that will take you to the island, or you can just swim.

Please note that it is not forbidden to get to the island itself, because... In the Seychelles, all beaches are public and cannot be private property. Those. you can walk around the villas and the film set of HOUSE 2 in the Seychelles, look at your idols from a distance of 5-10 meters without any problems. With the proper level of communication, you can easily chat with them, take a photo and get an autograph.

This is what the island looks like from Mahe, completely uninhabited

Here you can see a piece of the villa

And this is the same island on the other side, on the right you can see the villas HOUSE 2 in the Seychelles

By the way, just taking a walk there and taking photos in the Seychelles is quite beautiful!

Alexey Mikhailovsky (chief producer of this show) has already launched Love Island season 2, where 12 sultry beauties are fighting for two bachelors. This season is even hotter - the competition among brides is fiercer, the rules are stricter, competitions for dates are now becoming a real battlefield, and very promising guys have been chosen as bachelors - these are Arthur Ratner and Oleg Burkhanov. More and more intrigue and intensity of passions. In addition to the main prize of a million rubles, the winner will receive a pleasant surprise.

House 2 Love Island season 2 has undergone changes - the rules have changed, now being a maid is a real punishment.

The participants of House 2 Love Island Season 2 live in the same conditions. To the benefits they had (comfortable housing, healthy food, fitness trainer), several more were added. Now they will be visited by a yoga instructor, a psychologist for personal growth, the girls will be able to visit spas, various excursions around the Seychelles islands, often take trips on a yacht and have a personal chef on the island.

House 2 Love Island new season 2 has become a real paradise for both brides and bachelors. The participants were created the most comfortable conditions for building relationships. And of course, Love Island season 2 could not have happened without Nikita Kuznetsov. He is the host of this show.

Voting will take place through the same TNT-club application, which is absolutely free. All you have to do is install it on your phone and you get a unique opportunity - to decide the destinies of the participants of the paradise island. It is the TV viewer who chooses the couple who will take 1 million rubles, if, of course, they deserve your trust and respect.

The first season of Love Island is incredibly popular, so the TNT channel invested huge amounts of money into the launch of the second season. Apparently the viewer was tired of the long-running reality show DOM-2 and everyone switched to the island with great interest. After all, there are practically no fights, dirt or digging in the underwear of the participants. All the girls have appetizing shapes and the guys are not inferior to them in their attractiveness. The atmosphere on the island is calm, everything is clean and tidy, which cannot be said about the current project. In general, the producers of Love Island made the right decision with the launch of such a project.

Are you looking forward to the second season and all its news?

Then bookmark our site and be the first to know! Surprise your friends and acquaintances with new events from the Seychelles site - because we are always several steps ahead of the broadcasts!

On the reality show House 2, the grand opening of the third site took place, and not just anywhere, but in the Seychelles!

The producer of the House 2 project, Alexey Mikhailovsky, has already visited the island with his wife, former House 2 participant Natalya Varvina, who, according to rumors, could become the third host of the show. True, another bright character could also get the place of the third presenter in the Seychelles - also a former participant in House 2, Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov), who intrigued fans with statements about an imminent meeting on the screens. But the third presenter was never invited, the platform was opened by Olga Buzova, and the presenters will broadcast through a television bridge.
Initially, it was assumed that the third site of the House 2 project would be located on a desert island, where participants would be deprived of all the benefits of civilization. According to the terms of the show, the guys will have to survive on the island themselves in the best traditions of another show, “The Last Hero,” but at the same time also build love! All singles of the project and a few lucky “old men” were supposed to go to the island, and participants would be kicked out less often and only for the most serious violations of the rules. In addition, participants will also be prohibited from leaving the plot of land allocated for House 2, since the filming of the new series of the TNT channel “Island” is taking place very close by.

But everything didn’t work out as expected, the island was quite inhabited, there were many hotels nearby, and not singles, but couples went to the island of love. The first to go to the third site were Andrei Cherkasov, Victoria Romanets, Igor Tregubenko, Ella Sukhanova, Egor Kholyavin, Marina Afrikantova, Vadim Ryzhov and Olga Vlasova. The guys won’t have to get food, everything will be brought to them, they will be helped to build housing, and the tents in which they will have to live are not so small. All conditions have been created for the participants, they are provided with a yacht, the natives fish for them, they are allowed to go to restaurants and clubs, in general, they do not have to get anything themselves.

Love Island House 2

After some time, the project organizers decided to change the format of the third site. Now there will be several grooms and 12 brides on the island, of which 2 couples will reach the finals and compete for a million rubles in prize money. This will last 2 months, then the participants will change. The first suitors were Alexander Zadoynov and Ivan Barzikov and 12 girls from outside the perimeter.