It is common for parents to worry about their children. They always try to take care of their safety. It is not surprising that many parents are afraid to fly with children, especially infants. If this is a baby, then the parents worry that air travel may worsen the baby’s health or cause some kind of disease. And if this is a child 2-11 years old, adults begin to wonder: will the child be able to withstand the flight, not suffer from nausea, or will he become bored sitting in one place for a long time.

Nowadays, flying with children is not uncommon. And children are often taken on these trips. Therefore, domestic airlines have long developed a number of rules, compliance with which will make the flight comfortable and safe for the whole family.

In this article we will look at the common rules for transporting children that apply to the most popular Russian airlines, such as Rossiya, S7, UTair, Aeroflot and Transaero.

Traveling with children under 2 years old

Relatively recently, flying with a child under one year old was undesirable. The explanation is simple - the planes were not properly equipped. Today, this problem is absent, the planes of Russian airlines have everything you need and you can fly even with the smallest baby. It should be noted that some age categories have restrictions.

If your carrier is UTair and the age of the baby does not exceed 7 days, and you cannot do without a flight, then you are required to provide a receipt in 2 copies upon registration. It states that the airline does not bear responsibility for the health of the child during transportation. As was said, you give one copy of the receipt during registration, and the second one remains with you. A sample of it is posted on the company’s website.

Because children under 2 years old most often sit in the arms of a parent, then you have the right to transport him free of charge to domestic flights. When making an international flight, you need to pay an additional 10% of the cost of an adult ticket for an infant, and the child still remains in the arms of an adult for the entire flight.

If you are flying more than one child, then each subsequent children's ticket will be paid for as a separate seat, but at reduced rates (providing a 25-50% discount). But at the same time, you have the right to carry one baby stroller and a certain amount of luggage for free (there is a limit in kilograms).

Baby bassinets

Russian airlines provide the opportunity to use baby bassinets when transporting a child. Such cradles are attached to the backs of chairs.
The stroller can be used until boarding the plane, and then it will be sent to the luggage compartment of the plane. When packing your stroller as checked baggage, ask if they can provide you with a temporary stroller upon arrival at the airport.

The airline's aircraft are equipped with special baby bassinets that are attached to the backs of seats and are easy to use when transporting a baby. You also have the opportunity to rent a baby stroller for free, in which you will transport your child up to the ramp, and then it will be put into the luggage compartment of the plane.

If you used the services of Aeroflot airline, then do not forget to notify them of the need to use a baby bassinet 24 hours before departure.

And the Transaero company even allows the carriage of strollers in the cabin. True, its type should be “cane”, weight up to 4.5 kg, and dimensions no more than 53 * 27 * 91 cm.

Anyway before the flight It is necessary to check with the air carrier's office the rules and possibilities for using bassinets or child seats.

Today, depending on the type of aircraft and the size of its seats, it is sometimes allowed to use your own child seat, whose dimensions do not exceed 40x40 cm, which is placed on the seat near the window. If this condition is not feasible, it is prohibited to install a child seat.

Actions before and during the flight

When purchasing a plane ticket, be sure to tell them that you are flying with a child and what age they are. You must have the necessary documents confirming the age of the child. During check-in, such passengers are provided with safer seats in the cabin. This is either the first row or the beginning of the cabin. If the row is not the first, and the plane is not 100% full, the staff should leave the seat in front of you empty.

Take care of your baby's nutrition if you are not breastfeeding (take a bottle of baby formula with you). If you plan to feed your baby formula, the airline may provide you with this option, but you should be notified of the need for this food several days before the flight. If the mixture is yours, then immediately check with the flight attendant whether they can warm it up for you.

To ensure the best possible flight, it is best to change your baby's diaper just before the flight. It will be much easier to do this at the airport, because it is equipped with special rooms for these purposes.

As you probably know from your own experience, during takeoff and landing your ears often become blocked. And what can we say about children's ears? Therefore, during takeoff and landing, make sure that your baby has a pacifier or bottle in his mouth.

Flying with children from 2 to 12 years old

Children at this age are already full-fledged passengers. There are special price tariffs for them; separate seats and the opportunity to carry baggage free of charge according to current rules.

It is best to book your flight tickets early to be able to get nearby seats.

All airlines today supply their planes with special meals for children. Moreover, the Rossiya air carrier has meal kits for children of different ages, from the youngest to older children. As a rule, kits for children over 3 years old include milk, cheese, crackers, as well as easy-to-chew food and juice. Similar sets with special baby food are offered by Transaero, Aeroflot and UTair.

However, not all flights have such kits that fall into the category “ Special food“, so it’s worth checking this information in advance and, if necessary, making an order.

Currently, some air carriers are trying to make the flight of their little passengers less boring. For example, the Aeroflot company provides entertainment for children on board: it distributes drawing kits to children, which include pencils, markers and board games.

The rules, although general, have their own differences and nuances. Using the Internet, you can visit airline websites at any time to get acquainted with all the intricacies and advantages of flying with a child. If you cannot find information on the site, you can always use hotline each airline or check with their representatives.

As you can judge by reading this article, flying with a child is not so scary, because airline employees do everything possible for a safe and enjoyable flight!

Thanks to the service of accompanying children on an airplane, you don’t have to worry about how to send your child to study, to grandma or just friends in another city or country. Before deciding to send your child on a trip this way, familiarize yourself with the nuances of the service.

Who can use the service

As a rule, the option is available for ordering a ticket for children from 5 to 12 years old. Some airlines allow such tickets to be issued to teenagers from 16 years of age to adulthood.

How to arrange support

Registration is permitted to the child's official representatives: guardians, trustees, parents and adoptive parents.

Note! Registration by brothers or sisters or grandparents is not permitted.

Before booking tickets, check whether the airline provides this service, as not everyone supports this feature. You must book your ticket no later than 36 hours before departure.. This is due to the fact that the company allocates places for children in advance. As a rule, from four to six places are designed for these needs. Also, when purchasing, immediately indicate that you intend to use support.

It is also important to choose direct flights without transfers. If you need to travel to the next point of departure, the carrier refuses to provide the service. The service will be provided if the transfer is made at the same airport.

What to do if you want to send your child abroad? Accompaniment can only be issued if the parent provides a statement stipulating his permission for the child to travel. The document must be presented to the airport in original and must be certified by a notary.

Required documents

If you wish to arrange a flight for your child, you must provide the following documents:

  • metric certificate;
  • internal passport;
  • foreigner for flights to other countries;
  • the itinerary receipt can be provided both in printed form and electronically;
  • when traveling abroad, medical insurance is also included;
  • visa;
  • an extract from the illness card or a prescription from the attending physician, if the child is bringing medications with him.
Note! If you issue an air ticket accompanied by company employees, then the ticket is purchased at full price, regardless of the age of the child. Benefits excluded.

When registering for the service, the parent also fills out a number of papers provided by the airline. This includes data:

  1. About parents and their child;
  2. Contacts for communication;
  3. Information about who will meet the child.

Airline employees can help you fill out the documents.

Service cost

The ticket will cost 100% of the adult fare. This pricing policy is supported by most Russian and foreign airlines. Not long ago the rules of the S7 carrier changed. Since 2016, the company has been charging an additional fee for the service provided.

Now they will charge 3,000₽ for Russian flights and 50 EUR for foreign trips. Accordingly, sending a child to grandma in Russia will cost 6,000 rubles round trip, and 100 EUR abroad.

For example, the Utair company does not charge additional money for transportation; Aeroflot has had similar fees for several years.

What is included in the service

Accompanying a child on an airplane includes supervising him during the entire flight, landing and arrival at the destination. Let's look at each stage in more detail.


The first stage is accompanied by the issuance of a cover sheet at the airport building. The document contains information about the flight attendant who will supervise the young traveler. Data about the employee who will meet the child at the destination is also entered there.

Each child is given a bag containing an accompanying sheet. According to airline regulations, it should be hung around your neck and kept until the end of the flight.

At the airport, an accompanying person - an airline employee - helps the child go through all stages of check-in. He checks his luggage and escorts him on board. In this case, children are escorted into the cabin to board earlier than other passengers.

In airplane

During the entire flight, the flight attendant bears full responsibility for the safety of the child. Her responsibilities include helping to buckle up and explain the rules of behavior on the plane. Employees are trained to communicate with young children, answer their questions, and provide play sets for children. If necessary, a staff member will take the child to the toilet.

When the plane comes in to land and the passengers are getting ready to leave, the flight attendant takes the children out of the cabin last.

Additionally, you can enable baby food. This will save time on getting ready, and you also won’t have to put liquid in your son or daughter’s hand luggage. Fresh and healthy food for children is provided on board.


After arriving at the destination airfield, the airline representative is required to check the identity of the person meeting you. The child will be transferred only after being convinced that the receiving party is the person who was announced upon departure.

There are situations when they don’t come to meet the child. In this case, the airline contacts the parents and clarifies how to proceed. If the greeter is delayed, staff will stay with the child until the person reaches the airport.

Flights with transfers require that a company employee be assigned to the child at each stage of the trip. While waiting between flights, the child will be taken to a playroom or VIP room, where he can relax or have a snack.

Accompanying children on different airlines

Depending on the airline, the conditions of escort and the cost of air travel may vary. Let's consider several popular carriers and the nuances of providing the service.


Features of support in S7:

  1. After small passengers board the plane, an S7 employee notifies parents.
  2. In situations where it is not possible to contact the meeting person or the child’s parents/guardians/trustees, the last resort is to send him to the departure airport under the supervision of airport staff.
  3. The list of documents is identical to those listed in the “required documents” section. You can make an application and complete it at S7 offices or at the Contact Center.
  4. The application for transportation, which is issued in offices or at the airport, must be signed by the parents.
  5. For international flights, a notarized consent from both parents for departure must indicate the timing of the child’s departure from the country, as well as the destination - the country to which the child is going.
  6. In S7, the service can be purchased for children from 5 to 16 years old. It is not available to teenagers 17 and 18 years old.
Important! The company provides the service only on direct flights without transfers.


In the Russian company, the age limits are even stricter. Children from five to 12 years old are accepted. However, at the request of the child's representatives, the company can provide accompanied travel for children under 16 years of age. Who can apply for transportation?

  • parents;
  • guardians;
  • adoptive parents;
  • trustees.
Remember! The service is only available on flights numbered SU 6001-6999.

In "Russia" escort is also subject to an additional fee. In this case, a ticket for a child must be issued at 100% payment, without benefits.

Children who can provide confirmed advance reservation ticket, as well as a check for payment for escort services.

With the Rossiya company, you can register a child for an accompanied flight only at the check-in counter, unlike other air carriers, where the service can be arranged in all kinds of offices and branches.

Important! The child's representative accompanying him to the airport building must be there until the plane actually takes off from the airfield.


The company accepts children for transportation with a flight attendant aged from 5 to 16. The airline strongly requires that in case of traveling abroad, check with the official representative office of the country the requirements and current legislation. Perhaps there are some restrictions and nuances. For example, providing additional documents.

Aeroflot points out that it cooperates with a number of companies to provide the service. This means that, by agreement, the airlines listed below can transport children with the current Aeroflot regulations. However age restrictions in partner companies may change. This information should be checked on the website. Partners:

  • Rossiya (flights SU5950-SU6999);
  • Adria Airways;
  • Bulgaria Air;
  • Aurora (flights SU5400 - SU5799);
  • Air Baltic.

The company's personnel undertakes to assume responsibilities for the child's registration, while on board, as well as during connecting flights.

Small passengers are allowed to carry baggage according to the ticket fare plan. When accompanied, a ticket is purchased as for an adult passenger and is paid 100%. Children's discounts do not apply to the service.

How much does the service itself cost? The company has set the following tariffs:

  1. For flights operating within cities Russian Federation, the fee will be 3,400₽;
  2. For international flights there is a fee of 40 EUR.

Payment in euros is calculated at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank. The company updates the rate once a week.

Note! During connecting flights, you can order food and drink for your child.

The table shows prices for additional meals while waiting for the next plane:

Discounts do not apply to additional meals while waiting. Payment for international flights is also carried out at the current rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

The person indicated in the application who will meet the child provides an identification document. In this case, it is necessary to have a photograph for verification by the flight attendant.

Unlike other companies, at Aeroflot the child is not given a handbag with an accompanying sheet, but a plastic tablet. It contains the same employee information as other carriers. The tablet with documents is placed on the child at the time of registration and is not removed until the meeting with an authorized representative at the destination.

Due to safety requirements, children are not provided with seats in the row near the emergency exit.

Greetings to all those who stopped by.

I'm starting mine long story about S7 airline, take a comfortable position and get ready for a long journey.

Over the past few years, I have periodically flown planes to different cities Russia from different airlines. I have flown with Siberia Airlines many times and each time the flight has been interesting.

Siberia Airlines has been on the air transportation market for quite a long time.

Year of foundation S7 Airlines: 1957.

The company's fleet includes more than 70 aircraft, most often flown by Airbus, less frequently by Boeing. The airline operates both domestic and international flights. S7 is based at 2 airports: Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk) and Domodedovo (Moscow).

The planes of this airline are easy to recognize; they are green. The planes are quite clean and tidy. I haven't seen any broken chairs.

The airline staff are quite polite and smiling. Despite multiple flights, I did not observe any conflict situations on board the ship. All flights were soft and smooth, without rumble or shaking.

Purchase and return of tickets

You can buy tickets both at air ticket offices and on the Internet. Refunding a ticket depends on the fare you chose when purchasing (either impossible or a loss of money).

S7 application

By installing this application on your smartphone, you can control your bonus account, buy and book a ticket, check in for a flight, watch the departure board, etc.


You can check in for a flight on the airline's website 30 hours before departure, in the S7 app or at the airport.

When purchasing a ticket with a cheap fare, free seat selection on the plane is not possible. EXCEPTION: passengers with children. Children under 12 years old are given certain seats in the cabin, so when you purchase a ticket, you will be assigned a seat.

Baggage transportation

There are a couple of nuances in transporting luggage with this airline. The baggage allowance for 1 adult passenger is 23 kg + hand luggage 7 kg. Several years ago, my wife and I flew from Novosibirsk with one suitcase that weighed a little more than 23 kg. The airline employee at the check-in counter offered 2 options for transportation: put the excess in a second bag (one piece of luggage for each passenger) or pay for the excess. Previously, we didn’t have such problems with other airlines; one baggage was taken into account for two passengers and we didn’t have to pay for excess baggage. We were not prepared for such a turn of events; we did not have a spare bag in our pockets and we were forced to pay for the excess. Now at home before a flight with S7, the weight of luggage is checked to the nearest gram.

Transporting a baby stroller

This service is provided by the airline free of charge, even if you divide the stroller into 2 blocks. When checking in your baggage, you can check the stroller right away and walk around the airport with your baby in your arms, or you can check it in as luggage at the boarding ramp. The stroller can be picked up either at the boarding ramp or together with your main luggage. Our stroller, weighing 13 kg, was divided into 2 blocks before flights and was always carried free of charge. At check-in, the stroller is weighed and checked in as oversized baggage at a separate check-in counter.

Meals on board

I have a couple of complaints about the airline's food. Once, after dinner on board the ship, I became seriously poisoned. The second incident occurred not so long ago; for breakfast, chicken and potatoes were offered, which contained quite a lot of ginger. Ginger is a product whose presence in food should be warned in advance.

The food portions are good and the dishes are filling. Even on short flights, a light sandwich lunch was provided (although another airline on the same route had no snacks at all and only served drinks).

Tea and coffee are of relatively good quality. They always offered lemon and milk with drinks. From soft drinks: drinking water with and without gas, 3 types of juice, sometimes Pepsi and similar sodas. The number of soft drinks is unlimited; you can order both water and juice at the same time. After the main meal, the staff re-offers hot drinks.

For an additional fee, you can order individual meals and baby food in advance.

The airline uses good quality disposable tableware, so you won't get poorly washed mugs.

Flying with a child

A child under 2 years old is transported free of charge without providing extra space. A cradle is not provided; the child spends the entire flight in the arms of a parent. A seat for a child is assigned automatically, since this seat must be equipped with additional oxygen mask. A child under 2 years old is entitled to free transportation luggage up to 10 kg + free stroller transportation.

On an airplane, the child is fastened with an additional seat belt to the parent's belt.

The airline gives gifts to children. On one flight we were given a bib and wet wipes, but on the second flight we did not receive a gift. The neighbors were given a bag containing pencils and a notebook with assignments.

Young children cope best with flying when they are breastfed.

Ways to save with S7

1. Participate in the loyalty program. This program is beneficial for frequent fliers. Flights are charged bonus miles, which can later be exchanged for a ticket, but in this case you will still have to pay for the fees. The number of miles can be increased by online check-in (for online registration 50 bonus miles are awarded) using a joint bank card(S7-Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Bank of Moscow), using the services of partner companies (hotels, car rental, insurance, online stores, etc.).

I would like to dwell in more detail on the accrual of bonus miles for purchases in online stores. The list of online stores is quite wide, among them: Lamoda, Aliexpress, Daughters and sons, M video, iHerb, Sportmaster, Obbi, etc. In order to receive bonus miles, you need to go to the S7 airline website--> to the S7 Priority section--> program partners--> online stores--> to the desired store to make a purchase.

You can also transfer the missing miles to your friend or family member. The minimum transfer is 500 miles. The cost of translation is 375 rubles.

From time to time the airline has Special offers for accrual of additional miles on certain routes.

3. Probably each of us paid attention to how much food costs at the airport. I have always been interested in the question of where airport staff who receive the average salary eat. At Domodedovo Airport, in the parking area there is a building S7, which houses a canteen for employees with free entry for other visitors.

Canteen address: Domodedovo building 6/1.

The dining room is clean, cozy, there are a lot of visitors in it, there is enough space for everyone. For 150 rubles in 2018, I bought a full meal consisting of chicken noodle soup, rice with chicken cutlet and compote. The portions are large, the food is delicious. The dining room has a fairly large assortment of dishes, cash and non-cash payments are possible.

Canteen opening hours:

From 6.00 to 23.00.

Breaks: 10.45-11.15, 16.00-17.00

Example prices from the menu:

Buckwheat 150 grams - 35 rubles

Chicken cutlet 100 grams - 75 rubles

Bread - 3 rubles per 1 slice

Fruit drink 200 ml - 25 rubles

This is where the journey ends. Thanks for stopping by.

S7 Airlines (Siberia and Globus) announced the cessation of providing child transportation services from June 15. From today it will be impossible to buy a ticket for a child on flights operating after this date. However, it’s too early to rejoice for haters of children screaming on an airplane and other childfree people: the restriction does not apply to all children.

We are talking about the service “Organization of transportation of an unaccompanied child under the supervision of the carrier,” that is, Unaccompanied minor, aka UMNR, aka UM, aka “umka”. The service made it possible to buy a ticket for a child, escort him to the airport, and then meet him at the airport of arrival. A great idea, for example, to send a little one to his grandmother in Krasnodar for the whole summer. A special employee picked up the child at the airport, went through all the pre-flight formalities with him and then put him on the plane, where the flight attendants took care of the younger generation.

The service was intended for children aged 5-12 years: very young ones must still fly with adults, but older ones are allowed to fly alone unaccompanied. Now, in order to send a child of the specified age somewhere, you will have to fork out for a round-trip ticket for an accompanying person, as well as for a notarized power of attorney for the right to take them abroad from both parents (if the parent is accompanying, then from one), if the flight is international.

There is an alternative: send your child on a flight with an airline that has such a service. Of the major Russian carriers, these are, for example, Aeroflot and. Its cost can vary from zero to the need to buy a ticket at a full adult fare; An additional fee may also apply: for example, with Aeroflot it is 40 euros per segment, and with Utair, a ticket for a child is issued in such a situation at a standard economy class fare without providing a child discount. Transportation must be pre-agreed by phone. At the airport of departure, parents must contact the airline representative in advance to fill out necessary documents. At a minimum, this is a statement, and for international transportation, it is additionally necessary to have a notarized consent from the parents to allow the transportation of their child international flight unescorted airlines. Moreover, if the flight is indirect, then the service may either not be provided, or it is necessary that there be only one transfer, and both segments in one direction would be operated by the same airline (i.e., a code share will not work, although Aeroflot has combination with “Russia” is allowed). Many airports even have special lounges for unaccompanied children. Often the service can be ordered for children 12-16 years old, but this is not necessary.

Lounge for unaccompanied children at Paris Orly airport

The reason for canceling the possibility of transporting unaccompanied children in S7 is commented very vaguely: “We canceled the service due to a change in crew work technology on flights. We guarantee the transportation of unaccompanied children on all tickets with a paid and confirmed service,” the airline’s press service said.

Accompanying a child on S7 Airlines- a popular service that “frees the hands” of parents and allows them to send their child to relatives on their own, or rather, under the supervision of the carrier’s employees. To receive such a service, it is enough to buy a ticket for the required flight and fulfill the basic requirements of the airline. But more about everything.

Who are unaccompanied children?

According to S7 airline rules, an unaccompanied child is between 5 and 11 years old. In some cases, children under 16 years of age are included in this category (at the separate request of guardians or parents). The essence of the service is that parents hand over the child to the carrier at the point of departure, provided that another parent (guardian, guardian) will be waiting for him at the final destination.

The service of accompanying a child on an S7 aircraft is provided only on regular (transit and direct) flights. As for transfer flights, this option is not available for them. This opportunity is also “closed” to disabled people under the age of 12 who require special care.

Features of purchasing a ticket

Transportation of unaccompanied children to aircraft S7 requires advance purchase travel document. Thus, for those aged from 5 to 11 years, registration is carried out at rates taking into account the child discount and the carrier’s rules. Age is taken into account on the day of departure from the point of departure. If it is between 12 and 16 years old, in this case the discount does not apply to children.

Features of payment and price of service

Cost of accompanying a child on the S7 plane depends on the rate that can be found in the booking system. Registration is possible through the airline’s offices or with the help of a call center operator. The price of the S7 support service (for 2017) is:

  • For flights within the Russian Federation- 3000 rub.
  • For international flights- 50 euros.

In both cases, the cost is based on a one-way flight.

The option is available only after full payment for transportation has been made, as well as confirmation of the booking.

What documents will be required?

Flight of children unaccompanied by parents with S7 Airlines requires prior registration. documentation. Here you will need:

  • Air ticket.
  • Paper (receipt) confirming payment.
  • A document confirming the identity of the baby.
  • Application for using the service of accompanying a child on an airplane. This document is issued at the carrier's representative office, at the registration desk or at any of the sales offices. It must contain the signatures of the parents. The application must also indicate the age, gender, name of the child, flight number, date and time of departure, information about the accompanying and meeting person. An example statement is given below.

  • Parental consent issued by a notary. It must be in hand if the child is a citizen of the Russian Federation. The document must indicate the departure date, as well as the country of arrival.

How is the escort process organized at the airport and on the plane?

The algorithm of actions at the departure airport is as follows:

  • Receiving passengers at the airport and checking documents.
  • Signature of the employee responsible for accepting the child.
  • Accompaniment from parents to the plane, including passage various types control (border, customs, aviation and others). In this case, children must independently answer questions from authorized employees.
  • Transfer to the responsible aircraft crew member.

Unaccompanied children on an S7 aircraft receive the following services:

  • Supervision by a designated crew member throughout the voyage.
  • Help with getting into place.
  • Document storage.
  • Providing food and drinks based on the standard diet.
  • Help in finding a toilet room.
  • Distribution of napkins, blankets and hygiene bags.

Upon arrival of the aircraft,:

  • Handing over the child to the employee appointed by the carrier.
  • Accompaniment to the arrival hall, as well as assistance in passing all control zones.
  • Transfer to the meeting person indicated in the application.

Accompanying a child in S7 - responsibilities of representatives

Representatives also have certain obligations. They must bring the child 1.5 hours before departure (no later), check in for the flight and check in luggage. Next, an application for support is completed. You must have a ticket and all the necessary papers, including a passport, insurance policies, birth certificate, as well as other documents confirming the possibility of entry and exit.

You are allowed to take a small bag with you on board the plane, which may contain warm clothes, a phone, documents, toys and medicine (if necessary).