For several years now, fashion has been shouting to us about the importance of eyebrows. It seems that all modern girls know that by today's standards, well-designed eyebrows are considered the most important detail in makeup. And for good reason. “They are like a frame for the face,” make-up artists repeat without interruption. But this is really so. A face with properly shaped eyebrows looks harmonious and attractive. The main question is what shape to choose and what kind of eyebrows are in fashion.

And to our great joy, two thousand and eighteen gives us many worthy options. So let's find out what surprises fashion has prepared for us this year and how to properly shape eyebrows, focusing on today's trends.

We won't get any major changes in eyebrow design. In two thousand and eighteen, exactly like a year ago, it is worth paying attention to the shape and thickness of the eyebrows. This means that thin, asymmetrical eyebrows are completely out of fashion. Now they will only be a sign of poor grooming and bad taste. It seems that their finest hour remained in the last century, but what came to replace them?

Let's highlight three main terms to define eyebrows this year:

  • Naturalness;
  • Grooming;
  • Density.

It is no coincidence that we singled out exactly them, as in the previous year two thousand and seventeen, the natural, well-designed shape of the eyebrows, and at the same time also voluminous ones, are still highly valued. But even here it is worth remembering that thick, wide eyebrows are not suitable for everyone. When choosing a form, first of all, you should start from the external characteristics of their owner.

Permanent eyebrow makeup will also be in fashion. But even here, you should be careful and seek help from a trusted professional. Since not everyone can achieve a worthwhile and close to natural result. This process does not tolerate errors.

The most important thing to remember is that in 2019 2020 the shape of the eyebrows should be soft and natural. Sharply defined contours and sharp corners are excluded. Only harmony and naturalness are valued, even in tattooing, which is what artists have been trying to achieve for the last few years.

About fashionable thickness and color of eyebrows 2019 2020

As mentioned above, naturalness is in fashion now. Smooth, symmetrical transitions are what you should pay attention to. At the same time, you should not forget about eyebrow tinting.

How not to make a mistake with your choice

And here the choice depends entirely on the type of appearance:

  • For those with a “cold” blonde, dark gray shades are suitable;
  • Brunettes with dark skin will certainly suit the shade of dark chocolate;
  • Blondes with warm colors should try light brown shades;
  • Warm shades with a golden tint are suitable for brown-haired and red-haired women;
  • Ash-haired girls will suit shades with a grayish tint.

It is important to remember about naturalness and choose a shade that is closest to yours, for example, if a girl with cool-toned hair dyes her eyebrows dark chocolate, it will look at least unnatural and untidy, and at most tasteless. When introducing innovations into an image, you should be extremely careful and remember how it will look.

About fashionable eyebrows 2019 2020 - the shape of the beginning of the eyebrow

Makeup artists say that the most important thing in shaping an eyebrow is its beginning. And we dare not disagree with them. After all, it is in this zone that most girls, most often, make mistakes. It's actually quite easy to avoid them. In order not to spoil the result, you need to understand which form suits you.

She may be:

  • Straight;
  • Round;
  • With an inclination towards the nose;
  • With an inclination away from the nose.

No matter what you eat, the best option would be to stop at the round beginning. This shape suits any type of appearance, which makes it universal and impossible to go wrong with, no matter what facial proportions you have. This also includes the direct form. Although it looks most successful mainly on those with wide eyebrows, in most cases it is no less optimal than round eyebrows.

Choose your option

It should be noted that before choosing the shape of the beginning of the eyebrows, you should visualize the eyebrow as a whole. Imagine how it will look on your face. Here you should take into account the location of the eyebrow arch, the size of the eyebrow and its thickness. Introduced? Then you can start decorating.

About the fashion trend “No eyebrows” 2019 2020: photo

The trend that came to us last year is still afloat. In two thousand and seventeen, makeup artists decided to take what seems to be the most desperate step, actually completely getting rid of eyebrows. It was assumed that bleached or completely absent eyebrows would suit blondes and complement their personality. And many appreciated this unusual approach, even despite its extravagance.

Certainly controversial, but from that no less interesting trend it continues into 2019, creating a contrast with the trend of naturalness. Thick and natural vs completely bleached.

Having no eyebrows isn't for everyone

Most often, this trend is used to create unusual pictures. After all, you must admit, it’s strange to see the “Mona Lisa effect” on the faces of girls walking down the street, but in thematic photographs, for example, it’s just right.

Fashionable makeup affects not only the decorative design of the eyes, cheeks and lips. This is evidenced by current reviews eyebrows 2018. After all, such an insignificant, at first glance, detail can emphasize the depth of the look, give the oval completely different shapes and make the appearance as a whole brighter and more attractive.

Eyebrows 2018 – fashion trends

In the new season, stylists emphasize the relevance of experiments in choosing the shape and design of the line above the eyes. The basic rules remain well-groomed and neat. Recent trends point to the popularity of natural contours with minimal use of cosmetics. However, at the latest make-up shows, masters used the most popular ideas of past years, starting from the beginning of the 20th century. Such a variety of choices helps you choose the perfect option for yourself and remain individual. Let's take a look at the 2018 eyebrow trends:

  1. Thin and clear. This option is relevant for those who have a narrow forehead and small eyes. However, the subtle outlines should not be the interpretation of the thread. This solution should not be narrower than 3-4 millimeters.
  2. Fluffy. Use special combs and brushes that will fluff the hairs and add volume. Slight negligence is also trendy, which will always attract attention and emphasize an original approach to makeup.
  3. Accented. Expressive borders are also in fashion. In order not to waste time every day on makeup for this part of the face, use popular modeling and correction techniques that will give you the ideal shape for a long period.
  4. Retro style. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the fashion trends of the 20s, 30s, 50s, 70s and 80s. Even if the ideas from previous years do not suit your type of appearance, such ideas will help complement thematic images.

Eyebrows 2018 – fashion trends for blondes

Girls with blond hair should start from the main pigment, both in dyeing and in the natural color of their hairstyle. Eyebrows 2018 for blondes of a cool color type are distinguished by gray or light brown tinting. Owners of wheat, caramel and honey curls are better off choosing warmer shades of brown and beige. For gray-haired blondes, stylists recommend emphasizing with darker solutions - blond or ash. Whitewashed clothes have also become a stylish trend.

Eyebrows 2018 – fashion trends for brunettes

It is also important for fashionistas with dark hair to consider their pigmentation. If the shade is catchy, close to blue-black, in this case the right choice would be a rich classic color, which should be updated at least every week. The 2018 eyebrow fashion for owners of chestnut curls includes warm accents in a chocolate shade with the possible addition of gold. If you have bronzing, ombre or coloring with a basic dark toning, then in this case you should choose the most saturated tone of all to express the upper part of the face.

Fashionable eyebrows 2018 for redheads

Girls with a bright appearance of the autumn color type often have to add expressiveness not only to the shape, but also to the shade of their eyebrows. This is due to the often light color of this part of the face. If your curls are light golden, make up with warm colors like coffee with milk or milk chocolate. If you also have light eyes, then you can opt for dyes with a grayish tint. Current eyebrows 2018 for fiery red and red-brown hair - deep brown solutions. And here it is important to exclude the fiery pigment in the dye so that the part of the face above the eyes does not merge with the hair.

Eyebrow shape 2018

This year, strictly defined angles have left fashion. When choosing the current format, it is important to take into account the characteristics of your appearance. For example, girls with pronounced cheekbones should leave the idea of ​​large width and sharp curve. But for fashionistas with voluminous cheeks, thin stripes that accentuate the fullness of the oval face are not suitable. The eyebrow shape 2018 is selected according to the type of face and depending on the shape of the eyes and the size of the nose. The beginning should coincide with the inner corner of the eye, and the end should coincide with the diagonal from the nostril to the outer corner. But let's look at the most fashionable solutions:

  1. Smooth. A straight line, both narrow and wide, is good for girls with wide eyes. Add dark eyeshadow or liner, but avoid harsh eyeliner.

  1. Crescent. This option is considered classic. The crescent moon suits absolutely any type of appearance, regardless of whether there is make-up or not. To make the semicircular shape clearer, add light shadows or concealer to the upper eyelid.

  1. Eyebrows "house" 2018. A slightly surprised look always looks attractive and flirtatious. The best way to achieve this effect is with a pointed, raised corner. The shape itself can be either straight or semicircular.

  1. Asymmetrical. This solution is suitable for those who are considering the category of unusual eyebrows 2018. However, do not overdo it with asymmetry. It is considered acceptable to have different heights of no more than half a centimeter, the presence of a house on one side and its absence on the other, and the like.

  1. Wavy. This idea is not relevant for . However, a beautiful wave will perfectly complement a themed or evening look. If you're wary of experimenting like this, add wavy edges only to the outer edge.

What eyebrows are in fashion 2018?

In modern fashion you are no longer surprised by anything. And if earlier such solutions as feathers, braids or bright colors were considered relevant ideas only for going out and for outrageous looks, today such trends have also affected everyday style. The latest tips from stylists point to the expressiveness of the hair lines above the eyes, which makes the face pretty and the eyes bright. But at the same time, naturalness remains the basis. And if someone is lucky with density and a beautiful shape, then others are forced to resort to. Let's see the most fashionable eyebrows of 2018:

  1. Contrasting. A catchy color that differs from your hair color will help emphasize your individuality and original style. And in this case, both natural and unnatural shades are acceptable.
  2. To match your hair color. The best solution would be to wear the same shade as your hairstyle. Here you maintain harmony and remain natural. But in order for this part of the face to be expressive, it is necessary to mark the contour.
  3. One tone darker. A win-win solution for any type of appearance would be to choose a dye slightly darker than your natural hair color. In this case, you will make your eyes expressive, but will not add artificial contrast.

Wide eyebrows trend 2018

Plucking and thinning thick hairs is a thing of the past. Wide shapes dominate fashion shows. Thick eyebrows trend 2018 is suitable for both young fashionistas and older women. This idea became a novelty several years ago, and its founder was the actress and model Cara Delevingne. Stylists recommend complementing the wide shape with a rich shade. However, you should proceed from your type of appearance. For example, this option is not suitable for girls of the winter color type.

Natural eyebrows 2018

If you don't naturally have problems with thickness and shape, make it a habit to brush your eyebrows daily. With this procedure, you will achieve proper hair growth and prevent hair from breaking. Beautiful eyebrows 2018 can also be achieved using lamination. This method is again suitable for fashionistas who are not deprived of hair thickness. If you have obvious gaps and bald patches, do not be lazy to go to a hair extension specialist. However, keep it natural, both in shape and in coloring.

Eyebrows 2018 “fishtail”

One of the most unusual and original solutions is the fishtail shape. This option is different in that the eyebrow is divided into two parts - the base and the end, between which there is a neat gap. In this case, the longer side is raised upward, and the tip is necessarily slightly rounded. Trendy eyebrows 2018 can be done using plucking, if you have no problems with thickness, or in a more gentle way - hair removal. If this area of ​​your face is not an advantage, then a professional artist will give you an original “fishtail” using tattooing or coloring.

Colored eyebrows 2018

For those who do not chase the latest trends, but choose shocking as the main style, designers suggest focusing on the ideas of unnatural shades. The most fashionable eyebrows of 2018 are presented in bright solid colors - blue, red, orange, green and others. Gradient transitions, both in the same color scheme and in contrasts, look more interesting and extraordinary. Don’t forget, if you decide on such a non-standard format, it is important to take care of the ideal shape and styling of your hair.

Eyebrow shaping 2018

You should not consider the design of the area above the eyes as a separate makeup procedure. It is important to approach make-up as a whole. Indeed, in addition to the decorative solution, it is necessary to pay attention to the shape, neatness, and arrangement of the hairs. In modern fashion, achieving an ideal result is not difficult due to the variety of tools and techniques. With some skill, you can take care of and create beautiful eyebrows 2018 even at home. And to keep up with fashion trends, check out the most current methods:

  1. Makeup. For eyebrows make-up, stylists use a pencil as the simplest tool, powder and fondant. Also purchase a concealer and light nude shadows to brighten the skin around you, which will add expressiveness to the contour.

  1. Coloring. We use water-based or natural-based paints that do not cause allergies. As a rule, this tool is also suitable for tinting eyelashes. And henna is considered the most budget-friendly choice.

  1. Overlay design. In the modern beauty market, you can choose everything, including beautiful eyebrows, which, with the help of a special fixer, will look like your own. Models made of sequins, rhinestones and liquid foil in a metallic shade have become a stylish and very unusual choice for a going out, evening or club.

Eyebrow tattoo 2018

Modern tattooing is completely different from the technique that, after two weeks of wear, gave off a bluish color and looked like a tattoo tattooed on smooth skin. The most fashionable eyebrow tattoo of 2018 is permanent. This method looks very natural and is practically no different from natural growth, except for the ideal shape. The only drawback is regular correction. However, if the paint lasts no more than a week, then the tattoo requires reapplication no more often than once every six months. And this procedure is unpleasant and sometimes painful.

Eyebrow microblading 2018

The result of this technique depends on the professionalism of the master. No machines, needles or devices are used here. The shape and shade are achieved through the meticulous handwork of a stylist, who defines each hair using a powder application. In a way, this is also a tattoo, but more gentle and even pleasant. Microblading appeared relatively recently, but has become a real breakthrough because it lasts on average up to two years. These ideal eyebrows for 2018 are symmetrical, neat and well-groomed, further promoting the proper growth of your own hairs.

Eyebrow piercing 2018

Decoration using skin punctures is gradually going out of fashion, as it completely breaks the trend of naturalness. In modern fashion, piercings are mainly used to complement informal, thematic and. If you can’t wait to make beautiful eyebrows in 2018 by adding an earring to them, stop at the deceptive option – a clip. If you do choose a puncture, the bar should be neat, without spikes or sharp corners, preferably silver or gold in color.

Eyebrow fashion, like any fashion in general, changes a lot over time. Just recently, raised eyebrows were very fashionable.

The shape of the eyebrows 2019, on the contrary, will be distinguished by its natural shape, only slightly adjusted. Eyebrows 2019 should be completely natural in shape. So this season we will use tweezers less often.

If you are the owner of light eyebrows, then you need to highlight them with the help of shadows or a cosmetic pencil. There is no point in tinting dark eyebrows - they are already expressive.

Undoubtedly, thick and wide eyebrows are considered fashionable this season. Many makeup artists advise correcting them along the bottom edge, that is, pulling out only those hairs that bend the eyebrow arch. Eyebrows of 2019 in this variation will give your face more expressiveness and draw attention to your eyes.

But if this width doesn’t suit you, don’t chase fashion, otherwise you’ll look ridiculous. It is better to choose a shape that suits you so that the overall look looks great and attracts the attention of fans.

Fashionable eyebrow shape 2019 tattoo photos of the latest news

Let's talk about 2019 eyebrow trends and see what trends are hot right now. Don't try to get perfect eyebrows in 2019. This season they should look natural and casual at the same time. This is the main trend of the year!

Designers have chosen to make the thickness thicker so that it looks natural, but the most important condition is self-care - simply letting them grow out is not enough. It is necessary to trim the hairs carefully. If nature has not provided you with sufficient thickness, then you can compensate for this problem with the help of cosmetics.

In some cases, tattooing and extensions can be used. However, this is an extreme measure that should not be carried away - if it fails, you can ruin your appearance for several months to come.

As for the fashionable eyebrow shape of 2019, she also adheres to the general motto - naturalness. Straight lines, rounded in the last third, will also be pleasant. This gives softness to facial features and creates an aura of tenderness and romance.

Wide and thick eyebrows 2019 fashionable shape, trends, new items PHOTO examples

Wide, thick and natural eyebrows are in fashion, but fashion trends in 2019 have shifted towards wider and more voluminous options. However, you should not neglect your eyebrows, leaving ugly sticking hairs. Maintaining shape, thickness and length is your task. If volume and density are not enough, you can use cosmetics or 5D modeling technology using tattooing. Extravagant touches look very original and stylish on a wide shape.

In 2019, fashion trends in eyebrows dictate trends such as sufficient density, which will make your look expressive and emphasize the beauty of the eyes. Regarding the form, note that it should not contain unnecessarily sharp breaks and transition lines.

Fashionable eyebrow color 2019 stylish shades, new trends, PHOTO

After a huge number of makeup products for this part of the face appeared on the beauty market - from shadows, pencils and gels to lipsticks, paint films and markers - makeup artists decided that it was time to stop. Thus, the main trend in eyebrow makeup has become the lack of a clear contour. Makeup artists say that in 2019 one global trend is the rejection of all kinds of dyes. Tinting is a great way to perfect your eyebrows. This is not permanent or coloring.

This term means using two or three shades of eyebrow shadow. The lightest is at the base, a little darker in the middle and up to the arch, and then a stretch of the two darkest shades (you can mix light and dark to get a third tone).

This will make the eyebrow look more natural. The darkest shade should be one tone lighter than your natural hair color. This rule also applies to bleached blondes.

That is, the shade of eyebrow products is chosen not to match the new hair color, but to the natural one. Instead of pencils and shadows, you can use colored eyebrow gel; its shade should be a tone lighter than your hair color.

It will be an excellent alternative to a whole arsenal of products, because it colors even transparent hairs, making eyebrows thicker and more voluminous. And then there will be no need to fill in the gaps. Instead of pencils and shadows, you can use colored eyebrow gel; its shade should be a tone lighter than your hair color.

It will be an excellent alternative to a whole arsenal of products, because it colors even transparent hairs, making eyebrows thicker and more voluminous. And then there will be no need to fill in the gaps.

Fashionable eyebrows for brunettes 2019, ideal curve, shape, color, PHOTO

Eyebrow makeup for brunettes is very important in their appearance. Much more than for blondes, whose eyebrows serve as a charming addition to the created image. For brunettes, one of the main accents is on the eyes, the expressiveness of which is emphasized by well-colored eyebrows in a suitable shade. If you still can’t decide what color to paint them, or you’re tired of doing this makeup every morning, your path lies straight to the salon. Some useful tips, what color to paint eyebrows for brunettes so that it looks beautiful and harmonious with the overall image and color type of appearance.

  • Brunettes with light eyebrows are far from nonsense. Do you want to look fresher and younger? In this case, the eyebrow shade should be a shade lighter than your hair color.
  • If you are going to a party or creating the image of a strict businesswoman, the basic rule of stylists works here: eyebrows should be 1 shade darker than brunette hair.
  • Remember that cold shades of hair and eyes go with only cold tones of eyebrows, and with warm shades - only warm ones.

Fashionable eyebrows for blondes 2019, ideal shape, beautiful shade, PHOTO

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of how to choose eyebrow color for blondes. The choice of palette depends on the color type of each girl’s appearance. It, in turn, includes three parameters: hair, eye and skin color. Each type has its own rules and shades, but there are also general tips. To make your eyebrows look natural, but not blend in with your skin and hair color, choose an eyebrow color that is 1-2 shades darker than your hair color. It’s also worth paying attention to which group the color of your curls belongs to: “cold” or warm.” The first should give preference to ash-gray tones, and the second to golden-beige palettes. The shade is selected individually; remember that it is not advisable to use red pigment; it is only suitable if the girl has red hair.

Fashionable eyebrows for brown-haired women 2019, current shape, stylish shades, PHOTO

  • If your hair has a shade close to dark brown, then you should choose cosmetics to correct the color of dark eyebrows. But black will not work here. It will only add a few years to your age and make you look gloomy and cruel.
  • In this case, you need to choose dark brown tones. It would be good if they had chocolate tints or a cognac tint.

  • If your hair is close to regular brown-haired, then you should choose natural tones for your eyebrows. In this case, brown tones with honey shades are ideal.
  • Well, if your hair is of the light chestnut type, then you should focus on the grayish undertone of your eyebrows. They will look harmonious with your new look.

Trends in eyebrow design 2019 current season's news PHOTO

A real woman always follows fashion trends. She is also interested in the question of what eyebrows are in fashion now. This element of the image can give a special zest to the lady and highlight the dignity of her face. Correctly selected shape in accordance with individual characteristics and catwalk makeup trends creates an impeccable appearance. For many years in a row, preference has been given to naturalness, in all aspects of makeup. Eyebrows were not spared either. With each new season, naturalness is gaining more and more popularity and adapts to new needs. Years earlier, girls preferred string eyebrows. Then original bends appeared, violating all the canons.

Today, comma-shaped eyebrows, thin curved lines a few hairs thick no longer attract designers. Eyebrow fashion in 2019 continues the previous seasons and brings back the natural features that nature itself has endowed a woman with.

The beautiful half of humanity has always paid a lot of attention to their own appearance. And even such a broad concept as makeup included a lot of details. One of these is beautifully designed eyebrows. Every year the trend changes, so in 2019 you should also take care to comply with fashion trends. What shape will be especially popular in the coming season, and how not to make a mistake with the choice of shade, based on your color type of appearance?

What shape is trending now?

Nowadays the most stylish trend is considered to be the 2019 Brezhnev eyebrow shape. This format implies not just thick, wide eyebrows, but also hairs specially sticking out in different directions. Therefore, starting from the main ideal, makeup artists advise focusing on the following standards:

  • do not make thin thread eyebrows, maintain more naturalness;
  • unruly hairs should be combed and fixed with a special gel;
  • in fashion, eyebrows are darker in color than hair, but blondes should limit themselves to light brown options;
  • remove the line above the eyes, masking the hairs with powder or light shadows;
  • choose a shape, taking into account the size, eye color and direction of the corners.

Attention! Even famous actresses Keira Knightley and Lucy Hale have moved away from their usual style and are now ready to show off looks with chic thick eyebrows.

But there is no need to deliberately neglect your eyebrows, leaving an ugly shape - even natural beauty should be in moderation. And if volume and density are not enough, you can use cosmetics or 5D tattoo modeling technology to help. In 2019, eyebrows should look dense enough to make the look expressive and highlight the beauty of the eyes.


You need to constantly take care of your eyebrows. Therefore, for care you will need a set of brushes, brushes and styling products. But you should be careful: you don’t need to follow the advice where, after combing, they suggest cutting off the excess length on especially long hairs. Trends are quite changeable and when a new trend comes into fashion, it will be difficult to achieve the ideal - eyebrows grow back quite slowly. But in order not to make a mistake with the decision, you can rely on the following parameters:

  • wide (can be medium, moderate or “extra” format - with an emphasis on natural shape);
  • curved (the demand for a graphic break is gradually disappearing, because now a soft transition without sharp lines and corners is in fashion);
  • straight (to achieve such an effect is not an easy task, so you will have to completely change them in order to straighten them in the required manner);
  • natural (you shouldn’t outline the contour with catchy lines, it’s better to highlight individual hairs separately from the overall contour to get the necessary textural effect);
  • asymmetrical (slightly different shapes are becoming one of the main fashion trends of 2019, so minor differences should not worry the owner of such a highlight).

Reference! It’s better not to experiment on your own, but to entrust eyebrow correction to a professional. He will create a suitable shape for you, and then you can maintain it yourself.

In 2019, there is a special demand for such an original shape as “scouse”. This is an analogue of boyish eyebrows, which are characterized by wide lines with hairs along the perimeter. Much attention is paid to the upper zone - it should be designed according to a perfectly even standard. This shape is especially suitable for young girls with spring and summer face types. They usually have a light brown or light brown tint, so excess hairs are almost invisible.

Stylish shades

When a lot of make-up products appeared on the beauty market (eyeshadows, pencils, gels and lipsticks, film paints, markers), makeup artists unanimously decided that it was necessary to use the available arsenal to the maximum. But you shouldn’t go too far: it’s important to maintain naturalness and create an effect as if no cosmetics were used at all. The central trend in eyebrow makeup has become the lack of a clear contour. And some experts in this field argue that in 2019 one global rule is the refusal of dyes. But an alternative way to bring eyebrows to perfection is not permanent or coloring, but tinting.

The mentioned term means the use of 2-3 shades of shadows at the same time. The lightest tone is located at the very base of the eyebrows. And a color that is slightly darker than the first is applied from the center to the arch. Next comes stretching the two darkest shades (to get the right color, you can mix light and dark to get the final ideal tone). This way the eyebrow will look more natural.

The darkest shade should be one tone lighter than your natural hair color. This condition is especially relevant for bleached blondes. In 2019, the shade of eyebrow preparations is not matched to the updated hair color (if the girl dyes her hair in a completely opposite color), but to her natural one. Instead of pencils and shadows, you can use colored eyebrow gel, which should be a shade lighter than your hair. It will be an excellent replacement for a whole set of products, since it thoroughly colors even thin and transparent hairs, making eyebrows much thicker and more voluminous. Then there will simply be no need to fill in random gaps.

For brunettes

Brunettes are given more freedom in their makeup, so focusing on eyebrows is more important than ever. Attention is focused on the eyes, the expressive look of which is emphasized with the help of well-colored arches in a favorable tone. To make it look impressive and harmonious with the overall image and color type of appearance, it is worth taking note of the following secrets:

  • if you want to have a fresher and more youthful look, the shade should be at least half a tone lighter than your natural hair color;
  • if you are planning to go to a party or are creating the image of a business lady, here the eyebrows, on the contrary, should be one shade darker than the hair;
  • Only cold tones go well with cold shades of hair and eyes, but only warm variations go well with warm shades.

You should be especially careful with raven hair, even if you have hair of a similar shade. This color makes you look very old, and in the case of clear geometric lines, such pronounced eyebrows will look artificial and ugly. Therefore, it is better to focus on more delicate versions: dark chestnut, mocha, coffee shades - they will suit even such a picky color type as winter.

For blondes

It is quite difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how best for blondes to choose the best color for their eyebrows. The search for a palette depends on the specific color type of the girl’s appearance. And it already includes the following three parameters: hair color, eye color and skin color. Each type has its own rules and specially selected shades that you need to focus on. The main thing is that fashionistas do not get carried away with too flashy colors. The limit for most beauties comes in the region of the brown palette: if you decide on a darker option, there is a high risk of creating real bad taste on your face.

To make your eyebrows look as natural as possible, but at the same time not blend in with the color of your skin and hair (this often happens with a good tan), choose their color 1-2 shades darker than the original option. At the same time, you should focus on which group the tone of your hair belongs to: cold or warm. In the first case, preference should be given to ash and gray tones, and in other cases, focus on golden-beige palettes. A more specific shade is already selected individually.

Important! Remember that it is not advisable to use red pigment. After all, it is only suitable if the girl has fiery red hair. Without fiery hair, this effect will seem too vulgar.

For brown-haired women

For girls who have a shade similar to dark brown, you need to choose cosmetics to correct the color of the eyebrows in the corresponding dark tones. But it is important to take into account that rich black color is also not suitable here - it will only add extra years and make the look more gloomy and cruel. It is better to stick to dark brown tones. It will be great if they are characterized by chocolate tints or a cognac tint.

If the brown-haired woman’s hair is close to the usual undertone (light brown), then emphasis should be placed on natural variations for the eyebrows. For example, brown tones with honey tints work well. And when the curls are of the light chestnut type, you should focus on the silver undertone of the eyebrows, which will look great with an updated look. The advantage of almost all brown-haired women is light hairs in areas where it is worth adjusting the shape. You don’t even have to pluck them - you can lightly powder them along the growth line to maintain a balance between beauty and naturalness.

In 2019, fashion does not offer anything super new. The wide shape remains in trend, allowing for slight negligence. For most girls, this is not a difficult task - they will only have to slightly adjust what nature has given them. The rest need to resort to special cosmetics and rely on the talent of a professional brow master. By following this year's trends, it's easy to look unique and impressive in any situation. And neat eyebrow shaping will only serve as the finishing touch to the look.

Eyebrows can highlight the look of any girl. A few years ago, no attention was paid to this seemingly insignificant element of the face, but today everything has changed. They began to use special cosmetics for eyebrows, they are colored and corrected. It is eyebrows that are given a significant place when creating fashionable images. For this reason, it is very important to know which eyebrows will be trendy this year.

How has fashion changed?

Everyone knows that fashion is a cyclical concept, and, as they say, everything new is well forgotten old. What was considered fashionable a few years ago can be perceived as bad taste today. This applies not only to clothes, but also to hair and even eyebrows. And while you can still come to terms with the color of your hair, you can’t with the shape of your eyebrows, since they are the most important element that helps shape your facial expression. But even for this seemingly insignificant detail, fashion changes very often and dramatically.

Let's look at how fashion has changed.

  • Since 1920, thin arc-shaped contours have been considered very popular. Surely at least once you have seen photos of actresses or stills from films of those years. It was believed that it was with the help of such eyebrows that any emotion could be demonstrated, which was very important for silent films; in addition, this design made it possible to create an artistic image. Soon this fashion spread to ordinary girls, who began to possible ways give the desired shape to the eyebrows, they could also completely shave them off and draw new ones. It was generally believed that with this shape the girl looked younger and looked like a porcelain figurine with a surprised look.
  • In the early 30s, slightly arched eyebrows became popular. It should be noted that they also gave a surprised look to the facial expression.
  • In the early 40s, changes occurred again, and they were very drastic. Eyebrows that were artificially plucked were replaced by a natural look with a little natural fluffiness.

  • A few decades later, wide eyebrows with slight curves came into fashion. There is an opinion that the founder of this fashion was Audrey Hepburn. In order to obtain a similar shape, the eyebrows were combed and varnished.
  • The natural look of eyebrows has maintained its primacy in fashion for quite a long time. A particular peak was reached in 1980. During this period, girls completely abandoned plucking. Some even used a special product to give their eyebrows more volume. Those who followed fashion were especially envious of the perfect, by those standards, eyebrows of the famous model Brooke Shields and singer Madonna.

  • Natural eyebrows with a hint of untidiness later became a hit of the reckless 80s. In general, it’s not for nothing that these years were called reckless, because it was during this period that bright makeup, huge hairstyles and a variety of outfits were popular. This trend continued until the 90s, after which finely shaped eyebrows with curved tips came back into fashion.
  • Closer to 2000, another trend appeared - tattooing. Fashionistas of those years voluntarily removed all hair in the eyebrow area and drew new ones in their place using permanent hair. But this trend did not last long, and closer to 2001, natural designs came back into fashion.

As for natural eyebrows, they continue to be fashionable for ten years. However, there are representatives of the fair sex who sometimes take this tendency to extremes. Some, not having natural eyebrows by nature, draw something on their face that resembles them, while they do not think at all about how this “beauty” is combined with graceful facial shapes.

Therefore, we should not forget that fashion is good, but you should only emphasize your originality and not follow templates.

What are the ideal ones now?

We talked about temporary changes, now we need to decide which eyebrows are popular in 2018. Fashion trends for women's eyebrows have always been different. IN different times Various model forms were used. If previously the model of thin eyebrows was considered ideal, today there is a new fashion. Today, natural eyebrows are popular. Girls with large, neat and full eyebrows are not just beautiful, but also stylish. This type of eyebrows can be suitable for both blondes and brunettes.

For the second year now, naturalness with slight curves has remained popular. In order to correct the eyebrows, it is enough to pluck the hairs below and in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose; the upper hairs need to be removed only if there are separately growing areas. To fix the image, use a soft brush, brush it in the direction of hair growth.

Famous designers suggest that in 2018, pay attention to the so-called virgin eyebrows; they are not corrected, but only emphasized with the help of cosmetics and smoky brows.

Despite the fact that, on the one hand, thick eyebrows with clear outlines remain relevant, and, on the other hand, thick and bleached ones, several other main trends of this year can be identified.

An everyday option can be considered eyebrows with a natural color; you can also use a shade that will be 1-2 shades lighter or darker than the natural one. In order to get the desired effect, you can use shadows, mascara, special paints or eyebrow gels. As for smooth lines, they can be achieved by plucking individual sections.

Please note that the contour of the eyebrows can be created artificially, but thickness is given only by nature. If your eyebrows are not thick enough, use shadows or an eyebrow pencil, this way you will visually create the required volume.

Designers suggest using the runway eyebrow option in 2018, in this case they are discolored using paint or another composition. You can even bleach your eyebrows with cosmetics. Of course, hardly anyone will dare to go out “in public” with such makeup, since eyebrows practically disappear from the face, in addition, with this design you need to be able to place the right emphasis on the design of the eyes and lips, as well as on perfect skin.

Despite this, modern designers continue to prove with their fashion shows that light eyebrows are very stylish. However, the most fashionable is considered to be completely bleached eyebrows, which are combed up and slightly raised.

Now you need to figure out how to do fashionable eyebrow makeup according to modern trends:

  • eyebrows should be drawn immediately after the tone has been applied;
  • before you start drawing, comb your hair with a soft brush;
  • you need to draw eyebrows only with the help of a special pencil and shadows;
  • use gel to fix eyebrows;
  • if your eyebrows are thick and quite wide, you can not draw them, but leave them in the state in which they are;
  • you cannot overdo it when drawing with a pencil, the lines should not be too clear or dark, of course, if this is not a feature of your makeup;
  • Clear lines are recommended only if you are an ardent fan of haute couture.

How to apply?

As in any other year, in 2018 it is customary to take care of your eyebrows, monitor their thickness, width and, of course, growth. In makeup, special attention is paid to eyebrows, since, according to experts, well-groomed eyebrows can add beauty and elegance to the face.

Let's look at how you can shape your eyebrows today.

  • With the help of tattooing. Of course, such a choice has its positive and negative qualities. For example, after the first tattoo it will be very difficult to change the design; in addition, the tattoo will lose its brightness after a while, and restoration will cost a lot of money. However, this procedure is increasingly preferred, because the shade lasts for a long time, it cannot be washed off with water, which means that makeup will take less time.

  • Using permanent or semi-permanent. This technique is ideal for those who have damaged areas of the skin. The design consists of applying a special paint that does not wear off for a month. The advantage of this design is that it can be used on scars and scars, which cannot be done with tattooing.
  • Henna decoration. The principle of operation is the same as that of the permanent. The main advantage of using henna is that the material is natural. With its help, you can give your eyebrows a natural red tint, of course, if black was not chosen.

Owners of eyebrows with thick and natural shapes were especially lucky this year. For perfect makeup, they just need to comb the hairs to give it the right direction. If you follow fashion, it is recommended to comb your eyebrows slightly upward.

The types of decoration should be considered in more detail, as this will help determine what can be done this season and what is undesirable.

So, tattoo. Since naturalness has been on trend for the second season, tattooing will not look very attractive.

However, depending on the look you want to achieve in 2018, you can use some modern tattoo techniques.

  1. Shading or shooting. These techniques are used when it is necessary to eliminate imperfections after a previous tattoo, as well as to emphasize the shape and color if they have become faded and inexpressive.
  2. Wax method. It is very popular due to the fact that the end result is very similar to natural eyebrows. Using a special coloring composition, the specialist applies dye under natural eyebrows, thanks to which each hair growth line is repeated. The price of such a procedure is high, since it requires special equipment, and the person performing it must have a high level of professionalism.
  3. A method that combines the two described above is 3D tattooing. It can be considered one of the most popular procedures, but the master who performs the procedure must be a professional with capital letters. In order to achieve the desired result, the eyebrows are painted in a light color and the depth is covered with a dark color.

As for henna, there are separate recommendations for use.

  1. Its use, unlike semi-permanent, which is hypoallergenic, requires testing for allergic reactions. To do this, you will need to apply it to the skin and leave it for a day before carrying out the full coloring procedure. If the skin is not inflamed, then there is no reaction. The most sensitive area of ​​the body can be called the skin behind the ear; this is where henna is best applied.
  2. Please note that henna is a highly stainable material, so before using it, all surfaces must be protected. Otherwise, not only your eyebrows will become artistic, but also the room in which the procedure was performed.
  3. It is not recommended to apply the material to damaged areas.
  4. You can only use the mixture that has just been prepared.

If you want to make your eyebrows beautiful and neat, We recommend taking the advice of professional eyebrow artists.

  • If you are going to pluck your eyebrows with tweezers, but you know that your skin is overly sensitive to such a procedure, soften it. This can be done using special means, and if there are none, use regular water steam. In addition, select only soft tweezers for plucking, which will easily capture the desired hairs and will not damage the skin.
  • Very often, girls try to shape their eyebrows according to the popular pattern they like, but they don’t know how to do it at home. In the event that your face is conducive to creating curves, remember that the most high point there will be an outer corner of the eye, and the length should be limited to a line that will be drawn through the wing of the nose and the end of the eye.
  • Check out how to shape your eyebrows using thread. This procedure is more complex and requires experience. Most likely, you won't be able to do everything right the first time. Doing this procedure in a hurry will not work, so if you need a quick effect, it is better to avoid using threads. Despite the length of the process, the result of this procedure is less painful and more beautiful.

  • If you decide to tint your eyebrows yourself, experts recommend first setting the shape with the help of shadows. Don’t rush to settle on one option, select and adjust the shape. You can’t rush in this matter; most likely, you will have to spend at least a month to get the proper result.
  • To ensure that the dye on your eyebrows lasts for a long time, try to avoid this area when washing your face. Basically, the paint does not react to water, but when using tonics, the period of action is significantly reduced.
  • If you're new to eyebrow shaping, experts recommend using a brow pencil to define a fine outline when tweezing and tinting. It won’t be difficult to erase it later, and you will have peace of mind about your shape.

If you follow these tips, the results will be great.

It will be expressed by obvious changes in the image for the better.

  1. The eyes will become more expressive. Thanks to the clear contour and correct color of the eyebrows, you will attract attention and your gaze will become irresistible.
  2. Due to the uniform length of the eyebrows, you will be able to hide the asymmetry of the eyes and wings of the nose.
  3. If there are large features on the face, they will become less noticeable.

There is another important question that experienced eyebrow artists are often asked - where is it better to shape eyebrows, at home or go to a salon.

Of course, there are a number of advantages to decorating at home. For example, you don’t need to waste time traveling, everything can be done in familiar conditions and the tool you will use will be familiar to you. In addition, you will be confident that the instruments are completely sterile. Equally important is the confidence that the paint you have chosen for your eyebrows will be of high quality, because there is no point in saving in this matter.