Agreement for the carriage of passengers.

1. An agreement for the carriage of passengers (vehicle charter agreement) is drawn up between the charterer and the charterer.

Charterer, according to the Charter of Motor Transport, is an individual or legal entity who, under a charter agreement, undertakes to pay the cost of using all or part of the capacity of one or more vehicles provided for one or more flights for the transportation of passengers, luggage, and cargo.

Charterer is a legal entity, individual entrepreneur who, under a charter agreement, has assumed the obligation to provide the charterer with all or part of the capacity of one or more vehicles for one or more flights for the transportation of passengers, luggage, and cargo. The owner of the vehicle (its owner or a person to whom the vehicle belongs on another legal basis) can act as a freighter.

2. Agreement for the carriage of passengers depending on the following types of transportation:

2.1. Systematic and non-systematic transportation.

For systematic transportation refers to the activities of the Charterer, who has buses (buses) to provide them to any Charterer according to a pre-developed in classical form charter agreement (providing buses is the main activity of the Charterer).

To non-systematic transportation refers to the activities of the Charterer in providing a bus to the Charterer for one-time transportation of passengers. Cases of such activity include the transportation of passengers by buses, which are designed to transport their own employees and which can additionally carry out one-time orders. Another case is that the bus available at the school, in addition to transporting schoolchildren, can be used additionally to fulfill one-time orders for transporting children according to the orders of a higher organization.

For non-systematic transportation, the charter agreement is drawn up in the form of an order - a work order.

2.2. In accordance with the Rules for the Transportation of Passengers (clause 90), the charter agreement may provide for the provision of vehicles for the transportation of a certain number of persons or an indefinite number of persons.

For transportation of a certain circle of persons include transportation of organized groups of people:

- children transported to summer camp, competitions or cultural events;

- employees of the enterprise - to the place of work and back (if the enterprise does not have its own buses);

tourists - for excursion trips.

For transportation of an indefinite number of persons include transportation organized by large shopping centers for the transportation of potential buyers from certain transport hubs. In this case, charging fees from these persons is not permitted. Payment for the use of the bus must be made by the Charterer to the Charterer in accordance with the terms of the charter agreement concluded between them (transportation at the expense of the Charterer).

3. Before drawing up an agreement for the carriage of passengers (chartering agreement), the Charterer submits an application for the carriage of passengers to the Charterer in the following form:

— name of the charterer and his details (all);

— date and time of the start of transportation and point of departure;

— number of passengers transported;

— luggage or hand luggage of passengers;

- what brand of bus is required;

- transportation route;

— date, time and point of delivery of passengers to their destination;

— date, time and point of return delivery of passengers to the point of departure;

— the procedure for admitting passengers onto the bus: a) using identity cards; b) on an excursion package; c) according to the list of passengers.

4. Agreement for the carriage of passengers during systematic transportation of a certain circle of persons (based on Article 27 of the Charter).

Below are the individual clauses of the charter agreement for this type of transportation.

4.1. Title of the contract - AGREEMENT for chartering a vehicle for transporting passengers on request for a specific group of persons.

No. _____ dated ____________________________ 20 ___.

G. ___________________

4.2. Name of the parties.

The Charterer_______________________________________________ represented by the director_________________, acting on the basis of __________ on the one hand, and the Charterer Transpas LLC represented by the director Ivanov I.I., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows.

4.3. Subject of the agreement.

The Charterer undertakes to carry out passenger transportation by road, and the Charterer undertakes to pay for the transportation services provided under the terms of this Agreement.

4.4. Conditions of transportation .

For the transportation of passengers, the Charterer presents a bus of ____________ state brand. number ____________

The bus is provided for the transportation of ______________ (adult passengers, children) in the number of ____ people.

The bus arrives on __________________________________________________________ (date and time of transportation start and departure point).

Date, time and point of passenger delivery _____________________________________________

Date, time and point of return delivery of passengers ______________________________

Itinerary: ____________________________________________

Rest points along the route _________________________________

The procedure for allowing passengers onto the bus: a) using identity cards; b) on an excursion package; c) according to the list of passengers. Enter what you need ___________________

Baggage transportation standards ________________________________________

Carry-on baggage allowance _____________________________________

Registration of the fact of transportation is carried out using tear-off coupons of the waybill form 6 special.

Payment is based on issued tear-off coupons.

Senior from passengers ___________________________________

Accompanying person (when transporting children) ____________________________

When using the bus, the bus driver and the senior passenger (accompanying person) must have copies of the charter agreement.

4.5. Rights and obligations of the parties.

Rights and obligations of the Charterer:

Ensure the organization and implementation of passenger transportation in accordance with the bus delivery time, number of passengers, bus brand, and transportation route specified in the application.

Provide technically sound and complete vehicles for transportation.

Ensure the safety of passengers during transportation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Promptly inform the Charterer of information about the progress of the transportation.

Stop the movement of the bus along the established route if circumstances arise that threaten the life or health of passengers without the application of a sanction from the Charterer.

Rights and obligations of the Charterer:

Provide all necessary and complete information, including at the additional request of the Charterer, for the implementation of a specific transportation in writing and bear responsibility for its accuracy.

Ensure timely and proper execution of the waybill form 6 spec.

Ensure the procedure for allowing passengers to board the bus.

When transporting children, the Charterer must assign accompanying persons to each bus from the beginning to the end of the trip in accordance with the Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 N 1177.

The charterer undertakes to promptly pay for the services provided in accordance with section Contract amount and payment procedure actual agreement .

Waybills are written about in

It is written about the transportation of organized groups of children

5. The contract for the carriage of passengers during non-systematic transportation is drawn up in the form of an order - a work order, the form of which is given below.

The basis for the proposed form is the mandatory details of the work order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage (Appendix No. 4 to Rules transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport).

Order – an order for the provision of a bus for the transportation of passengers and luggage.

No. _____ dated ________________________ 20___.

G. _________________________

1. Charterer:

— legal entity (name, address, telephone number, TIN)


– individual (last name, initials, passport details, address, telephone number)


2. Charterer: name, address, telephone number and Taxpayer Identification Number _________________________


  1. Bus brand _______________________________
  1. State bus number ___________________________
  1. Last name and initials of drivers _________________________________________________
  1. Address of the bus delivery point, date and time of delivery of the bus to this point ______________________________________________________________________________
  1. Number of passengers carried _______________________
  1. The procedure for admitting passengers onto the bus ________________________________________ (according to the list of passengers, according to an excursion voucher, etc.)
  1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the senior passenger _________________________
  1. Last name, first name, patronymic of the accompanying person on the bus (when transporting children)


  1. The cost of using the provided bus is _________________ rub.
  1. Position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to make payments for the use of the provided vehicle


  1. Address of the bus arrival point, date and time of arrival of the bus at the destination


  1. Date and time of departure of the bus from its destination ________________________
  1. Date and time of arrival of the bus at the departure point __________________________
  1. Transportation route ____________________________________________________
  1. Name of intermediate points of the route where the vehicle is expected to stop along the route


  1. Position, surname, initials and signature of the charterer or his authorized person certifying the completion of the work order (in the waybill form 6 special)


Details of the parties (payment and registration):

Signatures of the parties:

Charterer _______________ (position, surname, first name, patronymic)

Stamp (for a legal entity)

Freighter ________________ (position, surname, first name, patronymic)

Seal of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur.

Full description

Work order- this is a document capable of organizing the transportation of passengers by bus on request in the event of irregular routes. Since passenger bus transportation must be supported by a charter agreement, the work order must also reflect the terms of this agreement. Chartering must be arranged between the transport company and the company renting out the bus for the purpose of transporting people on irregular routes. Such relations are regulated by law - Ch. 5 tbsp. 31 No. 259-FZ dated November 8, 2007, with amendments that entered into legal force on October 19, 2015. All norms and requirements for the specifics of filling out a work order are regulated by the general Rules for the proper transportation of passengers (with or without luggage). Such Rules are defined by Federal Legislative Act No. 259-FZ (Article 27) dated November 8, 2007, Government Decree No. 112 dated February 14, 2009 (Section 3), amended on April 28, 2015.

And also the Administrative Code of Russia, which governs the processes of bringing to responsibility for violations, including false information in the work order. For example, if a driver refuses to present a work order to a police officer, he may be fined 5,000 rubles. And the absence of a charter agreement along with a work order entails administrative fines for individuals - 50,000 rubles. and for legal entities – 200,000 rubles. That is why such a document as a work order for the transportation of passengers is so important, who, by the way, must have their own travel documents (tickets, coupons, vouchers, etc.) in hand. It should also be emphasized that on the basis of clause 93 of Section 3 of Resolution No. 112, the charter agreement can be considered concluded in the form of a completed work order. This document is also very convenient because it allows for the addition of necessary clauses (not rearranging existing ones!), reflecting the specifics of the agreement between the parties.

Who should create the Work Order?

The work order must be prepared by the charterer, which is the transport company, or provided with a blank form for the lessor to fill out, depending on the agreement between the parties. This form is signed by representatives on both sides. This document must be presented upon request (by traffic police officers, traffic police, or other representatives of control and audit government officials). When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out by order, there should be a sign on the front panel near the driver (in the middle of the windshield) with the following inscription facing outwards: “Ordered”. But the locations for such signs may be different, for example, the following: rear window; on the right side, on the side in the direction of travel of the bus; at the top (or bottom) of the windshield away from the driver. The sign on the windshield must be placed under the name of the freighter and must not be larger than 140 mm. The name of the freighter must match that indicated in the work order. If there are discrepancies, the road patrol officer, when checking the driver’s accompanying papers, may fine the carrier company. In addition to these details, the work order must also include a list of names of passengers who will be traveling on this bus.

What data is needed to fill out a work order?

When filling out a work order, the carrier must always be guided by Appendix No. 4, which is part of Government-approved Resolution No. 112, and shows what details this document should contain.

They reflect the information that must be prepared in advance before you begin filling out the official paperwork for the transportation of people and their luggage along a custom route. The preliminary information to be filled out in the work order form must be as follows: All legally valid details of the charterer - the person who provided the bus with all available seats for the transportation of a specific number of people and their luggage. All legally valid details of the charterer - the person who will use the bus to transport passengers for a certain number of people with their luggage (or without luggage). You need to know in advance what exact date and time the bus needs to arrive for people to board it, the time of stops along the way, as well as the final date and time of arrival at the final destination of the route. There must be a list of people being transported. Personal and contact information of the driver or drivers, if passengers will be transported in shifts. Information about the bus itself - its brand, power, state registration numbers, etc. An estimate must be drawn up in advance, which will indicate in Russian rubles the price of the trip for passengers and the cost of the service provided by the direct carrier - the driver, as well as the cost of renting a bus, which must be paid to the charterer. All items where time values ​​must be indicated must be filled out every minute, and in some columns even every second. The exact time allows you to correctly calculate the cost of providing the service. The details of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs should indicate not only the name of the organization, but also information related to taxes (TIN, for example), legal data, as well as contacts, so that if something happens, you can always contact one or another party in a timely manner agreement. How to obtain a license for passenger transportation is explained in the article: license for passenger transportation. Why you need to categorize vehicles for transporting passengers, read here.


In general, such forms are in use in almost any area where registration of a custom type of provision of services or goods, finished products for the special production of something is required. In the field of transport services for the provision of transportation of people to the population, their own order forms are used. The document itself is very tied to the charter agreement. We can say that this document is his companion. Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order.

There is no strictly unified form for such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to.

An approximate work order form is located in Appendix No. 5 of Resolution No. 272 ​​of 04/15/11, edited on 12/03/15. Carriers can often change the content to be filled out in this paper, but in practice the document does not fundamentally change with the addition of certain details. And even any non-unified form is very similar to the standard one shown in Appendix No. 5. In addition, today there are even options for filling out such a form electronically, directly on the website of the carrier or the legal entity that provides the bus for rent. Since the form does not belong to the types of documents of strict reporting, it can be compiled in any form, of course, without radical changes. The most basic points and columns should still be present in it. When filling out such a form on the website, you must understand that this will serve as a kind of submission of an application for the provision of rental or transportation services.

How to fill out the work order form correctly?

A standard template (form) for filling out a work order must necessarily contain the relevant details. They must be filled out in the same sequence as suggested on the form itself. No crossing out, changing the places of points or other corrections should be allowed. All items are required to be filled out. An order for the transportation of passengers by bus is filled out according to the following algorithm, indicating the following information: The name of the document and the date of its preparation.

Charterer information:

  • TIN; legal address;
  • phone number;
  • Company name;
  • individuals who transport passengers can also fill in their data at this point - full name, passport details, registration address and contact telephone number.
Information about the freighter: TIN; Company name; legal address and telephone number for contacts. Information about vehicles, buses - car make. Personal data of drivers – full name, telephone number. The exact address where the bus needs to be delivered to pick up passengers, and you should also indicate the exact time and date of delivery of the car. The exact address where the bus arrives is the final destination, as well as temporary stopping points along the route. An estimate that will reflect the cost of using the bus and must be drawn up in ruble national currency. Personal and contact details of the person authorized to make settlements with the lessor (freighter). The time to arrive at your destination is indicated by the minute and by the second. To avoid unnecessary downtime, be sure to indicate the exact time of departure after unloading all passengers at the final stop. How many people need to be transported – the number of people. Personal data, title of the charterer and his signature.

These are the most basic details that must always be reflected in the work order. Various specific points can be added to them. For example, any restrictions or special conditions for transporting children, plants or animals when accompanied by people, and so on. Separately, one or another specificity of the route, parking lots and other additional aspects, for example, service ones, can be described. SAMPLE COMPLETION For example, it is worth considering one of these applications, which was filled out to transport 120 children from Moscow school No. 10 to St. Petersburg. Such an order for the carriage of passengers is considered preliminary and cannot serve as a contract. Therefore, after such fillings, they often use the method of filling out a more extended version of the work order on paper. However, such applications are very convenient for calculations in advance and planning. They also allow you to book either seats on a passenger bus or the entire bus itself for a specific date. To fill out a work order on paper, all the recommendations for including the details that are specified in Appendix No. 4 and 5 of the Russian Government Resolutions on security regulation and the Rules for passenger transportation with or without luggage are used. Prices for such trips may differ depending on the type of passengers - children, disabled people or adults, for example, tourists. It is also important to consider whether the bus will take these people back. If yes, then the cost will necessarily include the downtime and the return trip. In any case, filling out the form itself must be thoughtful, all calculations must be made in advance and the details must be indicated correctly, according to the signed lines in the form. Without a work order, the transportation of people in passenger vehicles will be considered unauthorized if such routes are carried out on order and are not regular or spontaneous. After all, no one demands a backgammon order from a taxi driver if he works on routes all day and always carries random people. But if his car is ordered for a specialized trip, then he will need such a document. Then, in addition to the charter agreement, the driver must also have a work order in his hands throughout the entire trip, as well as a list with the names of passengers and luggage. Then no troubles with fines will happen along the way when the documents are checked by the traffic police officers.

Interest – common, approaches – different

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A work order for the transportation of passengers and their luggage is a form that sets out the terms of a charter agreement for the rental of transport for the purpose of passenger transportation.

A work order for the transportation of passengers and their luggage is a form that sets out the terms of a charter agreement for the rental of transport for the purpose of passenger transportation. A sample work order for the transportation of passengers is provided by the carrier company (in this case, the freighter). This document is filled out by the charterer and contains the signatures of both parties. There are mandatory details that must be filled out in a standard work order for the transportation of passengers and luggage.


1. An order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage must contain the following mandatory details:

a) the name of the document and the date of its execution (day, month and year);

b) the name, address, telephone number and INN of the charterer, and if the charterer is an individual, the surname, initials, passport details, address and telephone number of the charterer;

c) name, address, telephone number and tax identification number of the charterer;

d) make of the vehicle and its state registration plate;

e) surnames and initials of drivers;

f) the address of the point of delivery of the vehicle, the date and time of delivery of the vehicle to this point;

g) names of the final and intermediate points of the route where the vehicle is expected to stop along the route;

h) the cost of using the provided vehicle in rubles and kopecks;

i) position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to make payments for the use of the provided vehicle;

j) hours and minutes of arrival of the vehicle at the point of delivery;

k) hours and minutes of departure of the vehicle after completion of transportation;

l) number of passengers transported;

m) position, surname, initials and signature of the charterer or his authorized person certifying the execution of the work order.

The completed order form for the transportation of passengers must be kept by the driver for the entire period of the trip under the order. Documents are presented upon request. Chartered transport for the transportation of passengers is issued with special “Custom” signs.

Since passenger bus transportation must be supported by a charter agreement, the work order must also reflect the terms of this agreement.

When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out by order, there should be a sign on the front panel near the driver (in the middle of the windshield) with the following inscription facing outwards: “Ordered”. But the locations for such signs may be different, for example, the following: rear window; on the right side, on the side in the direction of travel of the bus; at the top (or bottom) of the windshield away from the driver. The sign on the windshield must be placed under the name of the freighter and must not be larger than 140 mm. The name of the freighter must match that indicated in the work order. If there are discrepancies, the road patrol officer, when checking the driver’s accompanying papers, may fine the carrier company.

Work order for the transportation of passengers

ORDER FORM FOR TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS In general, such forms are in use in almost any area where a custom type of provision of services or goods, finished products for the special production of something is required. In the field of transport services for the provision of transportation of people to the population, their own order forms are used.

The document itself is very tied to the charter agreement. We can say that this document is his companion. Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order.

A work order is a document that can organize the transportation of passengers by bus on request in the event of irregular routes. Since passenger bus transportation must be supported by a charter agreement, the work order must also reflect the terms of this agreement.

Chartering must be arranged between the transport company and the company renting out the bus for the purpose of transporting people on irregular routes. Such relations are regulated by law - Ch. 5 tbsp. 31 No. 259-FZ dated 08.11.07, effective 19.10.15
into legal force by changes. All norms and requirements for the specifics of filling out a work order are regulated by the general Rules for the proper transportation of passengers (with or without luggage).

  • The exact address where the bus arrives is the final destination, as well as temporary stopping points along the route.
  • An estimate that will reflect the cost of using the bus and must be drawn up in ruble national currency.
  • Personal and contact details of the person authorized to make settlements with the lessor (freighter).
  • The time to arrive at your destination is indicated by the minute and by the second.
  • To avoid unnecessary downtime, be sure to indicate the exact time of departure after unloading all passengers at the final stop.
  • How many people need to be transported – the number of people.
  • Personal data, title of the charterer and his signature.
  • These are the most basic details that must always be reflected in the work order. Various specific points can be added to them.

Appendix n 4

  • You need to know in advance what exact date and time the bus needs to arrive for people to board it, the time of stops along the way, as well as the final date and time of arrival at the final destination of the route.
  • There must be a list of people being transported.
  • Personal and contact information of the driver or drivers, if passengers will be transported in shifts.
  • Information about the bus itself - its brand, power, state registration numbers, etc.
  • An estimate must be drawn up in advance, which will indicate in Russian rubles the price of the trip for passengers and the cost of the service provided by the direct carrier - the driver, as well as the cost of renting a bus, which must be paid to the charterer.
  • All items where time values ​​must be indicated must be filled out every minute, and in some columns even every second.

Sample order for transporting passengers

Freighter tax identification number; d) make of the vehicle and its state registration plate; e) surnames and initials of drivers; f) the address of the point of delivery of the vehicle, the date and time of delivery of the vehicle to this point; g) names of the final and intermediate points of the route where the vehicle is expected to stop along the route; h) the cost of using the provided vehicle in rubles and kopecks; i) position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to make payments for the use of the provided vehicle; j) hours and minutes of arrival of the vehicle at the point of delivery; k) hours and minutes of departure of the vehicle after completion of transportation; l) number of passengers transported; m) position, surname, initials and signature of the charterer or his authorized person certifying the execution of the work order.
Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order. There is no strictly unified form for such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to.
An approximate work order form is located in Appendix No. 5 of Resolution No. 272 ​​of 04/15/11, edited on 12/03/15. Carriers can often change the content to be filled out in this paper, but in practice the document does not fundamentally change with the addition of certain details.

And even any non-unified form is very similar to the standard one shown in Appendix No. 5. In addition, today there are even options for filling out such a form electronically, directly on the website of the carrier or the legal entity that provides the bus for rent.

Sample work order for the transportation of passengers

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Work order sample - form - form - 2017

Students of the program are issued a certificate of the established form! If there is no need to carry out systematic transportation of passengers on request, the charter agreement is concluded in the form of a work order for the provision of a vehicle. When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out by order, there must be a sign on the front panel near the driver (in the middle of the windshield) with the following inscription on the outside containing the order.

A work order is a document capable of organizing the transportation of passengers by bus on request in the event of irregular routes. In the case of loading the cargo to be transported onto various vehicles, a number of work orders are drawn up that corresponds to the number of vehicles used. If this is an individual, then full name, passport details, address, phone number of the charterer f) the address where the vehicle should be delivered, the time and date of delivery of the vehicle at the place of request g) the name of the final destination of the route, intermediate stops along the route h) estimate , including the cost (in rubles. Ensure the organization and implementation of transportation of passengers in accordance with the bus delivery time, number of passengers, bus brand, transportation route specified in the application.

Appendix 5 to the rules for transporting goods by road. Boarding of persons specified in the charter contract is carried out upon presentation of documents certifying the right to travel in this transport. The document is submitted to the charterer by the charterer, who must review it within 3 days and bring the result to the attention of the charterer. For example, it is worth considering one of these requests, which was filled to transport 120 children from the capital’s school 10 to St. Petersburg.

In a car service center, the main document contains a list of work performed, as well as the labor costs of the performers. Listeners of the program are issued a certificate of the established standard! The work order is submitted by the charterer to the charterer, who must review the work order. The charter contract is issued in the form of a work order.).

Work order for car repair sample document

It is permissible to conclude such a contract in the form of a work order, the content of which is: Order for the transportation of passengers author kulaginaav last modified by. a contract for chartering a vehicle to transport passengers on request for a specific group of persons. Order - an order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of goods.

Order an outfit

There is no strictly unified form of such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to. Procedure for admitting passengers to board. In the absence of all or any individual entries in the purchase order relating to the charter criteria, the conditions provided for by federal law and real rules are used. The third copy of the work order with the necessary notes is attached to the invoice for chartering a vehicle for the carriage of goods and is sent to the charterer.

Order form for transportation of passengers form and form

A charter agreement may be concluded in the form of an order for the provision of a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and luggage, issued by the charterer. When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out by order, there must be a sign on the front panel near the driver (in the middle of the windshield) with the following inscription on the outside containing the order. They reflect the information that must be prepared in advance before you begin filling out the official paperwork for the transportation of people and their luggage along a custom route. The form and procedure for filling out the consignment note are established by the rules for the transportation of goods (approved.

A work order is a document capable of organizing the transportation of passengers on buses upon request in the event of non-permanent routes. They must be filled out in the same sequence as suggested on the form itself.

Sample document required details of a work order for

It is provided in this case on the basis of a charter contract. In the case of loading the cargo to be transported onto different vehicles, a number of work orders are drawn up that corresponds to the number of vehicles used.

To avoid unnecessary downtime, be sure to indicate a clear departure time after unloading all passengers at the final stop. The bus is one of the most popular types of public transport in the passenger transportation sector. download the standard for ordering a work order for the transportation of passengers, but I would like that when added, it would be resize to the appropriate size and this added one.

A vehicle for transporting passengers, ordered in 2015. Why it is necessary to categorize vehicles for transporting passengers, read here.

Since passenger bus transportation must be strictly supported by a charter contract, the purchase order must also reflect the terms of this agreement. a clear address where the bus needs to be delivered to pick up passengers, and a clear time and date for delivery of the car should also be indicated. Categories of all standard samples and document forms.

Number of passengers to board the vehicle. Points where passengers are scheduled to board and disembark can be combined with the routes of regular carriers. Since the form is not a type of serious reporting document, it can be compiled in a random form, certainly without any constructive configuration.

For example, it is worth considering one of these requests, which was filled to transport 120 children from the capital’s school 10 to St. Petersburg. A standard template (form) for filling out a work order must invariably contain the appropriate details. Non-unified form atn-5 work order for the transportation of passengers. individual and contact details of the driver or drivers, if the transportation of passengers will be carried out in shifts.

All passenger transportation can be divided into two types - regular and irregular. The first are carried out on the basis of a schedule calculated in advance and drawn up for the transportation of people on one or another type of transport. In addition, the provision of passenger transport services with regular flights must be licensed. The second option for transporting people is carried out from time to time and refers to irregular trips, which are separately issued with a special document - a work order.

If the company also engages in irregular transportation, then it should know how to correctly fill out such a document and use it.

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What kind of document is this? If passenger routes are irregular, this does not mean that they should be carried out in a chaotic manner and irresponsibly. A work order is a document capable of organizing the transportation of passengers on buses upon request in the event of irregular routes.

Since passenger bus transportation must be supported by a charter agreement, the work order must also reflect the terms of this agreement. Chartering must be arranged between the transport company and the company renting out the bus for the purpose of transporting people on irregular routes.

Such relations are regulated by law - Ch. All rules and requirements for the specifics of filling out a work order are regulated by the general Rules for the proper transportation of passengers with or without luggage. Section 3, as amended by the Administrative Code of Russia, which governs the processes of bringing to responsibility for violations, including false information in the work order. For example, if a driver refuses to present a work order to a police officer, he may be fined rubles.

And the absence of a charter agreement along with a work order entails administrative fines for individuals - 50 rubles. That is why such a document as a work order for the transportation of passengers is so important, who, by the way, must have their own travel documents: tickets, coupons, vouchers, etc.

It should also be emphasized that based on clause. This document is also very convenient because it allows the addition of necessary items without rearranging existing ones! This form is signed by representatives on both sides. This document must be presented upon request by traffic police, traffic police, or other representatives of control and audit government officials.

When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out by order, there should be a sign on the front panel near the driver in the middle of the windshield with the following inscription outward: But the places for placing such signs may be different, for example, the following: The sign should be placed on the windshield under the name of the freighter and should not be larger than mm.

The name of the freighter must match that indicated in the work order. If there are discrepancies, the road patrol officer, when checking the driver’s accompanying papers, may fine the carrier company. In addition to these details, the work order must also include a list of names of passengers who will be traveling on this bus.

They reflect the information that must be prepared in advance before you begin filling out the official paperwork for the transportation of people and their luggage along a custom route. The preliminary information to be filled out in the work order form must be as follows: All legally valid details of the charterer - the person who provided the bus with all available seats for the transportation of a specific number of people and their luggage.

All legally valid details of the charterer - the person who will use the bus to transport passengers for a certain number of people with or without their luggage. You need to know in advance what exact date and time the bus needs to arrive for people to board it, the time of stops along the way, as well as the final date and time of arrival at the final destination of the route. There must be a list of people being transported.

Personal and contact information of the driver or drivers, if passengers will be transported in shifts. Information about the bus itself - its make, power, state registration numbers, etc. An estimate must be drawn up in advance, which will indicate in Russian rubles the price of the trip for passengers and the cost of the service provided by the direct carrier - the driver, as well as the cost of renting a bus, which must be paid to the charterer. All items where time values ​​must be indicated must be filled out every minute, and in some columns even every second.

The exact time allows you to correctly calculate the cost of providing the service. The details of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs should indicate not only the name of the organization, but also information related to taxes (TIN), for example, legal data, as well as contacts, so that if something happens, you can always contact one or another party to the agreement in a timely manner.

How to obtain a license for passenger transportation is explained in the article: Why you need to categorize vehicles for transporting passengers, read here. Order form for the transportation of passengers In general, such forms are in use in almost any area where a custom type of provision of services or goods, finished products for the special production of something is required.

In the field of transport services for the provision of transportation of people to the population, their own order forms are used. The document itself is very tied to the charter agreement. We can say that this document is his companion. Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order.

There is no strictly unified form for such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to.

Document text:

Carriers can often change the content to be filled out in this paper, but practically the document does not change fundamentally by adding certain details. In addition, today there are even options for filling out such a form electronically, directly on the website of the carrier or the legal entity that provides the bus for rent. Since the form does not belong to the types of documents of strict reporting, it can be compiled in any form, of course, without radical changes. The most basic points and columns should still be present in it.

When filling out such a form on the website, you must understand that this will serve as a kind of submission of an application for the provision of rental or transportation services. How to correctly fill out a standard template form for filling out a work order must necessarily contain the relevant details. They must be filled out in the same sequence as suggested on the form itself.

No crossing out, changing the places of points or other corrections should be allowed. All items are required to be filled out. An order for the transportation of passengers by bus is filled out according to the following algorithm, indicating the following information: The name of the document and the date of its preparation.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out by order, there should be a sign on the front panel near the driver (in the middle of the windshield) with the following inscription facing outwards: “Ordered”. But the locations for such signs may be different, for example, the following: rear window; on the right side, on the side in the direction of travel of the bus; at the top (or bottom) of the windshield away from the driver. The sign on the windshield must be placed under the name of the freighter and must not be larger than 140 mm. The name of the freighter must match that indicated in the work order. If there are discrepancies, the road patrol officer, when checking the driver’s accompanying papers, may fine the carrier company.

Work order for the transportation of passengers

ORDER FORM FOR TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS In general, such forms are in use in almost any area where a custom type of provision of services or goods, finished products for the special production of something is required. In the field of transport services for the provision of transportation of people to the population, their own order forms are used.

The document itself is very tied to the charter agreement. We can say that this document is his companion. Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order.

There is no strictly unified form for such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to. A sample work order form is located in Appendix No. 5 of Resolution No. 272 ​​of 04/15/11, edited on 12/03/15.


Section 3 of Decree No. 112, the charter agreement can be considered concluded in the form of a completed purchase order. This document is also very convenient because it allows for the addition of necessary clauses (not rearranging existing ones!), reflecting the specifics of the agreement between the parties.


Who should create the Work Order? The work order must be prepared by the charterer, which is the transport company, or provided with a blank form for the lessor to fill out, depending on the agreement between the parties. This form is signed by representatives on both sides.

This document must be presented upon request (by traffic police officers, traffic police, or other representatives of control and audit government officials).

A work order is a document that can organize the transportation of passengers by bus on request in the event of irregular routes. Since passenger bus transportation must be supported by a charter agreement, the work order must also reflect the terms of this agreement.

Chartering must be arranged between the transport company and the company renting out the bus for the purpose of transporting people on irregular routes. Such relations are regulated by law - Ch. 5 tbsp. 31 No. 259-FZ dated 08.11.07, effective 19.10.15
into legal force by changes. All norms and requirements for the specifics of filling out a work order are regulated by the general Rules for the proper transportation of passengers (with or without luggage).

  • The exact address where the bus arrives is the final destination, as well as temporary stopping points along the route.
  • An estimate that will reflect the cost of using the bus and must be drawn up in ruble national currency.
  • Personal and contact details of the person authorized to make settlements with the lessor (freighter).
  • The time to arrive at your destination is indicated by the minute and by the second.
  • To avoid unnecessary downtime, be sure to indicate the exact time of departure after unloading all passengers at the final stop.
  • How many people need to be transported – the number of people.
  • Personal data, title of the charterer and his signature.
  • These are the most basic details that must always be reflected in the work order. Various specific points can be added to them.

Appendix n 4

  • You need to know in advance what exact date and time the bus needs to arrive for people to board it, the time of stops along the way, as well as the final date and time of arrival at the final destination of the route.
  • There must be a list of people being transported.
  • Personal and contact information of the driver or drivers, if passengers will be transported in shifts.
  • Information about the bus itself - its brand, power, state registration numbers, etc.
  • An estimate must be drawn up in advance, which will indicate in Russian rubles the price of the trip for passengers and the cost of the service provided by the direct carrier - the driver, as well as the cost of renting a bus, which must be paid to the charterer.
  • All items where time values ​​must be indicated must be filled out every minute, and in some columns even every second.

Sample order for transporting passengers

Freighter tax identification number; d) make of the vehicle and its state registration plate; e) surnames and initials of drivers; f) the address of the point of delivery of the vehicle, the date and time of delivery of the vehicle to this point; g) names of the final and intermediate points of the route where the vehicle is expected to stop along the route; h) the cost of using the provided vehicle in rubles and kopecks; i) position, surname, initials and signature of the person authorized to make payments for the use of the provided vehicle; j) hours and minutes of arrival of the vehicle at the point of delivery; k) hours and minutes of departure of the vehicle after completion of transportation; l) number of passengers transported; m) position, surname, initials and signature of the charterer or his authorized person certifying the execution of the work order.
Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order. There is no strictly unified form for such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to.
An approximate work order form is located in Appendix No. 5 of Resolution No. 272 ​​of 04/15/11, edited on 12/03/15. Carriers can often change the content to be filled out in this paper, but in practice the document does not fundamentally change with the addition of certain details.

And even any non-unified form is very similar to the standard one shown in Appendix No. 5. In addition, today there are even options for filling out such a form electronically, directly on the website of the carrier or the legal entity that provides the bus for rent.

Sample work order for the transportation of passengers

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All passenger transportation can be divided into two types - regular and irregular. The first are carried out on the basis of a schedule calculated in advance and drawn up for the transportation of people on one or another type of transport.
In addition, the provision of passenger transport services with regular flights must be licensed. The second option for transporting people is carried out from time to time and refers to irregular trips, which are separately issued with a special document - a work order.
If the company also engages in irregular transportation, then it should know how to correctly fill out such a document and use it. What kind of document is this? If passenger routes are irregular, this does not mean that they should be carried out in a chaotic manner and irresponsibly.

Order work order for transporting passengers by bus sample 2017

Full description A work order is a document that can organize the transportation of passengers by bus on request in the event of irregular routes. Since passenger bus transportation must be supported by a charter agreement, the work order must also reflect the terms of this agreement. Chartering must be arranged between the transport company and the company renting out the bus for the purpose of transporting people on irregular routes. Such relations are regulated by law - Ch. 5 tbsp. 31 No. 259-FZ dated November 8, 2007, with amendments that entered into legal force on October 19, 2015. All norms and requirements for the specifics of filling out a work order are regulated by the general Rules for the proper transportation of passengers (with or without luggage).

Sample order for passenger transportation

The work order is drawn up in 3 copies (originals), signed by the charterer and the charterer, and if the charterer and the charterer are legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, copies of the work order are also certified by the seals of the charterer and the charterer. The first copy of the work order remains with the charterer, the second and third copies are handed over to the charterer (driver). The third copy of the work order with the necessary notes is attached to the invoice for chartering a vehicle for the carriage of goods and is sent to the charterer. Any corrections in the purchase order are certified by the signatures and seals of both the charterer and the charterer. In the case of loading cargo to be transported onto various vehicles, a number of work orders are drawn up that corresponds to the number of vehicles used.

All passenger transportation can be divided into two types - regular and irregular. The first are carried out on the basis of a schedule calculated in advance and drawn up for the transportation of people on one or another type of transport.
In addition, the provision of passenger transport services with regular flights must be licensed.
The second option for transporting people is carried out from time to time and refers to irregular trips, which are separately issued with a special document - a work order.

If the company also engages in irregular transportation, then it should know how to correctly fill out such a document and use it.

If passenger routes are irregular, this does not mean that they should be carried out in a chaotic and irresponsible manner.

A work order is a document that can organize the transportation of passengers by bus on request in the event of irregular routes.
Since passenger bus transportation must be supported by a charter agreement, the work order must also reflect the terms of this agreement.

Chartering must be arranged between the transport company and the company renting out the bus for the purpose of transporting people on irregular routes.

Such relations are regulated by law - Ch. 5 tbsp. 31 No. 259-FZ dated November 8, 2007, with amendments that entered into legal force on October 19, 2015.
All norms and requirements for the specifics of filling out a work order are regulated by the general Rules for the proper transportation of passengers (with or without luggage).
Such Rules are defined by Federal Legislative Act No. 259-FZ (Article 27) dated November 8, 2007, Government Decree No. 112 dated February 14, 2009 (Section 3), amended on April 28, 2015.
And also the Administrative Code of Russia, which governs the processes of bringing to responsibility for violations, including false information in the work order.

For example, if a driver refuses to present a work order to a police officer, he may be fined 5000 rubles. And the absence of a charter agreement along with a work order entails administrative fines for individuals - 50,000 rub. and legal ones - 200,000 rub.

That is why such a document as a work order for the transportation of passengers is so important, who, by the way, must have their own travel documents (tickets, coupons, vouchers, etc.) in hand.
It should also be emphasized that on the basis of clause 93 of Section 3 of Resolution No. 112, the charter agreement can be considered concluded in the form of a completed work order.
This document is also very convenient because it allows for the addition of necessary clauses (not rearranging existing ones!), reflecting the specifics of the agreement between the parties.

Who compiles and in what cases

The work order must be prepared by the charterer, which is the transport company, or provided with a blank form for the lessor to fill out, depending on the agreement between the parties.

This form is signed by representatives on both sides. This document must be presented upon request (by traffic police officers, traffic police, or other representatives of control and audit government officials).

When transporting people by bus on an irregular route, which is carried out by order, there should be a sign on the front panel near the driver (in the middle of the windshield) with the following inscription facing outwards: “Ordered”.
But the locations for such signs may be different, for example, the following:

  • rear window;
  • on the right side, on the side in the direction of travel of the bus;
  • at the top (or bottom) of the windshield away from the driver.

The sign on the windshield must be placed under the name of the freighter and must not be larger than 140 mm. The name of the freighter must match that indicated in the work order.

If there are discrepancies, the road patrol officer, when checking the driver’s accompanying papers, may fine the carrier company.

In addition to these details, the work order must also include a list of names of passengers who will be traveling on this bus.

What data is needed

When filling out a work order, the carrier must always be guided by Appendix No. 4, which is part of Government-approved Resolution No. 112, and shows what details this document should contain.
They reflect the information that must be prepared in advance before you begin filling out the official paperwork for the transportation of people and their luggage along a custom route.
The preliminary information to be filled out in the work order form must be as follows:

  1. All legally valid details of the charterer - the person who provided the bus with all available seats for the transportation of a specific number of people and their luggage.
  2. All legally valid details of the charterer - the person who will use the bus to transport passengers for a certain number of people with their luggage (or without luggage).
  3. You need to know in advance what exact date and time the bus needs to arrive for people to board it, the time of stops along the way, as well as the final date and time of arrival at the final destination of the route.
  4. There must be a list of people being transported.
  5. Personal and contact information of the driver or drivers, if passengers will be transported in shifts.
  6. Information about the bus itself - its brand, power, state registration numbers, etc.
  7. An estimate must be drawn up in advance, which will indicate in Russian rubles the price of the trip for passengers and the cost of the service provided by the direct carrier - the driver, as well as the cost of renting a bus, which must be paid to the charterer.

All items where time values ​​must be indicated must be filled out every minute, and in some columns even every second. The exact time allows you to correctly calculate the cost of providing the service.
The details of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs should indicate not only the name of the organization, but also information related to taxes (TIN, for example), legal data, as well as contacts, so that if something happens, you can always contact one or another party in a timely manner agreement.

Order form for passenger transportation

In general, such forms are in use in almost any area where registration of a custom type of provision of services or goods, finished products for the special production of something is required.
In the field of transport services for the provision of transportation of people to the population, their own order forms are used. The document itself is very tied to the charter agreement. We can say that this document is his companion.

Therefore, the outfit must always be with the driver for the entire trip - from the beginning to the end of the contract reflecting the order. There is no strictly unified form for such a form, but there is a standard form that all carriers adhere to.

A sample work order form is located in Appendix No. 5 of Resolution No. 272 ​​of 04/15/11, edited on 12/03/15.

Carriers can often change the content to be filled out in this paper, but practically the document does not change fundamentally by adding certain details.
And even any non-unified form is very similar to the standard one shown in Appendix No. 5.

In addition, today there are even options for filling out such a form electronically, directly on the website of the carrier or the legal entity that provides the bus for rent.

Since the form does not belong to the types of documents of strict reporting, it can be compiled in any form, of course, without radical changes. The most basic points and columns should still be present in it.

When filling out such a form on the website, you must understand that this will serve as a kind of submission of an application for the provision of rental or transportation services.

How to fill it out correctly

A standard template (form) for filling out a work order must necessarily contain the relevant details. They must be filled out in the same sequence as suggested on the form itself.
No crossing out, changing the places of points or other corrections should be allowed. All items are required to be filled out.
An order for transporting passengers by bus is filled out according to the following algorithm, indicating the following information:

  1. Title of the document and date of its preparation.
  2. Charterer information:
    • legal address;
    • phone number;
    • Company name;
    • individuals who transport passengers can also fill in their data at this point - full name, passport details, registration address and contact telephone number.
  3. Information about the freighter:
    • Company name;
    • legal address and telephone number for contacts.
  4. Information about vehicles, buses - car make.
  5. Personal data of drivers – full name, telephone number.
  6. The exact address where the bus needs to be delivered to pick up passengers, and you should also indicate the exact time and date of delivery of the car.
  7. The exact address where the bus arrives is the final destination, as well as temporary stopping points along the route.
  8. An estimate that will reflect the cost of using the bus and must be drawn up in ruble national currency.
  9. Personal and contact details of the person authorized to make settlements with the lessor (freighter).
  10. The time to arrive at your destination is indicated by the minute and by the second.
  11. To avoid unnecessary downtime, be sure to indicate the exact time of departure after unloading all passengers at the final stop.
  12. How many people need to be transported – the number of people.
  13. Personal data, title of the charterer and his signature.

These are the most basic details that must always be reflected in the work order. Various specific points can be added to them.

For example, any restrictions or special conditions for transporting children, plants or animals when accompanied by people, and so on.

Separately, one or another specificity of the route, parking lots and other additional aspects, for example, service ones, can be described.

Sample filling

As an example, it is worth considering one of these applications, which was filled out to transport 120 children from Moscow school No. 10 to St. Petersburg. Such an order for the carriage of passengers is considered preliminary and cannot serve as a contract.

Therefore, after such fillings, they often use the method of filling out a more extended version of the work order on paper. However, such applications are very convenient for calculations in advance and planning.

They also allow you to book either seats on a passenger bus or the entire bus itself for a specific date.

To fill out a work order on paper, all the recommendations for including the details that are specified in Appendix No. 4 and 5 of the Russian Government Resolutions on security regulation and the Rules for passenger transportation with or without luggage are used.
Prices for such trips may differ depending on the type of passengers - children, disabled people or adults, for example, tourists. It is also important to consider whether the bus will take these people back.

If yes, then the cost will necessarily include the downtime and the return trip. In any case, filling out the form itself must be thoughtful, all calculations must be made in advance and the details must be indicated correctly, according to the signed lines in the form.

Without a work order, the transportation of people in passenger vehicles will be considered unauthorized if such routes are carried out on order and are not regular or spontaneous.
After all, no one demands a backgammon order from a taxi driver if he works on routes all day and always carries random people. But if his car is ordered for a specialized trip, then he will need such a document.
Then, in addition to the charter agreement, the driver must also have a work order in his hands throughout the entire trip, as well as a list with the names of passengers and luggage.
Then no troubles with fines will happen along the way when the documents are checked by the traffic police officers.

Video: Transporting people