Insurance for those traveling abroad when visiting Belarus is required. The laws of Belarus establish compulsory insurance for foreign tourists.

Requirements for a VZR insurance policy in Belarus

  • Information about the insurance company
  • Personal data of the insured
  • Validity period of the VZR policy
  • Insurance coverage area
  • Limit of sum insured (minimum amount 10,000 euros)
  • Information on paying the insurance premium

Entry into the territory of Belarus without a travel insurance policy, subject to the mandatory purchase of a policy from the country's insurance company, is permitted:

  • Residents of the CIS countries (Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine);
  • Citizens of Russia, but the agreement on the procedure for providing medical care applies to emergency medical care;
  • Citizens of Turkmenistan (a memorandum of cooperation in the field of healthcare is in force).

All existing agreements do not provide assistance to foreign tourists:

  • for transportation home;
  • in hospital treatment;
  • body repatriation;
  • prescription and payment for medications;
  • dentistry.

Buy a health insurance policy to Belarus online

You can purchase a travel insurance policy for a trip to Belarus online on the portal, fill out the form, make an online payment and receive the policy to your email.

Insurance policy for children when traveling abroad

Obviously, insurance is necessary when a child travels abroad: it can cover the costs of treatment and the purchase of medicines for the child. After all, children are most often exposed to climate change, disease and injury. In addition, in many countries a policy is simply necessary. Therefore, it is worth taking care of this in advance and protecting yourself from unexpected expenses for treatment, which can exceed hundreds of dollars or euros. When taking out insurance for a child abroad, it is worth considering the features of this service. First, remember that you can include your child in your insurance or purchase a separate policy that will have many more risk options. Insurance for a child usually includes:

  • Doctor consultation,
  • Transport to hospital
  • Emergency dental care,
  • Hospitalization and inpatient treatment if necessary,
  • Analyzes, examinations,
  • Medicines to stabilize the condition.

Among the additional options, people often choose insurance for accidents, for sports, as well as liability to third parties in the event of damage to property or health by the insured child.

Insurance for business trips abroad

Many companies, large and small, require employees to be sent domestically or internationally. Medical expenses within the country can be covered by a compulsory insurance policy, and the expenses of the employee themselves can be covered by the company, upon provision of checks. But when traveling to another country, foreign business trip insurance may come in handy. For organizations sending their employees outside of Russia to resolve business issues, there are two options for solving insurance problems. Firstly, the company can purchase ready-made insurance policies for employees that define a “corridor” of days during which they can be abroad. For those who rarely go on work trips abroad, you can take out one-time insurance. Insurance for a business trip abroad can include:

  • Medical expenses, including transportation, medications and dental care,
  • Expenses for urgent messages,
  • Insurance for loss or theft of documents,
  • Legal assistance,
  • Baggage insurance,
  • Civil liability of a posted worker,
  • Posthumous repatriation of the body.

What does flight cancellation and delay insurance include?

Insurance against flight cancellation or delay is useful to the traveler, as it will compensate for unforeseen expenses associated with waiting at the airport or even canceling a planned trip. At the same time, the contract stipulates that the delay must be at least a certain time - for example, four hours. That is, if the flight was delayed for only three hours, you will not be able to receive compensation.

A trip cancellation or flight delay insurance policy may include the following:

  • Delay of a regular flight by a certain number of hours depending on the established schedule,
  • Flight cancellation that does not provide other transportation options,
  • Unintentional refusal of the carrier to board the insured person on a scheduled flight due to overcrowding of the aircraft,
  • Being late for a transfer from one regular flight to another due to the delay of the first flight.

The insurance company may pay for meals during the delay, accommodation and transportation to the hotel, expenses for purchasing essential items, as well as telephone calls made during the delay.

It is worth noting that compensation is not subject to delay, cancellation or rescheduling of charters, lateness of the insured person for a transfer or check-in, incidents that occurred through the fault of the insured person, as well as cases without written confirmation from the air carrier about the reasons for the delay.

What is included in flight insurance?

Why is flight insurance necessary? The possibility of getting into trouble, considered an insured event, already exists on the way to the airport. You may miss your flight, get stuck in traffic, or your flight may be delayed or even canceled due to weather or technical problems. Luggage may go missing when transferring to a connecting flight or get lost in the host country. Flying comes with many risks, and travel insurance, as well as baggage insurance, can help you get compensation. Typically, the following risks can be included in the policy:

  • Lost luggage,
  • Damage to luggage,
  • Flight delay,
  • Accident insurance – including injury, the establishment of one of the disability groups, or the death of the insured person as a result of an accident.

Inflight baggage insurance will allow you to receive payment for lost items, but only after the loss is compensated by the airline itself. If your luggage is lost, indicate that you had to buy essential items and provide receipts for them, and if your luggage is damaged, indicate the brand of damaged items and their price. Flight insurance in case of flight cancellation or delay allows you to receive compensation for expenses such as meals during the delay, purchase of essential supplies, telephone calls, hotel services, travel to the hotel and back.

Do you need special insurance for pregnant women when traveling abroad?

Not many insurance companies decide to insure pregnant women when traveling abroad. This is due to high risks that can significantly increase the company’s costs. Insurers providing services to pregnant women put forward a number of conditions that their clients must meet:

  • The gestational age at the time of returning home should not exceed 24-26 weeks,
  • The duration of the trip should be no longer than 10-14 days,
  • A woman should not have medical contraindications to travel.

The insurance for pregnant women traveling abroad must include the following non-insured events:

  • Childbirth,
  • Caring for a newborn child,
  • Premature birth
  • Abortion.

At the same time, both premature birth and termination of pregnancy can be paid for by the insurance company if they threatened the woman’s life.

The maximum period for obtaining insurance for pregnant women when traveling abroad is 30-31 weeks. For a longer period, no insurance company will sign the contract, since the risks of deterioration in the woman’s well-being or other complications increase significantly.

Travel insurance abroad, where to compare insurance companies?

Insurance while traveling abroad will allow you to save on unexpected expenses - for example, in case of loss or damage to luggage, flight delays, or in case of an accident that causes harm to the tourist’s health. There are many organizations offering their services to Russian travelers, but insurance abroad implies the need to compare insurance companies before making a final choice. Your comfort and safety in a foreign country depends on your choice.

Vyberu.Ru has collected all the offers from companies offering to take out VZR insurance. Here you can view conditions, prices and compare the options you like without wasting the time and effort that you need before your trip. Travel insurance can be purchased online: with the help of Vyberu.Ru you will select suitable options and buy a policy in just a few clicks.

What is the minimum insurance coverage when traveling abroad?

Travel insurance for adults allows you to solve sudden health issues without spending your own funds. The amount of insurance coverage specified in the contract is the maximum amount of payment that can be paid by the insurance company for the treatment of the client if the specified insured event occurs. The amount of insurance coverage depends on many factors, but first of all it is the country of residence. Thus, to obtain a visa to the Schengen countries, medical insurance is required in the amount of at least 30 thousand euros - that is, 2 million rubles. The same applies to the CIS countries, Cyprus, Greece. In the USA, Australia, Canada and other countries, you should take out insurance for at least 50 thousand dollars. Also, the minimum cost is affected by the length of stay on vacation (from a few cents to several dollars per day), the type of policy (it can be single or multi), types of recreation expected in the host country, as well as the age of the tourist - for the older generation the risks are much higher , which means more cost. At the same time, experts recommend choosing greater coverage of insurance claims, sparing no expense on your health.

What to do if an insured event occurs?

The most common question that tourists ask is: “An insured event has occurred, what should I do?” When planning a trip abroad, carefully read the terms of the insurance policy: check with your consultant for anything that raises questions. Be sure to write down the number of the assistance company that will manage your actions, the actions of the insurance company and the hospital.

An insured event abroad requires an immediate call to the insurance company by calling the numbers specified in the insurance policy. The order of the following actions differs from case to case, but in general it always includes the following steps:

  • Follow the recommendations of the insurance company and assistance: collect checks, receipts and other evidence of expenses incurred.
  • With the collected checks and receipts, contact the insurer to receive payments. An exception to this case is payment for medical services provided by the clinic.

When contacting customer service, provide information such as full name and date of birth, insurance policy information, territorial location and details of the incident. It is also worth leaving a contact phone number for communication.

The types of insurance cases for which you can contact the insurer are indicated in your policy. An insured event abroad does not include exacerbation of chronic diseases and diseases diagnosed before the trip, as well as alcohol intoxication and harm to health due to failure to comply with safety rules by the policyholder himself.

What insurance coverage is required to obtain a visa?

Different countries have different insurance coverage thresholds. Thus, for Schengen countries, the minimum amount of insurance for a visa is 30 thousand euros - that is, 2 million rubles. The list of countries includes:

  • France,
  • Germany,
  • Netherlands,
  • Czech Republic,
  • Slovakia,
  • Malta,
  • Norway,
  • Greece,
  • Luxembourg

etc. Also, insurance to Schengen countries must be valid for the entire duration of the trip in all countries of the agreement, and it must include a basic set of services - calling a doctor, outpatient and inpatient treatment, payment for medications, transportation costs and telecommunications services.

If you are planning a trip to the USA, Australia, Japan and other countries of the Caribbean and Oceania, medical insurance for a visa must be at least 50 thousand dollars - that’s about 3 million rubles. The fact is that for a smaller amount you simply cannot get decent medical care. At the same time, an insurance policy is not required to travel to these countries, however, if you need the help of a doctor, you will have to pay the bills out of your own pocket - and abroad this is an expensive pleasure.

Who may need VZR insurance?

First of all, travelers themselves need an insurance policy. Anything can happen while traveling abroad, so you may need free medical care. The VZR policy can provide it. Depending on the set of options and the selected type of policy, it will cover loss of luggage, flight delay, etc.

Many tourists consider a travel insurance policy to be a waste of money. But the migration legislation of most countries requires travel insurance.

In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation at the border, you need to know whether you will need a policy while staying abroad.

Let's find out whether insurance is required in Belarus. And, if so, which one?

The legislation of Belarus stipulates the need for a citizen of another country to have medical insurance when traveling.

However There is also a list of categories of citizens who will not need to contact insurers. This includes:

  1. Tourists coming to the country on a transit visa.
  2. Diplomats and official delegations.
  3. Airline crews and railway personnel.
  4. Citizens of the CIS.
  5. Refugees.

Thanks to the agreement on the creation of the EAEU in Belarus, citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan will be provided with free medical care from January 1, 2017.

Although, for example, there has been an agreement between Russia and Belarus since January 2006, according to the rules of which the Russian compulsory health insurance policy is in force on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This means that you do not need to buy a travel insurance policy!

In other cases, the availability of insurance may be determined by general provisions of legislation or mutual bilateral agreements between states. For further information please contact the Belarusian Embassy.

What will the compulsory medical insurance policy cover?

State medicine is well developed in Belarus.

And the services of paid commercial clinics are carefully monitored.

Therefore, there are not many private clinics that cooperate with insurance companies. In small cities they may be completely absent.

Therefore, Russians and citizens of other CIS countries can safely recommend visiting the country with an internal civilian medical policy.

Without travel insurance, a traveler is entitled to:

  1. Emergency (ambulance) medical care in case of threat to human life;
  2. Emergency medical care in case of a health threat.

Planned visits to doctors, of course, are not provided.

However, Belarusian doctors will not leave anyone in trouble.

What will a standard tourist policy to Belarus cover?

What will the travel policy cover?

Standard health insurance for Belarus does not cover all risks, but only some.

It ensures that a person receives qualified assistance in unforeseen circumstances.

A standard insurance policy for a trip to Belarus involves spending the coverage amount on the following services:

  1. Medicines prescribed by the doctor (it is advisable to first call the call center of the insurance company and clarify whether the prescribed medicines are included in the list of paid ones. The telephone number is usually included in the insurance policy.
  2. Treatment in a hospital.
  3. Transporting the victim to a hospital or place of residence. The second option is possible if in Belarus the victim cannot be provided with proper assistance or if the costs of a hospital stay may exceed the cost limit established in the insurance contract.

Medical insurance covers any illnesses that arise during travel in Belarus.

But it cannot be used if the disease (for example, chronic) was present before crossing the border.

Medical insurance does not cover damages from injuries resulting from an accident. For this purpose there is specialized voluntary insurance.

Requirements for citizens of other countries

Travel insurance to Belarus for citizens of non-CIS countries is necessary. She can be checked at the border.

The following requirements apply to medical insurance for travel:

  • the amount is not less than the equivalent of $10,000;
  • purchasing insurance from Belarusian insurance companies or accredited foreign insurance companies;
  • the policy must cover the entire territory of the country;
  • The policy must be valid for the entire period of stay.

You can purchase a policy in Belarus itself or via the Internet. The main thing is that the company operates legally.

Car insurance

Those who travel by car will have to purchase insurance for Belarus - the so-called green card.

Today, almost any company that deals with insurance issues has compulsory vehicle insurance systems in its portfolio. For this purpose, a special Bureau was created, called the “Green Card” (in English Green Card), which approves all tariffs for a specific insurance product.

Do you need a green card for Belarus?

Russians can cross the Belarusian border without obtaining a foreign passport, as well as going through customs control, but when entering this state in their own, corporate or trusted car, they will need to present compulsory auto insurance.

This insurance is called “Green Card” and allows you to eliminate financial losses that occurred as a result of a traffic accident involving a Russian car.

In addition to the availability of insurance, customs officers also must check whether the foreign citizen has documents for the vehicle, a driver’s license, as well as a power of attorney to drive the car if the driver is not its owner.

In this case, it is possible to temporarily register a car after one month of stay on the territory of Belarus.

The process of obtaining an insurance policy of an international format is possible in Russia from any insurer providing similar services. In case of urgent departure, it is possible to obtain a Green Card at the border with Belarus.

The Green Card is a prototype of Russian car insurance, issued by reporting banking organizations for compulsory motor third party liability insurance. This type of insurance is considered necessary not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring countries.

According to international requirements and norms, the Green Card is mandatory and provides the policyholder with a number of guarantees in the event of a traffic accident, namely:

  • compensation for material damage to a damaged car;
  • compensation for expenses related to restoring the health of the injured insured.

All foreigners who cross the border of another country are required to follow these customs rules, and Belarus is no exception to this list.

But, it should be noted that now the border with Belarus is almost open for residents of Russia, due to which the procedure for passing customs control and filling out a declaration is significantly simplified. But even despite this, the rules of compulsory car insurance remain unchanged for all foreign citizens.

If a foreigner travels around Belarus without a Green Card and is stopped by the police, he may be fined at least two hundred dollars. If he refuses to pay the fine, he will be immediately expelled from this state.

To avoid such troubles, it is advisable to take care of purchasing such an insurance policy in advance.

Cost of a green card to Belarus

At this point in time, the cost of a car insurance policy for Russian citizens planning to enter the territory of the Republic of Belarus is set by the Russian green card bureau.

Every four months there is an increase in the price of the insurance policy, but it is insignificant. This indicator depends on the statistics of insurance payments, as well as on fluctuations in the exchange rate of the ruble against the euro.

It also happens that the tariff remains unchanged. The cost of the insurance policy, as well as the price calculation schedule for the Green Card, are the same for any organization.

The cost of insurance directly depends on:

  • the state that the policyholder is going to visit (in this case we are talking about the Republic of Belarus);
  • category of the vehicle on which it is planned to cross the Belarusian border;
  • period of time spent in a given state.

Of course, the cost of the insurance policy will increase proportionally with the time of stay in Belarus.

You can quickly determine the specific cost of the Green Card using a special online calculator after entering all the necessary data.

Paying for an insurance policy under the “All States” tariff plan will be quite expensive. If insurance is issued for one state of your choice, then its cost will decrease by approximately one third. For example, opening an insurance policy for a passenger car for the Republic of Belarus for 30 calendar days will cost 1,100 Russian rubles, and the tariff schedule for all states for the same period of time will cost 4,670 rubles.

A green card with a one-year validity period for the Republic of Belarus costs 9,460 Russian rubles for freight transport, and for the “All States” tariff plan - already 37,120 rubles. Obviously, the difference in finance is very noticeable.

Such a large range is due to the fact that in these states (which includes Belarus) the rules and conditions of the road are almost similar to those in Russia. Thanks to this, the driver can feel as comfortable as possible on the road, which in turn significantly reduces the risk of a traffic accident.

Under the terms of purchasing a Green Card, no benefits based on social status are provided: the cost of the policy remains the same for all categories of the population.

Where to buy a green card in Belarus

Before purchasing a Green Card insurance policy, you need to decide from which organization the purchase will be made. Here, the best choice would be an insurance organization with a high official rating (denoted as A++).

In order to purchase compulsory international car insurance, you should first find out which insurance companies have a sufficient level of accreditation for this. Not every insurance organization has permission to arbitrarily sell this product.

The main insurers that have sufficient accreditation include members of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (referred to as RSA).

At the same time, popular opinion is no less reliable. The latter are compiled based on a survey of respondents and reviews of citizens who have already used the service of one or another insurance organization.

At the moment, there are a large number of companies selling Green Cards in the Russian Federation. An alternative option is to purchase a policy when going through customs control. In this case, the cost of insurance will be higher than in an insurance organization, but at the same time it will begin to apply immediately after registration.

If we talk about leading insurance companies specializing in issuing Green Cards, the following stand out among them:

  • construction and industrial joint-stock company "RESO-Garantiya";
  • limited liability company "Rossgosstrakh";
  • closed joint stock company "21st century";
  • limited liability organization "Soglasie";
  • joint stock company "ZHASO";
  • open joint stock company "Alfa Insurance".

Any of the organizations listed above will be able to issue a green card for Belarus. The main thing is to carefully read all the conditions for issuing car insurance, be sure to read the addendums, which often contain very important information that is not indicated in the contract itself. You will also have to prepare a package of necessary business papers and be patient to complete this procedure.

Voluntary insurance of medical expenses is based on an insurance agreement concluded between the policyholder and the insurance organization, according to which, in exchange for the insurance premium paid by the policyholder, the insurance organization undertakes the obligation to organize and pay for the provision of medical services to the insured person in accordance with the terms of the medical insurance program specified in the contract insurance and compiled according to the preferences of the policyholder.

A voluntary medical expenses insurance policy always protects your health! With a Belgosstrakh policy, you are guaranteed: highly qualified medical care, coordination of actions if you need to seek medical help, independence from inflation and rising prices for medical services, no restrictions on the number of requests for medical help, etc.

Belgosstrakh offers various types of medical insurance programs, which, at your request, can include outpatient, inpatient medical care, as well as medication, dental care, etc. In addition, when choosing a medical insurance program, you can choose the medical institutions in which you would like to be served : government and (or) commercial.

An insured event under a voluntary medical expenses insurance agreement is seeking medical services from a health care organization to receive therapeutic, advisory, diagnostic and preventive care for diseases, including chronic diseases, injuries, poisonings and other accidents.

The insurance premium (insurance premium) under an insurance contract for one insured person with an insured amount of 2,000 BYN under a basic outpatient medical insurance program for a period of 1 year will be from 170.00 BYN.

The insurance premium (insurance premium) is calculated individually for each policyholder (legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual) and depends on many factors: the insurance program chosen by the policyholder, the sum insured, the number of persons accepted for insurance, their age and citizenship, payment of the insurance premium in installments, the availability of valid contracts for other types of voluntary insurance and other factors.

When concluding an insurance contract with an individual, the insured person fills out a health declaration, on the basis of which the health group of the insured person is determined, which also affects the amount of the insurance premium (insurance premium).

If it is necessary to seek medical assistance for the provision of medical services, the insured person must contact the insurer by phone numbers specified in the insurance contract or the insured person's card.

1. When applying for medical help, you must provide the following information: full name, policy number (indicated on the card), state the problem (“I’m worried about…”), a convenient date and time of visit, contact phone number.

2. After agreeing with the insurer on a visit to a medical institution, you will be notified of the date, time and place of medical services.

3. When visiting a medical institution, you must have an insured person’s card and passport with you.

To organize and coordinate the provision of emergency medical care after hours, on weekends and holidays, Belgosstrakh operates a 24-hour assistance service, tel. (+375 17) 395-48-90.

If the medical insurance program provides for medication provision, medications are dispensed free of charge, according to prescriptions issued by a trusted doctor at a consultation that was agreed upon and organized by Belgosstrakh. To receive medications, the insured person must present a prescription and the insured person's card at the pharmacy (pharmacy network) specified in the medical insurance program.

List of pharmacies:

Important information for legal entities!

The amounts of insurance premiums under voluntary insurance contracts for medical expenses are included in the list of payments for which contributions for state social insurance are not charged, including professional pension insurance, to the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund for social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus and for compulsory accident insurance for production and occupational diseases (clause 5 of the List of payments approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 25, 1999 No. 115).

Insurance premiums under voluntary insurance contracts for medical expenses (provided that the contracts are concluded for a period of at least one year), concluded by insurer organizations with insurance organizations in favor of individuals working in insured organizations under employment contracts, are included by these insurer organizations in costs of production and sale of products, goods (works, services), taken into account for taxation, in an amount not exceeding 5% of the wage fund of the insurer organization and is determined taking into account the amount of monthly insurance premiums for one employee, which cannot exceed two basic values (clauses 1.1-1, 1.2.1, 1.2.2 clause 1 of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated May 12, 2005 No. 219).

Important information for individuals!

When determining the size of the tax base when calculating income tax from individuals, income received in the form of insurance coverage in connection with the occurrence of insured events under voluntary insurance contracts for medical expenses is not taken into account (clause 1.1.3, clause 1, article 158 of the Tax Code of the Republic Belarus dated December 29, 2009 No. 71-3).

When determining the size of the tax base when calculating income tax from individuals, income received in the form of insurance coverage in connection with the occurrence of insured events under contracts of voluntary insurance of medical expenses (if such contracts are concluded for a period of at least one year) is not taken into account (clauses 1.2 clause 1 article 165 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus dated December 29, 2009 No. 71-3 as amended by the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2013 No. 96-Z).

You can get additional information or advice by phone:

Region in which you live:

Contact phone numbers:

Brest region

375 162 41 42 63

Vitebsk region

375 212 22 11 11

Gomel region

375 232 71 71 90

The Grodno region

375 152 74 19 44

Minsk Region

Many tourists consider a travel insurance policy to be a waste of money. But the migration legislation of most countries requires travel insurance. In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation at the border, you need to know whether you will need a policy while staying abroad. Let's find out whether insurance is required in Belarus. And, if so, which one?

The laws of Belarus establish compulsory health insurance for foreign tourists. All newly arrived foreigners must have a medical insurance policy. The insurer can be either a foreign structure or Belarusian companies.

It is allowed to purchase medical insurance upon arrival in the country, at the airport, at checkpoints, and in border zones.

As for the Russian Federation

In 2006, official Moscow and Minsk signed an agreement that regulated the procedure for providing medical care to Russians and Belarusians who found themselves on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, respectively.

In accordance with its provision (Article 5), these citizens are provided with free medical care in the following cases:

  1. Acute pathological conditions that threaten the life of the patient or the health of others;
  2. Poisoning and injury;
  3. Childbirth and emergency conditions in pregnant women.

But it is a mistake to believe that medical insurance in Belarus is not needed for Russian citizens. The same intergovernmental agreement stipulates that once the threat to life has passed, further, as well as planned medical care is paid.

That is, medical insurance for a trip to Belarus is not a mandatory document; at the border when entering Belarus they will not ask about it, and its absence will not be grounds for refusal of entry.

But if it is necessary to treat a disease that does not threaten the patient’s life, you will have to pay for the treatment out of your own pocket.

In what cases can you not take out insurance?

The following have the right not to take out insurance in Belarus:

  • Transit passengers passing through Belarus.
  • Diplomatic representatives and delegations arriving officially.
  • Crews of civil and military aircraft and trains.
  • Citizens of the CIS.
  • Asylum seekers.

Which insurance to choose for Belarus

The answer to the question “Which insurance should I choose?” depends on the type of holiday abroad. If you plan active recreation, extreme entertainment, or professional sports, expand the list of insured events.

In addition to medical insurance, they are insured for:

  • Lost luggage;
  • Involvement in civil liability;
  • Trip cancellations;
  • An accident.

To find out where it is most profitable to obtain the most comprehensive insurance, enter all the necessary data in the lines of the calculator, and then click “Calculate”. Literally within 1 minute you will receive current offers from insurance companies. You can apply for insurance right there on the website.

Registration of a Green Card for a car

Green card is a civil liability insurance policy (such as MTPL). Thus, the driver receives compensation for material damage if he gets into an accident, and he is paid for treatment in case of injury.

You can apply for a Green Card both before departure and during the trip. But it is, of course, cheaper to arrange it at home. The price depends on the type of car. For a passenger car, two weeks of insurance costs 800 rubles, for a year it costs about 5 thousand rubles or more. MTPL does not replace the Green Card.

If they check you on the territory of Belarus and do not find this document, they will simply fine you.

It is possible to buy a Green Card for all countries included in the CIS at once, or according to the “All countries” system (it includes European states). The latter option will be significantly more expensive. A green card can be issued for a period from two weeks to a year; it is recommended to monitor the prices: they change monthly.

Insurance requirements

Clear requirements for the policy have been established:

  • Information – name of the insurance company, address, telephone numbers of international assistance
  • Personal data – last name, first name of the insured person, registration, citizenship
  • Validity period – start and end dates of the trip
  • Territory – Belarus, or CIS countries
  • Limit – the insured amount under the contract in the amount of 10 thousand euros
  • Payment of fees – Belarusian currency, Russian rubles, as well as other freely convertible currencies are accepted
  • Belarusian companies - state organizations Belgosstrakh or BelEximgarant are authorized to provide insurance to foreigners

What does the policy cover?

Standard health insurance for Belarus does not cover all risks, but only some.

A standard insurance policy for a trip to Belarus involves spending the coverage amount on the following services:

  1. Medicines prescribed by the doctor (it is advisable to first call the call center of the insurance company and clarify whether the prescribed medicines are included in the list of paid ones. The telephone number is usually included in the insurance policy.
  2. Treatment in a hospital.
  3. Transporting the victim to a hospital or place of residence. The second option is possible if in Belarus the victim cannot be provided with proper assistance or if the costs of a hospital stay may exceed the cost limit established in the insurance contract.

Medical insurance covers any illnesses that arise during travel in Belarus.

But it cannot be used if the disease (for example, chronic) was present before crossing the border.

Medical insurance does not cover damages from injuries resulting from an accident. For this purpose there is specialized voluntary insurance.

How and where to buy insurance

You can purchase insurance online via the Internet. After paying the cost using the specified details, you will receive an insurance policy by email.

By visiting the office of the nearest insurance company in person. Its employees will explain in detail all interesting and controversial points and tell you what to do in case of an emergency. Each insurance company has phone numbers where you can ask questions.

How to choose the right insurance company:

  • pay attention to reviews on the Internet, the experiences of acquaintances and friends;
  • the longer the period of work on the insurance market, the more reliable the company;
  • presence of representative offices abroad.

What documents are needed to obtain insurance:

  • passport of an individual or certificate of registration for legal entities;
  • vehicle passport;
  • a written statement of a person about the desire to conclude an agreement (drawn out, if possible, in advance).

Insurance cost

The cost of insurance is calculated individually, the price depends on the following factors:

  • Age of the insured person. Insurance for children and people of retirement age is a little more expensive.
  • Amount of days. The longer the insurance period, the more expensive the policy.
  • Amount of insurance coverage. The more travel insurance for Belarus covers, the less likely it is to lose your own funds when going to the hospital.
  • Insurance program. A program with an expanded list of risks increases the cost, but this increase is insignificant compared to the possible additional costs.

Before purchasing insurance, determine your travel route in the country, assess the possible risks, and think about what situations you may find yourself in. Don’t skimp on buying a policy to feel confident in any circumstances.

How to use insurance correctly

Failure to call the insurance company in a timely manner may cause refusal to pay for treatment, so if an insured event occurs, you must immediately call the numbers indicated on the insurance. The operator of the assistance company who receives the call will organize the entire treatment process: find the clinic closest to you, arrange transportation by ambulance if necessary, help explain your symptoms to doctors, etc.

A timely call to the insurance or assistance company will minimize the risk of refusal to pay for treatment.

In order to completely eliminate the risk of non-payment, it is necessary to thoroughly study the insurance contract and all insured/non-insurable cases. But if you don’t have time to study and memorize ~20 pages of bureaucratic and legal nuances, you can simply familiarize yourself with the most common reasons for non-payment.

Most insurance companies may refuse to pay for treatment in the following cases:

  • Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Getting injured when falling from a motorcycle or moped
  • Purchasing medications not prescribed by a doctor
  • Getting a sunburn (not an insured event)
  • Intentional harm to one's health/conscious risk to one's own health
  • Dental services received without the need for emergency intervention (no pain, inflammation, injury, etc.)
  • Injury resulting from driving without a driver's license

What to do if an insured event occurs

If an insured event occurs, provide the assistance company with the most detailed information about it and its nature. Also try to duplicate your appeal by email specified in the policy.

If the insured person has contraindications and/or allergic reactions to medications, be sure to report this.

If possible, duplicate your request by email.

When you contact us, you will be provided with the following information:

  • Full name of the insured;
  • insurance policy number;
  • name of the insurance company;
  • exact address of the insured person's location;
  • telephone number at which an employee of the assistance company can call you back.

A representative of the assistance company will provide you with instructions on which medical institution the insured person should go to.

If the clinic is far from the insured person’s place of residence, ask what type of transport you can use and whether the trip will be paid for by the insurance company subsequently. To pay, keep all documents confirming your expenses for transportation to the medical facility. These documents should reflect the cost and route (if possible).

You cannot pay for any services in a medical institution, except for those for which payment has been agreed upon by the insured with the assistance company.

Do not leave your passport or other important documents at the front desk.

If you purchase medications with cash, keep all documents confirming the costs of their purchase.

If the name of the medicine you purchased does not match the name in the doctor’s prescription (the drug is an analogue), ask the pharmacy to indicate which drug you purchased is an analogue.

If the assistance company referred the insured person to a medical facility that only accepts cash payments, obtain and keep the following documents:

  • invoiced document;
  • confirming payment;
  • a doctor's statement indicating the diagnosis in English or Latin.


There is no need to save on insurance in the Republic of Belarus. As practice shows, such actions can turn against tourists. Savings of several hundred rubles can lead to financial losses of several tens of thousands of rubles or more.