Mountain hikes require considerable physical endurance, so you should soberly assess your strength and start with simple climbs to low altitudes. Only after gaining self-confidence can you embark on long high-altitude journeys.

When climbing, weight and proper packing of the backpack play a big role. Any item on a hike should be functional, moderately light, durable and resistant to low temperatures and high humidity.

Clothes and shoes

Good shoes are the most important element of hiking equipment. Modern trekking boots are suitable for almost any hike - they do not slip on crust and rocks, they are quite light and comfortable. Remember that during the hike you will have to cross mountain rivers, and any material will get wet sooner or later.

It is important to have time and opportunity to dry your shoes after a day's trek. On multi-day camping trips, you can wear light sneakers while your boots are drying.

In the mountains, the weather changes quickly, and there is often fog and rain. On bare slopes above 1000 m there is almost always a strong wind. Therefore, when choosing clothes, it is important that they are not blown through. You should definitely take a raincoat or waterproof cape.

It is always quite cool here, even if the temperatures are high at the foot. Therefore, it is better to take a warm sweater and jacket. There is special membrane clothing for mountain hiking. Warm gloves will also come in handy in the mountains.

Pants should be comfortable, as you will have to wade over unstable rocks, ridges, and overcome passes.

Clothing should be made of thick, waterproof fabric. It is better not to take jeans, as they usually do not have time to dry while parked. Even in the south in the mountains it is quite cool in the evening and at night, so woolen items or more compact thermal underwear will not be superfluous.

It is important to provide yourself with dry and warm clothing, especially when traveling long distances. To do this, you should always have spare socks in stock, and for sleeping it is better to take an extra pair. To keep things in the backpack dry, it needs to be protected with a special cover.

If your trip is only 1 day, still take the climb seriously. You need to select things for such a trip in the same way as for a multi-day trip. A small assault backpack will accommodate all the items necessary for climbing.

Many tourists, when hiking in the mountains, especially if there is a long climb ahead, purchase special trekking poles. They protect your knees and reduce stress on your legs. Instead of special ones, you can use telescopic ski poles, which cope with these tasks no worse.

If there are glaciers and snowfields on the mountain, then you need to purchase sunglasses or special mountain glasses - without them you can get an eye burn. It is better to secure the glasses with an elastic band. It is also important to remember about your headdress - it should be warm and cover your ears. A membrane hat will help avoid sunstroke, provide the necessary ventilation and protect from cold winds.

Collecting a first aid kit

In the mountains there is no way to quickly get to an emergency room, so all necessary first aid must be carried out independently. To do this, you will need a properly assembled first aid kit. In addition to the usual medications, your travel first aid kit should contain additional medications.

The most common injury on mountain routes is sprains, so the kit must include regular and elastic bandages and anti-inflammatory ointments. Do not forget about open wounds - in the mountains you can fall on sharp stones. Therefore, the first aid kit should contain means for their treatment (iodine or brilliant green).

Another danger that mountain tourists are exposed to is temperature changes and high humidity. Participants of the hike may catch a cold: the temperature may rise, the ears or throat may hurt. The best remedy for a cold is warm and dry clothing and hot food; you should stock up on antipyretics from medications. Some even experienced tourists may feel ill at high altitude - the first aid kit should have appropriate medications for heart pain.

Each traveler must take care of the medications that he personally needs.

Necessary little things

Above are all the basic items, but there are many accessories, personal items that are essential for traveling. This includes personal hygiene items, a mug and bowl made of unbreakable materials, a knife or folding set, which additionally includes a fork and spoon, matches, repair and sewing kits. All important documents, money, a map of the area with the route marked must be placed in a sealed bag. The camera must be packed in a waterproof bag.

In the mountains, a strong rope can come in handy, especially if you have a difficult climb ahead. You should also take a flashlight with you, preferably several. You may have to finish your trek at dusk.

Equipment for a multi-day hike

If the above items are enough for a one-day hike, then for a long trip you will need a tent and a sleeping bag. When choosing this equipment, you need to take into account low temperatures at night and strong winds. The tent must be stable and protected from moisture. It is better to choose an option with a vestibule where you can put your backpack at night.

The sleeping bag must be warm even for traveling in the southern mountains. It is better to choose models that can withstand temperatures down to -5 °C. It is important that it be light enough, so you should choose a sleeping bag made from modern materials. You can take a mattress of sufficient thickness or an inflatable travel mat, then it will be warmer and more comfortable to spend the night in the mountains.

The backpack deserves special attention. Do not strive for lightness and choose a model without a rigid back. The frame will help to better distribute things in the backpack and provide even pressure on the back, and this is very important when climbing.

If a group of people goes on a hike, then it is necessary to distribute common items among them. The approximate weight of a men's backpack is 80–100 kg, a women's backpack is 30–40 kg. If you choose a one-day hike, then each participant should have a small waterproof backpack with personal belongings, food for the day and a flask of water.

There is probably nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that can hardly be called wild. Physical fitness can save you from any excesses, which often make hiking in the mountains even more painful. In order for you to rest your soul, you need to properly stock up on equipment, as well as special food.

1. Clothes

Cotton items, which we diligently try to find in everyday life, have one property that makes them not worth taking on a mountain hike: they dry slowly. Therefore, especially in winter, it is necessary to take clothes made of synthetic polyester with you, which will protect from moisture and wind. Moreover, we must not forget about warm clothes, which should be stocked in duplicate. Also, don’t forget about what will protect your hands and face: mittens insulated from the inside and a balaclava hat will help you with this.

2. Products

It would seem what benefits candy brings while camping. However, everything is not as simple as it seems: they not only lift, but also save from dizziness, which occurs due to pressure drop. Remember that you will have to carry everything on your own back, so try not to carry half the store with you. Stock up on something that doesn’t weigh too much: for example, instead of cans of meat, you can take dried meat. Hiking in the mountains will not give you the opportunity to prepare complex and multi-step dishes, so you should take with you everything that can simply be boiled, cut or fried over a fire.

  • One day hike

On any hike, no matter how many days, you need to take something that will help you stay in healthy shape: personal documents, anti-frost cream and, of course, a phone with GPS or a special device for orientation on the terrain. In addition, it’s worth taking a powerbank, because you may need work equipment at any stage of the trip. Moreover, for a few days you don’t need to carry a pot and a burner on your back, because during this time you will be able to feed yourself on snacks, fruits and simple sandwiches.

  • Hiking in the mountains for several days

The longer you are camping, the more personal items you need. On a multi-day trip, you need to have a burner and a pot, several bottles of clean water, matches, a saw, and personal hygiene products. Moreover, you need to take care of food in stock for several days. It is better to avoid tents with zippers, because they freeze in the cold. In addition, you can take heat-insulating mats (foams, mats) that will keep you from freezing while you sleep.

You can choose a model that is both mittens and gloves. That is, the outer side is a mitten, you put it on when it’s cold. Outside, if it suddenly gets very cold, you can walk in mittens, but in the lodge, take off the top part of the mittens and wear inner gloves. Gaiters for boots are not a superfluous thing. Every year, snow falls in different parts of the Himalayas even during the peak tourist season. These gaiters will seriously help you keep your feet dry and warm. They fit over the boot and help protect the shoe from snow. And for future mountains, you can’t do without them, so it’s better to play it safe and take them now! Powder puff. If for hiking in the Alps or Montenegro a second warm jacket or a thin down sweater may be enough for you, then in the Himalayas this is clearly not enough! When trekking in Nepal, it is better to take a puff of medium thickness. There must be a hood and pockets, but a snow skirt is not required. The main thing is that the jacket is light, compact, and warm. A double zipper is also desirable; it will come in handy on future ascents. This down jacket, put on a fleece and membrane, will reliably protect you from the cold at the heights of the upper camps of the trek. And again, such a puffer can be worn in the city as casual wear. That is, the money spent on it will fully pay for itself. A balaclava in case of strong winds and a warm sports hat, for example with a Windstopper membrane, are very useful and necessary accessories on such a hike. They will reliably protect your head from hypothermia. And of course, the most important question: what is all this worth? If you are going on your own and do not plan to use the help of local porters, you will need a large backpacking backpack. Even when using the most compact and modern equipment, a volume of at least 70 liters will be required. Please note that with such a backpack you will have to walk every day for 10-15 days. Therefore, choose a backpack with a comfortable back, height adjustment, and a comfortable belt, which will bear at least half the weight of the backpack. It should also have a lot of pockets. A backpack, just like shoes, must be chosen personally, because the width of the back, the structural features of the trapezoid and height are individual for everyone. Be sure to come to the store with the largest assortment and try on everything that the consultants show you. When trekking with porters, you carry part of the equipment: camera, cosmetic bag, telephone, membrane clothing and down jacket, as you may need it at any time, and the other part can be given to the porters. It is most convenient to go yourself with a backpack with a volume of 40-45 liters, and give the porters everything else in the trunk. Such a trunk will not tear, will protect the contents from dust and dirt, and taking out the most necessary things from it upon arrival at the lodge and packing it back will not be difficult.

Hi all! This article is for those who love active recreation. For me there are no bad mountains. Even a one-day hike always intrigues with its unknown routes and fills the body with the necessary energy. Many tourists prefer this type of holiday as an overnight hike. Let's make it up together list of things to pack for a trip to the mountains, I begin and offer ten of the most necessary ones.

Every second travel lover dreams of making a fire far from civilization, enjoying the silence, fresh air, the sound of the wind and the singing of birds. In order for your vacation to be successful without nervous tension, you need to clearly understand where you are going and what may prevent you from enjoying the gifts of nature. The whole event depends on what your list of things for the mountains will be.

For most beginners who go to the mountains, it is difficult to decide on a list of necessary things. There are several important patterns in the weather, in the habitat of living organisms, in a person’s orientation in an unfamiliar area, knowledge of which will help save you strength, and sometimes even life.

So, many experts in the field of mountain tourism recommend taking with you as many things and products as you can carry throughout the entire route. If you doubt your stamina, take only the most important:

The most necessary things for the mountains:

1. Tent. It will provide you with shelter from rain, sun, mosquitoes, small animals, snakes, and will save your things from getting wet. If the tent is designed for two or more people, you can take turns carrying it. It happens that after looking at the weather forecast, a tourist hopes for a dry and warm day and leaves the tent at home to save space in the backpack. An extra 3 kilograms on your back over the course of several tens of kilometers will in any case make itself felt, but in practice the opposite is more often the case.

At altitude in the mountains, the weather is changeable - the sun is shining, it’s hot, and in five minutes clouds will roll in, it will rain and the air temperature can drop by 10 degrees. As a result, you and your things will get wet. If you don’t light the fire in time and don’t dry out, you may get sick. Therefore, it is better to take a tent, even if you don’t need it.

2. Sleeping bag. It takes up as much space as a tent, but it is necessary at any time of the year. Nights in the mountains can be very cold even in summer. Temperature depends on altitude - the higher, the colder. At an altitude of 1-1.5 km it is 10 degrees colder in relation to the foot of the mountain. There are winter sleeping bags (more bulky and warm) and summer ones.

3. Rug. Polyester does not absorb moisture, has thermal insulation properties, and is elastic. Sleeping on it is quite comfortable. Before this invention, people used moss and foliage as bedding.

4. Food and water. Remember that you will feel every gram of weight on your back, you will have to walk a lot, ups and downs will help you sweat a lot. Therefore, the less weight on your back, the lighter and freer you will feel. Do not take heavy jars, pans, etc. It is better to focus on dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, and canned food. Water is the basis of life. Don't skimp on it. Be sure to calculate all supplies correctly. Find several springs along the route to replenish supplies and always take into account the fact that during physical activity, water consumption increases several times.

5. Bowler hat. Hot food and warm tea will always lift your spirits and relieve fatigue. The aluminum pot is lightweight and doesn't take up much space, plus you can put other things in it.

6. Clothes. Be sure to bring a waterproof jacket, rubber boots or other waterproof footwear. Feet should always be dry and warm. A change of clothes won't hurt. It will be nice to swim in a river or spring and put on clean clothes. Light, replaceable shoes will not take up much space in your backpack and will come in handy when you walk near a fire or enter a tent. Warm socks, a hat and thermal underwear will come in handy if you are going to high altitudes or during the colder months.

7. Energy. If there are no trees on the plateau, you will need a gas burner to heat your food.

8. Map or GPS navigator. Take both. It often happens that the satellite signal disappears, then the old reliable method of orienting on a map will help. It is better, of course, if you have someone on your team who knows the area. There is often fog in the mountains, so take a rope for insurance, tying each other, you will certainly not get lost.

9. Sunscreen and first aid medications. In summer, spring and even autumn you can get very sunburned in the mountains. It seems cool at the top, but the weather is deceptive. The sun is also scorching, there is just a breeze blowing and it seems that it is not hot. Be sure to wear a hat, shirt, and pants to avoid getting sunburned, and use sunscreen.

Hello friends!

As you already know, I really love mountains. It’s fortunate that I live in Almaty, at the very foot of the city. In winter, however, I’m not much of a fan of mountain treks: when it’s -25 outside, I almost never leave the house. Fortunately, my freelance business allows this.

Just recently I bought it in a fresh powder, my hands were frozen perfectly. A good reason to write a useful article while waiting for the season. This time about what to take from food on a mountain hike.

3 main principles: lightness, benefits and satiety! Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether I’m going for one day or on a multi-day expedition to. I think that it is not at all necessary to carry heavy cans of stew (except maybe a couple...), and a couple of onions can turn any tourist brew into a feast of the gods.

On the first day of the hike, you can have a blast with tomatoes

I will say right away that I do not adhere to any special science in programming and buy all products based on my inner feeling and a written menu.

  1. talk with the participants of the hike about the specific preferences of each
  2. write a menu for each day
  3. based on 2 large meals and 1 snack per day
  4. To make it tasty and interesting, I repeat 1 dish once every 3 days.

I definitely include carbohydrates, sweets, fatty foods and vitamins in the menu. For in the mountains the body is exhausted and the only joy of the flesh for it is to eat deliciously. For the latter, I don’t hesitate to wrap even a head of hard cheese in a rag.

Breakfast products

I love hearty breakfasts, no matter whether I'm on a hike or at home. Apparently, the hiking habit forces me to eat heavily in the morning. In action are:

  1. Bystoff porridge. 2 packets per person (1 packet is a mockery) with condensed milk and a handful of raisins.
  2. Cocoa with condensed milk (tasty and nutritious).
  3. Salty sushi with a piece of cheese or smoked sausage (even during the times of vegetarianism in the mountains, I turned into a meat eater, because I don’t care)
  4. Instant noodles (1 pack per person) with chopped smoked sausage pieces. In our area, instant “lagman” is a wonderful product and is widely sold in supermarkets. Of all the “noodles” presented, it is most like food: with meat, vegetables and spices.

In a saucepan - wild mushrooms (pasture), on the burner - mustard)

Afternoon snack

In the afternoon, around 12 o'clock, we usually stop for a short rest for tea and a small snack. During it, the following are actively involved:

  1. Salty sushi (instead of bread) with sausage, cheese and other variations (lard or, for lovers of Central Asian delicacies, kazy)
  2. Less often - canned fish. They must be thoroughly washed down with hot tea. Because after them you really want to drink.
  3. Pate made from spare parts of birds (it’s wonderful to spread on salted dryers)
  4. If you don’t mind carrying bread with you, it’s better to take thick Borodino bread. It is great for long-term storage and goes great in the mountains.
  5. A couple of candies (kozinaki, halva, chocolate)
  6. and a lot of tea (this is the main must-have for me on any hike)

For dinner

Dinner, like breakfast, is plentiful and tasty for me. I do not share the ascetic aspirations of some adherents to take as little food as possible on mountain hikes. Still, the body must recover and nourish itself.

For dinner I prefer to cook soup! This is where pre-stocked onions come in handy. And here you can safely throw a can of stew, previously stored in your backpack, into the soup.

Options for a group of 4 people:

  1. Soup from a pack (2 packs for four), a can of stew and 1 small onion. If you believed me and didn’t take the stew with you, then without the stew. The meal is wonderful! Liquid, hot in the mountains goes with a bang
  2. Puree (not rollton in a jar, but quick-cooking in a pack), 2 packs per person. 2 cans of canned fish. This is only served in 1000+ star hotels near glaciers and mountain passes.
  3. Buckwheat (Wheat or Barley) with stewed meat and onions. If you also sprinkle it with spices hidden in your backpack, it will be really cool. True, I stopped carrying buckwheat with me. Even in times of hunger it does not interfere. Therefore, I found an alternative in the form of wheat and barley porridge. Alternatively, some kind of pasta.
  4. Ready-made mixtures, such as “bulgur with vegetables”, “masurdal”, etc. A very tasty and nutritious alternative to the endless tourist hell in the form of buckwheat.

Drinks on mountain hikes

There are crazy mountain tourists who basically drink water from streams and eat two Snickers for 3 days. I do not share this approach. Still, I like to go to the mountains with an arrangement.

For drinks I take:

  1. Cocoa. A wonderful energy drink (especially with condensed milk), especially in the morning
  2. Herbal infusions: I specially brought sagan-dali and good fireweed tea. But I also like to pick peppermint and sweet pepper along the trails.
  3. Shu-puer. I'm a big fan. Of course, there is no time for tea ceremonies in the mountains. But it is a great joy to brew good black pu-erh for good people, especially during the day.
  4. Traditional tea bags. I drink it exclusively in the mountains, so I usually take the one that is more expensive and tastier. Black (delicious when brewed with milk) and some fruity one (I especially like Summer Bouquet from Greenfield).

As a plus, I always take 2-3 lemons with me on a long hike. They are divine as a snack or in tea! Yes, and they help maintain the body in combat-ready condition. Vitamin Tse, after all.

Mountains and Chinese are one of the most harmonious combinations in the Universe

Layout for one-day routes and direct routes

With one-dayers everything is easier. Food for the hike is taken from home: boiled eggs, sausages in deli pastry, cheese cakes, chocolate, apples, tea (pu-erh, herbal or ginger). If you are a vegetarian, try lavash rolls with cheese and vegetables.

For a PVD (Weekend Trek), you can take some provisions with you from home + add some delicacies cooked on a burner: porridge with Adyghe cheese and crackers, some vegetables, and a lot of tea delicacies.

Not long ago, a basket of fried wings from KFC became a break in the pattern for me. It's really delicious))) Except for the plastic cold French fries.

Other life hacks and amenities

  • Spices and Maggi cubes. With them, any camp brew turns into ambrosia! As an alternative to regular table salt, take Svanskaya. It wonderfully complements any buckwheat/pasta/cereals.
  • You can eat ALMOST anything with ketchup! What is not eaten with ketchup is dressed with mayonnaise and eaten. That. If you take with you a plastic packet of ketchup and the same packet of mayonnaise, you can eat ANYTHING with them!
  • Ginger ! A wonderful remedy for maintaining vitamin deficiency, good mood and pleasant warmth from drinking tea.
  • Mustard. In our area (Kazakhstan) there are very tasty seasonings “3 wishes”. Their mustard is very strong and at altitudes above 3000m it is considered a special delicacy.
  • Coffee . I don’t like coffee myself, but in the mountains I can drink a glass of some instant version. It's hot and wonderfully warm.
  • Gummies, like gelatin bears. In conditions of constant stress on the knees, this product becomes not only tasty, but also very useful.

To be honest, even after 10 years, the question of what to take for food on a hike in the mountains continues to be relevant for me. Sometimes I follow the beaten path, sometimes I improvise. So, several times I was able to taste overseas dishes in the form of freeze-dried products. The solution is quite interesting, but not too budget-friendly.

The food issue has been completely resolved. You walk from village to village and eat traditional Nepalese dal bhat.

I myself am not a supporter of total restrictions. Because, as I already said, food on a mountain hike is not only about weight and calories. This is a whole ritual that can bring happiness and unite any group, even the most diverse. Therefore, we need to improvise and look for options. In the mountains, everything is eaten with great appetite! And some, especially advanced ones, are not too lazy to even carry watermelons with them to the peaks.

Of course, I myself have not carried watermelons and there is little that can inspire me to stuff such a berry into my backpack. Everything here is very individual. Therefore, try, improvise! And let your hikes be not only beautiful, but also delicious.

Good weather and good digestion to you!

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