Tissestrengene is a waterfall in Norway. Located east of the village of Tissedal, municipality of Odda, province of Hordaland. The total height of the waterfall is 646 meters, and the highest height of free fall of water is 312 meters. After the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the waterfall, there is no water in the waterfall for most of the year.

9. Cuqueran, 674 m, Venezuela

Cuqueran Falls is the second highest waterfall in Venezuela, and the second highest free fall of water in the world. Water falls from the tepui (table mountain) of the same name.

8. Mardalsfossen, 705 m, Norway

Mardalsfossen (Norwegian Mardalsfossen) is a waterfall in Norway, in the area of ​​the municipality of Nesset in the province of Møre og Romsdal. The total height of the waterfall is 705 meters. The waterfall has several levels, the highest height of free fall of water is 358 meters. The greatest width of the waterfall is 24 meters.

The name of the waterfall comes from the words Mardalen (name of the valley) and foss (waterfall). The word Mardalen, in turn, probably comes from the words dal ("valley") and Mara ("dig"). The waterfall is depicted on the coat of arms of Nesset.

After the construction of a hydroelectric power station at the waterfall, water moves through the hydraulic system for most of the year. It passes through the waterfall only from June 20 to August 20, during the tourist season.

Espelands waterfall, on the Opo River, is often placed in 8th place, citing a height of 703 m. However, the real height of this waterfall is only 75 meters)

7. Yosemite Falls, 739 m, USA

The tallest waterfall in North America and the seventh highest waterfall in the world is Yosemite Falls (739 meters). The waterfall is located in the USA, California, in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It is one of the most beautiful corners of the earth.

The waterfall consists of three cascades. The height of the upper cascade is 435 meters. The falls are fed by streams flowing from glaciers into Yosemite Valley. Therefore, during dry seasons, the water flow in the waterfall is significantly reduced, and sometimes completely dries up.

6. Mutarazi, 762 m, Zimbabwe

Mutarazi ranks sixth on the list of the highest waterfalls. This is a two-cascade waterfall 15 meters wide and 762 meters high. The waterfall is located in the Honda Valley in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, on the river of the same name. According to legend, Princess Mutarazi saw a waterfall high in the mountains in a dream and ordered her subjects to find it. The waterfall was actually found and named after the princess.

Gokta is one of the highest waterfalls on Earth. It is located in the Peruvian province of Bongara, about 20 km north of Chachapoyas, the capital of the Amazonas region. Its height is 771 m. The volume of water fluctuates greatly depending on the amount of precipitation that falls in its small, rocky basin, located at an altitude of 2,500 to 3,000 m above sea level. The waterfall got its name from the name of a nearby village. A few kilometers north is the Yumbilla Falls, almost 900m high, but only during the rainy season.

The waterfall was first noticed in 2002 by German Stefan Ziemendorff during an expedition in an impassable natural reserve. At the end of February 2006, Ziemendorff and a Peruvian research team returned to measure its height. In this case, the measurement error could be 13.5 m.

4. Mongefossen, 773 m, Norway

Mongefossen (Norwegian Mongefossen) is the fourth highest waterfall in the world, located on the Monge River (Norwegian Monge) in Norway. It is located in the municipality of Røuma in the county of Møre og Romsdal. The height is about 773 meters. Like many other tall waterfalls in Norway, it is used for hydroelectric power, resulting in a reduction in water flow.

3. Utigård (Ramnefjellsfossen), 818 m, Norway

Norway is considered the “land of waterfalls”; the highest waterfalls in Europe are concentrated here. The highest of the Norwegian waterfalls and the third highest in the world is Utigård, its fall height is more than 818 meters. The waterfall rushes down from the Rumnefillbrina glacier (the largest branch glacier in Europe).

2. Tugela, 948 m, South Africa

Tugela is the second highest waterfall in the world. It consists of five free-falling cascades, the largest of which is 411 meters.

The Tugela falls in a narrow ribbon from the eastern cliff of the Drakensberg Mountains, in the Royal Natal National Park in KwaZulu, Natal Province, South Africa.

Tugela Falls - the second highest waterfall

1. Angel, 1054 meters, Venezuela

Angel (in Pemon language - Kerepakupai vena, which means “Waterfall of the deepest place”) - total height 1054 meters, continuous fall height 807 meters. Named after pilot James Angel, who flew over the falls in 1933.

Angel Falls - the tallest waterfall in the world

The waterfall is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park. Water cascades from the top of Auyantepui, the largest of the Venezuelan tepuis - its name means “mountain of the devil” in Russian. The height of the fall is so great that before reaching the ground, the water is sprayed into tiny particles and turns into fog. Fog can be felt several kilometers away.

Attractive in their dangerous beauty, waterfalls have always attracted attention and excited human imagination.

It is especially fascinating to realize that over the largest and most powerful of them, such as Niagara, Victoria or Iguazu, man has absolutely no control. They show us the beauty and power of living nature.

Geographical object. The meaning of waterfalls

Powerful waterfalls are a virtually inexhaustible source of energy, which is widely used in the construction of hydroelectric power stations. Staying near waterfalls brings not only aesthetic pleasure, but also has a healing effect: water falling from a height forms water dust, in which negatively charged ions are formed under the influence of sunlight. Such dust, saturated with plant phytoncides, which are always in abundance near waterfalls, has a very great positive effect on the body.

However, there are also contacts with waterfalls that are unpleasant for humans. Waterfalls and rapids that cannot be controlled are a serious obstacle to navigation. Therefore, on many rivers where there are waterfalls, shipping canals are laid, allowing liners and ships to make a safe journey.

Characteristics and types of waterfalls

A waterfall is a stream of water falling from a steep cliff. Often large waterfalls consist of a chain of small rapids and cascades. One of the features of large waterfalls is their “movement”: the constant fall of water leads to the destruction of the ledge and the movement of the waterfall up the river.

It is noteworthy that almost all the powerful waterfalls in the world are located on the border of two or three states. And this is understandable, because a large waterfall is a natural insurmountable barrier that protects the territory of the state much more reliably than the most modern devices and weapons.

Types of waterfalls:

  • cataract- a large waterfall in which the bulk of the water falls in a wide sheet from a relatively small height;
  • water slide- a smooth, sloping waterfall without steep drops of water;
  • cascade- a series of waterfalls located one after another.

Origin of waterfalls

The origin of waterfalls varies. For example, they may appear due to the fact that the river crosses a natural ledge that was formed before the appearance of water. In another case, the appearance of a waterfall may be a consequence of the activity of the river itself, eroding soft layers of rock.

In the mountains, a large number of waterfalls owe their appearance to tectonic activity. Also in the mountainous regions there are many waterfalls that arose in the hanging valleys due to an excess of water in the rivers that came down from the glaciers.

The largest waterfalls in the world

Since waterfalls vary in width, height and amount of water carried, there is no one that holds the title of largest. Let's list some of the most powerful and wide waterfalls that adorn our planet.

(Kon Waterfall)

So, the widest waterfall in the world is Con- located on the border of Cambodia and Laos on the Mekong River. The Kona drainage is more than 12.5 km wide. Actually, this is a cascading system of waterfalls located in an amazingly beautiful place. By the way, Kon is also considered one of the calmest among the famous waterfalls. Opened in 1920.

(Iguazu Falls)

The title of the most powerful waterfall in the world belongs to Iguazu, aka "Devil's Throat", on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Every minute, over the ledge of the waterfall, such an amount of water pours down that it is difficult to even imagine - 700 thousand m 3! Iguazu, with 275 cascades, is not only dangerous and powerful, it is also breathtakingly beautiful. The waterfall was discovered in 1541.

(Niagara Falls)

And, of course, we cannot fail to mention the most famous waterfalls in the world - NiagaraVictoria. Niagara Falls, located on the Niagara River on the border of the United States and Canada, is relatively low - its height is only 52 m. However, due to the huge amount of water discharged and its great length, Niagara Falls is considered the most powerful in North America.

(Victoria Falls)

Waterfall Victoria, named after the Queen of Great Britain, was known to the local tribes under the name "Thundering Smoke", which, of course, more closely matches the impression it gives. The width of the waterfall is 1800 m and the height is 128 m.

Tallest waterfall

(Angel Falls)

The tallest waterfall in the world is Angel, located on the Churun ​​River in beautiful Venezuela. The total height of Angel is 1054 m, the height of the free fall of water is 979 m. In the language of local residents, its name is translated as “Waterfall of the deepest place.”

Angel was discovered in 1935 by Juan Angel, a Venezuelan pilot who first flew over the waterfall, from whom it got its name.


There are many joys in nature. One of the many joys provided by nature - for example big waterfalls.. Stories at the waterfalls are happy and sad. Some of them remained untouched, far from tourist excursions, while others were destroyed in the name of human interest. With that said, here are the ten largest tall waterfalls in the world, great ones and some of the ones that still survive:

No. 10. Niagara Falls

What list of waterfalls would be complete without Niagara Falls? Many waterfalls are impressive in their height. But this is not about Niagara Falls. At only 167 meters high, it is not even included in the top 100 tallest waterfalls. Niagara Falls is actually famous for another reason; that it is the world's largest waterfall by volume. Niagara Falls is actually a combination of three waterfalls that form the end of the Niagara Gorge. Every second, more than 2,407 cubic meters of water overflows the crest line, making it number one among all non-flooded waterfalls. To give you a little perspective, Dettifoss ranks 9th among waterfalls in terms of flow speed, with an average of 193 cubic meters per second. This means that Niagara has a flow rate almost 13 times that of Dettifoss. All other waterfalls on this list rank well below Dettifoss in terms of flow speed. And it is not at all surprising that Niagara is one of largest waterfalls in the world, and also one of the most visited.

No. 9. Dettifoss

This waterfall is not very high, only 45 meters. But don't let this fool you. This Icelandic waterfall is considered the most powerful in Europe, its flow speed is 193 cubic meters per second. The falls were extremely difficult to reach until 2011. However, with the advent of a new road, you can simply drive by and admire.

No. 8. Yosemite Falls

This gem of Yosemite National Park is highest waterfall in North America with a height of 739 m. This multi-level waterfall is divided into three: upper falls, middle cascades and lower falls. The upper waterfalls reach a height of 440 meters. The middle cascades are 206 meters. Lower waterfalls - 98 meters.

No. 7. Keitur

This big waterfall is located in the little-known South American sovereign state of Guyana. The speed of falling water is about 633 meters per second. He ranks 123rd in the ranking highest waterfalls, its height is 226 meters. According to the World Waterfall Database, it is ranked 26th among the most scenic waterfalls in the world. If you ever visit this waterfall, try to get to the middle cascades. It is in this part of the waterfall that a beautiful view of the miracle of nature opens up.

No. 6. Waihilau Falls

It is a popular tourist attraction for those visiting Hawaii. This waterfall is 792 meters high. This valley was abandoned in the 1940s. Thus, the valley became one of the few natural sites on the island untouched by man. If you are ever in Hawaii, you should definitely visit this place, especially if you are a tourist who appreciates beautiful scenery.

No. 5. Langfossen

Langfossen is another one big waterfall in Western Norway. At no more than 600 meters high, it is not as tall as Rämnefjellsfossen. However, many argue that its beauty far surpasses Rämnefjellsfossen. In fact, CNN chose Langfossen as one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. This waterfall is located near the European highway E134; you can just arrive, park your car on the side of the road and enjoy. Simply by virtue of its beauty, it deserves to be on this list.

No. 4. Utigard

It is located in Norway and is considered the third of tallest waterfalls in the world among famous publications. However, this is not official, since according to other sources he is even outside the top ten. Whether he ranks third or not, Utigard certainly deserves a mention on this list. This waterfall has three rapids (the largest reaches 600 meters), it is located on the Jostedalsbreen glacier and flows into Lake Lovetnet. To admire the falls up close, you will have to pay a nominal fee for a ticket to the observation deck. This small contribution will go towards maintaining the waterfall viewing platform.

No. 3. Kukenan Falls

It is the second highest waterfall in Venezuela (after Angel Falls), and is regarded as one of the tallest waterfalls in the world. It has one rapid, 674 m high, and flows down the Kukenan Tepui mesa. Although it is one of the tallest waterfalls in the world, it is not as popular as Angel Falls.

No. 2. Tugela Falls

This is South African big waterfall 948 m high, it is the second highest waterfall in the world. The longest rapid is just over 400 meters. Even though the waterfall is in a relatively accessible location, getting there is a different story. Depending on your level of training, you will spend from 4 to 8 hours on the road. However, the good news is that you will be hiking through the Amphitheater cliff face, one of the most imposing geographic features on Earth. But to begin your hike, you will have to drive at least an hour to get to the trailhead. After all, getting to the falls is a full day of adventure.

No. 1. Angel Falls

If only height is considered, Angel Falls is largest waterfall in the world. Angel Falls reaches a height of 979 meters. The highest threshold (out of 47) is at an altitude of 807 meters. Although the falls are located in Venezuela, they are named after American aviator Jimmy Angel because he was the first to fly (accidentally) over the falls in 1933. Before this, he was relatively unknown outside of Venezuela. As you can imagine, the waterfall is now a famous tourist attraction in the country. But if you want to visit it, you must be warned; There may be some minor problems with this. Because it is in the jungle, in undeveloped areas, and you will have to fly to Puerto Ordaz or Ciudad Bolivar to get to where the raft leading to the waterfall will be waiting for you.

Nature has given man many wonders, including the largest waterfall in the world. Its beauty can captivate everyone who sees this miracle. Falling water is a great natural phenomenon that has attracted human attention for many centuries.

In general, water is a miracle, and in the following publications we will answer the question, what is the largest river in the world, and we will definitely tell you why the largest lake in the world is the sea.

The largest waterfall in the world

An interesting pattern is observed. Typically, large waterfalls can be located on the territory of several states. If you ever ask what it's called largest waterfall in the world, you can be sure that they will answer you: Niagara. Someone may remember Victoria Falls (Africa), and only experts in this matter will clarify whether it is longer or wider.

Therefore, based on more precise parameters, it is believed that the highest waterfall in the world is Angel. This is a true treasure of Venezuela (South America) and quite an impressive place. It was discovered by the famous treasure and adventure seeker Jimmy Angel. He never found gold, but history has preserved his name in a kinder light.

With “big”, everything is clear, but what is the tallest waterfall in the world

However, to the question: “What is the tallest waterfall in the world,” there is also a clear answer - Angel. It is located in the jungle of Gran Saban. It is difficult to get to the waterfall, because it is located in a remote place, which made it possible to preserve the natural untouched beauty of this place. Most of those who have visited the waterfall are airplane passengers, because this way you can see at least a glimpse of its beauty.

Getting to the waterfall is quite difficult. To begin with, you should swim for 5 hours in a canoe, then walk through the jungle. By the way, the path to the waterfall will become an interesting and exciting part of your trip. You will become familiar with Venezuela's flora and fauna, as well as stunning landscapes. The waterfall will be in full flow when it rains, namely from May to November.

The highest waterfall in the world Angel

Every second, the tallest Angel Falls in the world flows three hundred cubic meters of water, which it receives from the Churun ​​River. The height of the water fall is so great that the water flying from above is sprayed into small particles before it has time to hit the ground. The height from which the waters fall is equal to the height of 3 Eiffel Towers. Even the skyscraper, which is considered the tallest on earth, is lower than the largest waterfall.

The jungle through which you can get to the waterfall is home to rare animals such as porcupines, huge otters and even jaguars. By the way, the huge grotto, which is located behind the huge water wall of the waterfall, can be seen in the film “The Last of the Mohicans”. The highest waterfall in the world can surprise you, and the path to it will complement your travel experience.