What things to take to the sea? Many lucky people are looking forward to their upcoming vacation at sea. Relax in comfort, gain strength, capture all the wonderful moments - this is what vacationers are waiting for. When the cherished date is already approaching, the question arises: what things to take with you on the road? I didn’t want to pack heavy suitcases, but at the same time I didn’t want to be left without something I needed.

List of things to do at sea

You should prepare for the upcoming trip in advance, especially if you have a long journey to an unfamiliar place. For each vacationer, the list of things will be individual. It’s one thing when you have a vacation in Turkey and the whole journey will take about 2–6 hours by plane. And it’s completely different when Black Sea resorts travel by train for 3–4 days from Siberia. Traveling in your own car also has its own characteristics.

The best way to calmly prepare for your vacation is to make a list. Many people write it 3-4 weeks in advance so that they have time to buy the necessary things. For convenience, all the items you will need on your trip can be divided into several groups.

Documents and money

This is where any vacation by the sea begins. For these items, it's best to plan where to put them. These include:

  1. Civil and international passport (if holiday abroad) and their photocopies.
  2. If children are traveling - children’s birth certificates, consent to take the child abroad (required when only one parent is going on vacation).
  3. Insurance policies and their photocopies.
  4. Plane, train, bus tickets.
  5. Hotel voucher, visa (for selected countries).
  6. Insurance from the tour operator (if the tour is booked at an agency).
  7. Money, bank and discount cards.

In some cases, if excursions and airport parking are booked in advance, you need to take a printout of these documents.

Food for the road

Those who travel several hours to the sea can safely skip this point. In such cases, you can take any familiar products - they will not spoil in a short period of time. But on long trips it is better not to take perishable foods: in the heat they quickly spoil. Or they must be eaten on the first day. Suitable for long journeys:

  • stewed meat and canned fish;
  • instant dry products - Doshirak noodles, Big Lunch, Rollton puree and others;
  • semi-smoked, smoked sausage;
  • bread, buns;
  • fruits (apples, oranges, grapes);
  • tomatoes cucumbers;
  • cookies, gingerbread;
  • pistachios, chips, nuts, dried fruits;
  • tea, coffee, chocolates;
  • sugar, salt;
  • water, juice (preferably not too sweet).

Helpful advice: Boiled foods (meat, potatoes, eggs) will last longer if you wrap them in foil. Many vacationers appreciate the convenience of a cooler bag - you can put any food there and keep it just like at home. But you need to take into account its weight.

Clothes and shoes

The main thing is not to overdo it with these things, especially for women. Most often, clothes that are taken “in reserve” remain untouched.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the climate on the coast, for example, in countries South-East Asia It can rain for weeks. And on the Black and Azov Seas in May and September the evenings are already cool. It is also necessary to have an idea of ​​the type of holiday at sea. If it is passive: lying on the beach and rarely leaving the territory of the hotel or boarding house, then a minimum of clothing and shoes is required. And if hiking or excursions are expected, then you need to be prepared for this.

To a woman

In most cases, the rest lasts 10–16 days. In order not to pack a lot of things, every woman should first take into account what she wears every day. A sample list would be as follows:

  1. T-shirts or tops – 2 pcs.;
  2. pareo;
  3. swimsuits – 3 pcs. (it’s better to take 2 open and 1 closed);
  4. hat;
  5. underwear – 2 or 3 sets;
  6. skirt – 1 or 2 pcs. (short and long - depending on the weather);
  7. jeans;
  8. shorts;
  9. slates;
  10. sandals or ballet shoes (what to wear on the street);
  11. pajamas;
  12. sneakers (on excursions);
  13. socks;
  14. long sleeve jacket (in case of cold weather).

To a man

Most men are unpretentious when it comes to their belongings and take only the essentials. Sample list next:

  • panties – 2 pcs.;
  • socks – 3 pairs;
  • T-shirts or short-sleeved shirts – 3 pcs.
  • jacket or sweatshirt;
  • swimming trunks - 2 pairs;
  • shorts or breeches;
  • cap or hat;
  • jeans or sweatpants;
  • tights (to wear in the room);
  • sneakers (if there are excursions);
  • slates;
  • sandals.

To kid

Much will depend on the age of the child and what he will do on vacation. The list should include:

  • T-shirts – 2 pcs. boys or top+skirt (or dress) – 2 sets for girls;
  • Panama hat;
  • jeans;
  • shorts;
  • panties – 2 or 3 pcs.;
  • swimming trunks – 3 pcs.;
  • slates;
  • sandals;
  • sneakers (if necessary);
  • pajamas (if the child sleeps in them).

If you are going to the sea with an infant, you can take several panama hats and an additional set of casual clothes. Teenagers should refer to the adult list.

Some of these items may be available if you are planning a vacation at a hotel or boarding house on a package tour. If they are vacationing as “savages,” then you need to clarify the availability of all household items.

A sample list would be as follows:

  • means for tanning and after it (creams, sprays, lotions);
  • shampoo, shower gel, soap;
  • shaving kit for men and cosmetics (enough mascara, lipstick and lip gloss) for women;
  • washing powder;
  • toilet paper;
  • large and small towel;
  • swimming goggles, mask;
  • Sunglasses;
  • inflatable flotation devices (circles, armbands, mattress - if necessary);
  • handkerchief;
  • comb, crab;
  • set for manicure and pedicure for women;
  • toothbrush and toothpaste;
  • mosquito repellents (sprays, liquid);
  • wet wipes;
  • feminine pads, tampons - for women.

Helpful advice: You can reduce the weight of some items (shampoo, washing powder) by pouring or pouring them into a separate small container.

A minimum set of home first aid kit is a must. In some resort places Pharmacies are not located close and there are often queues. It is especially necessary to check the list of medications if children are traveling: their immunity is weaker and adaptation to a new climate is not always painless.

The minimum set includes:

  • bandage, cotton wool, plaster;
  • Activated carbon;
  • spasmolgon, analgin;
  • balm “Rescuer”;
  • paracetamol or antigrippin;
  • noshpa, mezim;
  • brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide;
  • antiallergic drugs (claritin, fexofenadine);
  • faringosept or strepsils;
  • furazolidone or phthalazole;
  • aeron or diazepam (anti-motion sickness medications).

If you have chronic diseases, you need to have the appropriate medications with you.

Electronic devices

People go to the seaside primarily to relax, so it would be nice to have a short vacation for their favorite gadgets.

The list may include:

  1. mobile phone,
  2. flash drive,
  3. camera,
  4. wired and wireless chargers,
  5. player,
  6. batteries,
  7. laptop,
  8. tablet,
  9. eBook,
  10. 3G modem,
  11. favorite children's toys.

Most people get by with a mobile phone and a camera. Helpful advice: if you plan long excursions and a large number of photos and videos, then a wireless charger will be useful. Businessmen usually take a laptop or tablet with them.

Other things

This group of things can be either very large or consisting of several items. It all depends on individual preferences and vacation goals. The list may include:

  • binoculars;
  • atlases, maps, route diagrams;
  • board games (backgammon, checkers);
  • boiler;
  • dishes and kitchen utensils;
  • compass;
  • flashlight;
  • watch;
  • backpack;
  • diapers, potty, feeding supplies and baby food - for infants;
  • book, crosswords, newspapers for the road.


You can buy many things at the resort. There are hardly any people who can resist the temptation to buy at least a refrigerator magnet as a souvenir. And if there are children on vacation, then shopping costs are guaranteed to increase. Therefore, perhaps you should buy some things on the spot and calculate the volume of your bags and the weight of your luggage.

There are people who “sit on their suitcases” waiting big discounts from tour operators. They will find out about the departure date literally 1–3 days in advance. In such cases, you need to pack your things very quickly in order to catch the plane. If tickets were purchased in advance, then it is better to start packing early: maybe some things need to be purchased or brought into working condition.

The main thing you need to take with you on any vacation is a good mood!

We wish you a pleasant stay!

Maria Bystritskaya | 05/04/2015 | 2293

Maria Bystritskaya 05/04/2015 2293

A list of things that will not be superfluous if you are going on vacation at sea.

Before going on vacation, the question of what to take with you to the sea worries everyone. Not only the comfort of your stay, but also your overall health depends on the correctness of your luggage. In order to avoid unpleasant situations during your vacation, you need to know exactly what to take with you to the sea.

Preparing for acclimatization

A sudden change in climate is a stressful situation for the body. In some cases, there is a sharp increase in temperature, deterioration in the general condition of the body, nausea and gastrointestinal upset. The duration of the acclimatization period is individual for everyone. Its duration on average ranges from one day to a week.

You can speed up the body's addiction with the help of certain medications and decoctions, for example, green tea, herbal infusion of chamomile, Polysorb. These products will not be easy to find at the resort, so you should take care to take them with you.

You should also put it in your first aid kit antipyretics(nimid, aspirin, analgin, paracetamol 500). The last three drugs are used simultaneously, one tablet of each. Nimid helps reduce fever and relieve inflammation.

Herbal decoctions and teas, polysorb help cleanse the body. You can’t do without medications for diarrhea (nifuroxazide) and nausea (metoclopramide).

Sun protection

A beautiful tan is a must have a nice rest on the sea. You cannot achieve the “chocolate” effect just by simply lying on the beach. Be sure to bring special cosmetics with you.

Particular attention should be paid protective creams. People with milky white skin need the most effective products. Under no circumstances should you take expired substances with you. They will do more harm than good.

If it was not possible to protect the skin, it is necessary to provide first aid for a burn. The temperature increase is removed nimimid, since it simultaneously removes inflammation and has an analgesic effect. Helps relieve redness panthenol. You cannot use folk remedies such as sour cream or kefir.

Helps reduce the likelihood of getting a sunburn Beach umbrella. It is better to opt for a model with a large top covering area.

Be sure to take a thin beach blanket with you. It is desirable that its underside be rubberized or water-repellent. At the beginning of summer, the sand has not yet warmed up enough to the depth. Lying on the beach for a long time on a regular blanket can lead to unpleasant health consequences, especially for women.

Cosmetic protection for skin and hair

Sea water and sun rays have a dual effect. With excessive bathing and sunbathing, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel. In order to avoid this, after swimming in the sea you must rinse with fresh water and wash your hair thoroughly.

Additional protection will be provided by cosmetics whose action is aimed at preserving moisture in the skin of the face and body. When visiting the beach, it is advisable to use waterproof cosmetics, completely abandon makeup base, powder, foundation and perfume.

Clothes, shoes, accessories

Weather on seaside resort can be changeable, so in addition to a swimsuit, light outerwear and flip-flops, you should take the following items:

  • sneakers– if you decide to go on a walking tour around the area;
  • windbreaker or a light jacket or sweatshirt - it can get chilly at sea;
  • long-sleeved shirt and thin pants. You will need them if you need to cover tanned areas on your body.
  • dress and sandals to visit the restaurant.
  • light clothes and comfortable shoes for going to the club.

Don’t forget about accessories, such as an umbrella, sunglasses (it’s better to choose a model with chameleon lenses), and a spacious beach bag.

Other little things

Before going to sea, be sure to check availability documents: passports, insurance policy, birth certificates of children and permission of the second parent to travel abroad (if we're talking about about another country and the trip is carried out without a spouse).

From household appliances It is advisable to have with you hair dryer, depilator, straightener.

If you are planning a long trip by car, be sure to stock up drinking water, mosquito and insect repellents.

We must not forget the usual personal care products, such as toothpaste, soap, shower gel, shampoo and hair conditioner.

All these products can be taken not in a large family package, but packaged in small containers - they are much more convenient to use while on vacation.

What to take to the sea? The question is actually no longer idle today. Gone are the days when rest seashore even thousands of kilometers from home, I was absolutely carefree (or maybe there weren’t any?), and now I need to plan for vacation much more responsibly, with caution. This is not a house for you to build! You will have to take a lot of different points into account.

About obvious things, like documents, health insurance(including compulsory medical insurance), plane and train tickets, hotel reservations in Anapa or Gelendzhik, Sochi or Yalta, we will not talk. And also about money, debit bank cards and mobile phones. All this can be taken on any trip! Here we talk about something that an inexperienced or simply forgetful holidaymaker may well not take with them.

List of necessary things at sea

For some reason, medicines are always number 1 in most of these lists that litter the Internet. As if you are not going to rest, but to get sick. Let's admit that this approach is wrong and send the traveling first aid kit further away... Let's say, to the third line.


So, under the first number in “ Required list» we will supply clothes: both swimwear and everyday wear, as well as accessories associated with a beach holiday.

If you go to the shores of the warm Black Sea even in July and August, this does not mean that your suitcase should be filled with only shorts and T-shirts. A warm jacket won't hurt. If only because the suffocating heat is sometimes blown away from the coast by a strong thunderstorm, accompanied by an impressive drop in air temperature. This usually lasts no more than 1-2 days and will not ruin your vacation. If you have the corresponding item in your vacation wardrobe.

There must be at least two swimsuits. Because the swimsuit or swimming trunks you used in the morning will probably not dry out by the evening. For the same reason, it is worth putting several large terry towels in your suitcase.

Light clothing made of cotton or linen with long sleeves is a must. The first appearance of Russians from the north in the southern sun is usually accompanied by a severe skin burn - even in June, a 20-minute exposure to open beach may lead to this result. Then during the first few days you won’t want to sunbathe so much, and clothes that cover as much as possible will fit just fine. This section also includes various caps, panama hats and hats. And the wider their fields, the better.

Don’t forget about the blanket that those who don’t want to pay for a sun lounger usually lie on on the beach (however, it’s not cheap: from 100-150 rubles at a time. And if you go to the beach twice a day, with the whole family?). And a convenient, roomy bag in which you are supposed to carry all your essentials to the sea.

Let’s not forget about such an absolutely necessary accessory as good sunglasses. Without them, looking after a child swimming in the sea can turn into real torture. Not to mention that even an ordinary walk to the beach will cause discomfort.

Sun cream

We'll put sunscreen in second place on the list of things you need at sea. You should choose them based on the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) readings: the minimum is 15, and the (reasonable) maximum is 50. It is worth keeping in mind that if you smear yourself with such a cream, you will not burn. But... you'll get a hefty dose of UVA exposure. With which, according to doctors, it is better not to joke. Therefore, do not hesitate to move into the shade at the height of the day. Better yet, swim only in the morning and evening.

First aid kit

We got to the medications. It's generally simple here. Those that you take regularly, as well as antipyretics (paracetamol and nurofen). Plus remedies for motion sickness, simple medicines for diarrhea and stomach disorders (activated carbon and smecta), disinfectants, validol, bactericidal patches. Of course, an electronic thermometer. It would be useful to take a modern broad-spectrum antibiotic - such a thing can not always be found in the assortment of pharmacies even in relatively large resort cities.

It would be a good idea to have a first aid kit and some ointment to help with sunburn. For example, such a skin care product as bepanthen.

Remember! Despite the fact that in Krasnodar region, and in Crimea there is free medicine, but it does not always work promptly: the number of doctors is designed for the permanent population, and not for millions of vacationers.

Mobile phone chargers

Modern smartphones are discharged within a day, even with less active use. You don’t want to be left without communication, do you?

Personal care products

Various toothbrushes and razors, some take shampoos and shower gels with them. Plus hygiene products. If necessary, all this can be bought locally - even in such small resort villages, like Kuchugury or Lermontovo, there are stores with a similar assortment.

List of important things at sea

  1. Today you can’t live without a computer or tablet. Watch the movie yourself, give the child a toy so he doesn’t whine, surf the Internet. Rarely does anyone voluntarily give up such opportunities. Surveys indicate that a large number of people intend to take a break from the benefits of civilization during their vacation. But practice shows that in fact they are hypocrites. However, many people use a regular smartphone with a fairly large screen for all the indicated entertainment.
  2. A program such as a GPS navigator is, in principle, very useful on a smartphone. If you somehow understand the intricacies of the streets of some Alushta, then any leisure outside the selected settlement can be confusing if you lose your bearings. Tourist motorists know this and include a navigator in the list of required things along with documents. But “horseless” vacationers, out of habit, do not consider the application too necessary - we’ll ask the locals, right?! You can get out of this situation by buying local map in some book stall. Or simply download the navigator upon arrival.
  3. A camera or video camera to immortalize the most glorious moments of your next vacation at sea. In most cases, you don’t take it with you - our smartphone is everything!

During summer holidays Many compatriots try to go on vacation to the sea. The beach, sun, swimming and entertainment - all this helps to restore working capacity and improve health. To make your vacation a success, make arrangements in advance required list things at sea - clothes, medicines, documents, etc. Take this moment seriously, otherwise your whole family trip will be overshadowed. Thanks to this, packing your suitcases will take place without any incidents.

What to take to the sea

It is necessary to make a list of things for a vacation at sea in advance - preferably 3-4 or more days before departure. Otherwise, in your haste, you will forget many essential things. In addition, this approach will help you get rid of unnecessary things that you really won’t need. beach holiday. Organize all your useful accessories into specific categories so you don't miss out on anything. The universal list should consist of:

  • clothes for adults: separately for women and men;
  • children's clothing;
  • baby food;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • medicines;
  • technology;
  • cosmetics;
  • products.

What clothes to take to the sea

The most difficult part of packing a suitcase is choosing the right clothes. In this case, you need to provide for absolutely everything, because, for example, no one can guarantee that there will be no cool weather in your chosen vacation spot. In this regard, take care in advance of choosing more or less warm clothes - just in case. At the same time, give preference to light-colored fabrics made from natural threads - linen, but cotton is better. In such clothes, the skin will “breathe”, so you will not “burn” from the heat.

To a woman

The answer to the question of what clothes a woman should take to the sea is one of the most difficult. It is recommended to take clothes at the rate of one outfit for two days. Going to warm countries, it would be a good idea to take some sportswear with you - it will come in handy on some excursions. Try to exclude all those products that are not useful to you. Your significant other will help you evaluate the outfits. An approximate list of things needed for a holiday at the resort:

  • swimsuit – 1-2 pcs.;
  • jeans/pants, skirt, shorts – 1 piece each;
  • pareo, tunic, elegant blouse, evening dress, night pajamas - 1 piece each;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 3-4 pcs.;
  • bra – 2 pcs.;
  • panties – 1 pc. on every day;
  • sandals, ballet shoes, beach slippers/flip-flops – 1-2 pairs each;
  • cardigan, windbreaker or warm blouse – 1 pc.;
  • sports pants or a whole suit - 1 pc.;
  • light shirt with sleeves (if you get badly sunburned) – 2 pcs.;
  • headdress – 1-2 pcs.

To a man

To answer the question of what things a man should take to the sea, try to give preference to products made from natural fabrics in a light shade. At the same time, it would be nice to take a couple of T-shirts or shirts in a dark shade, which are perfect for going to a disco or some kind of party. An approximate list of necessary men's clothing should look like this:

  • light and classic trousers – 2 pcs. and 1 piece;
  • shorts, swimming trunks, light shirt - 2 pieces each;
  • T-shirts, T-shirts – 1 pc. on every day;
  • sandals, slates, summer shoes – 1 pc.;
  • underwear (pants) – 1 pc. on every day;
  • socks – 3-4 pairs;
  • headdress (for example, a hat) – 1 pc.

To kid

Make a list of necessary clothing for your upcoming trip and for the youngest members of your family. To a small child no less a list of clothes will be useful than his mother or father, but try to take a minimum of things - only the most necessary ones. A set of clothing sets that your baby will really need during a trip to the seaside may include:

  • shorts, skirts;
  • socks;
  • 2 T-shirts for every day;
  • 2 swimsuits;
  • 2 caps/panamas;
  • clothes for the evening;
  • cotton clothes with long sleeves (if the child suddenly gets sunburned);
  • warm clothes;
  • sandals;
  • sneakers for excursions.

List of necessary things at sea

To answer the question of what to take with you to the sea, carefully read the lists below, which will help you prepare the necessary things for your upcoming trip. To some, they may seem very large - in this case, simply cross out unnecessary items and thereby reduce the number of things you take with you. To ergonomically pack as many items as possible into one suitcase, use special vacuum packaging/bags and a vacuum cleaner.


Before you start packing your luggage, take care of your documents and money - these are the two most important components of any vacation, because... everything else can be bought. Without necessary documents the upcoming trip will be disrupted already at the airport. Do not forget that your passport with money should be in the area of ​​attention not only during preparations or passage customs control, but also during the entire vacation. For the trip you will need:

  • passport;
  • tickets;
  • vouchers;
  • medical insurance;
  • driver's license (if you want to rent a car);
  • photocopies of documents;
  • money, bank card.


Summer rest by the sea will help you relax and gain strength before the upcoming workday, but don’t forget to take a first aid kit with you. The fact is that there is always a risk of getting severely sunburned or scalded by too hot sand. In addition, there is a high chance that drinking too much cold drinks can give you a sore throat. In this regard, try not to leave preparing your first aid kit until the last minute. What medications might be helpful? The first aid kit should include a thermometer, iodine, bactericidal adhesive plaster, cotton swabs, as well as medications:

  • from poisoning;
  • from thrush;
  • headache;
  • from sore throat;
  • from the manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • from burns;
  • on temperature;
  • from insect bites;
  • painkillers;
  • cardiovascular.

Hygiene products

Don't forget about personal hygiene items, without which it is better not to go on vacation. Although, if you forget to take something with you, then don’t despair - you can buy hygiene products at your vacation spot, and some of them are available directly at the hotel. True, their cost will be an order of magnitude higher than the statistical average. Be sure to bring a towel, toothbrush and toothpaste. In addition, the list of necessary things at sea may consist of:

  • handkerchiefs;
  • wet wipes;
  • soap;
  • shampoo;
  • shower gel;
  • tampons;
  • gaskets;
  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • perfume/eau de toilette/cologne;
  • toothpicks.


Before going on vacation at sea, a woman needs to stock up on the necessary cosmetics. Their number will depend on how long you plan to rest. Try to reduce the list of necessary products - it is recommended to reduce their use during vacation to a minimum. A sample list for this category would include:

  • sunscreen for body;
  • day moisturizer;
  • after-sun body cream/lotion;
  • night cream;
  • foam sponges;
  • milk;
  • tonic;
  • lipsticks;
  • a small palette of shadows;
  • matting powder;
  • simple and waterproof mascara;
  • eyeliner, lip pencil;
  • nail polish;
  • means for removing waterproof cosmetics and nail polish.


Among other things, the list of necessary things at sea should include equipment that you may need during your vacation. Moreover, it is not a fact that upon arrival you will find her in a hotel or guest house where we decided to stay. A camera or smartphone with a good camera is an integral part of any trip - with the help of one of these devices you can capture many pictures for memory. The list of equipment and other necessary things may consist of:

  • camera and/or camera;
  • memory cards;
  • flash drives;
  • laptops/netbooks/tablets;
  • mobile phones;
  • chargers;
  • selfie sticks;
  • iron;
  • small teapot;
  • plastic box for food;
  • plastic hangers;
  • beach bags;
  • sunglasses;
  • umbrella;
  • books.

What to take to the sea with a child

Planning to swim in sea ​​water and relax on the beach with the whole family, think about what your child will need. First of all, put a few of your baby's toys in your backpack or trunk. Stock up on baby creams, underwear, shorts, tank tops, T-shirts, a couple of pajamas or sleep sets. For a girl, take a couple of sundresses or dresses, trousers for the evening, a light jacket, for a boy - a long-sleeved jacket, sweatpants, shorts. From shoes, choose items for the beach, walks and in case of cold weather. Don't forget to take inflatable rings.

What not to forget on vacation

The list of things to do at sea must necessarily include such basic things as hairpins and combs. The simplest thing that is often forgotten at home is a pen - although it can be very necessary, for example, to fill out a migration card. Tourists often forget to take chargers for mobile devices and a toothbrush with them. In addition, even scissors can come in handy on a trip.

List of things to take on a plane

In order to safely endure the flight, especially for those people who are afraid to travel by air, you need to take a few important things with you. You should always have a smartphone or tablet at hand - you can also take a laptop, but using it on an airplane will not be very convenient. Record your favorite movies, books and games on your mobile device in advance. In addition, be sure to study the rules for importing and exporting items into and out of the country to avoid any problems at the border. In addition to your smartphone or tablet, you can take with you on the plane:

  • documents, money;
  • light but warm clothes, because... Air conditioning is constantly running in the aircraft cabin;
  • a minimum set of vital medications, although the plane always has its own first aid kit;
  • wet wipes;

What products to take on the road

If you want to save a little on food in the first days of your vacation, then make a list of suitable products. It is recommended not to take perishable or specific-smelling food with you. It is best to place all products in a special transparent container - this is necessary in order to speed up and simplify the inspection procedure. Try to bring food that can be prepared as simply as possible without being too crumbly. A good option might be:

  • regular bread (can be with grains);
  • sausage with cheese;
  • vegetables (cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes);
  • cutting in vacuum packaging;
  • nuts;
  • baked piece of meat;
  • yogurt, kefir in secure packaging;
  • chocolate bars;
  • glazed sweets;
  • buns.


You are going on vacation and decide What to take to the sea. This article will help you make a list of things you need for your vacation. Of course, everyone has their own list of things that need to be taken, but we will still list them, and you can always throw away the extra ones.

We will also provide an additional list of things that you need to take with you to different countries: for example, to Egypt and Thailand.

Mandatory things that you need to take it with you on vacation (regardless of where you are going: not the sea or not)

1. Foreign passport - it’s clear that without a passport you won’t be allowed anywhere

What to take with you on vacation - passport

2. Money - it is advisable to take both cash and cards with you. It is also advisable to call the bank and indicate that you will use the card, because... some banks block the card when you try to write off money in an unusual region. For example, if you went to Thailand and then decided to use a card, the bank may not issue a single penny, block the card, and all for the client’s safety.

3. Tickets, vouchers - where will you go without tickets?

4. First aid kit - it doesn’t matter whether you are sick or not, you need to take with you a minimum set of medications:

- these are painkillers (for the head);

- adhesive plaster (suddenly a callus);

- any medicine for treating wounds;

- stomach medicine;

- remedies for motion sickness.

What to take on vacation - sunglasses

5. Chargers for mobile phones - many people think that the phone will not be discharged during the entire 10 days of vacation 😉

6. Pen - oddly enough, this simple thing is often forgotten at home, but it is very necessary. For example, when filling out a migration card. Therefore, an ordinary ballpoint pen of blue color it's better to take take with you on any vacation.

7. Toothbrush, toothpaste - personal hygiene products have not yet been canceled

8. Scissors - oddly enough, such a little thing often comes in handy.

What to take on vacation - camera

Now let’s take a separate look at what you need to take with you to the sea. It is assumed that the sea is still warm, and the country where you will go on vacation is hot. Therefore, we will exclude the White Sea or the Barents Sea.

What to take to the sea :

1. Swimsuit (or swimming trunks for men) - of course, on vacation at sea without a swimsuit.

2. Flip-flops, slates - in general, shoes for the beach. Sand can get into sneakers or shoes, and it’s hot in them

3. A camera and don’t forget a memory card and charger - you need to capture your vacation

4. Panama hat, hat, arafat - anything that can protect your head from overheating

5. Sunglasses - otherwise you'll squint

6. Sunscreen— you can buy it locally, but it will cost much more

7. Blanket or beach towel - if you do not plan to relax on a sun lounger (some hotels provide them free of charge), then you should not forget about them.

8. Air mattress - if you have a mattress, then it’s worth taking it with you; you can lie on it and swim on it. You can usually buy a mattress locally - it usually works out cheaper than buying a sun lounger.

9. Laptop, tablet - for example, for watching movies on a plane or on a long trip.

What to take on vacation - dictionary

You can also take with you to the sea:

10. Dictionary, phrasebook - if you cannot explain anything in any language other than Russian.

11. Beach bag - so that you have something to go to the sea with

What to take on vacation - shoes

What you shouldn't take with you to the sea:

1. Towels - usually there are enough of them at the hotel. If you have an apartment, you must bring your own towel.

2. Soap and shampoo - the same. All hotels will give you them and will update them, even if it is a cheap hotel. If you are planning a vacation without a hotel, then you need to take these funds.

3. Iron - you shouldn’t carry heavy things with you if you don’t have a camp iron. Most often there is an iron at the information desk, even in the hostel there is one.

4. Food - firstly, they may simply not let you in with food, i.e. there are restrictions at customs, and secondly, food can simply go bad, especially at high temperatures.

5. Water - it will be collected at the airport. That is, you can take it, but you shouldn’t count on being let through.

6. Hairdryer - you need to find out if you will have a hairdryer. Very often there is a hairdryer in the room (in hotels there is always one, in hostels and apartments it varies).

Now let's decide what to take with you to the sea to some countries.

What to take with you to Egypt.

Egypt is very hot country, with very beautiful sea. Therefore, in addition to all of the above, we take:

1. Coral shoes are a must in Egypt! Otherwise, you may get hurt on the coral or step on sea ​​urchin. You can buy coral slippers in Egypt, but you’ll be like everyone else wearing only sandals, and they’re not of the highest quality.

2. Mask - we are looking for a good mask, because there are a lot of beautiful fish in Egypt. You can buy a cheap one at an inflated price in Egypt, but it’s better to have your own.

4. Fins - this is simpler, you can do without them, but if you have the opportunity, you can take them.

5. Aquabox - a housing for a camera under water. Spend your money and buy this magical box. Egypt is famous for its Red Sea and underwater world.