The village of Nikita is located on the southern coast of Crimea, 11 km from Yalta. You can get there from Simferopol along the Yalta highway or from Yalta towards Simferopol, by minibus or bus.

Geographic coordinates of the village of Nikita on the map in Crimea GPS N4430.670 E3414.138

The climate of the village of Nikita is subtropical, turning into temperate. The village is protected on three sides by mountains. In winter, the thermometer temperature drops to +5, in summer it rises to +28 degrees.

Population of Nikita- 2475 people, growing by 2-3% per year over the past two years.

First name Sikita the village received in the 2-3 centuries AD, from the founders of the Goths and Alans who lived in these parts. Later, during the reign of the Crimean Khanate, the name changed to the familiar Nikita. Since 1971, for almost 20 years, the village bore the name Botanichesky, but already in 1991 its historical name was returned to it.

The beaches in the village of Nikita are pebbly, the coastline is rocky. The distance to the nearest beach from the village is 25 meters. Due to the absence of ports and heavy industry, the ecology and water area are in almost perfect order.

Sights of the village of Nikita in Crimea:
The most famous attraction of the Village is the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It was founded in 1812. Its area is 283 hectares, it is not only the largest in Crimea, but also in Europe. There are more than 30 thousand species of plants in the park. They are collected from almost all corners of the globe. On the basis of the botanical garden, a scientific laboratory and research complex was opened in 1984, which are fully operational to this day. Every year, depending on the season, a large number of living exhibitions are opened in the park: tulips, daffodils, roses and many other plants.

The scale of the exhibitions is simply impressive; for example, about 85 thousand (240 species) of tulips are planted per season, and about 150 species of roses. The flowering period is designed for almost 200 days a year.
The Nikitsky Botanical Garden is open all year round - many alleys and fountains, bamboo and palm groves, landscape design, beautiful views of the sea and mountains.
At the entrance to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden there is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Founded in 1884. The first service was that same year, on Annunciation. Built in Byzantine style. The temple is operational.

Not far from the village there is a climbing wall. The uniqueness of this climbing wall is that there are tracks of varying difficulty, from minimal (training) to professional, from horizontal to vertical. The climbing wall is open all year round and attracts a large number of tourists.

Infrastructure of the village of Nikita is developed quite well: many boarding houses, hotels, inns and a large offer of apartments in the private sector. Tennis courts, volleyball and mini football fields, mountaineering and much more can be found in this unforgettable village. The unforgettable air is filled with the aromas of plants mixed with sea salt and the coolness of the mountains. Even if you choose another vacation spot, we still recommend visiting this stunning place and setting aside some time for a sightseeing tour of the village.

Nikita village on the map of Crimea

More photos of Nikita"

Description of Nikita

In the vicinity of Yalta (7 km towards Gurzuf) there is a small and inconspicuous village from the highway, but known far beyond the borders of Crimea, the village of Nikita. Who would have thought that at a time when the shores of Tauris were inhabited by the Genoese, Nikita was one of the largest settlements of the Captaincy of Gothia (which were located between Foros and Alushta).

What is Nikita famous for? Undoubtedly, the main attraction is the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, which was founded back in 1812. In 1984, a Research Complex was created on the basis of the Garden to study and preserve the Crimean flora. On the way to the garden you will see a small active Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Another attraction of Nikita is the Nikitskaya Cleft. An unusual cold gorge created by nature. It is cool here even on the hottest day due to the fact that direct sunlight is a rare visitor to the gorge. But this is precisely what gives the chasm its mystery. When you look at the smooth cliffs, you get the impression that a giant giant cut the mountain into two halves with his huge sword. The grandiose landscape of these places attracted filmmakers. Footage of the nature of Nikitskaya Yayla can be seen in the films “Children of Captain Grant”, “Sportloto-82”, “Hearts of Three”.

Not many people know that the outskirts of Nikita are a unique center of Crimean rock climbing with routes of any complexity, which are concentrated in a small area.

But what Nikita cannot boast of is beaches. Mostly tourists come here all year round to visit the Botanical Garden. But if, after a walk through the garden, you decide to plunge into the waters of the Black Sea in the vicinity of Nikita, then know that there are only two beaches here. The first is Nikita Beach, which includes Cape Martyan, which is part of a coastal reserve with unique vegetation. The second is the beach named after Maurice Thorez, which is part of the Coastal boarding house complex. The gently sloping shore without rocks on the seabed is an ideal place for families with children.

Nikita is one of the places in Crimea where you can relax all year round. The lack of sea swimming in the off-season is more than compensated for by a walk through the Botanical Garden, the splendor of nature and the cleanest air with the intoxicating aromas of pine needles.

There is a one-man theater, and sometimes there are settlements with a single attraction. The latter includes the village of Nikita in Crimea. Everyone knows about the existence of Nikitsky Garden, even those who do not know about the existence of the village itself.

Where is the village of Nikita on the map? Story

It is located in the vicinity of Yalta, bordered in the west by the villages and Voskhod, and in the east by. The village of Lineinoye is also nearby.

Ancient settlement

Nikita is a fairly ancient settlement. Scientists believe that it was created by the Goths who converted to Christianity around the 3rd century AD. The name, which is a bit strange for the Russian language, is associated with the name of Nike, the ancient Greek goddess of victory.

In the documents of the Genoese colonialists and patriarchs of the 14th century, the village is mentioned – in the version “Sikita” – as inhabited by Christians. The same fact (a completely Christian population) was noted by the Turks in their charters after the conquest of the Crimean Peninsula. More than 40 families lived in Nikita at that time.

Afterwards, a significant part of the local Christians were resettled to other regions, as a result of which the settlement became mixed in composition of residents - both Muslim Tatars and Christians began to live there. During imperial times, a school, a mosque, a trading store and a drinking tavern operated in Nikita. The population was several hundred people.

Approximately the same situation remains today, but the number of inhabitants has already exceeded 2000 inhabitants. The proportion of Tatars decreased after the deportation, but now they live in Nikita next to the Russians. The village may soon turn into a suburb of Yalta. The local climate is typical for the South Coast (mild winters, hot dry summers), but the air and sea water here are cleaner than in the resort capital of Crimea.

Housing in Nikita: private sector and hotels. Restaurants

Typically, smaller ones are cheaper for travelers to stay in than larger centers. But this does not apply to Nikita - here they charge tourists approximately the same amounts as in Yalta.

Only expensive hotels are located close to the shore here (Consol Sport, Dream by the Sea), and the village itself has no access to the coast - you will have to walk a quarter of an hour, or even more, to the beach. If regular walks over rough terrain don’t frighten you, then you can actually rent an apartment at the rate of about 2 thousand rubles per holidaymaker per day. A prestigious room will cost more. For example, “Consol Sport Nikita” will charge per person almost twice the average price in the village during the high season, and “Royal Park” will charge a little less.
But these are luxurious establishments right next to the water, with all the amenities in the apartments, gyms, restaurants and spas.

It is more affordable to stay in mini-hotels or guest houses. Most of them provide good conditions, but without luxury. However, most of them are located far from the sea surface. Thus, Villa Gardenia offers relatively low prices for accommodation; it has a tennis court, a sauna, and a children's playroom. But it is better for car owners to relax here, since it is far from the sea.

Renting entire houses, cottages and villas is also popular in Nikita. Depending on the class and size of such housing, the cost can be up to several tens of thousands per day. But it is not strictly tied to the number of guests - for a large company this will be a fairly profitable option.

As for the private sector, it’s not difficult. Rent will be a little cheaper than hotels, but it will take a long time to get to the Black Sea region; private development here begins above the Primorsky Park and the Botanical Garden.

Lunch with extra charge

Food in Nikita is also not too cheap. There are no large canteens or restaurants here, except perhaps the Wisteria complex, but there are many small establishments. Their prices are comparable to those in Yalta. In shops and spontaneous markets, food prices are also noticeably inflated, in keeping with the already familiar resort traditions.

The issue of food in the private sector is resolved through an agreement with the owners. Hotels are required to have restaurant canteens, and meal plans depend on the package chosen. Various options are possible (without meals, with your own kitchen or at the expense of the owners), but a separate villa must be equipped with a kitchen.

Sights of Nikita: entertainment and beaches

The village of Nikita in Yalta is often perceived as an addition to the world-famous collection of plants. In Soviet times, it even bore the name Botanical. The garden, which has become famous not only in Russia, but also in Russia, is the main attraction for which it is worth staying here or coming here.

Indeed, despite its advanced age, the policy has almost no reminders. The exception is the Church of the Transfiguration, which began operating in 1887. It is interesting both as a historical structure and as a place regularly visited by Russian monarchs and their families. The parish was built on the initiative of the director of the botanical garden at that time.

The surrounding nature is also of interest. Nikitskaya Yayla and the gorge attract climbers and filmmakers due to their picturesque beauty and the presence of “difficult” slopes. Nearby there is a nature reserve (administratively subordinate to the botanical garden), where they are organized. From Nikita it is easy to get to and easy to get to many other cities and towns, since it is located on the South Coast Highway.

Located below the park, they are pebbly, with a considerable number of large stones and poor infrastructure. The water here is clean, there are few people, but the places are not the most suitable for families with children. Reviews note as their main advantage the special air (the breath of the unique plantings of the botanical garden), which is beneficial for the lungs. Sometimes vacationers go to the more comfortable edges of neighboring hotels and hotels, but it is not easy to get there (admission is limited), and the distances are considerable.

Resort visitors to Nikita are often attracted by the botanical garden. Entrance to it is not cheap, but it allows you to see real wonders of flora. Tropical greenhouses, plants from all continents, various flowers and flower beds - it will take a week to fully familiarize yourself with the attraction. And still, you won’t get a complete impression - seasonal exhibitions of various flowers (tulips, roses, chrysanthemums, dahlias, etc.) are constantly held here. For the sake of these unique events, tourists travel en masse to Nikita outside the holiday season, without missing a beat.

Vacationers are also attracted to Nikita's Primorsky Park, where moving prehistoric animals are displayed for everyone to see, sometimes causing horror.

How to get there (get there)?

Getting to Nikita is quite convenient by public transport. Most of the minibuses pass along the South Coast Highway - get off at the “School”, “Nikita” or “NBS” stops. Trolleybuses also pass here. But buses No. 29 and No. 29a pass through the very center of the village - through the stop. “Upper gate of NBS”, “Gate of NBS” and “Weather station”.

Vacationers will find many resort villages with picturesque nature and warm sea. One of the most popular “mini-resorts” is considered Nikita- an urban village located 8 km from.

Climate Nikita practically no different from the general Yalta climate. Dry and hot summers are characterized by minimal precipitation. The hottest month is July, the temperature at this time reaches +28-30 °C. The fresh sea breeze and coolness help to easily endure the heat Botanical Garden.

Nikita's story.

Nikita is one of the oldest settlements on Southern coast of Crimea. Official mentions of the village are first found in 1384, when Nikita is designated as part of Captaincy of Gothia- Genoese colony. In 1475, the village became part of the Ottoman Empire as a Christian settlement.

With the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire, Nikita continued to remain a Christian village, which later grew into a large settlement.

By decree of Emperor Alexander I in 1812, a unique Botanical Garden. With the advent of the garden, the infrastructure of the village begins to actively develop, and representatives of the Russian aristocracy begin to come to Nikita on vacation.

Under Soviet rule, the village was called “Botanichesky” for some time. There is a legend about the renaming of the village: they say that the name was changed when L. Brezhnev, driving past the Nikita sign, expressed displeasure at the name. The village's former name was returned in 1991.

Things to do?

rest in Nikita Many people associate it with a unique Nikitsky Botanical Garden- the main attraction of the village. This is a real research complex, surrounded by amazing plants.

The Botanical Garden was founded in 1812 by order of Alexander I. The director and chief biologist of the Garden was Christian Steven, a naturalist who had been involved in botany and biology all his life.

Today, the garden's plant collections number more than 30,000 representatives from all over the world. The huge territory of the garden is divided into four parts, each of which has unique plant species.

Another natural attraction of Nikita is Nikitskaya Yayla, which is a narrow gorge between huge rocks. On the steep slopes of Yayla there are constantly camps for mountaineers and rock climbers, and for tourists there is a walking trail along the gorge, from where you can enjoy the views of the majestic Crimean Mountains.

Officially, the swimming season in Nikita begins in mid-June, when the water near the shore warms up to +21-22 °C, but some tourists prefer to open the season at the end of May - by this time the water warms up to +17 °C.

Free beach in Nikita there is only one. It is located under the Botanical Garden, and is a narrow but extended strip of small pebbles. Despite the “narrowness” of the beach, there are always few people here and you can easily find a free place. The remaining beaches are paid, as they are located on the territory of sanatorium-resort complexes and hotels.

Housing in Nikita.

Nikita's popularity as a seaside resort has provided vacationers with a huge selection of accommodation to suit every taste and budget.

  1. . You can rent a small house or a three-story cottage for a noisy company. The entire private sector is located above the Botanical Garden, so when choosing housing here, be prepared for long walks - the beach is a 20-30 minute walk along a picturesque path through the Botanical Garden.
  2. . An excellent combination of price and level of comfort. For the most part, these are two- or three-story cottages designed for 10-20 rooms. A bonus in guest houses is Wi-Fi and spacious, well-equipped recreation areas.
  3. . Almost all hotel complexes are located on the coast. Prices here are significantly higher than in guest houses. Many hotels have their own swimming pools, tennis courts, and restaurants. The room price includes use of the hotel beach.

How to get to the village?

The easiest way to get there by public transport is to take a bus from Yalta. From here to Nikita It's only 8 km, so it won't take much time to get expensive.

You can also order a transfer from or - most hotels provide this service when booking rooms.

You can also get to Nikita by your own car - there is an excellent asphalt road and a large number of equipped parking lots.

State Nikitsky Botanical Garden, tel. +38 0654 335530, 335386

The village of Nikita is famous throughout the world for its botanical garden. The garden was founded in 1812 by a Russian gardener of Swedish origin, X. X. Steven, with the support of the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory, Duke A. de Richelieu. At the beginning of the 19th century, parks were created everywhere on the South Bank. Nobles who were improving their estates were forced to order seedlings and seeds from abroad. Then the idea arose to have a collection of necessary plants at hand, in Crimea, to study the characteristics of local species and test the influence of the natural conditions of the region on exotics brought from afar.

A huge amount of work was done when laying the garden. New roads were cut on the rocky slopes and terraces were built, which were filled with soil brought from the fertile regions of Little Russia. The result of hard work was the heavenly splendor of the garden, making it the most popular tourist attraction in Crimea.

A tour of the garden, the entrance to which is paid, usually begins from the Upper Park, laid out at the end of the 19th century. The abundance of flowers of exotic trees amazes from the very beginning. Here you can find plants from all over the world. The evergreen holm oak came here from the Mediterranean region, the bamboo grove from China, and the giant sequoia dendron is home to North America. There are also many indigenous Crimeans here, for example, poisonous yew, small-fruited strawberry, and blunt-leaved pistachio. One of the pistachio trees is officially considered the oldest plant in Crimea. Its age is more than 1500 years! The circumference of the trunk at the base is 935 centimeters, the height of the tree is 10 meters. In the park's rose garden, which has a unique collection of two thousand species of roses, delightful roses bloom almost all year round, some varieties of which were bred by breeders of the Nikitsky Garden.

Going down the slope leads to the Lower Park - the oldest part of the botanical garden. The trees planted here are a little less than 200 years old. There are many heat-loving plants here: trachycarpus palms, Japanese persimmon, Basio banana and many others. There are water lilies in the round pool. Closer to the sea is the Primorsky Park, founded for the 100th anniversary of the garden. The climate here is the mildest, so many subtropical trees and shrubs are planted. The large collection of cacti is noteworthy.

Every autumn, the Nikitsky Botanical Garden hosts a magnificent Chrysanthemum Ball. Here you can see more than 300 species of these beautiful flowers. Numerous visitors determine the most beautiful chrysanthemum, in their opinion, and it becomes the queen of the ball. About 50 thousand tourists visit the exhibition annually.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden is a serious scientific institution. Its collection contains about 30 thousand plant species. In 2000, the botanical garden, whose area is 1000 hectares, was given the status of a National Science Center. Garden breeders have developed many new plant species, including new varieties of fruit trees. Suffice it to say that half of the territory of gardens in the South of Ukraine is planted with varieties bred here.

In the vicinity of Nikita there is the Nikitskaya Cleft. With its reddish cliffs and lush greenery, this gorge often serves as a natural backdrop for adventure and fairy tale films. The crevice has been declared a natural monument: it maintains a microclimate that allows several dozen species of picturesque plants to coexist peacefully in a small area.

Nature Reserve "Cape Martyan", tel. +38 0654 336539

At the beginning of the 19th century, the territory of Cape Martyan, located east of Yalta, became part of the newly created Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Despite the fact that the workers of the botanical garden for a century and a half carefully protected the rarest plant species growing here, the Mediterranean forest, unique even for the southern coast of Crimea, was still subject to constant extermination.

In 1973, the national reserve “Cape Martyan” was founded on this territory. Its total area was 240 hectares, of which 120 are in the adjacent Black Sea. This is the smallest nature reserve in Ukraine, but 537 plant species are found on its territory, that is, a fifth of all species growing in Crimea. 38 plant species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, and 6 are taken under special international control. The most valuable are the forests of high juniper and small-fruited strawberry.

The terrain of the reserve is replete with numerous ravines, gullies, hollows, gullies, and terraces. Under the influence of sea waves, ledges and cliffs of seaside slopes, coastal rock landslide plumes, outcroppings, islands, and underwater rocks are formed. Under the centuries-old influence of sea waves, a long belt of pebble beaches has formed. Visiting the reserve is only possible as part of an organized excursion. Access to the territory for unorganized groups is prohibited.

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