We have always been fans of traveling to the countries of Southeast Asia, and in recent years we have chosen the kingdom of Cambodia. Cambodia is located just a few degrees north of the equator and borders Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. It is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. Cambodia's climate is humid tropical and, like most countries in Southeast Asia, it never gets cold here. We will tell you to make your trip as comfortable as possible.

Seasons in Cambodia

The weather in Cambodia can be divided into two seasons: dry - from November to April and wet - from May to October. During dry season in Cambodia There is practically no rain. Air temperature 29-32, water about 30 degrees. The sea is completely calm, without waves. Air humidity at this time is very low for the tropics.

We, like many other tourists, noticed that the air in Cambodia is not as humid as in neighboring Thailand. And the sea is undoubtedly the warmest and calmest, compared to Vietnam and Thailand. It goes without saying that during this time – from November to May best time to go on holiday to Cambodia. Last season we lived in Sihanoukville from October to May and during this time there was practically no rain. Usually, from the beginning of April the wet season begins slowly. But last season was too dry and we got a little tired of the daily cloudless sky and bright sun. But we couldn’t get enough of the guaranteed calm and very warm, almost hot sea! The water temperature from March to May was more than 35 degrees - this is indescribable bliss.

Otres Beach October 2016

Air temperature in Cambodia during the rainy season 28-30 degrees, water 27-28 degrees. The sea remains as calm and comfortable for swimming.

September – early October

At this time the weather is relatively cool and humid. In September, temperatures hover around 30 degrees and gradually decrease over the following months. September-October is the peak rainy season in Cambodia. It rains intensely and almost daily. By the end of October, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases.

November – February

During these months (November to February) tourism is high season, When is the best time to go on holiday to Cambodia?. At this time, the weather is the most comfortable: air temperature 28-30, water temperature about 30 degrees. This is the best time for beach lovers.

March – May

From March to mid-April the weather in Cambodia is hot and dry. Daytime air and water temperatures remain consistently above 30 degrees.

From mid-April the rains gradually begin and the wet season begins in May. April and May are the hottest months of the year in Cambodia.

We can say from our own experience that these months are too hot. The air is hot from the very early morning and does not cool down until sunset. Night temperatures differ very little from daytime ones. Russian residents of Sihanoukville told us that even in the summer months the air temperature becomes more comfortable, due to the constant rain and few sunny days.

June August

The weather during these months is hot and humid, but rains slightly cool the air to 30-32 degrees. On the sea coast the intensity of precipitation is higher than in the interior of the country.

When to go to Cambodia on vacation

Summarizing all of the above, it becomes clear that the ideal season for beach holidays in Cambodia is the time from November to February. The weather during these months is the most comfortable, the days are maximally sunny, and the sea is gently warm and calm.

In principle, any time of year is suitable for an excursion program. But we would still recommend refraining from visiting the country in the summer. Firstly, due to the abundance of rain and also due to the greater likelihood of infectious diseases. Besides, in rainy season in Cambodia insects and snakes become active.

Read also our article Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia.

For many decades, Cambodia was closed to tourism, so only the most intrepid travelers dared to visit it. Today, the country in Southeast Asia is considered a popular destination among tourists of various categories. Some go on vacation to Cambodia to wander through the mysterious jungle, others prefer to alternate lazy lying on the beach with a relaxing massage, and still others cannot imagine life without educational excursions to ancient temples.

When is the best time to go?

The climate of Cambodia is clearly divided into two seasons: dry and wet. The rainy season lasts from May to October. In addition to the risk of getting wet, rainy times cause a number of other inconveniences: washed-out roads make it difficult to move along the streets, the countryside suffers from floods, and many non-essential bridges are closed. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the incredible beauty of landscapes surrounded by lush greenery, a significant reduction in prices in Cambodia for accommodation and a minimum of crowds at attractions.

From November to March there is a dry season, which is characterized by heat, dust and a huge flow of tourists. Experienced holidaymakers flock to the country's resorts en masse from late autumn to mid-winter, trying to take advantage of the relatively cool days and lack of precipitation. As spring approaches, the thermometer confidently creeps up, gradually replacing comfortable weather with hellish heat.

Main cities

Phnom Penh. The name alone creates an image of an exotic destination in your head. The shimmering spiers of the Royal Palace, the precious metal floor of the Silver Pagoda and its prime location on the banks of the mighty Mekong River represent a legacy of fabulous Asia. Although today's noisy, dirty capital is unlikely to win the tourist award, it would be a grave mistake to ignore the city literally reborn from the ashes.

Siem Reap. The main destination for those wishing to visit the ancient temple complex of Angkor. In addition, the city is interesting from the point of view of gastronomic tourism or extreme entertainment.

Sihanoukville. The most popular ticket to a heavenly trip to Cambodia. A small, very young town cannot boast of stunning architecture or hosting worthwhile festivals. The destination attracts with luxurious relaxation on the white sandy coast of the South China Sea, the proximity of uninhabited islands, and vibrant nightlife.

Popular attractions

Angkor. A superstructure of antiquity, the Hindu temple complex is considered one of the most amazing architectural projects in the world. Temple City is the national symbol and pride of Cambodia. He combined creative ambitions and spiritual devotion. Angkor Wat is a unique structure over 1000 years old, which covers an area of ​​200 hectares. It often takes 3 days to inspect the entire territory. When purchasing a trip to Cambodia, you can arrange an excursion in advance.

Royal Palace. Classic Khmer roofs and dazzling gilding catch the eye of visitors to the capital. This striking architectural ensemble, located near the embankment, bears a striking resemblance to its counterpart from Thailand. Since the palace is the official residence of King Sihamoni, many of its halls are hidden from the public eye. However, those to which access is permitted are quite capable of satisfying the curiosity of foreigners.


Due to the unstable political situation, tourists are advised to avoid getting into disputes about Cambodian rulers and stay away from rallies and demonstrations. As in many resort regions, cases of petty theft and robbery are often recorded here. Leave valuables and documents in the hotel safe. It is advisable to carry a minimum of things with you. In public transport and crowded places, beware of pickpockets.

When to fly to Cambodia? Around the same time as in Thailand. A tropical monsoon climate awaits you. There are two clearly defined seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season lasts approximately from May to October. Much rain falls from July to September. It is at this time that the country's main lake, Tonle Sap, overflows its banks. As happens in countries with similar climates, the rains are very heavy, but short-lived.

In general, this is the low season in Cambodia. The dry season lasts from November to April, which is considered the high season in Cambodia. There is almost no rain at this time, and the highest temperatures are observed in March and April. The best time to vacation in Cambodia is easy to determine. The most pleasant weather to visit is during the winter months.

Temperatures throughout the year range between +25°C and +40°C. In the summer months, on average from +26°C to +32°C, in winter from +22°C to +26°C. During the year, precipitation falls from 750 to 2000 mm and humidity remains above 90%. To understand when is the best time to go to Cambodia, decide on your plans. If you want to see the sights, then choose winter time; it is hot here at the beginning of spring. You can swim all year round, but hurricanes occur in the summer. If you are not afraid of rain and want to save money, then you can take the risk of traveling in the summer.

Holidays in Cambodia in winter

The weather in Cambodia in winter is dry and hot. The water temperature off the coast of the country is around +25°C. It is quite hot in the capital, but throughout the territory the air temperature can drop to +25°C, +28°C. There is an interesting route from Cambodia to South Vietnam, it is by water and goes along the Mekong River. Here the tourist can expect both the vastness of the floods of this famous river and the unusual life of ordinary Cambodians and Vietnamese. With a simple visa and border crossing, traveling between these two countries is not difficult. In the vicinity of the resort town in Cambodia there are unique natural attractions. One of them is the Kbal Chhay waterfall.

Read also:

Holidays in Cambodia in spring

The weather in Cambodia in spring is hot and quite dry at the beginning, but by May it already rains. Visit Kep, a small provincial town on the Gulf of Thailand coast in southern Cambodia. It is known to all gourmets of the world as the city of blue crab. From the famous Bokor National Park, at the foot of the Elephant Mountains, you can go to Kampot province, located in the southwestern part of Cambodia.

Think over your route in advance by studying the roads and nuances of traveling around the country. So, in order to see the beautiful and mystical natural park of Cambodia, Phnom Bokor, on the Bokor plateau, you need to move southeast from Sihanoukville. The beginning of spring is considered a good time to visit natural parks and other attractions of the country. But by the end the weather already threatens with showers and floods.

Read also:

Holidays in Cambodia in summer

The weather in Cambodia in summer is humid, hot and rainy. The rains are tropical, violent and frequent, but there are fair intervals of sunshine between them. If you decide to travel to the country at this time, choose trusted, well-known and large cities that have good hotels with air conditioning. And, of course, the sights. For example, you can visit Wat Krom, or Lower Temple, the second most important Buddhist temple in Sihanoukville.

It is better to postpone a trip to Siem Reap (Siem Reap in other spellings) until late autumn or winter. But if you are determined to see the Angkor Wat temples at this time, you will see that there are slightly fewer tourists here. True, there is enough rain.

The Kingdom of Cambodia, formerly often called Kampuchea, is a small state in Southeast Asia, in the southern part of the Indochina Peninsula. Larger states are located around Cambodia - Thailand, Vietnam and Laos.

The border with Vietnam is the longest (1228 km) and is located in the east. From the west and north, Cambodia borders on Thailand (803 km). Also to the north is the border with Laos, which is 541 km long. Cambodia has access to the sea - its shores from the southwest are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Sima. In addition, Cambodia owns several islands located in this bay, in particular Kong, Pring, Thang and others.

Cambodia is a fairly small country, covering an area of ​​181,035 square kilometers. The population is 16,245,729 people, which is almost three times more than neighboring Laos. The most common ethnic group is the Khmers, who make up 80% of the country's total population. Among the national minorities are people from neighboring Vietnam and China, as well as a few nationalities, such as the Chama and some others. The official language is Khmer. Local residents more or less speak English in the main tourist cities - Siem Reap, Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh. Part of the population speaks French.

Current time in Phnom Penh:
(UTC +7)

The capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia is Phnom Penh, home to just over 2 million people. The national currency is the riel.

How to get there

Cambodia is by no means the cherished dream of a simple tourist or a developed economic country, so getting to the Khmer state from Russia is not so easy - there are no direct flights to this country. On the other hand, Cambodia’s neighbors are countries such as Thailand and Vietnam, which have long been successfully loved by Russian tourists (this is especially true for Thailand), so those who want to visit Cambodia will first have to become a guest of one of the countries mentioned above .

So, from Moscow you can easily fly to Hanoi, Noi Bai Airport, on flights of several airlines - Aeroflot and Vietnam Airlines. In addition, Vietnam Airlines operates flights to Tan Son Nhat Airport in Ho Chi Minh City. The flight to Southeast Asia is quite grueling and lasts more than 9 hours, so, for example, Vietnam Airlines flights are served by comfortable Boeings, and meals are served twice. Aeroflot planes fly from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, and Vietnam Airlines planes fly from Domodedovo. For a short-term (less than 15 days) visit to Vietnam, Russian citizens do not require a visa, which is good news for those whose main goal is Cambodia.

The same is the case with a trip through Thailand - in this country, Russians can do without a visa for 30 days. To go through customs and passport control, you need to have a foreign passport (valid for at least 6 months), an air ticket, a voucher or hotel reservation, and an insurance policy. You can fly to Bangkok from Russia from several cities, in addition to Moscow: from Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk. An S7 plane flies from Novosibirsk to Ho Chi Minh City once every two weeks, and a Vladivostok-Avia plane flies from Vladivostok every week to Hanoi.

There are regular flights from Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Bangkok to the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, operated by Vietnam Airlines and Thai Airways. Low-cost airline Air Asia also flies on this route. However, for some tourists, traveling such a short distance by plane for a lot of money (most often this does not apply to the last carrier) is not very reasonable. Fortunately, there are alternatives.

The more common method is ground transport - buses and trains. Cambodia does not have direct railway connections with neighboring countries, so in any case you will have to use buses, taxis and tuk-tuks inside.

There are several ways to get from Bangkok to Cambodia. It is most convenient to travel by train within Thailand and by bus in Cambodia, since the direct bus route Bangkok-Phnom Penh is too long and exhausting.

The best option is to go from Bangkok to the Cambodian city of Siem Reap and further across the country, in particular to Phnom Penh. The fact is that right next to Siem Reap is Angkor, an ancient city without which the sights of Cambodia are unthinkable. In Bangkok, take the train from Hual Lamphong Station to Aranyaprathet, near the Cambodian border.

Directly to the border Poipet you can get by motorcycle, tuk-tuk or bus (the cheapest option). It’s easier to take a taxi from Poipet to Siem Reap - prices in Cambodia are unusually low. There are buses and water transport from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh. The Poipet border crossing is open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Another option is a 2-day trip directly from Bangkok to Phnom Penh. The first half of the journey is similar - by train to Aranyaprathet and from there to border Poipet. Next, the route passes through Battambang, where you will have to spend the night, and only get to Phnom Penh by bus in the morning.

From Vietnam, from Ho Chi Minh City, there is a 6-hour bus to Phnom Penh, departing from the station located at 237 Pham Ngu Lao Str, Ben Nghe Ward, 1Dist, HCMC.


When entering the country, certain customs rules apply. Thus, you cannot export or import local currency, and foreign currency can only be within established limits - no more than 10,000 US dollars. If the amount is higher, you will have to declare it. In addition, alcohol and tobacco can be imported into Cambodia without paying duty for personal use. Weapons, drugs, toxic substances, ammunition and media materials that insult local culture are strictly prohibited from being imported. When leaving Cambodia, you cannot export wild animals and stuffed animals, as well as antiques and works of art that constitute the country’s national treasure, and jewelry in bulk.


Obtaining a visa to Cambodia is not such a complicated process; in any case, it cannot be compared with obtaining visas to the USA and the Schengen countries. However, there are still some nuances, and it is better to know about them in advance. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

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Climate and weather in Cambodia

The territory of most of the country is very low-lying - 75% of the area is located at an altitude of no more than 100 meters above sea level. Naturally, there are exceptions, for example, the Cardamom Mountains, which stretch in the west of the country with the highest point in Cambodia - Mount Phnom Oral (1813 meters).

The climate in Cambodia is tropical, monsoon, with a pronounced division into two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season lasts approximately from May-June to October. There is especially a lot of rainfall from July to September, when the country's main lake, the Tonle Sap, overflows its banks. However, as often happens in countries with a similar climate, the rains, although heavy, are short-lived. The dry season lasts from November to April - this is the best time to visit the country. There is almost no rain at this time, and in March and April the highest temperatures are observed, the most pleasant weather is in the winter months.

In principle, the temperature throughout the year fluctuates between +25 and +40: in the summer months on average from +26 to +32, and in winter - from +22 to +26. During the year, approximately 750 to 2000 mm of precipitation falls and the humidity remains traditionally high - more than 90%.

Cities and regions

The small territory of Cambodia is divided into 23 provinces (khets). In addition, there is one city of central subordination (krong) - this, naturally, is the capital of the country - Phnom Penh.

Phnom Penh

Where to go in Cambodia


Museums and galleries


Parks and Recreation


Private guides in Cambodia

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Cambodia in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Getting around the country

Transport in Cambodia is a problem, to put it mildly. The country's economy is barely making ends meet, so the infrastructure leaves much to be desired. As noted, there has been no rail service within Cambodia for several years, and air travel between cities, such as Sihanoukville and Siem Reap, can be expensive even for visitors.

Intercity buses run between provincial capitals - this is perhaps the best option to get, for example, from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh. In total, Cambodia has over 35 thousand kilometers of roads and only 20 percent of them are asphalted. The rest are covered with gravel or are ordinary primers, so during the rainy season it is a rather pitiful sight. Many roads were destroyed during hostilities in Cambodia, such as the country's main highway, Highway No. 1, connecting Phnom Penh with the Vietnamese border. It was, however, restored in the early 80s thanks to the help of Vietnam. By the way, the Soviet Union played an active part in the restoration of Cambodian infrastructure.

Buses running between cities are quite comfortable and inexpensive - for example, a trip from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap will cost about $5.

There are several bus companies in Cambodia that provide approximately the same service. The price difference is small - $1-2.All bus companies have their own “bus station” - a bus station, where tickets are sold, there is a bus waiting area (with benches), and a toilet. Often this is just a space for buses to park, and you have to wait for them under simple canopies.

Also from Phnom Penh, buses go to the Thai border point of Poipet and Moc Bai on the border with Vietnam. You can also travel between cities in a rented car with a driver. It will cost 20-30 dollars per day. In Phnom Penh, you can easily rent such a taxi at the Central Market. If you do this in a group, then, naturally, it will be more economical. Driving on your own in Cambodia is strongly discouraged - local roads and driving conditions are “contraindicated” for tourists.

Water transport also runs between the cities. Ferries run from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, crossing Cambodia's main lake, Tonle Sap. True, the downside here is both the high cost (about $25) and non-compliance with safety standards and, as a result, terrible overcrowding of the ferries. There is a ferry from Siem Reap to Battambang, although this option is not as convenient as traveling by land. There is also a popular route from Koh Kong to the resort of Sihanoukville. It is especially in demand during the rainy season, when most roads are simply washed away.

When it comes to air transport, there are essentially three decent airports in the country - Phnom Penh International Airport, Sihanoukville Local Airport and Angkor International Airport in Siem Reap - the busiest in Cambodia. The Phnom Penh - Siem Reap route is naturally the most popular in the country. Flights between these cities are operated by the two largest airlines of the Khmer state - and.

Urban transport

In the city, among all vehicles, the palm should probably be given to the moped. Motorcycle taxis, of course, are not the safest form of transport, but in the chaos of the cities of Southeast Asia, they are almost ideal. In tourist places, motorcycle taxi drivers mostly speak English and know the area very well - the main thing is for the tourist to decide for himself exactly where he wants to go. The price of the trip must always be agreed upon in advance, as well as the route, since a slight change in it will immediately signal the driver that he needs to demand a second one. O higher fee. You need to pay in small change, because drivers don’t always have change, and even if they do, he still won’t tell you about it.

A motorcycle taxi with a driver can be rented for the whole day. In addition, there is always the opportunity to rent a moped yourself to explore some specific attractions outside the city. However, you should be careful - traffic in Cambodia is much crazier than even in Russian cities. Renting a moped for the whole day will cost about $5. It is possible that the company’s employees will “find” a lot of scratches and damage “made by the tourist,” so to avoid deception, you can simply take photographs of the moped before renting it.

Regular taxis are also popular in cities. For example, you can get from Phnom Penh airport to the city center by taxi for $8. In addition, it is common among tourists to rent a car with a driver for the whole day, in particular for sightseeing at Angkor. It will cost approximately 30-50 dollars depending on the size of the car. And the main advice is to bargain. Renting a regular tuk-tuk will cost three times less.


Cambodian cuisine is unique in its own way, although it intertwines many culinary traditions. First of all, this concerns the influence of neighboring countries - Thailand and Vietnam. Also, the formation of Cambodian cuisine was influenced by China and India, and during the era of French colonialism, European gastronomic traditions also penetrated into the country. All this ultimately gave rise to the phenomenon that is commonly called Cambodian cuisine. A Western tourist can, on the one hand, not particularly risk his stomach and eat carefully, “European-style,” and on the other hand, plunge into the culinary exoticism of this mysterious country. Fortunately, there is more than enough exoticism here.

The basis of Cambodian cuisine is, of course, rice. This culture is perhaps the main symbol of Southeast Asia and the most popular ingredient in local dishes. Rice is often served as a side dish; in Cambodia, vegetable oils such as peanut, coconut or palm and a lot of herbs are usually added to it. This kind of rice is present on the table almost every day in Cambodian families, and it is complemented by fish, meat or seafood. The result is a dish called “baicha”. Also popular is rice with pork and soy, called un som chro. You can also try a more unusual dish - rice with bananas.

In Russia they are used to eating soups for lunch, but the average Cambodian doesn’t care about this - he has soup for breakfast. Most often it is a soup with rice noodles and various herbs, meat, fish or shrimp, called “kiteow”. This soup can easily be tasted in every cafe in the country. There are more exotic soups, the ingredients of which even include snails and frog legs - for this we must thank the French colonialist. The French should also be thanked for the fact that cheeses, delicious buns and bread, baked throughout the country, have taken root in Cambodian cuisine. Pasta lovers will not be left out either - in Cambodia, such types of noodles as fried rice noodles or rice noodles with many different spices, seasonings and sauces, most of which have a very specific taste, are very popular.

Meat dishes are less popular than fish dishes. There are no problems with fish in Cambodia (especially in coastal areas), so in local cafes and restaurants you can almost always enjoy dishes from the freshest fish. For example, fish is used to prepare “samla-machu-banle” - one of the most popular soups in the country, as well as “dtrai-chin-nyung” soup, which has a characteristic sour taste, “amok” - fish curry with coconut sauce, and countless others original and not very fish dishes. In addition, Cambodians are famous for their fish sauces and pastes. For example, prahok is a salty paste made from fermented fish with a rather pungent odor, and some others. As for meat, poultry is primarily eaten. Pork, beef and goat are less common, although dishes made from them are not difficult to find.

Returning to sauces, it is worth adding that they are often added to vegetables, which are usually eaten along with main courses of rice, fish and meat. Vegetables are most often eaten in the form of some specific salads with the addition of vegetable oils, spices and herbs. In addition, meat or fish is also placed in vegetable salads, which only gives them a more O greater originality.

Where there are vegetables, there are also fruits. And Southeast Asia is just a fruit Klondike. Not only are there an incredible number of species here, but sometimes truly amazing things are made from them. A myriad of fruit puddings, desserts, salads, cakes and fruit pies - all this awaits you in any Cambodian restaurant for a reasonable price. Cambodia is home to many exotic fruits that are unlikely to be found or tried in the West - guava, rambutan, longan, mangosteen and the famous durian - the unofficial owner of the most terrifying smell in the world and the largest amount of vitamins.

It is impossible not to mention how “omnivorous” the local residents are, since a huge amount of such living creatures are eaten here, at the sight of which civilized Europeans are accustomed to wince. Cambodians do not deny themselves the pleasure of eating fried grasshoppers, spiders, beetles, insect larvae, meat and entrails of snakes, bird embryos and other exotic things. Anyone can taste all this - if, of course, he has enough courage.

Among drinks in Cambodia, Chinese green tea is especially common, which is sometimes not even included in the bill. As for the original local drinks, it is worth highlighting “teknot” - palm tree juice, infusion of samrong seeds, sugar cane juice and coconut milk. In hot conditions, the local drink “dtyuk-rolok”, which is prepared from egg yolk and various fruits, can be useful. Cambodians are far from the hardest drinking nation on the planet, but, of course, there is alcohol here. First of all, this is the most popular beer in the country “Angkor”, as well as some other varieties - “Lao”, “Alain Delon” and such exotic ones as palm beer, etc. Cambodia even produces its own whiskey, which has a very specific from a European point of view, taste.


The markets of Cambodia, especially in large cities - Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville, are replete with an abundance of all kinds of souvenirs and interesting things that visiting tourists happily take with them as souvenirs.

Perhaps the main Cambodian souvenir is silk. Silk fabrics can be found here in all kinds of colors and finishes, for example, very thin and elegant gauze silk or denser and coarser wild silk. There are many silk products sold in Cambodian markets at very low prices, but the quality can sometimes fail and the product will fade after washing. The best silk is produced in the provinces of Takeo and Kampong Cham.

Many folk crafts flourish in Cambodia, which only increases the number of all kinds of souvenir products in local markets. For example, souvenirs made by local woodcarvers are quite popular. These wooden products are very beautiful and original and can be perfect as a gift. Wooden Buddha figurines are very popular among tourists. Also in the markets you can see pottery suitable for cooking, decorative ceramics, wicker baskets, which are very common among the female population of the country, and much more.

In addition to silk clothes, you can also buy krama - these are traditional Khemer cotton scarves, very popular among visitors. However, tourists willingly buy not only Cambodian clothes, but also Cambodian silver. There are plenty of silver shops in Phnom Penh and other large cities, and local silver products are quite cheap and of more or less good quality (the pure silver content can reach 70-80%).

The export of antiques is subject to certain restrictions. When purchasing an antique item, you need to check with the Cambodian Ministry of Culture whether it is allowed to be exported from the country or not, as problems may arise at customs. Products made from precious stones in Cambodia can be easily purchased in large markets such as Central in Phnom Penh. Emeralds, sapphires, rubies and some others are popular - both in a frame and without it. Stone sculptures of Buddha, which have no historical value, can be exported from Cambodia without hindrance, but not from Thailand. Tourists may also be interested in ancient Cambodian agricultural tools sold at the Siem Reap market.

The country's main markets are located in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, where the main flow of tourists arriving in the country usually goes.


Communications in Cambodia are neither bad nor good. Mobile phones are only available in Phnom Penh and major cities, including the tourist destinations of Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. The GSM 9001800 standard is used. The largest cellular operator in Cambodia is , covering more than half of the Cambodian cellular market. Other operators include Mfone, StartCell and Smart. You can use roaming from the largest Russian operators - MTS, Megafon and Beeline. You should find out about their prices on the companies' websites.

Calls from landlines can be made from hotels, post offices and call centers. There are almost no pay phones in the country, with the exception of Phnom Penh, where there are very few of them. To make calls, use telephone cards “Phonecards”, which can be purchased at post offices, shops and hotels. A minute of international call from Phnom Penh will cost about 3 dollars. Calling from the provinces is one and a half times more expensive.

Cambodia international code is 855

City codes

  • Phnom Penh - 23
  • Battambang - 53
  • Kampong Speu – 25
  • Kampong Chhnang - 26
  • Kampot - 33
  • Kamponchgthom - 62
  • Hong Kong - 35
  • Krache (Kratje) – 72
  • Pousat – 52
  • Svay Rieng - 44
  • Siem Reap - 63
  • Sihanoukville - 34
  • Stung Traeng - 74

To call from Russia to Cambodia you need to dial 8-10-855-city code-subscriber number.

To call from Cambodia to Russia you need to dial 00-7-city code-subscriber number.

Emergency numbers

As for the Internet, in Cambodia there is no shortage of Internet cafes in large cities - for example, Phnom Penh has plenty of them. You can also access the Internet from many hotels, restaurants and regular cafes.

The country remained closed to tourists. Only the most courageous dared to enter it - enigmatic and mysterious. Today the Kingdom is quite a popular and visited place. Curious travelers are attracted by educational excursions.

Beach lovers - sea, sun and beaches with the purest white sand. Adventurers rush into the mysterious jungle. And everyone, without exception, is attracted by the comfortable Cambodian climate , allowing you to plan a vacation at any time of the year.

Cambodia Climate

The climate in Cambodia is mild, with no sharp daily temperature fluctuations. Cambodia is located in a subequatorial (tropical monsoon) climate zone with a clear division into two seasons - dry and wet. The dry season is divided into 2 subseasons - cool and hot.

From December to March there is a dry, hot season with occasional showers. The wet season lasts from May to October. It rains mainly at night. During the daytime, it consists of short-term showers, after which a rainbow appears and the sun shines.

Cambodia weather

The average annual temperature in Cambodia fluctuates between +25°C. Below is a detailed description Cambodian weather by month.

It is worth noting that the temperature in the city of Sihanoukville is usually lower than in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. In addition, due to natural disasters, indicators may change from year to year.

Weather in winter

Winter in the country is windless, dry and mild. This period is the most favorable time to travel to the country.

  • December

Weather in Cambodia in December, in comparison with other months of the year, the coolest. Daytime temperatures reach +30…+32°С, night temperatures drop to +20…23°С. The beach holiday season begins. There are still not many people at this time, but the white sandy beaches of the resort towns of Sihanoukville and Kep are already filled with tourists. The islands of Koh Rong and Koh Rong Saloyem are also beginning to welcome holidaymakers.

Warm sand, clear water, palm groves, equipped beaches with conveniently located hotels, hammocks, water skiing, fishing, crabbing, boat trips, diving, snorkeling and a day on the beach of the almost uninhabited Rabbit Island will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions. There may be only three or four stormy days in the entire month.

  • January

Weather in Cambodia in Januarydry and sunny, except for two or three rainy days. The sun shines 10-12 hours a day. The beach season is gaining momentum. Temperatures vary from +31…+33 during the daytime to +22…+26С° at night. The sea water temperature reaches +25…+27 degrees. In addition to a beach holiday, it’s time to visit the medieval capital of the Khmer Empire Angkor, the modern capital of the country Phnom Penh with its museums and architectural monuments, and buy souvenirs.

  • February

Weather in Cambodia in Februarycontinues to be sunny and dry, which is conducive to relaxation on the coast, extreme sports, fishing, shopping and numerous excursions around the country. Temperature during the day is +32…+33°С, at night +24…+27°С. The water in the sea is very, very warm. Three or four rainy days of the month will not ruin your vacation.

Weather in spring

Spring is the hottest season. Favorable time for a beach holiday and traveling around the country. People who do not tolerate heat well should weigh everything carefully when planning to visit the country in the spring.

  • March

Weather in Cambodia in Marchsultry is set. During the day the air warms up to +33…+37°С, at night it drops to +26…+29°С. March is the last month of the dry season and one of the hottest months of the year. The water temperature near the shore is +30°C.

In addition to beach holidays and water sports, you can enjoy the pristine nature of the islands of Koh Rong and Koh De Kul or test your strength in the Cambodian jungle. Or you can visit the settlements of the mountain Khmers, becoming more familiar with their traditions and way of life.

  • April

Weather in Cambodia in Aprilvery controversial. Until the middle of the month, the weather is clear, hot, even stuffy (+34...+37, sometimes up to +40°C) with rare short-term rains, indicating the approach of the rainy season. Arriving in Cambodia in April from a temperate climate zone, you may feel some discomfort.

Conditions for a beach holiday are generally ideal - passive stay in the shade of spreading palm trees gives tourists a bronze tan to their skin.

The sea, however, is not always calm. Since you won’t be able to swim every day, you can purchase a guidebook, or hire a local guide and visit Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, temples on Mount Sihanoukville, or walk through shopping centers in search of souvenirs. From the second half of the month, a period of frequent rains of medium strength begins. April is a time of holidays and festivals.

Weather in Cambodia in Maycharacterized by tropical heat, quite stuffy. The thunderstorm season begins. May is not the wettest month of the year, but umbrellas and raincoats are already constant companions for tourists. Water sports are no longer possible. Swimming, on the contrary, needs to be in a hurry, as soon tropical downpours will wash away the beaches.

Increased humidity levels combined with high air temperatures (+34...+37°C) cause some inconvenience. But this is not an obstacle for those who want to plunge into the depths of Khmer history, view unique ancient palaces and temples, and visit the famous Silver Pagoda.

Weather in summer

In the summer, monsoons from the ocean now and then bring short but heavy downpours. During the summer period, three-quarters of the annual precipitation falls on the country. It is noteworthy that the usual long rains do not occur here. A solid wall of rain abruptly gives way to the peeking sun.

  • June

Weather in Cambodia in Junewindy and rainy. Air temperature during the day is +33…+37°С, at night +24…+26°С. There may be up to 19 rainy days during the month.

Thanks to the high positive temperatures, everything dries out very quickly, but the air humidity is high (90-100%).

  • July

Weather in Cambodia in July hot and rainy. The air temperature is still stable +31…+36°С during the daytime and +24…+26°С at night. Humidity is high. Visiting architectural monuments and attractions of the country in periods between rains remains a relevant form of cultural recreation.

  • August

Weather in Cambodia in Augusthumid, however, the rainy season is already waning. Temperature ranges between +33…+37°С during the day and up to +25°С at night.

Weather in autumn

The beginning of autumn marks the continuation of the rainy season. The end of autumn is the beginning of the dry season.

  • September

Weather in Cambodia in Septembercontinues to be hot and humid. During the day the temperature reaches +32…+34°С, at night up to +26°С. Due to the prolonged rainy season, not all excursion routes are accessible.

  • October

Weather in Cambodia in Octobersteadily improving. There are more and more sunny days. Temperatures are similar to September. According to the calendar, the rainy season is confidently coming to an end.

  • November

Weather in Cambodia in Novemberis starting to get better. Tourists are once again flocking to the country. The rains have stopped, the sun is shining, and the air humidity is still high. Thermometers show +32…+33°С during the day and up to +26°С at night. A full excursion period, the most comfortable in weather conditions.

Cambodia's infrastructure is still poorly developed. There are many disadvantages, but there are also many advantages. There are at least 10 places in Cambodia that are worth seeing. There are not many historical places left on earth with the remains of ancient civilizations, and Cambodia is one of them. Before traveling to a country, it’s a good idea to at least briefly familiarize yourself with its history. The southern sun, white beaches and palm trees, along with affordable prices, are the second attractive side of Cambodia.

Knowing what the weather is like in Cambodia in a certain month of the year, you can plan accordingly and avoid disappointment.

Weather in Cambodia during the year can be divided into three periods. Between December and February the country is dry, warm and sunny. This is the optimal season for travel and beach holidays. As a result, prices for everything will be higher.

It is hot from March to August. The flow of tourists is gradually decreasing, prices are falling. The rainy season begins in mid-April and lasts until the end of October. However, the rains in Cambodia are not very bad. They last for half an hour or an hour, after which you can again continue relaxing and exploring this mysterious country.